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Oxford University Researchers List 12 Global Risks To Human Civilization 213

An anonymous reader writes The 12 greatest threats to civilization have been established by Oxford University scientists, with nuclear war and extreme climate change topping the list. Published by the Global Challenges Foundation, the report explores the 12 most likely ways civilization could end. "[This research] is about how a better understanding of the magnitude of the challenges can help the world to address the risks it faces, and can help to create a path towards more sustainable development," the study's authors said. "It is a scientific assessment about the possibility of oblivion, certainly, but even more it is a call for action based on the assumption that humanity is able to rise to challenges and turn them into opportunities."
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Oxford University Researchers List 12 Global Risks To Human Civilization

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  • Lists (Score:5, Funny)

    by sycodon ( 149926 ) on Monday February 16, 2015 @09:40AM (#49066387)

    I think Lists are the real problem.

    How many times have they found Lists in bad guy's pockets?

    1. Steal some cash
    2. Beat up old lady
    3. Shoot up a crowd.
    4. Go home and chill with some Jamaican...and not the kind with dreadlocks.

  • Peak oil? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday February 16, 2015 @09:45AM (#49066409)

    We're now forty years after the first oil shock, and, for lack of a valid alternative, oil still runs 98% of transportation.

    How come peak oil isn't listed?

    • Re:Peak oil? (Score:4, Insightful)

      by Rei ( 128717 ) on Monday February 16, 2015 @10:17AM (#49066637) Homepage

      "We're now forty years after the first oil shock ... How come peak oil isn't listed?"

      Your post contains its own answer.

      People have been screaming "peak oil" since the late 1800s. Meanwhile, oil resource estimates just keep rising.

      It's a naive perception of how the world works that envisions that mineral resources are like some cup with some fixed, limited quantity of a resource, and once you take it all it's gone. The reality is that for every resource, there's unthinkably, mind-bogglingly vast quantities available in total. The ease of extraction generally follows an exponential curve: the easiest stuff is incredibly rare, the next easiest an order of magnitude more common, the next easiest yet another another order of magnitude, and so forth. The amount you can produce depends on your technology and your current price point. Any hike in your price point or increase in your technology consequently puts exponentially more resource onto the market. Likewise, any hike in price leads to significant increase tech research to develop new types of resources, as the potential payoff becomes massive. The exponential scaling factor of difficulty of extraction versus availability strongly discourages supply peaks.

      Now, the sort of resource availability curves aren't completely smooth - some order of magnitude transitions can be easier to achieve than others. Likewise, resource markets are always going to be inherently vulnerable to long-term price swings because you have such a long lead time between the start of new projects and the reaching of full production, and even longer time periods before the start of work on new technology and it becoming commercially viable. But regardless of the swings, the long-term picture is never one of scarcity. Making the scarcity bet is not a good idea [].

      Now, minerals can and do peak - but rarely from supply peaks. Rather, demand peaks are far more common. The stone age didn't end because people ran out of stones.

      • by Rei ( 128717 )

        Note, of course, that the emphasis is on mineral resources - not biological. Biological resources don't follow a "the harder it is to extract, the exponentially more is available" curve. Rather, they're just the opposite - the more you extract, the less the total for you to extract in the future; the less you extract, the faster new resources become available.

      • Re:Peak oil? (Score:5, Insightful)

        by blue trane ( 110704 ) on Monday February 16, 2015 @10:25AM (#49066713) Homepage Journal

        The only real scarcity is our knowledge.

      • Re:Peak oil? (Score:5, Informative)

        by itzly ( 3699663 ) on Monday February 16, 2015 @10:43AM (#49066853)

        We're probably already past conventional peak oil. People haven't noticed because of the glut of shale oil, but shale oil only provides a very short term solution.

      • by Rei ( 128717 )

        (for those who are curious, here's the long-term pricing [] on the minerals in the Simon-Erhlich wager, inflation-adjusted).

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by renergy ( 1646119 )
        Making the scarcity bet is not a good idea? Quoting from wiki: "...However, economists later showed that Ehrlich would have won in the majority of 10-year periods over the last century,[2][3] and if the wager was extended by 30 years to 2011, he would have won on four out of the five metals..."
        • by Rei ( 128717 )

          See the post immediately above yours. It only works if you don't factor in inflation.

          The "economists" claim is not directly cited, only indirectly referenced (no source given in the indirect reference), and the economists in question are implied by the indirect source to be "environmentalists" who have "tended to deny the significance of the Ehrlich-Simon bet".

