The First E-Commerce Delivery Service? 43
Webvan is headed by Louis Borders, one of the two brothers who founded Borders Books and Music in 1971 and started borders.com in 1997. As soon as Webvan gets some of its new distribution centers running, I expect to see them offer deals like "free book delivery with any grocery order" that other online retailers can't match.
So forget groceries. Webvan could become the first e-commerce company that would have its own "direct to your door" delivery service and keep all the "shipping and handling" fees instead of putting them in other companys' pockets.
If I were Jeff Bezos, Webvan would scare me. And if I were selling almost anything other than books or food online, I'd be scrambling to cut a delivery deal with Louis Borders right now, before everyone else in the e-commerce business figures out that a "Webvan" could deliver almost anything that could conceivably be sold over the World Wide Web.
This isn't new, no... (Score:1)
They charged something like 8$ then for shipping unless you shopped for more than 80$.
Re:I wouldn't worry too much about Jeff Bezos (Score:1)
Who picks out your meat or produce when you go to a restaurant though? Maybe the big competitive factor will be the quality of the food you get delivered. If you get mushy lettuce from grocery store A, then you order from store B. Eventually, store A won't give you mushy lettuce anymore.
Re:Grocery Delivery - Done in the 50's! (Score:1)
Re:What you should know about countdown (Score:1)
Domain servers in listed order:
A frontal assault on the least likely segement (Score:2)
What you should know about countdown (Score:1)
Good service from Webvan (Score:1)
I got a call about 45 minutes before expected delivery time saying that they were running about 15 minutes late, making sure that it wouldn't inconvenience me.
The delivery man arrived right on the revised schedule with color coded plastic bins that he offered to either help me unpack, or that I could hang onto for a $3 deposit until my next delivery.
Overall, a very satisfying experience. They seem to have a pretty good selection, though right now a number of items are listed as "available soon".
For the high tech employee in particular where time is a much scarcer resource than money or just about anything else, this is wonderful.
Re:Tax? (Score:1)
They are competing against grocery stores right now, not against other forms of Internet e-commerce.
It's NOT point to point.... (Score:1)
I wouldn't worry too much about Jeff Bezos (Score:2)
If Webvan is plotting to usurp UPS and FedEx in the pacakge distribution business, they have a lot of catching up to do. The scale of operation of UPS and FedEx is huge, and the barriers to entry are high. It takes a looooong time to build up an operation like that, including the time-to-market on such durable products as cargo-outfitted 747s.
UPS and FedEx are very efficient operations. They also make tons of cash, and can fford to lower their prices temporarily to squeeze out a bit player like WebVan.
Re:groceries online (Score:1)
I find it incredibly convenient. I leave a cheque in their delivery box from last week, and they replace the empty box with a fresh one. There's another local service that I've been thinking of trying that does a larger selection of things other than produce.
I'm pretty satisfied, though sometimes you get items you may not have picked yourself... mushy lettuce, etc.
Re:Top X Things Webvan Will Never Deliver To You (Score:1)
Give it a couple of years. Heather Graham will be available on a stick.
14:57 . . . tick
14:58 . . . tick
Re:I wouldn't worry too much about Jeff Bezos (Score:1)
It sounds to me that Webvan is trying to be a delivery & logistics service (think warehousing & distribution), which is what tons of e-businesses need, and is exactly what many package services are remaking themselves to be.
The strange thing is that I've ordered stuff online that has been *drop-shipped* directly from the manufacturer. In that instance, who needs Webvan? I just need the box moved from place A to place B.
As far as delivered groceries go, we used to have that here in Minneapolis. "The Grocery Wagon" -- you filled out a form, read it over the phone, and they showed up with your food.
The problem is when they screw up your order (Hydrox instead of Oreos, missed items) you're out that food you wanted until they come back with replacements. Doesn't happen that way in the Grocery store. Also, who wants someone else picking out their produce and meat?? That's an art form, and some wage slave isn't going to do it the same way I do and get the same results.
The Fad of Online Grocery Shopping (Score:1)
Where I live, there's an Aldi discount grocery store (you bag 'em yourself) which saves up to 60% compared to mainline grocery stores. The types of things I buy are readily available there. The nearby Wal-Mart is open 24 hours, where I can get cat food when one of my finicky kitties runs out of food. But I do try to plan ahead far enough to not let that happen.
Are the prices in the "high rent districts" like Seattle, San Francisco, Raleigh and New York (city) so bleedin' high that these places make financial sense? Or are their lives so hectic that they can't plan ahead long enough to shop in a store sensibly?
Could be cool (Score:1)
Combine a WebVan service with a retail broker. . . (Score:1)
I.E. your neighborhood gets together and forms a group for purposes of brokering better deals on groceries. Everyone submits their list, and the broker gets the best deal: then everyone pays and their stuff gets delivered. If you add ubiquitous shipping, you get the equivalent of a Warehouse Club that comes to you. This may really be the start of REAL E-commerce, the kind that everyone uses. . .
