Kermit the Frog to promote V-Chip 201
StainlessSteelRat writes "It's a shock to me, but my favorite green man has become the spokesfrog for the v-chip. He will be, "Explaining the v-chip's purpose, its practical applications and the rating system that works with the device," to the same people that can't seem to get their VCR's to stop flashing 12. " My childhood has been ripped away-the question I have, is the V-chip what's at the end of the rainbow connection?
Jim Henson rolls over in his grave (Score:1)
Protect our children? From what, exactly? (Score:1)
Could someone please explain to me (with or without the benefit of muppet spokescreatures) exactly what I'm supposed to be protecting my children from?
Could someone please post the results of any sort of study demonstrating a correlation between the viewing of fictional sex or violence with mental or emotional disturbance?
I have yet to see any evidence whatsoever that the viewing of this "explicit material" -- and in particular, sex -- is somehow "bad for children". (I can understand the desire to shield children from displays of violence; but not sex. Sex is a natural function, and is how those children got here in the first place.)
For the record, I'm a father of two children myself.
Re:give me a break (Score:1)
Swedish Chef spokeperson for TCO '95 (Score:1)
It must be the electronic cerebrectomy. (Score:1)
Re:i figured it out (Score:1)
Re:V-Chip makes some sense (Score:1)
I disagree. I don't think that this will make the problem much worse than it already is. I think that Children's shows have already made the problem (Seasame Street is now Daddy)... I think that parents who tend to neglect their children will continue to leave their children in front of the T.V... this will just give them more of a piece of mind. I think that parents who still spend lots of time with the kids for the most part won't be largely affected by this... but it will help, maybe, when the baby sitter you don't know comes over and wants to watch BrutalDeath III, or when your four-year-old wakes up and slips downstairs to watch whatever is on HBO at 2:00 in the morning.
Anyway, it's a purely optional thing and so I don't think it's so bad.
Re:Hurrumph (Score:1)
V-chip 2: reverse filtering (Score:1)
Government limiting whose choice? (Score:1)
security::obscurity, morals::vacuum (Score:2)
The v-chip isn't about this. It's like security through obscurity. They assume that by removing "bad" elements, we can raise "good" children. How about this, pointing out "bad" elements and introducing them as such?
Re:V-chip for adVerts (Score:1)
i am not sure the change would be for the better.
ideally, we could just censor all the ads on our tv's and life would be nice.
although, i would suspect that it would drive advertisers to use even more sneaky and questionable methods, by blurring content and advertisment, for instance.
compare to the effect of the remote control on the television advertising industry, for instance, might yeild some insights.
although, it would be interesting to see perverted censorship technology and politics re-perverted into something useful - the right to control what we watch.
but then again, i don't have a TV.
V-chip is doomed to failure (Score:4)
Not because kids are clever enough to bypass any and all 'child-proof' methods laid before them.
Not because the Federal Legislature is about to grow a conscience and a common sense, and thus realize that this whole censorship in the name of the children is rank with hypocricy...
No. It will fail because most of the parents that would even consider using it, still have 12:00 blinking on their VCR. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him RTFM.
As for Kermit, well... Good riddence to another fallen fairytale. Exposing the children to the fact that even their childhood friends are sellouts is a worthwhile lesson. Disillusionment is good. We do not want our kids growing up in a world of illusions and false beliefs, do we?
Here's to reality!
Re:Nice idea, but it probably won't happen :( (Score:3)
It just occurred to me that this would have been a great way to sabotage the V Chip. Back when they were trying to push it, instead of opposing it, we should have tried to bog it down with features (like tagging ads) that other groups (networks) would have opposed. :-) We'de just have to figure out some bullshit way to spin it as being "For The Children" and no one would be able to stop it.
Gotta keep this in mind for next time...
Have a Sloppy day!
