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Star Wars Prequels Media Movies

Dear Mr. Lucas 94

NullGrey writes " has a hilarious article that is supposedly a letter to George Lucas by a young actor who would like to play Anakin in SW2. " This is one of the funniest things I've read in a long time (or maybe its just because my fever broke and I'm in a great mood)
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Dear Mr. Lucas

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  • It seems you can't get the part without kissing up by saying nice things about Jar Jar, but you shouldn't have the part if you do like it. What's and adolescent trying to get the part to do?
  • That was HILARIOUS! I know it was a joke, but I think he should get the part anyways. Probably won't, though. Oh well, maybe he can get a part in a parody. That would be fitting, wouldn't it?
  • One of the funnier reads I've seen for a while, and from an author for The Onion [] to boot!
  • Well, I think I'd make at least a decent Anakin, but I can't guarantee I won't screw up the romance scenes with Miss Portman at least 5 to 10 times :) (heheh)...

    But seriously, I hope Mr. Lucas picks the best actor possible, EP1 was a dissapointment to me, I hope EP2 won't be ... worse.

    -Dextius Alphaeus
  • by Rabbins ( 70965 ) on Tuesday November 23, 1999 @07:24AM (#1509777)
    In my dreams I obtain an early bootleg copy of the next Star Wars. Because the movie is going to be over 90% digitally-rendered, I am able to "edit" a few scenes.

    As soon as Jar Jar steps out for his first scene and starts uttering "Meesa Jar Jar...", a meteorite comes crashing down on his bloated, snot-green head. From that point on, his presence and voice will be completely edited and brushed away. Yeah, it will be a little weird when anakin or someone utters, "That Jar Jar, he sure is a rascal" while staring off into empty space... but hey, it is the memory right!?

    I then ditribute this copy without ever getting caught. Who wants one?
  • by Enoch Root ( 57473 ) on Tuesday November 23, 1999 @07:25AM (#1509778)
    There is no justice in this world. As much as I would like to play the part of Anakin Skywalker like every other 15-35 geek boy who ever helped define the term 'cinematic obsession' in our boyhood, it's almost certain that the part will go to someone who doesn't care that much about Star Wars.

    Nevermind that we'd never really sell liking Jar Jar, or that we'd push for some more explicit love scenes with Miss Portman... (Not to mention giggling irresistibly at the sight of Segfault's favourite part of Portman's anatomy...) We would, like Ewan McGregor before us, make whooshing sounds when wielding our lightsabres, and actually carry the cardboard prop like it were a dangerous weapon.

    The thing that would probably outcast us the very moment we step on set is the drool, and the muttering of repetitive 'I am Darth Vader. Hot damn! I am Darth Vader.'

    So, forget it. Whoever they'll pick, he'll come out of some dark cave in Siberia, and won't even know who Darth Vader is until he reads the script for Ep. 3 and demands that Lucas rewrites the part where he falls for the Dark Side.

    Life is full of cruelties.

    "The wages of sin is death but so is the salary of virtue, and at least the evil get to go home early on Fridays."

  • mmmm, yes. I see that it's a funny thing. But it's not. That. Funny. Look, your earnest explanation is actually funnier (or maybe that should be "risible"). Don't let's fall out over this, you complete twat* *joke!
  • (As an exercise, let's see if I can offer a view dissenting from the mainstream without getting moderated down to oblivion.)

    I with you on this, Infojack. These prequels are over-hyped and over-commercialised. I'd rather see Lucas exercise his considerable talents on something truly creative (like The Matrix) rather than warming over this old pot-boiler. Yet again.

    (BTW, Infojack, I am *genuinely* impressed by your Karma of -29! That's some going. Do you post at -1 by default? Has anyone a more negative Karma?)

    Regards, Ralph.
  • by Fizgig ( 16368 ) on Tuesday November 23, 1999 @08:11AM (#1509783)
    Wow, I can't believe it. This guy read my mind. All summer I've been going around with the "Fizgig for Anakin Campaign" (using my real name, of course). Besides the true stuff such as actually being 19, blonde, tall, pretty smart in my own right, not all that ugly (my momma says so!), and an actor (college theater is acting too!), I have the following other qualifications:

    1. I have seen all four Star Wars movies. (Took me a while to get around to Empire)
    2. I am easily swayed to the dark side. It happens all the time.
    3. I can choke people with my mind. Ok, not really, but I can tickle their throats . . . did you feel that? I bet you did.

