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Borland Delphi and CBuilder for Linux. 227

jelwell writes "Borland has announced Linux support for Delphi and CBuilder. The tools are scheduled for a mid-2000 release. I wonder if they plan on integrating their products with any window managers/distributions?" Infoworld has the story - which also says, "To seed interest in the Java-on-Linux movement, Inprise this week will provide a free, downloadable preview of the JBuilder just-in-time compiler for Linux that supports many Java 2 Enterprise Edition specifications."
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Borland Delphi and CBuilder for Linux.

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  • This news is near the best news I have ever heard for linux in a long time. I still hope Borland completely blows our minds and does something NOBODY expects.

    This is definitely a chink in Microsoft's armor. One less reason to stay with Windows.
  • All I can say is.. WOW. This will be SO nice. Finally, a relatively easy way for applications to run under *nix and Win32. Just a simple recompile..

    I know, I know, GNU tools on Win32 work, but not in the graphical interface area. I've always stuck by Visual C++ for Win32 development, but this is DEFINATLY a good reason to check out borlands products..

  • Thanks Borland for allowing all the Visual-something developers to develop on Linux.

    Delphi and C-Builder are product that allow a visual approach to programmation like Visual-Basic/C++/... without having to deal with MS and all their technology.

    But don't forget that this is the first step. We need a free (like in speech) replacement for this kind of software too, we must gave time to Glade, KDevelop and the like to mature I think.
  • by Kaz Kylheku ( 1484 ) on Monday September 27, 1999 @09:30AM (#1655456) Homepage
    Nor a bad thing. It's just another piece of proprietary software that I'm not interested in running on my freedom platform. I hope you won't be seduced either.

    Linux hasn't needed Borland since the day it became powerful enough to run GCC and serve as its own development platform.

    Some of you are euphoric every time some commercial vendor offers a piece of ``support'' for Linux, because it means that the popularity of your favorite operating system is increasing. So you rejoice at the popularity increase even if you don't plan to use the newly ported product.

    Some, like me, would use a freedom platform even if it wasn't popular, and would use freedom software even if it wasn't as good as a proprietary alternative in terms of convenience or performance or other measures. How about you?
  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday September 27, 1999 @09:30AM (#1655457)
    Excellent. Now that Delphi is almost here for Linux, I will be able to make a better case for the software development at our company to move over to linux-only. Right now, the only realy push in the software department is coming from the firmware engineers, who vastly prefer the linux development environment.

    Many of the company's other products, however, are produced using Delphi, which is currently only available for the Win* OSes. With the addition of an awesome programming language (Delphi), together with another cool development tool (C++ builder), linux has indeed taken a big step closer to world domination.

    Why? Everything is a circle. Developers attract users, users attract developers. Eventually, you reach a critical mass, and the two groups will automatically begin attracting each other, even if the underlying product is shitty (ala windows). For OSes that have not reached this point, its critical that simple to use development tools are made available. If my past experiences with Borland are any indication, we are up for quite a treat.

  • by Amphigory ( 2375 ) on Monday September 27, 1999 @09:31AM (#1655458) Homepage
    I just wish they had posted more details. For example:
    • Is their port going to be native widgets, or WINE based?
    • If native widgets, what is the toolkit? QT? GTK? Dare I hope both?
    • Any desktop environments?
    • Are they going to port their compiler technology (which is quite good) or just lam off of gcc and free pascal?
    • How 'bout OWL? There are still quite a few OWL apps out there, and C++ Builder includes OWL. Are they going to support it?
    • Is the Java release they are doing this week going to be just the JVM (good) or the JVM plus JBuilder (great)?

    Just a few things that came to mind. I /like/ C++ Builder -- it's VB the way it should have been.
  • by ZioPino ( 4293 ) on Monday September 27, 1999 @09:32AM (#1655459)
    And you can download it for free from here []
  • Its good news to see yet another company want to support a Linux product. However, I see two main problems with doing that for a compiler. I have my doubts that it would be an open-source compiler. This is a real company seeking real profits. So our ability to use this compiler as we will is going to be severly limited to what the designers think we should be using it for. Second, IMHO, CBuilder is not that great of a product. I have been trying to use CB4-Standard for my class work this semester and it has the most counter-intuitive interface that I have had the pleasure of getting fustrated at outside of any M$ product on the market. More often than not, the "reqirements" for CB4 to make and run my program get in the way of the actual design of what I want. It is not for the faint of heart users.
  • I'm so happy for the coming release of Delphi and C++ Builder for Linux. But I don't understand why Imprise take JBuilder for Linux as more important.

    If Java is really "Write Once, Run Anywhere", it is not so urgent for Java Programmer to write java under Linux.

    What linux is really lack of, is the RAD tools, especailly for in-house development. If we want the company replace all the win9x inside the Desktop, Delphi or C++ Builder should release first.
  • Delphi with GTK widgets would kick ass. Plus it's theme-able :-).
  • It's obviously not going to have a GPL licence. I want open software development software to write open software.
  • Then use an Open Product, which this isn't.. ;-P
  • This will get a sh*tload of windows heads
    on the linux train, especially in the developer

    With so many apps you're inquring on the the
    status of a Linux port you get the std. answer
    "yeah well, it's all point and click delphi
    doh" that this should really bring a host of
    new apps to Linux.

    Nice work Borland / Inprise, now make it fast
    and bug free and off you go. The penguin is
    unstoppable, and I cannot help smiling. ;-)

  • If there is a way that I can use it to write
    free software I am interested. If you need a copy of Delphi to compile it the resulting code is not
    free software. Maybe they can offer a runtime lib as free software so you can't use the real nice desing tools without paying for them, but anyone can re-compile apps.

    On the other hand for "In House" apps it will be nice.
  • by Le douanier ( 24646 ) on Monday September 27, 1999 @09:46AM (#1655468) Homepage

    You may not want to trade your liberty for a good software but they are a lot of people that are bound to closed software right now. This is the first step to allow them to expand their view to free software as well.

    To paraphrase RMS, it is better to have closed applications on a free OS than free applications on a closed OS. With Linux (and *BSD) we control the foundations to build free applications on and these are strong foundations. RMS did the right thing by beginning to create a free OS rather than free applications .Ok, he began with Emacs but this was necessary to the creation of a free OS whereas a word processor or a spreadsheet would have been useless for this purpose.
  • I disagree... obviously you can run Java apps on Linux, but without an IDE on Linux, everybody's going to be doing the development itself on Win32. Emacs/command-line tools are great, but I want a frickin visual debugger!
    /\ X | O M
  • ... i would release their compilers free (source or no source) and charge for their IDE. I hope they port their Java2 VM. Linux needs one badly and Blackdown seems to be moving very slow.
  • Do I remember wrong, or just a couple of weeks ago Microsoft invested pretty heavily in Inprise and everybody on Slashdot was up in arms?

