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Find your Star Wars Twin 113

The_Monk writes "Ever wanted to know your Star Wars twin? Now this incredibly important information can be verified. It placed me the likes of Astro Mech Droids, 'Tarkin, and R2-D2. " Ahem-as the lost twin of Lando (extraversion), I have a Cloud City I'd like to sell someone. But I'm about as agreeable as Boba, always a bonus.
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Find your Star Wars Twin

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  • I don't know enough about psychology to have a real informed opinion. I certainly don't want to insult the people who DO know psychology....

    But, yes, that is pretty much my point.

    What scares me is that these tests ARE used outside of their intended diagnostic realms. For example, police departments in my state administer them as part of the employment screening process.

    I certainly don't want people who have personality disorders running around with badges and guns, but are tests such as the MMPI and the Myers-Briggs really the answer here? In the end, isn't it still subject to the subjective interpretation of a psychologist?

    When you're dealing with something as serious as police work, there's not a lot of room for pseudo-science. That's why I'm concerned whether or not these tests have any validity.

    BTW -- I got too bored to finish the "Star Wars" test. :)

  • Well...I got

    84% Yoda
    4% Han Solo
    15% Wampas
    63% Qui Gon Jinn
    2% Leia

    Now...THAT's a weird combo :)

  • Go to, you'll find it somewhere there.
  • Yeah, like they'd actually admit it.

  • 95% Yoda
    1% Han Solo
    27% Old Ben Kenobi
    6% Emperor Palpatine
    76% C-3PO

    The way I read this is, I'm a reckless, disheveled high-strung, evil, ruthless, power-hungry tyrant who wants to challenge the establishment, while being left alone to do my own thing.

    Just another average Linux user. :-)

  • Openness - Yoda, high (84%)

    Conscientious - Mon Mothma, high (69%)

    Extraversion - Ewoks, neither high nor low (42%)

    Agreeableness - Obi-Wan Kenobi, very high (96%)

    Neuroticism - Princess Leia - low (18%)

    ...I guess I'm a cross-dressing jedi with an excess of hair, set to live a most interesting life. ;-)
  • My buddy B. Gates could not figure out how to post here so he asked me to forward this msg. It is me, the best Basic programmer ever. Even better than my pal, Paul. Here's my score:

    Openness: C-3PO (0%)

    Conscientious: Han Solo (0%)

    Extraversion: Wampas (2%)

    Agreeableness: Emperor Palpatine (0%)

    Neuroticism: Tuscan Warriors (99%)

    This means that I am: conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, uncreative, disorganized, undependable, negligent, introverted, reserved, inhibited, quiet, critical, rude, harsh, callous, nervous, high-strung, insecure, and, worrying. Damn, I wanted to be Darth Vader and the Emperor. I'm going to have to buy this company.

  • They certainly do NOT expect to be receiving replies from people where both parents have been through multiple marriages and have children from different marriages!

    Let me see, if the most studious one is my mother's oldest son, but he is younger than 3 of my father's kids (who he does not necessarily consider family), what is his position in the birth order? Hmmm...

  • I just took one and sure enough, INTP. And I don't even consider myself to be a real geek. How very very disturbing.

  • Song is "Saga Begins", by Wierd Al, on his newest album (Running with scissors). Other good songs from that cd, if you like that song and Wierd Al's style, are:

    1) Pretty fly for a rabbi (parody of offspring, pretty fly for a white guy)

    2) Jerry Springer (Parody, one week by barenaked ladies)

    3) Grapefruit Diet (parody of zuit suit roit, forget the artist)

    4) Your Horoscope for today (Wierd Al original)

    5) Albuquerque (Original)

    Those are the top 6, imho, thou the whole cd is good... of course, I am a fan.. :)
  • well, don't beat yourself up too much. the droid might posses multiple levels of encryption, be able to crack into the spacestation's main computer, and contain information about emperial codes. according to yesterday's feature, some things just have to be closed-source. 8)

  • Although I strongly disagree with parts of what it says for me, here we go:

