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Education Science

Anti-Evolution "Academic Freedom" Bill Passed In Louisiana 898

Ars Technica is running a story about recently enacted legislation in Louisiana which will allow school board officials to "approve supplemental classroom materials specifically for the critique of scientific theories" such as evolution and global warming. The full text of the Act (PDF) is also available. Quoting: "The text of the [Louisiana Science Education Act] suggests that it's intended to foster critical thinking, calling on the state Board of Education to 'assist teachers, principals, and other school administrators to create and foster an environment within public elementary and secondary schools that promotes critical thinking skills, logical analysis, and open and objective discussion of scientific theories.' Unfortunately, it's remarkably selective in its suggestion of topics that need critical thinking, as it cites scientific subjects 'including, but not limited to, evolution, the origins of life, global warming, and human cloning.'"
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Anti-Evolution "Academic Freedom" Bill Passed In Louisiana

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  • by Forrest Kyle ( 955623 ) on Saturday June 28, 2008 @05:32AM (#23979111) Homepage
    Because they are not questioning evolution scientifically. They are categorically ignoring the MOUNTAINS OF EVIDENCE for evolution and saying things like "How can scientists really know how old something is?" and then never explaining in detail the chemistry and physics of radio-carbon dating. You hear things like "evolution is just a theory" without the correct addendum "and so is gravity".

    It's like trying to use the phrase "Nuh uh" as a counter argument.

    Science's argument: [insert thesis on evolution]
    Counter Argument: Nuh uh.
  • by knklt ( 1298291 ) on Saturday June 28, 2008 @05:38AM (#23979149)
    Finally! Now we can teach Intelligent Design next to that hideous theory of evolution. Praise the Lord. And we can teach Stork Theory right aside the hypothesis of Big Sex (urgh). And what about geocentrism or astrology in stead of astronomy? And the periodic table is just a left-wing, secular conspiracy. It is just plain air/water/fire/eather/earth. Justice at last! P.S: The devil burried/god designed and planted these fossils to trick us. You silly ignorant infidels.
  • by Jah-Wren Ryel ( 80510 ) on Saturday June 28, 2008 @06:08AM (#23979285)

    There are some schools in the UK, for example, who teach cretinism,

    So THAT"S where all the soccer hooligans come from!

  • by delt0r ( 999393 ) on Saturday June 28, 2008 @06:39AM (#23979429)

    but on /. you're a dumbass.

    Well I guess thats critical. Perhaps not what is meant by critical *thinking* however....

  • "My personal opinion is that it will come in the form of drastic economic and research decline as the older (and currently poorer) nations start to evolve to fill the gaps a US withdrawal from the field will create."

    Some say this has already happened. Have you noticed how the US dollar has been replaced by rocks and small twigs as a more trustworthy and widely-accepted medium of exchange? Or how New York is filled with Europeans spending their depleted-uranium pounds and euros?

  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday June 28, 2008 @07:02AM (#23979505)

    Catch up with the times grandpa, Intelligent Design has evolved.

  • by antirelic ( 1030688 ) on Saturday June 28, 2008 @07:09AM (#23979537) Journal

    I think its encouraging that the state of Lousiana is supporting role playing in their school environments. Being a fan of D&D for more than two decades, having a whole bunch of people discuss fiction on such a large scale can only benefit the FRP community as a whole. I am always amazed at the level of depth grown men can achieve talking about a fictious being and the possible actions such a fictious being can take against the people of the real world. Even better is the discussion of the fictious creatures that said fictious being can send to do its combat. Though I have yet to hear these people discuss statistics, I'm sure they will given this new input into the academic settings, where things are weighed and measured for accuracy.

    We are talking about role playing... oh... religion. Nevermind.

  • by grimwell ( 141031 ) on Saturday June 28, 2008 @07:12AM (#23979547)

    Instead, ID simply says that life is too complex to have evolved spontaneously on its own, therefore God must have done it.

    Your troll-fu isn't all bad. You used the babel fish as bait, got some bites and even got modded up to +4 interesting. Well done.

    The Babel fish is small, yellow and leech-like, and probably the oddest thing in the Universe. It feeds on brainwave energy recieved not from its own carrier but from those around it, It absorbs all unconscious mental frequencies from this brainwave energy to nourish itself with. the practical upshot of this is that if you stick a Babel fish in your ear you can instantly understand anything said to you in any language.

    Now it is such a bizarrely improbable coincidence that anthing so mind-bogglingly useful could have evolved purely by chance that some thinkers have chosen to see as a final and clinching proof of the non-existence of God. The argument goes like this : "I refuse to prove that I exist", says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."

    "But", says Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway isn't it? it could not have evolved by chance. it proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own arguments, you don't. QED."

    "Oh dear", says God, "I hadn't thought of that," and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic.

  • by crimson30 ( 172250 ) on Saturday June 28, 2008 @07:31AM (#23979653) Homepage

    How do you think that Noah managed to get 2 of every one of the 250000 species of beetles into his boat? Let alone the 40000 species of frog.

    I'd heard that there are 350,000 species of beetle and wikipedia has the same number: []

    Could be a misrepeated number, but just thought I'd point it out.

    Also, there are just over 5000 species of identified frogs: []

  • NO ORLEANS, Friday (UNN) - The Louisiana Science Education Act (LSEA) was signed by Governor Bobby Jindal yesterday. The bill will allow local school boards to approve supplemental classroom materials specifically for the critique of controversial alleged "scientific" theories.

    "The Act is intended to foster critical thinking," said Gov. Jindal. "We want the state Board of Education to assist teachers in promoting open and objective discussion of scientific theories including, but not limited to, evolution, the origins of life, global warming, and human cloning."