      • Re:Peak oil? (Score:5, Insightful)

        by BlackPignouf ( 1017012 ) on Monday February 16, 2015 @11:03AM (#49066979)

        +5 Insightful?
        No :
        -5 for bullshit, willful ignorance and not reading the article you link to :

        However, economists later showed that Ehrlich would have won in the majority of 10-year periods over the last century,[2][3] and if the wager was extended by 30 years to 2011, he would have won on four out of the five metals.[3]

        You might want to take a look at this article about the energy trap : []
        You're talking about extraction price, you should talk about the energy return on investment : []
        Once it costs more energy to retrieve oil than to leave it in the ground, we'll have a big problem, and that hasn't been mentioned one bit by TFA.

        • What if you use solar power to extract, and then use the oil for more immediate short-term energy needs?

        • Re:Peak oil? (Score:4, Insightful)

          by Rei ( 128717 ) on Monday February 16, 2015 @12:28PM (#49067703) Homepage

          EROEI is only relevant when looked at as an entire system perspective.

          The Luftwaffe in the latter part of WWII was largely fuelled with aviation fuel made from coal. The primitive coal to liquids technology they used was very inefficient tech consuming way more energy of coal than it produced jet fuel (highly negative EROEI). Yet it kept the Germans in the air until the plants were bombed.

          How can that possibly be? How could a negative EROEI work? Simple: because the net energy picture was still positive. Energy from coal in, less energy from jet fuel out. And the economic picture worked because you can't stick coal in a jet's fuel tank and fly it.

          Oil doesn't have to be some super high EROEI fuel to work. It doesn't even have to be a positive EROEI fuel to work. So long as you can put it in your gas tank, and so long as the world can produce energy to make it, it can get alone just fine.

          Even as it stands, oil is already a fuel whose value is many times higher than its raw energy value. Compare the per-BTU costs of coal or natural gas to that of oil - even in our current low oil price regime. Oil's value isn't it's energy value. It's the ability to drive an engine with it that makes it valuable. Changing other forms of energy into oil is a perfectly realistic economic proposition.

          That said, in reality, oil is far, far from a negative EROEI, and won't be going negative for a long, long time, if ever - not that that matters.

          • The primitive coal to liquids technology they used was very inefficient tech consuming way more energy of coal than it produced jet fuel (highly negative EROEI).

            You're right. But then you're back to problem 1 on the list : extreme climate change.
            We have too much oil/coal/gas (see climate change) but not enough oil/gas (see oil peak).

            • by Rei ( 128717 )

              I don't deny that at all. Peak oil would actually be great for the climate. Unfortunately, no magical supply peak is going to save the climate from us.

    • +1
      WTF Oxford University?
      Our society is so dependent on oil that I cannot believe either they didn't include it.

      • Re:Peak oil? (Score:5, Insightful)

        by funwithBSD ( 245349 ) on Monday February 16, 2015 @01:24PM (#49067987)

        It is, but probably not for the reasons most people think.

        The biggest issue is food security. There are probably 2 or 3 Billion people that cannot be fed unless we have oil for food production. More if you assume transportation is down, as there are concentrations of food where there are not concentrations of people.


  • Ruthless capitalism (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward

    This is the single meta-challenge we have to face. With its focus on short-term profit it's going to kill us all.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday February 16, 2015 @09:49AM (#49066433)

    1) Systemd

    I wasn't expecting it, but now that I've thought about it more, it does make perfect sense. Systemd is perhaps the most harmful thing to have ever happened to the Linux community. It has caused more strife, discontent, anger, animosity and uncertainty than even Microsoft or SCO ever managed to cause.

    It was forced, through slimy political means, upon all Debian users. This has ruined the reliability and stability of Debian, which in turn has torn apart the Debian community.

    And since Linux is the most important thing to all of humanity, anything that harms Linux in such a manner is clearly harmful to the entire world and human race. So, yeah, it does make sense why systemd would be the number one threat.

    • Was that from the list provided by Bennett Hassleton?

      (Sorry Bennett. If you're reading this, I have actually really likes some of your posts, but you've become something of a meme around these parts)

  • by gdr ( 107158 ) on Monday February 16, 2015 @09:50AM (#49066437)
    From the article:

    Finally, the researchers warn of “unknown unknowns” and call for “extensive research” into “unknown risks and their probabilities”.

    Scientists researching field A call for more research into field A. Also, as there will always be "unknown unknowns" that funding should continue indefinitely.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday February 16, 2015 @09:52AM (#49066453)

    1. Putin
    2. Putin
    3. Putin
    4. Putin
    5. Putin
    6. Putin
    7. Putin
    8. Putin
    9. Putin
    10. Putin
    11. Putin

    and I bet you thought I would put Putin in 12.