    Openness: Yoda (93%)
    Conscientious: Admiral Ozzel (25%)
    Extraversion: Wampas (4%)
    Agreeableness: Emperor Palpantine (6%)
    Neuroticism: C-3P0 (71%)

    I highly disagree with the last three. I am not disagreeable damnit! :-)

  • I've switched a couple times between INTJ and INTP. Never very far from the borderline between the J and the P, but pretty strongly entrenched in the other 3 traits.
  • When I was still in school, many of the classes I was in (which were called "gifted" classes before it became wrong to call them that), had us take test of this sort, along with IQ tests, math puzzle tests, and pretty much every thing else you can name. I've, at one time or another, taken them all. I don't recall ALL of the results, but I remember that I consistantly came up INTP on Myer-Briggs.

    However, many others whom I took the test with kept flip-flopping between 2-3 results on that test. In light of this fact, and after a bit of analysis, I've long since come to the conclusion that while the tests may indeed be accurate, they all suffer from pretty much the same flaw, and that is self-awareness. Most people don't analyse their day to day actions. So they, when presented with a situation on paper, have no idea how they'd react. They also can't visualize the situation enough to be able to draw results from it. Me, I always visualized the situation then went with my gut instinct on what I would do, without thinking about it at all, really. I think that this "rapid-fire" technique, which is what they actually told us to do, yields more consistant results. Although my percentages varied a bit, they didn't vary enough to affect the overall outcome.

    The only reliable method of judging your own personality is to find out the opinions of those around you. If those people have psycho degrees, then they can probably better explain your personality to you, but it's still an opinion of others type of thing.

    A man does not readily fit into a small, predefined box. Unless you dont mind crunching the bones up.

  • Everyone seems to get extremely hight openess (yoda) and very low neuroticism... but not me!

    Openness: Admiral Akbar (low: 20 percentile)
    Conscientious: Grand Moff Tarkin (neither high nor low: 41 percentile)
    Extraversion: Wampas (very low: 4 percentile)
    Agreeableness: Emperor Palpatine (very low: 1 percentile)
    Neuroticism: C3P0 (high: 66 percentile)
  • Here's mine:
    Open to New Experiences - very high (90 percentile)
    Yoda -- This wise, philosophical, and thoughtful Jedi master challenges the establishment, encouraging his pupils to unlearn what they have learned and see the world in novel, creative ways. (High scorers tend to be original, creative, curious, complex; Low scorers tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, uncreative.)

    Conscientious - high (64 percentile)
    Mon Mothma -- This is a senator of great integrity and responsibility whose talent for organization has streamlined the Alliances communications, decision-making, & accounting. (High scorers tend to be reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful; Low scorers tend to be disorganized, undependable, negligent.)

    Extraverted - high (79 percentile)
    Luke Skywalker -- An ambitious, energetic, and adventuresome young man. He longs to leave the slow paced, lonely life on Tattooine. (High scorers tend to be sociable, friendly, fun loving, talkative; Low scorers tend to be introverted, reserved, inhibited, quiet.)

    Agreeable - neither high nor low (44 percentile)
    Darth vader/Anakin Skywalker -- This character truly belongs in the middle of the agreeableness dimension, representing both good and evil. On one hand a kind and warm, on the other hand, evil & ruthless. (High scorers tend to be good natured, sympathetic, forgiving, courteous; Low scorers tend to be critical, rude, harsh, callous.)

    Nervous / High-Strung - very low (1 percentile)
    Princess Leia -- A confident & calm individual who does not crack under pressure (e.g.,. when being threatened by Lord Vader). She is brave and relaxed, even when in great danger (e.g., when disguising herself as a bounty hunter to gain access to Jabba the Hutt's palace). (High scorers tend to be nervous, high-strung, insecure, worrying; Low scorers tend to be calm, relaxed, secure, hardy.)

    Enjoy picking that apart...


  • Weird Al. Running with Scissors CD.
  • openness: Yoda, 93% conscientious: Mon Mothma, 79% extraverted: Ewoks, 48% agreeable: Palpatine, 4% Neuroticism: R2D2, 22% Maybe I am the evil twin brother you never knew about ;-)
  • Hmm.. That would make me...

