Review:Austin Powers, The Spy Who Shagged Me 190
As with the original, the bad guys steal the show. Every time Dr. Evil's gang of baddies meets up in his hollowed out volcano fortress, get ready to laugh. Scott's charachter is expanded, and given a rival in the form of "Mini-Me", Dr. Evil's clone... 1/8th the size (complete with his own miniature kitty).
Austin is once again the least interesting of the charachters. He repeats many of the original jokes, and throws in a few new zingers that will get ya good. Dr. Evil is a little softer this time around, but still drop dead funny. Mini-Me is absolute genius. Truly offensive, and a total a riot. Almost every gag involving him got a huge laugh from the sold out theater I was in, and usually I was part of it.
And then there is the matter of Heather Graham- ah yes Heather, let me sing your praises. As Felicity Shagwell she performs quite well. With tight outfits and dirty innuendo absolutely perfect for Austin's counterpoint, she scores many points, and usually is the best part of any of the Austin Power scenes. She won't win an acadamy award, but she'll get your Mojo going, and squeeze a lot of laughs out of you.
So anyway, the summary: this is probably the second most hyped film of the season, but its worth the hype. Its not going to change the world, cause world peace, feed the homeless, or preach to you about anything. It will make numerous random low brow jokes about short people, fat people, poop, farting, sex, lesbianism, and involves lots of disobediant children. If you enjoy watching the bad guys sing commercials, and build fortresses with names like "Moon Unit Alpha" and "Moon Unit Zappa", well If thats your bag, you'll enjoy this film baby. If its not, go watch something else and save the bucks.
Austin Powers was better the second time around tho. I'm curious what this one will do for me if I see it again. But this movie is definitely gonna make a lot of money this summer. And it deserves it more than that other summer blockbuster does.
MaCa's on drugs - blast him with the phasers.Rø§¿? (Score:1)
| then Alien 2, that was better then the
| original!
Oh come on. _The Blood Waters of Dr. Z_ was a better film than _Alien 3_ (aka Alienses).
_Aliens_ was an inferior film to the original mainly because nearly all the suspense was drained from the film by heavy automatic weapons fire and a really, really annoying kid. All that was left was Scrawny Weaver running around with a machine gun. And don't get me started on the whole dropship sequence!
Re:Name me a sequel better than the original. (Score:1)
Aliens was also very good. Ripley at the end of the film played the role of the tough, kick-ass woman to another level. This was not the norm in cinema. Hamilton in T2 completed this evolution.
Frank Zappa Reference (Score:2)
was the name of (the late (sniff)) Frank
Zappa's daughter. Somewhere I've got a 45 of
"valley girl" with her picture on the slipcover.
A treasure.
If everyone already knows this, moderate this post
into the basement.
-- cary
Summed up review (Score:1)
----------------- ------------ ---- --- - - - -
ed2 & aod (Score:1)
Mini Me instead of Jar Jar (Score:1)
Bah. (Score:1)
This was just an amusing bathroom-humor movie. It was not an epic saga =)
Re:Starbucks (Score:1)
(Is it something in Seattle's water, or is it a coincidence that they spawn huge, monolithic companies?)
Mr. Bigglesworth nitpicking (Score:1)
Mini-Me doesn't have a Mini-cat.
that woman? (Score:1)
i believe the woman you are refering to (that woman from the first movie) is Liz Hurley...
Heather Graham VS Elizabeth Hurley (Score:2)
Okay first off, I loved Austin Powers and I definetely love the sequel, but one thing that really bothered me was the writing off of Elizabeth Hurley as a fembot and then replacing Austin's counterpoint with Heather Graham. I mean I won't argue the fact that Heather Graham is hot as hell, but Hurley was definetely a better actress and played a better role at countering Austin's lines in the original. I realize that it was supposed to be a funny write-off with Vanessa being a Fembot and it allowed Austin to go back to swinging, but I just wish that they didn't kill Vanessa off. That way she could be in the next Austin Powers because she was one of the best parts of the first one. Part of me was kinda sad when she blew up (literally) after remember how funny and awesome she was in the original... sigh... But I'm sure that everyone just cares that Heather Graham is a hotty...but alas my heart goes out to Elizabeth Hurley who is definetely the more shagadelic babe. Comments anyone?
