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Education Politics

Union Boycotts LA Times Over Teacher Evaluation Disclosure 629

Atypical Geek writes "According to Newsweek, the local teachers union is infuriated over the disclosure of teacher performance metrics. Quoting: 'Do parents have the right to know which of their kids' teachers are the most and least effective? That's the controversy roaring in California this week with the publication of an investigative series by the Los Angeles Times's Jason Song and Jason Felch, who used seven years of math and English test data to publicly identify the best and the worst third- to fifth-grade teachers in the Los Angeles Unified School District. The newspaper's announcement of its plans to release data later this month on all 6,000 of the city's elementary-school teachers has prompted the local teachers' union to rally members to organize a boycott of the newspaper.' According to the linked Times article, United Teachers Los Angeles president A.J. Duffy said the database was 'an irresponsible, offensive intrusion into your professional life that will do nothing to improve student learning.'"
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Union Boycotts LA Times Over Teacher Evaluation Disclosure

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  • by uncanny ( 954868 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @09:09AM (#33323418)
    I get evaluated at my job, should i be outraged? Maybe this will motivate them to actually try harder to be better teachers instead of just griping about a paycheck. There are worse jobs out there with even worse pay, i say start firing teachers that rank the worst.
  • by VojakSvejk ( 315965 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @09:12AM (#33323442) Homepage

    So where can I download your evaluation?

  • by JanneM ( 7445 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @09:14AM (#33323458) Homepage

    "I get evaluated at my job, should i be outraged?"

    Should you get outraged if your evaluation is printed in a major daily newspaper as an example? Without a reporter even as much as contacting you for a chance at filling in your side of the story?

  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday August 21, 2010 @09:15AM (#33323466)

    He's probably not paid with public dollars taken forcibly from unwilling taxpayers. His evaluation is thus a private matter between him and his private-sector employer.

  • Bad Science (Score:0, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday August 21, 2010 @09:17AM (#33323478)

    Seems like poor science to me. There is a bias in the data as schools in less affluent parts of town with less funding generally have less involved parents and less teaching resources. Teachers are stretched thinner and given fewer resources and in, the end, probably seem less effective. On the other side of the token, in more affluent areas parents are involved in their child's educational experience, tutor and work with their kids after school, provide some levels of financial support to the school and generally demand smaller class sizes and "special treatment" for their future President of the World. Seems like an unfair comparison to me.

    Perhaps it would make sense to compare teachers on a school by school level since the resources and affluence would be fairly consistent, but not the entire district.

  • Scrutiny (Score:3, Insightful)

    by RudyHartmann ( 1032120 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @09:18AM (#33323492)
    There are hardly any fields of endeavor where the people asking to provide a service are exempt from scrutiny. Teaching is a honorable and needed service, but the teacher's union does not want their members to be subject to the same feedback every other profession endures. They are not such a special class of human beings that the consumers of their service should be shutout from performance evaluation statistics. Would you want to hire the services of a crappy plummer, mechanic, investment counselor, or doctor? Why does the consumer not have access to the data to make an informed decision on whether to accept the services for which they will have to pay for? This is just not fair.
  • by Fulminata ( 999320 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @09:24AM (#33323530)
    The fact that one class consistently does better than another is reason to look more deeply into the reasons why, but it's not reason enough to jump to the conclusion that one teacher is better than the other. There may vvery well be other factors. Maybe one classroom is closer to the street and has to deal with distracting noise? Maybe one is on the shaded side of the building and is more comfortable during the warmer months? Maybe one teacher truly is better than the other and it's worth studying what makes them better. It's a starting point, not an ending point, and to condemn the teacher of the lower performing class without exploring further why the class is lower performing is irresponsible.
  • Usually no (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Atmchicago ( 555403 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @09:24AM (#33323532)
    Usually no, except that the teachers' unions do such an amazing job at preventing any sort of information getting out, and at preventing the establishment of any merit-based pay system, that there is no way to incentivize better teaching. This is a last resort to get the ball rolling. Better teachers should get paid more, period, and we should know who they are. Once they start teaching at the correct level, then you can argue it doesn't matter which teacher you have since they are all adequate, and therefore shouldn't publish the data anymore. Clearly in this school that's not the case.
  • Of course. (Score:2, Insightful)

    by therealkevinkretz ( 1585825 ) * on Saturday August 21, 2010 @09:32AM (#33323582)
    Of course the teachers' union is infuriated. They've taken a stand against any policy having anything to do with performance - tying it or factoring it in to tenure or salary for example, and fight tooth and nail against anything resembling competition - even between public schools - that would highlight differences in teaching effectiveness. That they're openly furious that the public is being informed about the performance of the schools they pay for and the teachers they employ and whom they entrust with their children shows how out-of-touch they are with reality. The union hack is right that it "will do nothing to improve student learning" - as long as a few years of teaching guarantees a job for life from which a person can't be fired, no matter how crappy a job s/he does.
  • by Smidge204 ( 605297 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @09:33AM (#33323584) Journal

    Should you get outraged if your evaluation is printed in a major daily newspaper as an example?

    Only if it's a bad evaluation that highlights my incompetence...


  • by krswan ( 465308 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @09:34AM (#33323588)

    I obviously don't know all the details of these two classrooms, and the data appears to show a real difference in the teaching abilities between these two teachers. However, let me throw out a few real scenarios that could provide other explanations...

    If Teacher A's students get lower test scores and Teacher B's students get higher...

    1) Teacher A specializes in working with lower level and learning disabled kids. He gets good results, although his students regularly don't make whatever the state deems "annual yearly progress" with his LD kids, so his results seem lower.

