Slashdot's 10,000th Story 238
After two and a half years we're happy to announce that this is the 10,000th story posted on Slashdot. Uncounted trolls, repeats, server meltdowns, lost nights of code, conferences, quickies, hot grits, flame mails, broken links, 'Score:-1', karma whores, rants, submissions: its been a great ride... along the way we've posted a lot of sweet stories and had some great discussions. We promise to make the next 10,000 suck less! Congrats to Hemos (2153 stories) Roblimo (700) Cliff (693) and Sengan (664). Course I rule all over them with 4478 (I had a 6 month head start tho ;)
What was story number one? (Score:1)
*nix clones:
Linux, BSD, SunOS/Solaris, HPUX, NetBSD, FreeBSD, A/UX (remember that), SVR4, AIX (gag), Irix, Ultrix, 4.2, ...
Which is the One True *nix?
And so the flamewars began!
We were just fine when there was no moderation. (Score:1)
Monkey (Score:1)
Due to this post, Jon Katz was told that Richard Dawkins (the creator of the word "meme") was going to be waiting in a white car just outside of Paris, France to give an exclusive interview.
Little did Jon know (little does he know anyways) that we actually had dressed a monkey up as Richard Dawkins and placed it in the back seat of the car.
As Jon Katz excitedly drove up, the car with the monkey (dressed as Richard Dawkins) pulled away. Jon, being Jon... gave chase.
At speeds exceeding 90mph (sure, it's France... but I'm an American, I can't stoop to metrics) Jon Katz chased the monkey car until the chase ended... tragically... when the monkey car crashed, killing the monkey in the process.
It is rumored that Jon Katz will be blamed for the monkey's death, and may face the death penalty under French law for killing a funny animal.
We all mourn the loss of the monkey we lovingly dressed up as Richard Dawkins.
I sent this in weeks ago! (Score:1)
It's almost like you were waiting for more stories or something.
Questions (Score:1)
First story? (Score:1)
But as someone has humbly pointed out ... (Score:1)
429 replies of 957 (Score:1)
What I'd like to know is what story generated the most responses. Or maybe, what have been the ten most popular stories (according to the nomber of comments posted) that have been posted on /.
Who knows, perhaps by the 20000th, Rob will have learnt how to spell definitely. Hint: word stem finite.
old timers (Score:1)
"Trust is a trick that dogs play. They don't want you to know how delicious they are."
Re:And what is... (Score:1)
Or a flame war about Gnome vs. KDE.
Of course I am just guessing.
Re:A hearty congratulations (Score:1)
Re: What makes you think that? (Score:1)
Re:9999 Stories (Score:1)
'Nuff said.
Re:old timers (Score:1)
What? (Score:1)
Happy 10k, Rob!
Woohoo!!! (Score:1)
Re:Long Live Slashdot! (Score:1)
Re:PARTY!! ?? (Score:1)
I for one will hit the pub this evening and raise a glass to Rob and Hemos and all the
I was wondering though.. How many
I've been lurking around the net for about 11 years now, and from the first chatters/BBS sites, one of the more binding aspects was the infrequent "Get togethers"..
A mud I'm on (igormud.org) has a huge meetup every summer in Michigan, which is huge amounts of fun, along with impromptu meets now and then, all over the world.
There's been articles recently about how "removed from society" the internet makes people. This may be a chance to gainsay that alltogether..
I'd be happy to arrange a beerup for any slashdotters in Bristol, UK that want to get together sometime, and raise a glass to trolls, flame, and a damnably interesting time.
What better way to thank Rob and co, than to raise a glass of beer in their honour?
Real email is Malkavian@dial.pipex.com
If yer interested, let me know.
moderate up parent! :) (Score:1)
Slashdot Day (Score:1)
Least active/visited stories.... (Score:1)
What would be really interesting to know is what is the current highest user number. I suppose I could get a new username and find out, but that seems like kinda a waste.
10,000th FIRST POST!!!!! (Score:1)
Ironically... (Score:1)
I'm just suprised Jon Katz wasn't the one who posted the story.
