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YouTube Founders Acquire Delicious 66

An anonymous reader sent in a link to the Delicious blog, which reads, "Today, we're pleased to announce that Delicious has been acquired by the founders of YouTube, Chad Hurley and Steve Chen. As creators of the largest online video platform, they have firsthand experience enabling millions of users to share their experiences with the world. They are committed to running and improving Delicious going forward."
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YouTube Founders Acquire Delicious

Comments Filter:
  • by Nom du Keyboard ( 633989 ) on Wednesday April 27, 2011 @06:53PM (#35958390)
    Has somebody's Non-Compete Agreement just expired?
    • Who cares? So long as they keep delicious running. I've tried others but nothing compares to delicious!

  • You dropped this -> c
  • by Anonymous Coward

    Glad they clarified that. Otherwise I wouldn't know if they were committed to running Delicious going backwards, or perhaps improving it as they travel into the past.

  • ... Umami?

  • by RayMarron ( 657336 ) on Wednesday April 27, 2011 @06:59PM (#35958458) Homepage

    If you haven't visited in a while and want to make sure your links get moved to the new site once the current site shuts down in July, go log in and agree to have your account & links moved to the new home.

    • "To: XXXXX@gmail.com
      From: noreply@delicious.com
      Subject: Delicous Data Migration Opt-in Complete

      Hi CharlyFoxtrot,

      Hooray! Your data can now be moved along with Delicious.


      Originating IP address:"

      Hey! That's my address !

    • Is this what passes for informative these days?
  • Finally 4 FF4! (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Chemtox ( 1841312 ) on Wednesday April 27, 2011 @07:04PM (#35958500)

    Good news, specially the bit about "AVOS plans to release a new [Firefox 4] extension as soon as possible" [delicious.com]. The current Delicious extension leaks like a K.O. drunktard, which is pretty much the state they have kept it for a while. Hopefully "as soon as possible" happens before I forget how nice is to be social (as in, to have others type my tags for me ;).

  • Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Obviously, YES!
  • by greg1104 ( 461138 ) <gsmith@gregsmith.com> on Wednesday April 27, 2011 @07:44PM (#35958724) Homepage

    New terms [avos.com] and privacy policy [avos.com] Don't want to have your data switched? Worried about the transition? You can easily download all your bookmarks using their API with a command like this:

    curl --user username:password -o bookmarks.xml -O 'https://api.del.icio.us/v1/posts/all'

    The XML format you get it out in is pretty easy to parse into something else.

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      For those of you without cURL with SSL support:

      - You can also navigate to that site in your normal browser and save the resultant file (XML file)
      - Or you can log into the site and go to the Settings Page > Export / Backup Bookmarks (HTML file)

      • For those of you without cURL with SSL support:

        - You can also navigate to that site in your normal browser and save the resultant file (XML file)
        - Or you can log into the site and go to the Settings Page > Export / Backup Bookmarks (HTML file)

        Thanks, that was handy! Download...complete.

        Not sure if I'll transfer over or not, depends on how retarded they are about 'verifying' personal data. (Really, my address is 123 Nowhere St., NoneOfYourBusiness, Nohio!) If they delete my bookmarks for that, well, at least now I have current backups for migration elsewhere...

        There is no way in hell I'd share accurate personally identifying information (other than a throwaway email addy) with a frigging bookmark aggregator...get real.

        And no, they're not getti

        • Omg... you live next door! How's it going, neighbor? You should really cut the grass! Seriously though, I'd like to read the ToS and privacy policy... but I won't put anything personal there either

    • by dgp ( 11045 ) on Thursday April 28, 2011 @12:39AM (#35960058) Journal

      I found the AVOS terms of use to be disappointing. 8 pages of 'me me me' and boiler plate.


      That's interesting. In the agreement they want me to agree to, they state I have already agreed to it.

      "You agree to provide accurate, current and complete information during the registration process and to update such information to keep it accurate, current and complete."

      You want to make it legally binding that my street address stay up to date? I call that legal overkill. I can see wanted to get accurate information but I take legal agreements seriously and I dont want to worry about what contracts I'm breaking by forgetting to keep my street address up to date.

