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Bowing To Pressure, YouTube Will Reconsider Its Harassment Policies ( 752

YouTube will reconsider its harassment policies and may update them, the company said in a new blog post. The statement was apparently prompted by public pressure on the company after a conflict between two YouTubers: Carlos Maza, who hosts for Vox, and Stephen Crowder, a conservative media personality. From a report: In response to backlash, YouTube has convened a blue-ribbon commission and appears to be hoping everyone will stop screaming. YouTube has promised to consult journalists, experts, creators, and those who have experienced harassment as the company tries to figure out how to update its policies. Last week, Maza tweeted a very viral thread about how Crowder had targeted him for harassment, calling him -- among other epithets -- a "lispy sprite," a "little queer," and a "gay Latino from Vox." Maza's target was YouTube; he wanted to know why the company hadn't responded to the derogatory remarks Crowder made about Maza's sexuality and ethnicity, as can be seen in a supercut posted by Maza.

Last night, YouTube said Crowder's homophobic harassment didn't violate any of its policies, and that Crowder's videos would stay up. Earlier today, YouTube said that it would remove ads from Crowder's videos, a process known as "demonetization" among YouTubers. But Crowder's demonetization isn't permanent; according to YouTube, Crowder can once again make money from ads if he "addresses all of the issues with his channel."

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Bowing To Pressure, YouTube Will Reconsider Its Harassment Policies

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 06, 2019 @10:51AM (#58718960)

    All these names Maza whines about are names that he has used when referring to himself.

    • by NotSoHeavyD3 ( 1400425 ) on Thursday June 06, 2019 @10:53AM (#58718968) Journal
      So basically it's the same thing where it's ok for blacks to use the "N" word when referring to themselves and other blacks but don't use that word if you belong to any other race.
      • by Patent Lover ( 779809 ) on Thursday June 06, 2019 @11:02AM (#58719026)
        Not really. If you're using it to be a dick then don't use it.
        • by religionofpeas ( 4511805 ) on Thursday June 06, 2019 @11:11AM (#58719078)

          If you're using it to be a dick then don't use it.

          Except if you're using it to be a dick towards someone we don't like. In that case, there's no problem.

          • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

            It's still a problem even if we don't like them. Aside from anything else, it's pretty lazy. Can't you even think of a better insult?

            In fact insulting someone over something they can't change (e.g. race) is pretty much the ultimate concession. If you had a better criticism you would make it, but all you have is childish name calling.

            • by penandpaper ( 2463226 ) on Thursday June 06, 2019 @12:38PM (#58719782) Journal

              > it's pretty lazy. Can't you even think of a better insult?

              It's not about thinking of a better insult or if it's lazy. That is a subjective opinion. The point is that Maza uses those terms with no problem so why is it a problem when Crowder does it?

              >In fact insulting someone over something they can't change (e.g. race)

              Calling someone a "gay Mexican" isn't an insult against race. Maza repeatedly refers to himself as such. Are you saying "Mexican" is an insulting slur? Or is "gay"? Quite enlightening.

              • > it's pretty lazy. Can't you even think of a better insult?

                It's not about thinking of a better insult or if it's lazy. That is a subjective opinion. The point is that Maza uses those terms with no problem so why is it a problem when Crowder does it?

                >In fact insulting someone over something they can't change (e.g. race)

                Calling someone a "gay Mexican" isn't an insult against race. Maza repeatedly refers to himself as such. Are you saying "Mexican" is an insulting slur? Or is "gay"? Quite enlightening.

                I agree with you.

                Mexican is a race? So is being from Wisconsin a race?

                I don't identify humans by race, but what exact "race" is "Mexican"?

              • Are you saying "Mexican" is an insulting slur? Or is "gay"?

                Under normal use conditions (with possible exceptions such arguably as law) words in a natural language have no meaning the persists independently of the context in which they are used. Nor is the difference in intent in which the same word is deployed to be discounted.

                OTOH, while admittedly ignorant of context, I'm not sure that calling someone a "lispy sprite," a "little queer," or a "gay Latino from Vox" should attract any response beyond publi

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        Yes, context matters.

        • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

          by Anonymous Coward
          I am a context and I am offended that you are using that word and demand you remove it from your vocabulary.

          Yes that is exactly what it looks like to a third party when they see someone say "I can call myself gay but you can't call me gay". Maybe over time we will have to refer to it as "the G word" in the same way we refer to "the N word", but that day is not today, and thus anyone complaining about being called gay when they call themself gay just looks silly.
          • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

            by LordAba ( 5378725 )

            Yes that is exactly what it looks like to a third party when they see someone say "I can call myself gay but you can't call me gay". Maybe over time we will have to refer to it as "the G word" in the same way we refer to "the N word", but that day is not today, and thus anyone complaining about being called gay when they call themself gay just looks silly.