George Lee
Slashdot Privacy Policy? (Score:1)
Re:Statistics (Score:1)
No really he mentions during the "2000 beanies awards"... www.thesync.com I belive the RealVideo can be downloaded from "Geeks in space" on the sync.
It makes sence when you think about it...
The avrage post deserves a mod 1... but ACs posts default to mod 0.. so the avrage ho hum post gets modded up... considering the shear number of AC posts and that the majority are pritty good and deserving of atleast mod 1...
So yeah... AC is the ultimate Karma Whore
Congratulations (Score:1)
Keep up the good work guys, and don't let the naysayers distract you. There are a lot of us out there that just like Slashdot the way it is, but since we've got nothing to complain about we're a rather quiet bunch.
Anyway, on to the next 10.000 !
How they keep count ... (Score:1)
So you see, trolls are important to Slashdot, because where else are CmdrTaco and Hemos going to get fresh troll blood for the tally pen? And I won't mention the successful meat-supply business that funds the running of Slashdot, where they supply fresh troll meat to various restaurant chains in their local area. Those McDonald's burgers aren't really 100% beef, you know....
Woah! (Score:1)
I, for one like Slashdot (Score:1)
What I don't like? Sometimes the speed sucks, and those trolls... But society isn't without it's pests!
Pardon my ignorance but... (Score:1)
I'm on her site now (www.natportman.com) looking at her perty pictures, still clueless as to who the hell she is!
Constipated? I think so. (Score:1)
Countless trolls, eh? (Score:2)
How about some statistics, Rob? I know there are some such as hits and browser type, but there must be data to be derived from the messageboard.
Some cool ones I can think of:
Slashdot's total karma (could actually be a rough rating of the value of slashdot's accumulated information in the messageboard)
Total posts per quarter (graphs are cool)
Troll count (sorry, gotta count the trolls)
Most popular author by replies vs number of stories posted (Keep em comin Katz!)
Number of stories on Quake vs every other game combined
Number of registered users (this can be approximated with enough clicking, but we all really want to know
Number of active users (who have logged in in the last two weeks)
Anonymous coward vs Known Coward post ratio
Anyways, Rob and co. Thanks and congratulations for making the most exciting page in the age of indoor boredom.
Re:Statistics (Score:2)
We need hall of shame too! (Score:2)
And we need a new algorithm for Top 10 Comments, (maybe sum of karma of the comment and child comments?)
Anchordesk (Score:2)
Slashdot rocks! (Score:2)
'nuff said!
Urgje is coming for you. (Score:2)
you. And if the little guy is mad, he's dangerous.
He doesn't come out much.
UNIX isn't dead, it just smells funny...
Self Recursive story? (Score:2)
Lame sig not here
Congratulations.. (Score:2)
Re:A few things... (Score:2)
MTV shows videos?
Re:Long Live Slashdot! (Score:2)
Anyone have any other early screenshots of Slashdot? I want to remember what it *looked* like.
Consciousness is not what it thinks it is
Thought exists only as an abstraction
Re:Long Live Slashdot! (Score:2)
Consciousness is not what it thinks it is
Thought exists only as an abstraction
Horay! (Score:2)
You know what this means? You heard it here first boys and girls, Slashdot is FIRING Jon Katz.
Re:And what is... (Score:2)
1st Story Ever? (Score:2)
So Rob, what was the first story you ever posted??
Re:HOF Hack (Score:2)
This spamming tool, incidentally, was made open source by it's author, who posted the source code (it's a bash script) in a few comments to the thread.
Re:Long Live Slashdot! (Score:2)
It's all just fun, of course.
You're looking for screenshots of Slashdot? But chips and dips was so much more *fun*.
Re:Long Live Slashdot! (Score:2)
And, of course, I meant increment the story link a few times in binary
Ed Fisher
Re:Long Live Slashdot! (Score:2)
(Sorry, I couldn't resist)
Story 1,000! [slashdot.org]
What a blast from the past... a whopping *four* comments to that story.
