Neuromancer: The Movie 210
Anonymous Coward writes "i don't know if anyone has reported this but there is to be a Neuromancer movie. For those of you who don't know, Neuromancer is a book by William Gibson which basically started the cyberpunk culture. If you're at all interested in computers and/or science fiction, you should read the book and await this movie!
--horfus " Neuromancer is one of my favorite books (I need to get Cryptonomicon!), and I'd heard a bit here and there about this before, but I'm glad to see it has a website, and should be out in the not-too-distant future. I'm eager to see how the director handles a Gibsonian world (especially compared to Johnny Mnemonic).
The director worked with Kubrick (Score:1)
Apparently, the guy whose directing it worked with Kubrick.
Also, they said that Bill "William" Gibson
And if the matrix isn't green, I'll get mad as hell.
red moose
http://amigang.cjb.net - AmigaNG Central, into the wonderful
Re:Fuck- I hate this world (Score:1)
Re:proper use of ".org" top-level domain (Score:1)
6. What do COM, NET and ORG signify in a Web Address?
COM, NET, and ORG are top-level domains in the hierarchical Domain Name System. These top-level domains are just underneath the "root", which is the start of the hierarchy. Anyone may register Web Addresses in COM, NET, and ORG. In fact, the best way to protect the uniqueness of your online identity and brands is to register or reserve Web Addresses in all of the top-level domains.
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Absolutely. .COM is the Web Address associated with business. From Fortune 500 companies and large corporations to home-based and small operations, over 3 million users worldwide are currently enjoying the benefits of a .COM address.
Re:I'm glad I'm not alone. (Score:1)
He might be an ideas man, but he certainly isn't a words man.
William Gibson is Overrated (Score:2)
Although, I've heard that overly descriptive style was in vogue in the 1980s and I guess he just hasn't moved out of it.
Another complaint I have with both those books is that the protagonists act very weakly. Cade never really stands up to Armitage and the protagonist in Idoru is even worse. They both just go with the flow of action, never really taking control of their lives. The women come across as more vital, but you never really get to know them very deeply.
Also, his books never seem to reach a cresendo. They build, but the very endings are always so lackluster.
Gibson's Descriptive Style (Score:1)
Gibson's novels are very descriptive. I won't argue with you there. He deals with subjects that are extremely difficult to describe (take "cyberspace" for example. Can you describe it convincingly?). And yet he describes his metaphysical worlds very well.
But maybe I just like that sort of thing. I like Joseph Conrad too.
This had BETTER NOT *SUCK ASS*! (Score:1)
So this movie had better not suck ass, or it's gonna be really, really, really fucked up.
I'm already freaked though, check this about the director:
One of the hottest young talents to emerge from Britain's music video scene, Chris Cunningham's eye for arresting images and mastery of visual effects have propelled him in three years to the A list of sought after directors. RES magazine says of Cunningham, "...he manages to be humorous, spooky, subversive and unforgettable all in one clip." On "Neuromancer," Cunningham says,"Film shouldn't be about technology, that should be the background. Neuromancer is a thrilling story. It's also about loads of ideas that Gibson had... It's like a detective story where you don't know what's going on. I love things like that, that unfold."
Another MTV Music Video director wannabe tries to catapult himself into the movie biz by leaching 'emselves to a culturally pertinent modern work.
"Film shouldn't be about technology"... thats only because nobody in the film industry understands technology well enough to portray it accurately, you MORON!!
Neuromancer is *ABOUT* how technology affects peoples lives. It's about the technology that modern man creates, it's about the creation of bigger entities through the application of technology.
Who wants to place a bet that we get a crappy movie with some lame-ass actor on the up and up, a love story, some violence, a few perfunctory special effects, and a highly modified script that does not resemble the book in any form?
Shit shit shit.
"I love things like that, that unfold."
What the hell sort of lame-ass simplistic hoserspeak is this? Damnit. He comes across as a total dweeb, Mr. Pop Star Video Director, sage of all things interval.
I vote for an Open Source MOVIE!!! Lets get together all the talent we can find and make our own godamn rendition of Neuromancer, TrippinTheRift style...
Re:Older SciFi/Computer books (Score:1)
I'm afraid. (Score:2)
It's hard to imagine them doing the book justice, but the videos I've seen by that director ("Come to Daddy", "Windowlicker", and "Frozen") have been pretty cool.
