Episode II Rumours 225
SPL wrote in with a link to E! Online's Episode II rumours Interesting ideas; it seems almost certain
that Obi-wan and Mace Windu will have larger parts. DiCaprio as Anakin? Darth Maul's clone? I think I'll be happy as long as Jar Jar doesn't return.
He's not *that* bad... (Score:1)
What's eating Gilbert grape
Total Eclipse
Romeo & Juliet
Although he's been in his fair share of duff films as well
I think he would be an interesting (if not neccesarily the best) actor for the role.
Re:Explanation of The Force is A Farce (Score:1)
Much of The Force seems to be a power culminating in and directed by the mind. Any connection between a high concentration of any type of cell and a supernatural mental ability seems small and possibly negligent.
The high-concentration of 'Jedi-Cells' may explain how a Jedi is able to manipulate his power to effect the physical world around him, but it does not address where the power itself truly originates from. An example (though perhaps not the most illustriative) is that you may have strong and powerful legs, but that does not make you an effective full-back, sprinter, or basket-ball player. If you are a basket-ball player though, those strong-legs will be very useful.
It's difficult to imagine how a bunch of plasma-cells can enable one to defy gravity on a whim and sense events far away. It also does not explain the appearence of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin in ghostly silhouttes in the last installments of the trilogy. Seemingly supernatural events.
In essence, the entire explanation lacks credability because it explains how the power can be directed from the body to the world, but does nothing to explain how the power itself manifests and why. And to completely avoid any correlation to the mind and it's incredibly un-tapped potential serves only to relegate The Force to the same importance and awe of any element in the Periodic Table.
Star Wars would have kept it's thrilling grasp without the explanation and nobody would ever have questioned its lack. Like Jar-Jar Binks, this was another example of why keeping a script as trim and uncluttered as possible is essential to exceptional writing.
Why use a thousand pages to convey what you can in five and why accomplish with ten characters what you can accomplish in four?
Bring Back Rietman (Score:1)
Just bring back Ivan Rietman (I'm probably spelling that very wrong) and put some darkness into it.
I trust Lucas! Re:no no no nooo DiCaprio pleease (Score:1)
Clone vs Drone (Score:1)
Drone= articifical mechanical objects replicated in huge amounts that cant think.
Lucas loves drones, but he hasn't dealt with a clone yet. You guys are in wishful thinking mode if you think Lucas is going to suddenly grasp this concept. Sure, the rest of sci-fi world knows it and believes in it, but Lucas has this need to keep each character as one whole being and doesn't like to complicate his scripts with sophisticated story lines. afterall, the idiots who like Jar Jar wouldn't be able to cope if things got a little interesting"Why do you eat meat? Because I love the thought that some animal died and that its blood feeds my soul. Bwaaahahahahahaahahahahaah"
Love from Ms Jute.
Re:II/III story line (Score:1)
Re:no no no nooo DiCaprio pleease (Score:1)
My vote is for Adam Sandler. I can just immagine him wielding a light saber with that goofy look on his face.
Re:Jar Jar Probably Staying (Score:1)
Obi Wan: "oops"
Mace: "Yousa does a bombad ting, Obi Wan Jedi!"
Re:He's not *that* bad... (Score:1)
DiCaprio has been in 12 Movies for a combined total of ~$760 Million Dollars.
Harrison Ford's Movies of $100 Million Dollars:
Star Wars
Return of the Jedi
Empire Strikes Back, The
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Fugitive, The
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Air Force One
Clear and Present Danger
American Graffiti
Harrison Ford has been in 31 movies for a combined total of $2.9 BILLION dollars.
I think Ford picks much better scripts than Leo.
Not Paying Attention; was Re:Explanation of The Fo (Score:1)
Maybe I'm just smokin it, or maybe you need to pay more attention to things.
Re:Keanu Reeves (Score:1)
I am your father, Luke".
Rufus from Bill and Ted's shows up, schools Palpatine on the guitar...
Re:Jar Jar wasn't completely CGI (Score:1)
Re:The books don't count! (Score:1)
A perfect example is in Timothy Zahn's Thrawn trilogy, the Norghri were initially the Sith but Zahn was told he couldn't use the Sith because it might contradict some things in the SWU.
Re:Why Jar-Jar Binks Sucks Ass (Score:1)
And dont you mean "I dont like" when you say "We true SW-Fans dont like"? Iam certainly a true SW fan but I actually like _some_ of Jar Jars scenes. Not all of them, but some. Then you speak about intelligence - but I cant find find much intelligence in feeling insulted by George Lucas with a character you dont like.
