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GNU is Not Unix Open Source

Interviews: Ask Richard Stallman a Question 359

RMS founded the GNU Project, the Free Software Foundation, and remains one of the most important and outspoken advocates for software freedom. He now spends much of his time fighting excessive extension of copyright laws, digital restrictions management, and software patents. RMS has agreed to answer your questions about GNU/Linux, how GNU relates to Linux the kernel, free software, why he disagrees with the idea of open source, and other issues of public concern. As usual, ask as many as you'd like, but please, one question per post.
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Interviews: Ask Richard Stallman a Question

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  • I found your piece on selling free software [gnu.org] to be pretty logical on paper. However, has it ever worked in the wild? Can you name companies or revenues that currently operate on this idea (and I'm not talking about services or support of the software)? I simply can't come up with a widely used monetized piece of software licensed under the GNU GPL whereby the original software was sold at a single price and shipped with the source code -- free for the original purchaser to distribute by the license's clauses. Can you list any revenue generation from that? I must admit I'm not exactly enamored with paying for free software (as in your definition of free) before it's written yet I cannot think of any other way this would fairly compensate the developer.
    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward

      I run a small open source project that I sell compiled binaries of for 10$ a pop, it pulls in around 200-300 dollars a month even though I have a public build server as well as the entire project hosted on github. I imagine it would work on a larger scale as well.

    • by electrosoccertux ( 874415 ) on Wednesday July 29, 2015 @02:30PM (#50207645)

      a little related, but GE doesn't even bother selling the nuclear power plant plans to the Chinese, because to the Chinese, they don't give a shit about your design or intellectual property, they'll just steal it, because to them, if they can copy it, they shouldn't have to pay for it.

      So instead, GE basically gives them the design for free, and then charges them out the ass for 'support'. Which in this case, is the management and oversight necessary for the meticulous implementation that's not going to blow up in their face. They pay for it, because we have the expertise, and it's something they simply can't copy....for now.

      So anyways, RedHat and Linux are like that. The logo of the Fedora you see on their software? That's actually a travelling-wave nuclear reactor. When you install Fedora, you're harnessing the POWER OF NUCLEAR REACTIONS inside your VERY COMPUTER. This is what makes Linux, truly so incredible. Microsoft really has nothing on them. Windows 10? More like Windows EXPLOSIEN! Because Microsoft is like the Chinese and Japanese, they simply don't know how to make a nuclear reactor that doesn't EXPLODE. Linux is like the AMERICANS. beecause the MERICANS know how to HARNESS the power of nukulear fission using LINUX.

      Just think! 2015! the year of nuclear reactors on your desktop.


      ok, so I got carried away, but that's actually how GE is monetizing it.

      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • Last I checked, the vast majority of software was internal, for the private use of an enterprise. In that case, license really doesn't matter. RMS has addressed the issue of programmers earning a living before.

          I generally agree with you on the problems of applying the GPL all over the place, but RMS does have a well-reasoned position and does address the question of paying the developers.

        • We do have to cut him "some" slack on this because he formulated his movement BEFORE the mass adoption of home computers and gaming.

          When he joined the MIT AI Lab, computer access was still pretty much limited to the "bearded priesthood". It's also why I think he needs more pragmatism. He's out of touch with the actual needs of people who "aren't" members of the MIT AI Lab style bearded priesthood. As I've said before, he mostly computes as if it was 1964, since he uses EMACS on the console EMACs origin

      • by ihtoit ( 3393327 )

        three words:

        Three Mile Island.

        Thank you, come again.

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        Actually they give the plans away for free because most of them have to be published as part of the regulatory procedure.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      Software developed for governments perhaps? I seem to recall some countries mandated that software written for government departments had to be open source. They paid an external developer to write and maintain the software, but the source code was available.

    • by Mandrel ( 765308 )

      Yes, regarding the problem of selling free software, I'd specifically ask RMS:

      Would you support a licence that allowed free redistribution of modified or unmodified source and build systems, but removed the freedom to run (Freedom 0) for non-development uses? The license would specify a default distribution of a use-fee up the chain of fork parents, though a differing split could be negotiated. For example, would you have had trouble with that non-free printer driver back in the 80s if you had been able

  • The next big thing (Score:5, Insightful)

    by laffer1 ( 701823 ) <{moc.semaghsiloof} {ta} {ekul}> on Wednesday July 29, 2015 @02:11PM (#50207381) Homepage Journal

    What do you see as the next big issue coming up with software licensing that isn't addressed with the existing GPL and AGPL licenses?