Re:seeing it in the right atmosphere... (Score:1)
I didn't think it was that great (Score:1)
I guess his brand of low brow humor just isn't my bag, baby.
Then again Kids in the Hall... now THAT's commedy.
Elizabeth Hurley == tight, and a solid actress too (Score:1)
Maybe it's time for a letter-writing campaign. ;-)
Re:Funny (Score:1)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Stargate SG1
La Femme Nakita (haven't watched this one, but have heard it is good)
You are welcome to think that any of those are terrible. Except M*A*S*H. Don't be dissin' M*A*S*H.
Re:it's Dweezil (Score:1)
As for the new Powers flick, I find it more than just a little disturbing that the most intriguing part of the promos is the seduction scene with Dr. Evil and his evil hench-wench. *shudder*
Swift's text (Score:1)
Now, see? An incomplete B.A. in English Literature IS useful!
It wasn't original (Score:1)
There were funny original scenes, but they were rare.
I for one was quite disappointed.
Re:Name me a sequel better than the original. (Score:1)
Re:It's a... (Score:1)
Didn't you see the product placement scenes in Waynes World? It's part of the gag. At least Mike Myers makes them funny! Damm you are sooooooo uptight!
Already out? (Score:1)
Re:Already out? (Score:1)
Movies turned into far superior TV series (Score:1)
Buffy The Vampire Slayer is also a great example of a mediocre (well, bad really) movie turned into a great series.
Again, I think it's the format that makes the difference. You can't tell a great story in 2 hours. Best you can do is hit the highlights to entertain those with attention spans too short to follow a series. No real chance for in depth background or in depth development in a 2 hour movie. Can you imagine the whole B5 storyline compressed into 2 hours? Gimme a break! TV series have to be very badly done to not be better than a movie...
Unfortunately, most TV series are very badly done...
My Take On It (Score:1)
Here is my take on the movie. I went to see it thursday (at a sneak preview where it was showing on more screens than star wars).
Overall the movie was funny. Being as I live in chicago I also have some sort of perverse attachment to Jerry Springer, so the whole springer scene in the beginning and end was excellent. Definately gets you going.
There were some parts that you would rather not have to see, such as the Felicity and Fat Bastard scene.
I would have to agree that Mini-Me was one of the best parts of the movie. What could be cuter than a little midget giving the finger?
But it didn't seem like a movie. Just a conglomeration of skits put together that on their own were hilarious. Worth a viewing once, but I wouldn't say much more than that. I don't think it will have the staying power of other great comedy movies like Ghostbusters and Caddyshack because it dates itself too much to the 90's with the songs and the jokes etc.
for an interesting review comparison... (Score:1)
--which takes an opposite view...that too much time is wasted on Dr. Evil, and not enough on other characters and Powers himself.
Personally, I find Powers, as a caricature, terribly amusing, at a low consumption level. After about five minutes, I find myself wanting to tear my hair out. The problem I had with the first film is that it was like a Saturday Night Live skit that was too long. (A common criticism.) Nevertheless, I find Powers so interesting, I'll probably see the film anyway.
Re:it's Dweezil (Score:1)
Pope: "Both of them?"
(my two cents)
seeing it in the right atmosphere... (Score:1)
It amuses me to hear people say that it was unoriginal and predictable. It was SUPPOSED to be all of that. However, at the same time, it was very creatively written and directed. The character acting of Austin Powers and Dr. Evil were excellent, and Felicity Shagwell and Fat Bastard actually had me laughing out loud.
It's simply a great movie. I'd definitely see this movie again before seeing The Phantom Menace again. And no, I'm not smoking crack.
