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Google Announces YouTube Gaming 50

An anonymous reader writes: Today Google announced a major new rival to YouTube Gaming. In addition to providing structure for the gaming content YouTube already serves (like walkthroughs, reviews, "Let's Plays," speed runs, etc), it'll also be a livestreaming hub for those who like broadcasting their games or watching other people play. Each video game will have its own dedicated page, and users will be able to add games to their "collection" to see other users's videos relating to those games. YouTube Gaming will have its own dedicated app, as well as being a part of the YouTube website. Google is also touting a recommendation engine that will help gamers find more content to watch.
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Google Announces YouTube Gaming

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    So is that their plan B, turning YouTube into Twitch?

    • They're owned by Amazon now.

      And before they were known as, they were known as

    • It's brilliant. I hate twitch - the bandwidth is terrible, I can't choose the resolution, the interface is slow. Youtube is smooth and works seamlessly.

  • copyright = nope (Score:5, Interesting)

    by locopuyo ( 1433631 ) on Friday June 12, 2015 @04:03PM (#49900313) Homepage
    Streamers play music while they game, and even gameplay videos on youtube get flagged for copyright violations just for having the in-game music playing.

    Streamers aren't going to move to a system they can't make money on. This will fail and end up like Google+.
    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Every streamer I've watched has said the're not going to touch google streaming with a 10 foot pole.

      Every single one of them has said that the automated copyright control system triggers spuriously and cuts off your stream in a manner that pretty much kills your viewership. (And can cite personal experience, or can point to contemporaries that have had the same problem)

      No viewers = no money = no streamers

      Google's copyright system is asymmetric in that it can be triggered gamed by trolls or even people that

      • by Anonymous Coward

        Wait, what? People pay money to watch other people play video games? Jesus fucking Christ. That takes passivity to a whole new level of suck.

    • Re:copyright = nope (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward on Friday June 12, 2015 @04:13PM (#49900405)

      How is that any different than Twitch? It's been my experience, with a significant time on the Twitch and UStream platforms, that Twitch's content matching is some of the most awful and draconic of the matching algorithms. They don't block out live ads, but for a 30 minute chunk after "last detection" (so first detection to last detection to +30 minutes), you receive NO advertising or clickcount revenue, and can't export "highlights" with ANY sound.

      Oh, and most of my livestreams don't have extra music playing over it, just the game's natural sound and music. Nearly every week I have 2-3 claims on my streams, because the matching algorithm... MATCHED THE GAME MUSIC. And in about 50% of cases, it's ignored by their "appeals" department. In my case, it's not a LOT of revenue lost, but if I was making serious bank, it'd be a serious problem.

      Stop thinking Twitch is some end-all be-all. The competition posed by YouTube (where most Twitch streamers dump their highlights, actually) will only improve the situation.

      (You'll notice I didn't say much about UStream, and that's because UStream is terrible unless you're broadcasting homemade liveporn. No, really.)

      • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

        by Anonymous Coward

        Well at least Twitch doesn't take down your stream while you're STILL streaming and then take away your rights to stream and make money entirely by disabling monetization on your entire account... Which is what google does with their current livestream feature on youtube. I will take the 30 minutes of cut audio over losing the whole thing just because some music label is throwing a fit.

    • Isn't Google+ more popular than Twitter?

  • Pretty much everyone uses Twitch. Unless Google can get support for Twitch removed from a few key games/systems I don't see people switching in large numbers. Would be kind of like dethroning Paypal at this point.
    • by tlhIngan ( 30335 )

      Pretty much everyone uses Twitch. Unless Google can get support for Twitch removed from a few key games/systems I don't see people switching in large numbers. Would be kind of like dethroning Paypal at this point.

      That assumes you don't have any room for improvement.

      I know I never watch twitch or other game streaming sites. Why? They're annoying as hell to use - every 30 seconds you get blasted with a 30 second ad at full volume, so you lose 30 seconds of video, etc.

      Sure you can install adblockers and such,

      • by bluec ( 1427065 )
        Not true. Lots have tried to beat PayPal at that game, including Google with Google Checkout. They failed miserably because despite Google's efforts to encourage merchants to accept it, merchants didn't bother, and adoption rates were tiny. PayPal succeeded on the back of eBay and has since matured into a very useful wider service.
    • Well, there are no network effects that I'm aware of so I guess it shouldn't be a problem. A better product will be used cause there are no switching costs. Unlike say switching from Facebook to something else even if the alternative is better. In the latter scenario, a better product will not automatically get social media users cause the value of a social network increases with the number of existing users alone.

      I don't see the same effect for video streaming services.

  • []

    I'm hearing rumblings that Youtube Gaming already has some concerning rules too, like automatic strikes for playing copyrighted music (even accidentally) over a stream. I have this feeling it's going to be an uphill battle...

  • So this is why they removed the super-useful feature that used to let you group your subscriptions into named groups until a few weeks ago? Because it was called "collections" and they wanted to repurpose the name for some useless video game thing nobody is going to use?

    • by dissy ( 172727 )

      So THATs why my playlist menu recently exploded and went random-order!

      Yea I'm not sure how well this will work out for Youtube in the end.

      Now personally, when I watch a let's player I'm generally watching not for the game but am watching that particular person do their thing. So I'll probably be sticking with the user subscription method instead.
      I'd be less interested in a "Minecraft" channel and have to sort through all the squeeky voiced 8 year olds, and am more interested in for example "AngryJoe" revie

  • does the tv app have a search function? i know twitch still doesn't

  • by lemur3 ( 997863 ) on Saturday June 13, 2015 @12:52AM (#49902627)

    Not that long ago Google was posting tasks on the Amazon Mechanical Turk crowdsource job platform that asked people to visit a Twitch user account page which was provided to the worker.

    They wanted to know if that twitch user had a link to a YouTube page.... they wanted to know if there was an email address..... they wanted to know if the user had had some sort monetization link on youtube.. and if there were email/twitter contacts.

    I wonder if this has anything to do with that.

    were they just judging how much overlap there is between the communities?

    were they seeking out 'popular' people to contact them?

  • The big streams already have a fan base. They know where to go, they are unlikely to risk losing a lot of viewers by moving.

    On the other hand, the streamers who have a small viewership, whose list is mostly made up of new users, can defiantly benefit from the influx of having youtube suggestions that look just like normal videos that people will click. It will be a great way to establish a new user base.

    Yes, there are stricter rules on what you can and can't do. You simply have to understand them and work w

To spot the expert, pick the one who predicts the job will take the longest and cost the most.
