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PewDiePie Calls Out the 'Old-School Media' For Spiteful Dishonesty 920

New submitter Shane_Optima writes: After losing his Youtube Red show and his contract with Disney, the owner of the most subscribed channel on Youtube, Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg (aka "PewDiePie"), has released a video response to the Wall Street Journal and other mainstream news outlets, who have labeled his comedy videos variously as racist, fascist or anti-semitic. In it, he accuses the mainstream media of deliberately fabricating and misrepresenting the evidence used against him because they are afraid of independent content producers such as himself. In the video, PewDiePie discusses the recent actions of the Wall Street Journal, whose reporters sent nine cherry-picked and edited videos to Disney, which led directly to Disney's decision to terminate their relationship with him. These video clips and others used to "prove" PewDiePie's guilt have been edited (he claims) to remove all context, to the extent of using a pose of him pointing at something as a Nazi salute and using a clip where other players are creating swastikas in a game and editing out the part where he is asking them to stop. The most-cited video in the controversy involves seeing if he can use the site Fiverr to hire someone to create a video containing an over-the-top message for a mere $5. After a couple of laughing males unfurl a sign saying "Death to All Jews," he recoils with widened eyes and sits, apparently dumbfounded, for another thirty seconds before the video ends, without him uttering another word.

PewDiePie's video comes several days after a Tumblr post where he attempted to clarify that the videos were intended to be comedy showing "how crazy the modern world is." He has not yet used the phrase "fake news" in his response to the controversy, but given the current trends surrounding that phrase, it isn't surprising that his supporters are resorting to it frequently. Is this all just another unfortunate instance of collateral damage in the war against far-right political movements, is it a campaign of malicious retaliation by old media that is terrified of new media (as Felix claims), or was J.K. Rowling correct when she called out PewDiePie as a Death Eater? Err, I mean, a fascist?

Update: Apparently, canceling his Youtube Red series was deemed an insufficient response. Youtube has now removed the mirror of PewDiePie's "Death to All Jews" video because it "violates Youtube's policy on hate speech." The original posting of the video had already been marked private by PewDiePie shortly after the controversy erupted. A quick check of Vimeo and Daily Motion came up empty, so you're on your own if you wish to find out for yourself what the controversy was all about.
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PewDiePie Calls Out the 'Old-School Media' For Spiteful Dishonesty

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  • Death To All Jews (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Lehk228 ( 705449 ) on Thursday February 16, 2017 @09:57PM (#53883417) Journal
    He is apparantly suprised that broadcasting a sign with "Death To All Jews" on it would get him fired.

    I can't think of many places where you wouldn't get fired for that sign.
    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Hmm, students and professors of a university in my county have protested against the invitation of an Israeli minister for some event about security along other major world politicians (including Merckel). Simply because he is from Israel (because all Jews are evil and all Palestinians are good). The new anti-Jew sentiment is called anti-Israel so they can claim they are still for freedom or religion and not racist (since Israel is not a religion nor a race). If even professors are ready to protest against

      • Re:Death To All Jews (Score:4, Informative)

        by x0ra ( 1249540 ) on Thursday February 16, 2017 @10:17PM (#53883493)
        anti-jew != anti-zionist.

        There is actually orthodox jewish groups who are anti-zionist, but I guess that's like black-on-black violence, you conveniently forget about them.
      • Most people who are slandered as "Anti-Israel" aren't against Israel or Jews. They are against things like Israel constantly flouting its borders as defined by the UN resolution that created it [], and the amended resolution that expanded them. To this day Israel is pushing active settlement programs that violate those borders. They also dislike things Israel's violations of wartime conventions (using white phosphorous [], and further, doing so in civilian heavy populations). They are even more so against any val
    • by epyT-R ( 613989 ) on Thursday February 16, 2017 @10:11PM (#53883465)

      I detest the guy for other reasons. I think he's a twat. However, do you truly believe that he's a neo nazi? Does anyone? Probably not. His firing was one of virtue signaling, nothing more. I think virtue signaling is far more harmful to society than some moron's stupid jokes.

