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Star Wars Prequels Media Movies

Star Wars Music Video May 3 38

The Dude wrote in to send us This Press Release that says there will be an MTV Music Video Premiere for John Williams 'Duel of the Fates' track from the Prequels and performed by the LSO. The video will feature as yet unseen footage from the film. They're pre ordering the CD over at CDNOW for shipment also on May 3. Yummy.
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Star Wars Music Video May 3

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    Click on the slashdot link to CDNOW. Add the CD to your shopping cart. Then click on this link []. It will take you to CDnow, but with a $10 off coupon for any purchase over $15. The good thing is that they way CDNow works, you should still be counting as having linked from Slashdot. (the cookie should still say Slashdot and won't expire for 2 hours) Unfortunately (well, just for this; not for most people, they've lowered the price of the PM soundtrack to $13.28, which means this won't work unless you buy something else. Anybody know anything that costs $2 at CDNow?
  • All this starwars stuff is amazing. My only question is if TPM will be great enough to displace Empire as the "Greatest Movie of All Time" or not.
  • "New videos from Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, Missy Elliott, R. Kelly, Jennifer Lopez and Will
    Smith are all set to premiere on the channel. Kicking off the premieres is ``Duel of the Fates'' from Star Wars: Episode 1-The Phantom Menace..."

    One of these things is not like the others... :)
  • by Patrix ( 6567 )
    You write from your own point of view. I ADORE John Williams' music, and I'd buy his CD even if it wasn't for a Star Wars movie, or a movie.

    Who cares if the movie isn't out? It's damn good music, Williams is one of the best composers alive today. Heck, he redefined in the 70's what a soundtrack should be like!

  • While John Williams was still struting back up to the rostrum for the encore, the Pops Orchestra started without him. As someone who used to play in the pit, I knew this was the ultimate disrespect to a conductor. Basically telling the audience that the orchestra felt as if the conductor provided nothing to the equation. But if you are looking for a score for a Dudley Do-Right/Snidley Whiplash epic motion picture, John Williams is your guy.
  • Ok. Let's add EVERYTHING up:

    Star Wars Special Edition (Packaged in a Swell Collector's Edition Set!)
    Star Wars Episode 1 - Phantom Menace (oooooh)
    Star Wars Action Figures
    Star Wars Ultra "I-Want-to-see-the-movie-and-be-FIRST-in-the-theat er" Spiffy-kickass prepaid ticket system.
    Star Wars Rock 'em-Sock 'em Kickin MTV Music Video Preview

    I am SO sick of hearing everone where I work, and everyone where I go to school talk about "Star Wars This", and "Star Wars That". Heh, Damn the hype already. DAMN IT!

    (Please don't flame me, I'm just sick of the incredible mountains of hype over this movie.)

    -- Give him Head? Be a Beacon?

  • I know the music doesn't really tell the story, but that's exactly my point: The story isn't all there is to Star Wars. The FEEL is such an integral part of the Star Wars experience.
  • I agree wholeheartedly. The Star Wars music is great, but no small part of its greatness comes from the the association with the subject matter.

    When I listen to my Star Wars music, my mind just flows over to the Star Wars Universe again. Without the associations, the music won't be as powerful. This is another reason I'll be waiting till after I see the movie to buy the soundtrack. (Or better yet.. I'll order the sountrack to time its arrival with the day after I see the movie...)
  • It's choral music, not opera music. Big difference. I'm not a fan of opera music, but I love choral stuff.
    Of course, you have the right to dislike BOTH types of music, as you evidently do, and I have absolutely no problem with that.
  • I doubt it. From the look of the trailers, Phantom looks to me more like Jedi than Empire. It seems to have a lot of action with some character stuff, as opposed to the enormous focus on character in Empire.

    I have to say I'm REEEEEEALLY looking forward to eps 2 and 3, which I think will have some truly great story-telling (in addition to even better fx). I mean, as we all know, Episode 3 will end on a down-note (Vader's "birth").. Even Empire's sad ending was false because we knew Jedi was coming along.. But this will be a REAL sad ending!
  • Can you elaborate on this mutiny? What exactly happened?
  • I think "choral music" is by definition music where the chorus plays a big part, which Duel of the Fates certainly is, no?
  • It's weird.. I'm a spoiler junkie who has already read plot synopses of the film..
    But yet, I think the soundtrack would be too much of a spoiler. The plot is just a general outline.. But the music is an integral part of the film experience, ESPECIALLY in a Star Wars movie. I think it would take away from watching the movie for the first time in a way that knowing the plot would not.

    I wonder if anyone else feels this way?
  • Am I the only person who couldn't really give a damn about opera music (even if it is from Star Wars)??
  • Am I the only one that thinks that they should've waited one more day and release it on "Star Wars Day"? For those of you who haven't already copped it, I'm talking about May the Fourth (be with you).
  • I mean, as we all know, Episode 3 will end on a down-note (Vader's "birth").. Even Empire's sad ending was false because we knew Jedi was coming along.. But this will be a REAL sad ending!