Johnny Mnemonic was horrible (it had its moments, but overall, it was horrible), and it doesn't bode well that this is from the same studio.
I think the movie that most captured the Gibson spirit was Kathryn Bigelow's Strange Days [imdb.com]. And it did so without even using cyberspace, or being set far in the future. Absolutely brilliant movie.
Re:This had BETTER NOT *SUCK ASS*! (Score:2)
Well, David Fincher had only directed Madonna videos ("Express Yourself" and a few others) before doing "Alien 3" (an ok but not great movie) followed by "Seven" and "The Game" (two of my all-time favorites), so I wouldn't dismiss someone on that basis alone.
Also, Russell Mulcahy, who did Highlander, had a ten-year career directing Duran Duran videos before that (including "Union of the Snake" and "Wild Boys".)
Re:Yawn Yawn (Score:4)
Uh, maybe that's because Snow Crash was comedy and Neuromancer was noir? I'm always amazed at how many people totally miss the joke, and don't realize that Snow Crash is at least half parody of the very genre it is putatively a member of.
I loved Snow Crash, but comparing it to Neuromancer is like comparing ``Dr. Strangelove'' and ``Fail-Safe.''
Re:Yawn Yawn (Score:1)
Hee hee haw haw ho ho ho hahahahahahaha
Ahem. Sorry. That whole deal with visors and what-not... or beliebability -- a mutant Aleut is the most dangerous man in the world? There were plenty of technical errors -- errors where Neal Stephenson bothered to go into exacting detail, only to get the details wrong. *sheesh*
Neal Stephenson spends a lot of time making an interesting world, it seems to me, but William Gibson seemed to have a better grasp of humanity; a better grasp of what's important to the story.
Although I liked both Snow Crash and Neuromancer.
Re:Fuck- I hate this world (Score:1)
Besides, if'ns ya bother to ask me, the person you happen to be is defined not by how you are different from the crowd, or how you are the same. Such caricatures of personality are shallow and only relative.
To be honest, I feel similar twinges when I see all the people posting to
Sorry to get so off-topic.
Re:Neuromancer (Score:1)
Johnny Mn. is a great flick IMHO. But taste is personal. Rollins was really great in that though.
Again? Will it happen this time? (Score:1)
Maybe now that there is the mainstream culture to support it, the movie will be made (i.e., the fact that Matrix was a hit).
Re:This had BETTER NOT *SUCK ASS*! (Score:1)
--Phil (I ought to re-read Neuromancer. It's been so long since I've done so that I don't remember whether I liked it or not.)
Remember: Gibson had a hand in JM too... (Score:2)
service" was a TERRIBLE LINE!
However, it's hard to believe that bit of tripe
*WAS* from William Gibson's hand (And I am
talking about the screenplay, not the original
work... here [imdb.com]'s the IMDB entry for
I think at the time of the production of the movie,
there was talk of a Neuromancer movie, but no
definite word, so I have a feeling that Gibson
tried to encorporate a few of the elements that
existed in the other Neuromancer books into
this (as well as his more recent series which the name slips, but the bridge is a definitely pointer to that). It obviously didn't work very well.
My only concern is that Neuromancer is good at two
levels: the idea of cyberspace and what the real
world is like because of it, and the writing style
such that you can read it twice and get two different impressions of what's going on. It's
not that Gibson is vague, but his language is
used so well that the reader's emotions will
read into the story. Sometimes when I read it,
Case is the good guy, sometimes he's an
innocent being dragged along by Wintermute, and sometime's he's the villian, cracking into
3Jane's private life. There is no way in heck
that the movie can convey that; instead, we
*ARE* going to know what finally happens, FOR
SURE, and the mystism of the book will be wrecked.
He might be able to keep some ideas arguable
(For example, this was done with the woman scientist on the plane in the final scene of 12
Monkeys; how exactly was she in "insurance"?)
but I believe that after seeing this movie,
I will never be able to read Case as any of the
3 situations above.
Re:Yawn Yawn (Score:1)
I had problems with "The Diamond Age," mostly that it didn't really seem to have an ending as much as Stephenson just stopped writing. A lot of the nanotech ideas were very cool though. I had some of the same problems with "Snow Crash" -- he just seemed to stop writing.