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by PopeRatzo ( 965947 )

        However, do you truly believe that he's a neo nazi?

        It doesn't matter if he's a neo-nazi. He put some shit on his little web video and now nobody wants to advertise with him. He made a choice. They made a choice.

        Free market at work.

        • by epyT-R ( 613989 ) on Thursday February 16, 2017 @10:28PM (#53883541)

          Of course it does. It's the implication being made. ..and the reason they don't want to advertise? Manufactured outrage by the fake news media.

          Interesting how compartmentalized you are. Since when are you a free market proponent?

        • by Shane_Optima ( 4414539 ) on Thursday February 16, 2017 @11:17PM (#53883735) Journal
          Submitter here. And the gloves are off, FYI.

          This is a bizarre little trick, apparently some weird leftover piece of Cold War propaganda, that any time a topic has anything to do with the free market you can point that out and a significant minority of people will believe you've just "won" the discussion and will mod you up, even if you're rambling irrelevant drivel. (It works on Reddit, too.)

          Congratulations, Disney and Youtube are legally free to do as they choose. No, the first amendment doesn't constrain them. Are we done with the kindergarten version of Civics now?

          There appears to be widespread *lying* about the nature of the videos in question, characterizations that are so brazen as to be actual lies by mainstream media organizations like the Wall Street Journal, Wired, The Independent, etc. This is on top of the WSJ actually going out of their way to get PewDiePie "fired" by mining and editing his content and then sending it directly (from my understanding) to Disney.

          I think that alone is all worth talking about. If dishonest and manipulative newspapers don't interest you at all, well there's the door. Bye.

          But there's even more: to the extent that companies like Youtube and Disney are being pressured by asshats writing letters and threatening boycotts, I'd even go so far as to say it's worth discussing trying to pressure them in the opposite direction. Not because I'm a huge PewDiePie fan (I'm not; I've watched only a few of his videos), but because the internet is being dominated by a small group of companies and it's worth a little effort to push back now, while we still can, and inform them that free speech for their platform (not just our constitution) is what we actually want.

          Just listen to this smug shit coming out of the WSJ [] and put that in the context of the thousands of Youtubers trying to figure out Youtube's uncodified content policy so their videos won't be de-monetized. Put that in the contest of the millions of Youtube users who just want their favorite hosts to be able to speak their mind uncensored. The WSJ doesn't care about all of that. They only care about media giants being able to dictate acceptable content with an iron fist.

          Does that violate the first amendment? Again, no. Is this capitalism at work? Again, yes. You're such a good, smart little anti-Communist for reminding us of these things!

          But us talking about it and getting a bit pissed about it and wondering aloud if there's any way to pull the brake on this shitshow before it gets any worse is also capitalism at work. If that's a conversation that doesn't interest you--there's the door. Vote with your feet, citizen.
          • by Ramze ( 640788 ) on Friday February 17, 2017 @12:31AM (#53884075)

            Subby, the mere fact that there was anything to mine to give as evidence is admission of poor taste. PDP, even when streaming live, has the ability to censor his broadcast. He can turn off the screen view and flip to his face cam, he can end a game, he can even just straight up hit the power button on the PC or yank the ethernet cable out if he had to. If he bothers to edit his video before uploading it, I'm sure he could snip out those controversial aspects as well. Instead, he rolled the dice and lost.

            Ultimately, he's responsible for what gets posted, and he chose poorly -- regardless of what his views are or whether he's as evil as the mean media wants to portray him -- he had Nazi jokes, imagery, slogans, and clips in his videos! You can say that's just his sense of humor and he doesn't mean it -- sure. I agree that it's a character assassination, but that's NOT why he was let go. Disney would have ended its relationship at the slightest whiff of indecency, much less a scandal. It has ended business relationships before over MUCH less. Google/Youtube is just reacting to its advertisers. When advertisers say they don't want their brand to be associated with show X, and enough are concerned, show X gets the ax. At least with Youtube, PDP has a chance to try again at a later date to work with them, and he still has his regular channels, just not the same advertising levels. Disney won't touch him again.... ever.

