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Life After Y2K - MTV's 'Adams and Eves' 208

richj writes "It looks like MTV's dropping 6 of their minions into a bunker in case the human race is wiped out on New Year's. Imagine having MTV's "chosen" as the group to keep the human race alive? Shudder... Story here."
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Life After Y2K - MTV's 'Adams' and 'Eves'

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    6 plastic people... 1 shelter... their mission... ratings.
  • by Oscarfish ( 85437 ) on Wednesday December 22, 1999 @01:23AM (#1453706) Homepage
    Let's put together Steve Jobs, Linus Torvalds, and Bill Gates in a bunker together and put cams all over the place. Let the fun begin :)
  • Oh, great. Now civilisations thousands of years from now will believe that Britney Spears and Will Smith were the finest exponents of our culture.

    But imagine the descendants..... Personally, I'd rather be nuked!

  • You have to include RMS in this group. That would really be fun to watch.
    Richard R. Klemmer
    WebTrek L.L.C.
  • *Ack.*..
    6 shallow Britney S and Big Willy clones... If the shit goes down I don't wanna see the future. Where is the Geek in this "project", where is the Puc?!

  • But imagine the descendants..... Personally, I'd rather be nuked!
    Hear hear! I was kinda hoping that maybe they'd put in people who had some decent taste in music (heavy metal of course ;) but that just wouldn't get the ratings, would it? *sigh*
    Actually, I wonder what music they're taking in there with them to listen to? Do they have ANY skill whatsoever at PRODUCING music? Will music be dead after Y2K? Or is the world doomed to always listen to rehashed dance mixes of dance mixes of dance mixes of what were once good songs?
  • Anybody know where that bunker is? Lets throw some nukes at it just for fun. Theyre gonna believe its the end of the world, and well get rid of another six morons ...
  • What we need to do is convince all these MTV people that there is a dire emergency, Y2K, Asteroids, GoodTimes, Etc. and that they all need to pile into spaceships for their own safety. Let them colonize Mars, it's cold there ya know. This would work as long as the joy didn't kill us, or that Asteroid didn't actually come.
  • Under Times Square, New York City... Will get rid of a lot more than six!!! ;)
  • Ooops, sorry, I completely missed that ... ahem, well, maybe its not such a good idea after all ;-)
  • I'd imagine that the Characters They Play On TV would have little to do with how they dealt with each other when stuck in a room together for a long period of time. These ARE intelligent people, after all. Sort of like politicians... sure democrats and republicans make for a great fight on the senate floor, but they're all getting trashed at the same parties.

  • Well said that man!!!

    I just hope and pray that in the future people get tired of hearing electronically generated and sequenced sinewaves masquerading as music. I mean what the hell do these kids do when they go to these concerts? Cheer enthusiastically when the 'artist' steps on stage, presses the start button and then buggers off for 2 hours???

    Metal == real musicians, real instruments, real melodies, harmonies, structure, and thought-provoking lyrics (well most of the time!)

  • Yeah... careful or the FBI will be knocking on your door REAL-soon-like.

  • Well, with only a few measly days left before the end of the world as we know it... this could be trouble.

    Apparently, places like IOWA (Idiots Out Wandering Around) have been told they will be without power for at least a week, which for anyone on one of the coasts of course means a giant Corn Shortage! But really folks, lets keep our heads...

    I propose that we remove the head cheese from power over there at MTV, and be thankful that once the Y2K stuff is all over, that its another 8,000 years before someone starts with Y10K.

    P.S. How come all the canned goods are sold out at my local grocery store? - it wouldn't have anything to do with a media hyped once in a few thousand year event would it?

  • Put the slashdot effect to good use.
    It's over here [].
  • Even if technology should fail, Viacom/Paramount will keep struggling to survive.

    That's why they chose their "bunkernauts":
    In theory, the strongest will become the next breed of celebs & ececs, while the rest become comsumers.

    "We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when..." - Dr. Strangelove
  • More importantly - why is this " News for Nerds "?

    Since it most certainly is not " Stuff that Matters "...
  • Seeing as how Tove is a karate champion. That should ensure the best people win...
  • MTV has got to be the most lame network aout there. At first I thought it was NBC with it's Y2K movie, now I'm not so sure. Because of MTV's stupipd antics, we'll probably have Britnany Spear's wanna-be's and such running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Back when MTV was cool, (early-mid 80's) I don't think they's ever do such stupid stuff, but especially lately it seems their choice of programming has gone down-hill fast. In recent memory I can think of that whole "Hacker" program that dealt with scrip-kiddies running 'top' on there Linux boxes. Now they're trying to increase public panic by telling their viewers that we're all going to die. I wish they would go back to what made them great, showing good videos. They need to cut out the rest of this BS. OK, I'm done ranting now. I get kinda testy when something cool from my childhood gets F*&^ed up like MTV did. oh, well I guess somebody likes it. Noel
  • They goofed by sending down 3 men. If they really wanted to populate the world with MTVittles, they would make sure they could procreate as fast as possible, and that means more women. An MTVman could (c)/(p)-opulate much better and faster this way. I wonder how they'll pair up ??
  • And it really should belong to the Humor section more than anything else.
  • Eh? Tove *is* his wife. And six times karate champion of Finland.
  • But thats only if you look at no more than one generation. Because in the next generation, there will be in-breeding big time, and there will only be idiots.

    Which, on the other hand, is what they started out with, anyway ...
  • by BigBadaboom ( 122579 ) on Wednesday December 22, 1999 @02:12AM (#1453735)
    Lets give the MTV generation a real test.

    Lock them in the bunker Dec 31 with a time-release
    door lock set to open in 7 days.

    We can watch them, but they have no outside communications.