    Sam-od Halit Doostorm of Generic Excedrin

    Doesn't quite have that.. well.. anything.. I think the Doostorm is probably what really hurts it..

    Problem is, everytime you take some new drugs, suddenly your from another planet. That's only okay if they're really good drugs, you know? :-)

  • This would have to be the best plan I've ever seen to find out what the average geek and his friends think about themselves. Provided the majority of us were honest in our a/s/l stats, however runs that page now has a breakdown by ethnicity, age, sex, and location how geeks, and slashdotters in particular, look at themselves. I can just see the Microsoft headlines now. "The group of people who like to think of themselves as an honest, giving, opensource community are %50 young males with the friendliness of Boba Fett or Emperor Palpatine"
  • I got:

    Openess - Yoda(90%)
    Conscientious - Han Solo (2%)
    Extraversion - Old Ben Kenobi (22%)
    Agreeableness - Qui-Gon Jinn (79%)
    Neuroticism - Chewbacca (49%)

    I'm as extroverted as an old hermit. Figures.
  • a big evil database upon which i'll know your deepest desires

    actually, the data is being used for a research project on personality differences -- which explains the demographic questions at the end. none of the data will be used commercially; and arguements-aside on the IP part, it's anonymous so there won't ("can't") be any corrolation made back to a particular individual.
  • hmmm. i'd not thought of starting a market research firm... nah, i'd rather keep doing silly websites.

    you're correct -- the second part of the questionaire *currently* does not affect the results. i've some thought to return results based upon a closer demographic of the test taked (ie, 65 year-olds being compared against similar ages). this would require having enough data on those demographics beforehand...

    the data is being collected as part of a research project (academic) and will not see the light of even one market research firm... see my earlier post for more.
  • It's Han Solo in Conscientious.

  • I find it interesting that a lot of us are very open(Yoda), but aren't very agreeable (Emperor Palpatine)
    The openness is (IMHO) why we like Linux and Open Source. It's another option, freedom from someone telling us this is the way it's done because that's the way it's always been done. People who are less 'open' tend to stick with things they know work. (Even if they don't work very well...)

    As for the agreeable part, it certainly explains flame wars...

    Linux Advocate (NOT Zealot)
  • Got: Yoda, Ozzle, Luke, Darth Vader, and Chewbacca.

    I guess that means my personality isn't so clumsy or random as a blaster?
  • I don't know about you, but I generally could tell you what I am just from the descriptions you typed out. After answering the questions from these tests (yes, I've actually taken them), I'm usually not suprised by the results. Do people really not know themselves? I guess there are some really confused folks out there...

    "But I thought I was an introvert! Silly me."

  • Is this really fair on this poor person`s research project? You may be having fun messing around with the settings, and admittedly "Being 509 years old and from a family of 0 kids" is easy to spot and discard, but multiple submissions with less detectable lies are really going to skew the results. If, as I suspect, the project`s aim is to determine how your family history affects your personality, then you`re really not helping matters by giving multiple family histories for the same results.

    If you think about it, of course playing around with the family questions aren`t going to affect your results. The whole point of the project is to find out whether there is a relationship between them. You can`t give different results based on different family histories if you don`t yet know what the results are!

    `Outofservice` has done a very good job of making a psychology experiment look interesting and attractive, and much kudos is due. Don`t now go and screw things up for them by making the results invalid.
  • I wouldn't worry. My husband is apparently a combination of Yoda, Han Solo, Ewoks, the Emperor and Leia. The Ewok thing could definitely explain the beard, but I hope his hands don't start crackling with energy when he's at the computer. Could be bad...

    Telsa (who is entertained to find she's _not_ a Ewok, all comments about her height to the contrary.)

  • This is true, especially if you take this sort of test more than once. `Oh, I know I`m an INTP, so I ought to answer the questions this way.` But the point about these tests is that you may genuinely not know how you are most comfortable doing things (as opposed to the way you habitually do things, perhaps because you`ve been taught to do it that way), and you may genuinely not know why you react the way you do in certain situations. For these people, a full personality test (which should include not just a basic description of the various types, but a full explanation of the system and how people of different personality types interact, as well as what to do with your new knowledge of yourself) is very useful and helpful.