    Trust me, George, the Force is strong in this one. Where do I sign up?
  • then you REALLY need to visit the Torture Jar Jar link.

    I promise it will not dissapoint you.
  • by marlowe23 ( 54624 ) on Tuesday November 23, 1999 @08:14AM (#1509785)
    Oh, look, more cheap shots at KFC and Pepsi, ho-ho-ho, it is it to laugh.

    Why does every would-be satirist from Salon think he's got a fresh spin on ridiculing George Lucas' marketing? Ever since the Phantom Menace hype, critics and fans alike seem to have flushed their collective IQs down the toilet in the mad rush to rediscover their own friggin' childhoods. This just in! Star Wars still just a kid's movie! Kids like Burger King meals! Kids like action figures! Kids probably even like those freaky-assed Jar Jar lollipops with the tongue that shoots out, but I'd wager they like it for entirely different reasons than adults do, if you get my drift.

    I sometimes wonder if half the Phantom Menace backlash wasn't just from disillusioned twenty-somethings hoping to get fellated by the Messiah during Phantom Menace, but instead from weary, sleep-deprived parents who just couldn't take any more "Mom mom mom Darth Maul mom!"

    What I'll never understand is the utter resentment people have for George Lucas marketing his own movie. He doesn't work through a studio! That's his own cash he's putting up for the flick! (Well, okay, technically it's probably yours, but he made the movie, you bought the ticket. You've only got yourself to blame.) Maybe you'd rather he went to Paramount and used their dough? Then they could have focus groups! That'd make a better movie! Look what it did for Armageddon!

    But, really, how dare George Lucas make a profit. He should make Star Wars for charity! After all, the warm, forgiving, loving praise he receives from the fans should be reward enough for any filmmaker... yeah, right. When you have a few million to throw around, you can make the movie the way you want, too. Not the way the comic-shop employee down the street thinks you should make it.

    And yeah, no one likes Jar Jar Binks, either, it hardly takes William Safire to point that out. Jar Jar Binks jokes are kind of like "Talk to the Hand" -- of note only for their outdated-ness. Speaking of which -- what's with the Andy Dick joke slapped on the end? Someone late for a deadline?

    Blah. Phantom Menace didn't knock my socks off, either, but this article was god-awful stupid.

  • Just in case Mr Lucas is checking out /. I would like to say that I should be the one to do the voice overs in episode 3 when Anakin finally becomes Darth Vader. Ever since I was a kid I used to do voice impersonation of James Earl Jones, Destro from G.I. Joe, Michael Ironside, Christopher Lee, Geoffrey Holder(The guy who was Punjab in the Annie movie).

    There is NO OTHER PERSON ON THE PLANET who is more prepared to do this than I am.

  • It wouldn't be any wierder than reading repsonses to Slashdot posts that have been moderated below your threshold...
    ie all you see is:

    RE: First Post!!!

    Get a life, loser!

    There's an idea - mabye we can add moderation to the digital version and we can moderate JarJar below our threshold!

    Meesa JarJar Binks! (Score: -5 Unfunny, Offtopic, Pointless, Offensive, SPAM)


    Have you meta-moderated Lucas today?

  • by JF ( 18696 )
    Anyone else think CmdrTaco should lay off the antibiotics? :)
  • by generic ( 14144 )
    I thought it was funny, as my sister in law was quite obsessed with leo. I dont know of most actors he mentioned. I tend not to soak up too much hollywood.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    This is off-topic so I am posting anonymously, please E-Mail that article to

    My company firewall stops me from viewing that page :(
  • by Mr. Protocol ( 73424 ) on Tuesday November 23, 1999 @08:41AM (#1509792)
    Has anybody ever notice how the nerds in Star Wars are like nerds everywhere else, but the computer stuff is all different? I don't mean just more advanced, I mean different. We're good at tracking trends in the industry, but we're terrible at predicting sea changes. Who knew IBM was going to crash?