Re:I don't understand objections to the V-chip (Score:1)
I don't know where you live but that's not the case in most (if not all) of US. The cable system is required to transmit all broadcasts within a certain range of their audience. The non-broadcast channels (MTV, Comedy Central, HBO, etc.) are included by contract with your local community government. (which also set the rates)
Heigh ho, Kermit V. Frog here... (Score:1)
Maybe I just didn't catch all of that in the older movies because I was younger at the time.
LIAR! (Score:1)
"New worlds are not born in the vacuum of abstract ideas, but in the fight for daily bread..."
Sorta offtopic. My favorite Kermit joke: (Score:2)
"In the year 2000 - The marriage of Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog will come to an abrupt end when he converts to Judaism and can no longer eat pork."
Ok, bye.
- A.P.
"One World, one Web, one Program" - Microsoft promotional ad
V-Chip (Score:1)
Re:give me a break (Score:1)
give me a break (Score:3)
how about Win 98 shutting down? (Score:1)
Well, believe it or not, I saw the next best thing
I was in Stowe, VT, watching "Legend" on Saturday night, and flicked through the channels during a commercial break.
There on channel 10, the local community access, was the infamous "Windows 98 is shutting down" screen.
They must use it to run the slide show that's on most of the day.
If my snapshots come out, i'll post it somewhere.
Kermit the frog is a puppet. (Score:3)
Re:Other means to squelch advertisements (Score:1)
Another way of blocking ads that I've heard of is monitoring the closed captioning, since commercials tend not to be closed captioned (AFAIK).
The problem is there isn't a definite "if X then its a commercial" relationship to rely on. There never will either. It's death to a network to say broadcast some information along with the way you make your money so that people can ignore them and put you out of business.
Just do yourself a favor and switch to PBS (although those "sponsored by" notes are getting very close to commercials these days).
...also (Score:2)
The Rainbow Connection (Score:2)
No. At the end of the Rainbow Connection is a mixture of partially hydrogenated soybean oil, cats, cellulose gum, chicken wire, dipotassium phosphate, thiamin, riboflavin, red dye #2, mono and diglycerides, shredded Office97 documentation and artificial colors and flavorings. And it's owned by Viacom.
Re:V-Chip/ parents responsibility (Score:1)
just my $.02
Re:V-chip = censorship????? (Score:2)
Regardless of that, anything which arbitrarily labels content is censorship. The mere act of labeling something is a very real form of censorship.
Here's what the ALA [ala.org](American Library Association) has to say about labeling: (full text can be found here [ala.org])
Labeling is an attempt to prejudice attitudes and as such, it is a censor's tool.
They have much more to say on the matter, so I recommend following the link to the full text.
Generic Man
Re:give me a break (Score:1)
Re:Flashing 12:00 (Score:1)
I've a 5 year old Sony VCR that has an internal battery that keeps the time when the power goes out.
A little pathetic... (Score:1)
I think it's to explain it to children, so that they can then explain it to their parents! In the meantime, they can hack the v-chip and get to watch all the Power Rangers they want. :)
"There is no surer way to ruin a good discussion than to contaminate it with the facts."
Re:A note from the loyal opposition. (Score:1)
for example:
1) the sun has spots (not perfect as the church liked to think)
2) Jupiter has moons which revolve around it, which means that Jupiter is an object, not just a spot on a perfect sphere
3) Venus has phases (like the moon, from crescent to full)
4) the moon is a physical place... all those funky spots that look like a face are actually 3 dimensional: mountains, craters, etc.
And yes the church was bad and evil because several of the cardinals looked at Galileo's evidence and understood its implications perfectly well, but chose to punnish him in order to save face.
V-chip for adVerts (Score:4)
It might be possible to leverage off the "parental control" issue here. I know more than one family who has ditched the TV because they didn't want their children corrupted by the interminable advertspam. This is a real issue for some parents. It's just as much part of letting parents have a say in what kind of crap gets stuck in their kids' brains as the sex and violence and adult situations bits.
And it's a real issue to some non-parents, as well. I'd rather a Blue Screen of Death than the constant adverts.