Starbucks (Score:1)
Re:Fat Bastard instead of Jar Jar (Score:1)
My Sky... (Score:1)
Somewhat disappointing (Score:2)
The characters didn't really seem to carry over from the first movie very well either. Dr. Evil seemed way too... competent in this movie, Austin seemed too incompetent, and Felicity doesn't even compare to Vanessa in the first one.
Then there were those other characters... I think Fat Bastard and Mini Me both give Jar Jar some strong competition for "Most Annoying Character of 1999".
Now, before you start flaming me, I just want to make a point... I didn't say I hated the movie. The jokes were wonderful... I think I laughed way more at this movie than I did at AP1 the first time I saw it. But the movie itself just didn't appeal to me... that's why I think the first one was better.
Re:Name me a sequel better than the original. (Score:1)
AP 2 was a pretty decent movie, but like the first one, I'm gonna have to see this many more times to get all the little jokes hidden in everything. This series is one you just have to see more than once to really appreciate.
Should have been * R * (Score:1)
And as an adult movie it was ruined by not being RAW enough.
PG-13 (Score:1)
I think with the recent pushes from President Clinton and family type organizations to stop kids from viewing violence and sex in movies we'll see more and more movies come out PG-13 that would have been R a couple of years ago. Not because they're any less raunchy, but because right now violence is the current target. I'm kind of surprised that Phantom Menace got the PG rating. A certain Darth Maul scene really did (IMHO) deserve a PG-13 rating, and Lucas must have thought the same thing since he did the scene two different ways (hopefully that was spoiler free enough).
I think it will be interesting to see how Hollywood reacts to the latest attacks on violence from politicians. There are already quite a few studios who demand R ratings, how long will it be before PG-13 is as far as a director can take a movie and still get good funding? Even some of the independent/smaller studios (can we say Mirimax) are shying away from more violent/sexually explicit films. I have a strong stomach for sex and violence (my girlfriend always complains that all of the movies we watch are too dark, hence the occasional Notting Hill), but I fear that some day soon I won't even be able to watch violent art house movies on the big screen anymore.
Vertically Challenged (Score:1)
Smaller person: "That 'Jar-Jar' character belittles my people"
Larry King: "I think he's an insult to all of us, little man (*snicker*)"
Austin Powers Rocked! (Score:1)
I loved it! I was quite suprised that the movie only had a PG-13 rating though.. The movie was clearly full of sexual innuendo/content. (of course I LOVED that
My favorite part was Dr. Evil singing his version of 'Just The Two Of Us' , REALLY cool.
I wonder which companies paid for advertising?
Quite a lot of cameo appearences also... my suggestion: go see it right now! (unless your a highly religious nut who hates perversion, in that case avoid it at all costs)
-Cybie! - My cool homepage [ralph.cx] - My really cool START page
"My dad is evil and wants to take over the world" (Score:1)
Re:Funny (Score:1)
I cannot think of a movie turned into an episode-based series that has worked. Ever. They're all terrible. Same goes for cartoons of the movie. The Fugitive worked in the other direction. Some people would say Lost in Space and others have qworked in the other direction. But that's it. Just imagine the formula they would write to in a series... So repetative, such a stain on the memory of the movies...
Re:My Take On It (Score:1)
Re:My Take On It (Score:1)
I don't think it will have the
staying power of other great comedy movies like Ghostbusters and Caddyshack because it dates itself
too much to the 90's with the songs and the jokes etc.
I'm not so sure. It's more a testament to the time, and I think people will appreciate that. Half the in-jokes in the first one were partly lost on me because, for example, they don't sell lucky charm breakfast cerials in Australia (we got Kelloggs baby). But at the same time, it's so ridiculous that you laugh anyway. You have a valid point - Python continues to be funny today. Whereas the D-Generation, Late Show (not Larry's) or Good News Week - both in their time have been incredible funny Australian shows, but often with current politics and news as their focus, which will make them lose their sting with time.