            Context does matter. Just like you can describe me as CIS all day, but as soon as you use CIS as a put down you are crossing a line. You can call me gay all day, but as soon as you use gay as a put down you cross the line.

            Granted, the line is VERY fuzzy and so shouldn't be used as a cudgel. The consequences of crossing that line should be light.or non-existent unless proven to be excessive and repeated. I'm pretty sure you can criticize Maza without referring to his sexuality though.

          • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

            Idiots exist, don't let them ruin your life.

      • by lgw ( 121541 ) on Thursday June 06, 2019 @11:44AM (#58719324) Journal

        So basically it's the same thing where it's ok for blacks to use the "N" word when referring to themselves and other blacks but don't use that word if you belong to any other race.

        No, it;s not the same, because "gay" and "Latino" are not slurs. They are simply objective descriptions. "Vox reporter" is, of course, the most vile insult imaginable, so maybe Crowder crossed the line with that one. Calling someone who is publicly "out" gay or queer is not homophobia, especially if that's part of their public persona.

        This is merely the latest example of hate speech being defined as disagreement, or petty bickering. The mass migration of political commentators to Bitchute apparently caught YouTube's attention, which surprises me since it's a tiny part of their revenue stream. The 2017 adpocalypse caused a blip on there revenue radar, but that's mostly because the bits ran wild, and demonetized vast swathes of innocent content.

        Makes me wonder what this backtracking is actually about. For damn sure they care not at all about free speech on their platform.

        • I discovered BitChute from another /. post. It's steadily growing as commentators get banned/demonetized on Youtube, and they make it trivially easy to mirror your youtube channel. However there's two things which seem to be stifling its growth:
          1. The video resolution seems to be capped at something rather low, like 360p. Just increasing it a hair to 480p would make a world of difference.
          2. There's a lot of content, but not a lot of subscribers. It's not easy to get ranked subscriber counts but for exam

    • by bobbied ( 2522392 ) on Thursday June 06, 2019 @11:27AM (#58719196)

      1984 comes....

      When "speech" becomes governed by a list of words which are not acceptable to utter, have we not departed from freedom? Yep. IF the list of words varies based on your race or political positions, is that fair? Nope... The problem here is U-Tube isn't being honest or consistent about their criteria of what's acceptable content and what's not. They are not being fair or following an objective set of content rules. Remember "Diamond and Silk" and their issue? Crowder is generally the same vein, albeit a bit more edgy. It sure seems there is some political bias here... HOWEVER....

      I don't care what U-Tube considers acceptable on their platform and what's not. They can make decisions based on their political or religious beliefs if they like. My ONLY request is that that their criteria be objective, published and applied fairly across their platform. Just be honest, clear and consistent as you can about what you allow and what you don't and I'm fine with what ever you want to do on your platform.

  • How do you draw the line between free speech and harassment? Especially, how do you address the issue when there are millions of videos that potentially need to be evaluated for inappropriate content. YouTube is faced with an impossible situation. If they crack down further on extremist content, the accusations of bias against conservative views is just going to get more vocal.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      It's pretty simple really. If it's a liberal then it's fine, but if it's a right-winger it's not.

    • by religionofpeas ( 4511805 ) on Thursday June 06, 2019 @11:00AM (#58719018)

      How do you draw the line between free speech and harassment?

      YouTube solves that by not drawing a line. They use a bunch of fuzzy feelings that they can't explain, giving them the flexibility to judge a channel as they see fit.

      From the summary:

      Crowder can once again make money from ads if he "addresses all of the issues with his channel."

      Some of the issues are from videos he made in 2015, and this is the first time they are complaining about it. This isn't realistic. YouTube is not willing or able to give Crowder a list of rules that he should follow, or even list all the videos that are in violation.

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by rtb61 ( 674572 )

      How do you draw the line between free speech and harassment, like what the fuck is going on, have people suddenly turned stupid or do they truly believe Google is above the law and can define it for the rest of us. FUCK GOOGLE, how do you draw the law, in fucking court, that is how you draw the line. If the act is not sufficient to warrant a court case, that Google should shut the fuck up and not think Google==GOD and can tell us all how to behave beyond the requirements of law.