            This is a particularly economics-only reason for Youtube. They don't even like for people to curse on their broadcasts and have been tightening the screws on anything not G, PG, or very mild PG-13 material for their adsense programs.... which has ticked off a lot of foul-mouthed youtubers (many of which I love dearly... especially because they are foul-mouthed!).

            Youtube wants fresh, kid-friendly shows they can push advertisements towards as if it were really cheap TV. They bend the rules now and then and are OK with bending the rules bigtime in return for potentially big bucks, and they figured out they backed the wrong horse with PDP.

            Don't rail against Youtube and Disney for doing what all entertainment businesses do when a star gets embroiled in controversy.... and you would as well if it were your money on the line. Want to go after crooked journalists that twist stories to put a spin on things that doesn't fit reality? Best of luck to ya in starting your own newspaper/news network. You'll find quickly that the money is in scandals, so that's what the public gets.

            At the end of the day, the story is true enough -- he had Nazi material on his show, and for many -- that's enough for them to not want to be associated with it... regardless of what he meant by it or whether he found it funny rather than taking it seriously.

            I've never been a fan of PDP, but I respect the business he's built around doing what he loves and wish him well -- I'm sure with his $7 Million he made last year and millions before that that he's perfectly capable of making his own streaming service -- question is... will anyone pay for ads on it to support him.... especially if he keeps up with the Nazi jokes.

        • It doesn't matter if he's a neo-nazi. He put some shit on his little web video and now nobody wants to advertise with him. He made a choice. They made a choice.

          Free market at work.

          I'll agree that what Pewdiepie did was crass and tasteless, but I would think that his apology (which he gave in that very video...) would cover it.

          Speaking of which, you yourself have used more than a few crass racial stereotypes [] right here on Slashdot. Would you think it was fair if all the newspapers tomorrow were calling you

    • by Shane_Optima ( 4414539 ) on Thursday February 16, 2017 @10:13PM (#53883473) Journal
      Corporations being corporations with their policies... fine, whatever. Allegedly reputable news organizations characterizing that video as "anti-semitic" [] is something else entirely.

      Anyone watching the end sequence of that video who goes on to describe it as anti-semitic either does not understand human emotion or is deliberately lying. If that video proves PewDiePie is anti-semitic, then John Cleese, Mel Brooks, Jon Stewart, and dozens of other comedy legends are also anti-semitic, including the political and the largely apolitical.
    • Horse shit (Score:5, Insightful)

      by s.petry ( 762400 ) on Thursday February 16, 2017 @10:20PM (#53883513)

      Context is everything and lacking context your statement is a lie. The guy made a couple satires based on claims of him being a , not a normal staple on his channel. The allegation was that since some white racist like him he must be racist. That beauty should sound familiar right? By the way, some Muslim extremist likes your post, so you have to be a homophobic anti-Semite.

      The "take offense at everything" generation has ensured that the overwhelming majority of comedians will not perform on a Campuses. But hey, enjoy Amy Schumer shows ever week because a white chick insulting men and pretending to be a slut is comedy everyone can enjoy for an eternity right?

    • by Xenographic ( 557057 ) on Thursday February 16, 2017 @11:25PM (#53883777) Journal

      > He is apparantly suprised that broadcasting a sign with "Death To All Jews" on it would get him fired.

      Actually, he's surprised that his other video about the media taking things out of context would itself be taken out of context to prove that he was some kind of Nazi.

      Even in the original video, in which he was dismayed to find out that someone would actually do those things for a few bucks, he says that he's not proud of this and apologizes to the viewers because he didn't think the people he hired on Fiverr would actually do those things.

      But I bet you didn't actually look at any of that, and now the videos are marked as private. The best I can find now is this discussion [] by a friend of his.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday February 16, 2017 @10:02PM (#53883437)

    Anyone with any sense of intellectual integrity can clearly see that it was all satire. They can also see through the dishonesty of the media. This is just a taste of what the media has been doing politically. Regardless of how you feel about the current POTUS, these tactics are exactly the same tactics used against him from the MSM.