    We're in the middle of doing it again, it seems. Microsoft is being pulled down. Linux is in a good position to change it, but who knows how it'll fall out, specifically? IBM turns into General Electric, Microsoft crashes like IBM, and Red Hat turns into Redmond Hat? Could be, could be.

    So let's take a look. We need someone emblematic of that sort of Brave New World to play 19-year-old Anakin. He's got to be youthful, presentable, dynamic, fiercely intelligent, someone people will sit up and pay attention to.

    I nominate Linus Torvalds.

    Here are his qualifications:

    1) He's well-spoken. Sure, he has a slight accent. But Anakin's mother had an accent. The actress was very worried about this but Lucas told her not to worry: "You're from the European part of the planet."

    2) He's from Finland. Anybody seen Finland? He qualifies for work on the ice planet Hoth better than anybody else I can think of.

    3) He could fix R2D2.

    4) He could out-talk C3PO.

    5) If anybody's been tempted by circumstance to go Darth Vader, it's him. ""
  • Except that he has the nasty habit of try to preach to us with his movies. 15/brin_main 15/brin_side
  • If you are from another planet, I think you'd play the part really well yourself -- maybe you should try writing a letter like that and trying to get in on the fun :) It'd be cool to see an AC from slashdot playing a part in a really cool movie.
  • Yeah, not at all like that content-free Star Trek stuff that Brin (quite ignorently) keeps going on about.
  • i can see this guy *not* getting the part, and here's why - june 9, 1999? THAT's when he became sexually attracted to her? a month after the movie came out? obviously he meant may, but lucas will read that and laugh. if he even reads it, which i doubt he will.
  • Well, you just might make a good Anakin, but the Darth Vader costume is just ALL WRONG for you...:)

    How ya doin' buddy?

  • As soon as Jar Jar steps out for his first scene and starts uttering "Meesa Jar Jar...", a meteorite comes crashing down on his bloated, snot-green head.

    Boy, for a moment there, I thought you'd gotten a sneak peek at the Episode II screenplay. Given the Tex Avery antics of Episode I, a scene like this would not entirely surprise me (unfortunately).

  • June 9, 1999 was her 18th birthday. Before that, assuming he really is 19 (or older) there was a window of time when statutory rape laws prevented him from consummating a relationship with her.
  • >A stars wars parody with john candy would of been
    >funny- too bad he is dead

    Rent "Spaceballs" sometime. Not a flame, just a friendly suggestion.
    -- G
  • If a director relies on a fan base to keep making money between movies, then he owes it to that fan base to make movies for them, not dump them after getting their money and make a movie designed purely to sell plastic crap.

    He has no contract which would force him to do this, and he's not dishonest for doing what he did, but it wasn't very considerate of his fans.

    He could have made a similar movie to the one he did without 'selling out' by writing a standalone movie and making it clear that it wasn't part of the SW universe that the fans have, by now, via feedback to authors of novels, etc, helped shape almost as much as Lucas himself.

    I don't see him as a great evil or anything. But, if I ever was a SW fan, I wouldn't be now.
  • 3. I can choke people with my mind. Ok, not really, but I can tickle their throats . . . did you feel that? I bet you did.

    Yes, and you've been doing that to me all weekend. I am not amused. Enough's enough! Stop it!

  • Right...not at all like Star Trek. The theme of Star Trek was that all of us, regardless of gender, political, racial, ethnic, etc., boundaries need to work together. We're all in this together. Star Trek is the drama of humanity played out in space. After TNG the Star Trek franchise started sucking rocks...but humanity overcoming through unification was Rodenberry's original theme.

    Contrast this to Star Wars which basically says everything is hopeless and the only chance for salvation is through nobility and dictatorship of one form or another. Outcomes are determined by chance, luck, or fate, but not due to any qualities of humanity.
  • Although I believe it said they were looking for a 19-year old "actor", so DiCaprio wouldn't really qualify, now would he.

    By the way, the cover version of "My Heart Will Go On" by "Good Enough" is much better, IMHO.

    I'd be in favor of giving the Onion guy the part, but I don't want him going off on some diatribe halfway through the movie about how young podracers didn't make enough cash to make ends meet and how he'd have to sell his body for food if he didn't get more sex scenes with Natalie Portman.