Children and fools. (Score:2)
God protects children and fools.
This kind of makes a paradox because the fools are trying to protect the children now. The V-Chip will do nothing except force TV prices up.
The kind of morons who use the TV as a babysitter are the ones who will "need" the V-Chip, once you block out programming with sexual or violent content it will cease to keep childrens' interest and then these assholes will have to find another babysitting appliance to bitch about.
How long before M$ takes a hint on this and incorporates violence and sex filtering into Direct X?
Ratings are a bullshit way to inpose censorship.
Movies that get an NC-17 rating are destined to bring in no money because most theaters won't carry them. Just as the X rating was the kiss of death for movies in the 1980's.
I remember seeing the original robocop when the ED-209 fired for what seemed like 5 minutes into some guys chest, then two weeks later I saw it again and it went down to like 2 seconds. Why was the change made? Because the MPAA had threatened to slap the movie with an X rating if they didn't shorten the scene.
HBO, while they'll show damned near anything in their original productsion also will not carry X rated movies.
I'm sick of these fscking egg heads trying to protect us from ourselves. I want to eat a big bloods rare steak. I want to eat REAL butter, not that partially hydrogenated cottonseed oil bullshit!. Sometimes I want a cigar, or a cigarette. I KNOW that they're bad for me, but I WANT to do it anyway. I don't need you to protect me from myself.
Maybe I'll die at 75 instead of 77 because I had one too many bacon cheeseburgers. Or maybe I'll die tomorrow in a car accident.
God protect us when the fools want to protect our children.
I hope there's a way to block tv sermons (Score:2)
Don't forget Bert, Ernie and Tinky Winky (Score:1)
Re:it's all downhill after the quarter ads... (Score:1)
Fight Back! (Score:1)
See? I didn't even use the word 'Beowulf'
--Conquering the Earth Since 1978.
[offtopic yet related] funniest muppet moment... (Score:1)
Got a frog in your throat?
If tom green interview a muppet, I'm imagining a squirt gun filled with gasoline and Tom smoking a cigar...
No, you're not alone :) (Score:4)
I was never told "You can't read/watch that." I was VERY rarely told "I'd prefer you wait on that one until you're a bit older, but I'm not going to stop you." And I listened because I trusted their judgement. (Well, Mom and I didn't see eye-to-eye on music or movies, because she doesn't like to be depressed by her entertainment, but Dad was no problem.) Heck, my parents were going to take me to Last Temptation of Christ when it came out
Also, I generally had better things to do than watch most TV, whether it was going to the library, swim team practice, drama club and band rehearsals, or (now) SCA practices, meetings and events. I don't watch much television now: a few comedies I like *if* I happen to be home and not busy, the news (sometimes), the occasional PBS special, and a movie here and there if I wanted to see it anyway.
Mindless acceptance of ANYthing, "kid-safe" or not, is unhealthy. A caring parent is going to make that very clear to the kiddies.
Re:...also (Score:2)
Regardless of whether or not Jim Henson would be against it, his survivors seem to be very much for it. It's a shame.
You answered your own question (Score:1)
Re:Heigh ho, Kermit V. Frog here... (Score:1)
The great thing about that is that it all goes straight over the kids' heads (who just laugh at the way Miss Piggy says "long") and allows the poor parents who have to sit through a kids movie to have a few laughs as well.
Check out many of the old Merry Melodies cartoons and you'll see much of the same. Adult comedy hidden within a child's medium.
Re:Don't flame me, but I knda like the V-chip (Score:1)
That's a really good point. I seem to remember a scandal involving one of the internet blockers who were blocking Jewish sites....
Censorship is too easily misused. If I'm in charge and I don't like what someone else thinks or says... blip... censored... regardless of the validity or invalidity of their viewpoints.