You have some (very good) point when you talk about the lack of relevance Jar Jar has to the plot - but the whole plot lacks a little bit of relevance to me.
I think the problem is that Lucas totally get lost in the possibilities of what ILM can do - while they are very amazing I would have preferred less SFX-shots in trade to some mory story-elements.
M'gosh, I just realized how to fix Jar Jar (Score:1)
Re:Explanation of The Force is A Farce (Score:1)
However, if the rumors at the linked site are even ballpark close, he may have introduced the bogosplanation as a prop necessary to the plot for the "clone wars" spin in ep II.
Just a guess; still don't like it.
Mass Producing Jedii (Score:1)
Could you not draw plasma from a Jedi and inject it into, say, a Wookie? And if The Force is tangible, could you not synthetically reproduce it as modern scientists are capable of doing with the human-growth hormone?
Theoretically, The Empire could use their funding to easily replicate the biological properties needed for the Jedi ability and produce a massive army of enhanced troops.
May I remind you... (Score:1)
Re:Jar Jar? (Score:1)
>Excuse my ignorance, but what, who or where is Jar Jar?
He's Wesley Crusher's twin brother.....
The Plan . . . (Score:1)
He must be a templar.
Re:Jar Jar? (Score:1)
One word for episode III (Score:1)
Re:Episode 2 - Martial Arts Jedi? (Score:1)
I don't want to start a flame war and I am a big fan of George Lucas, but he seems to put things in this movies that sell, almost as if it was money and not his love of making movies driving this.
end ranting mode
Re:He's not *that* bad... (Score:1)
Re:May I remind you... (Score:1)
Re:He's not *that* bad... (Score:1)
Re:Why Jar-Jar Binks Sucks Ass (Score:1)
This is not going to happen.
Re:Next Release Date (Score:1)
Yoda isn't a martial arts expert (Score:1)
1) Yoda isn't about to do some kickin' nad flippin' through the air anytime soon. And Yoda is the only Jedi Master around.
2) there wasn't much time.. let's concentrate on the important stuff, mind control, levitating rocks and such.
3) Vader isn't a martial guy since he went cyborg, but he _is_ the chosen one, so lets's concentrate on mind control.
By the way.. martial arts.. The word originates from the Roman God Mars, the god of War. Alas.. Martial arts are the arts of war. By hand, by weapon, by diplomacy or by tactic.
Martial arts should therefor be a natural part of a Jedi's training. but.. Masters like Yoda probaply arn't as good in the traditional martial arts, than for example Obi-Wan Kenobi, or Darth Maul for that matter.. But.. I wouldn't want to meet him in a game of StarCraft
- Henrik
Jar Jar Probably Staying (Score:1)
But, persuading him to change his mind is certainly a worthwhile goal
In web time, you're a decade behind (Score:1)
Don't you just love this new digital age? We elect Presidents early (including Shrub, the war wimp), work on version 2.0 before you even get version 1.0, and generally are bored with something (last century's fad) by the time you get excited by it.
So, just steal\\\\\make a million dollars and move to the US.
Or stop complaining when you go to a US-based web site that talks about something that's been out for two months.
Will in Seattle
who turned down the press screening cause I like the big screen at the Cinerama
Episode II Rumors So Early? (Score:1)
Unfortunately Lucas certainly has commented that Jar-Jar will appear in at least the next sequel. Unlike many of my friends who have seen Episode I two dozen times, I found my ass sore and waiting for the movie to end before it was even half-way through. I'm not sure I'm even eager to see Episode II if Jar-Jar is in it. And I'm definitely going to be disappointed if DiCaprio is in it.
Besides, don't you want an actor who looks at least ten years-old to play Anakin?
Are the 90's over with yet? I'm sick of this... (Score:1)
Do you really believe that George Lucas would put something blatently racist in one of his movies on purpose? Give me a break!!!!
Jar-Jar and the Dark Side (Score:1)
Why not have Jar-Jar learn makeup skills from Queen Amidala and start a TV show? We can call it:
"Amidala and Andy"
no, I'm not laughing.
Will in Seattle
wish I had a light saber that really worked too...
no no no nooo DiCaprio pleease (Score:1)
Lucas doesn't use Clones - ever. (Score:1)
Drone= articifical mechanical objects replicated in huge amounts that cant think.