Re:Serious question (Score:2)
Grits is an oatmeal-like hot cereal popular in the Southern USA -- that is all (sorry if that's too obvious -- on the Internet everyone assumes you're a dog :-)
+++For-pay Internet distributed processing. [processtree.com]+++
Re:Long Live Slashdot! (Score:2)
Speed of growth (Score:2)
Do you keep statistics on the speed of growth? I'd be really interested to see the number of stories posted in each month; but also the number of comments, submissions, page views... in each month.
Re:Numeric system discrimination (Score:2)
UMm... (Score:2)
A few things... (Score:2)
Congrats on beating MTV to the 1,000,000 video mark!
Some interesting things:
What story had the most trolls?
What story had the most comments?
What was the first story?
How much disk space do the stories and comments currently use?
Re:Numeric system discrimination (Score:2)
and considering that Slashdot is on the net, and the net uses IP, and IP uses Decimal representations of Byte Notated numbers,
39.16 is apropriate but doesn't really SAY anything
Now... 40.0 will be really big!
(that 10100000000000 for you Binary geeks, or 10240 for you Decimal shovanists
Is CmdrTaco just PSFN? (Score:2)
For those who have been to [Everything 2] [everything2.com] may have seen some people just [NFN] [everything2.com]. Could CmdrTaco just be posting pointless stories in order to increase his story count? That is, is he just [PSFN] [everything2.com]?
Lets see ... "Atmel Chip for Embedded Linux Devices" has almost no posts under it. That means that nobody cares about it. That means that Taco posts pointless stories. That means he is just [Posting Stories for Numbers] [everything2.com].
Quality vs. Quantity (Score:2)
Such a system would let all those people who post saying "What does this topic have to do with nerds?" or "This doesn't matter" could instead let their opinion be heard by reducing the rating of the story. What a relief it would be to the rest of us.
Re:Congrats !!! (Score:2)
"100,000,000 trolls on Slashdot, 100,000,000 trolls,
Moderate one down, move your mouse around,
100,000,001 trolls on Slashdot..."
The hospital... (Score:2)
/. 10K (Score:2)
Looking forward to the cool million.
Slashdot Doesn't Suck (Score:2)
And to remind moderators that this is on topic :)
Home sweet Slashdot (Score:2)
Re:Anchordesk (Score:2)
lets see if anyone's Humor Impared
Re:Hey! Do the Math! (Score:2)
No, the other 1312 stories were submitted by the authors who didn't made at into the "Top 5".
(OctobrX, CowboyNeal, emmet, jamie, JonKatz etc.).
PARTY!! ?? (Score:2)
Re:First story? (Score:2)
On Behalf of the Academy (Score:2)
10,000th Post! (Score:3)
This will lead to new depths of behavior. Lured by the not so lurid prizes, the cellar dwellers of the web will realize that the first post nonsese was just the beginning; there's plenty of cool numbers.
10,001 will be of interest for the symmetry. But it will be hard to top 12,321 and 12,345 . . . (except, of course, by getting post 666 in a microsoft thead
hawk, who should really know better . . .
23,114,038! (Score:3)
In honor of this momentous occasion... (Score:3)
Send them
And what is... (Score:3)
on a similar note (Score:3)
Re:In celebration... (Score:3)
And one more really useful one,
To Celebrate SlashDot's 10,000th story... (Score:3)
I'm the Monkey Moderator.
I feel that I've outdone myself with this latest Masterpiece of Monkey Moderation, and to celebrate... I'm revealing my secret identity.
I can't take credit for every one of the monkey moderations you've all seen, but I've posted all but a couple that I know of. I've actually hoped it'd catch on a bit more than it has, but alas... I was unable to keep up with so many trolls on my own.
You'll still see the occasional monkey moderation from me. I'm not going to let this die easily... but from now on, I'll honestly take the karma hits as they come.
Here's to Monkey Moderation in all it's Glory (hehe)... may it continue!
"It all started with a Monkey."