    And the same folks started to shout that this would mean the end of the planned Delphi port to Linux?

    I'm really starting to wonder about the average attention span around here. There's an article about IBM putting an ID chip on their MB and everyone attacks IBM (as a whole, not only on this) while yesterday IBM was hailed as the new champion of open source?

    Can somebody explain me?
  • Also now we will have literaly thousands of apps written in Delph that can now be made available for the Linux platform (good thing in of it's self). Now instead of starting form scratch a software shop can jump in the Linux sandbox.(A dephi shop I mean.) And I suspect slowly some of these apps will become Open Source, and as we suspect these will rise to the top.
  • Maybe it's easier?

    I seem to recall that a large chunk of JBuilder (something like 80%) is already written in Java. Which would make the porting to Linux alot faster than other more Win32 specific products.


  • It's great we are getting some great new tools, Delphi will be a great addition. Still, a JIT for Blackdown's 1.2 JVM is only a start. What we really need to complete java for linux, is a much faster JVM then blackdown's current implementation. I have my fingers crossed that IBM's JVM will be released soon.
  • Sure many of us would prefer the free tools that already exist. But there will always be suit-types that do not want to either hire new competent staff to use the free software or retrain their employees to break their dependance on Visual Basic. Some people just will never grasp the idea of C/C++ or whatever. Also many of them don't understand free software, and so are too scared to think about releasing their coveted products with any sort of Open Source license.

    With products like Borland's programming tools, Oracle's database, etc all those windows people that can use these products suddenly can be fairly useful in Linux as well. Then as they get their feet wet, some will want to learn more about Linux and we've got ourselves another recruit. World domination is an incremental process, but we have the better technology. We just have to convice people to make that first leap, and making it as easy as possible for those who are scared.

  • They're not talking about running java applications. They'er discussing the release of a tool to create java applications on a different (non windows) computing platform. Do you understand the difference?

  • IDs in the chips are nothing, as long as they aren't tracked in a database with a name right after it, by say, Microsoft. And as long as they aren't used like my fingerprint (faceprint, thermal print, DNA, what have you).

    I didn't care that Microsoft was funding Inprise. It was probably a "Hey we're being nice to the competition" BS act (do you think they enjoy the fact that THE easiest AND most powerful development tool is now available on many more platforms than VB and VC++?). Inprise probably used the money to fund Delphi for Linux :)

    And apparently it wasn't the end so those people will have to eat their posts!
  • Delphi or GCC, if you have a licence to run the compiler then YOU can decide what is the licence of your programs... there's no problem making free software with Delphi (which doesn't require any specific runtimes BTW)
  • The article said the Linux version would "share the visual component library within their frameworks." On Windows, the VCL is a native widget library (among other things), so I guess they'll be native on Linux too. But that's just a guess!

    The VCL wraps a few Windows common controls, like file and print dialogs. I'm not sure what they'll do about those on Linux, since Gnome and KDE have different common controls.

  • by bmetzler ( 12546 ) <> on Monday September 27, 1999 @10:10AM (#1655486) Homepage Journal
    This is definitely a chink in Microsoft's armor. One less reason to stay with Windows.

    Yes. In fact many developers who like RAD tools and are afraid to get their feet wet in real programming have stuck with Windows for just this reason. There was no "easy" development tools for Linux. But now there is.

    In a year, we should be seeing a lot of development going on in Linux. Helped, of course, by the fact that the code will be cross platform compilable. That's important too. Not just the tools on Linux, but the ability to compile the code you developed for Windows on Linux. "When Kylix is released, virtually overnight there will be hundreds of thousands of applications available on the Linux platform, and many will be ports from Windows,"

    I can't wait for the preview...

  • Will this force Qt to lower the price for the Windows version of their library? Right now, Qt is really the only slick and modern compiled (i.e. besides Java) widget library that runs on both Windows and Linux, so they can charge a lot for it (> $1000 for the Windows version -- of course the [LU]inux version is free). But Delphi/C++ Builder on Windows goes for $99 - $400 (depending on the flavor), and it's a lot more than just a widget library.

  • Heh.

    Slackware isn't an option until slack gets all the way to glibc. As for X, they'll probably include stuff for straight X, and wrappers for Gnome, KDE, and (why) Motif even. And I think that they are trying NOT to make it dependent on one distro, but make it guaranteed to run on ALL major distros (Caldera, Debian, Slack when it hits glibc, and yes, Redhat). That alone will give them a step above the Codewarrior tools, which only run and give support for Redhat based setups.
  • by robinjo ( 15698 ) on Monday September 27, 1999 @10:18AM (#1655492)

    I always love it when people demand you to do as they want while talking about freedom :-)

    New software is great news for Linux. Sure, it's commercial but who forces you to use it? You can continue your free life but let other people also have the freedom to choose.

    From my point of news Delphi for Linux is the best thing since sliced bread. I've been developing a big application on Delphi for a while. Thanks to Inprise I can also make a Linux-version of it and give my customers the freedom to choose between NT and Linux.

  • It is important to realize that Delphi is much different than Visual Basic. Delphi is pretty much identical to C++ Builder (actually CB is based on Delphi). Delphi does not use an interpreted language like most RAD tools do. It generates native code.

    The major benefit to using Delphi is that you can just plop down a **very** nice gui and have it work with no bugs. That lets you focus on the guts of your project. I don't know how many times I've used a GUI app on Linux that does it's job well, but has a crash/core dump bug when you pull down the wrong menu and click in the wrong place.

    Delphi being released Open Source? Never going to happen. If Borland is smart, they'll release a free (at least as in beer) command line compiler so that people can compile projects written in Delphi. If you take the open source away from linux, you have nothing. Therefore, if your development tool is too expensive to be used for open source projects, the project leads will stay away from it.
  • That's not what he meant. It's to obvious that you can decide how to licence your code. What he says is that code written in BCB can only be changed if you have the right compiler (especially with the language extensions they need). Therefore, you can release the code for free but nobody can recompile it without the proper compiler (for which they would have to pay). His suggestion is nice though: seperate the compiler and the IDE. It's the IDE that everybody wants (RAD) and the compiler is actually secondary, so make it binary and free (in the sense of gratis).
  • Personally, I loved developing in Delphi & Builder. Much, much better than X, much better than MFC.