  • by GeekWithAKnife ( 2717871 ) on Wednesday July 29, 2015 @02:13PM (#50207409)

    Mr. Stallman. Firstly thank you for all your many amazing and brilliant contribution. The list is long so let me leave it there.

    I'd be very grateful if you could answer my question: What changes are necessary to make a smartphone truly secure?
    • by Anonymous Coward

      Or even better, how do we take smart phones out of the control of corporations and back into user's control? There's Linux for computers which gives the users freedoms, but there's no equivalent for smart phones yet. I see this as a serious problem because people are largely abandoning computers and laptops to move toward smart phones and tablets.

      So my question is: How to make a smartphone that truly has the user's interest at heart? (Not trying to sell them apps, spy and track on them, restrict them to a w

      • To make a smart phone mostly secure all you need to do it switch off all networking features, WiFi, Bluetooth, phone signal etc.

        Of course at that point it really isn't a smart phone anymore as a huge part of the usefulness of a smart phone is how you use it to connect with the rest of the world.

      • I believe there is an Ubuntu smartphone out now. In fact, the users will never be able to control the software running the cell voice and data communications, because the FCC won't allow it.

      • Won't fly. Despite all efforts to make smartphones anything BUT a phone, they still are. And hence you still need a carrier.

        And carriers won't really enjoy the idea of NOT being able to lock you down to their contract.

      • The in-development Neo900 smartphone, whilst it doesn't have the latest and greatest hardware specs, is specifically being built to make it harder to do this crap. Option of going 100% FOSS on the main ARM processor with the exception of some userspace blobs for the PowerVR GPU (at least that is the intention) plus a hardware architecture that prevents the closed parts of the system (WiFi, cellular radio etc) from having access to the other hardware (there is no way to for the cellular module to have any ac

  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday July 29, 2015 @02:15PM (#50207431)

    My biggest concern in this day and age is the dumbing down and comercialization of computing. What used to be open, interoperable programs has now turned into ad based, closed apps. We've gone from having something like Pidgin being able to run all instant messaging clients ad free to now having to download a separate app for every messager, for example (no one uses the older ones anymore, or they've been shut down). Also, open standards like email have been falling out of favour due to corporate pushes to lock down users into walled gardens like Facebook. Of course there's always the option of not using these closed source apps, but it really hinders your social life. Also, programs (now called "apps") are designed to milk the users for money, rather than to benefit the users, as you know is the case with things like " defective by design" DRM.

    Is there any way computing can truly become open and user centric again, or do you think it's truly a lost cause? If so, how can we do it without losing connection with the rest of the world who will not give up their FB/WhatsApp/Kik (and don't answer their phone or emails anymore)?

    • You're unlikely to get the answer you seek because you've framed your question in terms of a movement Stallman is (rightly) opposed to, and in ways that he's already explained many times (even the /. summary points to one of the essays on this) -- why Stallman objects to the open source movement (older essay [gnu.org], newer essay also pointed to in the /. summary [gnu.org]). He recommends against using Facebook [fsf.org] (and has started every talk in the past year or so [gnu.org] with an explanation of why posting pictures of people in Facebook

    • Of course there's always the option of not using these closed source apps, but it really hinders your social life.

      You know, there was a time when there was no such thing as Facebook. Believe it or not, people still managed to have social lives.

      • there was a time when there was no such thing as Facebook. Believe it or not, people still managed to have social lives.

        Yeah, there was. And people had social lives with other people not on facebook. But facebook exists now. And too many people allow it to gatekeep their entire social life. So there is no social life with those people without facebook.

        Depending on where you live, how old you are, etc, excising those people may be acceptable or not.

    • .

      We've gone from having something like Pidgin being able to run all instant messaging clients ad free to now having to download a separate app for every messager, for example (no one uses the older ones anymore, or they've been shut down).

      You can blame the pidgin developers for that, for deciding to NOT implement Voice and video support as was earlier planned. Also, since the Pidgin developers mostly used the finch with XMMP on the console it meant that the protocols especially used by "normal" users got short shrift and didn't keep up featurewise.

