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Pakistan Earthquake Raises New Island 88

schwit1 writes with news that a recent 7.8 magnitude earthquake in Pakistan killed 45 people and caused a new island to form a few hundred meters off the country's coast. The island is roughly 35 meters long, and 7-14 meters high. "Seismologists suspect the island is a temporary formation resulting from a "mud volcano," a jet of mud, sand and water that gushed to the surface as the temblor churned and pressurized that slurry under the ocean floor." Long-time residents of the area say a similar island formed in 1968 after another earthquake, but disappeared a year later. "It is clear that 'the islands are not created because the ground was ... pushed up by the earthquake,' [said geophysicist Paul Earle], but more likely it was a secondary effect of shifting sediments. He also agrees the formation appears to have been caused by a mud volcano, but added that they don't need an earthquake to set them off. There are 'mud volcanoes in Yellowstone that have not been triggered by earthquakes,' he said."
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Pakistan Earthquake Raises New Island

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  • wow, (Score:5, Funny)

    by etash ( 1907284 ) on Wednesday September 25, 2013 @02:19AM (#44945077)
    Benjamin Linus moved the island again.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    Because Pakistan has given in to the People's Republic of China (PRC) territory claims in the past [], I am sure the PRC will claim this island as theirs!

    • Nope if you watch this video, [] you can see it being claimed by about a hundred Pakistani fishermen simultaneously, which killed my excitement for a new country instantly :-(

      Presumably the last one with his hand on the island gets to keep it.

  • Priorities (Score:2, Insightful)

    45 people died, but the news story is about a new not-island less than the size of a football field. Nice.

    • Re:Priorities (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Thanshin ( 1188877 ) on Wednesday September 25, 2013 @03:12AM (#44945261)

      Much more than 45 people died somewhere during the time it took you to write that post and you failed to even mention them. Nice.

      • People die every single day, 107 people die every single minute [] of every single day. Earthquakes also happen fairly routinely in certain parts of the world. When they are large they are covered by the news, in particular their death tolls are well covered to the point many are saturated.

        I understand you may not care for what I say, but just try to get the TV or major newspaper to cover an average person who died in an average way after they have died. The bottom line is that people simply don't care about p

        • Death only becomes newsworthy when the person is (in)famous or dies in a notable way.

          However the creation of a new island from an earthquake if far from an everyday occurrence.

          s/(in)famous/known to them/

        • People die every single day, 107 people die every single minute [] of every single day. Earthquakes also happen fairly routinely in certain parts of the world. When they are large they are covered by the news, in particular their death tolls are well covered to the point many are saturated.

          I understand you may not care for what I say, but just try to get the TV or major newspaper to cover an average person who died in an average way after they have died. The bottom line is that people simply don't care about people they don't know - it's not newsworthy. Death only becomes newsworthy when the person is (in)famous or dies in a notable way.

          Excellent! You're only about 3 steps of logic away from solving the Fermi Paradox.

          • by geekoid ( 135745 )

            The Fermi Paradox isn't.

            It's based on the tiny, tiny, tiny percentage of a fraction of the universe we have explored,
            It assume interstellar travel is possible
            It assume other civilization didn't expand and then die.
            It assumes it takes less resources to get to the next star is less then available resources
            It assume other species would want to expand.

            Until we ahve :
            A) Sent people to another planet around a different star
            B) those people are able to be self sustains and thrive
            C) Invent materials that will last m

      • Viola! - Pakistan new island: 7.7 earthquake kills 300, island rises from Arabian sea (Video) []
    • by Trogre ( 513942 )

      Absolutely correct.

      Are we also not supposed to talk about the economic outfall as a result of the 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami that killed many more?

      If not for this new island, that recent earthquake would not have made it to the Slashdot: News for Nerds blog at all.

      • And while you were writing this, another 45 people died for various reasons. You forgot to mention this...

        Yeah but I didn't just post a news story about the thing that killed them, and focus on something that is non-unique, trivial sience instead.

        The guy above this post though is 100% would never have made it to slashdot, and it would have been better that way. It does say "news for nerds" not "nerd news for nerds" though. It's not like nerds (at least most of them) literally only care about tech

        • I spelled science wrong since it's 3:20a. Not trying to margianalize scientific discovery...the significance of that island just seems considerably outweighed (as far as news is concerned) by nearly any criterion you would care to use.

          • Did it occur to you that a post to a science and technology news site might be directed towards the scientific issues for reasons other than the profound inhumanity you have ascribed to the author?

            • I just thought it was a hilarious case of weird priorities. I honestly am desensetized at this point since you know, the news.

              It would be kind of like reading an article that says "bomb goes off in boston during marathon, yields new insights into ballistics physics"

              • You say that as though they haven't emphasised the humanitarian impact in literally the first sentence of the summary. The author's priorities are in the right place. You don't have to ignore everything but the humanitarian consequences to be showing compassion for them.

              • *A four-alarm fire in Downtown Moscow clears way for a glorious new tractor factory*

        • by geekoid ( 135745 )

          Yes, but wouldn't it be nice to have a site where we can talk about the interesting events and science.

          There are media outlets galore that have in depth look at the dead people.
          Far less with any decent discussion about the geological events in detail.

    • You are right, but that is not news for nerds and stuff that matters.

    • If only there was some other site on the internet, where one could read about the non-scientific issues surrounding the earthquake. We could link to such a site in the summary even as we respectfully highlighted the important humanitarian issues. What a brave new world that would be.

    • by K. S. Kyosuke ( 729550 ) on Wednesday September 25, 2013 @05:14AM (#44945657)

      45 people died, but the news story is about a new not-island less than the size of a football field. Nice.

      Big pile of mud -> Elbonia -> Dilbert -> Tech -> Stuff that matters. ;-)

    • " a new not-island less than the size of a football field."

      Whats the size in cricket pitches? After all we are talking about Pakistan, cricket is their national sport.

    • by geekoid ( 135745 )

      Yes, becasue geological events are interesting.

      Death of people that far removed from ones personal experience, while tragic, doesn't exactly make people pause with their day.

      If it did, we would all go crazy.

  • Finally Sandy Island actually exists - just a wee little bit offset to the north...
  • Uh oh. (Score:5, Funny)

    by RivenAleem ( 1590553 ) on Wednesday September 25, 2013 @05:01AM (#44945605)

    Tensions are rising between Ankh-Morpork and Al Khali

  • Nobody mention Atlantis!
  • ... an Italian cruise ship will run into it.

One possible reason that things aren't going according to plan is that there never was a plan in the first place.