I personally recommend anything written by Bruce Sterling, especially his short stories collections.
Re:Yawn Yawn (Score:1)
I expect it will suck worse than "Dune" (Score:1)
While my first reaction was, "Oh, YESSS!" when reading the
a) fizzle out in pre-production;
b) suck really badly;
c) prove that Gibson was a one hit literary wonder (well, two: "Burning Chrome" was a great prequel/anthology, but "Count Zero" and "Mona Lisa Overdrive" were lacking), if he has anything to do with the screen play.
BTW, has anyone seen the North American release of "Eyes Wide Shut" yet? Do you know if Kubrick approved the editing necessary for the NC-17 rating? (I don't care how much nudity is in the original -- if Kubrick though some was unnecessary, I'm willing to see a cut version, if not, then no way.)
Re:David Brin [Re:Yawn Yawn] (Score:1)
Re:I named my first Unix box Wintermute (Score:1)
Re:If you like Gibson books, avoid Gibson films (Score:1)
Give Ken McLeod a try also...
Re:Chris Cunningham (Score:2)
Neuromancer is probably going to suck for just this reason - that CC is going to go gonzo on the music video special effects, and leave any sort of character or plot development to the dogs. The whole thing that made Neuromancer's world so compelling were the type of people that inhabited the Sprawl. Just making a cool looking city, and neat-o cyberspace effects, inhabited by cardboard cutouts of characters will make a shitty, disappointing movie. Case was a perfect Anti-Hero - he encountered transcendence, touched divinity, and then went back and got a new liver so he could take more drugs. He simply didn't care about anyone but himself. How has hollywood ever made a protagonist like that? Even Ralph Fiennes from Strange Days was a good guy, albiet an ambiuous one. Try and imagine how hollywood is going to treat the sexual encounter between Molly & Case in the foam-padded 'hotel room'. Do you really think that it's going to be in tune with the character's attitudes, or is it just going to be an excuse for CC to show off Molly's body (probably with more cybernetics than we expect).
Neruomancer was compelling because it was about people who were not heros, who were not hollywoodesque leading men & women - they were moral and physical degenerates that needed to be threatend with thier life and have the capacity to take drugs be cut off in order to get them to do anything.
Do we really think that this is what we're going to see in the movie? Or are we going to see Case as an actual 'hero' who actually cares about what he is doing? And if we, god forbid, do actually see someone as degenerate and apathetic as Case on the screen, is it going to be enjoyable to watch? (See Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas for an example of something that can be enjoyable to read, but not to watch). Neuromancer was an excellent book, because Gibson took (in some people's opinion too much) advantage of the English language to describe everything in a nearly poetic and gritty manner. Is seeing it on the screen going to be at all worthwhile? I doubt it.
This is going to suck.
Re:KW Jeter? (Score:1)
Yes, _Dr Adder_ technically predates _Neuromancer_. But that's just because it was so far ahead of its time.
Rudy Rucker is good, but also Stanislav Lem (Score:1)
Re:Rudy Rucker is good, but also Stanislav Lem (Score:1)
A lot of Lem's writing is very pointed political satire, hardly the stuff for teenage boys. A lot of his writing touches on interesting sociological issues, such as relationship between technology and religion.
Re:Rudy Rucker is good, but also Stanislav Lem (Score:1)
His most famous book must be "Solaris". It's about strange happenings on a station orbiting a planet whose surface is covered with a sentient, it seems, ocean.
Two more silly books are "The Cyberiad" and "Star Diaries". These are in the spirit of "Gulliver's Travels".
One of his later book is a first contact story titled "Fiasco". You can guess how this turned out.
For more philosopical musings check out "A Perfect Vacum" or maybe "One Human Minute". Two collections of reviews of non-existant books.
I should probably write some reviews for /.
Re:I'm afraid. (Score:1)
- Keanu is just plain FUNNY in the movie ("I want ROOM SERVICE!").
- The Ice-T scene with the dolphin where he says "You got to loop it through Jones" is rather good... actually Ice-T tends to do well in cyber-punk-esque movies. He doesn't take it or himself too seriously.
- Any movie that puts Henry Rollins in birth-control glasses and makes him a geeky doctor is a must-see for me, even if it is bad.
Strange Days was a decent movie... I just couldn't take Juliet Lewis singing PJ Harvey tunes...