    At midnight on Jan 1, play sound fx through the
    walls at them... you know, big explosion, people
    screaming etc etc. After 3 days: silence.

    Meanwhile we all just sit back and watch the fun
    on the webcams.
  • Who will take a bet that these chosen few will end up killing themselves (accidentally, of course) before January 1 rolls around?

    This isn't about survival, it's about looking for the next Darwin Award winners :-)

  • Let's think about this. Just about every news agency is discussing the arrest of a suspected terrorist (with a good sized chunk of explosive in the car) in Seattle. (examples) []
    If you really wanted to make a statement, what's a better target than Time's Square?
    And these fools want to be underneath that if the World ENDS?

  • There won't be an end to the world!
    Well, moneytalks of course.

    End-of-the-world won't make anyone rich. There needs to be a huge advertising-campaign going on, but after the world ended, there won't be anyone left to watch the movie. Let alone there won't be cinemas to show it as well...

    CU, Ventilator
  • It had to be said. :-)

    Well, no, it didn't, but it might raise the average IQ of the human race by a fraction of a point, and we need all we can get!

  • by TuRRIcaNEd ( 115141 ) on Wednesday December 22, 1999 @02:25AM (#1453740)
    > More importantly - why is this "News for Nerds"?
    > Since it most certainly is not "Stuff that Matters"...

    Adopts 'Dr. Evil' voice -

    While I was frozen, I developed a method for relieving stress that I like to call 'hu - mour'. Using this 'hu - mour' we can burn a hole in the techie obsessiveness surrounding Slashdot, and make it a fun site to visit - unless they pay us - a hefty ransom?

    I like Linux and tech-talk as much as the next geek, but jeez, do we have to talk about it all the time?

  • ...and I've come to the following conclusion:

    We're all gonna die.

  • We should add Mr Ellison and his over!
  • Here in the netherlands there's a program called big brother. [] About 9 people started off in a house without outside communication and a lot of camaras. Every few weeks they all had to nominate 2 of the others and the public decided upon those nominations who should leave... Now they are almost on day 100 and have only a few days left until they are with the final 3. And just before the new year the public chooses a winner. On the site you can view 4 camaras... But probably this has been posted on slashdot 100 days ago... well.. for all you nosy people... here it is again :-)
  • Contrary to the Britney Spears and Will Smith posts I have seen, if anybody actually looked at their site they would know that the 6 people are []:

    Mike Carson
    Lenore Davis
    Zack Goodman
    Tina Kim
    Moe Kyle
    Michael Michael

    Basically, nobody I have ever heard of; Seems they have pulled people out of the "general", or should I say, "MTV viewing population" ( big difference !! between these two populations)

  • All I have to say is if the world end and these are the only people left ... atleast we know the human race will be filled with really good looking people, so I guess we can all rest easy knowing that.
  • Why do people lock themselves up and be watched by cameras for fun? The Swedish had Robinson, a bunch of idiots on an island. The Dutch have Big Brother [], 7 idiots in a house for 100 days, which is also viewable on the web 24/7. Now MTV again. Being locked in a room is no fun to me and certainly not if X million people are watching. I love my privacy, am I the only one?

  • IIRC, Lenore said something like : "Wow, I'm in! How cool is that? ..... That's awesome"

    Now forgive me for being a little picky, but does she sound like a no-brainer Britney-alike or what?

  • Since six idiots probably won't have enough genetic diversity to repopulate the species, not to mention a lack of energy, the human race will most likely perish in flames and we won't have to deal with the New World Top 40 Pantheon being crammed down our throats.

    Bow to Britney Spears, god of deception!

  • from the Bunkernauts site: "...Give us your suggestions for the Bunker Time Capsule, then talk about your choices with the Bunker residents after December 26... "

    CD: Debian GNU/Linux Potato. Actually, since this will have already been installed on my "toy", and lord knows its stable, reinstall is probably not necessary. So, I'll take a full CD archive of Metalab/Sunsite.

    Movie: Bicentennial Man

    Board Game: Microsoft Monopoly

    Video Game: Quake 3 Arena (What else)

    Music Video: umm... What's that?, oh yeah I remember those back in the day; OK, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Under the Bridge

    Book: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

    Snack Food: Quiche?... NO, I AM NOT A QUICHE EATER!!!*; Sam's club batch of Twinkies
    * See: Feirstein, B., "Real Men don't Eat Quiche", New York, Pocket Books, 1982.

    Gadget: Psion 5mx bundled with a irDA capable cellular phone

    Toy: 2x Dual PIII-800, 1 GB RAM, 50 GB HD, 21" LCD panel... well, it's a toy isn't it.; Why two of them? you can't have a complete deathmatch without somebody to frag.

    Also, I'd rather not talk with any of the bunkernauts about any of these.

    Just to point out their target audience:
    "If you print this page out, it'll make it easierfor you to remember what you picked."
  • Seems they have pulled people out of the "general"

    Isn't it more likely they came from a "talent" agency list? MTV wouldn't want to be stuck with ugly real people with bad teeth who don't know how to act realistically in front of the camera.

    Regards, Ralph
  • "Since six idiots probably won't have enough genetic diversity to repopulate the species,"

    I read somewhere, recently, that if you choose *very carefully* you could do it with 16 people. Surprised me, since I've always heard that 1000 people is the minumum needed.
  • Damn, you actually read through the site (this is not saracasm, you must have very thick skin to actually read the loads of crap over at the MTV site)

    But, the difference b/w Lenore and Spears is that Lenore is a hollow-headed "ho" and probably gets money from her parents, whereas Spears is a hollow-headed "ho" who gets money from the public.

