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The Ultimate Computer Chair 126

Kodi sent us the first piece of furniture that has caused me to seriously think twice about my beloved Aeron. Its made by these guys (warning, confusing artsy website ;) and it looks pretty sweet.
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The Ultimate Computer Chair

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  • an URL where I can find the Aeron, please. didn't see it on staples.com or officedepot.com
  • Ergonomic mice aren't ergonomic at all if you're left handed. They're anti-ergonomic.
  • If you got the money, then go here:

    Flogiston [flogiston.com]

    or, if you don't, go here:

    Omniscience Futureneering Flight Sim Chair [webcom.com]

    Either way, these are much better devices...

  • You're not supposed to understand, but rather feel it, on a deeper level.

    Oh, I felt it alright... ouch. I realy must wonder though about the design on the site - it's totaly unreadable to people browsing at 640x480 (the middle frame, where everything happens gets cut down to nothing) And yet, people who browse at that resolution probably can't afford the $3500 for the chair, so I guess they're not missing much. :)
    Still, whoever designed that eyesore of a site would have failed the www class I used to teach. Yech!

    One thing I would like to know though - what the heck is that air-bag thing they're advertizing on their products page? (beside the chairs and the lamps) It's like, some kinda inflatable pillow with straps or something. I guess I'm just not artsy enough to understand.
  • by tgd ( 2822 )
    Could be worse, get one of those new dual 750 mhz Alpha systems... at 750mgz, those suckers are practically radiating microwaves... how about two of those warmin' the boys?

    Wasn't this chair on here a few months ago? Or did I actually see something somewhere else before it showed up on Slashdot?
  • If I wanted to spend alot, I'd buy one of these:

    http://www.sharperimage.com/ProductDisplay.jsp?n ame=HW380

    http://www.sharperimage.com/ProductDisplay.jsp?n ame=HW345

    A relative has the first one, and it's nice and relaxing.
  • That's all fine and dandy for your average trendy office boy who's looking for the next big cardboard box to put out on the curb for trash collection. What about the true computer jocks? Honestly how many of you only use ONE computer on a regular basis? Bahhh...
    --Let's try to hack root on!!!!
  • So I open this web page, noticing this little warning that it's confusing, but never was I prepared for this, I open it up, I piss my pants, I run around for five minutes, and as my eyes roll back into my skull and I pass out, all I see is myself on a sandy beach with Cthulu knocking on my head screaming "Let me in, your strength won't hold forever". I woke up and I was in the bathroom, building a replica of a mountain out of soggy toilet paper.
  • by krital ( 4789 )
    I love my chair. It's a beautiful, hand-made, traditional wooden chair. It scrapes up my floor. It thuds whenever I move it somewhere. It's hard for people to lift up. And it's the most damn comfortable thing I've ever sat in. I don't know how it manages this, but it does. I don't really see the need for one of these ergo-chairs :)
  • I haven't been formally keeping track, but they probably beat whoever previously held the honor of having made the worst web page in the world. I don't recall ever seeing an animated background before, or at least not one that assaulted my poor eyeballs so viciously. I felt pain, and I'm looking at a flat-panel screen! I'm glad I didn't have to be there when that thing jumped out of a CRT.

    Of course, I only know about the first two pages, the second of which, as you say, is covered with a bunch of images that look like they should be links but aren't, and a single little one down at the bottom that doesn't look like much, but is a link. That link popped up a JavaScript window, so, as is my policy, I closed them both without another glance. Now, if there's anything interesting in there, I'll never know.

    My message to web designers is simple: you try to tell me where to place my windows, and I'll tell you where to stick your site.

    David Gould
  • I'd rather steal a dentist's lovely chair. It's sanitary. :)
  • Also, a fluid dispenser consisting of a hose with a bite nipple connected a just-in-time cofee brewer.
  • I didn't notice this mentioned in earlier comments: here's a U.S. company that sells the Netsurfer chairs:


    The Classic goes for $2600 and the Lite for $2365.