    This is a bit off-kilter too, but since we're talking about sequels, how about Tron2K. The MCP will be the Y2K Bug, and Bill Gates will play Bill Gates. If there are any Hollywood execs out there, I got a script!
  • by Anonymous Coward
    They killed Jar-Jar!
    You bastards!
  • I must still be in a fever, as I didn't laugh. Mind, I did laugh when I saw Star Wars TPM and realised how crap it was.
  • .... and furthermore [Brin] has the cojones to say that Steven Spielberg *does* have the right to preach at us... HA! Lest we forget, the Man in the Red Baseball Cap is the same gent who guaranteed Bill Clinton a cushy SoCal estate come Jan 20, 2001. Neither induhvidual has any right to even pronounce the word "moral" and expect us to pay attention.

    Lucas, however, is the one using his own money, sticking to principles, and telling both Hollyweird and the politicians to put it where the sun don't shine. Preachy? Perhaps. These days the sheeple could use a little preachy, IMNSHO, and I can think of about two people who have the talent to do it right.

    The other dude's name is Straczinsky.... but that's a whole 'nother can of worms.

    We are Grey. We stand between the Candle, and the Star.
  • If a director relies on a fan base to keep making money between movies, then he owes it to that fan base to make movies for them, not dump them after getting their money and make a movie designed purely to sell plastic crap.

    Nyet. A creator owes you nothing after you've seen the movie, regardless of the creator's motive.

    If you bought the plastic crap, or went to see, you made a conscious choice to do so, and you did so without expecting to be treated like royalty.

    And let's be honest. No fan base ever deserves to be treated like royalty, regardless of what they're fans of. The price of admission is what you pay, and the value of the entertainment/product is all that you are owed.

    Deal with it.
  • "Contrast this to Star Wars which basically says everything is hopeless and the only chance for salvation is through nobility and dictatorship of one form or another. Outcomes are determined by chance, luck, or fate, but not due to any qualities of humanity."

    You could say the exact same thing about the Indiana Jones series, another franchise of Lucas' (and Spielberg's). Indiana Jones, when you get right down to it, is a pretty seedy character. In the course of the movies, he punches out a cigarette girl, sticks a club singer with a pair of tongs, shoots a sword-wielding Sherpa from a couple yards away, etc. Not exactly the most noble hero on the planet. And, yes, fate, luck, and chance play a huge part in Indiana Jones' sucess... much as they do in any "pulp adventure" story, which Star Wars certainly is.

    To grouse about whether such admittely preposterous pulp-adventure constructs as The Swashbuckling Archaeologist or the Jedi Knight "make sense" or "send the wrong message" suffers from too close an analysis of a very simple, adolescent genre that neither deserves nor merits such an intellectual dissection. I found Brin's article to be pointless and vaguely insulting for just this reason.

    It's just space opera. It's just pulp adventure. Analyzing kid's movies for grim and sublimated notions of tyranny on the part of the filmmaker not only wastes time, but (to me at least) represents a certain intellectual cowardice for not analyzing movies that might truly stand up to such a critique (though such films get harder to come by these days). Star Wars, as far as I'm concerned, does not. It's just not that complicated a movie.

  • i'm 19...for another few months

    i'd ruin my whole life and career and be in geo. lucas' movie for a chance to be in the same room with queen amidala. mmmmmm.

    the coast guard has my ass on monday. woohoo.

  • Well, there isn't much anymore to get people to take Lucas seriously.

    If he was so great and not a Hollywood sellout, then why the near billion dollar campaigns by Lucas-Pepsi-KFC-Pizza Hut (the last three are all the same company).

    If his movies and his companies are so great, then WHY THE FRIGGING HECK is Lucasfilm dragging its feet on DVD? I have yet to see a Lucas movie on DVD anywhere. If you say copy protection, a faint possibility, but he released on Laserdisc, a medium with absolutely zero copy protection to VHS. The VHS copy protection that he and the rest of the free world uses was easier to defeat than CSS.
  • by drix ( 4602 )
    June 9, 1999 was Natalie Portman's eighteenth birthday. So sue me - I was sexually attracted to her long before that.
    "Some people say that I proved if you get a C average, you can end up being successful in life."
  • I really want to be the one that could say I was Akin Skywalker in the episode two. Sure it would be a pain to play the part being inexpreinced in acting. Then worst, forever being stuck in a shadow of Starwars which would leave me stuck doing lame sci-fi roles as a geeky kid. I would be forever be a star. It wouldn't matter what I did with the rest of my life, becuase I was Akin Skywalker. I could win noble prizes , but still first thing people would think of that I was Akin Skywalker. My Destiny would be Akin. Future would not matter.