Any minority viewpoint is destined to be censored in such an arrangement. Check out Alexis De Toqueville, a Frenchman who toured the early United States and pointed out that American democracy will inevitably lead to a "tyranny of the majority"
This is a shame... (Score:2)
Censorship is the true obscenity, and this is what it's coming to. I wish things were different, but as it is I'm beginning to consider leaving the country as soon as I get out of college (assuming the government still allows people to leave the country at all by then). In the interests of "protecting chiuldren" they would reduce us to a nation of children. Then again, this is probably what they want, since children are easier to control than adults, especially adults who actually exercise their own minds rather than let the government do their thinking for them.
Intellectuals need a government lobby. We should try and get organized; I know it's the nature of us geeks to work alone but it takes concerted effort to make a difference. That's why the Slashdot Effect works; millions of people all doing the same thing at the same time (sure, it's not really concerted, but you get the same effect). It's how Linux works; imagine where it would be now if only Linus worked on it and no one else. It can work in real life too. I hate to turn Slashdot into a political platform, so this is best done on another site. It's probably a lost cause for our generation; we're all going to live under at least a brief period of totalitarianism at some point within the next fifty years, I'd imagine. But if we want our children to have any freedom whatsoever, we have to organize and get out into the real world.
V-Chip = Free Porn (Score:1)
Maybe they should've named it the P-Chip, and have South Park's Chef endorse it instead of Kermit The Frog... I can just hear the commercial jingle now.. "I'm gonna make love to ya woman..."
Jersey Quarter (Score:1)
Re:V-chip for adVerts (Score:1)
Just another relatively newbie perl hacker
Re:I'm sorry, I don't understand the objections.. (Score:1)
Re:I'm sorry, I don't understand the objections.. (Score:1)
Re:V-chip = censorship????? (Score:1)
Wow, that is prehaps the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Oh my God, look at the card catalog it categories books by category!!! What a horrible form of censorship!!!
Re:Children and fools. (Score:1)
Flashing 12:00, Parental Smarts & Kermit's Career (Score:2)
My VCR flashes 12:00 - well, really it flashes AUTO. Why? Because it's one of those auto-time-sensing VCRs that pick the time off of the datastream running through it to the television. And, for some unknown reason, my current cable company apparently doesn't include the time in the data they feed me.
You say I could set the clock? Sure, but then when the wind blew my power out, I'd be right back to square one. When you loose power an average of 2-3 times a week, resetting the vcr is a low priority.
As for Kermie promoting the V-chip... I'm not sure about that. How many parents are actually going to *enjoy* being talked down to by a stuffed green frog? Even fewer than would enjoy being explained the process by their children, I'm sure. Parents are *not* idiots, in the main. Even those who want to rely on some technological doohicky to babysit what their kids watch on TV rather than actually spending the time one needs to with remote in hand to do it yourself. Or spending the time discussing with children what they see on TV and explaining real versus fantasy vs televison and what is right and wrong.
However, Kermit's career's been rather dead of late. I'm sure he felt that any job was better than *no* job, and maybe he thought if he got his face out there, and got to talk to a more mature audience, he'd actually get a shot at some of the leading man roles in *real* films. Can't you just see Kermit the Frog in Total Recall 2? Or how about in Matrix 2 & 3, as a bad guy, even. Kermit's so typecast as the fun-loving, happy-go-lucky, all-around-nice green guy, I'm sure he's itching to do something more evil.
Be sure to look for Kermit the Frog as Mini Me in Austin Powers III.
Re:V-chip is doomed to failure (Score:1)
Heck no. What we want are mindless, unimaginative worker drones. If we can make everyone really cold and untrusting, hell, that's just bonus!
Re:give me a break (Score:1)
The idea is that the mag is subtitled something like "a survivor's guide to wired living". Yeah, it's tough being plunked in the middle of all these whiz-bang things, but c'mon, a V-chip??? What's so hard about that?
I find parents today pretty sad. I know it's a hard job, but I'm tired of the neighbour's kid "expressing himself" with a carton of eggs (on our house).