    My main problem with this sort of personality test is the difference between self-image and reality. If I`m having a bad day and I start thinking I`m grumpy and unreliable and generally not a very nice person, that`ll come over in the results, even if I`m a nicer person than I`m giving myself credit for.

    People who do psychology: how do you correct for this sort of thing in a test, short of having someone take the test several times?
  • How strange. INTP's are pretty rare (less than 1% of the population). I'm one also, how many other computer geeks out there are INTP's?

    Quite a few, I would guess. They've run Myers-Briggs tests over people in various occupations before, and computer programmers tend to fall into INTP a *lot* more often than the general population.

    Personally, I'm an extreme personality type in three categories. I invariably max the scale on I, and either do or come close to it on N and P. On the T/F scale, though, I generally come out pretty close to the middle, twice I've scored slightly higher in T (making me also INTP) and once I've scored the other way (INFP).


  • Not really. If you`re too extraverted, you can end up being overbearing and bullysome. The best place to be is somewhere in the middle, like me.
    (I sit somewhere around the middle on the I/E axis. Otherwise I`m NTP, thus further proving the point about geeks.)
  • IS FUN. Will this comment dissappear after Slashdot V2 goes live? Who knows...
  • You know, I`m not sure about the agreeableness part, as I tend to think of myself as someone who is often almost too agreeable, yet I came out with Boba Fett. Is it just me, or does anyone else think the questions dealing with agreeableness are such that people are more likely to answer in a way indicating less agreeableness? (And before you say that doesn`t happen, how do you think opinion polls work?)
  • pretty similar (but more highly strung ;-/)--
    Open: 90% (Yoda)
    Conscientious: 13% (Han Solo)
    Extraverted: 7% (Wampas)
    Agreeable: 4% (Emperor Palpatine)
    Nervous: 84% (Tuskan Warrior)
    "I am not a nut-bag." -- Millroy the Magician
  • My girlfriend is Jabba the Hutt

    My boss is Darth Vader

    You don't even want to know about me...
  • I'm as agreeable as Quigon Jin but I have the openness of Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru.
    How depressing....

    At least I aint no damn Jar Jar :)
  • Open (93%) as Yoda, Agreeable (10%) as the Emperor, and as neurotic as a Tuskin Raider (85%).

    I'm pretty messed up.
  • Hahaha, lord help us all if someone comes up as the long-lost brother of Jar Jar.
    Bowie J. Poag
  • Well, I managed to make Yoda on one scale and Emperor on another. How's that for inner conflict?
  • I know this test is all in fun (no, you really ARE like Boba Fett), but I wanted to bring something up:

    How valid are personality tests considered these days? My personal opinion is that they are pseudo-science, but I'm not a psychology expert.

    I did some research on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory a few years ago and was a little disturbed at how subjective it is. Some of the books said that it was only a diagnostic tool, but I know for a fact that many employers use it and similar tests for pre-employment screening.

    I don't want to bring down this topic with too much serious stuff (It's Funny. Laugh.) I'm just wondering if someone with more knowledge can clue me in whether or not personality inventories really mean anything.
  • I started filling out the form, and then wondered what kind of database they are building. I didn't submit my entry.

  • by trabic ( 10931 )
    I got r2, the Ice creature of hoth, BobaFett(he wasn't really that disagreable) admiral ozzle, and WICKET?!?!? I think i can ignore that last one.

    At least it wasn't JarJAr
  • On the StarWars personality test posted last time ( ?) I scored as Old Obi-Wan. On this one, I scored both Old and Young Obi-Wan.

    Openness: Yoda (80%)
    Conscientious: Han Solo (3%)
    Extraversion: Old Obi-Wan (22%)
    Agreeableness: Young Obi-Wan (83%)
    Neuroticism: Leia (18%)

  • Oh wait, Kiki is not a SW character :-)

    Oooooh, a light saber, pretty! Can I play with it? Poing!!! Poing!!

    the AC
  • It *has* to be subjective.