    They look cool an' all, but I don't think they're at all adjustable??!! A lot of money to pay for a totally fixed-position chair!
  • You guys should really not rule out this chair before you get to try it. The City of Helsinki Library Kirjakaapeli has one which is free for anyone to use. It's amazingly comfortable to sit in, everything is neatly placed where it should. The only problem is that you should install you CD-ROM in the up-most bay, otherwise it will be a pain (not in the ass but in a region close by =) to insert and eject CD's. If you ever come to Helsinki, visit Kirjakaapeli [lib.hel.fi] and try it out!
  • The chair you saw was probably exactly the same, as these chairs in fact are made by a Finnish company [netsurfer.fi]. These have been available for quite some time already. It seems as if they lag a bit behind over there in the US...
  • Keep the Aeron. I do have one, and love it. After I sat in one while visiting a company where that is all they use (!), I bought one right away.

  • hermanmiller.com/hmstore.com.. I saw it there.. It's 749$
  • I for one like to be able to move around, cross my legs, etc.,
    Yeah, if I was going to pay $3500 for a chair, I'd like it to be able to move with me, and have some sort of fold-up-able panel where I could put my laptop, and some sort of cool universal outlet where i could plug it in (and my zip drive, etc..) and just plug the chair into the wall. At least, they ought to make/market models for use with people who have laptops instead of desktops, and would therefore not-really-need a place for a monitor to rest at exactly eye level (or any level at all....)

    However, as it is now... the chair's worthless to me, esp. for a whopping $3500 (you know the chair ain't worth _that_ much...)
  • It looks cool enough, but it's not a real power lounger like the aura chair ("chair" probably isn't right, it's more like an "environment") is. http://www.poetictech.com/aura/aura.html
  • I happen to work in an office furniture dealership (woohoo) and they are demoing this cool ass new chair. Oh my god, its comfy. Not quite as freaky as the croth rocket described here, but freaky enough to keep it interesting. Its supposed to be the Aeorn killer or something like that. For all of you who sit on your ass as much as I do, check this URL out.

    http://www.steelcase.com/corporate/lea p.html

  • For those of us who are striking it rich hacking away all day at what the marketroids want often have beloved pet projects that we come home to every night and hack on some more, and when I come home to hack the night away I want to do it in all the style and comfort that my soul-stealing job can buy me.

    Or I could be the Scrooge and put that $3500 into stocks so that I can have more $3500's later.

    Beware geeks with money.
  • >Does anyone else think it kind of funny to have your computer between your legs while you are web surfing?

    Not at all. Imagine putting a Dual Zeon on this thing.

    That reminds me of a Line in Buffy the Vampire Slayer (movie with Michele Swanson):

    "Hey baby, Want some real power between your legs?"
  • A lot of students in Helsinki University of Technology have used Netsurfer Classic, because the main library has had one for as long as I can remember (~3 years). It aint that bad as some of you has written. You should at least try it out!-)

    But of course, it IS expensive...
  • I disagree. Web sites can be pretty, but if you're trying to sell something, you want people to find the information that they need to in order to buy your product.

    Some sites [usa.net] are really quite good at integrating the two (prettiness and usefulness), but it's impossible to find out what's what on the chair company's page.
  • I think I just found the right chair for people with slow Internet connections! ;-)

    They can quietly nap away while waiting for a big download of file(s) to finish.
  • This chair had me giggling like a little school girl (in a good way). There is a terrible downside, though. Now, I would *really* never leave my room.

    I guess that is better for society, though ;)
  • My friends got a set up just like this and it cost him almost nothing.

    He sits in this low, reclined leather chair, snaps a clipboard to the arm as a mousepad, pulls the keyboard onto his lap and stick the monitor on the coffee table. Cheap and effective.

    I mean that $3500 beast looks cool and all, but damn, its way too expensive. Save yourself the money and just throw something together. :)
  • I actually managed to navigate the company's site, and I found a design that looks a lot better. It's called the Netsurfer Light. You can see it here [netsurfer.fi], without any of the other frames.
  • Perhaps the situation calls for a poll:

    The Aeron Chair:

    ( ) awesome, worth it

    ( ) nice, but not worth it

    ( ) sucks

  • Except one thing.. The Sony Glasstron has a pretty
    crappy display (i should know.. I have one)
  • Man... if you're gonna do it.. you gotta do it!

    Why not go ahead and slap on some wheels, and a wheel chair motor on it too. Oh...
    and not just any wheels, big fat 4 x 4'ing wheels. And a generator for the computer.

    Oh, and an ice chest or refrigerator powered by a generator. Don't forget the stilly beer cap with the straws going from your hat to the keg in the back.

    You could even slip some hydraulics on that bad mutha and roll it down to the local low-rider show.