    But who the hell put a guy named "Swindell" in PR!?!? Come On! Is this some kind of joke?

    Maybe I should buy my hardware from Mr. "Cheatum", too. Or his native-american counterpart, "He-Who-Sells-Things-That-Emit-Foul-Odors-And-Noxi ous-Smoke".

  • I wonder if they'll offer upgrades to people using the older (Brand M) version. Not just because it would be nice to get some benefit from the shelfware that we bought from them, but because the statistics will be VERY enlightening.
  • From what I gather about Borland, they don't seem stupid. Due to the nature of the VCL from Delphi for Windows, They probably have VCL Packages for BOTH (GTK and KDE) and probably will have some (special order maybe?) for other "Commercial Window Managers". So you could have your GTK widgets, your KDE widgets, and your Motif widgets at any time.
  • by pgm ( 21287 ) on Monday September 27, 1999 @10:27AM (#1655498) Homepage
    Nor a bad thing. It's just another piece of proprietary software that I'm not interested in running on my freedom platform. I hope you won't be seduced either.

    I think the BIG thing that kaz is overlooking here are people like me who develop commerical software that is marketed to people inside of large corporations and such. Selling software is my business, and while I RUN a linux server here at our office, I don't have the desire (nor the business model) right now to give my packages away.

    Sure, I've written a few free utilities for 32 bit Windows and they are available for free on my webpage. ( However, the fact of the matter is, that there are thousands of small shops just like ours that aren't prepared to give their products away! Having development tools like those that we are used to for the Win32 platform makes is beyond simple to jump into the Linux ballgame.

    Some immediate benefits I see are:

    1. More developers using Linux. This is a good thing for the OS and will eventually help all sorts of "mainstream" projects like KDE, Gnome, etc.
    2. More Corporations using Linux. This is also a good thing. A larger installed base always help to find bugs, not to mention the benefits for hardware support. More corporations asking hardware vendors for Linux device drivers will at some point actually mean something to hw manufaturers...they will eventually catch the drift.
    3. More freeware. Sure the development tools might be closed, but that doesn't mean that the utilities and applications that people develop with these tools won't be freeware. Look at all the utils and stuff available for Win32.
    4. Credibility for the Linux OS as a "big player". There are a LOT of corporations and IT departments that use Borland tools already. (We use Delphi almost exclusively here). By producing a Linux version of these products, it will force some people to sit up and take notice. "Well if Borland has tools, there must be something to this OS".

      All in all, this is some of the most exciting news (as a developer) that I've heard in a long time as far as Linux goes. I can't wait.

  • MS doesn't control them

    This is so naive...

    They have them by the balls! :)

    So now Inprise is the Good Guy(tm) and everyone is happy and the World Domination(tm) is going on as planned, right?


    Or maybe someone wanted to test the waters in the Linux world with an advanced development environment... maybe there's some money to be made there...
  • by robinjo ( 15698 ) on Monday September 27, 1999 @10:31AM (#1655500)

    Many of you don't like Delphi for Linux because it'll probably be commercial and closed source. You are totally free to have that opinion but how about putting your programming where your mouth is and contributing to the Lazarus project []?

    Lazarus is the class libraries for Free Pascal that emulate Delphi. They are also making and IDE. So check what you could do [].

  • I use a computer to get work done (I program Unix and Windows professionally). I don't run a "freedom platform". This politicisation of OS's I find ludicrous.

    I'm not "euphoric", but I think this is a good thing. Delphi for Linux might not be Open Source, but if it helps me build effective apps for my customers faster i'm going to use it. I'd use GCC for everything if it were faster to use than Delphi, but it's not. Call me morally bankrupt for my pragmatic approach if you will - I DON'T CARE.

    There are at least two "freedom platform" attempts to produce a "freeware Delphi for Linux" of which I am aware, Megido and Lazarus. Neither are going anywhere. There's the Free Pascal Compiler, sure, and this is pretty good as far as it goes, but it ain't Delphi. I guess you and your comrades in the collective could get on board if you want to demonstrate the strength of your convictions.

    I DO plan to use the newly ported product. Delphi is a great tool, despite (or because of?) the fact it isn't open source. Actually, much of it is.

    Your "freedom" stance may get you kudos at the commune or local LUG, but many of us in the real world don't give a rat's.

  • I still don't see the difference between "Real Programming" and using a RAD tool. Except that you don't have to rewrite lots of stuff, and it makes GUI creation a whole lot easier (but in Delphi you can make console apps!). And you can always do it down and dirty direct Win32 (or GTK/KDE) API if that trips your trigger.
  • I only *hope*, rather than demand, that people choose not to give up freedom for whatever advantage they hope to gain.

    By the way, why is it that your customers depend on you and on Inprise to provide the freedom to choose between NT and Linux? If you didn't provide the choice, could they go to someone else? Some freedom they have there. ;)
  • Who care's. We don't need this crap anyway.
    I personally don't. It sure as hell doesn't matter
    if linux is "ready for the enterprise" or any of
    this crap. It's the software that matters. Writing
    good free(as in speech) code. If you don't want to
    work for a place that uses proprietary software,

    BTW this wasn't really directed at anyone in

  • I remeber reading that they have ported their compiler to linux already. (Wish I had the link..)

    If I remeber correctly it was quite fast too..
    (They did a demo of it compiling XGalaga in half the time of the other compiler they were using. Of course my figures may be off.. but I do remeber it was faster.)
  • It's not a matter of importance, for us all our products are important, we are not language bigots and that's why we support Pascal, C++ and Java. The point is that the current development version of JBuilder is written 100% in Java so we can release it to Linux as soon as there is a JDK for this platform and we finished writing and testing the program. It's also important for a lot of people to have a tool that runs on the platform of choice. Being forced to use another OS than the one you are targeting is not much fun.
    Sure you can use today's versions of JBuilder on Windows and deploy on Linux but being able to do all your development in Linux is another story altogether.

    Delphi and CBuilder are native applications and so they require more work to be ported. It's just like this.

    Take care,

    Paolo Ciccone
    JBuilder dev. team.
  • Hmm.. I used CB3 for a computer controls class,
    and it worked great. (of course I had to get to vfw and use a dll for the I/O board.)