    Is it just me or does the part of Akin sound more like Hell then a future. Forever living in the shadow of Star Wars.

    Living my life as a 19 year old failure that doesn't do anything more with his life then sit at a computer screen and type up posts on Slashdot would be better then being Akin for the rest of my life.

    Instant stardom has it pitfalls. That's why famous stuff should be left to people who are famous like Leonrado DiCaprio. Really we all know that he would be best for the part. His life is already ruined.

    I could possibly overcome the shadow of starwars. Later in life be able to do something with my life other then being Akin. Ok George. Here's my web page: I would be perfect for the role. It would be awesome, the wonderful power of saying I was Akin. Forever being placed in the societies mind.

    So George just give me a call whenever.

  • The whole point, is that we, as consumers, should demand more from the George Lucases of the world. It is our job to tell him that his stuff is crap when he trips over himself. No one would poke fun at the advertising and merchandising if it was stuff that reflected what we actually liked.

    So, go ahead... remind him that he can't write or direct. Laugh your butt off when he starts pontificating about "the power of myth." Write long articles in magazines describing him as the hack that he is. You would not be doing your job as a consumer if you didn't.

    (and, to you guys who feel the need to quote from David Brin, Gene Roddenberry was hung up on juvenilistic utopian views of the future where technology would solve all of our problems as long as we went along with The Party... uh, I mean "Federation")

  • What people with attitudes like yours don't understand is that the massive loyalty that he had is worth more than one movie of plastic crap. He killed the goose, just to get a couple of golden eggs. Nobody will line up for months to see the next one. He's not just another so-so director who makes so-so movies.

    His fan base supported him when he didn't do anything, based on the quality of his old work. If he had made a movie for them, they'd have stayed loyal, still buying the novels, collectible plastic crap, etc. But he went for the fast buck. He didn't try to make an intelligent movie with a deep plot, as well as the action adventure. He just threw in a bunch of stuff based on how well it would look in an injection mold, or painted on a plastic cup.

    Deal with it.

    You know, you're a jerk. You're taking out your frustrations on other people for no reason. Life isn't an Ayn Rand novel and there is no need to step all over people and act like a prick to get ahead.
  • by kannen ( 98813 ) <jkannen @ h o t m> on Tuesday November 23, 1999 @01:24PM (#1509826) Homepage
    I want to be in Episode 2, but near as I can figure, Anakin is the only opening...

    Hmm... Well, I *am* female, but maybe this isn't a Bad Thing... Just think of all the extra times guys will come to see Episode 2 for the lesbian action. I even have short hair. And I can fence. Hey, this is looking better all the time. I mean, I'm not a lesbian right now, but that could be negotiable if that's what it'll take to be in Star Wars.

    Come on. THINK of the possibilities. And for those parents that might complain, you can write my being female off as a kindof Mary Martin as Peter Pan [] kindof deal. If that's not wholesome family entertainment, I don't know what is...

    Just think about it... That's all I'm asking.

    Even the continents drift - George F. Will

  • Anakin, not Akin.

    You're inability to properly name the character for which you are vying might slightly detract from your plea for the position. Better luck next time. *grin*

  • Contrast this to Star Wars which basically says everything is hopeless and the only chance for salvation is through nobility and dictatorship of one form or another. Outcomes are determined by chance, luck, or fate, but not due to any qualities of humanity.

    You're just jealous of Jar Jar's long tongue :) Your racial pedudice prevents you from recognizing his qualities of Gunganity. The way he sticks with the Jedi, his concern that the Naboo people might really die.... Oh, and I'm sure, deep down inside, you'd really like to be a general too.