Lucas loves drones, but he hasn't dealt with a clone yet. You guys are in wishful thinking mode if you think Lucas is going to suddenly grasp this concept. Sure, the rest of sci-fi world knows it and believes in it, but Lucas has this need to keep each character as one whole being and doesn't like to complicate his scripts with sophisticated story lines. afterall, the idiots who like Jar Jar wouldn't be able to cope if things got a little interesting
"Why do you eat meat? Because I love the thought that some animal died and that its blood feeds my soul. Bwaaahahahahahaahahahahaah"
Love from Ms Jute.
RE: Adam Sandler (Score:1)
and then, when it's time to choose the dark side (to become vader)
"stop making fun of me!!!!!!!"
Re:I buried Maul (Score:1)
IF MAul is to return it can be in two manners:
1) He get's to be cyborgified - the technology exists, but how useful wil he be? and he failed his quest didn't he?
2) He's cloned.. Sidious probably wanted to protect his investment. Training one Maul is probably not that more easy than tringn to.. or ten.
And.. the double light-saber is probably just two ordinary ones put together.. and when Obi-Wan cuts it in halv, only one of them is broken.
but.. I really hope that Maul is buried.. A new, cool Sith Lord would be really neat.. and Maul's character is for ever put on the pantheon of Star Wars.. rest in peace Maul!
- Henrik
Re:There were so many other problems too (Score:1)
Who cares? (Score:1)
I wouldn't watch another SW movie if you paid me. Check out the review by my favorite reviewer: http://www.sdreader.com/ed/mv/caps/curr/STARWRSI.
Re:Jar Jar Probably Staying (Score:1)
Explanation of The Force is A Farce (Score:1)
I did, however, find it disappointing that they had to develop a scientific explanation for The Force. Couldn't The Force simply remain something spiritual? Sure, I'm an agnostic, but I found it more insulting that they had to create a ridiculous explanation based on a cell-count to satisfy this techno-saturated culture of ours than I would have if they had attributed The Force to Christianity and Jesus!
Star Wars lost some of it's wonder as a result, and The Force may as well be The Farce.
Jar Jar? (Score:1)
I'm sorry for not being a SW fan, but it looks like everybody talks about him/her/it, so I felt I finally had to ask.
/* Steinar */
Re:Television Spin-Off: Star Wars - The Early Year (Score:1)
Then the mighty Que could make himself up to be a Sith and in a painfully heart wrenching moment tell Picard "Jean-Luke, I am your father"
There were so many other problems too (Score:1)
That certainly wasn't the only problem with the film. Here is just a subset of the things that bothered me:
1. The gungans are portrayed as simple minded fools yet they live in a sophisticated underwater civilization. What purpose did having the gungans serve? The planet's other civilization could have easily done the final battle scene. I think the gungans were supposed to be comic relief but instead they were just annoying. It is hard not to compare the gungans to the Ewoks, who actually did provide comic relief and were all around better integrated into the story.
2. Anakin is supposedly too old for Jedi training? Come on. Luke (15 years or so older) was supposed to be too old, but Anakin?
3. In the other films, Yoda was the master trainer of all Jedis. Obi Wan said that he thought he could train Anakin as well as Yoda but was wrong. Now in TPM, we have a training system of masters and apprentices. Seems inconsistent.
4. The dialouge about Anakin being "the one" seemed to be a total ripoff of Dune.
5. As evidence of the force, the film strongly emphasizes Anakin's engineering prowess. This doesn't agree well with the other episodes where the force manifests itself in other ways. Why not have Anakin display a 6th sense about the people he meets or the situations he is in, or have premonitions, or at least play up the force helping him in the pod race.
6. Why did TPM use an army of droids, while the other movies use armies of soldiers? Overall, Lucas made the droids in TPM more advanced than the other movies that supposedly occur later in time. Having all the droids controlled by the master ship (so that they all stop working when you kill the one target) seemed stupid to me too.
7. The plot line where Anakin _accidentally_ flies to the mother ship, then _accidentally_ shoots its power source, and then somehow flies out and back down to the surface, is way too over the top for me.
8. If in the other three episodes, Jedi's could detect the presence of other Jedi's, why couldn't the Jedi's in TPM feel anything around the senator who becomes the emperor?
9. The direction of the human actors was terrible. Most of the dialogue was read as if from a telestrator. I think only Anakin's mother and the Senator were well acted.
10. Where were the frequent tidbits of wisdom from the Jedi masters we've come to expect from SW episodes? In those episodes, the Jedi masters displayed a strong presence through their wisdom, patience, and self control. You could tell they were Jedi masters by the way acted. Unfortunately, the Jedi masters in TPM (even Yoda) just read their boring lines practically deadpan.