But then, people still read Swift's A Modest Proposal and Gullivers Travels both of which are primarily political satires, so perhaps there's hope for Austin Powers yet
I really hope they do something godo with the next movie. A really good thing would be if they made a prequal to the original Austin Powers, where they show a conflict between British Intelligence and the Unger Ground Laaaiiirr - Austin vs Dr Evil in their original time and place. Hopefully with touches of the original James Bond movies, combined with 60s cliches. Have them at France '68 or something
Tomb Raider (Score:1)
Improvisation (Score:2)
Re:So I Married an Axe Murderer (Score:1)
Mike Meyers as his dad is absolutely hilarious, and the whole bit he does about Colonel Sanders putting a secret ingredient in his extra crispy tasty chicken to make you crave it fortnightly makes me bust up.
Re:Name me a sequel better than the original. (Score:1)
Re:it's shagadelic baby! (Score:1)
Repeated Jokes (Score:1)
The "Zip It" scene was pretty damn funny IMHO
Re:It wasn't original, but decent enough (Score:1)
Ummm... (Score:1)
Could someone please tell Rob that it's Mike Myers? I mean, I hate to be "that guy" who nitpicks, but a journalist of Rob's caliber surely won't mind getting the little details right.
Re:commercial "radio" too (Score:1)
I went and saw it there and it did indeed have the stupid radio playing before-hand. Cinerama is indeed an awesome theater however.
Re:So I Married an Axe Murderer (Score:1)
"HEED...Pants" You gotta love when he plays his dad. "Probably going to cry himself to sleep on his HUGE pilla"
It was Awesome - But they Missed a Major Joke (Score:1)
But, they missed a HUGE joke, which I was waiting for the entire "Shuttle" scene. I would think since the movie is all about England they would have gotten this, but why wasn't there a SHUTTLECOCK joke?
It kind of made me mad they didn't have one, but oh well. The movie was great and I highly reccomend it if you are in a jovial mood at the time.
Re:Somewhat disappointing (Score:1)
This leads big fans to not really enjoy it on a cinematic basis, but you have to realize that nearly EVERY little and big thing in this movie is a satire. The generic plot is making fun of the generic plots of the spy movies, so you really can't criticize it for that. The first one was more original because it was the first one. It is hard to use the same characters and still be original in the sequel.
I think the reason the star wars trilogy was so well recieved is because they didn't have VCR then and the fans couldn't buy the movie and watch it a million times then be disappointed when they saw the sequel because they had grown to love the the first or second one (you get the point). With this the fans have been watching the first movie so much and may be expecting so much (see: TPM) only to be let down by certain elements.
Think of it this way, if this movie had been the first one would you have liked Austin Powers as much? Personally, I thought this movie was funnier though it may not have the repeatability the first movie had.
Whether you like each character, can't really help that. I hated Fat Bastard, I thought he was extremely stupid and unneccesary, but Mini-Me was absolutely hilarious. Fat Bastard's only funny thing was "Get in my tummy!" (overplayed in the commercials).
Just try to look at the movie for how it was, and forget what you expected it to be. Movies are so much better when you know nothing about them going into it (why i hate critics).
Did anyone catch the space suit joke? (Score:1)
H2O, O2 (two's subscripted)
P2 (two superscripted)
Water, Oxygen, and pee-pee. I figured this out in the middle of another gag and just about lost it.
Re:It wasn't original (Score:1)
Considering how much you paid attention to the file (it was Mustafa that fell over the cliff).. I don't give your comments much weight.
Yes, I saw the film.. yes, a lot of it was recycled.. and yes, I thought it was funnier than hell. I mean what were you expecting?!? AP movies are "turn off your brain and just enjoy the ride" types of movies.. stop analyzing them.
The line where they looked into the camera (AP and Basil Exposition) and basically said "forget the plot holes and just enjoy yourself," had me cracking up... they admitted that rather than try to make the picture fit perfectly with the first, they just decided to have fun.
BTW, the falling over the cliff thing.. he (Mustafa) even asked Austin if he remembered him, then said what his name was. Were you sleeping?
Re:In Like Flint? (Score:1)
Coburn rocked in those films!
They have to do it anyways (Score:1)
Having Dr. Evil own Starbucks is damned funny, and if made more money for the movie, all the better.