    2) Teacher B is friends with the principal and is regularly assigned students who are already high performers. What, your boss never shows favoritism in your workplace?

    3) Teacher A sees the standardized tests for the jokes they are, and concentrates on higher level skills that aren't measured well these tests - (processing, analysis, creativity, teamwork) all the while teaching the required reading, math, and science. Teacher B drills his students with the test prep books, the kids do ok on the tests, then forget everything. Teacher B's students do well as they continue on in middle school and high school because they have learned how to think, not just regurgitate. Teacher B's kids become part of the majority of High School students who can't really think, and whose scores and performance continually drop. Which class would you really like your child to be in?

    Yes, I'm an elementary school teacher and no, I'm not just whining. Standardized tests are one measurement, but not the only or best one... just the cheapest and the easiest for politicians and lazy reporters to spout about. In evaluating teachers they should be considered by school administrators as one metric. The problem with what the LA Times has done is that while they say that there are other metrics for evaluating they present none.

  • by ALeader71 ( 687693 ) <glennsnead.gmail@com> on Saturday August 21, 2010 @09:36AM (#33323610)
    Teachers are government employees serving a system most people take for granted. Teaching is the only profession that continually demands NOT to be evaluated or held accountable, "because I'm tenured." This cultural attitude has created social promotions, and indifference towards any student that doesn't fit the facory school model. A general lack of local election voting by non-retirees created the most broken educational system in the developed world. Teachers have far-reaching infleuence on our future than they know. They teach you how to read, how to comprehend, how to perform research. They should teach how to consturct a decent argument, write a decent setence, and how to operate in the adult world. As public servants, teachers must be evaluated. Tenure was designed to protect what college professors choose to research and publish, not to protect the lazy, the entitled, or the burn outs.
  • by Gregg M ( 2076 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @09:46AM (#33323704) Homepage

    Since when is a teacher solely responsible for students grades. Can teachers kick unruly students out of class if they choose? Can teachers turn the TV or video games off until children have done their homework? Is there a report card for parents? Can any of you say that you've always tried your best in school? When you didn't, did you blame your teacher?

    Judging teachers solely by students grades is unfair.

  • This is horrible! (Score:3, Insightful)

    by M. D. Nahas ( 901805 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @09:47AM (#33323716)
    My God! How can you advocate unbiased, quantifiable measures of teacher performance! Teachers have magical powers that can't be measured by numbers! Teachers aren't like people in other jobs who can be fired based on their performance! And tests are a horrible way to measure learning! Teachers never use tests themselves! Tests are never used to assign advanced/remedial classes, nor to enter college, and certainly not to get Advanced Placement credits! And, certainly, by God, hide this measure from the parents! You might make them think that something can be done to improve their child's education!!!
  • by WrongSizeGlass ( 838941 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @09:50AM (#33323752)
    Teachers who teach the advanced classes look much better in the test results than the teachers who have a class full of 'slower' students who need the extra attention that they can only get in a call full of their 'peers'. Lots of kids need extra help for a variety of reasons (language barriers, parents who don't do their part, learning disabilities, laziness, etc) and the best way to teach them is to have them all together so they don't get left further behind. That teacher will never look good on these standardized tests.
  • by Idiomatick ( 976696 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @09:51AM (#33323762)
    I wouldn't be quiiiite that generous though I agree on the whole. But I think publicly announced raw data of this sort (very uncontrolled and could mean a wide wide range of different things) will be terrible. Why? Because the general populace is stupid. BUT mama-bears that want the best for their kids will turn it into a horrible horrible witch hunt. And it will just make a lot of teachers quit rather than improve.

    So instead of crushing a bunch of teachers and be forced to spend lots extra retraining/educating new teachers and having to increase wages. Why not use this as the starting point for a study? Find out what they are doing and retrain current teachers. It may be a bunch of small things you can teach in a month during the summer.

    Survival of the fittest while cruel would be effective. BUT it would cost way more to do it that way.
  • by PopeRatzo ( 965947 ) * on Saturday August 21, 2010 @09:54AM (#33323786) Journal

    Unions are a kind of collusion....

    So, it's OK for everyone else to negotiate the best price except workers. Is that what you're saying? Or are you saying it should be illegal for workers to organize and collectively bargain? Should it also be illegal for CEO's to negotiate their best salary and benefits package? Should it be illegal for cartels to set commodity prices? Under what statute or legal principle would you make the right to organize illegal?

    It's amazing how free market purists suddenly don't trust the free market when it comes to workers' pay.

  • by bsDaemon ( 87307 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @09:57AM (#33323814)

    My mother is a public high school Spanish teacher. She has an undergraduate degree in Romance Languages from an Ivy League, a Masters in Spanish from a well-known state school, and is currently working towards her PhD. She's been teaching at the school she's at for almost 15 years, I believe. She used to work for an import/export company, then an investment banker. She speaks 7 languages with a high degree of proficiency, 5 of which she's fluent in.

    In addition to the class time, there is prep time, duty (being made to come in early to watch kids on and off the bus, hang out outside bathrooms looking for smokers, etc), all the time at home grading papers, etc. If teachers were paid by the hour, most would likely make less than a fast food worker when averaged out. The argument that they get paid in the summer for not doing anything is also fallacious, as the fact of the matter is teachers have the choice, at least here in VA, to take their pay only during the school year, or to have it averaged out over 12 months so that they get less per cheque but have income during the summer.

    I make almost as much as my mother does with 1 undergrad degree and just a couple years of relevant experience. I also don't have to give up nearly all my evening time grading papers, having to go to meetings about other people's kids so as not to have time to pay attention to my own (although i haven't got any yet), etc.