    But we were running multiple threads and had a nice interface too..
    I dunno about non-GUI programing with it though.
  • Who care's. We don't need this crap anyway.

    What, what?

    I just said that basically Microsoft (dressed as Borland) released a development environment on Linux for free and this is the answer I receive? Where I am? Am I really on Slashdot?

    Keep in mind this: corporations are not out there for the good of the masses. They've never been, they never will.

    First, nowhere on the article is stated that Delphi/Cbuilder will be free or even open sourced. It could have the funniest licensing in the world and you can do squat.

    Second, as Sun (StarOffice/StarPortal), they could release the thing and then pull it off. Leaving the potential programmers out on a limb.

    And you don't care?

    Well, *I* don't care, cause I'm not a religious follower of this or that OS/philosophy, but if you are, then you really should care...
  • It's obviously not going to have a GPL licence. I want open software development software to write open software.

    And other people want development tools to get the job done the way which suits them best.

    Freedom is about choice. Demanding that everything be GPL'ed, or implying that those who don't are morons (hello ESR), takes the choice, and thus the freedom, away.

  • Sheesh. Noone's forcing you to write C++ with Borland's product. Use a GPL C++ compiler if you want.

    But for those of us trying to leverage Linux into the workplace, this is the best thing since english muffins.

  • I have my doubts that it would be an open-source compiler.

    Of course it is not going to be an open source compiler. Not everyone cares. Me, I would be willing to pay for a quality RAD tool for Linux. RMS does not like it; that is his prerogative. So far, Borland's tools have done me well. If they stop doing that, then maybe I will start campaining for an OSS GUI IDE.

    CBuilder is not that great of a product. [...] More often than not, the "reqirements" for CB4 to make and run my program get in the way of the actual design of what I want. It is not for the faint of heart users.

    I am curious as to what the problem is.

    If you are looking to build a traditional C/C++ program, then you are better off with the command-line C++Builder compiler, BCC32.EXE. Treat it like GCC and you'll be in good shape. Be sure to specify the "target" as a "Console" app, or it will not work. (This is the fault of Windows, which does not provide main(), amoung other things.)

    If that is not the problem, what is? Let me know, I may be able to help.

  • so how much MS-centric technology is or isn't going to make it over to Linux in Delphi & C++Builder? None, I hope?

    Is the recent licensing announcement with Microsoft going to affect Delphi & CB on Linux wrt MFC?
  • by evilpenguin ( 18720 ) on Monday September 27, 1999 @11:04AM (#1655517)
    I tend to think that programmers, for the good of all programmers, should stick to 100% open tools built using GPL'ed tools and libraries because I believe in and hope for an evolution of programming into a true profession like medicince and law where all the code (laws, medical techniques) is (are) open and more or less freely available and it is skilled people who are valuable. Software is only valuable as a product because compilation is, in effect, encryption that hides technique. It makes programmers into manufacturers, wholly dependent on their salaries from companies owned by people who can't code at all. In a world where software is difficult and expensive to distribute, this was natural (and perfectly okay in my book -- I'm not a socialist).

    We are now, however, moving into a world where software is easy and almost free to distribute. The software "industry" is no longer economically necessary. In fact, I think its a dinosaur. An antique. I truly believe that we will all be more productive (and rich) when all software is free because programmers will become people valued for their skill and productivity alone. We will all be able to use one another's knowledge (just as doctors and lawyers do now) so we can spend less time doing the same things over and over again. The pace of programming innovation will accelerate dramatically and the economic benefits of computing (faster business cycles and lower costs) will be magnified by that amount of time we no longer spend building the same basics at every employer and we instead concentrate on making existing software fit the local need.

    All of that said, that is not yet the world we live in. While I want us all to be using open tools, a lot of businesses have a heavy investment in specific "enterprise" technologies such as Delphi and C++ Builder. I for one welcome these tools on the Linux platform. I'll prbably use them in my workplace.

    The software I develop for the open source world will still use the GNU tools and be GPL'ed and use automake/autoconf and be written for maximum portability.

    I also look forward to seeing tools like Kdevelop continue to mature.

    While the software industry lives, let the commercial vendors come. Just try to keep your skills up in the open tools too.

    This is what makes free software unstoppable. The commercial interests can take over the business market through the gullibility of the PHBs, but no one can take away your gcc, or stop you from giving away your own code.

    I believe all software will one day be free and that it will be considered fiduciary misconduct to buy an operating system, but until that day, there really is room enough for us all.
  • by LHOOQtius_ov_Borg ( 73817 ) on Monday September 27, 1999 @11:05AM (#1655518)
    This is a great announcement. Borland's tools are great, and in a cross-platform development house like ours, it'll be great to eventually have people on multiple platforms using at least some of the same tools (if only we could get Solaris versions). People here who are familiar with Windows environments only may be convinced to move over to Linux as more tools *they are already familiar with* get ported to Linux. This is a Good Thing (tm).

    If we could move 50% or more of our developers to Linux or Solaris, I'd be very happy. I'd like to see managers like myself be able to make the transition also. Such a transition, though, would require the availability of necessary evil tools such as project management software available on UNIX/Linux (and with the same level of functionality as, say, Microsoft Project and Rational Requisite Pro).

    Whether or not these tools are open source is irrelevant to my bosses, who are making business decisions, not community outreach decisions. Our technical department actually does support Open Source software, but we also know that when a job needs to be done, if the best tool is not open source, then get the closed source tool...

    What really matters is not the licensing model of the tools, but their availability on the platform. Businesses are used to having to decide whether or not to accept stupid licensing terms, but they like to have the right tools to choose from. Lots of developers use Delphi on Windows, and if they use it on Linux, also, that is good for Linux, whether or not their software is open source.

    It would be nice if all software could be open source, but that is not the reality of our current marketplace, and so if Linux wants to continue to expand its user base, this is indeed good news.

    Maybe Borland/Inprise will even change some of their licensing to allow free software developers to redistribute Borland runtimes libraries with freely redistributable software, and to allow open source distribution of code generated using their code generation tools. Incidentally, Frameworks generated by, say, C++ builder, should already be open sourcable since a developer will add and modify it enough to create most programs to make the copyright their own - though I haven't looked into the fine print on the Borland/Inprise licenses in the last 5 years...

  • ...sure, these apps will work, after recompile on Linux, but only if they don't depend on MFC-specific controls or other MS technology... for example, the RTF edit controls are based on the MFC RTF common control...