    Follow the dollars. This stuff generates clicks. It gets people to read their stories. They do it because they get money for it. Hopefully at some point soon this type of "journalism" dies down.

  • by lordlod ( 458156 ) on Thursday February 16, 2017 @10:15PM (#53883485)

    I am disgusted by this article, almost as disgusted as I am at myself taking the time to respond to it.

    PewDiePie is a professional attention whore and it is fascinating to watch him ply his craft. This latest response is perfectly timed, just as the flames were dying down he fans them and gets another round of attention.

    He is a troll and like any troll the way to defeat it is by ignoring it.

    • by Shane_Optima ( 4414539 ) on Thursday February 16, 2017 @10:49PM (#53883615) Journal
      I'm the submitter. I don't care if he stomps kittens in his spare time, and I doubt I've seen three of his videos before today. The dishonesty and cynicism here shown by allegedly reputable mainstream media outlets here is astonishing.

      He may well be a troll. Entirely possible. But the videos I've thus far seen were not of a trollish cast, and the "Death to All Jews" one in particular is not remotely anti-semitic. If you genuinely believe it to be so, you may be from an actual intellectual, emotional or perceptual disorder of some sort [].

      This latest response is perfectly timed, just as the flames were dying down he fans them and gets another round of attention.

      If this is the current state of the media, if this is the sort of hyperbole we're going to be subjected to for the next four years, if this is the new McCarthyism, then these are flames that need flaming, be it by trolls or non-trolls.

      On a personal note here: it's not like I really fear some totalitarianism of the left, either. I don't think they can win this war... not in America, anyway. But I do rather fear the consequences of proving Trump right, of validating the echo chambers of tens of millions of people who were right-leaning fence sitters until they saw the proof stack up that the mainstream media really is full of hysterical, baldfaced lies.

      Has it always been *this* bad? Fuck me, I'd better stop before I start saying "woke".

      • The dishonesty and cynicism here shown by allegedly reputable mainstream media outlets here is astonishing.

        The mainstream media does troll people too. That's nothing new. However, it's not some grand conspiracy against small independent content producers.

        Quoting things out of context and creating outrage generates traffic for them. And if they do it to another troll, that's all the better. And the fact that he was sponsored by Disney made him an easier target still. Most journalists know that Disney is super quick to drop endorsement deals on the flimsiest of reasons.

      • There is a disconnect here: There is evidence of Felix repeatedly making fun of/with Jews/Hitler/the Holocaust, but that's okay because he doesn't come across to you as anti-Semitic? That's a little like saying "My grandpa isn't racist, he's just old fashioned."

        I understand your feeling that people seem to be a little over sensitive right now. But personally, I'm starting to see the darkness creeping in where I thought there was light. My friend, with a bachelors in comp sci, who I normally regard a
      • by lordlod ( 458156 ) on Friday February 17, 2017 @12:40AM (#53884115)

        He may well be a troll. Entirely possible. But the videos I've thus far seen were not of a trollish cast, and the "Death to All Jews" one in particular is not remotely anti-semitic. [trimmed ad hominem attack]

        I didn't say he was anti-semitic, I don't believe that he is. I said that he is an attention whore. The entire reason he asked for THAT phrase to be written was to get a reaction.

        If he was truly horrified by what he and they did, as he claimed in the video, he could have solved the problem by simply not posting the video. Instead he posted it and got waves of free publicity.

        This is part of a campaign:

        • 3 Dec 2016 - Announces he is going to quit (spoiler, he doesn't)
        • 10 Dec 2016 - Tries to get a video with a huge amount of likes
        • 26 Dec 2016 - Tries to get a video with a huge amount of dislikes
        • 6 Jan 2017 - Uses the word n*gger (lameness filtered) absent of any context
        • 11 Jan 2017 - Uploads the Fiverr sign with "death to all jews"
        • 28 Jan 2017 - Tries to get a video with a huge amount of comments
        • by Shane_Optima ( 4414539 ) on Friday February 17, 2017 @08:52AM (#53885353) Journal

          If he was truly horrified by what he and they did

          Your posts and others like it are rather like the arguments that seek to conflate the contents of leaked documents with the personalities of Assange, Snowden and Manning. All three of them could turn out to be cynical trolls or just plain horrible people, but that wouldn't make their revelations worth ignoring.