I could go on and on. I did enjoy the special effects, and there were a few (very few) characters and sub plots that were well written and directed, but overall the film was a huge dissapointment. I thought I had already lowered my expectations considerably before I went to see it, but I wasn't prepared for just how bad it could get. I was a HUGE SW fan before this film. Now, not only has Lucas put out a total turd, he has even succeeded in spoiling some of the appeal of the original trilogy for me.
MiniMaul (Score:1)
"I shall call him....MiniMaul"
Re:Actually, DiCaprio is not a bad casting choice. (Score:1)
Re:Jar Jar? (Score:1)
I sincerely hope Lucas decides not to include Jar Jar in the next movie because he was annoying and provided no real substance for the movie. Not to mention listening to all of the Gungans speak gave me a head-ache. They should have had subtitles or something.
In short: die Jar Jar, die!
Re:Episode II Rumors So Early? (Score:1)
Not in the second movie, which is at least 10 years after the first.
Re:Episode II Rumors - Some Grounding... (Score:3)
Luke Starkiller
"As the Republic spread throughout the galaxy, emcompassing over a million worlds, the GREAT SENATE grew to such overwhelming proportions that it no longer responded to the needs of it's citizens. After a series of assassinations and elaborately rigged elections, the Great Senate became secretly controlled by the Power and Transport guilds. When the Jedi discovered the conspiracy and attempted to purge the Senate, they were denounced as traitors. Several Jedi allowed themselves to be tried and executed, but most of them fled into the Outland systems and tried to tell people of the conspiracy. But the elders chose to remain behind, and the great Senate diverted them by creating civil disorder. The Senate secretly instigated race wars, and aided anti-government terrorists. They slowed down the system of justice, which caused the crime rate to rise to the point where a totally controlled and oppresive police state was welcomed by the systems. The Empire was born. The systems were exploited by a new economic policy which raised the cost of power and transport to unbelievable heights........................During one of his lessons a young PADAWAN-JEDI, a boy named Darklighter,(Anakin??) came to know the evil half of the force, and fell victim to the spell of the dreaded Bogan(Sith??). He ran away from his instructor and taught the evil ways of the Bogan force to a clan of Sith Pirates, who then spread untold misery throughout the systems. They became the personal bodyguards of the Emperor. ( Mandalorian red guards???) The Jedi were hunted down by these deadly Sith Knights. With every Jedi death, contact with Ashla grows weaker........."
Looks pretty clear about what he intended to happen in Episodes 2 and 3. This is located at Starwarz.com [starwarz.com]
Re:Explanation of The Force is A Farce (Score:1)
Some persons, however, are close enough to this organism to communicate with it. Through will and emotion they can instruct this organism which is a part of them. The organisms within them communicate with the organisms outside of them, transmitting the human user's will. The organisms in the target will manipulate their surroundings to comply with the user's desires.
For example, an Adept (as I believe they were called) by the name of (for example) Vader could direct his symbiotic organisms to reach out to the organisms in another person with the message, "cut off air supply", and the organisms in the target would cause the victim's windpipe to close (like Keanu's mouth melting shut in Matrix).
My point (as rambling as it may be) is that perhaps the Force can be found within everyone and everything. Doesn't Yoda say at one point that the Force is in everything? Perhaps control of the Force is a mental/emotional/spiritual ability. "The Force is strong in this one" could mean not that there is a lot of the Force present (as it is in everything) but that the combination of traits necessary to activate and control the Force is strong. The particles that Qui-Gon checks Anakin for could be indicators not of the Force itself, but indicators of activated Force.
Or, this could just be the product of too little sleep. More coffee....
Re:He's not *that* bad... (Score:1)
Beach, The (1999)
Man in the Iron Mask, The (1998/I)
Celebrity (1998)
Don's Plum (1998)
Harrison Ford's first four films after his 'big break' (Star Wars):
Frisco Kid, The (1979)
Apocalypse Now (1979)
Officer Bob Falfa
Force 10 from Navarone (1978)
(soon followed by ESB, Raiders... and Blade Runner)
I will leave you to draw your own conclusions.
Re:episode 2 Anakin (Score:1)
Re:Explanation of The Force is A Farce (Score:1)
Geek-grrl in training
"Of COURSE it's the murder weapon. Who would frame someone with a fake?"
Re:Explanation of The Force is A Farce (Score:1)
this is a big subject to tackle, but I'll start to give you an idea anyway:
there is one theory by people in the TM movement (transcendental meditation) that goes like this: (Lucas is himself a TM'er)
Many of the TM movement's beliefs and practices come from vedic knowledge. (Ancient India- some 6K yrs ago) The current 'leader' although there is none of the TM movement is Maharishi Mahesh Yogi- who talks about the "unified field". The theory is that all of the universe is made up of vibrations (sounds) and everything we see in the universe are the peaks and valleys of these vibrations.