  • Anyone willing to place a bet that someone will start a project called "Gylix"?
  • No, it was because MSFT settled out of court after stealing all of Borland's developers/engineers. It was cheaper to "invest" $100 million in Preferred Stock. And Preferred Stock that is non-voting at that.

  • Duh, probably because they signed a big contract with him, and they want product for their money?
  • That is an interesting point. The next logical step would be a free compiler and libraries to support these apps. Free Pascal [] seems like step in that direction.
  • Is the recent licensing announcement with Microsoft going to affect Delphi & CB on Linux wrt MFC?

    The MS Borland license issue doesn't affect the Linux projects as we said at the time of the announcement.
  • IIRC (it's been a while) it's only included in the professional editions and is not installed by default.

    OWL is wonderful if you already have code written in it that you want to port. (I occasionally see an app with the giveaway OWL "check" button)

  • ...and the ex-Delphi people at MS making inroads that Delphi is the target that VB aims at, not the other way around, so they want to stay in the Delphi loop, maybe.

    MS is making a move probably to eventually buy Inprise, though. But it'll mean doing something to VisiBroker that would be ugly (since so many MS competitors have contracted to use it as their CORBA broker, etc.).

  • Yes, but not with a fully integrated RAD environment..
  • Inprise is going to apply their programming standards on Linux. OK, let's see what's in the basket.
    1. They have some experience with freeware/open source. Delphi comes with VCL source and
    there's InterBase 4 for Linux free (closed source).
    2. Inprise is in so dramatically bad financial shape that they sold to M$- their only competition under Muzzdie.
    3. D4 is full of bugs. Every complicated piece of software has them, but they weren't in D3
    4. Since D1 Inprise didn't manage to create any new component suite. Most things are 3rd party. InterBase Express,
    so much hyped, is based on FIB- _free_ IB API library.
    This is good news for enterprises that have big code base in Delphi and those unable to turn to C, FPC, perl, python, whetever. Study or pay.
    That's it. And of course, no one can force people to give up gcc and pay for Kynix (what that should mean?)
    (For AC fast to flame poor little ladies- I'm with Borland Pascal since '90 and I do have freeware. In Delphi. How 'bout you son?)

  • On Windows, the VCL is a native widget library (among other things), so I guess they'll be native on Linux too. . . .

    The VCL wraps a few Windows common controls, like file and print dialogs.

    The last time I used the VCL was C++ Builder 1.0, but at that time they didn't replace any windows common controls at all. Edits, trees, lists, whatever. They were all subclassed; go over a VCL program with spy++ or whatever and all the window class names are the VCL class names like TEdit and whatnot, but subclassing controls isn't the same as replacing them. MFC subclasses a lot of things too, though not everything. The only things in the VCL that Borland coded themselves were stuff like grids and panels that don't exist in the common control library. Of course their classes add stuff to the common controls, like the layout manager thing. I can't really see any reason not to use the common controls, in most normal cases. Of course all the windows common controls have silly arbitrary limitations and many have bugs, but that stuff doesn't cause trouble every day.

    "Once a solution is found, a compatibility problem becomes indescribably boring because it has only... practical importance"
  • Slackware (4.0) already has support for glibc. In fact, it has glibc installed along with libc5. However, it is set up to link programs with libc5 by default, and all the precompiled stuff is linked with libc5.

  • Kylix.

    Sounds to me like it's KDE-only. (I could be wrong, though.)

  • It's well thought out, friendly to use, and powerful. It doesn't have "you can't get there from here" sort of feel of VB when you try to do something complex. And if I recall correctly, also unlike VB the visual side builds actual code, and you can get everything about the design just from reading the code, no need to dig through property settings if you don't want to.
  • About a year ago (I belive..) GTK+ was ported to Win32 for the purpose of being able to have a Win32 GIMP (Which works and is out there as well, minus scriptfu). With the addition of GLib, it would be pretty easy to write code to go from Unix->Win with relative ease, as long as you dont use system specific things (/dev stuff, kernel calls, you get the idea). If you look on I'm more than certain you can find it. BTW, GTK+ is a _breeze_ to code for, simple and logical, and MFC coders usually dont have much of a problem stepping over..
  • Some of the biggest personal income in the development realm comes from custom applications. Just look at all the e-commerce startups that are out there making buckets on small custom apps for specific projects. This is the type of application that makes Delphi shine.

    Sure, it's not *great* for huge projects, and it's pretty poor for the typical Open Source app, but for throwing together rapid apps for minor database access and such, it's perfect.

    I can't wait. :)
  • by whoop ( 194 )
    Well la-dee-da. Jacoplane doesn't need XYZ program. What on Earth is Inprise/Borland doing making these programs then?? Aren't they aware that Jacoplane won't be purchasing them?? Time to sell off all the Inprise stock, as obviously they are complete morons doing something without asking Jacoplane first. Sheesh...
  • Guess what, until Open Source wins, people still have other work to do! Show me open source tools that perform their tasks *as well as or better than* their closed source counterparts and I'll choose the open source tools every time...

    Otherwise, if we can't get our jobs done with the tools, open source loses...
  • Well, this would require them to port the BDE to Linux as well, and I definitely think that is a Bad Idea. Delphi has a great set of tools for building applications, but the BDE is buggy as hell (at least, for Windows NT). It's the main reason my company switched over to C++. I'd hate to see a bunch of new "production quality" code being written for such a flawed database intermediary.

  • Ummm, builder has a counter-intuitive interface? Just a sec here, i truly mean no offense here, but what DO you consider intuitive?

    I would really like to know what you mean by "More often than not, the "reqirements" for CB4 to make and run my program get in the way of the actual design of what I want."

    I used builder to make the win32 gui front end for a real time product. I had written the original app in VC++ and it was, quite frankly, a bitch to create and maintain. I downloaded the BCB demo from borland and recreated my entire product front end (a week of work in vc++) in a day. (granted I reused a LOT of code that wasn't gui related ...)

    I don't recall that builder ever got in my way. (this was a couple of years ago, and I've slept a few times since ... :-) I was using all sorts of obscure crap too, serial drivers, custom (unisys poll/select woohoo!) serial protocol stacks, interface to a custom RT kernel, custom drivers for high speed DAQ boards, opengl, directx, lots of really messy crap.

    As far as the GUI goes, it's not the greatest (I like tornado, but its in a different world i guess ...) but I would really hesitate to call it counter intuitive.

    I really would like to here from you on this one ...