    With my dad retired from the airline where he was a pilot for over 20 years and occasionally substitute teaching, my mother has assumed the role of primary income for them, so the fact that with all her degrees and experience she's making less money than the typical sysadmin with that much experience (who are another group of people, who if you average out their salaries over the amount of time they're required to put in are grossly underpaid) by quite a wide margin is really sort of shameful.

    Then there are the parents who don't or won't take responsibility for their own children, and the children who won't take responsibility for themselves. My mother only teaches upper-level Spanish (3,4,5 and the AP prep classes). Even in those classes, usually in Spanish 3 where you have kids just hanging on long enough for the advanced diploma requirement, you get jackass kids who aren't really concerned with learning. And if they would rather smoke dope and show up late, parents want to blame the schools and the teachers for the kids poor grades.

    I'm sorry, but if 90 percent of the kids in a class have a B or better, it's likely not the teacher's fault that the other 10% aren't keeping up. If we had pay-for-performance bonus rules, then my mom would make out like a bandit because she's a great teacher, the vast majority of her students love her, and they do well. This isn't the case for all the teachers. And yes, there are bad teachers. I've seen and known many in my day.

    Basically, what I'm trying to say is that yes, teachers are underpaid. And if they were paid more, then better people would be able to afford to go into the profession. Most of the worst teachers are the young ones who go into it because they want their summers off and basically live with a case of Senioritis for the first 10 years of their careers. If you're willing to pay enough to make it feasible for an experienced engineer or scientist to come in and teach math and still be able to make their mortgage payments, then you're on the right track. I hate math teachers who know math but can't explain how it applies to anything real.

    The teacher pay argument shouldn't be that all teachers automagically deserve more money, but that you need to be willing to pay talent what talent deserves. Of course unions won't like that, but I don't live in a Union state, and being a teacher isn't like being an autoworker -- it's not a blue-collar job, even though they by and large get blue collar pay.

  • Re: Absolute Lies (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Stewie241 ( 1035724 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @09:58AM (#33323820)

    Their are mentally challenged individuals who have such absurd notions that schools should be run like businesses and that teachers should be paid by performance.

                      The fact is that that is bullshit. We have absolute proof that the price of the home in which students live is the greatest determinant of success in schools. Schools that draw from rich areas have great students whereas schools that draw from poor areas tend to have very poorly performing students.

    Are you suggesting that within this school they separated the two classes based upon where they lived?

  • by ScrewMaster ( 602015 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @10:08AM (#33323924)

    To compete with wikileaks, they must become wikileaks. Things are looking up for the media. Amazing - maybe now they'll have to do their jobs and report on the government with brutal facts, instead of placating the party line.

    Yes, however they'll only do that if they see that there's eyeballs (and hence greater sales) in it. In this particular case, the relevance of the information is obvious to most people: if you have kids, you want to know that they're being taught competently. So people will buy the paper to find out. There are many other issues of equal or greater importance that are more complex, and it is up to the journalists to help people understand the relevance to their own lives. If they can do that, both inform and, to a degree, educate, then they'll regain my respect.

    The truth is that journalism in the U.S. today is not what it used to be ... but this kind of report is exactly what journalists are supposed to be doing. That is, informing the public about what their government and its various organs are up to: it's why the Press has such standing in the Constitution. So the Teacher's Union might like to keep their performance (or lack of it) a secret, but as public employees they should not entitled to that. Fact is, such unaccountability is at the root of our school system's problems, and I'm glad this newspaper is giving it to them good. They deserve it, and frankly the fact that they're objecting so strongly indicates that they know there's a problem here, and are self-serving enough to want to continue the cover up.

  • by roman_mir ( 125474 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @10:10AM (#33323934) Homepage Journal

    What does that mean, "pay talent what talent deserves"?

    I have a real talent for jerking off, it took years to master, I should get paid for that wonderful talent. So who is interested in paying?


    Your argument is absurd. In real world we don't pay people simply because they have talent. People get paid because someone is making money.

    A talented basketball player makes money for the investors.

    A talented software developer makes money for a company.

    A talented thief controls High Frequency Trade transaction house.

    Another talented thief controls money flow from many people to a small subset.

    A talented plastic surgeon gets paid for his work and discretion.



    The REAL talent in this case is the UNION, it gets a LOT of people paid for doing very very little, sure some do more, but most do very little, that's what a union does, that's what it is all about. Used to be that a union was really built by people dying on floors of factories, that's not what today's unions are about, especially GOVERNMENT unions!

    If your mother is so talented yet she feels that she is financially unappreciated, she has a choice of working in a private school, isn't that so? In fact if her talents are in high DEMAND then she can tutor people for much MORE money than she'd be making in a school, and eventually with that money that she could save, she could open her own private school, why not?

    It's not that I am questioning talent of your mother, I have no idea, but the entire point is that you can have the best talents but nobody cares, and nor SHOULD they! Can she apply her talents so that people would want to give her more money, that's the question.

  • by ArcherB ( 796902 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @10:11AM (#33323946) Journal

    Unions are a kind of collusion....

    So, it's OK for everyone else to negotiate the best price except workers. Is that what you're saying? Or are you saying it should be illegal for workers to organize and collectively bargain? Should it also be illegal for CEO's to negotiate their best salary and benefits package? Should it be illegal for cartels to set commodity prices? Under what statute or legal principle would you make the right to organize illegal?

    It's amazing how free market purists suddenly don't trust the free market when it comes to workers' pay.

    Actually, it is illegal for corporations to get together to fix prices. And, yeah, it should be.

    Look, I don't have anything against unions until they get so powerful that they either take the company down (auto industry), endanger safety (airline industry), or cause the industry they represent to fail (teachers' union). When they look out for the safety and fair treatment of the actual employees, (fire union, police union), I don't have a problem with them.