      You can also blame some of the silly UI changes to pidgin, made by some of those finch using developers that were ill-advised.

  • Free software sometimes carries limitations: the program might not be as featureful as a proprietary counterpart. The proprietary software might give me more freedom in the sense of getting my actual task done in the best way possible. Maybe it has better toolset to allow expressing myself artistically more freely, or maybe it has better hardware support so I have more freedom to choose among various hardware devices. Have you thought about freedom from this perspective?
  • Favorite books (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday July 29, 2015 @02:17PM (#50207451)

    Hi RMS,
    What are your favorite books? What is the recent book you read and liked ? Is there any book you think every programmer must read ?

    Neutrino Kitten

  • by GeekWithAKnife ( 2717871 ) on Wednesday July 29, 2015 @02:24PM (#50207565)

    In your opinion, how can a government strike a fair balance between privacy and snooping powers?

    Given that the government needs to be able to spy on potentially dangerous people and groups and such desires have grown legs, wings and multiple heads over the years...
  • Time and time again I see news articles that seem to herald the idea that users are willing to sacrifice something like privacy for the use of software. Take Facebook for an example. You get a robust and snappy storage and website for communication at the cost of control over your life and privacy. And as I try to explain to people the tradeoffs most of them seem to be complacent. Even I myself use GMail, there's just no better mail service. Even if there were, I'd have to run the server from my home to be sure that I'm in control in it and it's truly free (by your definition). So given that much of the populace isn't even prepared technologically to harness truly free software, don't you think they have slowly accepted the trade offs and that the pros of your arguments -- though sound -- are only possibly realized by those skilled enough to edit source code or host their own mail server from their home?
  • GFDL? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by ISayWeOnlyToBePolite ( 721679 ) on Wednesday July 29, 2015 @02:33PM (#50207671)

    The Gnu Free Documentation Licence (GFDL) has not been embraced with nearly as much love as the GPL and numerous issues have been raised:

    *Non compability with GPL (both ways).
    *Non-freeness (as deemed by Debian) of invariant sections.
    *Cumersomeness of having to print the full licence when distributing physical printouts.

    Wikipedia for example does not accept contributions licenced under the GFDL only.

    What do you see as a way forward in adressing the issues raised regarding the GFDL?

  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday July 29, 2015 @02:34PM (#50207695)

    How do you see education (CS) fit in achieving FSF goals? What involvement does FSF have with the current CS curriculum to further free software? (As we have seen both Google, MS, and Facebook are getting involved in education, how is FSF doing in this regard to further the free software movement).

  • by Nyder ( 754090 ) on Wednesday July 29, 2015 @02:41PM (#50207835) Journal

    Is there any presidential candidate that you feel is worth supporting?

  • by jrnvk ( 4197967 ) on Wednesday July 29, 2015 @02:41PM (#50207839)
    It seems like Microsoft is starting to contribute more to open source products. What's your take on them joining the community, given their rather different approach in historical times?
  • I always assumed he was like Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny. I figured you would know the truth.

  • by serviscope_minor ( 664417 ) on Wednesday July 29, 2015 @02:48PM (#50207931) Journal

    Hi RMS,

    Firstly I am fan of what you've done and what you have given the world. I also asked you a weakly related quesion about two decades ago when I was a teenager and didn't realise one shouldn't just email random well known people on the internet. You were kind enough to take the time to write a thoughtful reply.

    The question is about subversion of Free software via a stable API. If a stable API exists in some popular library/piece of software, it is possible to write a shim layer, where the GPL shim serialises the interaction then sends that to a non-free component[*]. The non-free component of course has the interesting and useful logic. Since it's not linking to the Free part, then it's not covered by the GPL.

    Via such a mechanism, one could use a significant GPL component in a non-free program. Naturally this is very much at odds with the spirit of the GPL, but not the letter. From what I recall, you explicitly warned about this sort of thing when GCC were creating an API for interacting with external tools. GCC being arguably the leading compiler in the world[1], would be prone to such subversion.

    I believe your suggestion at the time was to essentially neuter the plugin API so that there was nothing left to subvert. Naturally though that comes with downsides is that it also makes it harder for the Free software community to work with GCC. GCC did eventually decide to go with the plugin API.

    Do you still think that not having an API would have been the right choice? If so, what to you think the relative tradeoff is between making Free software better and as a side effect making it easier for non-free software development? If not, what made you change your mind? Either way, where do you draw the line---gcc always could be used to compile non-free software and of course making GCC better makes such things easier.

