Free Exhibit-Only Passes to LWCE 9
Well, as most of you probably know, LinuxWorldExpo is fast approaching (August 10-12), with the Conference preceding that by one day. As is our conference tradition, I like to get paper cuts stuffing envelopes with free exhibit passes. So, click below for details as to how to get the free passes.
So, you want a pass. Follow these simple steps:
- Get two envelope
- Make one into a STAMPED-self addressed envelope. Put that in other envelope
- Check your e-mail.
- Write this address on the other envelope:
Blockstackers, Inc
13268 Riley
Holland, MI
49424 - Seal envelope from the last step
- Drop it in mailbox
- Check your e-mail
What, no stamp? (Score:1)
Get Free Exhibit Passes On-line (Score:2)
See everyone there
Re:Only for US citizens? (Score:2)
Is the Conference worth going to? (Score:1)
Any opinions by people who went to the last one would be great. Thanks.
I'm confused. (Score:1)
I know you crazy computer guys always have lots of ways to do the same thing, so I was wondering 'cause I think that's what I did.
yea, give taco and the guys a break . . . (Score:1)