  • by lbates_35476 ( 901961 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @10:12AM (#33323962)
    While I think that teacher's unions are "part" of the problem, I'm convinced that the bigger problem is that there is a lack of discipline and kids aren't afraid of anything that a teacher or principal can currently do to them. "Time out" just doesn't motivate a teenager to change their behavior. Parents just are not supporting teachers in this area. We have a complete generation of children that "can do no wrong" in the eyes of their parents. Until parents quit thinking their child is a complete "angel" and always blindly takes their side against teachers and administrators we will continue down this path. How things have changed in the last 30 years.

    No I will admit that teachers and administrators could be wrong, but parents have got to go into this with the assumption that the child is probably wrong until proven otherwise. Assuming that the children are always right hasn't and won't work. They are children after all. While there may be times when the child is right, it is extremely important that they learn to work within the power structure that exists. The real world just isn't going to change to accommodate them even if they are right, they must find a way to adapt or we are setting them up for a lifetime of disappointment. The workplace is just not going to put up with the lack of discipline that teachers are forced to endure today and it is the children that are in for a rude awakening.

    In return for this support, parents should expect teachers to be accountable. Asking teachers to be accountable for their student's proficiency without discipline or any ability to modify the student's behavior can't work.
  • exactly the point (Score:5, Insightful)

    by nten ( 709128 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @10:12AM (#33323972)

    You do get what you pay for, and the teacher's union (NEA) are the single largest [opensecrets.org] campaign contributors in the United States. They pay for politicians, and they get them. That is not the sole problem, but its intertwined with the rest of it. Schools have trouble telling good teachers from bad ones, and there aren't enough good ones to go around anyway, so they pay them all the same as if it were unskilled labor, and pay the administrators more in the hopes that overcompensated administrators can manage away incompetence in those actually doing the teaching. These incompetent teachers and overcompensated administrators like the NEA because it is job security. The really good teachers either go along knowing that most schools can't tell they are worth extra, don't care about the money anyway, and don't really have the ability to make a change. They are gifted teachers after all, not gifted politicians. I don't know if there is a way to tell a very good newly graduated teacher from a very poor one in the time allotted for an interview, or if there is any hint on a resume. The ability to terminate the employment of a teacher as soon as they show themselves to be sub par without worrying about lawsuits would be a less efficient, but more feasible solution to mind reading employment candidates. Paying more won't create a greater number of good teachers either, because they are almost never money motivated people. Using poor or untested teachers as little more than TAs and proctors while the better compensated, proven teachers instruct large numbers of students via live or recorded media would provide more students with access to good teachers, and a testing ground for new teachers to earn their credentials in a less pivotal role in the child's life.

  • by PopeRatzo ( 965947 ) * on Saturday August 21, 2010 @10:13AM (#33323980) Journal

    Teacher's Unions are the biggest problem with the US educational system.

    Not even close. The biggest problem in the US educational system is shitty parenting.

    By the way, don't you believe teachers should have the right to collectively bargain? Should they not be allowed to negotiate their best pay package? Don't you trust free markets?

    There is no law that says a school system must sign a contract with the teachers' unions. There is no law that says they must agree to contracts that say shitty teachers can't be fired, just as there's no law that says CEO's can't negotiate multi-million dollar golden parachutes so when they destroy a company they get a fat benefits package (like Carly Fiorina and her successor). There was also no law that said big car companies had to give their unions ridiculous pensions and post-retirement health care packages. They did so because they didn't want to agree to the modest raise that was being requested back in the '70s. The CEOs thought they were being clever, thinking that their retirees would continue to die at age 68 and they'd pull a fast one, but when people started living a decade longer, they were fucked and cried "the unions made us do it!" And the Chamber of Commerce and the Club for Growth and other anti-middle class organizations spent millions of dollars spreading FUD about unions so now knuckleheads spout crap like "Teacher's Unions are the biggest problem with the US educational system" when they ought to goddamn-well know better.

    You want to improve schools? Do what I did and run for the school board. I ran as a parent when my daughter was in school, and I ran as a citizen-at-large after she graduated. I've been on and off the school board for 16 years and even in a city where there's a very powerful teachers' union, like Chicago, you'd be surprised at what can be done both to get rid of bad teachers and to improve kids' educations. The problem is that management is unwilling to assert itself, not that teachers have done what anybody could do, which is negotiate the most favorable pay package they could. It's not their fault that they're negotiating with cowards and imbeciles who themselves are paid hundreds of thousands of dollars (and they are NOT in the union). The head of a school system in a medium to large size Chicago suburb is making several timesthat school district is performing below average. Who's fault is that?

    The second biggest problem with the US educational system is that people think they should just send their kids to school and hope for the best. The third biggest problem is that public schools are forced to serve every single child, regardless of disability or behavioral problem, which is something so-called "private" schools don't have to deal with. One severely handicapped student can take up as much teacher time and school resources as two classrooms full of normally-abled students.

    And that list of problems doesn't even include the fact that we've got growing numbers of people who are requiring public schools to teach nonsense, like is being done in South Carolina and Texas. This crap about "unions are the problem" is just a denial of the history of the US, which if you're from Texas, is to be expected because that's what the textbooks do now.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday August 21, 2010 @10:13AM (#33323986)

    It's amazing how free market purists suddenly don't trust the free market when it comes to workers' pay.

    It's not a free market unless union membership isn't required, and harrassment of non-union workers by union members is not permitted.

    Meet those requirements, and then you can talk about a free market.

  • by ErikZ ( 55491 ) * on Saturday August 21, 2010 @10:19AM (#33324032)

    You don't need three advanced degrees (And the debt load that comes with it) to each ANY high school class. Period.