    It also seems that GCC went with the plugin interface because they believed that the improvement to the usability of GCC was worth it relative to the risks. Do you think it's possible in theory to have flexible plugin interfaces without openning the door to non-free software, such as some hypothetical license change?

    Thankyou for your time :)

    [*] related: if one has two libraries offering identical APIs such as the various libcs, then it's hard to argue that something using libc is a derived work of a particular implementation. Especially if it's dynamically linked it could easily pick up any number of several different compatible ones. The concept of derived work is what gives the GPL and indeed all of copyright its teeth.

    [1] To anyone who wants to argue that LLVM or Intel CC or etc is better please don't. GCC is arguable the best in that I and others could make reasonable arguments for that case. It's not provably the best.

  • by Kethinov ( 636034 ) on Wednesday July 29, 2015 @02:52PM (#50207987) Homepage Journal

    It's long been possible to run entirely free software on a PC, but the world of game consoles has been a proprietary hellscape for many years.

    In recent years there's been an attempt to open it up in some very modest ways, mainly through the proliferation of Android "microconsoles" and other Android-based set top boxes.

    Do you find these new developments to be a step in the right direction and are you worried as I am that they're not catching on very well?

  • What are the best ways to circumvent censorship? In other words, How can we make the *Internet* indelible and unblockable by our most vulnerable single point of failure, the ISP, which invariably acts as an agent of the state?

  • by jtotheh ( 229796 ) on Wednesday July 29, 2015 @02:55PM (#50208033)

    I am someone who does not like the direction systemd goes in, as it replaces much of what I would call GNU/Linux (syslog,fstab,init.d,...etc) - I am not asking whether that point of view is correct. Assuming that it is, it seems to me that the scope and interconnectedness of the systemd changes is too much for any smaller organization to resist. The possibility of maintaining an ongoing form of GNU/Linux that still stays current seems to be an overwhelming task, although some (Devuan etc) are heroically attempting to do so.

    Can the sheer complexity of a GNU/Linux distro like RedHat make it impossible to practically maintain a version with different technologies?

  • by Anonymous Coward

    My understanding is that you studied physics as an undergrad and early grad student. I'm curious if there was a particular area of physics you were interested in at the time, and do you still keep up with new developments in physics, the sciences, or other fields of academia?

  • by daveagp ( 2431120 ) on Wednesday July 29, 2015 @02:58PM (#50208079)
    I teach CS at a university, often including introductory courses. Regarding FOSS, what message(s) is/are the most vital to communicate to people who are writing computer programs for the first time?
  • by rla3rd ( 596810 ) on Wednesday July 29, 2015 @02:59PM (#50208085)
    are any of your answers different than the last 3 times?
    http://interviews.slashdot.org... [slashdot.org]
    http://features.slashdot.org/s... [slashdot.org]
    http://interviews.slashdot.org... [slashdot.org]
    It's not like his position is going to change significantly on anything...
    I don't see the point.
  • Is the LLVM project a greater threat to GNU/Linux than Windows or Mac OS X?
  • by Anonymous Coward

    In your own archives on stallman.org, you state that "Prostitution, adultery, necrophilia, bestiality, possession of child pornography, and even incest and pedophilia should be legal as long as no one is coerced. They are illegal only because of prejudice and narrowmindedness."

    Have your views changed in the past nine years? If so, why? If not, can you provide a more nuanced view as to why pedophilia, even non-coerced pedophilia, is acceptable?

  • by bigsexyjoe ( 581721 ) on Wednesday July 29, 2015 @03:15PM (#50208275)

    I know you don't like Software as a Service: article [gnu.org]

    However, there are some web applications that really only work as a web application. Slashdot is an example of this.

    Do you feel that creators of web applications should be obliged to make their source code available?

    Also, if I am employed as web application developer, am I a bad person?

  • With so much moving to mobile devices and applications I wonder about the state of open source on those platforms and how developers can make a living while writing open source mobile apps.

    The ads and sales that most mobile apps use to generate revenue aren't really an option for open source apps. Does that mean developers have to rely on a donations or are there other ways they can fund their work?