  • Maybe Delphi will generata Java code? If it could do that, then the free software issue is taken care of since you could distribute the Java source. Delphi retains the title of excellent RAD environment. Perhaps you could even choose between Object Pascal and Java while developing in Delphi. JBuilder may be good enough that the Delphi-with-Java idea doesn't offer enough of advantage to be worth implementing.
  • The good thing is that many Windows applications written in Delphi can be simply recompiled (well, at least in theory) and then run on Linux. That's a good thing (tm) because it makes Linux more attractive - the more applications available the better.

    Delphi developers can offer their customers a new platform without doing too much - they will be glad about this, they might sell more copies of their software.

    Linux gets another popularity boost from the well-known effect of 'wow - the xyz enterprise which is pretty important in the business has Linux support now'.

    And about the 'Linux doesn't need Borland' - there still is no RAD tool that matches Borland's products. Period. Clicking together apps may not be the most sophisticated thing to do, but that's what they need out there in the real world - sometimes.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Sorry, but the "libc5 is not maintained" argument looses ALL it's steam when you add the oft ignored "because it's stable and COMPLETE" qualifier.
  • What I'd really like to know is how Borland is going to use the same VCL, when the current VCL encapsulates Win32 APIs to create UI components. How will portability be accomplished without Win32?
  • Are they going to port their compiler technology (which is quite good) or just lam off of gcc and free pascal?

    I don't think they'll use Free Pascal - it only supports Delphi 2 features and they want to develop the next version of Delphi for Win32 and Linux.
  • The reason the GNU project exists is because there were proprietary compilers available. Without them, there would have been no way to develop gcc and binutils to the point of being self-hosting.

    It's easy to snub proprietary compilers, but they played (and continue to play) an important part in the the history of free/Open Source software.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    I think it will almost certainly be build on top of Wine. They said a mid 2000 release date, which means its basically got to be working in 6 months (with extra time for QA/manuals/etc.).

    Porting the VCL to a new toolkit in 6 months would be a monumental undertaking because it is very tied to the way the Windows API works. On top of that almost all VCL programs use the Win API quite a bit for things like file I/O, custom components that need to draw themselves, and even reusing old code written for the Windows API (you can integrate it into your VCL program pretty easily)...

    So to not use Wine would mean they would have to rewrite the core of their framework, and that none of the current components and programs would work under Linux without significant rewrite. As much as we want native widgets, we *really* want all that existing code to compile under Linux and for the people writing it to move to Linux programming quickly.

    I suppose the "best" solution in the long term would be to give people a "non-compatibility" option, which would allow native toolkits to be used. They could also build a bigger VCL framework which encapsulates all the functions you would use in a program (the VCL doesn't encapsulate nearly as much as MFC) thus making those programs cross-platform. With a 6 month timetable, though, this is not going to be happening unless they have been working on a port in secret for the last 2 years (unlikely). Sorry, guys.

  • I don't think you've ever used Delphi, have you?

    If you had, you wouldn't be gibbering about Free Software, you would be cheering. Borland makes the best Rapid Application Development tools around, hands down. Hacking in vi with gcc pales in comparison to being able to design good GUIs in no time flat.

    I've been using Delphi since v1.0, and it's incredible. You get to see what your UIs look like at design time, it's totally object-oriented and event-driven.

    I think this is an incredible step, and that instead of whining about Free Software, all the FS advocates out there should be saving up to buy a copy, so they can write their own RAD compiler using Linux-Delphi.

    While the licensing may not strike you as good, the technology is nothing *but* good. I suggest you co-opt it instead of fighting it.
  • Go away lamer! I'm shocked that you've been able to install a Linux distribution.
  • I hope Borland will use the opportunity of a new platform to bring the runtime library of Delphi into a new structure - it's a horrible mess.

    A thin layer around Win32 API functions that has most things you need, but you won't find it. Date / time functions, string functions, file search, everything in SysUtils. The Windows.pas source code files is larger than 1 MB and has everything from drive type detection to thread synchronization.

    Probably they will not do it because they want people to be able to compile their projects without changes. Sigh...
  • It is allways said that you can somehow 'predict' the future (to a certain degree) by looking at the events which happened in the past. By doing exactly that I really doubt if this is a good thing.

    In the old days we had DOS and the developing was mostly done using Assembler or, later on, low level languages like C, Pascal, etc. This resulted in some very good software being developed. However, a lot of people (companies?) who developed software on a commercial basis also needed to shorten the needed development time as much as they could. Time, after all, is money commercially speaken.

    This whole new development led to a situation in which 'high level' development environments were introduced. Unfortunatly this wasn't only shortening development time for the clued developers. It also gave a tool to the clueless developer "want to be's". The result is well known IMHO. Just take a look at the buttload of software which was coming out for Windows 3.x. One software package very often even worse then the other.

    Besides these 'weird' programs the programs also tended to get bigger. Enourmous libraries, with many functions, were getting linked to programs even if the author only used 1 single option in the library itself. Basicly a lot of the software got bigger & slower which was somehow compisated with the hardware which was getting faster & faster. However; it still resulted in a lot of programmers who commited themself 100% to some programming environment which did a lot of the 'standard' work for them. A bug in this development environment also meant a bug in their program. Given the fact that most Linux (system) programs get installed as root one can only imagine what havoc some bugs in such a development environment can cause.

    Open source? guess not. Sure, one can include the Delphi source code but can someone also tell me what this Delphi release -really- puts into the binary?

    Its a personaly opinion, sounds normal to me, but I would not be surprised if the speed advantage which Linux currently holds drops a few months after the 'high level' development environments will be commonly used among the clued & clueless. Besides this I'm also afraid that the open source concept will be in a rough time. Like I said; Delphi source != open source IMVHO.

  • Afaik there are some environments for Linux allready but they are hardly used as far as I can tell. Personally I fail to see why they are needed. It is allready proven that one can write very powerfull software (like Linux for example) without the usage of such an IDE.

    If you really need an IDE based environment you could always make some macro for Emacs which lets you compile the program. Comes very close. For the clued that is.

  • Michael Swindell is REAL. He is the guy who was product manager for our C++Builder products. He was the guy responsible for our Borland Linux Developer survey. Now he is focused on our efforts to bring Delphi and C++Builder to Linux. And he is a real nice guy as well. I hope all developers will give Michael all the feedback you have in order for us to build great versions of Delphi and C++Builder for Linux.
  • There are many Delphi and CBuilder developers out there (only a margin compared to visual studio ;)).
    I really should have learnt Delphi. doh.
  • You raise some interesting points, which I (perhaps incorrectly) summarize as follows:

    (1) High-level development environments help non-programmers pretend to be programmers and so are bad (in the sense that many of the problems with commercially available software are due to "programming" by these "programmers").