    Just get over it :)


  • As the young Princess Leia :)
  • >June 9, 1999 was her 18th birthday. Before that, assuming he really is 19 (or older) there was a window of time >when statutory rape laws prevented him from consummating a relationship with her.

    Or, they could have just moved to a different state - I seem to recall the lowest age of consent in the US is 14, but I can't remember what state that is. I'm pretty sure that it is 16 in Michigan (I think you might have to be within 5 years of age as well).
  • I'm still mad Lucas didn't make the movie when he was originally going to, back in '97.

    I'm an actor (I did the national/mexico tour of tommy '95-'96 and the brasil tour '96 with big league theatricals, I also did several ovaltine radio commercials and I was going to be in a movie, but I couldn't because of the tour...) and made callbacks (for those of you not in the theatre business, it means you're being pretty seriously considered for the part - less than 20 or so people out of hundreds who audition usually make callbacks) There's a chance I would've been Anakin, but no, he had to put it off for a few years - by the time he was auditioning people again, I was too old!

    But then again, after seeing Jar-jar binks, I think I might've not enjoyed being in SW1 as much as I would sans Jar-jar. (In other words, I thought he sucked ;-)

  • I should of check my spelling, I'll never be Anakin(as if there was a chance).. I guess I will have to settle for being Akin..

  • I'm not sure, but I thought he said he wasn't putting them out on DVD until they were all made. Then he was going to do some "Box Set To End All Box Sets"TM. I could be wrong though.
  • Pennsylvania, I seem to recall.
  • I could imagine that actually being in the film could be a bit of a letdown. Everything about making the film would be a giant spoiler. The film isn't necessarily shot sequentially, and the acting is done without special effects or a soundtrack. Most of the coolest stuff (e.g. pod racers) is the product of a heck of a lot of sleight-of-hand and fancy editing--it'd be like when you find out how magic tricks are really done. Even the romantic scenes wouldn't be; an actual studio, with the boom operators and gaffers and best boys looking on, and with studio lights shining in your face, would hardly be as romantic as the scene you're trying to create. There is a lot of tedium before the finished product is ready, and only then does the movie get its 'magic'. If you knew how fake it really was, could you ever pretend again?

  • I love star wars as much as the next guy. I bought a darth mual saber first chance I got. I saw the movie opening day (with a real girl too).

    I tired of hearing about who the next vader player is. I say wait a year and the just let lucus leek it out to the world.

    For all we know Vader well be played by Tommy Lee. (Think of the light saber jokes!)

  • Not to piss on your parade or anything, but wouldn't *James Earl Jones* be the best choice for this? (He is still alive, you know...and even if he weren't, they do wonders with digital recordings)>

    (Yes, I'm being an a**hole, but I'm in a bitter mood at the sue me)

  • me [mailto]. (y'all be kind and don't spam me 'k?)

    Who am I?
    Why am here?
    Where is the chocolate?
  • James IS still alive, but he is 69. You need the voice of a younger actor to represent the voice of a younger character.

    I'm the BEST prepared actor for the part.

  • Your, not you're.

    That may have cost you the part as well, since a 19-year-old Anakin will presumably have been taught proper English, which we all know is the official language of the Galaxy. Except the Trade Federation, which is Japanese.

    Meta-correction!! Woo hoo! :)
  • So sue me - I was sexually attracted to her long before that.

    From reading the above, anyone would think that it would be thoughtcrime to harbour attraction towards anyone under the age of eighteen. Oh, wait a minute, it is....

  • Well, I *am* female...I even have short hair. And I can fence...I'm not a lesbian right now...

    So, how many proposals have you had from regular slashdotters after the above post?
  • Heck yeah! I saw _Anywhere But Here_ the day it came out, and the theatre was full of masturbating teenage boys. ;-)
  • I didn't mind the tons of advertising for TPM overly much, what bugged me was the disparity of the ads for Pizza Hut and KFC/Taco Bell. So KFC and Taco Bell already have their mascots, an old hairy white guy and a little dog. Pizza Hut needs to come up with a mascot.. How about a young pretty woman with firm abs? Yeah! If people like old men and dogs, then they'll like this chick even more! And.. let's put her in a halter top! Yeah!