The unified field is then the plane from which the peaks and valleys erupt. This is actually getting some serious notation from modern physicists, and isn't quite as crazy as it sounds.
So The Force is really the "unified field" of all knowledge (yep, Life, the Universe, and Everything. .
There's a whole university in a small town in Iowa devoted to this knowledge- link here [mum.edu]. Very interesting place.
They also practice besides meditation something called "Yogic Flying". If you ever get a chance to see this, do, you won't believe your eyes. I've seen it hundreds of times and it still mystifies me.
My ex-wife does it- basically lotus position and suddenly hops into the air repeatedly. It's amazing stuff.
So The Force is a spiritual thing, as well as a scientific one.
Re:I agree.. (Score:1)
Space Balls (Score:1)
now that would be awesome
Non-testosterone-laden post (Score:1)
This is it. I finally can't take it anymore. I have to defend Binks, DiCaprio, and all the other unjustly bashed beings who are unlucky enough not to appeal to 15-yr-old-pimply-hacker-types and their brethen. You see, Star Wars is a movie, which means that it has to appeal to a general audience, which most likely contains children, parents, and females, as well as genuine sci-fi freaks. There are a lot of really kick-ass sf books that, unfortunately, wouldn't appeal to a general audience, and consequently haven't been made into movies. I predict that sometime soon, we'll all be able to animate our favorite plots and characters and trade them online. Until then, well just shaddup and watch.
Cloning (Score:1)
Re:Television Spin-Off: Star Wars - The Early Year (Score:1)
"Screw this Jedi crap, Palpatine.
Let's go grab a beer."
-The nice thing about cheap jokes is that you can afford so many of them....
Re:May I remind you... (Score:1)
Quick theory on the sideous/palpatine issue. (Score:1)
My theory is that Sideous cloned himself and his clone (with or without the knowledge of Sideous's existance) is being guided to take over the senate. At some point in the future, Sideous will kill off Palpatine and take his place.
Of course, its also possible that the two characters' similarites is just a ruse to confuse us.
Jar Jar wasn't completely CGI (Score:1)
Re:He's not *that* bad... (Score:1)
> because he will draw hordes of 12 year old
> girls who just want to see the movie
> because "leo's so hot!!!" and will ruin
> the experience for the rest of us.
So, hordes of 12 year old girls are a BAD thing?
rumors, confirmed and not (Score:1)
- Leonardo won't be in the movie; he reportedly didn't like the script, but was absolutely offered the part.
- Jar Jar Binks will be back with a larger role; Lucas is apparently sensitive to the criticism of the masses, though, and will make some adjustments.
- Mace Windu (Samuel L. Jackson) will be back, and in -action-.
- Earliest reports describe II/III as "Braveheart with lightsabers" -- both will be filmed principally in Australia.
- Darth Maul, who we did not see die, will play an important role in II/III...
Episodeii.com (Score:1)
PS. Palpatine becomes the Emperor. Just go read the forward of an original Star Wars novel, which also mentions that Leia's mother was called Padme, if I remember correctly.
watch thx1138 (Score:1)
While not about cloning, specifically, the concept is very similair and Lucas has proven himself. Lucas just needs to get back into darker imagery and themes.
It's obvious that Lucas's vision of the evil, cloned empire comes from his vision of our future from thx-1138.
Re:Mass Producing Jedii (Score:1)
II/III story line (Score:2)
II opens with a strenous training scene with a 20 something year old Anakin atacking a hard pressed Obi-Wan.
After thier excercise, Obi-wan sends Anakin off to ponder his transgressions. Yoda stops by to say, 'I told you so, the kid is bad news'. Obi-Wan insists that he can handle it.
meanwhile, Anakin is cheking in on his little hottie, the Queen. We see his tender side, after seeing the developing dark side.
Cut to a scene of Sidideous/Palpatine (they are the same, honest). He is looking at a playback of Anakin & Obi-Wan, and chuckles ominously. "Excellent, all is procedeing as I have forseen"
Chancellor Palpatine is then breifed on the new Spathi Cloneing technology, recently discovered on the far side of the Republic. He makes arangments for it to be secreted away some place 'safe'."For the good of the Republic, this technology can not be allowed to fall into the wrong hands."
Anakin & Padme are married (they elope, okay). They take a trip to Tantoneie (Whatever) to visit Anakin's Mom. Sidieous, still observing Anakin closely, aranges for his 'temptation' to the dark side to happen here. At some point, we get the honeymoon scene where Anakin knocks the Queen up. (we find out at the end of the movie, and in the III we find out it's twins).