    12. Putin

    YOu were right!

  • What solution? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Anon-Admin ( 443764 )

    "The message here is that if politicians don’t come up with solutions to the other problems in the list, they are a risk in and of themselves."


    So lets see. Government only has 4 solutions to every problem.

    1) Pass a law making it illegal.
    2) Tax it
    3) Declare war on it
    4) Throw money at it and hope it goes away

    Which solution do you think they should use on these issues?

    • Re:What solution? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward on Monday February 16, 2015 @10:15AM (#49066619)

      As opposed to our glorious private industry leaders who:
      1) Lobby the government to shut down the "competition" they claim to worship?
      2) Lobby the government to minimize the "risk" the claim to embrace?
      3) Seek rent?
      4) Leverage every technology possible to reduce their costs while keeping prices the same?

      • You forgot the addendum to #4:

        4a) Lobby the government to ban any technology if it threatens their prominence in the industry.

        (See the MPAA/RIAA for a prime example.)

      • Tell me, what is the solution?

        Would you add more government and government regulations (Option 1 and 4 plus 2 to pay for it) to solve what you see as the issue with Private industry?

    • We could put Libertarian dogmatism and naivety on the list, but they themselves have little influence, so it isn't like fixing them would fix the problem.

      I guess you could call it pathological cynicism, and it expresses itself in many ideologies: government is evil, corporations are evil, America is evil, the West is evil, cisgender heterosexual white men are evil, etc.

    • The sad part is I didn't read that as 4 unique solutions but as just the normal progress of things.
    • So lets see. Government only has 4 solutions to every problem.

      Whoa there, you forgot the 5th government solution that causes way more long term problems than the 4 you listed:
      5. Provide it "free" via an entitlement program

  • by The Grim Reefer ( 1162755 ) on Monday February 16, 2015 @10:01AM (#49066511)
    If you look at this list, the majority of these problems are man-made. Other than a super volcano and an asteroid impact, the solution seems pretty simple. We must abandon all technology and kill all but a small percentage of the population. And those that are left must live in isolated groups. That way there will not be a world wide disease outbreak.
    • If you look at this list, the majority of these problems are man-made. Other than a super volcano and an asteroid impact, the solution seems pretty simple. We must abandon all technology and kill all but a small percentage of the population. And those that are left must live in isolated groups. That way there will not be a world wide disease outbreak.

      Yep, that's the only option. There's nothing between doing nothing and that option. It's all we have. And if anyone starts to talk about mitigation strategies, planning ahead of time or devoting a single cent of taxpayer money toward preparing for it, we are just all going to have a meltdown and throw a tantrum with teabags on our hats. Thank god we have these strawman arguments for what these ivory tower Oxford elitists are telling us to do: eliminate the human race to protect the human race. I cannot believe they would actually come to that conclusion but there it is, right in the article. Those environmentalists will have us starving in mud huts by the end of the month if we just sit by and let this academic report go unabated and without criticism!

      *tortured sigh*

      • Sorry, I forgot the sarcasm tag. Apparently that was not obvious to you. But let's look at the points listed in TFA:

        Nuclear war: We've been in danger of it since the 1950's. We even came close on a few occasions. So what's the solution? No one in their right mind has a workable solution. No country that has these weapons is going to give them up. And many countries want this capability. Some are dedicating considerably more resources toward it than others. Do I wish someone could wave a magic wand and make

    • by invid ( 163714 ) on Monday February 16, 2015 @10:41AM (#49066837)
      Growing up in the 70s and 80s I always thought that by this time I would be driving along in some barren post-apocalyptic wasteland in my cobbled-together hot-rod fighting off mohawked motorcycle gangs and saving busty babes from mutant frog-people. Instead I'm reading slashdot in my cubical as my code compiles. Sigh.
      • If you still want the experience, there are parts of Chicago that fit the bill. It's a good example of what happens when there's a fundamental disconnect between the economy and reality.
      • One proof the world is sliding backwards: fifty years ago the end of civilisation was due to only three things: sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll. Few people thought there would be any civilisation left after the year 2000.

    • If you look at this list, the majority of these problems are man-made. Other than a super volcano and an asteroid impact, the solution seems pretty simple. We must abandon all technology and kill all but a small percentage of the population. And those that are left must live in isolated groups. That way there will not be a world wide disease outbreak.

