The Folly of Faking Fan Sites 91
GFD writes "Salon has an article on what the media
moguls call "internet marketing" where the film makers or the studio creates a bunch of fake amature fan sites, etc. to create buzz. "
Wierd, huh? I'm equally annoyed by websites with fake personalities
that run them. Like Hemos- he's really written by a team of
marketroids ;) I'd like to state for the record that Rob is not Bill Gates. Honest.
best fake fan site (Score:1)
This weekend's reviews (Score:1)
But then tvguide.com gave each of them 4 stars! (out of five, high for them)
What was my point again?
Re:102 comments or more on imdb (Score:1)
Re:Same here but not from MS (Score:1)
Manufacturing "Grassroots" Hype (Score:1)
Here in Columbus OH, the day of the release they had people lined up waiting for the software by 3pm in the afternoon at the local CompUSA.
The only strange thing, aside from the enigmatic question of why bother, is that this line of people arrived in a chartered bus! (I'm not kidding).
Scooter is Altavista - What robots.txt is (Score:1)
check out the robots exclusion protocol. [webcrawler.com]
No explosions? (Score:2)
DIVX (Score:1)
So its not the first time it happened. Personally, it annoys the crap out of me. Another case of marketing dudes screwing around with the net. The bastards. I'm glad its getting a little more attention.
Ever hear of NewGate Communications? (Score:1)
a company that charges people to hype on Usenet.
A quote from one of their pages:
> Using our proprietary database as a starting
> point, we constantly monitor the public access
> areas of the Internet (newsgroups, listservs,
> and forums) looking for discussion or comments
> about your competitors. Wherever we find such
> mentions, we use an extremely subtle approach to
> incorporate positive information about your
> business into the discussion. We never
> denigrate or criticize the competition; instead
> we add to the discussion by "whispering" useful
> reminders about your company or product.
Why is this example bad? (Score:1)
I'm also glad to see someone calling bullshit on Harry Knowles-- early on, he seemed simply naive and easily decieved by manipulative studio flacks, but now it's obvious that he's willfully participating in the Hollywood "backscratching" economy, and profiting from it.
102 comments or more on imdb (Score:1)
-- adr
Attention parasites in the info-sphere. (Score:1)
It's been "in release" for a while... (Score:2)
Re:Astroturf, anyone? (Score:2)
Re:Slashdot (Score:4)
tide76.microsoft.com - - [20/Jun/1999:05:26:59 -0500] "GET
tide73.microsoft.com - - [21/Jun/1999:20:56:10 -0500] "GET
tide77.microsoft.com - - [21/Jun/1999:23:59:47 -0500] "GET
tide72.microsoft.com - - [23/Jun/1999:14:56:47 -0500] "GET
tide76.microsoft.com - - [23/Jun/1999:20:50:39 -0500] "GET
tide77.microsoft.com - - [24/Jun/1999:04:00:11 -0500] "GET
Re:HemoS plural (Score:2)
Good Point, bad example. (Score:4)
I know several people who have made websites about this movie. They are all UCF students who have also seen the movie. They are not iflm studios or the makers of the film. If you want an example of 'astroturfing' look at DIVX, Microsoft, or Disney.
I believe in this case, the author of the article at Salon was waiting to use this particular topic in context. Unfortunately, he picked a very, very poor example.
Just so long as the script is GPL (Score:1)
Idiots Who Believe The Movie Is Real (Score:1)
Old stuff (Score:1)
Kinda like Hundu theology - %everything% is an illusion.
The key so success is honesty. If you can fake that you got it made.
HemoS plural (Score:1)
Hemos is a team of marketdroids bent on world domination? No wait... isn't that some other company?
Re:best fake fan site (Score:1)
Small Problem with Salon Article... (Score:1)
I don't doubt that a percentage of "Fan Sites" are professionally produced, with dollar-backed agendas, etc.... What makes me wonder about Salon's reporting is that there appeared to be -several- articles about "TBWP" referenced at the end of the one about "studio paid hype".
Re:Same here but not from MS (Score:2)
User-agent: *
Disallow: /
Re:Early != Fake (Score:1)
Hemos is a team of marketdroids? (Score:4)
Same here (from MS too) (Score:2)
Anyway, what you might want to do is disallow by user-agent-- e.g. my site has MSIECrawler locked out, because it is brain-dead and it pounded my machine with 57,000+ hits in a single hour due to some error URL funkiness. (How's that to throw off yer Webalizer stats?)