Re:Bring Case to the screen (Score:2)
Admittedly, Escaflowne is not so cyberpunkish as the others, but it's got supurb animation and an excellent storyline. Naturally you'll need to watch episodes in order, and I suggest you stick with subtitled anime; most dubs are pretty bad.
Re:Neuromancer (Score:1)
The only exception I have ever seen to this rule was Starwars, where the books were crap.
If this is true i sure hope the result will be less like Johnny Mnemonic, and more like Blade Runner.
Re:proper use of ".org" top-level domain (Score:1)
Re:Yawn Yawn (Score:1)
Re:William Gibson is Overrated (Score:1)
Overly descriptive? I like the whole John Shirley esque scenery that Gibson seems to draw from. Its good to be immersed in text and shows alot of skill when you are limited to a medium that has no imagery.
Nirvana - the best Gibsonesque move I've seen (Score:1)
My guess is that we need a European movie to do it right, Hollywood just can't catch the nuances and humor properly.
Re:old news (Score:1)
Re:huh? (Score:1)
Re:huh? (Score:1)
Re:proper use of ".org" top-level domain (Score:2)
The above is pretty much how everyone on the net feels, based on my own experience. Quite sad, but what do you expect from the net.generation who brought us the September that never ended?
Re:Why it'll be a bad film (Score:2)
Don't dismiss Metropolis's relevance too quickly. Yeah, the technology's sort of silly, but the Big Picture hold up rather well.
And dammit, now you've got the Metropolis theme music stuck in my head. Dah-da... da-da-da da-da... grrrr
Re:Bad choice of books (Score:1)
On behalf of all the non-clueless, non-moronic, and non AC college undergrads, HEY!
Yawn Yawn (Score:1)
Can someone recommend other cyberpunk books that are written for people who know something about computers and appreciate plausible technical details?
"microsoft" and Gibson (Score:1)
Chris Cunningham (Score:1)
yeah he's more than likely doing the film but in someways even better is it's likely that Aphex will do the soundtrack.
Believe it when I see it (Score:1)
I'd say someone is just trying to generate enough buzz to get some real money interested. Now they've just expanded pitch-space into the web.
Update to previous comment: "Believe It...." (Score:1)
took the words right out of my mouth (Score:1)
Greg Egan.
The best Sci-fi I've read for a long time.
A long, long time coming (Score:1)
They have been talking about this movie for quite some time. I have heard that it was caught up in a legal battle for awhile that about killed the whole project. And still made things difficult for a lot of people. Example: remember the lady in the movie "Johnny Mnemonic"? In Gibson's original short story, that was Molly, the same samurai from "Neuromancer" (if you read Neuromancer close enough, you'll see that she even gives a little "Where Are They Now?" about Johnny). But because of the legal things with Neuromancer, they were unable to use Molly in the movie version of "Johnny Mnemonic" (which I have never seen, mostly because Keanu Reeves can't act).
All-in-all, I'm excited about this movie. It has the potential of being better the "The Matrix" (which was a great movie that even Keanu's lack of acting skill couldn't diminish). I've read "Neuromancer" about five times (it took me twice to understand) and I'm interested in how they are going to pull it off - it is not an easy book to make a movie version of.
At long last... (Score:2)
Now that The Matrix has shown that a good cyberpunk movie, with effects, can be done, maybe we will see a good vision of Neuromancer. Personally, Carrie Ann Moss (?) is a dead-ringer for Molly (IMHO). The "Dodge This!" line summed it up for me. Some unknown as Case, and Brian Denehy or Rutger Hauer as Armitage might work..
With the Predator camouflage on the street punks, The Matrix 'lobby scene'ish run to free Dixie Flatline, a bit of 2001 (as seen by Terentino) at Villa Straylight - and this puppy just might work.
But of course after Gibson sold out on the cinematic version of Johnny Mnemonic, I won't be holding my breath.
Re:Rudy Rucker is good, but also Stanislav Lem (Score:2)
Couldn't tell you what qualifies as 'mature' SF there. So much has changed.
While making a list (Score:2)
Heinlein - Stranger in a Strange Land
LeGuin - Left Hand of Darkness (speaking of the human condition)
Asimov - Foundation I-III, personal favorites
Herbert - Dune
Stephenson - Snow Crash
[I forgot] - Gravity's Rainbow
And certainly not least Straczynski - Babylon 5 - Absolutely Brilliant!!