      Has everyone gone stupid, te

      • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

        by drinkypoo ( 153816 )

        Has everyone gone stupid, tell Google to go fuck itself and stick to the law

        The law says that Google can deplatform anyone they want, because it's their platform.

        I personally think that they ought to be regulated since they have a dominant market position that has a chilling effect on other video sites, but they are operating within the law as written. The DoJ could conceivably force them to operate differently, and Google is being considered for antitrust action right now, but it hasn't happened yet.

        TL;DR: Google is operating within the law, as you insist, right now.

        • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) on Thursday June 06, 2019 @12:18PM (#58719602) Homepage Journal

          I have bad news for you. If Google is regulated it won't be to ensure they don't boot people like Crowder off their service. Politicians are far, far worse when it comes to misguided attempts to uphold moral values.

          There are practical issues too. Say the legislation forces Google to keep these videos up, are they also going to force advertisers to buy YouTube ads even if they appear along side them? What is the criteria for being forced to buy a YouTube ad? Or would tax money be used to cover the lost ad revenue, or even just to fund the servers that deliver the video?

          And what about search results and the recommendation algorithm? And when they nerf that, what happens when people leave the platform in droves and some other site becomes popular and suddenly all the extremists want to be on there instead?

      • by Shotgun ( 30919 ) on Thursday June 06, 2019 @11:29AM (#58719216)

        Mod this up. Google could simply say, "If you want someone taken down, go get a court order."

      • Well, the law basically says that it's Google's servers and they will host whatever they damn well please, so... what again was your argument?

    • by Shotgun ( 30919 )

      I know how my mother handled it.

      "I don't care who started it. I'm going to finish it."

      Show of hands from all those that heard this and stopped arguing.

      In this case, YouTube would kick Crowder off for being insufficiently woke, and Maza off for being a whiny little bitch. (He was making a joke at your expense, Maza. Grow a pair, already.)

  • Hmm, wait (Score:5, Insightful)

    by drinkypoo ( 153816 ) <> on Thursday June 06, 2019 @10:54AM (#58718976) Homepage Journal

    Last week, Maza tweeted a very viral thread about how Crowder had targeted him for harassment, calling him -- among other epithets -- a "lispy sprite," a "little queer," and a "gay Latino from Vox."

    Sprite isn't particularly negative, and lispy is descriptive. Little queer might be an insult. Gay Latino from Vox sounds descriptive. Is that a teapot? It appears to contain a tempest.

    • Re:Hmm, wait (Score:5, Insightful)

      by iCEBaLM ( 34905 ) on Thursday June 06, 2019 @10:58AM (#58718998)

      Especially when Maza's twitter handle is "gaywonk".

    • geez, we better notify the "queer eye for the straight guy" gay fellers that they're slurring themselves

    • Re:Hmm, wait (Score:5, Interesting)

      by LynnwoodRooster ( 966895 ) on Thursday June 06, 2019 @11:03AM (#58719032) Journal
      And Carlos is around 5'8"; compared to Steven Crowder (6'2") he is little. And he is self-proclaimed as queer, so even that one is not an insult... SJWs just getting their panties in a bind. They need to take a clue from Sgt, Hulka [].
    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      For some reason the summary doesn't list the worst stuff. It's not just individual insults though, as Maza makes clear. It's the pattern of behaviour over a very long period of time.

      Last he someone doxed him, and he got hundreds of texts telling him to debate Crowder. Every time Crowder attacks him in a video, reminding his mob that Maza is gay and Latino, he gets more abuse.

      YouTube has so far demonetized Crowder's channel until he removes links to a personal shop selling a t-shirt that says "socialism is f

      • For some reason the summary doesn't list the worst stuff.

        pssssst "Slashdot"

        Last he someone doxed him,

        Did Crowder dox him? That would be offensive.

        and he got hundreds of texts telling him to debate Crowder.

        Did Crowder instigate the texting?

        YouTube has so far demonetized Crowder's channel until he removes links to a personal shop selling a t-shirt that says "socialism is for fags".

        That's their right, I guess, but it seems pretty anti-free-speech. I'm not sure they should be allowed to be that restrictive given their position in the market.

      • YouTube has so far demonetized Crowder's channel until he removes links to a personal shop selling a t-shirt that says "socialism is for fags".

        It says f*gs, with a little fig leaf instead of *

  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 06, 2019 @10:56AM (#58718984)

    ... that get banned and demonitized?

    It's not as if the left isn't pretty "edgy" - yet almost never do they get held annually accountable by the owners of the town square... I mean, the common carrier... I mean the curated platforms.