      So what you're saying is, the #1 threat to humanity is intellectuals making lists about the dangers to humanity? :)

  • by xxxJonBoyxxx ( 565205 ) on Monday February 16, 2015 @10:03AM (#49066527)

    Extreme climate change
    Nuclear war
    Global pandemic
    Major asteroid impact
    Super volcano
    Ecological catastrophe
    Global system catastrophe
    Synthetic biology
    Artificial intelligence
    Future bad global governance
    Unknown consequences /karmawhoring>

    Kind of weak list, IMHO. For example, where is "overpopulation?"

    • Kind of weak list, IMHO. For example, where is "overpopulation?"

      I think it fell off the list when projections started indicating that world population is likely to stabilize somewhere around 2050.

      In the mean time, it's a good time to buy property in Italy, as their population isn't growing enough. Russia and Japan have shrinking populations, although they're less likely to make immigrants feel welcome. The USA would have a shrinking population too if it wasn't for all those immigrants coming in and taking the jobs of the native-born Americans who aren't being born.

    • by XxtraLarGe ( 551297 ) on Monday February 16, 2015 @10:29AM (#49066755) Journal

      Future bad global governance

      Unlike current bad global governance, which isn't a threat at all...

      • I know we all enjoy greatly exaggerating how bad things are in 2015, but really now. Adults discussion time. Government is better now than it ever was in the past. A quick look at the history books will settle that argument in a flash. The very fact that we have global elites that hold no allegiance to the countries they were born in speaks volumes. They have much in common with each other, are alienated from their native populations, and have every incentive to work together to ensure a smooth future
      • by SeaFox ( 739806 )

        Yup. I busted out laughing here at work when I saw "future" before that one.

    • For example, where is "overpopulation?"

      If current trends continue, overpopulation is a non-issue. Pop will increase to the 10-12 billion range then begin a decline to a (possibly) lower-than-today level during the rest of this century and first part of the next.

      Do remember that China, Europe, and the USA (collectively, about a third the world's population) are already in a state of population decline absent immigration. India is now the only major nation with a positive population growth rate when immig

      • by itzly ( 3699663 )

        If current trends continue

        When has extrapolating population trend lines ever been a proven technique ?

      • You seem to have forgotten Africa, which is supposed to go from 1 billion to 4 billion. Or maybe you're counting on Ebola to "fix" that? Sub-Saharan Africa will be the #1 growth spot over the next century, not India.
        • by HuguesT ( 84078 )

          It seems hard to believe that Africa will sustain 4x more people than now given the state the continent is already in.

          • I'd tell you to look it up, but then I'd be swamped, like always, with [citation needed] from people who still haven't discovered how google works. Here you go []
    • The only ones on the list that have any factual basis:

      1. Major asteroid impact []
      2. Super volcano []
      3. Ecological catastrophe []

      The others in the list seem to be the result fanciful imaginations or anti-science fear mongering. So, I'd like to add two more item to the list:

      4. Failure to understand history/philosophy/science (aversion to rational thought) []
      5. Poisoned minds, poisoned cultures []

    • by Paul Fernhout ( 109597 ) on Monday February 16, 2015 @11:18AM (#49067113) Homepage

      See: http://overpopulationisamyth.c... []

      In general, as Julian Simon wrote, the (educated, nourished, healthy) human imagination is the ultimate resource that invents all other resources, so in general the more people you have, the more imagination you have. For example, woudl we have the internet if someone in the 1600s had decided there were too many people because London was overcrowded and killed off all but a million humans on the planet? The solar system can probably support quadrillions of people living in space habitats that can duplicate themselves from sunlight and asteroidal ore like JD Bernal imagined in the 1920s. [] [] [] []

      That list is very similar to what I had listed here in back in 1999 (minus a few fanciful ones): []
      "The race is on to make the human world a better (and more resilient) place before one of these overwhelms us:
              Autonomous military robots out of control
              Nanotechnology virus / gray slime
              Ethnically targeted virus
              Sterility virus
              Computer virus
              Asteroid impact
              Other unforseen computer failure mode
              Global warming / climate change / flooding
              Nuclear / biological war
              Unexpected economic collapse from Chaos effects
              Terrorism w/ unforseen wide effects
              Out of control bureaucracy (1984)
              Religious / philosophical warfare
              Economic imbalance leading to world war
              Arms race leading to world war
              Zero-point energy tap out of control
              Time-space information system spreading failure effect (Chalker's Zinder Nullifier)
              Unforseen consequences of research (energy, weapons, informational, biological)"

      But in the end, I think the issue raised in my sig is the biggest challenge: the perilous irony of people using the tools of material abundance in a war-like way as if material scarcity was still a major concern, as well as derivative issues like the moral problem of creating artificial scarcity under capitalism and so on. There are possible solutions to such issues (basic income, expanded gift economy, improved subsistence via 3D printing and personal agricultural robots and indoor agriculture and solar panels and so on, participatory democratic planning supported by the internet), but ideology and existing artificial-scarcity-based power structures stands in the way. Still, the dominant ideology is slowly shifting top a more open and abundance-oriented one. As Buckminster Fuller said decades ago, whether it will be Utopia or Oblivion will be a touch-and-go relay race to the very end...