    Home schooling is becoming more and more popular, and one of the reasons is how completely disconnected from reality Public schools are.

  • by ScrewMaster ( 602015 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @10:20AM (#33324046)
    There's a difference between negotiating your price as an individual, and negotiating price as a group. At that point, you're now "negotiating" at gunpoint which is a whole different animal.

    I'm a software developer: I'm not a member of any "Union", and I survive simply because there's a demand for my services, and I negotiate the best price I can with my employer. Furthermore, how much I can demand is tied pretty directly with my overall competence. I'm motivated to remain good at my job because otherwise I won't have one. Explain to me why a teacher should be treated any differently than any other worker. Are they so special that they can do a crappy job, get tenure, and then retire on a really really nice pension?

    Worse yet, unions have, in many cases, gone from protecting workers from exploitation to becoming the very thing they decry, and often do more damage than they're worth. All those "think of the children!" types ought to be up in arms about this.
  • by andymadigan ( 792996 ) <amadigan.gmail@com> on Saturday August 21, 2010 @10:36AM (#33324208)
    Hate to play devil's advocate here, but cartels are not (usually) legally protected, and legally the board of a company can hire whatever CEO they want. Unions, however, are legally protected entities. It would be a bit nuts to fire all the teachers and hire new people, but the law is there because some employers would do it if they could.

    Teachers Unions are worried because true evaluation of teacher performance would create two classes of teachers for them: those that were good at their job and didn't need the union to help them, and those who were bad at their job and the union could not save. That would make the union ineffective, threatening the pay of those who run the union. It's an institution and center of power, and it has a will of its own. This shouldn't be, unions were intended to prevent employer abuse, not to stop employers from hiring the best people for the job.
  • by z80kid ( 711852 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @10:37AM (#33324218)

    Each of those industries is dominated by dinosaurs that only linger on because they are kept on life support by government.

    They are kept on life support by government at the behest of the unions. GM wasn't bailed out for our benefit - it was bailed out for the benefit of the UAW.

  • by jedidiah ( 1196 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @10:38AM (#33324234) Homepage

    > That has nothing to do with it. They are employees of the school district not, of the public.

    No matter how much you try to wiggle and squirm and throw bad rhetoric at the situation: Teachers are civil servants.

    End of argument.

    The fact that there is a shell game going on with who signs the paychecks is utterly irrelevant.

  • by Stradivarius ( 7490 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @10:41AM (#33324264)

    Certainly no meaningful job, like teaching or engineering - can be boiled down to only one metric. But certain metrics are very important and should be a significant part of the evaluation.

    For example, I'm a software engineer. My employer places a lot of weight on ability to perform development efforts according to a budget and schedule. These are not the whole picture - it doesn't measure quality, for example. And every development effort is unique, so setting the budget is an error-prone process. Often as a developer you need to deal with an inadequate budget or schedule. Sometimes you get a particularly tough assignment. You do the best you can. Managers realize these constraints are there, and you are not judged entirely on budget performance. But if you consistently fail to come close to budget, while your peers don't consistently have the same problem... that will be noticed.

    Teaching seems like a similar set of constraints to me. Every student may be different, and standardized tests scores may not be the whole picture. But like a development budget, standardized tests do capture an important piece of information. It's not unreasonable for the customer - parents and taxpayers - to consider such things. Especially when taken over a few years' time where you can really start to see trends.

    The value-added tests do also attempt to remove biases such as student selection, as the metric compares those particular students' scores against their scores from the previous year. So the metric measures just the kids in your class, and measures not where they started but how much they improved.

    If the union were advocating that we measure additional metrics and publish those too, I'd be totally behind them. That way we could all debate how much we value the various elements of teaching, and see which teachers provide which advantages.

    The problem I see is that rather than try to improve the objective measures available, they're trying to sink the use of such measures. There will never be a perfect metric of teaching effectiveness, just as there isn't one for programming performance. But the lack of a perfect solution shouldn't prevent us from seeking a solution at all. The status quo lack of any solution has not been serving teachers or students well.

  • Ugh (Score:3, Insightful)

    by jav1231 ( 539129 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @10:44AM (#33324296)
    Teachers, like most government workers and academia as well, want to be free to do as they wish under the protection of tenure, unions, and like-minded administrators. I've always advocated for less spending in education. First, we're not getting a return on investment. Second, the number of administrators per student is crazy. And third, the curriculum is bloated. We're so busy teaching them the cultural changes we wish for them to adopt that they come out knowing very little about math, language, or science. There's been a lot of investigative work done on how there's been a concerted effort to dumb-down our kids. It's time to get them back to the basics. Several years ago I recall a rural West Virginian high school student blew the national curve. I bet they don't focus too much on cultural curriculum at that school.
  • by russotto ( 537200 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @10:46AM (#33324328) Journal

    My mother is a public high school Spanish teacher. She has an undergraduate degree in Romance Languages from an Ivy League, a Masters in Spanish from a well-known state school, and is currently working towards her PhD. She's been teaching at the school she's at for almost 15 years, I believe. She used to work for an import/export company, then an investment banker. She speaks 7 languages with a high degree of proficiency, 5 of which she's fluent in.

    Have any of her students who didn't already know Spanish learned to speak Spanish in her classes?

    I know a lot of people who have taken high school language classes (including myself). I know exactly 0 who learned a language that way. They're a checkbox in the "well-rounded education" checklist, nothing more.

    If teachers were paid by the hour, most would likely make less than a fast food worker when averaged out.

    If a minimum wage fast-food worker were to work for 12 hours a day every day for 10 months a year, he or she would make about $26,500/yr. You going to tell me that most teachers work more and make less? Pull the other one, it's got bells on.