    (2) Proprietary software is of its nature untrustworthy as it is impossible to tell whether or not what is actually being done and what is claimed to be done are in sync.

    (3) The use of proprietary high-level development software on Linux will destroy the advantages that Linux has over Windows.

    None of these are particularly new arguments, and I have sympathy on some levels for them. But I submit that you have overstated your case:

    (1) Even if RAD enpowers poor programmers to write bad programs more quickly, the logic of open source overcomes it: in an open-source environment, programs developed via RAD will be just as open to review and fixes by other programmers. In fact, arguably open-source communities should be immune to this particular danger --- the more seasoned developers in the community will fix the mistakes of the newbies, who should learn from it.

    (2) Proprietary software may require a higher level of scrutiny than non-proprietary software. But as long as the tools to analyse the software exist and are reliable and trusted, this shouldn't be a problem. [You say: "can someone also tell me what this Delphi release -really- puts into the binary?" ... But that should be verifiable via other tools on the market.]

    Now, granted, there is a greater _time_ investment in running such verifications. But, for the average programmer, the time hit is no greater than that involved in reading the source code to their development tool --- moreover, the average programmer doesn't do that anyway, they just go off of the reputation of the tool. (That's true even now; the days when every linux programmer was a kernel hacker are behind us).

    (3) The advantages Linux has over Windows are largely in server software and the kernel, not in client-side user software. That's beginning to change, but remains largely true. Even if all of the things you fear about proprietary RAD tools were true, their use in client-side software would hardly destroy the advantages Linux has over Windows; moreover, such tools won't be used in kernel development _until the parts of the community responsible for such development believe in their efficiency_. In other words: they'll only get the chance to destroy Linux's advantages if they work well enough to be given that chance, in which case it's unlikely that they'll actually do it.

    Badly implemented proprietary RAD software could easily have the unfortunate effect of splitting the Linux community into multiple camps: old-school programmers focusing on the kernel, system-level software, and server-side software, and RAD programmers focusing on client-side end-user software. That would be bad, as it would encourage the two communities to grow in different directions and result in a dichotomous view of what the OS should be ... but it would hardly be the vision of the future you appear to be worried about.
  • But I sure wish there was a screen painter. Screen painters may not build the nicest code, but they give you a quick place to start.
  • Is this one of those "I used to set I-nodes with magnets" kind of thread?
  • First, Michael is a Product Manager, not a PR person. He is also a software developer, so he's not too far removed from reality.

    He's also 1/16 Cherokee, but fortunately his name isn't Mr. Cheatum. The accent on the second syllable of his last name is more than strategic.
  • Fallacy: if you needed compilers to make compilers, we would still be programming by plugging wires into sockets.

    The first compiler for the language B had to be written in PDP-7 assembly language, and then re-written in B. As the language was improved,
    the improvements were used in its source code.

    It took a mere four or five years for Thompson and Ritchie to go from nothing to C+UNIX.

    Of course, having existing tools means that you don't have to go through the pain of bootstrapping yourself from nothing! But there is a fine semantic divide between ``difficult'' and ``impossible''.

    Also, I did mention that early Linux was compiled with a Borland compiler, so your point about free software needing commercial tools at the outset is somewhat redundant.
  • (*nod) You are correct -- 'difficult' not 'impossible.' I withdraw half of my point, but stand by the history that GNU bootstrapped itself up using proprietary tech, and so does owe its existance to it.

    Of course, it's simpler to argue that GNU owes its existance to proprietary tech because it was developed as a response to it, but that's not the argument I'm trying to make. Although it makes an interesting corollary.

    What I _am_ trying to point out is that using proprietary compilers to make free software does not make that software less free -- even if the code you release is bound to your proprietary compiler, anyone can come along and dwiddle it until it compiles under gcc or the like.

    If we want to create a true 'freedom platform,' we'll need to go through the pain of bootstrapping from nothing -- CPU, BIOS, motherboard, bus architecture, everything that's not actually the sand and steel, and make sure everything's released under GPL or the like.

    Eh. Sounds like a lot of work for a benefit that's mostly academic, although I am aware there's groups working on those things, OpenBIOS and all.

    More power to'em. In the meantime, I'll exercise my freedom to partake of whatever software, hardware, and politics strike my fancy. And you please feel free to do the same.... (*grin)

  • Linux can live without GNU.

    su -c 'rm -f /bin/* /lib/libc.*'

  • ...the BDE is buggy as hell...

    While past versions of the BDE have been rather unstable, newer releases are much better. I had no problems at all with BDE V5 (Delphi/Builder V4).

    It's the main reason my company switched over to C++.

    The BDE (Borland Database Engine, for those who don't know) is a library. It is independent of language and compiler. Object Pascal or C++, it does not matter.

    Now, if you mean that your company switched to MS Visual C++ and DAO, fine, but say so. (Although I find the idea of switch to DAO to avoid bugs hilarious.) :-)
  • I think you hit the nail on the head.

    One can imagine a future where a free software platform of Linux, KDE and/or Gnome, KOffice, etc. could actually be considered a competitive business desktop to Windows/Office for $500 cheaper. The big hitch is the inevitable in-house corporate applications written with VisualBasic, Delphi, VC, DBase, Lotus Notes, etc. Wine might be an answer, but obviously, the Delphi people are now in the best position to save some money on desktop software when the time comes.

    Products like this, while not "free" are a critical piece of the free softwar puzzle simply because they open the door for migration.

    Furthermore, my guess is that Linux support will appeal enough to IT managers that this move will increase Borland's Windows product sales, just so shops can hedge their long term bets against a Windows desktop.
  • by jflynn ( 61543 ) on Monday September 27, 1999 @05:35PM (#1655620)
    You seem to be interested in developing on a completely free platform as an expression of idealism. Noble enough goal and I can see how Delphi wouldn't impress you.

    Others are interested in the actual capturing of majority or total market share by open source software. This is a different goal, it tolerates the expediency of closed software for a later good or special circumstance, but still maintains open is always better when possible. For these folks, Delphi is expedient, get a lot of converts to an open OS now, replace Delphi with completely free tools later.