But then you know, this was in the Simpsons all along - you know the one where Sideshow Bob is trying to kill Aunt Patty (or Selma) and Bart uses hand puppets to explain the concept of natural gas explosions.
i figured it out (Score:1)
Porn and violence is good for advertising. So the last thing they want to do is get that of the screen. But they can't just broadcast more of it because then parents and politicians start to complain. Here comes the V chip! What a nice product. If you don't wan't all the porn and violence enable it. If you want porn and violence, leave it in the default position (off!).
In other words the V chip is just another symptom of America's hypocritical culture. Politicians and parents can rest assured because the V chip is going to save their children meanwhile tv companies can increase the level of violence and sex in their programs.
And since the average american is too lazy to even walk to the postbox (see other post on slashdot), most of them won't bother to enable the bloody chip (if only for the trouble you have to go through whenever you want to see a movie without the children present).
So from my point of view the V chip is brilliant since it will shut up those fucking moralists for a few years and at the same time the tv programs will get even more interesting.
get it right the first time? (Score:1)
Re:it's all downhill after the quarter ads... (Score:1)
Re:I'm sorry, I don't understand the objections.. (Score:2)
Re:Arrgghh. Is nothing sacred anymore?? (Score:1)
Re:How much for advertising-free channels? (Score:1)
Let's hear a big round of applause for the tragedy of the commons!!!
Re:V-chip = censorship????? (Score:1)
This statement, however, does not exclude the adoption of organizational schemes designed as directional aids or to facilitate access to materials.
I would like to think that people on
More off-color Kermit-themed humor (Score:1)
The Kermit Intermission [halfempty.com]
Check out the other Flash stuff there by James Paterson, pretty wild stuff.
Slashdot angry mob mentality (Score:1)
censorship (Score:1)
Actually, I may be interested in the technology, if it helps me circumvent and sabotage it. American Empire, here we come! Oh, wait....
Re:I like the V-Chip!! (Score:1)
Maybe commercials will be better too, imagine an ad for bras, "When My tits got saggy like this, (removes shirt to reveal the now deflated milk bags) I turned to the NEW SUPER TITSLINGER 2000"!!! Or one for a jock itch powder, "Gee Dave, my balls are driving me up a wall but you NEVER seem to scratch. What's your secret?" "Well Bob, I use NEW MAXIMUM STRENGTH NUTS GUARD, it really works!!!" Or a feminine hygene spray....
What was my point again?
Nevermind.....I didn't have one.
Re:it's all downhill after the quarter ads... (Score:2)
some day all those quarters will be worth something.
Yeah, after a while they might even be worth twenty-five whole cents!
V Chips ain't what they cracked up to be (Score:2)
So as soon as I got home, I decided to check it out. First off, it seemed very flakey who was sending the tagging as who wasn't. I set it to block TV-Y7-FV just to see what would happen, and found that if I was on Fox, and the power rangers came on, sometime it would blank, but other times I would have to switch channels, then switch back to get it to blank.
I was also immensly ammused that it did not block South Park, no matter what I tried. And, although you can set the TV to block specific channels, many people have DirectTV (including me), which seems to foil it rather well most of them time.
All in all it seems like a very under tested technology. I really question the idea of the V-Chip, but if you are going to do it, you had better to it right, or else no one will be happy.
My point is that someone decides... (Score:1)
Re:V-chip for adVerts (Score:1)
Get 'em coming AND going (Score:1)
Re:Nice idea, but it probably won't happen :( (Score:2)
Ugh (Score:1)
Re:Nice idea, but it probably won't happen :( (Score:2)
This is a great idea.. Its probably too late though
Re:V-Chips, Kermit, and an insult to our intellige (Score:1)
As someone who has been a father for over 18 years, I agree with you on principle, but unfortunately, the world is not so simple. Clearly, the ONLY way to really teach children is by example, however the reality is that there are legions of other forces fighting against you. Unfortunately, the world is not a nice place for the innocent, and I want every advantage I can get to help me instill a true sense of values within my children.