- Paradox
Austin Powers (Score:1)
Re:seeing it in the right atmosphere... (Score:1)
Our plans are simple.. . infiltrate and take over the world!! You old hoagies don't stand a chance -- you'll inevitably be extinct! BWAhahahah
It's almost like you were expecting a good story! (Score:2)
Austin Powers is not meant to have any kind of engaging plot. Austin Powers does not care that Austin Powers is not meant to have any kind of engaging plot, and the makers make no attempt to hide this fact. Some movies will go to great lengths to try to fill holes in the plot, at the expense of hokiness. Austin Powers basically tells the audience point blank that it doesn't care. At all. It's that scene when Austin is going back in time and gets confused by the paradoxes that arise. He - and the audience - are told, and I quote, "enjoy the ride".
If you laughed more in this than the first, great! I did. I can't imagine why else anyone would want to see it if not to laugh.
Just my $0.000000002
Re:Somewhat disappointing [SPOILERS] (Score:1)
The thing that really annoyed me was how moronic the majority of the audience were. Did they not watch the credits of AP? Did they not think "gee, maybe they'll do the same thing?" I guess not. Everyone else stood up as soon as the credits started rolling and made like lemmings to the exits. The first bits of extra footage stopped them in their tracks, but they didn't bother to sit down. Idiots. So that ends, they start moving to the exit again. "Duh, that must be it, even though the text has moved over to the other side of the screen". Idiots, they actually seemed surprised when the second bit started. By the time all the credits had rolled by, there were 6 people left in the theatre, 4 of whom actually saw the last bit (the other two were making out in the back row).
Ob Spoiler: "I've made a makeshift splint. Here goes nothing. ... Augh!"
Re:Mr. Bigglesworth nitpicking (Score:1)
Re:yeah Austin (Score:1)
Re:Name me a sequel better than the original. (Score:1)
Also, though there are some people who consider this to be blasphemy, I liked Romero's Dawn of the Dead better than Night of the Living Dead.
And I know MANY people who liked Back to the Future 3 over the first two.
It's all really a matter of preference, but there ARE examples out there.
Heather Graham (Score:1)
Re:Heather Graham (Score:1)
Re:Hidden Cut (Score:1)
Re:It wasn't original (Score:1)
Re:Starbucks (Score:1)
I saw AP2 last night, and when it cut to the Space Needle the entire audience lost it for about a minute and a half. Very cathartic. I wish it was M$, but they NEVER would've gone for that.
As far as "huge, monolithic companies" go, most high-tech people here consider M$ a "Hahvahd" company. Adobe ain't native either. Amazon is local, but horror stories from contract workers around here keep Amazon pride low in this region. Boeing is being hated more and more. And Starbucks is just a big fat joke. Other cities eat their franchises up like crazy because they don't know better, but NW people tend to support small coffeehouses and independent roasters, etc. (Except for uppity Eastsiders who crave "consistency" and Oprah books.)
-- octopus
Re:Frank Zappa Reference (Score:1)
Re:They have to do it anyways (Score:1)
Re:commricals BEFORE austin powers (Score:1)
So why are ticket prices so high? And of course the refreshment prices, and the pre-movie ads...
Could it be that all those multi-million-dollar price tags on the films themselves are being passed on to the theaters? That maybe the profit margins in the theater business aren't as high as all that?
Of course, I've never worked in the theater business, so I wouldn't know. But with movie viewership on a slide everywhere, I don't see why the theater operators wouldn't let some of the profits go back into the business so that it doesn't die altogether.
Re:ed2 & aod (Score:1)
Re:the rocket phallus (Score:1)
Otherwise I enjoyed it. Jerry Springer bit -- hilarious.
Re:PG-13 (Score:1)
You mean Miramax, a studio/distribution arm of that small company called Disney?
The independence of Miramax is sorely testable, even outside the legal sphere -- after all, the holy rollers love a boycott. Remember how upset people got about Priest [imdb.com]?