  • You have been working for the freedom of software users for at least some thirty odd years now. Do you think that (maybe because of your work) that freedom has improved, or that it has stayed the same or has deteriorated? To me it seems to have deteriorated and I am wondering where you get the energy to keep on fighting.
  • Mr. Stallman, first I must thank you for The GNU Project, the gift the world doesn't yet appreciate. In a fifty years there will be a statue commemorating your achievement of preventing computers thirty years ago from becoming like iPhones are today. If there isn't I'll have to commission it myself. Thank you for buying us all this time to prevent 1984.

    What I'd like to ask is whether you are concerned about how popular and business media conflate Silicon Valley start-ups and Apps with technology and software as a whole. As we all know, the internet has existed since long before MySpace and terms like "bloggers", "new media", "social networking", "big data", etc.

    The cover of this week's Economist [economist.com] has a map, shaped like a brain, of various corporate entities which are dominating and strangling the web, entitled "Empire of the Geeks". Corporatization of web is killing communities as users become commodities to be sold to advertisers, or mined for valuable personal information. Users are thus taken for granted. For instance, Reddit is the only web-forum I've used that has a "Board of Directors" and a CEO, and I can't fathom how anybody can keep a straight face while contemplating such an absurdity.

    The article in the Economist promises the tech-ignorant readership that, unlike 2000, there will be no web-bubble because start-ups are typically not purchased without demonstrating a potential to generate profit.

    What all these suits seem to be missing is that Free Software exists, as a giant exit door, that could evacuate a large fraction, if not majority, from the surveilled, corporate web in a matter of months into a reactionary darknet built on, perhaps, webs of trust. The ephemeral and limitless nature of software, the virility of memes, the availability of encryption, and the well-established short-lifespan of internet communities all suggest that the current Facebook/Twitter empire is founded on sand.

    Which is the likelier possibility: Tech-dumb investors are being fleeced by Silicon Valley which is well aware the clock is ticking on the current hegemony of monied websites? Or that the days of the free internet itself themselves numbered, and soon users will be shepherded into a locked-down, Compuservesque network which preempts the possibility of communicating online without using approved channels?

    In either possibility, why is this not talked about more? All Free Software needs, at this point, is a Steve Jobs to bring our superior software ecosystem to the masses, and sell users on the benefits of direct, peer to peer communication omitting corporate in-betweeners. I am sure that day is coming, what clues have you seen in your long-time involvement in the software world which might affirm or relieve my concerns? Because either way, the information economy is in for a shock I don't think it is prepared for, and the results could be devastating.

  • by mattventura ( 1408229 ) on Wednesday July 29, 2015 @03:46PM (#50208563) Homepage
    If I recall correctly, at some point when talking about GPU firmwares, you implied that it is more "free" to have a proprietary firmware burned into a ROM than it is to have a proprietary firmware that can be re-flashed. But having a firmware that can be flashed provides the user with the freedom to flash a truly free firmware, either built from the ground up or reverse-engineered from the original. How is having firmware in a ROM any better from a practical or freedom standpoint?
  • by NotInHere ( 3654617 ) on Wednesday July 29, 2015 @03:48PM (#50208591)

    We've read in the news about how prominently mozilla has integrated pocket into its web browser. This isn't the only change into the "closed service" direction they've made. On the other hand, they keep fighting at many fronts for the open web. What is your opinion on what mozilla stood for once, what it is today, and what it is becoming?

  • by fulldecent ( 598482 ) on Wednesday July 29, 2015 @03:59PM (#50208673) Homepage

    Going forward, what do you believe is the relevance of GNU?

  • Dear Richard,

    first and foremost thank you for contributions and activism, you have made the world a better place for the likes of us. Now for the question:

    What are your views on the future of the FSF?

    Today's software landscape and dangers to freedom seem quite far from the initial days of the FSF, and with that, its purpose and effectiveness seem less relevant today.

    Even giants like Microsoft have seen their dominance shattered, and are facing the dilemma of a radical overhaul vs obsolescence.

    Do you feel th

  • The Free Software movement and the Open Source community have done great things. I have an excellent development system that runs entirely Free Software, for example. Nobody need pay for an OS or write their own. With a few exceptions, it's generally accepted that, if you're going to introduce a new computer language or framework, you need to provide at least a free-as-in-beer implementation with source available (and at that point going to free-as-in-speech is a minor jump).