On the other hand, by now it's pretty much a moot point for me. At 15 and 19, both of my kids are at the point where they must learn to make their own decisions. Now it's time for me to sit back and hope that I've taught them well over the past years.
Re:V Chips ain't what they cracked up to be (Score:1)
Re:V-Chip/ parents responsibility (Score:1)
Maybe It is just me but it seems like when I was a child (late 70's early 80's, no so long ago, granted) Tv didn't suck so badly. Perhaps I am just older and more discrimiating now. Or maybe it was just that I didn't actually watch that much TV (mostly just saturday morning cartoons), and I actually went outside once in awhile and my parents read to me, and then suggested good books for me to read when I was old enough, and took me to the library and encouraged me to participate in this thing we call life instead of just giving up and ploppping me in front of the tube for hours on end...
I know of many many children (some in my family, cousins etc..) that come home from school and do nothing but TV/sega for six or seven hours until their parents make them go to bed.. I fear for the future when the majority of children are brought up this way..
Re:V-chip for adVerts (Score:2)
I can see it now... (Score:1)
Kermit: Hey there parents did you know, you don't even have to watch the show,
Just press a button, set the screen,
And your child will grow up to be a teen...
[kermit exits, set fades]
Announcer: Yes, it's true parents.. You just have to set the V-chip settings on your TV and you no longer have to censor what your kids watch, and if you can't figure it out... ASK YOUR KIDS!
[V-Chip logo appears, with the slogan 'Making TV safe for our (we mean your) Kids"]
V-ship urr chip or not ? (Score:1)
Still i find it a good idea to let your children look to the channels they should watch to. There is always a endless debate who should let the children know where they should watch to but, go imagine yourself
Children are curious
Still there are maybe things where a child is not ready for, like pure porn on television. For this there is a solution now on Television niveau, not on the decoder but the television.
I do not have children, so i leave the lock level at 0 but, imagine
A little bit open-minded thinking would really give issues in this world. They are not banning you know, they are improving some lock level that could be used to protect your children from certain content.
As long you try to think that this is NOT an invasion of privacy but a tool that can be used
Freaker / TuC
Re:...also (Score:1)
Kermit doing more promotions than Michael Jordan (Score:1)
Re:Nice idea, but it probably won't happen :( (Score:1)
As far as i can see, the only way to get around this would be to sabotage it at the network's systems, making all shows have the lowest rating, and I can't imagine that happening.
Re:I'm sorry, I don't understand the objections.. (Score:1)
GOD FORBID you actually try parenting your child instead of having the government do it for you. Parenting isn't a 9-5 job.
Re:The Rainbow Connection (Score:1)
/me wonders if he should invent a "Suck" chip to give the next generation a chance to not grow up like Jello Cubes once MTV is fully filtered.
Re:Flashing 12:00, Parental Smarts & Kermit's Care (Score:1)
The effort required to reset the VCR's is tremendous: turn on TV. Press Menu. Go to Set up. Go to Clock. Adjust clock to current time. Press Menu. Turn off TV. Then boom. Next day, *another* blackout. I don't know about you, but I get really annoyed at having to set the blasted VCR every day for a week...
Plus, the people who use the vcr (not me) tend to play back movies rather than record (mine is auto time setting. Rather nice).
About the V-chip: Seems people here are knee-jerking again. Do you *HAVE* to use the vchip? Can you not set all the settings to the mode that corresponds "I want it all"?
Why aren't people angry at having to pay for something they don't use? (Although, I like the vchip-in-tv idea. At least it'll give the young'uns some electronics knowledge, rathern than the "Just unhook the wire here, hook it to this..." type knowledge).
Blocking ratings? (Score:1)
Does anyone know enough TV electronics to contribute useful information on how to build this? I'd like to design it, and I do know about some related areas, but it's a low priority for me, since, though I hate censorship, I also hate television. :-)
Face it... (Score:1)
Re:A note from the loyal opposition. (Score:1)
Other means to squelch advertisements (Score:2)
There is a way this can be done. I remember an old Zenith television that would mysteriously blank the screen when the advertisements would start. The only way to get the picture back was to cycle the power switch.