    On a side note, I actually give taco bell points for the dog, it's amazing how it's grown from just one "Yo quiero taco bell" commercial. We have only the public to blame for the fact that it's now used way too much..
  • Ahh, then that would prove once and for all that he really is much more than a money-grubbing scum sucker.
  • Click here ( [] for ages of consent around the world.

    Yes, I am embarassed to know that this site actually exists.

  • I was still under the age 18 at the time... hehehe... not that it had any perks or anything... I just wasn't committing a thoughtcrime like the rest of you.
  • The Matrix was cool because it was the first pretty original Science Fiction movie to come out of mainstream movie making in awhile. Sure it wasn't that complicated for science fiction, but I had non-geek friends who had to watch it twice to understand it. Just my take on things.
  • I seem to recall the lowest age of consent in the US is 14, but I can't remember what state that is.

    I believe the state you're refering to is Georgia. In fact, I think the AOC used to be 13. Can anyone from Georgia confirm this?

    I'm sorry. What I meant to say was 'please excuse me.'
    what came out of my mouth was 'Move or I'll kill you!'
  • This story is old. It happened a long, long, time ago in a galaxy far away.
  • you've all seen - i hope - what they did to the first (er... second?) three movies in spaceballs. who's to say these.... new three won't also be spoofed. i might be speaking for myself, but a lesbian version of Rick Moranis can't be good for anyone. and if they really want something homosexual and wussy, why not go for Leo?

  • hmmm....that should put Obi Wan right about my age in Episode 2.
    I even got greying beard....dammit!
  • I'm thinking at least the factorial of the comments.
    Female: automatically raises interest
    She fences: Nothing sexier than a woman and steel
    She is persuasive on the lesbian part: while lesbianism is bad, most my friends would love to be with two girls
    -1: offtopic :)
  • Natalie Portman
    That's the whole reason. Soon as I have the money I'm planning on airing a 30 second commercial on the superbowl asking her to go out to coffee with me.
    Most other guys just take the easy way and get casted in one of the most hyped movies in history.. slackers
  • > The Matrix? Truly creative?

    Well, I was making a comparison with Star Wars (which is basically The Hobbit plus flashing lights). I'm more a fan of Science Fiction than Science Fantasy so I prefer my "metaphysics" to be fairly "straightforward".

    For example, if I ever found myself in a Universe where I meet a guy in a tank who can bend space with his mind to enable faster-than-light transport (as in Dune) then I think I am more likely to believe myself in a computer generated virtual reality (as in The Matrix) where such things could be made to appear possible. Occam's razor isn't it?

    Regards, Ralph.
  • > 5) If anybody's been tempted by circumstance to go Darth Vader, it's him.

    "Sorry Obi-Wan, but my plans for world domination are more important than this jedi crap."

    And if you listen closely to Vaders breathing you will also hear secret messages about the new class of star destroyers coming soon.
  • No offense, but if Lucas was willing to make the gender leap for Anakin and rewrite the saga to make Luke the offspring of lesbians, don't you think he would cast Xena as Anakin?
  • If you watch the original star trek you will see how uber-cheezy it is. The costumes are so plastic, the Enterprise is so cardboard. But it still /worked/. People loved it. They did so, because it wasn't about the effects, it wasn't about was simply a vehicle for telling the story about humans of differing backgrounds working together. They could've been on a submarine.
  • Actually I hadn't thought about Indiana Jones. I think that is a different issue, since because it actually has a real historical setting, there is not much to invent. As David Brin saw Hans Solo as the most "real", most human character, I would say that Indian Jones is a bit more "real" and true, /because/ he is gritty, uncouth, etc., etc. It doesn't seem like Lucas is trying to sell me on anything in the Indian Jones series.

    "Analyzing kid's movies..."

    I don't think Star Wars was ever a kids movie. The Phantom Menace was marketed to kids only because they knew they could make a humongous profit on the merchandise and appeal. TPM, I think is a lot more directed at kids than the others ever were. Anyway, Lucas does have his own beliefs (one of which, from his own mouth, is apparently that democracy doesn't, and shouldn't work) and philosophies and he does inject these into the Star Wars saga. I can handle just watching them as pulp kiddie movies, but they still leave an unsettling aftertaste/thought.

Life is a game. Money is how we keep score. -- Ted Turner