      "We may, in our sole discretion, permit Members to post, upload, publish, submit or transmit Member Content. By making available any Member Content through the Site and Service, you hereby grant to AVOS a worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable, royalty-free license, with the right to sublicense, to use, copy, adapt, modify, distribute, license, sell, transfer, publicly display, publicly perform, transmit, stream, broadcast, access, view..."

      We *may* allow you to post stuff, but we own everything you post. Status.net has a similar model of collecting and distributing user content and they use a Creative Commons license.

      "You agree not to do any of the following: ... 6. Attempt to access or search the Site ... through the use of any engine, software, tool..."

      So much for an extensible platform.

      What are some good bookmark apps that I can install on my own server?

      • by syousef ( 465911 )

        What are some good bookmark apps that I can install on my own server?

        vi or Emacs.

        and Apache

        (Actually i'd recommend vim not vi)

      • I also didn't like "If we modify these Terms of Service, we will post the modification on the Site or provide you with notice of the modification". *Or* provide me notification? So they basically can change the terms at any time just by posting a new set to the web site, and they aren't even promising I will be notified? Yeah, let me jump right on agreeing to that.

        The main options I'm aware of for hosting your own bookmark server are:

        • Cutemarks [sourceforge.net]. Pretty simple, but not maintained anymore I think.
        • Firefox [mozilla.org]
      • The awesome folk at statusnet have posted this : http://status.net/2011/04/01/new-federated-social-bookmarks-service-freelish-us [status.net] So basically, that's statusnet + a plugin to add tags , and sahre them lie any microblogging tool, and it is federated. You can install your own service on your server if you want, or use one hosted somewhere. Too bad, the statusnet package in debian is still not uploaded ( http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=491723 [debian.org] ).
      • I hear some of these new Web 3.0 browsers with HTML 6 support have a NEW feature: XBML xTensible BookMark Language. They even put a button at the top to add any site your looking at to the list. Amazingly it already has support for categories, search and more! Super cool, post social - personal and private bookmarking at last.

    • http://www.bibsonomy.org/ [bibsonomy.org] is an alternative run by a university, and it can import del.icio.us. It's pretty open in where you can export to. I just switched to them.

  • by cameigons ( 1617181 ) on Wednesday April 27, 2011 @08:01PM (#35958856)
    From my user perspective I find awesome that they bought delicious and will keep it running. But from a business perspective.... Why in hell buy this thing? How does it fit in their plans for hitting it big (if there is any)? Well, I'll be looking forward to their interview. :p
  • I always found this inconvenient and quaint...like outdoor toilets. I hope they'll upgrade this.
  • I could have sworn, the first time I read it that they'd been bought by the founders of Facebook, and my first reaction was 'There goes the neighborhood.' I'm much happier now that I've read it properly.
  • It's pretty clear the current owners aren't really interested in it any more.  All good and understandable--but why not sell it on then to someone with the vision to take it into the future?

    Shame to see so few posts on what was once the center of the geek universe.
  • I forgot I had a delicious account. Right after I got the e-mail with the announcement I deleted my account.
  • If you are an existing Delicious user and want to keep your bookmarks, you must visit the Delicious website and agree to AVOS's terms of service before July (you should have gotten an email telling you about this). If you do not do this, you will loose all your bookmarks when the site is migrated to AVOS's servers in July.

    Note that Delicious gives you the ability to export your bookmarks. This is helpful if you do not want to agree to the new terms of service, or just do not want to use Delicious anymore.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      If you do not do this, you will loose all your bookmarks ....

      OMG!! What will happen when the bookmarks are loosed upon unsuspecting internet users? Will they be redirected to Rickrolls and animated GIF sites?

      Loose the bookmarks ... er, um ... dogs of war.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Please please, from here on out, can you please stop saying "going forward". Please.

  • How come Google doesn't have something similar? With all the "free" stuff that google provides, it seems like this should be right up there alley. I still don't understand how Yahoo couldn't find value in having millions of people tagging web pages for you for free. It seems like this should be a fantastic data trove for search engines.

You must realize that the computer has it in for you. The irrefutable proof of this is that the computer always does what you tell it to do.