    This relationship is best summed up as: Spears serves as a role model for Lenore
  • This is the oppertunity I have been waiting for. The chance to screw with the feeble minds of a few souless fools. First we lock em up tight in the bunker. Then we start feeding them bogus info through what ever means they have (TV, RADIO). Scare the hell outta them with reports of nuclear weapons exploding, electrical outages and NO MTV!!! They will crack and try to get out, but it will be funny to watch them freak out. Or as an alternative plan we can keep the doors half open to the entrance and have a hand grenade throwing contest. For spunk we could fire in some 20mm cannon rounds??..
  • This is hilarious! Imagine the earth ends in a catacalysmic (sp?) nuclear war. These idiots would ditch the bunker right after the noise died down. Immediatly the 6 beautiful upper-class people begin to mutate into massive versions of britney spears and ricky martin, then battle to the death on the ruined island of manhattan, until there is only one remaining. Of course, this is all covered by Carson Daly whom as we all know is a robot (programmed for idiocy and top 5 countdowns) and immune to human weapons.
  • And it's getting worse. In Germany, with our typical "copy-anything-you-can-and-do-it-even-more-luseris h"-attitude, we started our very own Big Brother project, too. I can't for the life of me imagine, why I would want to watch some lusers sitting around in a house? Then again it's maybe just me. Soap operas are apparently THE thing on German TV right now. I mean, you can't even turn on the TV without seeing some non-actors standing around like they swallowed a stick and delivering their lines with the passion of a 7-day old glass of beer (i.e. lifeless). So this real-time soap opera seems to be the next logical step.
  • HAIR man! don't forget the HAIR!

    what would metal be without HAIR?
  • by Our Man In Redmond ( 63094 ) on Wednesday December 22, 1999 @03:01AM (#1453761)
    One of the problems with getting older is that there are so many more f*&^ed-up things that used to be cool than there were when you were young. For instance, I can remember times when Saturday Night Live, Nehru jackets and the Beach Boys were cool, and that's not even reaching back into my first childhood.

    And now it's time for some AC to come on and say it remembers when /. was cool, I suppose.
  • Many years ago, a charming teenage saleslady for a CATV service offered me MTV music IN STEREO (her emphasis) for free if I would sign up for six premium TV channels. I explained to her,"I think I would rather be strung up by the thumbs." Remeber that in the time capsule for the 1939/1940 New York World's Fair that we preserved a copy of "Flatfoot Floogie with a Floy Floy" as great music. That Time Capsule was lost. Maybe we can lose this one, too.
  • Didn't Nostrodamus predict that New York City was going to be the first place to go during the end of the world. The 3rd anti-christ (some guy in a blue turban) supposedly nukes it. Why would you put the bunker under the city that is supposed to get nuked first...

  • This is currently been done in Holland. 8 morons are locked up in a small building for 100 days, with camera's all over the place. Program is aired every day and on the internet ( Every 2 weeks someone has to leave the building. Winner is the one who stays till the end. They have 8 days to go. Viewers decide who has to leave and who wins grand prize of about $ 125.000 . The TV-show is actually a big commercial success. The idea however is a major rippoff from an originally swedish tvshow.
  • You're joking - His wife is Tove Torvalds?
    You'd have to be a karate champion to beat the crap out of the people laughing at your name!
  • God help us all! heres whos in the bunker!

    1 Lenore Davis
    "Wow I'm in. How cool is that? Thank you very much, that's
    awesome. Cool, ok. Finding out what we are doing. I don't have any
    idea. I just know I'm going to be underground from the 26th till the
    New Year and I'm just like O.K. And everyone keeps asking me
    what exactly are you guys doing. I'm like 'I don't know' but I can't
    wait to find out because it has to be something cool and interesting,
    I'm sure. But I don't know."

    Nickname: None
    Gender: Female
    Eye Color: Brown
    Hair Color: Brown
    Occupation: Advertising/Marketing

    Lenore has moved around a lot, from Buffalo, to Atlanta, to
    Nashville, to Florida, and to New York City . She
    is the second oldest of four in an African-American and
    European-American household . Advertising is
    her life now. She ultimately wants to be the CEO of her own
    ad firm.

    Strong, beautiful, dynamic, creative, independent, resilient, athletic,
    well spoken.

    What's your favorite CD?
    Creed, "Human Clay"

    List three items you would take with you to the Bunker, if
    allowed, and why?
    Bike, Camera, Telescope/Binoculars.

    Why do you believe you deserve to survive the end of the world?
    I feel as if I am a pretty well rounded individual. Self motivated
    and will do what needs to be done in order to survive. I strive for
    success love to be challenged. I have strength emotionally,
    mentally and physically and a good heart. I believe I have a lot of
    good attributes that will influence children in the most positive way.

    2: Zack Goodman

    "Great thank you. Great, excited, yeah I was actually anticipating it
    for a while. Just how different it's going to be. It's definitely going to
    be something different. I am not really sure what to expect. I can't
    imagine what's gonna go on in this underground room for five days."

    Nickname: None
    Gender: Male
    Eye Color: Blue/Green
    Hair Color: Brown
    Occupation: Research Scientist/Athlete

    Zack's an only child, and therefore pretty independent. He's
    a good leader , who's at times honest to a fault
    . Zack lives in Glen Cove, NY. He could have
    been a professional ball player but followed his dad's
    dreams instead (his dad's a surgeon). He wants to make
    acting and being in front of the camera his life.

    Good sport, not spoiled, resents hatred and negative feelings
    Smart, sensitive, warm, appealing, looking for direction.

    What's your favorite CD?
    Wu-Tang Clan, "Enter The Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)"

    List three items you would take with you to the Bunker, if
    allowed, and why?