BTW: Gibson - Olga's Seashell.. in Burning Chrome collection. read it.
I hope you're kidding (Score:2)
A movie full of visuals, ad nauseum, effects upon effects, wich obviously accounted for 90% of the film's budget. Very BAD acting, no plot to speak of whatsoever. Some miniscule interaction between characters that is so vague that it could fit into ANY movie in the genre...
If Neuromancer becomes Hellraiser in Cyberspace, Gibson should commit hari-kari for ever letting it be made.
C'mon now. There's potential to make a 2001, and you have me expecting Event Horizon.
BladeRunner, Henry Rollins (Score:1)
One: if you haven't seen the director's cut of Blade Runner, you owe it to yourself to go rent it now. It far outshines the commercial release, with a good deal of important (and completely surreal) footage left in, and the annoying Mickey Spillane-esque monologues cut out.
Second: Henry Rollins played down in Baltimore at the annual WHFS concert (called the H-Eff-Esstival). One of the DJ's tried to talk to him backstage in his dressing room, and Rollins chased him out, yelling "bitch-boy" at him and apparently threatening to kick his ass. The DJ wrote a song about it, appropriately entitled, "Henry Rollins is going to beat me up."
We sang that song every time he came onscreen in JM. Fun stuff.
Strange Days (Score:1)
Don't get me wrong - in a lot of respects, this movie did everything exactly right. It was terrifying, and human - what particularly sticks in my mind was the annoying yuppie "wire-tripping" for the first time to a recording of a 13-year-old girl taking a shower. However, the film contains the most graphic and disturbing sexual assault ever portrayed in a sci-fi movie (to my knowledge), and my wife just couldn't take watching after that. She was so freaked out I wound up following her out to comfort her.
Re:Opening Lines... (Score:1)
(I THINK the
old news (Score:1)
Besides, why does a commercial movie reside at a ".org" domain? Eh?
Re:I expect it will suck worse than "Dune" (Score:1)
Jason Dufair
"Those who know don't have the words to tell
cyberpunk roots...John Brunner (Score:1)
Admittedly, Brunner doesn't have a firm conception of "cyberspace" as a separate existance, the base idea for most of later cyberpunk work, but these 3 novels capture very well the whole corporate-run, enviromentally decaying, privacy-free world that informs most of cyberpunk literature.
Check it out.
Novelisations suck, except... (Score:1)
Re:Bring Case to the screen (Score:1)
Re:Well, why not make it a really long movie? (Score:1)
Re:I'm afraid. (Score:1)
Of course, opinions differ on all sorts of things, but I have to ask what you didn't like about it? For me, most of it was classic Gibson: many different shards of plot, each glimpsed for a few instants, then coming together at the end in a glorious conclusion, technology having an effect on society as seen through the eyes of "the little people"... I really really liked it.
Re:William Gibson is Overrated (Score:1)
But then, I also like Dickens a lot, and many people can't stand his long descriptions either.
I didn't even find there were that many descriptions in the books - the things that stood out were the completeness of the world, and the complexity of the plots. (and more so, the rather strange plot development, with about 7 different plots all coming together at the end).
Video directors don't usually make good movies.... (Score:1)
Re:Yawn Yawn (Score:1)
He writes literature.. it's only disguised as SF
Re:Even with Kubrick (Score:1)
Even the audio book took (I think) 6 hours to tell the condensed version.
I think maybe four hours of file would do it. Alot of those long descriptions would get compressed into set and costumes that you take in in a couple of seconds.
Why it'll be a bad film (Score:1)
Either way, I expect effects will substitute for acting, since Hollywood's forgotten how to act. Argh!
Am I the only one who liked Johnny Mnemonic? (Score:1)
Henry Rollins was very cool as the doctor, and Ice-T was, well, Ice-T - I love his attitude.
I do wish they had explained some stuff to the audience a bit better - like that particle beam thingy the bad guy had in his fingernail. A lot of the audience giggled at that, but I knew what it was because I read the book.
I can't wait for Neuromancer either. Ever since I read it I have wanted one of those implants like the girl had where you could have the time of day displayed in your vision. That would be major cool.