      • by itzly ( 3699663 )

        as if material scarcity was still a major concern

        I'd like a mansion on a 10-acre beach front property in a nice sunny climate, please.

        • by DamonHD ( 794830 )

          And I'd like two entire universes please.

          Just because you can make a silly demand, doesn't make it anything other than that.



          • by itzly ( 3699663 )

            Why is that a silly demand ? Beach front property is an example of a highly desirable, yet scarce resource. Claiming that scarcity does not exist, or will not exist in the future, is bullshit.

      • by swb ( 14022 )

        I'm not sure I understand how billions more poor people are an imagination resource if they are underfed, uneducated and enthralled with religious superstition unless the imagination product is just day to day survival skills as poor, hungry, ignorant serf in a theologically dominated environment.

    • I don't see Gamma Ray Bursters, ergo, list is poppycock.

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • by SeaFox ( 739806 )

      The summary lists climate change and nuclear war as being "at the top of the list" as though it has some relevance. The list doesn't appear to be ordered by likelihood, otherwise why is "Major asteroid impact" listed above "Ecological catastrophe"?

  • I guess they didn't think hard enough.

    Theres threats from outside the Solar system, like nearby supernova or gamma ray burst, and of course aliens.
    Even 'friendly" aliens could end our civilisation.

  • Last one was unknown consequences. Thats a pretty safe thing to say that the end will come from the unknown.

  • ... is civilization. "We have met the enemy, and he is us." -- Pogo
  • 1) The Day After Tomorrow
    2) Wargames
    3) Outbreak
    4) Armageddon / Deep Impact
    5) Volcano / Dante's Peak
    6) Wall-E
    7) Margin Call
    8) Resident Evil
    9) STTNG (Borg nanobots)
    10) I Robot / Terminator
    11) Idiocracy
    12) Catch-all for every other disaster movie evar

  • by invid ( 163714 ) on Monday February 16, 2015 @10:15AM (#49066625)

    13. Supreme Being glances over and says "Hey! I haven't destroyed those ungrateful little twits yet? Kindof embarrassing, I told them Armageddon was supposed to happen 2 thousand years ago. Oh well, if I do it now maybe no one will notice I'm late"

    14. Vogon construction of an intergalactic highway.

  • Also should be considered Black Swan events []. They are not exactly unknown, but they are dismissed as risks, sometimes because not understanding them well enough. And with them, fatal combos should be counted too, global warming could take 50-100 years to go into full effect, and that is too much time, enough to get combined with, or be a factor causing, diseases, wars, ecosystem depletion and some other factors listed there.

    In fact, don't know how things like a big meteorite or supervolcano (that would ca

  • by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Monday February 16, 2015 @10:20AM (#49066669)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by Akratist ( 1080775 ) on Monday February 16, 2015 @10:26AM (#49066721)
    IANAS (I am not a statistician), but the basic problem I saw with the article was that it listed various probabilities for certain things, but didn't really add up to one hundred percent. So, a 1 percent chance the world is going to end a certain way, by implication leaves a 99 percent chance for it to end another way. At most, it didn't come close to a hundred percent for all options. Another flaw was that, IIRC, the Earth has around 300 million years of oxygen, and will be consumed by the sun in another 2.8 billion years, both of which are a relative certainty, and I don't remember either being listed. In theory, the risk of asteroid impact should be progressively lower as time goes on, and the other risks, outside of resource depletion and nuclear war, are just speculation. Even with resource depletion, life in some form is going to exist, albeit not with modern conveniences, and nuclear war's survivability is open for debate. I guess the one thing we can be completely certain about is that even Oxford University likes to put a little clickbait out, now and then.
  • Yeah. Human civilization would be nice if it didn't involve all those people.
  • Humans have an inherent weakness that will do us all in at some point. It's greed. Whether it has to do with religion, money, power or good karma on Slashdot, it's all the same. Lacking greed, people might be able to live together without fear of others. Unfortunately, greed is also what drives progress in so many ways as well.

  • I'm pretty sure it'll be shortly after I figure out how to set people on fire with my mind.
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion

Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons.