    Why do you believe you deserve to survive the end of the
    I still have hope for the people of the world. These values, if
    universal, would ensure a thriving society of caring beings.

    3: Tina Kim

    "Oh, Awesome. I think it's fantastic and thank god that the Asian
    American race will survive in the future. We won't be obsolete
    because of me. Capping on the other residents. Making fun of them.
    Oh thank you so much."

    Nickname: Wiener
    Gender: Female
    Eye Color: Dark Brown
    Hair Color: Black With Brown Streaks
    Occupation: Comedienne

    The baby out of four, Tina did not have a traditional Korean
    upbringing . She is a comedienne, has her own
    stage show and Web site, and wants to have her own
    Oprah-style television show . Raised in Seattle,
    WA, Tina is a thoughtful cynic who loves disco. Tina has
    never had a boyfriend, but is looking.

    Warm, fears being hurt emotionally, has a temper,
    opinionated,emotional -laughs and cries easily. Responsive to
    feedback, open/non-defensive, hard worker, good friend, likes risks,
    tough cookie, survivor.

    What's your favorite CD?
    Pet Shop Boys, "Behavior"

    List three items you would take with you to the Bunker, if
    allowed, and why?
    Picture of my niece, My laptop, Pet Shop Boys CDs.

    Why do you believe you deserve to survive the end of the world?
    I've overcome obstacles, and I'm able to analyse what needs to
    be done to get things accomplished. I focus on a goal and do
    whatever is necessary to get it done.

    4: Maureen Kyle

    "Thank you. I'm kinda shocked right now, I wasn't expecting it. It's
    great. It's a shock. I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone
    and getting to spend a few days with strangers. And really
    broadening my horizons I guess."

    Nickname: Moe
    Gender: Female
    Eye Color: Hazel
    Hair Color: Chestnut Brown
    Occupation: Student

    An all-American girl from Westlake, OH , Moe is
    the second oldest out of four kids. She likes to sew, cook,
    and clean . She wants to pursue a career in
    broadcasting. Moe runs six miles every day, she's a big
    Frank Sinatra fan, and likes to do pottery in her downtime.

    Balanced, creative, kind, non-conflicted, religious, pretty, gets
    along well with siblings/parents/friends. Enjoys male and female
    company, hobbies.

    What's your favorite CD?
    Frank Sinatra, "Greatest Hits"

    List three items you would take with you to the Bunker, if
    allowed, and why?
    Treadmill, Sewing Machine, A Good Book.

    Why do you believe you deserve to survive the end of the world?
    It would be arrogant for me to say that I deserve to survive. I
    think I represent a good amount of "all-american" citizens and I
    would be able to carry on what is important: values, education, and
    love for one another.

    5: Micheal Michael ( not a typo)

    "I'm in? Uh, Yeah. I don't know what to say. I don't know, it's kinda
    cool, I'll be able to get some views out there, and some people
    could either pick up on it, or maybe not. It will be cool to live with
    people, just to see what that's about. Meeting Lenore would not be
    bad too. Is she in? Oh ok, that wouldn't be too bad either."

    Nickname: None
    Gender: Male
    Eye Color: Amber Brown
    Hair Color: Two-Tone (Black/Blond)
    Occupation: Musician

    Michael Michael is a Christian, college graduate, entertainer,
    actor, singer, and musician. He worked his way
    through school DJ'ing and dancing. He's a romantic, but
    definitely not a player . He likes to work with
    people. Michael's long term goal is to revolutionize music.

    Mike has high moral thinking, is opinionated, kind, somewhat
    oversensitive about other people's boundaries. He is interesting,
    has deep, strong ideas in morality ...

    What's your favorite CD?
    Michael Jackson, "Thriller"

    List three items you would take with you to the Bunker, if
    allowed, and why?
    Guitar, Paper/Pen, Tape Recorder.

    Why do you believe you deserve to survive the end of the world?
    I want to see a better world. Even though it would be said we
    were the only ones left, it would be a great opportunity to make
    things right.

    6: Mike Carson

    "Cool... Awesome bro. I feel excellent man . Cool. It's gonna be
    nice! Oh, I don't know it's just gonna be something totally different.
    It's gonna be fun living with people I don't know. That going to be
    fun. Ha Ha, could go either way, I like the uncertainty of it, you
    know what I mean?"

    Nickname: Magic Mike
    Gender: Male
    Eye Color: Blue/Green
    Hair Color: Blond
    Occupation: DJ

    Mike is a suburban boy from Stamford, CT with big city
    sensibilities and a taste for excitement . He's a
    motivational type who's working towards owning
    his own entertainment company. Drug-free, Mike's a
    definite health nut, who enjoys hiking, mountain biking,
    in-line skating, and uh, singing. Mike thinks he knows what
    it will take to survive in the Bunker .

    Could be fun because of his dancing, MC-ing.

    What's your favorite CD?
    Depeche Mode, "Music For The Masses"

    List three items you would take with you to the Bunker, if
    allowed, and why?
    Photos of family and friends, Music, Drawing/writing

    Why do you believe you deserve to survive the end of the
    Besides physically being in perfect health, I would be a loving
    father for generations to come. I would teach respect for everyone
    and everything.