    A mind is a terrible thing to taste.

  • Yeah, but a goatee and black clothes are no guarantee that you don't look like a total dork.

    (I'm glad there aren't any pictures of me on the web, otherwise I'd be obligated to provide you with proof of the above statement) =^)

  • Shows how unimaginative they are...or how they have delusions of hipness. I had to roll my eyes when I saw that big link to "Snowcrash".
  • I look at the chair and can only think of one thing: the size GUT that you could grow sitting in that thing all day.

    I believe one of the worst things about being a geek is that you have ample opportunity to become fat. Sitting on your tuchus all day doesn't help, and this thing looks like you exert NO energy; at least in a regular chair you shift around once in a while or cross your legs (the 0.0001 calories that burns)..

    Still, if someone wants to send me a free sample of one of those chairs, please UPS to.....

  • They probably read the novel and then designed that animated background to induce Snowcrash on their web site visitors!

  • Nope. That one fails, too. It opened a JavaScript window without asking me first, so I go an close it without even looking at it, only to find out the only thing on the page is a link to re-open the window. Click. It goes away too.

    When will people learn: *I* decide where I put my windows, and what I have open. If YOU try to decide for me, I am leaving your site now.
  • _______________________________ Often copied...never reproduced _______________________________

    Except by himself...
  • Is the Aeron chair really much better for you? I mean, to avoid things like carpal tunnel and other problems? I might be willing to get one if I knew for sure it would help, but for that kind of money, I'm perfectly happy with my $75 basic chair.
  • I think you could do something a lot better by buying a normal recliner, a flat panel display, some sort of arm and a split keyboard.

    You could probably do the whole setup for under $2000.
  • by smartin ( 942 )
    I think you would fry you nuts on electromagnetic radiation having your machine between your legs like that all day!
  • Wonder how it would feel. It would probably be better for my back, but then just about anything would... Probably not worth the price though. A good office chair could probably be just as good, but I'd like to try it.
  • Add some motor-powered swivels, an interface to Linux, and a patch for, say, Descent 3... I'd buy it.
  • by schon ( 31600 ) on Tuesday July 20, 1999 @11:13AM (#1793421)
    Geez, $3500!?!?!?!

    For that kind of money, it had better include a little arm that extends and scratches my balls when they itch...

    Yes, it looks nice, but I'm not about to go get a second mortgage for a CHAIR.
  • With all the obvious time they have put into the design of this chair, you'd think they would at least put together a decent web site. The opening page is an epileptic's nightmare, and the following pages have a slew of images, half of which are click-able, and none of which appear to be so. It becomes a mundane game of hovering the mouse over various images until the status bar displays a URL, and then trying to figure out what type of information one might find by clicking on that image. Some web designers need to learn a few very basic rules about web design before unleashing their monsters upon the unsuspecting public.
  • Some web designers need to learn a few very basic rules about web design before unleashing their monsters upon the unsuspecting public.

    No, no. I don't think you understand. It's ART. You're not supposed to understand, but rather feel it, on a deeper level.

    Cause, ya see, artists HATE being able to understand what the hell's going on with a web site. That type tends to thrive on confusion and misunderstanding.

    It's their way.
  • Keep the Aeron, Rob. I wish I had one. I guess I should have started up a non-profit like slashdot... :)
  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday July 20, 1999 @11:16AM (#1793425)
    Hell, for $3500, _I'll_ scratch your balls when they itch!
  • Did someone write up a script to submit every link UF features? It seems the last few days I checked the Daily Static in the morning and by the evening 2 or 3 stories are showing up on Slashdot...
  • Agreed. That is the type of design that comes
    from too many photoshop plugins and too little

    All I wanted to see was a picture of a chair, the
    price, perhaps a description and a nice button for
    ordering one. Instead I got a pair of strobing
    irises that will never focus again.

  • A really cool chair wouldn't concentrate on ergonomy or meat-related things. It would have some cool hardware inside, like an integrated joystick, an LCD screen with important info like CPU load, sys time, etc. and a fridge to put lots of Jolt cola. It should also have a neat array of plugs (parallel, serial, USB, video, blablabla). There you have it...I'd pay 3500$ for that!
  • That is a nice ass chair....seeing that it costs $3,500 it beter be nice. but there might be a down side to that chair....up to 4-5am, out of soda, too lazy to drive and get more, i might fall asleep!! sleep is some thing Iu cant have!! but for playing some Q2, Q3 or HL networked it wouls kick ass....now all i need is to get $3,500...can any one help me out?? come on i know some of you out there have some extra money. =)

  • Whi is it every ergonomically correct device alwayse maker the user look as stupid a possible? Also I'm not to big on charis that leave me in a submissive position...
  • The ultimate in geek birth control.