          Likewise, PDP could be a troll and it wouldn't change one iota the underlying gravity of the situation. Youtube and other social media have been slowly clamping down in recent months, the Wall Street Journal was an active participant in getting Youtube and Disney to act against PewDiePie here, and in the aftermath they are openly and brazenly talking about it all in the context of online media giants needing to crack down on free speech everywhere [].

          [trimmed ad hominem attack]

          Insults found in in the conclusion of an argument (in the "then") cannot, by definition, be an ad hominem. Only insults in the premise or logical induction of an argument (in the "if") can qualify, and they do not automatically qualify simply by being insults. On a simpler note: an ad hominem is not an "attack"; it is an informal logical fallacy. The rules of politeness are entirely orthogonal to the rules of factual or logical correctness.

          Sorry, but this is a bit of a pet peeve of mine.

          But let me clarify what I said in that "ad hominem" a bit: yes, PewDiePie could have been acting with those facial expressions. That's entirely conceivable. What is not up for debate with anyone who understands human emotion is that that reaction presented (fake or real) was, in fact, one of shock and horror. You can't plausibly twist it around to make it out to be a neo-Nazi slyly winking at the camera. There's no undercurrent of that sort whatsoever. Someone pretending to by anti-semitism (or the ease with which it can be produced) is, in the absence of evidence establishing ulterior feelings and motives, more or less as good as someone who really is offended.

          Consider The Producers, where there is a scene celebrating Hitler and Nazism and then a shot of an audience looking horrified at the scene celebrating Nazism. Except, the audience wasn't *really* horrified. They were actors pretending to horrified. Does it then follow that Mel Brooks and/or the audience were anti-Semitic? Does it then follow that the movie as a whole contains an anti-Semitic message?

      • by ToasterMonkey ( 467067 ) on Friday February 17, 2017 @01:14AM (#53884253) Homepage

        I'm the submitter. I don't care if he stomps kittens in his spare time, and I doubt I've seen three of his videos before today. The dishonesty and cynicism here shown by allegedly reputable mainstream media outlets here is astonishing.

        He may well be a troll. Entirely possible. But the videos I've thus far seen were not of a trollish cast, and the "Death to All Jews" one in particular is not remotely anti-semitic. If you genuinely believe it to be so, you may be from an actual intellectual, emotional or perceptual disorder of some sort [].

        This latest response is perfectly timed, just as the flames were dying down he fans them and gets another round of attention.

        If this is the current state of the media, if this is the sort of hyperbole we're going to be subjected to for the next four years, if this is the new McCarthyism, then these are flames that need flaming, be it by trolls or non-trolls.

        On a personal note here: it's not like I really fear some totalitarianism of the left, either. I don't think they can win this war... not in America, anyway. But I do rather fear the consequences of proving Trump right, of validating the echo chambers of tens of millions of people who were right-leaning fence sitters until they saw the proof stack up that the mainstream media really is full of hysterical, baldfaced lies.

        Has it always been *this* bad? Fuck me, I'd better stop before I start saying "woke".

        If advertisers don't want to do business with him because of his actions, that's that. Advertising execs are big boys, they make their own decisions. This is Internet advertising, it could be flipped back on like a light switch if they change their minds.

        This sounds about as loopy as Trump's blaming the media for firing Flynn for lying to his VP.

      • by MrKaos ( 858439 ) on Friday February 17, 2017 @01:28AM (#53884317) Journal

        The dishonesty and cynicism here shown by allegedly reputable mainstream media outlets here is astonishing.

        Why? It's always been there. Media have always used publicly leased airwaves to perform mass brainwashing under the guise of "Culture", all the while forgetting that culture comes from the people being brainwashed.