Re:In celebration... (Score:3)
(-1 here I come...)
Has anyone else noticed that when someone posts "I'll probably be moderated down for this", "There goes my karma", or "-1, flamebait", they are almost certain to be moderated UP?
Hmm.. my karma could use a boost:
"Yea, I'll probably be moderated WAAAAAY down for this. I'm sacrificing my karma by posting this, but I think the original bears repeating."
That'll probably grab someone's attention. (-:
Long Live Slashdot! (Score:3)
Congratulations and continued good luck!
Re:In celebration... (Score:3)
How about...
+5 Funny and On Topic (for once) (Score:3)
of course , due to the exponential nature... (Score:3)
10000??? (Score:3)
I still have 9930 articles to go through...
This is where I should write something
intelligent or funny but since I'm
Re:In celebration... (Score:4)
I can see it now:
Re:In celebration... (Score:3.1415926539, Yes, I agree, Wrong, Yes, need write ins, Are you crazy, Not a bad idea, waffle, orange, cool, a troll moderator was here but I'm too lazy to make a real troll comment so I'll just moderate with a stupid write in, ok, great idea, bill gates sucks, Monkey, Hot Grits, MEEPT!!, fuck off, right, libertarian, Insightful, Troll, +5, Bruce_Perens., moderator whore, more... [slashdot.org])
by Zurk [slashdot.org] (zurk@SPAMSUCKSgeocities.com) on 09:49 AM February 24th, 2000 CST (#121)
(User Info [slashdot.org])
Re:And what is... (Score:4)
I think a more accurate metric of the most active story would be total posts / total number of currently active posters (defined as, maybe, people who've posted within the last week). A more accurate metric of most visited stories would be total hits / total number of registered users. Thus a story commented on three times by every poster when there were 100 posters would be more active than a story commented on by half of 10,000 posters.
Okay, we have the HOF page, but... (Score:4)
Who is the "favorite" author on Slashdot (who has the highest number of hits per story, on average?)
What is the most frequently appearing topic? Linux, Microsoft, Star Wars Prequels, The Internet, Links, Quickies (when are we gonna get more quickies, anyway?), Science, or something else?
Who has posted the most comments, besides the Anonymous Coward?
What, in your opinion, were the coolest stories you've posted on Slashdot (yeah, the Netscape Open-Source thing was the indicator that Slashdot was "respectable", but what have you guys gotten the biggest kick out of posting?)?
Any regrets?
Anything you would do differently?
Did you ever imagine anything like this happening 3 years ago?
Where do we send congratulatory "Who" box sets?
Damnit Rob, there was no story zero (Score:4)
Now that everyone has forgotten the entire "when does the millennium start" fiasco, I needed something to bitch about.
Seriously tho, congratulations.../. has gotten me through more than one seriously boring computer lab.
The origins of "naked and petrified" (Score:4)
I started "Mae Ling Mak naked and petrified" after becoming enamored by reading a couple of Ms. Mak's Segfault articles. I soon extended "naked and petrified" to others as well, and of course as it gained in popularity others took it in all new directions.
It wasn't me that took "naked and petrified", my beloved love-child, to Slashdot. In fact, I don't know WHO it was. But once comments were disabled on Segfault, SOMEONE did, and I decided to review my decision that Slashdot wasn't the right place for "naked and petrified". In fact, Slashdot was a *WONDERFUL* place for "naked and petrified".
I think it was roughly around September that Segfault disabled comments. I've been posting "naked and petrified" messages (including the famous "Open Letter to ESR" which ESR himself wound up reading) here ever since then, on and off, and so have my many loyal fans and followers. I've also engaged in a few other projects when my "naked and petrified" muse wasn't helpful, such as PR0J3C7 31337-H4X0R-5P34K, which never really got off the ground, although I am rather proud of its first work, "1 H4V3 4 DR34M".
Of course, petrification-related stuff has been around the Internet for as long as anyone can remember. As long as the Internet has existed, people with an interest in petrification have been able to find each other and talk about their interests. Only in the past 10 years, though, have the websites and newsgroups and stuff started to spring up related to that interest.