  • by jedidiah ( 1196 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @10:52AM (#33324364) Homepage

    Yes... it's all the little proles.

    The fact that the Robber Barons were going to lose their shirts had nothing to do with it.

    Wasn't it the anti-labor party that did the last Detroit bailout? And the one before?

  • by russotto ( 537200 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @10:56AM (#33324402) Journal

    James Popham, a prof. ameritus at UCLA, wrote that if we want to know something about someone, we measure that something in that someone.

    He was wrong. For instance, if we want to know how well a football coach is doing, we often measure something about the team he's coaching. It's the same when measuring many managerial and executive positions. Teaching seems to me to be another area where that makes perfect sense.

  • by drinkypoo ( 153816 ) <drink@hyperlogos.org> on Saturday August 21, 2010 @11:18AM (#33324580) Homepage Journal

    The teacher's union is the largest problem with education in this country. It is virtually impossible to fire a bad educator. Almost all school jobs are union, so it's actually almost impossible to fire a bad systems administrator. I know of at least one whose job I would have as I have on two occasions been hired as a contractor to do things he should have known how to do, in fact things covered by his job description.

    Unions are leeches sucking the lifeblood out of this nation. Before the invention of labor laws, they were a necessary evil. Now they are an unnecessary evil often run by the mafia or other organized criminal organizations (yes, even today) and they exist to secure special rights for some individuals when what is truly needed is labor laws which cover all employees.

  • by Attila Dimedici ( 1036002 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @11:34AM (#33324688)
    You do realize that Obama made the bond holders and other high priority creditors (according to current bankruptcy law) accept less money than a bankruptcy court would have awarded them, while the unions got basically all that they were "owed" (when in bankruptcy court they would have gotten next to nothing)? That Obama threatened said bond holders with IRS audits and investigations by other branches of government if they failed to agree? Such audits and investigations would have been very expensive for the bond holders even if they had not broken any laws or regulations. Bush made some government loans to GM and Chrysler, but the major bailout was by Obama. Bush wanted to use TARP funds, but Congress would not change the wording to allow that. Obama used those funds anyway.
  • by IICV ( 652597 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @12:01PM (#33324970)

    That's actually something I've been wondering about - we pay the CEOs and other executives of large companies millions of dollars a year, but we don't think it's worthwhile to pay teachers an equivalent amount? (divided by how many more teachers there are, of course) I mean, apparently the reason why we pay executives so much is that if they screw up, the company fails; if teachers screw up, on the other hand, entire generations of the workforce come out apathetic and worthless.

    Teachers have a far greater impact on the economy and on the workforce than any number of CEOs, yet their pay doesn't reflect that.

  • Re:Scrutiny (Score:3, Insightful)

    by khallow ( 566160 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @12:18PM (#33325126)

    Teachers though, are entirely working with outside entities, which does make a scrutiny of them quite difficult.

    What outside entities? Let's look at the teacher versus plumber argument. Teachers for the most part work in a controlled environment. They typically have a classroom, equipment provided by the school, and students who are required to be there. All are internal entities aside from the occasional intrusion by a parent, bureaucrat, or local newspaper. In comparison, plumbers almost never work in a controlled environment. They go to someone's house or office and deal with whatever is there. They don't get to take the plumbing to a controlled place and work on it there.

    My take is that scrutiny is not that difficult, especially given that the primary goal of public school education is the education of students in a limited group of subjects. You have measures such as student performance on standardized tests, discipline actions, and the future success of past students.

  • by TheRaven64 ( 641858 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @12:20PM (#33325136) Journal

    I'm not sure how standardised testing works in the USA, but in the UK schools are assessed on the 'value added' measure. Children are given a test when they arrive and another one when they leave, and the league tables are based on the difference between their initial and final scores. The school where my mother taught was consistently ranked high up - they accepted anyone (a lot of their children had already been excluded from one or more other schools) and got them up to a reasonable standard. They scored a lot better than schools that accepted the top students and didn't do much to improve them.

    The unfortunate side effect is of this is that it encourages teachers to focus on the students in the middle. Those who are going to do well will do well anyway. Those who are going to fail will fail anyway. You get the biggest return on investment by giving time to students on the boundaries. If you can push them from a D to a C, or a C to a B, it looks great.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday August 21, 2010 @12:22PM (#33325158)

    Most of the discussions on this thread are missing a major point: It is very difficult to define what makes an effective teacher. The LA Times released data based on standardized tests only, but the only place in life that standardized tests are applicable is in school. Granted it is the only objective data we have, but tests have been repeated found to be full of bias. I am a teacher and I die a little bit every time I see these tests because the questions are so indirect, and inconsistent in the language they use. The biggest problems in education that I see are:
    1. The text book publishers have far too much say in education policy. hopefully non-profits creating open source text books will solve this problem. After all most of the material hasn't changed in 30-100 years. With the publishers out of the way, hopefully we can focus more on life skills.
    2. The lack of good educational data. No Child Left Behind started to create lots of data, which is the first step, but the data is poor, because it is based on multiple choice tests, not open ended questions. A real discussion needs to continually happen about what is most important for students to learn. Businesses want employees who are creative risk takers, not cautious bubble fillers. Let's align education with business!
    3. The battle between districts and teachers unions. States don't seem to be able to balance a budget, which forces districts to try to make drastic cuts occasionally, which in turn puts the unions into a reactionary position. The only thing governments should be able to borrow money for is education. Anything else is taxing our children without their representation.

    Paying teachers better would definitely get better teachers. I make less than 50k with a BS in Physics and a Masters in Education. How much do you think I could make with a masters in any engineering field instead? Better pay would also show that society has a higher value on education. Low pay indicates a low value of education.