        He may well be a troll.

        He is a troll, and that's the point. He is trolling the media, using comedy as an instrument and now the media will show their furiously fapping hypocrisy as ppd tries to get them to invoke the striesand effect on themselves. They will shrug saying 'you all know we're lying hypocrites', people will shrug and say 'oh well, at least they're not lying' and go on letting them write history, live.

        After some years some media executives will fellate ppd and offer him money because his ideas are accepted as culture. Bill Hicks went through *exactly* the same thing for criticizing culture.

        Trump, did the same thing, only skillfully. He utilized the media into saying his message no matter what to humiliate the democrats and as a result whole swaths of political science was created. Trump represents the epitome of the media savvy personality president which clearly shows how bad things have got because Trump and Clinton were the *best* candidates that the media savvy political apparatus could offer. Something is clearly broken.

        This is the media


        On a personal note here: it's not like I really fear some totalitarianism of the left, either. But I do rather fear the consequences of proving Trump right, of validating the echo chambers of tens of millions of people who were right-leaning fence sitters until they saw the proof stack up that the mainstream media really is full of hysterical, baldfaced lie

        I sense the US faces a different threat. There is no fear of a left led agenda in the US because there is no left wing politics in the US, it's painted that way to make it appear 'fair and balanced'. Politics in the US has become right wing or more right wing. The polar opposite of what the USSR was the US still suffers from corruption and faces a slide into meaningless nihilism where corporations replace the state and corporately owned prison camps assume the role of the soviet gulag.

        And to cite Benjamin Franklin, who predicted this moment with words "I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such; because I think a general Government necessary for us, and there is no form of Government but what may be a blessing to the people if well administered, and believe farther that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic Government, being incapable of any other. "

        I single out the media as the key vehicle for that corruption that seeks to 'de-educate' the citizens from critical thinking, and an education system that teaches people to obey and comply. If the USSR is analogous to Orwell's 1984 then the threat to US citizens is similar to Huxley's 'Brave new world' or even Collin's 'The Hunger Games'.

        This is the outcome Franklin was trying to draw peoples attention to, that in time the power of domestic enemies (corrupted people - corporations in 21st C) would over power the populous using government as a vehicle. Be under no illusions, the US can suffer the same way as the USSR because the saying 'All roads lead to Rome' isn't talking about roads.

        Has it always been *this* bad?

        No, it's always been worse. If we all tried as hard as we can, maybe it can be better. That is why left and right wing politics are obsolete.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday February 16, 2017 @10:18PM (#53883497)

    That was the first PewDiePie I've watched, and it's interesting to see the media do to him what they've done to Trump, Farage, Wilders, Le Pen, Orban, etc. The media no longer report the truth, they report their own narrative. They fabricate evidence in an effort to influence people's views.

    The media used to be able to control the narrative, but having lost control they're redoubling their efforts to control what people think, which means more attacks against people they disagree with and more fabrications. This is having the opposite effect, and is only serving to turn more people away from the mainstream media.

    Traditional media knows it's in trouble but appears to be so out of touch with the public that it doesn't know what to do about it, so the attacks, the lies and the fabrications continue. The sooner the media collapses, the better.

    • by grcumb ( 781340 )

      That was the first PewDiePie I've watched, and it's interesting to see the media do to him what they've done to Trump, Farage, Wilders, Le Pen, Orban, etc.

      So, for the record, you consider Donald Trump, Nigel Farage, Geert Wilders, the le Pen family and Viktor Orban to be genuinely upstanding public servants who have been unfairly portrayed as not-nice people?

      Why, in your opinion, do you think these particular people—and not, for example, Justin Trudeau or Angela Merkel—have been so victimised?

      • by guruevi ( 827432 ) on Friday February 17, 2017 @12:49AM (#53884153)

        I wouldn't consider them upstanding but they are at least honest about their views. Whether or not you agree with them is another thing entirely, but making up stories about them seems to be the status quo lately.