Well, it was a good 10,000. Here's to 10,000 more... NAKED AND PETRIFIED.
10,000 (Score:4)
Congrats !!! (Score:5)
(By the way, this is the 100,000,000th troll)
thank you.
Re:Congrats !!! (Score:5)
Moderate one down, move your mouse around,
99,999,999 trolls on Slashdot...
Huh? (Score:5)
Hot ants down my pants, ouch !
A hearty congratulations (Score:5)
And hat's off, too, to all the people who have taken the time to post insightful, interesting, informative or funny comments; the site is as much about you, because the net has enabled you to participate as much as the authors of the stories and the editors who select them.
Despite all the whining about the acquisitions, it sounds like CmdrTaco has done the truly noble and honorable thing and guarded the independence that makes the site what it is. I can't tell you how much I respect that, and thank you for doing the right thing, and understanding what the right thing was to do.
And that means that the next 10,000 stories will give us all as much reason to come here as the last 10,000 did.
Numeric system discrimination (Score:5)
I would guess that many of us geeks who reed
10,000 stories is (Score:5)
31,000 hot grits pouring
22,000 Natalie Portman references (slowing down, guys)
33,000 Jon Katz flames
5,000 references to the supposed sexual preferences of Slashdot staff
10,000 "is this really news posts?"
10,000 First Posts
100,000 First Post wannabes
5,000 "I submitted this months ago" posts
and maybe
300 good trolls.
[Note that these numbers are based on recent averages]
Re:Long Live Slashdot! (Score:5)
You can't get much earlier than "Chips and Dips", and you can also get some insight into Taco, the Man, instead of Taco, the Commander...
So here are some screenshots for your enjoyment:
Taco's first e theme, Flaunt [cmdrtaco.net]. It was designed for 1600x1200, and DR11. And boy, if you don't see "Chips and Dips" right there on his screen. Talk about a little self-promotion!
And what else do we have? We have his DR12 theme, Obsidian! [cmdrtaco.net] Obsidian features a few irc chats here and there, and we get to see taco lurking (as an op no less) in #linuxwarez. Woo!
We also find out that, originally, his themes were hosted at mandrake.net, in the "TacoWare" directory on the ftp. Hmmmmmm. TacoWare. I think we have a competitor for the Dilberito!
Congrats guys, it's good to see all the progress that's been made.
Oh, and for all those of you looking for early slashdot articles, check these:
Nov 19, 1998 [slashdot.org] -- Taco announces kernel 2.1.129 on slashdot. Amazingly, no one trolls!
March 23, 1998 [slashdot.org] -- Java news! The most interesting thing about this one, is the link address, and the lack of any and all comments. Hmm. (For a hidden surprise, try incrementing the link a few times!)
Well, that's enough time wasting for me for today (har har, I just got q3a for linux)
Ed Fisher
Visit the /. Hall Of Fame! (Score:5)
Re:Congrats (Score:5)
[disclaimer] Every
10,000th story... (Score:5)
In celebration... (Score:5)
(-1 here I come...)
10,000 Trolls (Score:5)
Seriously guys, Congratulations, It's been a fun ride so far.
Re:Congrats !!! (Score:5)
I`ll be postin when the evening comes
Watching the stories roll in
And I'll watch 'em roll away again
I'm just postin on the thread of the day
Watching the time troll away
Postin on the thread of the day
Wasting time.
I lost my job 'cause of Slashdot
And watched the site hit 10K
I've got no karma to live for
Look like nothings gonna come my way
I'm just postin on the thread of the day
Watching the time roll away
Postin' on the thread of the day, Wasting time
Postin' here resting my bones
Cause this moderator won't leave me alone
10,000 stories I've trolled, Just to make this site my home
So I'm just postin on the thread of the day
Watching the time troll away, ooh
Postin on the thread of the day Wastin' time
Seriously Guys, Congratulations, you've done a great thing here.