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Movies Media

Good Bye Q 36

Sam Jooky writes "This is a wonderfully nice little sendoff of Desmond Llewelyn, aka Q. " My favorite parts of every Bond movie are Q's bit, and the girls 'n guns musical montage intro. This is a nice read: Llewelyn was one of the good ones.
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Good Bye Q

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    AT this point it is undetermined but there are strong evidence pointing to K.A.O.S.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Desmond L. was only the latest of a fast dying breed. He demonstrated all of the values that I believed a fellow Brit should hold dear, (respect, manners and gentle conduct)and that for a long time now have been debased by rampant commercialism and greed. He and his ilk will be sorely missed by the free market world.
  • Llewelyn for me epitomised what might be a fictional representation of what all of us really want; a boss that would let one devise really cool stuff, 99% of which would never function perfectly but when that single killer idea came to fruition made *everything* different.

    Color me idealistic, but I dug the man, both his simple classiness and character. He will be missed.

  • I think the release of that information at this time might be premature, and would taint any findings of fact being enacted by the police.

    It'd also subject the person who was in the other vehicle to extreme amounts of publicity.

    Chas - The one, the only.
    THANK GOD!!!

  • My first movie theater experience was StarWars. Unfortunately, most of the Bond films hit theaters well before I ever had the cash to go see them.

    Still, seeing them on TV did nothing to diminsh the gawp-factor. As I was too young to watch the movies for the girls (let's be honest, for all the really YOUNG viewers, "Pussy Galore" went right over our heads as little kids), the action sequences and the gadgets were what really got my attention. So many interesting ways of doing frag unto others before they do frag unto you (I'm convinced they consulted with Q on Q3 and UT).

    I'm going to miss Q, and sincerely sorry that Mr Llewelyn died. Rest in peace sir.

    Chas - The one, the only.
    THANK GOD!!!

  • Not having Q around means that Bond won't ever be the same; the gadgets have been a part of Bond through most, if not all of the films. Desmond Llewellyn was brilliant in that role; the repartee between himself and the various Bond's was brilliant. Lines like "Now pay attention, 007" or "try not to damage it this time" were a major part in Bond films.

    I watched "The World is Not Enough" on Monday night, after hearing about his death, and Q's exit was made all the more poignant because of the real world news.

  • Did the authorities ever determine who was at fault for the accident in which he was killed. A little help from the readers in the U.K>, please?



    I had to think about that one for about five minutes. Must be time for bed. :)

  • Yes I saw him interviewed on television about a year ago and he seemed like a really nice person.
  • It's just too damned ironic that they introduced 'R' in the latest movie.

    It is. But I was wishing that I wasn't really seeing that.. I didn't want to see Q leave. But now that he's gone, I'm glad that they did let him have his mysteriously wonderful exit; it does him [more] justice instead of him simply being replaced in the next movie because he'd died. As we know, it'll be a more graceful replacement, because he was able to bow out in the last movie. I'm still sad he's gone; he was such a natural it'll be hard for his successor to satisfy my personal mold of Q. *sigh*

    alas, alas.....
  • Isn't it a bit ironic? One of the last things that Q (in the last Bond film "The World is Not Enough") said to Bond, was "James, if there is one thing I've tried to teach you, always have a backup plan."

    Too bad he didn't have a rocket-powered ejector seat, or anything like that in his fatal crash.

    Oh well, another legend that no one really gave much thought too until dead.
  • by devphil ( 51341 ) on Friday December 24, 1999 @10:51AM (#1448303) Homepage

    A recent reposted article in alt.humor.best-of-usenet mentioned:

    A moment of silence for our favourite weaponsmith please, and then we blow up a BMW.

    The link is here [deja.com].

    He shall be missed. I recommend seeing The World Is Not Enough again just for his exit scene. Chear loudly, and then leave to see some better movie.

  • Well, I had to think about ROFLPIMP for about five minutes.
  • My co-worker wrote a tribute to Desmond that I thought you all may be interested in reading. It is located at: http://www.kfsassoc.com/desmond.htm [kfsassoc.com]
  • I've seen all the Bond films first run. I believe Q appeared in more films than anyone else...all but two, I hear.

    Desmond Llewelyn was one of a vanishing breed, the old-line British stage actor with Shakespearean training. Britain is still producing them, viz. Kenneth Branaugh, but they're becoming increasingly rare. I was thinking, just as the latest film was released, that it would be interesting to see Llewelyn cast in some other role, against type.

    Now I'll never see it. But my, what a body of work to leave behind. And what an "escape plan". *sigh*
  • The night before I read the notice here about the accident I saw Desmond on either Entertainment Tonight or Access Hollywood saying how much he enjoyed doing the movies and that he wanted to continue to play the character for as long as the producers wanted him.

    Ok, now I'm confused. Anyone who read the Salon article this story is linked to (or saw The World is Not Enough)knows that Q was written out in the latest movie. He (Desmond) was ready to retire, and so the character was written out, in favor of the character of R, his protege, played by John Cleese. I can't imagine Desmond would have said that he wanted to keep playing the character as long as the producers would have him, given that this was the last movie he planned to appear in.

  • Like many people here I found the character of Q to be so genuine and likeable his appearance and interplay with Bond's character was always one of the highlights of each movie. I remember thinking how nice it was in the two movies Octopussy And Licence To Kill to see him have a part that was more than just the usual few minutes. The night before I read the notice here about the accident I saw Desmond on either Entertainment Tonight or Access Hollywood saying how much he enjoyed doing the movies and that he wanted to continue to play the character for as long as the producers wanted him. That made this all that much more sad, all in all what a way to end the year.
  • I though he was the only actor to play the role of Q in all the bond movies. I remember watching OHMSS (the first Bond movie, and based on the book of same name), and Q was there, and it was Llewelyn, and I remember thinking, "Whoa this guy has been there since Bond Movie 1!"

    Anyway you cut it he's a cool dude. Thank you Mr. Llewelyn for such great entertainment!


  • As Q, the loveable inventor and mastermind behind Bond's awesome arsenal of weapons designed for him, Desmond Llewelyn charmed us, the viewers, for nearly 4 decades. His scripted innate clumsiness was the perfect foil for his scripted razor sharp genius, with each running rampant through the scenes where he shows James his latest and greatest works. He will be missed dearly by this reader and more than likely by many others. In the few moments where he was in view, Desmond Llewlyn performed immaculately. He will be remembered in the hearts of millions of loyal fans. I think he kicks ass. So should everyone else IMHO.


  • Only problem is, the police in this country tend to have a dim view of releasing too many details to the press, especially if they are in contact with all parties involved. I think it would be best to let it lie, because wherever Desmond is, he's liable to be having a good time, and what good will finger-pointing do now. Surely he should be allowed to leave this world as gently as he behaved in it.

    Happy Generic Winter Festival, all!

  • With him gone who will antagonize the Enterprise Crew?
  • Ok, who has some moderator points out there. This should have been at least

    (Score: 2, Funny)

    Even at times like this, humor is the best medicine.


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