  • by zippthorne ( 748122 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @12:29PM (#33325230) Journal

    The reason we pay CEO's so much is another kind of collusion.

    Wealthy people can buy their way on to the boards of various companies, and they elect other wealthy people to the executive positions of the companies they're board-members on. And of course it's a quid-pro-quo: being an executive of one company doesn't preclude you from "serving" on the board of one or more other companies.

    Do you really think that you need salaries in the millions, with benefits of even greater value to attract enough people capable of running a large company? Is the labor pool really as small as they'd like you to believe?

  • by aussersterne ( 212916 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @12:30PM (#33325240) Homepage

    (though at NYC colleges, not LA K-12), release the metrics. I'd have nothing to hide, and I'd suspect any teacher that doesn't want such things made public. As far as I'm concerned, prospective students have a right to know how other students have fared in my classes, what other students thought of my teaching, and how both have changed over time. If that makes a lot of people want to avoid my classes, maybe--just maybe--I'm in the wrong field of work.

  • by aussersterne ( 212916 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @12:33PM (#33325276) Homepage

    Yes, but you're not the only one that teaches in LA. Presumably if the numbers were released, you also wouldn't be at the bottom of the list and separated from the pack by an order of magnitude in performance.

    It's not a witch hunt if all teachers are placed along a large spectrum of performance in which they can be compared against averages and their deviation in performance from said averages measured. And if you did happen to come up as somehow measurably worse than the vast majority of the other thousands of teachers, then you probably should be put on some sort of notice and evaluated very closely going forward.

  • by zippthorne ( 748122 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @12:52PM (#33325450) Journal

    In hindsight, the original deals might have been valid: the first workers to get those bennies did only live to 68. The problem is that as health care and nutritional improvements increased the lifespan, they were unable to re-negotiate. With a union, everything gets ratcheted up. Things very, very, rarely get negotiated down.*

    *partially because people don't seem to know that there is a good answer to the typical objection of "but what about all the people who were counting on those benefits." and that answer is, "pro rata." There's no reason why new people should get the benefits you can't afford just because you're committed to people who've spent their whole careers working for you.

  • by Enonu ( 129798 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @12:56PM (#33325496)

    You don't need three advanced degrees (And the debt load that comes with it) to each ANY high school class.

    Except maybe the proofreading part of English courses. (FRAGMENT)

  • by khallow ( 566160 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @01:00PM (#33325532)

    The fact that the Robber Barons were going to lose their shirts had nothing to do with it.

    Read that other reply to your post carefully. The "robber barons" lost more than they would have under a real GM bankruptcy.

  • by Dishevel ( 1105119 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @01:12PM (#33325662)
    I believe that unions benefit unions. That is all they do. They all just want more members. Paying more dues. So they can give it to politicians who will pass laws that make people who do not want to be in a union forced to pay dues anyway. Let me say this really clearly.


    They may have been useful when corporations owned the government but it is just as bad when the unions own them.

  • by Dishevel ( 1105119 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @01:14PM (#33325698)
    Cant pay teachers what they are worth. They are currently boycotting a paper for showing people what they are worth.

    Dear people who pay my salary. PAY ME WHAT I AM WORTH! Please though do not judge me on how well I am doing. Do not look at the results I produce. Just give me more and we will call it paying me what I am worth.

  • by tnk1 ( 899206 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @01:42PM (#33326010)

    That calculation has already been accounted for. If you are trending one class year-to-year for the level of improvement, then the level of the students should not matter because the pool of students is the same for each sample. What they are comparing is the level of the same class at the beginning of the year to the end of the year. So yes, you will see the advanced kids getting higher scores than the special-needs kids the entire year, but if those same advanced students get a lower score at the end of the year, relative to the beginning of the year, they have regressed, despite the fact that they are still far ahead of the special-needs classes.

    Mr. Jones (advanced) start year score 95 -> end year score 92 Mr. Jones' kids are high scoring, but have regressed. He might be considered a low performing teacher even though his kids are all high performing.

    Ms. James (special-needs) start year score 75 -> end year score 79 Ms. James' kids are definitely below the advanced kids on average, but they have improved on their performance over the year. Ms. James might be considered a higher performing teacher, even if her students may never see the honor roll in their whole career.

    That's how they worked out their ratings. They are not trying to pretend that a high performing teacher will turn special-needs kids in to advanced placement kids, they are only rating the ability of the teachers to drive improvement of any sort for the children.

    Of course, if special needs kids keep getting teachers like Ms. James from elementary all the way to the end of high school, one might actually see that (statistically) a special needs kid might be able to progress to being advanced through steady progression by way of a chain of superior teachers for their entire school career. There are probably barriers to that sort of rosy kid of outcome, but we need to remember that what we learn in school, even in the more advanced classes, is not exactly esoteric knowledge. It is knowledge that is commonly known and fairly widely used. There is no reason that a student with superior instruction could not learn all of that, even if they have a rather average (or even below average) intelligence.

  • by russotto ( 537200 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @01:45PM (#33326028) Journal

    If there were a market in teacher pay, for example, I'm reasonably certain that a high school physics teacher would make a lot more than a kindergarten teacher.

    I think you are badly and dangerously wrong. Correct facts are a prerequisite for a robust debate, and your facts are wrong.

    According to a recent study, the true economic value of an outstanding kindergarten teacher is somewhere around $320,000 per year. As in, three hundred and twenty thousand US dollars.