Original Austin (Score:1)
Re:Starbucks (Score:1)
Ads, Commercials, Yuck (Score:1)
Re:It wasn't original (Score:1)
Have we ever seen Myers so annoying? Except for his Scottish accent as Fat Bastard (reprising yet another past movie role) he was unfunny in the extreme. C'mon, please, the little silhouette with Heather Graham pounding a tennis racquet into his ***hole was cheap, pandering, at best, to the dirty little man in all of us.
A highly forgettable movie, which is disappointing, considering how it will blemish my memory of the classic original.
Re:Funny (Score:1)
I thought the improvisation was good, but it tended to make the film seem more like sketch comedy (SNL style) with a tenuous thread of plot woven through it. The fact that plot really isn't necessary to make this film enjoyable makes me think that it would probably do well as a 30/60min TV series.
Re:Already out? (Score:1)
Yes, it's out. It opened Friday.
Most of it is just parody (Score:1)
In Like Flint? (Score:1)
Great movie overall, even the recycled jokes were still funny.
Re:Holland onyl has 2 theaters? (Score:1)
Mac G3 (Score:1)
Re:Repeated Jokes (Score:1)
Chad Okere
Re:Already out? (Score:1)
(and I got out of highschool for *good* to
Chad Okere
This movie rocked... (Score:1)
Re:Please say it isn't true! (Score:2)
Re:Name me a sequel better than the original. (Score:1)
Re:"My dad is evil and wants to take over the worl (Score:1)
(who can proudly assert that he has never - not even in front of a mirror at home - done an Austin Powers impression)
Re:the rocket phallus (Score:1)
The "That looks like a..." joke is a perfect example of how funny this can be, I think.
Hidden Cut (Score:1)
Now THAT was hilarious.
Re:Hidden Cut (Score:1)
Well, right at the end of the credits they go back to the guy who is hurt really really bad and do another scene with him. I believe the line was "Hello? Anyone up there? I've made a makeshift splint and well... here goes nothing! *snap* OOow."
Re:Holland onyl has 2 theaters? (Score:1)
From Holland.org [holland.org]
Holland actually has 3 theaters, but the Knickerbocker generally only shows foreign/art/independent films.
Looking back on it... (Score:1)
I really liked the opening sequence and was glad that the rehashed choreographed scenes from the first movie were kept to a minimum, plus I really liked what they did with it this time around with the tent scene. I think I was crying there for a bit it was so funny. I agree with Rob in that Mini-Me was great as was Scott Evil. Dr. Evil was pretty good as well although not quite as funny as the first time 'round. I won't even go into Heather Graham... but I agree with everyone else! Even though Liz Hurly is the better choice IMHO.
The scene with Mustafa was classic Mike Myers, and Fat Bastard was a riot. All of this and the word plays, penis synonym sequences, and just the saying, "I am a sexy bitch!" really made this movie a blast to watch. I may have to see this one again before it leaves the theater.
Comparison... (Score:1)
together that on their own were hilarious.
This is exactly what Myers movies are about... actually, your
comment above is almost exactly what I heard someone say about Wayne's
World... and that really is a great movie... (if you like that sort
of humor...) I think that Myers has a knack for turning sketch
comedy into movies, which is a real talent..
Just my 2c
Re:Comparisons between Jar-Jar and mini-me (Score:1)
One little thing... (Score:1)
Point? Yeah, my point. Just a little tiny point. Garth was not "created" by Myers. He is based on Dana Carvey's brother, Brad, who, interestingly enough, was one of the creators of the Video Toaster. Notice in WW2 the scene where Garth wears a Video Toaster shirt.
Just thought I'd bring that little nitpick up, even if it's a little offtopic.
Ok, ok, to bring it more ontopic:
I was very disturbed by the way the commercials decided to hang off the Phantom Menace hype in the commercials. I wasn't very impressed.
My Two Cents... (Score:2)
I thought a lot of the "dated" jokes were funny, but they might hurt the movie's rewatchability in the long run. The movie was definitely entertaining and worth the money to go see if you enjoyed the first one. I just wish the commercials hadn't given so much away. I plan on seeing it again.