P.S.: Use logresolve! IP numbers no pretty
If Microsoft can do it... (Score:1)
Who's surprised? (Score:1)
For all the net's wonderfulness, spam has proved that it's just another advertising medium. And, like spam, I'm occasionally impressed by the ingenuity that's used to get me to read the mail/see the film/whatever the whatever.
The only reason Harry Knowles is still influential (now that the studios all have him sussed) is that lazy journos couldn't be arsed digging deeper.
Re:robots.txt - Kind of pointless (Score:1)
Re:My opinion on TBWP... (Score:1)
I think the producers knew this and made the hype that they did, knowing that people wouldn't dismiss it if "someone else" thought it brought down the house.
The camerawork is realistic. Yes. This is not an advantage. In fact, the camerawork enhances the lameness of the movie. You realize that you're not really watching reality, but some homebrew, wannabe horror film.
Acting? Realistic. Again, not an advantage. I personally don't think watching some college students yell countless obscenities at each other and faking dramatacism by delivering stale lines is very entertaining. I can see the same thing by just walking onto a high school or college campus. These people need to take theatre. Just because you can do the camera doesn't mean you can act.
The movie is a crock. A waste of money and time. It deserves to be stay at the publicity level of being shown at frat parties to scare ditzy girls. Of course, all the proponents of TBWP probably will tell me that the raw uncut nature of the film is the nature of it's beauty. That the movie is the best ever made because of the "realistic" level.
Forget the hype. Form your own opinion. This is mine.
Re:best fake fan site (Score:1)
Re:If Microsoft can do it... (Score:1)
Astroturf, anyone? (Score:1)
Re:This movie sucks (Score:1)
So instead of plugging your own product, you slander a competitors.
Food for thought.
The Internet regards astroturf as damage... (Score:1)
How many *FANS* would shell out for a domain name? (Score:1)
1. anything that starts at the root of a site
2. anything that doesn't match: s!^http://[^/]+\.edu/~!
Re:*cough* no big name actors? (Score:1)
Sensationalism really annoys me (Score:2)
Celebrities? We are suppose to worship people because they make a lot of money??!! I truly think my Dad is a more dedicated and hard working man than Arnold Swartzenager, Will Smith, or any other "Stars" (I quote "Stars" because it is a really dumb word in this context.) But my dad, unfortunately, is a little person compared to these people because they generate all the hype.
And why are these actors inspirational to so many people, anyway. I like movies for their story, the plot, and how good was the directing. Actors are like puppets, I a good movie depends mostly on who pulls the strings. I guess acting is a talent I should dismiss so easily, but talk about makeing a mountain out of an ant hill!
Story and script writers make very little money for what they do. Yet they are what can define the difference between a movie worth watching, and one I have better use of my time.
Heck, one of the best movies I have seen is Contact. Nobody seems to have a very good opinion of it though. I hear a lot of "I didn't understand it." Bah! No big name actors. No explosions. I wouldn't be suprised if a movie with just explosions, big name actors and *no* content would make lots of money in the box office.
It is about marketing and is the reason so many people go to see bad movies. It is also the reason so many people use bad software.
Is astroturf more effective than just marketing? (Score:3)
Look at how people still get excited whenever whoever currently owns the ashes of the Amiga announces this year's flavor of vaporware. (Hmm. I think my opinion on that issue is showing.) Or the following that Babylon 5 got before it was ever in production because J. Michael Strwhatshisname (the producer) took the time to post to Usenet.
On the net, there's the illusion that everyone is on equal footing, and just the fact that an insider dealing with a movie or new computer is participating in the same forums as you generates positive buzz in itself. That is, as long as people don't feel like they're being talked down to, and that's exactly what fake hype does by being deceptive about its origins, so it's actually riskier than being honest.
*cough* no big name actors? (Score:1)
Re:Astroturf, anyone? (Score:1)
Just an off-topic aside... (Score:1)
Early != Fake (Score:2)
People who see it before everyone else are always eager to point that fact out by saying how great it was. (And it was damn good).
Point is, whether or not any of the fan sites are fake, I didn't see them, I saw the movie, and I liked it. And I'm not fake (I hope).
My opinion on TBWP... (Score:1)
Anyway, the movie is amazing from a producing point of view, if these guys want to make websites to promote their site, that's fine by me. People should go out and see movies without being influenced by fan sites, reviewers, etc. See the film for yourself, then make a judgement. Now if you happen to care what people think about movies, here is my review.