Meanwhile, Obi-Wan relizes the huge mistake he has made letting Anakin out of his site, and tracks him down. But, alas, it is too late. Palapatine has already brought him over to the dark side. While defending him self from the enraged Anakin, Obi-Wan causes him to get into a serious, crippling accident. Obi-Wan escape with Padame, to an undisclosed hideout.
We end II with Anakin coming out of a bionics repair shop, with a buttload of 'mods'.
With his new protoge firmly under control, Palpatine gets a large part of the military to side with him, and declares himself emporer.
Episode III opens with the military forces of the republic aranged against each other, Jedi and the old republicans on one side, and The emperor, Darth Vader, and a horde of cheap clones on the other. As the clones have no midi-chlorians, the Jedi prove powerless against them. (they can't sense them at all)
As the emporor consolidates his power, he and vader have a number of kick-ass battles with a stray jedi here and there. Obi-Wan is a general, working with the old guard, but he is crippled by his relaztion that Anakin (now vader) is far stronger than the rest of the Jedi.
vader goes agains the laws of the Sith, and begins training his own protoge, to help him over throw his old Master.
As the movie draws to a close, Yoda and Mace disperse the Jedi. "Live to fight another day."
Yoda retires to dagoba, and kills Vader's Protoge there.
Padme finds a battle weary obi-wan, and extorts a promisses to do all he can to insure the saftey of her son, Luke. Obi-Wan promises to keep him safe from the emporor.
Cut to a scene of Mace Windu standing before the new emporer. "YOU! How could we have been so BLIND" Just as Darth Vader steps from the shadows and cuts him down.
"My master, only a few have escaped us, but they are scattered and weak." says Vadar.
Cut to a scene of Padme being interogated by Vader and Moff Tarkin. "Where are you children!" Padme replies, "I have no children, they were killed by the Empire!". "Oh Anakin, what have you become!" Says Vader, "That name no longer has any meaning for me. Anakin Skywalker died the day you left him to his own devices... TAKE HER AWAY"
III ends with a young luke playing in the sands of tantonee...
Well, thats how I think the story should go!
TPM (Score:1)
Re:Jar Jar? (Score:1)
I asked a polite question. The least you could have done was to keep silent, understand that not everbody has seen SW 50 times in a row and not come with a (IMHO) worthless posting.
/* Steinar */
Re:Jar Jar? (Score:1)
Give me a good reason, and I'll consider it.
/* Steinar */
Re:Going digital (Score:2)
Removal of Jar-Jar (Score:1)
With the rumer that everything takes place on their home world though, it would be hard not to have the bumbling idiot brigade interfering with some very interesting other plot lines. Such as what happens to a Jedi when they are struck down, explanations for the clone wars, and of course the whole corruption of Anakin.
Though I'd gladly give up a serious movie for one simply spin off... Jar-Jar's Trek to the Dark Side.
Re:There were so many other problems too (Score:1)
8. If in the other three episodes, Jedi's could detect the presence of other Jedi's, why couldn't the Jedi's in TPM feel anything around the senator who becomes the emperor?
the way I figure it, the yet-to-be Emperor Senator Palpatine, Sith Lord, would be smart enough to keep his control over the Force masked rather than face several Jedi Masters together at that funeral at the end of the show...
(though that kind of confrontation would be fun .... hehe)
Jar Jar Binks is Barney's retarded kid brother... (Score:1)
Re:Removal of Jar-Jar (Score:1)
A certain amount of 'comic relief' is okay (but not necessary). Jar Jar went WAY too far. Plus the use of 'modern' slang was distracting as hell ("Are you braindead?" "Exqueese me!").
Re:There were so many other problems too (Score:1)
Actually, I don't think it's been established that this is the case. The link between the detector and detected has not just been force-sensitive to force-sensitive. Vader could detect his son (ok, so why not his daughter?) and Obi-Wan, and vice-versa. It may be that being strong in the force is necessary but not sufficient to feel another's presence and recognize it. A Jedi might detect both good and bad around them, and in the presence of a crowd, singling out a random individual with no close relationship as being strong in one or the other may be impossible.
It might also require training to bring out recognizable force "auras", and thus Darth didn't detect Leia as more than just a headstrong individual.
Re:There were so many other problems too (Score:1)
1. Gungans were put in for comic relief. Jar Jar was the only really simple minded one. The Naboo couldn't have set up the attack because all their soliders were kept captive by the Trade Federation, so the Gungans had to help.