    I'm sure many people reading this have taken the Myers-Briggs more than once, with the effect of being both an INTP and a ENTJ (as I was) or something equally damning. It depends on things like mood- and really says nothing about the person taking it other than what subjective whims they were feeling at the time. It's perfectly obvious anyone taking this test will be Princess Leiah one day and Yoda the next. You make a good point, if I understand it correctly.

    Basically it's "These tests truly are stupid, but amusing. It would be dangerous, however, for someone to take these seriously!"

    It is, in fact, very dangerous. Here's proof; I took this test to get assigned roomates at college. I was hitched up with two druggies who hated me. I got out of that place, and found computer scientists, even if they were more "introverted" than me, to be more to my liking!

  • What I've always suspected...I rock! Check out my results:
    • Openness: Yoda(!) 95%
    • Conscientious: Grand Moff Tarkin
    • Extraversion: Wampas
    • Agreeableness: Boba Fett
    • Neuroticism: Chewbacca

    Grand Moff Tarkin...isn't so cool...but other than!
  • Another description I've heard of the P/J axis is that it indicates how the person prefers to relate to "the external world".

    You and I "are" both INTP's, and the P indicates that we prefer to use our Perceiving function (N/S -- in our case iNtuition) rather than our Judging function (T/F -- in our case, Thinking) when processing the external world. Conversely, in the internal world, we prefer our Judging function (Thinking). For someone who comes up "J" in their score, the roles of the functions are reversed. So an ESFJ, for example, supposedly prefers using the Judgement function (Feeling in his/her case) in the external world.

    I'm not sure if I buy this interpretation, but it's interesting.

    Include standard pseudo-science disclaimer here.

  • Open: 84% (Yoda)
    Conscientious: 13% (Han Solo)
    Extraverted: 1% (Wampas)
    Agreeable: 10% (Emperor Palpatine)
    Nervous: 37% (R2D2)

    Myers-Briggs Type: INTP


    0-20 percentile - Admiral Ackbar -- When Admiral Ackbar engages in battle, he does so by the book. His tactics are
    generally conservative preferring to avoid creative, risky, or novel plans except in rare circumstances.
    C-3PO -- This droid versed in political protocol of thousands of cultures is governed by rules and prefers not to meddle with
    the ways and traditions of his hosts.

    21-40 percentile - Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru -- Taking the role of Luke Skywalkers Guardians on Tatooine, they prefer
    to focus on pragmatic everyday needs of moisture farming. They are generally unwilling to entertain Luke's broader vision,
    protecting Luke from new ideas (even if they know some of them to be true!).

    41-60 percentile - Astro Mech Droids -- This model of droid lies in the middle of the Openness dimension because
    although they are generally rule bound and conservative, they are also creative and often ingenious in their approach to the
    problem at hand.

    61-80 percentile - Wicket -- A particularly curious, inventive, and resourceful young Ewok, open to exploring new ideas
    and developing novel solutions to everyday problems (e.g., destroying AT-STs).
    Jawas -- An intelligent and highly resourceful species, able to put their skills to renovating obsolete droids.

    81-100 percentile - Yoda -- This wise, philosophical, and thoughtful Jedi master challenges the establishment, encouraging
    his pupils to unlearn what they have learned and see the world in novel, creative ways.


    0-20 percentile - Han Solo -- This disheveled and scruffy smuggler leads a reckless and haphazard life, with little respect
    for rules and procedures.

    21-40 percentile - Admiral Ozzel -- A generally conscientious soldier who is susceptible to occasional lapses & blunders,
    such as the mistake he made at the beginning of the imperial assault on the rebel base at Hoth

    41-60 percentile - Grand Moff Tarkin -- Is in the middle of conscientiousness because although he is usually a highly
    organized leader with a keen eye for detail, he occasionally misses a small but crucial detail (e.g., vulnerable exhaust ports
    on death stars).