I later found out why the television was doing this. It was the "fade to black" video editing when they would switch to the advertisements that would trigger this event. There was something wrong with the blanking circuit on the television that would latch the whole picture for good when the darkness levels reached that threshold. Very few times during a movie would this happen. I would have to say it was quite a great misfeature in that old television; unfortunately, it worked for the video, not the audio that is the most annoying attribute of advertisements.
Its been a while since I worked on televisions, but if they still do fade to black editing at the levels like they used to, a simple circuit could be made to squelch the audio until a reset button or the next edit occurred. It would be a level detector connected to one of the video test pins usually found on the main board, connected to either a latch or a flip flop. Have a pushbutton to reset the state.
News Flash: Sesame Street implements censorship (Score:4)
Oscar the grouch will no longer be visible unless you have your V-chip set to a rating of Y7+ because parents feel he is too much like a homeless person and thus too scary.
Snuffalupagus will also no longer be visible without a TV-14 setting because of the phallic nature of his nasal appendage.
Elmo will not be visible without a setting of TV-MA due to the perverse nature of his tickle fetish.
Today was brought you by the letter V...
- JoeShmoe
I don't understand objections to the V-chip (Score:2)
The owners of my cable system get to decide exactly what does and doesn't get broadcast. Why are their rights more important than mine?
V-Chip makes some sense (Score:3)
Nice idea, but it probably won't happen :( (Score:2)
More's the pity, too. From a business perspective, they shouldn't be biting the hand that feeds them, but from a helping-the-kids perspective
But because TV stations and most politicians can't afford to bite the hands that feed them, kids are being indoctrinated with the keeping-up-with-the-Jonses mentality at younger and younger ages. I'm surprised advertisers aren't trying to set up ad-screens a fetus can watch in vitro.
Re:I don't understand objections to the V-chip (Score:2)
right, unless you want a screen larger than 13"
"A 1996 telecommunications law requires all new TV sets 13 inches and larger to come with the technology by 2000."
Re:Stupidity Virus (Score:2)
That would be true only if the government had no hand in the matter. In reality, or course, the government drove the whole process, subsidizing it by making it mandatory (to drive down the unit cost at the expense of people who have no use for it) and determining which categories of content would be rated.
(Don't bother to dispute the latter point unless you are prepared to state with a straight face that Congress would have voted for a mandatory chip that could be set to add a LIAR LIAR LIAR crawl every time a politician appeared on the screen.)
Re:V-Chip (Score:2)
Now, if they could just make one with a button that would allow yolu to turn it off...
Re:I don't understand objections to the V-chip (Score:2)
What the v-chip is about is the government limiting choice. Not the parents of the child limiting choice. It's about the belief that parents are not responsible enough to raise their own children.
Re:Stupidity Virus (Score:3)
In and of itself, it seems pretty harmless. The concerns are things like:
Speaking for myself, I'd like to see nudity and sex treated in a realistic manner, rather than having it glamorized and reviled at the same time. As for violence, let's make things more realistic (i.e. f you get shot in the shoulder, you aren't going to be walking around any time soon). Others out there have different ideas about what they want television to be. The fear is that a rating system and V-chip combo will influence programmers to produce, well, pablum. They will strive to not offend anyone, so we are left with the lowest common denominator (even more than now). The ratings system could result in TV being even more afraid to challenge, to question, to take chances.
Here's one scenario: people set their V-chips to some level suitable for their children -> not wanting to be bothered, they leave it there -> programs that don't meet this criteria don't get watched -> programmers stop making programs that don't satisfy the thresholds most people use -> everyone, whether they have kids or not, whether they have a V-chip or not, has to watch the same programming, because that's all that's being made. Unlikely? Perhaps, but that gives you some idea of what people are concerned about.