2. When Anakin was trained, there were many many Jedi. They could choose who to train and who not to train. When Luke was trained, he was the only known Jedi potential, so they did not have much of a choice. Either train him, or let the Empire keep going.
3. Good point here. It seems in TPM that Yoda was just a member of the council, and did no training of his own. But we do not know for sure. It is possible that he trained Obi-Wan early on, and then turned him over to Qui-Gon for the completion of his training. Or it is possible that after Qui-Gons death, Obi-Wan seeked help from Yoda in regards to training Anakin. Who knows. Hopefull yit will be explained in later episodes.
4. Many movies have had "the one" in it (The Matrix) I personally find nothign wrong with using that idea in a movie. Many movies do it, even the original Star Wars. I'd let them slide with that one.
5.Maybe Anakins 6th sense is the way he can work with machines. He has the intuitive knowledge of how things work together, and can sense when they do not. In the later Star Wars books, the sone of Leia (ironically named Anakin) has an aptitude for machines, and can sense when they are put together right or not. What not this Anakin?
6. Droids have no emotions, no fear. They make the perfect soliders. Stormtroopers were used in the Empire because of the flaws of the droids. Having only ONE master ship was a bit of a stupid idea. Multiple command ships would have made more sense.
7. I agree. Anyone else would have been shot.
8. This is a very wide open topic on the rumor mill. Rumors are around that his is so powerful of a Sith Lord that he can mask his presence, or that the Senator Palpatine is actually just a clone on Darth Sidious who is used to get into power. Both of which are possible explainations, both of which will be either true or false. We will see.
9. I found Liam and Ewan to do a great job, as well as Shimi and Palpatine. Most of the other, pretty dry. Especially the Queen. And Darth Maul. Darth Maul's lines were so few and far between that I almost forgot what he sounded like.
10. In the other episodes, there were only 2 Jedi Masters, well one actually, only Yoda. Obi-Wan never claimed to be a Jedi Master, only a Knight. Each master has their own training techniques, and in the original, Yoda decided that wisdom was more needed that anythign else. In TPM, well... not much earth shattering wisdom flying around.
11. I found that many areas of the movie were cut short, or overplayed, or underplayed. I could have stood for a longer final lightsaber duel, or a longer, more intense space battle (with much less of a lucky shot) etc. But thats just me. Overall it was good, but full of holes.
Re:Removal of Jar-Jar (Score:2)
Me, I'd love to see Jar Jar as a crater.
Re:May I remind you... (Score:1)
Episode 2 MUST follow Episode 1
For it to be a "story", Episode 2 must build upon and continue what was left off on Episode 1.
Any story on "Episode 2 Rumors" is going to have spoilers for Episode 1. It's just a matter of reality.
You also learned by reading it that Qui-Gonn died, why? Because that's PART of the rumors for Ep. 2... what happens to him now?
If you don't want spoilers for Episode 1, don't read anything about other prequels. Also, erase from your memory anything about 4-6 that you saw, so you will forget that Anakin becomes the Nubian God Darth Vader, has two kids named Luke and Leia (that he doesn't know about) and becomes the servant of the Emperor...
Because knowing that might spoil Episode 3 for you...
Re:rumors, confirmed and not (Score:1)
excuse me...?
from what I saw of the two halves of Darth Maul seperating from eachother and falling down the shaft I think it's pretty reasonable to believe that he is quite dead.
Amen! (Score:1)
I saw Phantom Menace once, only once and do not plan on seeing it gain. Contrast this with the fact that I saw Star Wars (Episode IV for the nitwits in the audiance) 30 (thirty) times in the theatres between 1977 and 1978 and un unknown number of times on HBO and video.
If the reviews of the next movie (from sources whose judgement and taste I can trust) are not INCREDABLY better than Phantom Turd I am not even going to bother to see it.
Lucas really screwed the pooch on this one. Blech!
The books don't count! (Score:1)
It either stand up on its own or it falls down. Bringing in outside material to make it work is cheating.
"Hey, that's the guy from Titanic!" (Score:2)
It is obvious to me that Qui-Jon left Obi-Wan back at the ship at Tattoine because he was afraid that Obi-Wan would try to score if he made it to Mos Eisley.
Re:Explanation of The Force is A Farce (Score:1)
The Yogic Flying school is another shot at making a buck off the transendental rubes prone to flights-of-fancy.
If folding your legs and hopping around a wrestling-mat like a decapitated goat is flying, then a wet-dream makes me John Holmes.