    Fry those little guys!
  • Agreed. Not only that, I'd have trouble fitting my computer in there anyway. I don't know how extensible it is, but I doubt it would be fun with my kind of setup (and what happens when you feel like moving your computer around?)

    None-the-less, the chair looks comfy...

  • It looks ugly and uncomfortable. Besides the risk of falling asleep, it appears that you can only use that chair in one very specific position, and who really wants to spend 16 hours a day in the EXACT same position? I for one like to be able to move around, cross my legs, etc., and I suspect in that chair that you'd have to get out of it if you wanted to move at all... Not that getting out of that contraption looks easy, either. As usual, a ridiculously high price accompanying a rather worthless product.
  • "Middle age crisis mobile"
    "manhood extension"
    "(sound) Blaster bewtween the legs."

    I don't need to come up with any more. What I need is more coffee. ;-)

  • How about an IV-line and a catheter bag with that? You'd be as comfy as possible while your meat slowly atrophied.

    Geek bed sores, ewww! The only sores a TRUE geek gets in bed.

    At least this way, you won't fall onto the keyboard at 4am and wake up in a puddle of drool with a short-circuited keyboard. I hate that.

  • If I was going to spend money on a special chair, I'd want one that actually does something, like this chair [ign.com]. That I'd love.
  • Sweet, smoking savings accounts! $3500 for a chair? I could probably build one for less, and mine won't put a full tower case between my knees. Actually, once I waded through their website (which seems to be disguised as an Orgy video), I noticed the Netsurfer Lite, which puts the case in a separate base unit beside the chair, and the monitor and keyboard shelves are on a swing arm mounted to the base unit. Looked OK, but I couldn't find any prices in that mess. Did anyone else?

    And what is up with that website, anyway? Two, count 'em two splash screens. The first has a seizure-inducing animated GIF background, and the second launches a new window. The bottom menu bar graphic repeats after only 800px. "Screen contains virtual buttons: Simulate an operational click by pointing and clicking with your mouse." Wow. Image maps: What a concept! I've never seen one of those before! Proper image maps are A: obvious, and B: backed up by text links. If I want to play Hunt the Hotspot, I'll buy Myst.

    The website, while gee-whiz neat-o cool, is horribly unusable. And this is a design company. How do you think this reflects on the products they make? These guys should fire whoever saddled them with such an reputation-damaging mess.

    Keith Russell
    OS != Religion

  • It looks too much like the lunar lander for the Apollo missions, besides, how do you get in/on the thing?

    The site is too messy to have been made by a good artist. Good artists like simplicity and smooth design in aesthetics. The system itself is interesting, but I can probably make a more useful and flexible system custom machined for 1k$ myself.

    BTW, I have an Aeron too. I am ambivalent about it, but I do hate most other chairs ('cept the Eames Lounge chair), but most people that try my chair love it. Maybe a good chair shouldn't excite the emotions while sitting in it - just stay out of mind to concentrate on important stuff.

    I have my Aeron because I used to work for Herman Miller, so I had a nice discount, and I wanted something cool. :)
  • Your right...it looks like he is right out of
    Star Trek. Of course, it would be more convincing if he had that 1000 inch screen from the show right in front of his face...
  • I don't know about the rest of you, but I have to be a bit closer to the monitor to see it properly. I'd be defeating the ergonomics all the time because I'd be sitting up to read stuff on the screen.

    It also makes the user look like he/she is going to start driving it down the street at any moment.
  • I really think the word "Ultimate" is being overused. As someone has already pointed out, what if you have more than one computer?
    What would be better, in my opinion, is to get a nice, cheap, comfy recliner, a IR keyboard and mouse (or one with a VERY long cable), and A PROJECTION SCREEN! Sure the resolution may not be very nice, but sure much better on your eyes :) and you can use that to watch movies if you like :) or even use it to play N64 or PSX (as one of my friend has done)
    Of course, if you have more than one comp, tweaking the hardware to make it switch between the display of the various comp would be fun :) and also you dont want to use Win because if it dies, you have to haul you ass up every so often...
  • My guilty pleasure hobby is ergonomics on the cheap. I found this office chair that looks like it was made in the seventies. This injection molded wonder is not fancy, but it is curved just right, the armrests are just in the right place to have a keyboard on your lap, and has a sturdy spring to allow reclining. I'm not saying that all office chairs are good, because they aren't. I gave up a nice leather one for this one.