Here We Go Again (Score:1)
Well, here we have a chance to watch it again. True Ubiqitious Online shopping will require a company like this to actualy go mainstream, and in a year and a half, it will be difficult to remember a world
problem with this... (Score:1)
HomeGrocer.com (Score:1)
Re:Sounds like Tesco (Score:1)
aaaaaagghh! (Score:1)
come on... (Score:1)
plus, building a delivery infrastructure for whatever reason exists at the time doesn't hurt. sure fedex and ups (and several others) already have them, but they're thinking about delivery in a very conventional (too conventional) method. (ironically enough, i think it was fedex who's business plan was failed in a business class because it was too unconventional.)
here's something to think about: with all of the local chain stores, warehouses, and other infrastructure that currently exist in metropolitan areas, why order something from timbuktu with 2-3 day delivery if i can get it the same day locally? the fastest you can really get something is overnight if it's not local. i want to order something in the morning before i go to work and have it when i come home at night. not that the big grocery store warehouse idea from webvan is a bad idea, but wouldn't a purchasing broker/agent/whatever be a better idea? you wouldn't need all of the (physical) infrastructure, just a few deals to sell the mechandise from the existing stores. the computer infrastructure would be a bit more complex, but definately doable if standardized.
i would hate to see brick and mortar stores go away. everybody's afraid of it in the face of the amazon.com's of the world. something like this would at least leverage the fact they they're already here and local.
Re:I wouldn't worry too much about Jeff Bezos (Score:1)
groceries online (Score:1)
Do any of you currently use a grocery service like this? I have a client trying to build up just such a service, I was wondering what sort of market there is.
Though I guess if somebody is willing to pour a billion smackers into it then there must be...
I can imagine that in traffic-yucky cities like D.C. that this would be a very attractive service.
The Divine Creatrix in a Mortal Shell that stays Crunchy in Milk
Top X Things Webvan Will Never Deliver To You (Score:2)
2) Heather Graham, on a stick. Or not on a stick. Pretty much just not gonna happen.
3) The end of Top X lists. Ha. That'll be the day.
4) An Open Sourced version of Windows.
5) A quick-loading
6) A executive/manager/insert-supervisor-title-here that has common sense. Especially where you work. Yes, you!
7) A life.
Re:Top X Things Webvan Will Never Deliver To You (Score:2)
If 20 of your comments are moderated upwards, your comments start at 2. If 10 of your comments get moderated downward, then you start at 0.
My numbers may be slightly off, but that's the gist of why no moderation totals appear under some promoted posts.
Some random long ones show up now as well because of the length-promotion-thing Rob implemented last week.
Just the beginning? or "Jetsons here we come!" (Score:1)
For example, a fridge can be built that keeps inventory, knowing what it usually contains and how much of each item, with thresholds for how low supplies can get. A fridge in other words that can realize when it is running low on milk. Some pasta sauce wouldn't hurt either. And maybe the pantry can "know" when it's running low on pastrami and pop-tarts. Et cetera.
Now co-ordinate that with a central home computer that communicates with the outside world. Among other things, it can keep track of your habits, knowing for example when you get home from work on a given day. The kitchen tell the home system to order a list of groceries. Maybe the bathroom adds that you could use toothpaste. Whatever.
A bit of automagic folding, spindling, and mutilation takes place, and the house takes the initiative to order your groceries & have them show up an hour after you get home from work. It can place the order, pay with your credit card (assuming you trust it to do so, getting confirmation otherwise), contact you to let you know what's going on (messages like "Hey boss, the house is on fire" would be useful...), et cetera.
The info gathered by the central computer is passed off to Webvan, your email, the fire department, and so on, and those agencies handle things from there. All you have to do is keep your credit in check and come home from work. Not bad, eh?
This might not work well in some parts of the house -- a bookshelf that automatically orders the new So-and-so book might be overkill if it doesn't realize you hated So-and-so's last 4 books -- but the potential for these applications is in place now. The needed components -- internal (home systems, online appliances and such) and external (Webvan, Amazon, FedEx) -- are available "off the shelf."
All that remains is for someone to put the pieces together.
That person, if s/he does it right, might just be positioned to make Gates look like a peasant.
It's already set into motion (Score:1)
Some perceived problems. (Score:1)
Another problem with providing other retail products for online consumption is that consumers want to see and expirement with the product. This goes for many product types such as: electronics (audio and video), clothes, furniture et al.
Despite this, though, markets such as car sales have flourished -- which is a surprise.
Opportunity gain:
1. convenient
2. better price information (can always check out competitors price with a click)
3. Possible that products may be cheaper in the future when infrastructure is streamlined enough that costs (shipping, information systems) are outweighed by mass economies of scale.
Opportunity Cost:
1. Waiting time for product (many retail purchases are based on impulse and/or an immediate want or need)
2. Possible shipping problems (including delays and not arriving on time)
3. loss of information (customer may want to see and touch the product, turn it on, test it etc.)
Of course, this doesn't exactly apply to undifferentiated, inelastic markets such as groceries -- but it is food for thought (uh, pun intended).
In some ways, the grocery market is simpler than one with Walmart like products. This is because the demand for food is inelastic -- so consumer trends will be largely static. All they have to do is gain consumer loyalty and iron out shipping problems.
Tax? (Score:1)