    Not really, I mean we already know that in three episodes his son manages to turn him back.

    I think that it will be hard to displace empire as the best Star Wars movie. Between Yoda, ghost ben, the romance between Leia and Han, Luke losing his hand and learning that Darth is his father, and Han's capture it's gonna be tough to beat.
    I'm sure I'll like the first 3 episodes, but I have a feeling that I'll always be thinking of whatever is going on on screen as the background to eps 4, 5 and 6.
  • I agree wholeheartedly. The original Star Wars soundtrack was such an integral part to the original trilogy. I have heard phenomenal things about this new sound track from friends who have it but I myself have resisted temptation.

    Mind you, as soon as I come back from seeing it May 19th...
  • The RIAA thinks that MP3s will be the death of the industry and are a bad thing.

    MP3 pundits and supporters think that MP3 will fundamentally change the industry, but will not hamper or harm it.

    Lucas makes some really awesome products.

    Give that the MP3s of the Phantom Menace are out, and will probably flood the internet before the CDs get kicked into the mainstream channels, this is the true test of what the MP3 will do to the industry:

    Will Lucas sell a tremendous amount of CDs despite everyone having heard it?

    I think so. I agree with the RIAA that the death of the industry as it stands is emminent, because it isn't the right way to do things.

    People will listen to the music, be in awe, and go to buy the CDs...

    Lucas will not lose money...

    In the end, only people who produce good products will make money, and bands/artist/distributors cannot get away with mediocre goods.

    Maybe I'm being too simplistic though?

  • You know.... I liked the original Star Wars series and everything, and want to see these new ones, but getting excited about the sound track to a movie that isnt released seems kind of odd... If the same music was released and didnt have anything to do with star wars... i dont think you kids would be clammering to get a copy... i mean, its symphony music for gods sakes... not exactly something that you cant find elsewhere. get a grip already and just wait for the movie to come out. Part of the fun in listening to the sound track is that you know the story and can play it out in your head, but the music alone for a movie that isnt out yet... thats just odd kids...
    nuff said
  • by Bald Wookie ( 18771 ) on Friday April 30, 1999 @05:12PM (#1908332)
    There are two reasons why the Star Wars soundtrack is so outstanding. Much of the credit goes to John Williams. He is a master at making symphonic music appeal to a mass audience. Every soundtrack that he has worked on has a song that gets under your skin. To this day I whistle the Imperial March, even though its been years (OK months) since I heard it last. Its pop music with a full orchestra. Even when I was a teenager into heavy metal, I still considered Williams to be one of my favorite artists.

    The music of Star Wars is so fully integrated into the movie, that together they play like a long form music video. Listening to the music later recalls imagery and emotion from the films. Like a music video, the movie helps to deliver the music to people who would not otherwise be exposed to it. So yes, a wider audience is attracted to the music because of the Star Wars connection. However, this should only enhance the listening experience rather than detract from it in any way. Along with the music, you get a first class film too. Of course, as you may infer from my nick, I may be a bit biased.
  • While I'm not a williams fan, IMO he did write a sensational score for the original SW movies. I mean Darth Vadors theme is incredible, as well as the major SW theme. But his other work tends to be a bit flowery and simplistic ( I tend to occasionally think of him in the same catagory as John Tesh). But thats just me ;-)
  • Great. I just had to read the track listing because you mentioned it. Oh well... :|
  • Sorry about that... I was worried about the "DON'T TOUCH THE RED BUTTON" effect. Hope it didn't affect too many other poor souls, though.
  • @#$%!!! I've carefully avoided all the prerelease speculation and spoilers up 'till now. I thought it would be innocent enough to peek... but the soundtrack track listing at CDNow turned out to contain *major* plot twists. Avoid my mistake! Grrrrrr....
  • Can't wait to get that cd and see the movie!
  • S*@# could those track titles be any more destructive? Apart from being un-original, they are the biggest plot spoilers I've ever seen.
    Warning!!! DO NOT READ TRACK TITLES - unless you can't wait till May 19th.

    Does anyone else feel this way?

  • The mp3's of the soundtrack are out and spreading like wildfire. Go to #slashdot on the /. irc network - and ask around there.

    - joel
  • I wonder if anyone else feels this way?


    If you have already read plot synopses, then you know much more than what a 4-minute video will tell! True, music adds to the FEEL of the story. But it does not tell the story itself. You needs words - from a plot synopsis, a book or actual movie dialog - for that. Putting two of them together - a synopsis with music - does kind of ruin some of the surprise. But somehow I think you will still enjoy the film.

    See you on the 19th!!!

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