    You won't find any chrome on this baby either. Just a wide sturdy steel base, that you feel perfectly safe when leaning back.

    It's soft blue carpet padding just has the right amount padding that forms to you but doesn't hide the firmness of the curved injection molded backing that feels good on your back.

    It's a little grungy looking, and I suppose that they would not 'look good' in today's modern office. That's probably why it was there. But my butt is real happy.

    All this for $5.00 at thrift store.
    I just wish I had bought both of them.

    I suppose that you could find another one like this and unscrew it from the base and make something like that swedish ergo chair with the computer between your legs. You could probably do the whole thing for $100. But why change a work of art?

    My take; ergonomics is about functional proportions, not style.
  • Miksei aikaisemmin ilmoitettu ??


  • I have to agree, that initial web page is the most horrible, annoying web page I have ever seen. I didn't bother looking at the rest of the site, if that's what the first page is like, I don't ever care to visit that site again.

    I can understand wanting to be artistic and different, but that page is just plain excruciatingly painful.

  • If you haven't seen This one [poetictech.com], then you just haven't lived... Not cheap, but it looks like it's worth it. A friend sent me the link to the ZDNET article chair, but it doesn't compare! OH, for those that replied and said 'I don't know if I could fit my computer in there...', this Aura chair environment fits 4 monitors and a computer. Be sure and click on all the links for all the info. Ahhh, to dream...
  • I have my notebook on a chair right next to my bed most of the time. I don't have bad posture because for the most part I'm either on my side, or on my stomach. Its comfortable, cheap, easy, and the best part, I fall right asleep and people don't look at me funny.
  • I'd be more worried about ejecting cd-roms or zip disks right where it hurts.
    Definitely not something to combine with a competition of how far you can get a disk to fly out of the machine.
  • Some surfers might actually like the -umm- added stimulation down there...

    But seriously, wouldn't it be nice to maybe cross your legs occasionally? These chairs (except for the "Light" model) allow you to place your legs in exactly one position. Not to mention the fact that they seem to lack any adjustments for seat back angle, leg support elevation, etc.


  • by Cosmo ( 7086 )
    The Chair LOOKS comphy, but their web page made me motion sick. I bet it's not a pleasent to work in as it looks.

    Annoying bastards.
  • I picked up one of these recently and my back thanks me. If you go to a decent office furniture store, you may be able to get a previously rented one for under $300.

    There is a 9 adjustment model as well, if you are
    quite tall and need to move the lower part of the
    seat forward or back, otherwise the 7 adjustment model gives you everything you'd need.

    This $3500 chair is cool, but maybe you'd be better of getting the La-Z-Boy, a chair mount keyboard/mouse holder, and an LCD projector...
  • That's not ultimate, that's retarded. ;>
  • The CD-ROM ejecting on this machine...

    Where you'd have to go to when people ask for your floppy...

    going to a p0rn site and turning off the power switch by accident...

  • Yeah, not being able to excercise your arms and legs leads to muscle atrophy like the shuttle astronauts. After a while you look like a potato sack with spaghetti legs
  • It might be nice for the back, but this would kill my neck - I like to have my resolution way high and I sit with my face about 2 feet from the screen. The guy in the picture looks like his face is about 3 or 4 feet away.

    Also, how do you stop the mouse from sliding off its support? If you level the rest, it's harder to get at the keyboard and mouse - you'll probably tweak your wrists...

    I like the foot rests though - I always keep my feet on the little shelf under my desk - and the thing sure looks cool! I use an Aeron at work and I'm strongly considering getting one for home.

