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Video Building Hospitable Open Source Communities (Video) 117

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This is an 11 minute excerpt from an hour-long video, contributed by long-time Slashdot user Erik Möller. This video is the moving picture equivalent of the typical Slashdot summary of a text article, complete with a link to the main article, which in this case is a video (over an hour long) at Erik's interviewee, Sumana Harihareswara, is also a long-time Slashdot reader who claims (admits?) that she met her husband through a Slashdot link, albeit indirectly. She's spent most of the past decade working with open source, much of it as a community leader. If you are in a leadership role in an open source community or plan to lead one someday, you may want to listen to the complete interview. Sumana has many useful things to say about how open source communities should -- and shouldn't -- be run.
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Building Hospitable Open Source Communities (Video)

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  • by fustakrakich ( 1673220 ) on Tuesday May 26, 2015 @02:13PM (#49776435) Journal

    I'll wait for the condensed Reader's Digest version

    • by antiperimetaparalogo ( 4091871 ) on Tuesday May 26, 2015 @03:14PM (#49776845)

      I'll wait for the condensed Reader's Digest version

      "blah, blah, blah ... i am a girl so i will talk about myself ... blah, blah, blah ... i am a girl that can say stupid girly stuff about "empowering diverse people" ... blah, blah, blah ... i am a girl and because i don't have a penis i hate boys ... blah, blah, blah ... i am a girl so don't you dare to hurt my feelings ... blah, blah, blah"

      • Re: (Score:1, Flamebait)

        by hodet ( 620484 )

        Seriously, get help.

        • Seriously, get help.

          Seriously, is something wrong with my transcript? I thought that i was providing a good service to fellow Slashdoters... and i think i did it as accurately as the best professional transcriber would have done it! Can you provide something better?

      • Thanks for the summary. I watched only a bit of it, and what I did see was just the usual garbage. A bit of digging shows that this is a "job wanted ad". Click on her name and you see this on LinkdIn:

        I'm a geek-suit interface, a programmer, and a teacher. I like to work on open source products, services, or sites that delight and help people. I'll be seeking opportunities starting in June 2015.

        "geek-suit interface"? Sounds like a Mozilla Foundation escapee. $DIETY save us from polisci graduates.

        • Thanks for the summary. I watched only a bit of it, and what I did see was just the usual garbage. A bit of digging shows that this is a "job wanted ad". Click on her name and you see this on LinkdIn:

          I'm a geek-suit interface, a programmer, and a teacher. I like to work on open source products, services, or sites that delight and help people. I'll be seeking opportunities starting in June 2015.

          "geek-suit interface"? Sounds like a Mozilla Foundation escapee. $DIETY save us from polisci graduates.

          Thanks for the good investigation work... i am just a professional transcriber! I really tried to take her seriously, but after 11 minutes of garbage (yes, i did watched it!) i wanted to save fellow Slashdoters some of their time...

  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday May 26, 2015 @02:25PM (#49776507)
    Does anyone at Dice realize how much the community, in general, hates the stupid videos? How you cannot watch them in an office scenario, how you cannot get them in offline mode, how you cannot search the transcripts for information?
  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday May 26, 2015 @02:37PM (#49776601)

    A "safe space" is basically politically correct bigotry and SJW code for "we want segregation and preferential treatment for certain groups."

    If some special snowflake is offended at something, then it's up to that special snowflake to deal with their feels on their own terms, not for the rest of the online community to bend to their demands for special treatment because something "triggered" them.

  • A few days ago, Sumana released this video, Pipeline [], a critique of the tech industry's treatment of women. It's relevant to the overall discussion re: hospitality and worth watching (the main point being, "getting women into tech" doesn't really solve any problems if the actual experience in the industry is a terrible one).
    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      And just last year a woman actually IN tech and not as a "community leader" released this article [] calling bullshit on basically everything self-aggrandizing hanger's on like this video's star claims. Empirical research shows women have an advantage somewhere between 2:1 and 4:1 in STEM fields, and current statistics put them at nearly 2/3rds of college graduates and dominating virtually every single measure of academic achievement we have.

      And that's not even counting less empirical measures of power and pri

  • by Anonymous Coward

    So where's the transcript with this which Roblimo mentioned at some point in the past would alway be presented with the videos? I'm not going to waste time on 10 to 200 times the download required for video as opposed to a nice simple text transcript.