The movie is clearly a marketing gem, they built a mythology around a self-created legend. It's a faux-documentary, though by knowing it is not a real documentary one loses magnitudes of this film's worth. If I imagine seeing it at Sundance when no one knew it to be fiction, this film would have so much more power. The filmmakers should have kept the mythology going for as long as they could have, rather than revealing the facts, but I digress.
Camera-work? Handheld, done by the actors, in the forests, while running -- I'll let you form an opinion on how this will affect your viewing. However, this fits with the mythology and I have no problem with it.
Acting? Good performances all around pull you into the documentary nature, kudos esp. to Heather. I doubt she'll become a star, but she proved that she can act.
The main problem is that there is basically no story, imho. It's an interesting piece both from the producing side as well as from the improvosational acting side, but this in itself can become a problem. This film wasn't directed, it was guided and nudged along its path.
As far as being scary/spooky/creepy, I think we lose a lot knowing that it is fiction, but the sense is sort of creepy but not as much as hyped, imho. In fact, to me, the only shot that was creepy was the final one, mostly because I wanted more information than anything-else.
I think the film should be seen (I plan on being in the theatre on opening night), but don't expect it to match the hype...
Here is an example of the dumbest 'astroturf' ever (Score:1)
That's silly (Score:1)
Re:How many *FANS* would shell out for a domain na (Score:1)
Re:Attention parasites in the info-sphere. (Score:1)
If you think a movie seems interesting, look into it. If people you know (and whose judgment you trust) and/or reviewers who seem to have a clue like it, see it. Or just go see it. Or wait to catch it on video or cable.
Before I caught THE MUMMY recently, I hadn't seen a movie in the theatres since INDEPENDENCE DAY (which was only itself worth seeing in the theatres). That didn't mean I missed any movies; I just waited a little longer to see them.
In any case, it's no big deal.
Slashdot (Score:3)
It's probably more likely on sites like deja but just a thought
Hoax Sites, not just for movies! (Score:1)
On the other hand, I could probably create a pretty proffessional looking fansite if I had the time and motivation. Sometimes I fool around with cool Javascript or HTML effects on some of my sites, and owing to being a geeky comic book/ anime mega-fan (think about the proprietor of "The Androids Dungeon" to get an idea about what I'm like... but not what I look like
Maybe even some of the Blair Witch fansites. I do get suspicious of fansites about things that haven't stood the test of time. Well, just some thoughts I was having while downloading ColdFusion Express (tm) from the good folks at Allaire (publishers of Cold Fusion(tm) and Allaire Homesite(tm)
"You fool, Beckman is dead!" --A Mysterious Voice at the End of H.P. Lovecraft's Statement of Randolph Carter
Who planted the Salon story? (Score:3)
But it wouldn't be at all surprising if it was sparked by Artisan Entertainment (distributors of Blair Witch Project).
It's hardly negative PR.
Hollywood people are silly.
Re:My opinion on TBWP... (Score:1)
Re:Just an off-topic aside... (Score:1)
Cause and effect (Score:1)
Re:Sensationalism really annoys me (Score:2)
Re:Sensationalism really annoys me (Score:1)
Normally, I'd agree with you. But just you wait. Wild Wild West will die a fiery, celebrity -packed, no-story death. The end is near!
Not so shocking ! (Score:1)
If so there is a lot of time and devotion wasted on that and could be used to do some good man pages or help documents
-well maybe they are too freaky....
-let's train them
They could also support the Open directory project at dmoz.org
We also always knew that people with huge amount of money like floading the Internet with crappy things like these fan sites, spam, bad software
Hemos (Score:1)
Another Fake Slashdot User
It got lots of space on Slashdot, didn't it? (Score:1)
I can relate -- sort of (Score:3)
Anyway, a few months ago, some people started getting suspicious of me. I would get e-mail asking if I owned stock in the company, if I worked for them, etc. Transmonde just seems too good to be true.
Later on (in May/June), I was called a marketing ploy! I don't know what possessed me, but I put up my webcam and gave posted the URL for it, I directed them to a URL that they could look me up as a student of a university in MN (how could a company fake that?), I wrote up an "about me" page as well explaining who I was and why I bought a laptop from Transmonde. I don't know what people think of me anymore, maybe I shouldn't even care; I almost think my credability is damaged forever to the comp.sys.laptops people.
Just sharing my not-so-similar experience.
The moral: Your word is meaningless, get over it.
- Jess