  • CD: Two Turntables and a large stack of VINYL RECORDS
    Movie: ALL the Cohen brothers movies
    BoardGame: Microsoft Monopoly (popular answer!)
    Video Game: Q3 Arena (of course)
    Book: The Kama Sutra
    Snack Food: Hummus
    Gadget: Palm V
    Toy: Britney Spears
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Let's say a nuke accidentally gets launched and hits the bunker dead on, would they make it? A DJ, CEO of an AD firm, Research scientists - wanna be actor, Comedienne, Student and a Musician. Okay, we're screwed. So we save entertainment and say poo poo to doctors, engineers, real scientists, artists -- the kind that draw and make things, religion and the rest of actual working folk. Ok, who is gonna rebuild the buildings, run the eletric power, run the cameras, direct the tv shows, purify the water, teach the remaining population? I could go on and on, MTV -- hello?? MTV your sick, making money off of people's fear. How low can ya go? far down below the ground.
  • Maybe we could scare them more if we pumped in the sound from "Biodome" with Pauly Shore. :)

  • by Anonymous Coward
    I'm near the border with Iowa so I hear about things.

    Actually Iowa has been working on Y2K issues for some time now and may have been one of the states to look into it the earliest. As for being without power for a while, well that's nothing new, really. A strong blizzard can knock things out far more effectively than a simple resettable glitch.

    What will happen if 'the worst' happens (a blizzard on Y2K) and service failures? Nothing that hasn't happened before. Folks stay home for a day or two, are careful about they use, and a good many will fire the generators... the ones they had for years for this kind of thing.

    Besides the places you'd expect (hospitals and such) to need "absolutely reliable" power.. there are three others in the area. Hog farms - at least the large feedlots, another is any poultry operation -- loss of ventilation in a poultry operation can mean a huge kill (loss) in minutes. The other is dairy farms
    of any size -- need power to run the milking machines and while 'by hand' is possible, that's really only possible for only very small operations.
    Fortunately for them, it's possible to share portable generators among small groups.

    What will most likely happen? I expect the biggest effect in Iowa (or Kansas or Missouri or Minnesota or..) to be folks talking about whatever the news covered about folks going nutty in places like LA or NYC for no reason other than they had the Y2K excuse.

    Linux is Linux. GNU is Hurding itself.
  • by Our Man In Redmond ( 63094 ) on Wednesday December 22, 1999 @03:22AM (#1453772)
    You wouldn't even need to do anything that elaborate. Of course they're going to have an MTV feed going into the bunker, right? You can even give them a computer, phone, etc. to communicate with the outside world. So OK, at the stroke of midnight on January 1st, the power in the bunker goes out. About two seconds later kick on the "emergency" lights (a different and maybe slightly dimmer set) and have the TV come on to static and the computer and phone go dead. After about three days, or when things get really dull (or maybe really interesting, like it becomes obvious someone is getting ready to commit murder) have the lights flicker, go out -- and then the door swings open.

    Trust me, the absence of any communication with the outside world would set their imaginations in motion, creating scenarios in their minds much worse than anything that could be conjured up by sound effects or images on TV. This was true in the days of big-time radio theater, and I'm sure it would be true even among those whose imaginations have been impaired by MTV

    I know, you could never do this in real life, but there's certainly nothing wrong with just thinking about it.
  • High-ranking politicians are also given bunker priority, so I'm afraid Chelsea Clinton's DNA gets added to the new world order.......

    Looks like your future might not be that good looking ;>)

  • I barely got out of there alive.... ;>)
  • 6 people...let's see, that makes 15 possible sexual pairings to document. That doesn't even include larger groupings. They could fill weeks of airtime with this.
  • Since there seems to be so much complaining about the supposed brainpower of the people involved in MTV's latest publicity stunt, maybe someone ought to put together Geek Bunker 2000. Forget putting Bill Gates and Linus Torvalds in an underground fortress.... let's just put a bunch of jaded, acrimonious Slashdot readers, who could argue about "Winbl0w$" [], what Linux distro to use after the apocalypse [], and the relative merits of Palm colors. []

    I don't know... a bunch of MTV people trapped in an underground bunker.... really, the thought holds a certain appeal for me, if only because it reminds me of that old Twilight Zone where Burgess Meredith gets trapped in that library during the Apocalypse and then breaks his glasses. Imagine the looks on their faces when the power goes out and they realize No One Is Watching Them. At that point, it's just a short countdown to Lord of the Flies.

  • Music begins strumming on a guitar, the song is "Journey of the Sorceror" by the Eagles, though more people may recognize it as the theme song to the BBC radio presentation of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

    After all it makes sense when you consider that the human race was founded by management account executives, telephone sanitizers etc. in Hitchhiker's Guide. It seems that if the majority of the human race were going to be wiped out on December 31, 1999 we'd want the new human race to be founded by the same types of people...

    Of course, I didn't realize MTV execs were big fans of Hitchhiker's Guide

  • I think the question is, how come they didn't ask ME to go in there....?

    Heh I think this would put new meaning to "If you and I were the last people on earth, and there was no one else left to procreate, would you sleep with me?"
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Hello MTV Fans!

    Welcome to seven days of pure hell. Will the Musician provide the entertainment and can the wanna be actor strut his stuff?

    Check it out on MTV, we're gonna rock your planet baby, loads of lovin is gonna happen in da bunker.

    Will the CEO do the jiggy with the DJ? Find now on MTV, MTV Hip-Hop in Da Bunker.

    If you saw "End of Days" and were screaming for more, we've got it baby. Move over Arnold, we've got a comedian that can kick your balls of holli this season. All she has to do is start cracking jokes and your on the floor laughing until you pass out.

    MTV hip-hop in Da Bunker, logon and get connected. Chat live with the Y2k brady kids, but watch your six as they can take your on an unsuspected wild ride.

  • Turgidson:

    Doctor, you mentioned the ration of ten women to each man. Now, wouldn't that necessitate the abandonment of the so called monogamous sexual relationship, I mean, as far as men were concerned?


    Regrettably, yes. But it is, you know, a sacrifice required for the future of the human race. I hasten to add that since each man will be required to do prodigious... service along these lines, the women will have to be selected for their sexual characteristics which will have to be of a highly stimulating nature.