  • by jellomizer ( 103300 ) on Thursday June 06, 2019 @10:58AM (#58718996)

    I have seen so much hate on boards and You Tube because it seems like people are trying to find the group of people who is responsible for the problems in their lives.
    They are people who happened to be born with different traits, grew up in different cultures, have faced influences that are unique, which gives them a particular view of the world.

    While people have the right to their opinions, people need to make sure they are not just being cruel with their opinions. Unfortunately we need the sites that publish such opinions to have a method of moderating them. Yes this could be considered censoring, but for a lot of this stuff posted there is a clear line between just hateful talk vs discussing a controversial subject, or just having an unpopular opinion.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 06, 2019 @11:08AM (#58719058)

      I disagree with your opinion + I am shaking because of it.

      It is absolute hate speech to me.

      Your comment should be removed, and you should be banned.

    • by Luckyo ( 1726890 ) on Thursday June 06, 2019 @11:17AM (#58719114)

      So Chinese model of "harmonious society" that must "consider the feelings of the people".

      I have only one question. How long does your model take to devolve into "retraining facilities" for Uighurs/people to the right of Stalin?

      I am not going to use the word "gulag", because that word is obviously going to be banned shortly because we can't have people remember the inconvenient events to The Ideology. No Tank Man here. Move along.

    • Comment removed (Score:4, Insightful)

      by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Thursday June 06, 2019 @11:21AM (#58719158)
      Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      Stirring up hatred has always been an easy tactic. Groups are the most common target because they are easy to identify and dehumanize.

      • Groups are the most common target because they are easy to identify and dehumanize

        As demonstrated here:

        You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. (Laughter/applause) Right? (Laughter/applause) They're racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic – Islamophobic – you name it.

    • by Shotgun ( 30919 )

      Or, people could, you know, GROW THE FUCK UP!!
      Someone made fun of you or called you names. Why did you not learn how insignificant that is in grade school like everybody else?

  • Really? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 06, 2019 @11:00AM (#58719016)

    But Samantha Bee calling Ivanka Trump a feckless cunt is totally cool... Youtube seems to only ban and demonetize in one direction.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 06, 2019 @11:05AM (#58719044)

    This is hardly what I'd consider an objective outlet to use to describe what's happening.

  • by dicobalt ( 1536225 ) on Thursday June 06, 2019 @11:10AM (#58719066)
    A platform where anything controversial gets independent creators demonitized. All while the corporate channels like CNN/FOX can say whatever crazy shit they want to say and have the full support of first class monetization.
  • Stephen Crowder is not a conservative media personality, he's a conspiracy theorist and an asshole. The whole reason he doesn't like Carlos Maza is because Carlos debunks Stephen's bullshit claims.

    Conservatism is getting a really bad name from all these assholes claiming they are conservative when they don't even believe in the basics of conservatism.

    • He calls himself a libertarian.

    • by cascadingstylesheet ( 140919 ) on Thursday June 06, 2019 @11:51AM (#58719366) Journal

      Stephen Crowder is not a conservative media personality, he's a conspiracy theorist and an asshole. The whole reason he doesn't like Carlos Maza is because Carlos debunks Stephen's bullshit claims.

      Conservatism is getting a really bad name from all these assholes claiming they are conservative when they don't even believe in the basics of conservatism.

      Then let everyone watch his videos and see what an asshole he is.

      Why be so afraid of him?

      • by That YouTube Guy ( 5905468 ) on Thursday June 06, 2019 @12:09PM (#58719530)
        This isn't a conflict between two media personalities. It's Vox grinding an axe against YouTube in the media space. If Vox can knock out YouTube, it can pick up more advertising dollars. Vox haven't had much luck going after Pewdiepie and YouTube for the last five years. Shouting homophobia is more effective than shouting Nazism.
  • by slashkitty ( 21637 ) on Thursday June 06, 2019 @11:18AM (#58719122) Homepage
    Not one mention of Maza's calls of violence!
  • "Blue Ribbon Commission": A 12-pack of PBR ought to get everyone in a convivial mood.
  • Still enjoying watching people twist themselves into knots trying to justify saying that YouTube/Twitter/etc owe them a platform while also being pro-corporate/pro-capitalist shills. Free Speech amendment misreadings are pretty fun too.

    That being said it's expected YouTube/Google behavior to come up with a solution that pisses literally everyone off and makes no one happy. They're extremely good at doing this.

    There's always Bitchute, right?

It is impossible to enjoy idling thoroughly unless one has plenty of work to do. -- Jerome Klapka Jerome