    For some, open software fits some needs, closed software fits others. They may be strong Linux advocates, but they are neutrals in the proprietary/open source/free software war. These people may be looking forward to Delphi as a long term tool, or at least until something better for their purpose is written.

    The Linux commercial interests are mostly closed/open/free agnostic, they need help for their bottom line now, and never mind how. They will be very pleased by Delphi for Linux, because it means they have a tool as good or better than VB for quick in-house programming by high level programmers. This covers a lot of business programming. This might help GM believe that their VB apps might port in reasonable time for example.

    Then there is Microsoft, who will not be pleased at all. One of their biggest problems right now is loss of developers, and having Delphi and C++ Builder waiting will mean that developers can switch to Linux, or *BSD probably and be productive immediately thru RAD development.

    I don't think of any of these being "wrong" just different approaches to meet different goals.

    Personally, it's my belief that open software is a scaling phenomenon. It works better the more people are involved with it. Makes for more testing, shallower bugs, more new ideas, more developers working at once, more common software to draw on, and better ability to beg driver support for new hardware. So I'm in the camp that is wanting to expand open software's marketshare, even if it takes closed software to do it. When you've got positive feedback on your side, you need to take advantage of it, not hold back waiting. There are elements out there who are actively trying to shut down open software, or ridicule it into oblivion. Time matters, unfortunately.
  • I wish there were more details, too. But I have a few insights to add.

    On the GUI front, I see three choices:

    1. Use WINElib to make existing their Windows code work.

    I find this unlikely. For one, Borland generally does not take cheap short-cuts. For another, I know Borland has cross-platform experience: Delphi is available for IBM's OS/400, which is not like UNIX or Windows, AFAIK. Lastly, if Borland pays any attention to the poll they ran, they will see most of their users who knew anything were against WINElib. (Nothing against the WINE folks here; I think it just means Windoze is a pain. We knew that.)

    2. Wrap the VCL around GTK, Qt, or some other existing toolkit.

    This seems likely. It would make Borland's job a lot easier. As a guess, I would say they would pick Qt. It is more like Windoze then GTK, by design, and Delphi is a Windoze product. Qt is also a little more OOPish then GTK, since Qt uses C++ while GTK uses C. Then again, the free (beer) license of GTK may be appealing.

    I doubt we will see more then one toolkit used. It would only make everyone's job harder. Borland's, because they would have to do twice as much work; developers', because they would have to deal with two sets of quirks rather then one; users, because they have twice as many runtime libraries that might be needed.

    The VCL is fairly good at abstracting away most of Windows. Sure, there are ways to get at the Windows internals directly. You will find that in any good abstraction (e.g., the C standard library). Borland knows that sometimes you have to go down a level or two. But, properly written code should minimize the number of places that has to be done, or not need to do it at all.

    3. Write their own X widget set

    There are already too many to count. What difference does one more make?


    They have already ported their compiler technology, at least in part. A Borland guy mentioned awhile back that they had the Delphi/Builder back-end compiler working on Linux already. Compared to GCC, it has both strengths and weaknesses. I think it is a fair bet they will do their own compiler; that is Borland's bread-and-butter, after all.


    I do not know about OWL. C++Builder does include OWL libraries, headers, and source. The problem is, OWL is just as dependent on Windoze as VCL is, and I doubt Borland is going to port two libraries if they can help it.

    (For those who are wondering: OWL is the Object Windows Library, a OOP GUI framework for Windows back when MFC was still a gleam in Microsoft's eye. VCL is the Visual Component Library, the successor to OWL. VCL is even more OOPish then OWL was, and makes Windoze programming doable.)

    JVM or JBuilder?

    It appears to be just the JVM. Borland has been promising JBuilder for Linux for a few months now, though, so I think we can expect to see a commercial Linux product there soon. Prolly the Solaris port will have to come out first; does anyone know the status of JBuilder on Solaris?
  • Borland extended the Pascal language with a specific contruct to handle Windows messages (the message keyword), so in this sense, even the language itself is Windows-oriented.

    You've got a good point, but, to be fair, the MESSAGE keyword is (or should be) used only when implementing wrapper code for Windoze events. In other words, if you're hacking Windoze, that keyword makes your job easier. If you are writting a portable application, you don't touch it.

    It is similar (but not the same, I know) to the C standard library's strong resemblence to the UNIX system call API. Of source, the C standard library is not part of the C language proper, which is a key difference. The MESSAGE keyword is indeed rather a nasty wart in an otherwise fairly elegant language.

    The VCL of course it full of code that calls the Win API, and is therefore quite specific to that API.

    Now that is immaterial. Yes, the VCL is full of Win32 API calls on Windows. On OS/400, it would be full of OS/400 calls instead. The VCL interface remains reasonably constant accross implementations.

    To continue the comparison with C, a C standard library implementation will be full of platform-specific code as well. However, the interface defined by the headers is the same. That is the whole point of a standard library, after all: To abstract away platform differences.

    VCL is Object Pascal's standard library, and while not as pure as C's, it does a pretty good job. IMNSHO. :-)
  • They said a mid 2000 release date, which means its basically got to be working in 6 months (with extra time for QA/manuals/etc.).

    First, Borland has been working on this for awhile, so we cannot assume they have only six months to pull it off.

    Second, the VCL has already been ported to IBM's OS/400 platform, so Borland already has some knowledge of cross-platform VCL implementations.

    Third, when was the last time a non-trivial software product shipped on time? ;-)

    They could also build a bigger VCL framework which encapsulates all the functions you would use in a program thus making those programs cross-platform.

    AFAIK, they have already done pretty well in that department. If you are writting a generic (i.e., does not depend on goofy Microsoft services) program, your code can get away with pretty much just the VCL and Object Pascal. I/O, memory management, screen draw, can all be done within the framework of the VCL. The only major exception is getting the contents of a directory programmatically; you're still stuck with DOS/Windows FINDFIRST/FINDNEXT calls. Blech. :(
  • Okay, this post is partly off-topic for this sub-thread, but I wanted to get it in near the top of the discussion when sorting by Score.

    Linux Today has more information about this, including:

    This is not a port of Delphi or C++Builder, but rather, a completely new product.

    Read the details about "Kylix" at Linux Today! []

    (I would post a complete copy, but that would be stealing from LT. Don't wanna do that.)

If a 6600 used paper tape instead of core memory, it would use up tape at about 30 miles/second. -- Grishman, Assembly Language Programming