    -- Dr. Strangelove []
  • If MTV runs this like it runs most of its reality based TV:
    • One of the stars will be ejected from the bunker for pissing everyone else off in there.
    • There will be a few romances, but the happy couples will piss their respective partners off so nobody would "do it" with the other if they were the last people on Earth.
    • MTV will provide suitable entertainment for everyones sanity such as "The Day After", "The Shining", and other movies where someone goes berzerk because of cabin fever.
    In the end, civilization will not continue if MTV is its guardian, since they can barely keep shows where survival isn't that important from turning into bickering ratings-fests.
  • Maybe it's just me, but burying the people who watch MTV sounds like a *REALLY* good idea.
  • the people from mtv are stupid. just stick to videos.
  • There was also a Mission: Impossible where the team set up a post-apocalyptic set around the periscope of a nuclear bunker.. pretty cool.

    Don't let them out 'till April 1st either.. =)
  • Nature does not abhore a vacuum. Just look at these people's minds...

    What items would you take into the bunker...

    "Bike, Camera, Telescope/Binoculars."

    Errr... yeah. Camera's going to be really useful after the friggin' apocolypse, won't it? I suspect the Photomat booths are going to be kinda sparse.

    I wonder what sort of "reaserch" the "scientist" is involved in. Doubtlessly, it involves the science of acting...

    As for everyone asking why people would do this... simple. Look at the "what I wanna bes" in the list: musician, broadcaster, DJ, actor, etc. Self promotion. It's all about self promotion. What a fitting way to end the 20th Century.
  • > But imagine the descendants..... Personally, I'd
    > rather be nuked!

    Have you ever thought that perhaps the gene pool
    needs a life gaurd?

    "Hey you, out of the gene pool now!"

  • Actually....
    Nuking times square in NYC sounds like the
    best idea I have heard all year.

    Could think of it as Chemotherapy to kill the
    Cancer of New York State.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    MTV has gone with 100% "totally cool , like, awesome!" people yet again. Let's look at these in-DUH-viduals, shall we? Bunkernauts indeed...

    1) Mike Carson:
    "Cool... Awesome bro. I feel excellent man . Cool. It's gonna be nice! Oh, I don't know it's just gonna be something totally different. It's gonna be fun living with people I don't know. That going to be fun. Ha Ha, could go either way, I like the uncertainty of it, you know what I mean?"

    I say: You're a freaking DJ. And you talk like a surfer. 100% pure fluff, human light, can only pray that the world doesn't end and we are left with YOU- not ONLY contributing your DNA, but being a FATHER?!? NEXT...

    2) Lenore Davis
    "Wow I'm in. How cool is that? Thank you very much, that's awesome. Cool, ok. Finding out what we are doing. I don't have any idea. I just know I'm going to be underground from the 26th till the New Year and I'm just like O.K. And everyone keeps asking me what exactly are you guys doing. I'm like 'I don't know' but I can't wait to find out because it has to be something cool and interesting, I'm sure. But I don't know."

    I can just FEEL the cluelessness of this chick oozing out her pores, can't you? Let's o the world a favor now and put spikes in this girl's shoulder pads. If you manage to survive TEOTWAWKI, and manage to spawn, you're going to be trying to figure out which end of the baby to stick the twinkie in. Next victim please!

    3)Zack Goodman:
    "Great thank you. Great, excited, yeah I was actually anticipating it for a while. Just how different it's going to be. It's definitely going to be something different. I am not really sure what to expect. I can't imagine what's gonna go on in this underground room for five days."

    Oh yeah, like someone might sneak in some pot and we might totally get stoned until, like, one of the girls comes in and says, "My mom told me not to do drugs, they're like, totally bad for you." Whoa, what a bummer. Maybe I could score, hmm, yeah, that would be cool. Fire Fire! CALM DOWN BEAVIS.

    4)Tina Kim
    "Oh, Awesome. I think it's fantastic and thank god that the Asian American race will survive in the future. We won't be obsolete because of me. Capping on the other residents. Making fun of them. Oh thank you so much."

    Golly gee whiz, the Asian American race will live on? Please... how much Asian tradition dow you have left in you, and how much of that are you going to pass on to any offspring you have with any of the jerk-offs they leave you in there with?

    5)Maureen Kyle
    "Thank you. I'm kinda shocked right now, I wasn't expecting it. It's great. It's a shock. I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone and getting to spend a few days with strangers. And really broadening my horizons I guess."

    It sure will be a shock when those lazy pig jock boys that they locked you up with are making you clean the place and Who knows what else. Good grief; the scariest part is that this one is the most promising of the whole lot!

    6)Michael Michael
    "I'm in? Uh, Yeah. I don't know what to say. I don't know, it's kinda cool, I'll be able to get some views out there, and some people could either pick up on it, or maybe not. It will be cool to live with people, just to see what that's about. Meeting Lenore would not be bad too. Is she in? Oh ok, that wouldn't be too bad either."

    Michael Michael, is that your birth name? Warning, flake alert! OK, so we got a DJ/Surfer Guy, a goofy jock, two fluff chicks and the token asian-american; anyone know what's missing? Oh right, we gotta have an african american guy. Because the people care about race, it's an issue. Oh yeah, and let's make him all dramatic, and artist and a musician/actor guy. Totally.

    Redux: Six flakes in a can with not one iota of horse sense. Oh yeah, and a camera crew and a bunch of producers and technical staff. But man oh man will the ratings be great!! Think - Let's call it "The Real TEOTWAWKI." What a totally awesome idea!

    Blow it out your ass, MTV. When the other people who manage to bunker themselves in emerge, the first thing they're going to do is hunt down your bunker and weld the lid shut.