  • Mind that space bar - it's a killer.

    http://www.steelcase.com/corporate/leap.html [steelcase.com]

    --John Riney
  • http://www.netsurfer.fi/snow/snow.htm

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Neal Stephenson coin this term? And now they're using it as their own trademark?
  • I hate ergonimic products. They're all aesthetic and functional nightmares. Ergonomic keyboards look like I left 'em on the dash of my black car in the Phoenix sun in August. Ergonimic PC cases (why does a PC case need to be ergonomic?) have funky shaped unevenly rounded expansion bays that nothing (except the approved products) fits into. And I've seen lots of people (myself included) nearly eat the floor trying to get up too fast from those ergonimic kneel down chairs. And ergonomic, non-symmetric mice cause me no end of grief when I need to use someone else's machine at work (I'm a lefty). Ergonimics sucks. PCs and components and chairs (and cars for that matter) should have nice smooth straight lines. Anything else is just a marketing gimmick and has nothing to do with reducing wear and tear on the body. If fact, it often replaces the slow wear and tear with rapid wear and tear. Ergonomics is not a science. It's utter bunk and deserves to go the way of phrenology into the laughingstock dustbin of history.
  • Rob, Stick with the Aeron. I just got mine at work and it kicks major ass. It's amazing what a big difference a chair can make. It's also amazing how long it took to convince my bosses of that fact.

    Only problem is now I don't want to go home to my inferior chair... ;)
  • Only available from Herman Miller dealers.
    Levenger has 'em but they are way overpriced there.

    HM does do online sales here: http://www.hmstore.com
  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday July 20, 1999 @01:06PM (#1793477)
    I think you could do something a lot better by buying a normal recliner, a flat panel display, some sort of arm and a split keyboard.

    The chair itself is old news, it has been first introduced some 3-4 years ago.

    Some time ago, one of my friends built a copycat version of the chair, much along the lines you suggest here (though the PC case sits on the floor besides the chair).

    The only hard part was the monitor stand, which required welding some heavy-duty steel bars together to support a decent monitor. The stand is shaped like an angular 'C' (with some depth, of course), of which the lower part slides under the chair. As it is open on one side and has no box between your legs, you can get more easily on and off the chair than in the "original" version.

    I have not had a chance to try out the original chair, but after testing the copy, it was easy to believe that the concept works very well. The copycat version is a very comfortable chair, I must admit - - - much, much better and more ergonomic for the back and neck than your above-average office chair (which is usually a retarded piece of furniture, anyway, no matter how much it costs or how many different adjustments you can make). If you're into all-night-long coding, surfing, hacking, design stuff etc. this kind of chair surely rocks. My friend no longer has a regular office chair.

    Many /.ters have presented negative and doubtful comments, so I would like to advice you not to judge the concept without at least first trying out something similar. I think you might be pleasantly surprised.

  • Well, that chair looks a bit excessive, but i would like to see you spend 6 hours sitting in my chair and say that, i would LOVE to have an ergonomic chair, but i cant afford it...
  • a. You like following links that are announced as having images with a non-graphical browser?

    b. You were using Lynx to read /. (not the worst thing one could be doing), read everybody complaining about how it looks and had to see it for yourself?

    c. Some image-heavy pages suck even if you can't see them?

    d. Thrfy*falb6Rewd.B)ASPlNo?

    (sorry, I started looking at the page and my eyeballs crossed. d. should read: it was an attempt at humour?)

    e. You're upset because you wanted trio3D support in XFree 3.3.4 and they couldn't fit it in?

  • hey, I wear black and have a goatee.
  • has been achieved with the invention of this chair. Does anyone else think it kind of funny to have your computer between your legs while you are web surfing? Makes one wonder what kind of sites they were visiting when they thought of that design. :)
  • And probably wouldn't hold my 21" monitor, it looks like they are trying to make a buck or two off ole' Neal Stephenson. They've started a company called Snow Crash [netsurfer.fi]. Even the URL is lame. From the site

    HELSINKI Proventus Design (Sweden) establishes SNOWCRASH as a trademark and company. This was announced in Helsinki on Wednesday 28 October 1998.

    Jason Dufair
    "Those who know don't have the words to tell
  • Whilst we're all busy drooling (or gnashing our teeth at site induced headaches)here are couple other cool chair/computing enviroment sites.

    http://innovate.bt.com/showcase/smartspace/index .htm

    Both of these are more along the lines of complete systems as opposed to just a comfy chair.

    Pricey... but then again the Aura still cost half of what the spent on my VP's rosewood office furniture...
  • Cool... Attach two jet engines and you've got yourself a pod.
  • The guy dressed in all-black with the goatee would look stupid no matter what kind of chair he was sitting in.

A fail-safe circuit will destroy others. -- Klipstein