    61-80 percentile - Mon Mothma -- This is a senator of great integrity and responsibility whose talent for organization has
    streamlined the Alliances communications, decision-making, & accounting.

    81-100 percentile - Admiral Ackbar -- This rebel Admiral is renowned for his great powers of organization, responsibility,
    and administrative abilities. He is individual who can be relied upon.


    0-20 percentile - Wampas -- reclusive creatures of the ice planet Hoth. They are rarely seen & generally shy, leading a
    solitary existence.

    21-40 percentile - "Old Ben" Kenobi -- this crazy old hermit isn't seen much. He doesn't appear to desire company,
    keeping himself to himself.

    41-60 percentile - Ewoks -- A species with extraverted and introverted tendencies. On one hand they are a shy, timid, and
    reclusive species. On the other hand, they are very sociable, living in groups, placing great emphasis of interpersonal

    61-80 percentile - Luke Skywalker -- An ambitious, energetic, and adventuresome young man. He longs to leave the slow
    paced, lonely life on Tattooine.

    81-100 percentile - Lando Calrissian -- An energetic, sociable man. He is adventure seeking, talkative, and socially skilled.


    0-20 percentile - Emperor Palpatine -- An evil, power hungry tyrant, he is manipulative, evil, and ruthless.

    21-40 percentile - Boba Fett -- A mean and menacing bounty hunter, known for his ruthlessness. Interrogator droid --
    Heartless & cruel

    41-60 percentile - Darth vader/Anakin Skywalker -- This character truly belongs in the middle of the agreeableness
    dimension, representing both good and evil. On one hand a kind and warm, on the other hand, evil & ruthless.

    61-80 percentile - Qui-Gon Jinn -- This Jedi master is loyal, sensitive, and sympathetic.

    81-100 percentile - Obi-Wan Kenobi -- This loyal, kind, and honorable young Jedi is a good man.


    0-20 percentile - Princess Leia -- A confident & calm individual who does not crack under pressure (e.g.,. when being
    threatened by Lord Vader). She is brave and relaxed, even when in great danger (e.g., when disguising herself as a bounty
    hunter to gain access to Jabba the Hutt's palace).

    21-40 percentile - R2-D2 -- A brave droid, who remains calm, confident and unperturbed even during the most dangerous
    of missions.

    41-60 percentile - Chewbacca -- This wookie belongs in the middle of Neuroticism because on one hand he is a strong and
    fearless individual but on the other hand he is excitable and easily upset (as shown by his reaction before C-3PO suggested
    R2-D2 "let the wookie win").

    61-80 percentile - C-3PO -- This fussy droid is generally anxious and nervous with a constitution that often seems
    unsuitable for the danger in which it finds itself.

    81-100 percentile - Tuscan warriors -- These inhabitants of Tatooine are unpredictable, temperamental, and excitable, and
    known to be especially moody in their difficult teenage years.
  • I got 96% as Yoda

    m4y th3 ph0rc3 b3 w1th m3
  • I got this in the mail a few days ago...;-)

    > How to determine your Star Wars name:
    > For your new first name:
    > 1. Take the first 3 letters of your first name
    > 2. add a hyphen '-'
    > 3. and add the first two letters of your last name
    > For your new last name:
    > 4. Take the first 2 letters of your mum's maiden name and
    > 5. add the first 3 letters of the city you were born in
    > To determine your Star Wars honorific title:
    > 6. Take the last 3 letters of your last name, and reverse them
    > 7. Add the name of the first car you drove
    > 8. Insert the word "of"
    > 9. Tack on the name of the last medication you took.
    > Voila! You now have your Star Wars name!!!!!!

    Jan-Bl Laabo Tsiopel of Aspirin
  • Yoda 96% - openness

    Tarkin 46% - conscientious

    Hoth Ice Monster (Wampas) 15% - extraversion

    Darth Vader 44% - agreeableness

    Chewbacca 60% - neuroticism

    Hmmm... Not sure I like this - none of these guys are really all that "nice".

    Oh yeah, I'm not really that "nice" either.