Mister programmer
I got my hammer
Gonna smash my smash my radio
KW Jeter? (Score:1)
Re:William Gibson is Overrated (Score:1)
And as for protagonists acting weakly, it's not just in sci-fi that this is common. Instead, it is a disease of American literature that creates a superhero that doesn't need any help. The only people in Shakespeare (that I can remember) who were really proactive were the heroes of the history plays, and Shakespeare wrote those to gain political favor. Hamlet was a wimp whose indecision led to his death, blah blah blah. Many protagonists in great works of fiction have been indecisive or inactive.
Re:Video directors don't usually make good movies. (Score:1)
Also, the Come to Daddy [warprecords.com] video was brilliant, as well as Cunningham's follow-up video for Aphex Twin, Windowlicker [warprecords.com]. I think we can expect the best from Cunningham.
Re:Neuuromancer...the game (Score:1)
What a great piece of warez. Where else can you sell your own organs so as to buy better equipment?
Re:I'm afraid. (Score:1)
I think William Gibson's books are terrific.
However Johnny Mnemonic was awesomely bad. Just no sort of pacing or visual story telling.
We've yet to see New Rose Hotel. Apparently it doesn't have much tech in it. I've heard varying reviews as to how good it is.
I haven't seen alot of this director's work but music videos are not a great foundation for movie work. The sensibilities are very different.
I just have misgivings. Good luck to him anyway.
The Matrix didn't have a great story but it told it well. Certainly went for the coolness factor and landed that big time.
I'd like to see that vision but with more thought.
Re:William Gibson is Overrated (Score:1)
Re:Neuromancer (Score:1)
Bad choice of books (Score:1)
Someone once said "Write what you know." It's obvious that Gibson does NOT follow that advice.
His books would be much better if he hadn't tried to build up a world he didn't understand.
Old script (Score:1)
If the script that's being used is the same one I saw, a LOT of stuff from the book was cut out, but the script was still around 170 pages or so -- nearly a 3 hour film.
At that length, studios might be reluctant to make it.
Re:Yawn Yawn (Score:1)
Bruce Sterling's old stuff kicks ass, especially the Schismatrix books and the Artificial Kid.
Steaphenson's Cryptonomicon is the coolest book I've read this year.
Neuromancer (Score:2)
Say NO to Keanu Reeves... (Score:1)
I'm sure we can all know who to expect to be cast as Case . . . Keanu. Especially on the heels of 'The Matrix'; another in this genre with a kick-ass soundtrack. PLEASE, NO KEANU REEVES. Talk about one dimensional actors. Every one of his characters are EXACTLY THE SAME.
Maybe Neuromancer as a full length animation?
Re:Keanu Reeves... (Score:1)
He acts the same...some REALLY good movies, but just a bad acting job. The MATRIX was an AWESOME flick, but Keanu's acting ranks right up there...or should I say down there with William Shatner. Talk about an overactor (sorry to all you lame trekkies out there).
About time (Score:1)
Re:Chris Cunningham (Score:1)
Re:Am I the only one who liked Johnny Mnemonic? (Score:1)
i liked Johnny Mnemonic (the movie) also. It wasnt the same as the story, but it was a good movie it it's own right. Maybe the problem was in translating a short story to a movie length...
Hopefully Neuromancer will come off closer to the original novel. The thing that concerns me is that they will probably have to cut stuff out to get fit it into a "viewable length" (as defined by hollywood). I'm more concerned about them butchering it when they edit it for length.
As for the Matrix, i'm sure a lot of individuals will think it's trying to capitalize on the Matrix's success (and i imagine that's part of the reason why it suddenly has enough backing to be made), but only the truly clueless who have done absolutely no research into the genre (and who've never been to the sci-fi section of Borders) will actually slam it in a movie review for being "matrix-like".
As far as Keanu goes, i've come to two conclusions about him.....
he should only take roles in cyberpunk movies (and then only as the "what the fuck is going on!?!" character)
and he should never, ever, do anything that involves period pieces (dracula, dangerous liasons, etc.)
Re:Say NO to Keanu "duh, wow man.." Reeves... (Score:1)
"You're not really very bright, are you?"
Anything KR does , Johnny Depp could do 10x better. KR is just a dumb pretty boy, he has no edge whatsoever. Hell, Depp could probably do a spaced out surfer dude better than KR...