    What do you think are some

  • At one point, with some obvious exceptions the most used Free Software came out of the Gnu Project and Linux, and all of that was copylefted. Nowadays, it looks like we've got a lot more high quality Free Software that isn't copylefted (I'll use LLVM as an example here).

    How do you feel about the copyleft vs. permissive licensing going on today? How do you think it will change in the future?

  • by joelholdsworth ( 1095165 ) on Wednesday July 29, 2015 @04:35PM (#50209047)

    Dear Richard

    My question is about the name "Free Software". I find that many people I speak to have difficulties understanding the significance of those words: i.e. "free" as in political freedom, self agency, liberty etc.

    I would say "Open Source" is easier to understand as words, but you've often emphasised that it doesn't capture the full scope of the freedom in Free Software - I agree with that. I think a lot of people say "Open Source" - not because they deny the importance of the freedom, but just because non-technical people think they mean "Freeware" or "Shareware". This is annoying, because I'm always telling people to choose Free Software, but I have to say "you should make sure you get Free/Open Source Software" or some such cumbersome terminology just to get them to understand me.

    Do you recognise the problem of terminology that I'm referring to? Have you ever thought about describing "Free Software" with any other titles? "Freedom Software", "Libre Software" or such? Other titles such as these - do you regard them as defective? If you had your time again would you chose a different title to aid understanding? If not, what would you say is the unique importance of the label "Free Sofware" over any other possible labels?


  • The The Free Software Definition [gnu.org] states as one of the "four essential freedoms": "The freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish (freedom 1). Access to the source code is a precondition for this." (bold mine)

    Let's say I gave somebody a car out of charity, but I didn't give them the owner's manual. Are they now less free because they will have a harder time fixing the car than before I gave them the car? If I was compelled to give the person the owner's manual

    • by samjam ( 256347 )

      I think you need reminding of the origin of the free software movement.

      It was in a fight back against loss of previous common freedom, that are not so common these days. Having been born into a greater captivity than Stallman you maybe never had those freedoms and do not feel the loss.

      "When Stallman noticed the jamming tendency in the Xerox laser
      printer, he thought of applying the old fix or "hack" to this printer.
      In the course of looking up the Xerox laser-printer software, however,
      Stallman made a troub

    • by samjam ( 256347 )

      In fact I suggest you read all of chapter 1 http://static.fsf.org/nosvn/fa... [fsf.org]
      and then you will be ready to talk about freedom.

  • What's your position on this fad of appliances needing networking and whatnot other connections? Especially in the light of other devices (like routers) usually running something that used to be free software 'til the appliance maker got their hands onto it. It is likely that some if not many or even the majority of IoT appliances will run (allegedly) free software in one way or another, and most likely without any regard of the underlying licensing model.

    Would you rather see it as a vehicle for OSS to move

  • by ihtoit ( 3393327 ) on Wednesday July 29, 2015 @06:38PM (#50210127)

    My question concerns the current fad of networking everything AKA "The Internet of (every)Thing/s". I'm not going to bug you with TFH-ish crap like the constant irradiation of the air all around us 24/7, that shit gets old really fast and debates on it go nowhere.

    Are you concerned about what appears to be being overlooked, that being the security of information such things as digital thermostats and timers (like Hive [hivehome.com]), GDOs, water and power meters, larder fridges, cookers, TiVO and smart TVs, etc., transmit over the air on an almost continuous basis via wifi and/or Bluetooth, and cell networks (in the case of Hive)?

  • Hi RMS!

    There's been a huge amount of success with crowdfunding recently -- Kickstarter and Indigogo and so on.The most facile projects can get funded to the tune of millions. Meanwhile venerable old free software projects have been neglected. Has the FSF ever considered starting some crowdfunded projects?

    I know people can donate cash to e.g. the FSF directly but it's a black box and hard to emotionally engage with that. Compare for example a specific project that could gain a lot of public momentum -- e.g.

  • by aNonnyMouseCowered ( 2693969 ) on Wednesday July 29, 2015 @07:06PM (#50210357)

    The FSF has made a stand against binary-only firmware. But isn't binary-only firmware files, provided they can be freely redistributed, better than firmware that is burnt into the ROM of a device?

  • Lots in our community want to be able to purchases devices that have all the source code available.
    The FSF itself has championed 100% free OS's, and also tried to promote hardware devices that protect users freedom.