  • Openess: Wicket 76%

    Conscientious: Han Solo 10%

    Extraversion: Old Ben Kenobi 37%

    Agreeableness: Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker 44%

    Neuroticism: R2-D2 27%

    An interesting combo to be sure...

  • I'm an INTJ and I think that you are all wrong to have that P there....
  • We seem to be getting few "average" neuroticism results, and many Leia/R2s and many Tuscan Raiders. I wonder if that's a commentary on computer nerds, or just a quirk of the test.
    For the record, I'm:
    Open 70 (Wicket)
    Conscientious 17 (Han Solo)
    Extraversion 1 (Wompa)
    Agreeable 63 (Qui-Gon)
    Neuroticism 18 (Leia)
  • Wow, that's real close to what I ended up with, except for AstroMech on the Yoda side, and tuscan warriors on the Leia side.. ;-P
  • "Anyone willing to talk to me with a doctorate in psych? "

    I'd be afraid to talk to you without one:)

  • by Misha ( 21355 )
    my profile is that of a mix with three parts Jedi (Yoda, Qui, and Kenobi), one part Han Solo, and one part Wookie.

    how is that for a geek? 8)

  • How valid are personality tests considered these days? My personal opinion is that they are pseudo-science, but I'm not a psychology expert.

    I think the problem is that psychology itself is having problems being recognized as a science, and that many parts of academentia doesn't even believe that it qualifies as pseudo-science.

    After psychology started using scientific methods in research, however, that attitude has slowly started to change, but over-all, psychology is, unfortunately, viewed as a pseudo-science, and that reflects upon the methods used, too.

    And of course, personality tests work if you get them from an astrologer. ;)
  • I got a freakin 3% for openess and a 7% for extroversion. The rest of my scores were "neither high nor low" in the 35-45 range. I'm messed up or something.
  • Since everyone else is posting what they got, I'll do the same.

    92% Admiral Akbar
    80% a young Obi-Wan
    50% WICKET!

    I'm much better looking that the Admiral

  • The Kiersey tests (the ones resulting in a four-letter code, INTP in my case) are quite informative. I think they're most valuable in noting that people are radically different from each other - by reading the profiles of different types of people, we can get a better understanding for how they think.

    To give you an idea of how it works:

    I = Introverted - you get energy from within, interacting with people consumes energy. Extroverted is the reverse. If you go to a party, spend an hour or so, run out of energy and want to leave, you're introverted. If you stay until 3am, you're extroverted.

    N = Intuitive - you think of things as they should be, not as they are; you can visualize your ideal world and want to live in it instead of the real one. It is this that sends me effortlessly out to houses in Malibu (picture-perfect views; mudslides; fires; cheapest home: $ 350,000) and West Hollywood (cheapest home with picture-perfect views: $ 495,000) that are suitable for people with triple my income; I am thinking as though I already had the money, and these homes are quite a bargain compared to Tower Grove Drive, Beverly Hills (picture-perfect views; cheapest house: $ 1,500,000). A Sensing person, on the other hand, would look at her or his actual income, and only visit affordable areas like Van Nuys (hideously ugly; no views; boring; cheapest home $138,000). Spoilsport! It is difficult for an Intuitive to relate to a Sensing, since they are always trying to pull us out of the clouds where we prefer to stay. At the same time, it may be important to have a sensing type of person around so we don't sign the check for that Tower Grove house without checking the current account balance first.

    T = Thinking - you make decisions by thinking them through. This contrasts with F, where you make decisions based on how they affect the feelings of others. F types are fun to be with because they are always attentive to the nuances of your feelings; but they will also shade the truth so your feelings don't get hurt. They can be dangerous to deal with, but intuitive/feeling people are generally the best lovers.

    P = Perceiving, as opposed to Judging. This is perhaps the clearest attribute. If you're a slob, you're perceiving. If your house is neat as a pin, and you're the person doing the work, you are judging. Judging people think in terms of deadlines. Typically, the programmer is Perceiving, while the PHB is judging.

    In short, I find the personality tests to be pretty enlightening. What they say about me is clearly true.