    That so-called "true economic value" has the units right, but not much else. The market value for a kindergarten teacher is not in any way related to the present value of the additional income earned by the students of a good kindergarten teacher compared to a bad one. Market value is generally about supply and demand, and if the OP is correct, supply of high school physics teachers is far less than kindergarten teachers.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday August 21, 2010 @02:23PM (#33326388)

    By the way, don't you believe teachers should have the right to collectively bargain? [...] Don't you trust free markets?

    To make a free market act as a free market, you need to break up monopolies when they arise, whether they're monopolising a product (like carrots) or a service (like teaching). Unions, by their nature, establish a monopoly on a particular kind of labour.

    Of course, the schools (who buy that service and sell it on to their customers) have a rather monopolistic position themselves...

  • by TheGeneration ( 228855 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @02:26PM (#33326418) Journal

    Golly gosh it is so awful when the owners of a corporation have to actually keep their contractual promises to their employees. Boodeehoodeehooo. I'm crying so many tears for those owners that ran the company into the ground.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday August 21, 2010 @02:33PM (#33326478)

    Software Engineer here, not a teacher, but no, that is not how the real world works.

    When you're on an assembly line, employee A is working with the same materials as employee B, under substantially the same conditions.

    When your "material" is PEOPLE, you get a huge range of variability. Some of the kids are eager to learn, and smart. Some are dumb and lazy. Some are smart and lazy. And so on.

    In engineering, the smart guy usually gets the hardest problems to work on. If he's really good at his job, he may do only half the "quantity" of work of the dumb engineer who always gets tossed the easy stuff. If you're measuring only how many projects they each complete in a year, then the dumb engineer wins. Just like the really good teacher who ends up with all of the losers - he may only get 20% of them to pass the standardized test, but that's more than the less-skilled teacher who got the easy kids would have gotten through- and the less-skilled teacher could have a 100% pass rate. Use the standardized test to fire the teacher, and it's the effective ones who would get canned.

    And that's the problem. We don't know how to objectively quantify the output of any job that involves dealing with actual people.

  • by PopeRatzo ( 965947 ) * on Saturday August 21, 2010 @02:43PM (#33326562) Journal

    The problem is that as health care and nutritional improvements increased the lifespan, they were unable to re-negotiate

    I agree that the companies were very stupid and shortsighted, but nobody forced them to sign those contracts. Instead of trying to dick around the workers, they could have negotiated in good faith.

    If by "re-negotiate" you mean, re-neg on a contract, well, if I buy a car from one of those companies, and my income goes down so I can't make the full payments, will they "renegotiate" the contract with me and accept less than the original terms of the contract? Maybe I borrowed $20k on the car, but now I want to pay them $12k. Are they going to go for that you think?

  • by schnell ( 163007 ) <me&schnell,net> on Saturday August 21, 2010 @03:00PM (#33326692) Homepage

    The system you describe sounds interesting, but is ripe for abuse in its own way. How, for example, does the "university application center" know how one school varies from another, and how do they judge it? Does it somehow mean that my 4.0 GPA is worth less to them if they think my school wasn't as good as somebody else's?

    I would much prefer to have everyone take the same test and be judged on standardized criteria - that leaves it up to every student to show their knowledge on a level playing field. Sure, SATs are imperfect tests, and can easily fail to capture a student's depth or breadth of knowledge. But that's why high school transcripts, AP tests and activities play a significant role in US college admissions as well.

  • by Fulminata ( 999320 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @03:19PM (#33326866)
    The problem is that student standardized test scores don't identify bad teachers, they only identify the presence of a problem. That's like evaluating a developer of financial software based on how well the end users of his software performed in the last quarter. Yeah, the problem may have been that the software sucked and prevented them from doing their jobs to the best of their ability, but there are a lot of other potential causes as well.

    I am not a teacher, but I do know some, and they seem demoralized by this emphasis on student test scores because they know that many, if not most, of the factors involved in how well a student does on those tests are out of control. The result is quite likely to be the opposite of what is intended, with good teachers becoming apathetic because it doesn't matter how good they are if the metrics they are judged by are out of their control.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday August 21, 2010 @04:05PM (#33327202)

    You're an idiot. I could easily give you a test that you would fail. "Yep, bad teacher, fire 'em".
    I could also easily give you a test that you would pass. "Yep, great teacher. Keep 'em!".

    Tests simple give a 'snapshot' of the current grasp of some material by a very, very wide range of people at a current place and time. Almost meaningless, are most tests. They are little more than 'motivators'.

    So, I guess if I want to fire you, I just need to give you a very difficult test that you will fail, then point at it, and say, 'oh, guess you have to go.' Yep, the facts that perhaps you weren't present when the material was taught, or that you didn't focus, or that you went drinking with friends instead of studying, or stayed up on night chatting (on a phone, computer, whatever), or you are ADHD, or any other innumerable factors are irrelevant. It must be that you had a 'bad' teacher.

  • by pijokela ( 462279 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @04:29PM (#33327376)

    No he won't. As long as A is reasonably effective he will get to keep his job. Are you the best employee at the place you work at? No? Why do you still have a job?

  • by zippthorne ( 748122 ) on Saturday August 21, 2010 @11:01PM (#33329246) Journal

    I think your argument would hold up a lot better if there banks weren't doing exactly that with credit card debt.

    Further, that wasn't what I was suggesting at all. What I was suggesting was that someone at the end of their career, you give them the benefit you contraced with them. After all, they performed their end of the deal.

    But your agreement with them shouldn't bind you to making the same deal with a new hire.

    And further, for those in their mid-career, you ought to be able to pro-rate the benefit to the amount of service they've given and/or buy-out the benefit.

    Of course, you might think it's better to just keep the bennies for everybody, until the entity that made the promises no longer exists to pay them, and no one gets anything. It's a helluva way to treat you constituents, though.

There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works.