    "Next, we'll work on classroom resources concerning the debates on the position of the Earth in the universe, whether Newton got it right, whether Democritus or Aristotle was correct about matter, and whether, in fact, the liver is the most important organ in the body. Then we'll get onto whether the 'periodic table' is just a Liberal conspiracy or fire, earth, air and water are a better fit for reality, and, of course, a critical examination of whether the so-called Holocaust happened or was a put-up job by the Jesus-killers."

    Some have worried that the United States will fall behind in education, science and engineering and hence economic achievement. But the new bill comes in the wake of the vast successes of Faith-Based Mortgage Lending and its beneficial effects on the US housing market. "The replacement of the US dollar with rocks and small twigs as a more trusted and widely-accepted medium of exchange is merely a temporary blip," said Ben Bernanke, director of the Federal Reserve. "The hordes of Europeans flocking to New York for the cheap shopping and laughing as they give the bums Euro notes or pound coins are merely an optical illusion. The Faith-Based Security employed by the Transport Security Administration should deal with it conclusively."

    Gov. Jindal looks at the move as an opportunity. "Louisiana will make America proud again. After the success of No Orleans' Faith-Based Levees in 2006, we'll impress the world again with our Penis Rocket To The Moon project. Or we would, except that we'll be advocating critical discussion of the Intelligent Stork theory of reproduction."

  • by nawcom ( 941663 ) on Saturday June 28, 2008 @07:57AM (#23979763) Homepage
    Scientist 1: "Hey everybody! I have a new theory! Wanna hear about it?"

    Scientist 2: "Sure! Golly gee whiz I'm always excited when there's a new theory in town. What is it?"

    Scientist 1: "I think that since everything was created as a result of something else, being a reaction, event, or otherwise, that there has to be an original creator!!"

    Scientist 2: "Wow! How did the creator get there?"

    Scientist 1: "I don't know, but that isn't important now. What we need are some good hard evidence. Especially so we can explain how us humans got on earth. I mean, those crazy evolutionists don't even have EVERY PIECE OF THE PUZZLE yet! Even though they are finding more answers in physical evidence and test results year after year, it's obvious they are only going in the wrong direction. This is proof that they believe in Darwin; such blind faith."

    Scientist 2: "Hey - I agree, completely agree. Hey! Speaking of evidence, I found some the other day, that goes beyond Jesus Christ, that invisible man who I gave my soul to! Her name is Gaia, and she was the one who originally created the earth!"

    Scientist 1: Are you crazy? Where is your empirical evidence?? I think I am on a better track than you. I think I have evidence that the universe was created by two gods, Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca who attacked and ripped apart Hungry Woman to create the universe. Where did I leave those notes..."

    Scientist 2: "Ah HA! But look at what I found.. *reads notes* That the universe was created when Papa and her husband Rangi hugged and bore children, and were subsequently separated by their son Tane who let light shine between them!!! The Moriori knew it all along!"

    Ok, you get the point. Personally I like the FSM []. The rules aren't as threatening as most religions, and it doesn't discriminate. But, even though there may be more evidence against it, I must follow my blind faith in Bob []. Why? Because that is the least financially risky religion. "Eternal Salvation or TRIPLE Your Money Back! []"
  • by statemachine ( 840641 ) on Saturday June 28, 2008 @08:20AM (#23979859)

    Where's your link to peer-reviewed research justifying your "radical agenda, house of cards" hypothesis? Or do you just believe it to be so?

  • by croftj ( 2359 ) on Saturday June 28, 2008 @08:29AM (#23979909) Homepage

    My wife grows modus ponens in our flower garden.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday June 28, 2008 @09:14AM (#23980135)

    Im frum Lousana yu insinsitiv clod! Now git offa mi bayou befors I sic mi coon dog on ya!

  • by aproposofwhat ( 1019098 ) on Saturday June 28, 2008 @10:00AM (#23980469)
    Got to trot it out - as J B S Haldane said (when asked "What has the study of biology taught you about the Creator, Dr. Haldane?"):

    "I'm not sure, but He seems to be inordinately fond of beetles."

  • by bob.appleyard ( 1030756 ) on Saturday June 28, 2008 @11:35AM (#23981407)
    Sqrt(-science). Makes sense.
  • by rjmx ( 233228 ) on Saturday June 28, 2008 @05:47PM (#23985201)

    Is your understanding of politics seriously so rudimentary that you actually think the Bushes and libertarians have anything in common?

    I dunno. As far as I can see, Libertarians are just like Republicans, but without the charm, honesty and compassion.

  • by freedom_india ( 780002 ) on Monday June 30, 2008 @05:39AM (#23997957) Homepage Journal

    Yes. And you were brought in by a blue stork onto your parents' doorstep from a land far, far beyond, where daisies and lillies grow beautifully well, where dinosaurs and deers ate together at the Golden Pool.
    Then one mighty day, Lord the God, finished developing the rest of the real-estate (WoW), and wanted to let Adam & Eve and everyone out to make room for Himself.
    However, the Golden Pool and the excellent infrastructure in the Garden of Love were too good to make any of them voluntarily leave.
    So the God had to boot Adam & Eve out of the Garden by throwing a snake upon them, which made Eve scream and rush out of the Garden followed by Adam. Eve refused to go back into the Garden when persuaded to do so by Adam and told him he wouldn't get any "dessert" if he did not move out with her.
    So Adam had to move out to keep the "desserts" coming.
    But, since he didn't want his offspring to know why, he invented this Moses stuff, etc., which resulted in the Bible, and a few thousand years later the Vatican money machine and ultimately resulted in you being "pollinated".
    Get it?

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