A better place to fisit would be the James Randi Institute [randi.org]. He offers more than a million dollars to anyone who can prove what they claim.
Re:May I remind you... (Score:1)
Everyone in the world has talked about the original Star Wars films and, until two years ago, I hadn't seen any of them. I was never effected by it and didn't really care.
And if anyone in the UK desperately wants to see Episode I, just go down to your local street-vendor and pay five bucks for a pirated copy. They look horrible, but it's better than waiting three months. (I won't even attempt to discuss how stupid delayed film-releases are.)
Re:Explanation of The Force is A Farce (Score:1)
Re:Jar Jar Probably Staying (Score:1)
mace windu: Whoa...whoa...whoa...stop right there. Eatin' a bitch out, and givin' a bitch a foot massage ain't even the same fuckin' thing.
Jar Jar Binks : Not the same thing, the same ballpark.
mace windu: It ain't no ballpark either. Look maybe your method of massage differs from mine, but touchin' his lady's feet, and stickin' your tongue in her holyiest of holies, ain't the same ballpark, ain't the same league, ain't even the same fuckin' sport. Foot massages don't mean shit...
Re:Non-testosterone-laden post (Score:1)
I couldn't agree more, also on that same note there is a large amount of gay and bisexual male geeks that find the idea of casting someone attractive like Leo to be a good thing. All you straight boys had princess Leia in her gold bikini, you don't here us bitchin about that do you ?
Bonking the Queen (Score:1)
A larger role? (Score:3)
Maybe they should just put a special "Jar Jar Box" in the upper right corner of the screen -- like a TV picture-in-picture. That way, we could watch him through 100% of the film.
Re:The Emergring of MINI MAUL!!!!!!!! (Score:3)
Episode II possible plot (Score:2)
Now for my two-cent analysis of it: I can envision a headstrong/overconfident Anakin fearing for his mother, seeing a vision of her in pain, and rushing back to Tattoine to save her, under the protest of Obi-Wan and Yoda. This would echo part of Return of the Jedi, and Lucas likes that sort of thing. I can even see Obi-Wan's attempts to stop him causing a rift between Obi-Wan and Anakin, and I'd say it's likely that someone would be eager to use Anakin's weakness -- his love for his mother -- to gain the young Jedi's trust.
Time will tell.
Re:Going digital (Score:2)
I will not condone this love affair that was chosen in a committee!
Episode II predictions (Score:2)
The Emergring of MINI MAUL!!!!!!!! (Score:3)
Actually, Rick Schroeder... (Score:2)
May the force be with him.
Re:Quick theory on the sideous/palpatine issue. (Score:2)
Television Spin-Off: Star Wars - The Early Years (Score:5)
Adam Sandler
Drew Carey
Jeff Foxworthy
"If you can crush a mans neck, simply by looking at him -- you might be a Jedi!"
==Television Pilots==
And perhaps we can begin to see Star Wars explore some more pressing issues with the central characters being so young.
In the vein of 90210, Anakin could knock Queen Amidala up while they're both underage and deal with a pending abortion, adoption, or birth. Amidala will be forced to relinquish control of Naboo to become a stay-at-home mom. And, in typical male fashion (according to Hollywood), Anakin will dump her for Brittany -- the local slut.
In the style of Blossom and Party of Five, we could have Anakin explore his new-found bi-sexual desires with Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Meanwhile, Jar-Jar Binks finds himself seduced by the porn-world, producing Naboo's most impressive blue-market videos.Queen Amidala, having become an unemployed, single, teenage mother, will resort to prostitution and fight fruitlessly to fight off her rabid drug-habit. Of course, never able to kick the habit, she is knocked up again when Anakin returns while on the rebound and talks a drunken Amidala into a little nookie (for old-times sake, of course). Nine months later, she gives birth to a crack-baby named Luke. Not wanting to own up to his responsibilities again, Anakin applies to the Navy. Unfortunately, despite their don't-ask-don't-tell policy, his carnal desires are exposed and he is booted out of the service, only to join the Empire.
In the flavor of Moesha, we learn about the danger of gangs and peer-pressure as Anakin is jumped into The Empire and exposed to violence and hate.
And in a very touching scene, derived from many episodes of South Central, Anakin picks up his first light-saber. Of course, the weapon's owner had neglected to keep it in a safe place or install a saber-lock.
And in a heart-warming ending to Episode II, Amidala succumbs to a drug-induced coma and sees dancing wookies, in a rather obviousAlley McBeal-esque rip-off.
Yes, I speak blasphemy!
You must admit, though, that many of us would rather see such ideas as those previously mentioned than anything remotely similar to Episode I again.