    If there is binary blobs on a device then whoever controls the blobs has power over "good" developers and their users. The fewer binary blobs the more concentrated that power becomes, and therefore becomes harder to eliminate.
    This is becoming more of a problem as software gets distributed in an a

  • What do you think about people releasing software with no license, and no copyright? I know that you are against the very idea of copyright, and that GPL is your "fix" for the system. These days, many people publish by pushing their code to places like github. Some projects have no copyright notice on them at all. In a world where copyright exists, what are the ramifications of this, for the user, for the developer, for the corporation?

  • Do you have any suggestions for popularizing Free Software with consumers in this age where we are moving toward software and hardware being even more tightly integrated in devices such as smartphones, DVRs, tablets, watches, etc...?

    To clarify further, I understand the issues with locked-down and proprietary hardware & software in so many consumer products but simply informing people of those issues is not enough. To sway people we need functionally (and ultimately aesthetically but that can come later)

  • by westlake ( 615356 )

    The majority of the posts here boil down to one simple fact:

    The commercial - proprietary - mass market product or service is more appealing and accessible than anything the geek has to offer.

  • One of the reasons you giving for choosing to produce a free clone of UNIX in 1983 was that UNIX had a modular design. However MSDOS also had a modular structure (inspired by UNIX) and was a far more popular operating system in 1983 than Unix. Did you ever give consideration to producing a GNU DOS back in 1983, why did you decide not to do so?
  • A lot of the virtual world relies on ( somewhat hidden from end users ) layers of trust. We trust that some obscure agency is running the DNS root servers properly, we trust random SSL root certificates on our box preinstalls, we trust that a library called OpenSSL is reviewed by many smart people, we trust Amazon reviews, we trust a random package in NodeJS ir Debian repo to do what it claims etc.

    In real world, trust is not a fixed, frozen in time notion, is never a binary true/false value. Moxie Marlinspi

  • Let me preface this by saying that I am an avid Free Software and GNU Linux supporter and user and am very appreciative and grateful for RMS's contributions, directly to my benefit.

    Q: It seems to me as an outside observer, that you have struck on this golden idea of Free Software and the 'rights' of the user and started a potent movement. How have your ideas changed over time? I say this because I've seen some interviews and when they stray outside of a narrow band directly related to Free Software, they

  • by unixisc ( 2429386 ) on Wednesday July 29, 2015 @11:30PM (#50211755)

    Most of your advocacy is sloganeering against a whole range of software/tools/standards/sites - don't use Adobe Flash, don't use iBad, don't use TiVo, don't use FaceBook, don't use this, don't use that....

    Instead, why doesn't the FSF/GNU project come out w/ products that are real alternatives to all the myriad list of things that you do not want people to use? So that you can have a positive alternative to offer to people, other than just ask them to follow your whims?

  • Come on. We did that last year and the year before! I love what stallman stands for, but this is getting stale!

    http://features.slashdot.org/s... [slashdot.org]
    http://interviews.slashdot.org... [slashdot.org]

    • Come on. We did that last year and the year before! I love what stallman stands for, but this is getting stale!

      I think it's interesting to follow up on how the FSF is coping with a changing computing environment - more integration of software and hardware in devices, more proliferation of cloud services and SaaS for example - but I agree it's pretty pointless to rehash the old BSD vs GPL discussion every single year. Like there needs to be a plan to address these changes and not just a "no, no, no don't do anything different because it's all bad for privacy and freedom" response to change.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Dear Mr. Stallman, currently i see GPL violations all over the place, and nothing happens. Learn effect: The industry can very well get away with GPL-violations. What can be or is being done that the industry takes the GPL seriously?

  • What do you think is the best way to automate managing linux/unix boxes? i.e. say you've got hundreds of them and need to control and monitor them all easily.

  • by vakuona ( 788200 ) on Thursday July 30, 2015 @06:02AM (#50212809)

    Dear Mr Stallman

    It is now 8 years, in fact, a few days past 8 years (if Wikipedia is to be believed) since the final version of the GPL v3 license was published. It feels an appropriate length of time to gauge how successful the new license has been.

    How do you think we should measure the success of GPL v3? And by this/these measure/(s), do you believe that GPL v3 has been more, less or just as successful as you hoped when you launched it?

If I set here and stare at nothing long enough, people might think I'm an engineer working on something. -- S.R. McElroy