    Anyway, if she has an idea of how to run an open source community, she can start and run one herself. That's how free and libre software works: don't like what's out there (for software or communities)... well then start your own or fork something which you c

  • Really, I have to wade through 11 minutes of someone's ramblings? I usually read the typical /. summary in less than a minute.


  • by Scottingham ( 2036128 ) on Tuesday May 26, 2015 @03:16PM (#49776859)

    It feels like there is a single anon coward that's getting all butthurt crying 'SJW!' at the drop of a hat.

    Seems like it's the 21st century 'I'm not a racist, but...'

    • by Xtifr ( 1323 )

      Yes, the first thing Ithought when I saw the article summary was "this is going to bring out the SIWs (Social Injustice Warriors) in force!" :)

      • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday May 26, 2015 @03:50PM (#49777119)

        Because that is why it was posted. It is an inflammatory diatribe by a SJW. Check out her resume. Never worked long than 1 year at any place. Typical SJW who doesn't want to "do", just "talk".

        • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

          And that was a typical MRA post. Didn't address what was being said, just threw in a few ad-hominem attacks and "SJW".

  • by Shadow of Eternity ( 795165 ) on Tuesday May 26, 2015 @07:30PM (#49778535)

    are busy writing articles calling bullshit [] on non-coders like Sumana who do nothing but insult and degrade women by talking about how feckless and vulnerable they are.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      Can you say precisely at what point she claims women are feckless and vulnerable? She doesn't appear to be saying that at all.

      • It's been the overall narrative, whether they intended it or not, given by a lot of the yellow journalists and ideologues of third-wave feminism. Well, maybe CONFUSED ideologues of third-wave feminism, but then some people would rather win at any cost (even a pyrrhic victory), than lose.

      • It's exactly what she's saying. She's erasing women's accomplishments so far, speaking over and silencing women actually in tech, and insisting that women are such weak and fragile eggshells that they must be pandered to because they just can't succeed even in an environment where they're nothing but a screenname and the quality of their code.

  • by Lehk228 ( 705449 )
    here comes the SOCJUS
  • It seems to be a social justice tech pundit initiation ritual to attack Linus Torvalds' management style and the culture that surrounds the Linux kernel.

    It's not a bug, it's a feature. It's not supposed to be welcoming, it is supposed to be a filter, because the wanna-bees far outnumber the bees. Complaining about it is like complaining about the nature of special forces training. It is demanding, unsympathetic, and hostile to failure for a damned good reason - because the cost of failure is high, higher t

    • It seems to be a social justice tech pundit initiation ritual to attack Linus Torvalds' management style and the culture that surrounds the Linux kernel.

      It's not a bug, it's a feature. It's not supposed to be welcoming, it is supposed to be a filter, because the wanna-bees far outnumber the bees. Complaining about it is like complaining about the nature of special forces training. It is demanding, unsympathetic, and hostile to failure for a damned good reason - because the cost of failure is high, higher than every other open source project. The claim that that is what keeps women out is self-defeating, because you're not advocating for women, you're calling them weak and incompetent far more plainly the dog whistling of the Internet misogynist.

      No one is obliged to change their culture to suit the delicate sensibilities of someone else. You want to fit in with a foreign culture, the onus is on you to change, not the other way around. If you want more women to participate in the Linux kernel, the onus is on you to change how the wider culture indoctrinates women, so that they can learn how to correctly perceive the nuance that exists in that style of hyperbolic insulting criticism, which most men understand even if they don't like it.

      Give it a chance and I think you'll find that it's a lot more fun and honest and helpful than the passive aggressive style of criticism that the social justice cult considers "constructive".

      As someone who some decades ago served for a couple of years as a conscript in the Greek S.F. i must fully agree with everything in your comment - and you don't even need to be a S.F. macho guy (who at the beginning of his training received mostly psychological pressure, as it is usual in S.F. selection phase) to understand what must be done in any environment (i would cry like a little girl in a serious 5-6 year olds' training ballet class!) that tries to seperates "wanna-bees" from "bees". And i must stat

  • Where are her public repos?

    She is a cancer on the industry, just another Donglegate waiting to happen.

    From what I can tell she has nothing to offer the programming world.

    Just like Adria Richards this lady has no technical skill at all, only exists to stir up problems and has no business being in this field.

    That is not sexist, it is the truth. If she were a he, he wouldn't belong either.

    Code is gender-neutral.

"The pathology is to want control, not that you ever get it, because of course you never do." -- Gregory Bateson