  • by Gray ( 5042 )
    When it all comes crumbling down, the Gap will closed, permantly...

  • by acfoo ( 98832 ) on Wednesday December 22, 1999 @04:09AM (#1453794)
    MTV has really chosen the proper skills for the task of living through the apocalypse:

    • Research Scientist/Athelete (Yeah, a lot of the scientists I know could be pro atheletes (from his bio) yet chose to serve science)
    • Musician
    • DJ (Well, they'll be able to amuse themselves while they starve)
    • Student (interested in broadcasting and pottery-- well, there's ONE useful skill)
    • Comedienne

    And most important of all...


  • This is by far one of the stupidest ideas of all time.
    Think about it....
    Let's bury people we want to survive underneath on of the ibggest new years eve terrorist targets (times square)...
    Maybe we should build a slashdot geek bunker :)

  • Hey, it'll be worth it to me if they pick New Tales of the Cthuhlu Mythos by H.P. Lovecraft and Diverse hands for the Book in the time capsule, Dr. Stangelove for the movie, Dungeon! for the boardgame or something interesting and thoughtful for a change instead of the same old same old... Imagine if the poll gets Slashdotted and the MTV execs say, "Eh? Book choice is Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxay by Douglas Adams, what the Hell is that?"
  • The first? Actually watching this show.

    Hopefully MTV will wise up and shut off the power, lock the door from the outside, make sure all the canned foods are rotten, and leave the cameras running. Then, I might even set the VCR to record this.

  • Ok, in an attempt to skew the statistics... I entered in some "nerd" fields

    CD: Redhat 6.1 (it didn't qualify as a game)
    Movie: Tron
    Boad Game: Mindtraps
    Video Game: Pong (just to iritate everyone else)
    Music Video: Weird Al's Amish Paradise ('nuf said)
    Books: Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series)
    Snack Food: Swedish Fish and Jolt
    Gadget: Abio (well I don't have one but I can dream - and mine certainly wouldn't be a toy)
    Toy: SGI Onyx2 Workstation (trust me it could only be a toy for me)
  • You forgot "Who is going to clean our telephones?"
  • If you're gonna waste bandwidth, waste it creatively. My vote for favorite toy -- Sun Enterprise 3000.

    Oh, come one. Everyone's gonna have an E6500 -- it's like Tickle Me Elmo. The 3k's cute. (And don't try to sell me an E10000, either. That's not a toy, young man.) :)


  • by M. Piedlourd ( 68092 ) on Wednesday December 22, 1999 @04:36AM (#1453803)
    "Gene pool needs chlorine."
  • This is great! I only wish they'd tell us _exactly_ where the bunker is, because you know being MTV, they won't have any guns, and my group most certainly will!

    Now if they would only give the exact address, this will be the first place my gang will go to loot all their food, and steal their women for breeding stock!!

  • > It would kill the Cancer that is New York City.

    Thats what I said :)

    > Most of the rest of New York State is made up of
    > trees, grass, and cows.

    Yup I know. Been up there more than once :)

    Everyone I have talked to has refered to NYC as a
    cancer that sucks the life out of the rest of the
    state and keeps the rest of the state from being
    viable by sucking up all the resources for itself.

    Some have suggested NY state would be alot better
    off if NYC was cut off and forced to become an
    independant state. :)

    I think Nuking them would have the desired effect
    too :)
  • by jd ( 1658 ) <imipak&yahoo,com> on Wednesday December 22, 1999 @04:53AM (#1453813) Homepage Journal
    [Ticker-tape effects not included. Please supply your own.]

    ...The day... ...News Years Eve...

    ...The location... ...MTV Bunker...

    ...The mission... ...To save humanity from Y2K...

    "Gentlemen! Six of our bravest have volunteered for this deadly mission. We have the technology. We can rebuild them. The six million dollar DJ's!"

  • by Shotgun ( 30919 ) on Wednesday December 22, 1999 @04:59AM (#1453816)
    Is it just me or is anyone else here reminded of the conclusion to Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe?

    In the end, it was revealed that the Earth was first populated by hair stylist, and public telephone cleaners.

  • Disclaimer: I know this mtv thing is a joke, but I am going to tear into it anyway :)

    The "survival" supplies, ratings

    Mike Carson

    Photos of Family and Friends - NOT useful (cept maybe as mapmaking paper, keeping track of the date if the photos are dated, keeping sanity through hope, kindling)
    Paper, Pens, Pencils - useful as items to trade, or to use for mapmaking, trachiotomies (sp?)

    Lenore Davis

    Family Photo - NOT useful (w/ above photo caveats)
    Ramblin' - Stuffed Bean Bag Frog - NOT useful

    Zack Goodman

    Harmonica - NOT useful (maybe you could pull it apart and sharpen the metal for a crude knife if it has a metal casing) Book Entitled "Conversations With God
    Part 2" - NOT useful (keeping sanity, kindling)

    Tina Kim
    Advil - pain reliever (maybe a fever reducer, I forget)
    Family Photos - NOT useful (w/ above photo exceptions)

    Maureen Kyle

    Pictures Of My Family & Friends - NOT useful (w/ above photo exceptions)
    My Favorite Notre Dame Sweatshirt - extra clothing, bandages/tourniquet, string for fishing, sewing up cuts, making lightweight traps (small birds), repairing other clothes

    Michael Michael

    Guitar - much wire for sturdier traps/fishing/sewing, box for small trap, neck for weapon
    "Beat It" Michael Jackson Jacket - scaring hostile survivors away

    No mention of survival references/survival equipment/medical texts on NBC warfare or field medicine, person hygene items/medical equipment/NBC equipment/weapons/extra provisions/clothes/radios/environmental monitoring equipment (MTV has the $$ to rent some geiger counters, chem/bio hazard detection equipment)


  • by Anonymous Coward
    Have the bunker on a truck underground without their knowledge. Slowly move it over the next few days out to a set where you've laid waste to the surrounding area.. scorched ground, destroyed building sets, fake bodies, stench of death, etc. Then when they come out they'll freak. :-) That and of course, no communications with the outside world!
  • by Sterling ( 10651 ) on Wednesday December 22, 1999 @05:25AM (#1453831)
    OK I will now start to rehash the growing sentiment againt MTV.