Re:Neuromancer (Score:3)
Stanley Kubrick.
Re:Chris Cunningham (Score:1)
Chris Cunningham Director File
It is a director file on Chris Cunningham. Lots of Pics from his videos and other interesting stuff.
Re:Chris Cunningham (Score:1)
Re:Opening Lines... (Score:1)
"The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel."
Wonderful book...
Wired (Score:1)
Anyone remember the "William Gibson directed" episode of "The X-Files"? Heh - Invisigoth.
Re:Shockwave Rider (Score:1)
David Brin [Re:Yawn Yawn] (Score:1)
However, there are some books by Brin that didn't do much for me, so pick carefully.
Burning Chrome [Re:give Gibson a break ...] (Score:1)
Some may think I'm overanalyzing, but go read some of the stories and give them a fair shake.
Re:give Gibson a break, and why he is great (Score:1)
Chris Cunningham (Score:1)
Chris Cunningham was the creative genius who made Aphex's "Come To Daddy", "Windowlicker", Madonna's "frozen" clip, and, my favourite, Autechre's "Second Bad Vilbel".
IMHO this guy has made the the most disturbing, dark, and creative videos ever seen.
This film should be the best scifi movie to date.
Johnny Mnemonic? bah!
good story, extremely pore execution on celluloid.
Re:Remember: Gibson had a hand in JM too... (Score:2)
He may have been covering his ass, but what he said was, the film was great; he happily endorsed it in interviews; then they started doing test screenings, and the studio recut the whole film on the basis of the audience sugggestions, ruining it.
Just though I'd throw that in there. I love Neuromancer, but I'm a little apprehensive about the movie. Part of me wishes that WG kept his promise never to authorize another movie version.
Neuuromancer...the game (Score:2)
Anyway, the book was incredible; just about everyone agrees on that. But the computer game waas kickin' as well.
I spent COUNTLESS hours in front of my good old Apple IIc+ (with the processor overclocked to a P450, of course) making my character plod around the city looking for jacks and better decks. Sure, the dude was bright blue and looked like something out of the original Double Dragon, but it was a hell of a game. Cyberspace just looked COLD, but strangely alluring as well. The first time I accidentally discovered an AI hiding beneath the ICE, I nearly freaked out. The rush as I discovered the node for semi-hidden Copenhagen University and managed to hack inside, getting my hands on softwarez two levels above my current arsenal, almost made me feel like a real cyberspace cowboy. Okay, maybe not that far.
It took me about 5 years (taking a three year sabbatical) to actually beat the damn thing, and even then it took some minor help from an online walkthrough. A quality book, a quality game.
If they fuck up the movie, I won't be happy.
Re:Neuuromancer...the game (Score:2)
Chris Cunningham (Score:2)
visuals as anyone who has seen the Aphex Twin
video can tell you. Scary stuff.
I guess it just remains to be seen how he copes
with realising the story, it's really a matter of
how he has perceived the book, but it sounds
I also hope he's clever enough not to make any of
the mistakes of `Johnny Mnemonic', the use of
`Alternative' actors maybe one of the worst (Ice
T, Henry Rollins, Dolph Lundgren? Give me a
give Gibson a break, and why he is great (Score:3)
As for the style, back in 1984 nearly all SF was the all-knowing scientists in a great future. Gibson and the other so-called cyberpunk writers (collected in Bruce Sterling's "Mirrorshaded") rebelled against that. These days everyone expects the future to be grimy and street-wise and vaguely dystopian, but that's because of the impact of the book (and of course "Blade Runner"). Gibson's quote "The street finds its own uses for technology" has become a cliche, but he wrote it.
As for the lack of action, surely the ringing phones from wintermute made the hair on the back of your neck stand on end? Or try out the last brief quote here [slip.net]
I maintain the complete bibliography [slip.net], so I'm biased, but the Nebula, Hugo, Philip K. Dick, Seiun, and Ditmar awards for Neuromancer mean something.
Gibson's later work is weak, but for most readers Burning Chrome - Neuromancer - Count Zero - Mona Lisa Overdrive is a sensational ride.
As for the movie, who knows. Neuromancer is a pretty resilient story and worked well as an audiobook and graphic novel, but there's a lot of ways they could screw it up.