        Look at an entirely "pointless" narrative. Harward turning down the offer for some position:
        This is what Harward says:
        "Like all service members understand, and live, this job requires 24 hours a day, 7 days a week focus and commitment to do it right. I currently could not make that commitment.", basically, I'm retired, I don't want a new job.

        According to CNN, they cite the letter then go on with this narrative:
        A friend said Harward called it a shit sandwich (no verifiable sources)
        A Republican official told CNN (no verifiable sources)
        A senior Republican familiar with the process (no verifiable sources)
        Marks said he didn't want to speculate why Harward turned down the job, but said turmoil in the White House was likely a contributing factor (basically, I don't want to speculate but here is my speculation)

        In the end 5 journalists work on a piece that had just two verifiable sources in it, Harward himself and a senator that says all of the above is untrue.

  • by hey! ( 33014 ) on Thursday February 16, 2017 @10:19PM (#53883503) Homepage Journal

    But a very carefully targeted one. The people who get ridiculed have to really deserve the dickish treatment. You can take a cheap shot, but you can never punch down.

    Now I've seen the infamous video and I totally get it. It's a good point, but it totally fails as satire because he ended up screwing with, and then harming the guys in the video, who almost certainly have no idea the significance of what they're doing. How many Jews are in India? About five thousand individuals out of a billion. Zoroastrians are almost 30 times more common in the US as Jews are in India, particularly rural India.

    Now he's totally right that the media is stupid, block-headed and hypocritical, and has neither the ability nor inclination to understand him. But that doesn't change the fact he attempted satire and failed. That makes him, at least in this incident, just a dick.

    • I came here to say more or less the same thing. In fact, from what I've read, both 'sides' are equally as bad (although perhaps in different ways). Basically, the story goes like this -

      'Famous entertainer tries to be satirical and irreverent at the expense of some poor people. For money'
      'Famous entertainment journal makes up own narrative at the expense of famous entertainer. For money'

      Personally I think people defending one side or the other are either missing the point, or have an agenda to push.

  • Why? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by sgage ( 109086 ) on Thursday February 16, 2017 @11:02PM (#53883667)

    Why is fucking 'PewDiePie' even showing up on Slashdot? Again. There was an article about him just a couple of days ago. Nobody. Fucking. Cares about this asshole. Can we please give it a rest?

    • by Shane_Optima ( 4414539 ) on Thursday February 16, 2017 @11:50PM (#53883889) Journal
      This is akin to bitching that you don't like Snowden because he wears ugly glasses and has a boring face.

      I'm the submitter. I don't watch PewDiePie videos. I think I watched only two in my entire life before today. This is serious news. He is the biggest name on Youtube (like it or not), and these are some of the biggest names in mainstream news lying about him, engaging in an open campaign to get him fired (WSJ went directly to Disney, from my understanding), and then they casually, lazily, openly discuss about how their motive in all of this was that they want to see online media giants dictate acceptable content with an iron fist [] instead of this willy-nilly free speech bullshit that makes old media nervous.

      When the hell did Slashdot turn into goddamn TMZ? Who cares who you like or don't like? This. Matters.
      • by felixrising ( 1135205 ) on Friday February 17, 2017 @12:12AM (#53884011)
        I'm inclined to agree with you. This is big news when a professional news organisation deliberately misrepresents someones work like that, and in doing so causes direct harm to their work. It's not up for debate whether the work is in bad taste, boring, annoying, or bat shit crazy... it's a beat up and taken totally out of context, and it's harmful. They shouldn't get away with it, it's poor reporting at best, a free speech issue at worst.
    • Re:Why? (Score:4, Insightful)

      by Solandri ( 704621 ) on Friday February 17, 2017 @02:41AM (#53884449)
      I agree the first submission about him didn't belong on slashdot.

      Assuming the claims in this second submission are true, then it belongs here. It falls in the Your Rights Online category. It's not just the government which can deprive you of your rights.
  • by CaptainDork ( 3678879 ) on Friday February 17, 2017 @12:45AM (#53884145)

    ... in that I never heard of it before and don't give a shit now that I have.

All great discoveries are made by mistake. -- Young