    MTV starting in the late 80's and 90's has slowing changed itself from a truly ground breaking station to a breeding ground of decadent pop culture. They are continously releasing programs that are "in the now" and are supposedly relevant to the 12-30 something demographic. These programs are hyped to be hip and new, but realistically they rehash common pop sentimentality albeit formatted for the target audience. Programs like The Real World, programs about Teen Violence, Sex, and the infamous Hacker "Documentary", exemplify their new form of programming.

    Actually some of there ideas for programs are interesting at first. Take for example the "Real World". Supposedly a show about how "real" people will act in "real" life situations. It has quickly turned into a forum for aspiring entertainers to display their talents, or for derelicts to obtain their so called "15 minutes of fame". In reality a program that really showed real people in real life situations would probably only be good as a treatment for insomniacs.

    This new Bunker project program is just another program from MTV that exploits the "popular interest" of the month, and supposedly brings in real people for another real life situation. Of course MTV has carefully chosen these "bunkernauts" not for their realness ( for a lack of a better term ) but entertainment value. You cannot blaim MTV for continuing with a paradigm that continously brings in viewers. It is just that educated users do not have accept the programming, and can choose not to tune in.

    Expressing disagreement about MTV programming will most likely not effect the way MTV chooses to develop new programs, since for the limited number of detractors of MTV, there are a plethora of proponents. And new MTV enthusiasts are conceived daily.

    Well, Sorry for the length of this gabble, I guess I have too much time on my hands.
  • by richj ( 85270 ) on Wednesday December 22, 1999 @05:43AM (#1453835)
    "Join us this week as our fearless GAP-clad heros venture into the rubble of what was the New York City Fashion District!"

    "Michael Michael, isn't that Old Navy's Magic being dognapped by the mutants in ragged clothing? To Old Navy, I ripped my cargo pants!"

    "I've got blood on my Sketchers!"

    "Where the hell are we going to find an Alto Chi Latte with nutmeg?!"

    " our next episode, Lenore tries to see if Performance Fleece is suitable for the nuclear winter, and Mike uses his perfect body to fend off a giant cockroach attack!!"
  • From Tina Kim:
    Oh, Awesome. I think it's fantastic and thank god that the Asian American race will survive in the future. We won't be obsolete because of me.
  • by richnut ( 15117 )
    What does the M in MTV stand for anyway?

  • Y'know, I worked *hard* not to say anything about how this had a rather "B-Ship" feel to it. ;\)

    - Robin

  • Um, isn't that just a wanna-be Blair Witch Project? Anyway, for even more fun, you could slowly move the walls in a little each day while they sleep. And slowly increase the temperature and humidity. That'll get 'em interesting a lot quicker.
  • by richj ( 85270 ) on Wednesday December 22, 1999 @08:03AM (#1453862)

    After about three days, or when things get really
    dull (or maybe really interesting, like it becomes obvious someone is getting ready to commit murder) have the lights flicker, go out -- and then the door swings open.

    Door swings open, and people in ape costumes come running in.

    Now that would be worthwhile television.
  • The wonderful thing about losing a time capsule is that it just does its job better..
  • by FreeUser ( 11483 ) on Wednesday December 22, 1999 @08:15AM (#1453867)
    After Y2k has come and gone, and life moves on its merry way with narry a quiver, can we please just keep these people locked in the bunker? It would help winnow the gene pool and provide society with endless entertainment as they slowly go mad with cabin fever and turn on each other ...

    Consider it a study for the betterment of humanity: what happens when several media whores, craving attention, are locked indefinitely together in a small space. They know intellectually that an (ever shrinking) audience is watching, yet are denied the feedback they so crave. Would they revel in their new role, without knowing their current ratings or enjoying the perks of fame, or would they go slowly mad in such a confined state? Enquiring minds want to know! Most importantly, no normal person ever has to have anything to do with any of them ever again! [applaus]
  • by Hard_Code ( 49548 ) on Wednesday December 22, 1999 @09:41AM (#1453885)
    Not an avid MTV fan myself, I did watch it a bit during the 93-95. I think the last "real" Real World was the second season (1993?), the one with that obnoxious Puck guy, and Pedro (I had to look that up on the web to actually remember). Pedro died and they started an AIDs fund in his name. It hasn't been as "real" as that since...for the last more than half-decade MTV seems to have been just increasing pop drivel... - the Java Mozilla []
  • They forgot hairdressers and those people who clean the telephones.

    Consciousness is not what it thinks it is
    Thought exists only as an abstraction
  • They can't fuck with the light/electric supply or else *we* won't be able to *see* them. They will have to have enough gas powered generators to last for the duration of the experiments. Moreover, the subjects really can't have access to the cameras and generators if there is an end-of-the-world-sim since the cast could mess up the broadcast or realize that it's a hoax, while trying to do something useful. Then again, I doubt that anyone in the cast will be the Proffessor. It's all Gilligan and Mary-Ann.
  • ...empty of course. eMpTy-Vee.

    So apropos, and right under our noses to boot.


The Shuttle is now going five times the sound of speed. -- Dan Rather, first landing of Columbia