    The Star Wars test is just a minor rework of their "normal" personality test; the same questions are asked. It would have been a better idea to rework the normal test so that it added the Star Wars stuff instead of making the curious take both tests to get the appropriate results. In other words, they should have given the personality results along with the Star Wars. But I have to admit, it was a cute idea.


  • No, this is basically what I got too... I am depressed now... I am going to close myself off in my cube for a while...

    We could have *both* failed... would not be the first time for me... sigh..


  • How strange. INTP's are pretty rare (less than 1% of the population). I'm one also, how many other computer geeks out there are INTP's?
  • Palpatine is the negative-agreeability archetype. I know this, because I got a perfect 0% on that part and that's who showed up[1]. Did anyone else get a "perfect score" on any category so we can see who the other boundary cases are?

    [1] Under the circumstances, the only possible reaction is "$#@! you with a ten-foot fork" ;-)
  • by zztzed ( 279 )
    jumping on the bandwagon ...
    openness: wicket, 76%
    conscientiousness: han solo, 8%
    extroversion: wampas, 5%
    agreeability: emperor palpatine, 1%
    nervousness/high-strungness: tuscan warriors, 96%
  • Openness: Yoda, and Very High, %96
    Conscientious: Ackbar, Very high, %89
    Extraversion: Ewoks, Neither high nor low, %59
    Agreeablness: Emporor Palpatine, Low, %17
    Neuroticism: R2-D2, Low, %27 :)

    As I told a friend, I'm now officially a very open, thoughtful, sane, cruel man.
  • The 99th percentile on neuroticism is the Tusken Warrior, and the 95th percentile on Openness is Yoda.
  • I'm yet another INTP.

    According to the literature, being an NT is highly correllated with being a computer geeks. It's also highly correllated with being a libertarian; the LP used Myers-Briggs for a while to teach communication skills and they'd routinely find that nearly the entire audience was in the NT quadrant.

  • by SEGV ( 1677 )
    Openness: Wickett
    Concientiousness: Ackbar
    Extraversion: Ewok
    Agreeableness: Emperor Palpatine
    Neuroticism: R2-D2
  • My profession is system administrator. According to this test, I'm comparable to Emperor Palpatine ... Pity my users ;-)
    Then again, I'm comparable to Yoda, among others.

    When like me you become, as logical you will not think! hmmm!
  • Openness: Yoda, 96%

    Conscientiousness: Grand Moff Tarkin, 48%

    Extraversion: Wampas, 4%

    Agreeableness: Emperor Palpatine, 3% (OUCH!)

    Neuroticism: Tuscan Warriors, 87%

    Anyone willing to talk to me with a doctorate in psych?

  • My score:
    • Openness: Yoda (80%)
    • Conscientious: Han Solo (13%)
    • Extraversion: Wampa (4%)
    • Agreeableness: Boba Fett (27%)
    • Neuroticism: Tusken Raider (94%)
    Guess I should be working for the Post Office or else the Berkely math department... but what I really want to be is a BOFH! (Anyone know of a BOFH personality test?)
  • Here's what I got: Astromech Droid (47), Han Solo (4, eeek!), Ewok (48, no!), Qui-Gon (69) and R2-D2 (22).

    An EWOK!?!?!?!?!? How can it be?! How humiliating! Oh well, I still managed to score a Jedi, R2 and Han Solo. I guess that's some consolation. Maybe I won't have to off myself after all. Fun test though.
  • yeah...there is a bofh purity test on the sight, but its not like the star wars test on the sight in question.
  • for your information, the creator of this website is yoda (high openness), mon mothma (high conscientiousness), lando calrissian (very high extroversion), boba fett (low agreeableness), and a tuscan warrior (very high neuroticism). he's also a very lucky little brown university student of whose success on the web i am deeply envious.
  • I thoroughly enjoyed this test, and since we're on the subject of Star Wars I heard this song the other day that was a spoof of the song American Pie, "Soon I'm gonna a be a Jedi". I really got a kick out of it. Has anyone every heard it? Know who its by?

Kiss your keyboard goodbye!
