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'Virtual Fistfight' Created With Historic Collaboration of 40 Film Stars (deadline.com) 103

DevNull127 writes: You probably remember Zoe Bell strapped to the hood of a speeding 1970 Dodge Challenger in the Death Proof half of Quentin Tarantino's Grindhouse. (She also had parts in The Hateful Eight and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.) Today Zoe pulled together what may become a historic video — a massive online collaboration with 40 different film celebrities [and also some stuntpeople] that one reporter called "a stunning display of stunt, editing and acting skills — all put together without anyone collaborating in-person."

Deadline explains:
The most badass actresses and stuntwomen of Hollywood had a full-out, virtual battle royale thanks to actress and stuntwoman extraordinaire Zoe Bell and her video appropriately titled Boss Bitch Fight Challenge. "I'm so bored! I just want to play with my friends!" she proclaims as it is clear she wants to liven things up during her quarantine. What happens next is over five minutes of virtual fisticuffs.

It's a real adrenaline-booster, and Deadline's article also has a complete list of each star appearing in the video.

That list is like revisiting the history of Hollywood action films over the last 20 years. It includes:
  • Lucy Lawless (Xena the Warrior Princess)
  • Halle Berry (Catwoman)
  • Drew Barrymore and Cameron Diaz (the 2000 version of Charlie's Angels)
  • Daryl Hannah (Kill Bill)
  • Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow)
  • Margot Robbie (Suicide Squad)

Watch out for the baseball bat!

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'Virtual Fistfight' Created With Historic Collaboration of 40 Film Stars

Comments Filter:
  • If you feel (Score:5, Informative)

    by phantomfive ( 622387 ) on Sunday May 03, 2020 @09:41PM (#60019280) Journal
    If you feel you have to watch it [youtube.com], now might be a good time to realize that if you click on the gear icon on the bottom right of the youtube window, you can increase the playback speed x2. It makes the whole experience much more endurable.
    • SPOILERS: (Score:5, Informative)

      by gl4ss ( 559668 ) on Monday May 04, 2020 @02:25AM (#60019776) Homepage Journal

      it's in portrait mode.
      it's all women.
      it's all of them just doing something and punching or doing something with the screen and it passes to the next one. there's no long term story or actual editing wizardry. it's just them doing something for like 10 secs and punching the screen and it goes to the next one.

      it's just an extended fucking tiktok video, basically.

      even the slashdot blurb hypes it way beyond what it is unless you just want to see 10 secs of your fave hollywood woman.

      • Re:SPOILERS: (Score:5, Informative)

        by JudgeFurious ( 455868 ) on Monday May 04, 2020 @08:48AM (#60020276)
        It's incredibly repetitive and there's nothing original or historic about it. Just a long series of small variations on the same thing and a bunch of Hollywood women making their angry face before pretending to punch or kick a phone camera. The longer the pandemic goes on the less I want any of these people back at all.
      • Filmed in 360p with flip phones from 20 years ago apparently.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Julie Newmar was way hotter.

  • by ClarkMills ( 515300 ) on Sunday May 03, 2020 @09:54PM (#60019304)

    ...I'm sick of my wife beating me... (except when I'm handcuffed for some reason).

  • by Anonymous Coward
    wow - all recorded horribly with a vertically orientated mobile phone. not even watchable - turned it off in mere seconds.
  • It is official: Slashdot has 'pivoted' and is now TMZ.

    This is not news for nerds, nor stuff that matters ...

  • - This sucks, change it Beavis!

    (I know, I am showing my age here but had to quote Beavis & Butthead)

  • No thanks (Score:5, Insightful)

    by NateFromMich ( 6359610 ) on Sunday May 03, 2020 @10:21PM (#60019374)

    The most badass actresses and stuntwomen of Hollywood

    So, it's like all the other newer movies I don't give a shit about.
    Is there a 90 lbs. runway model beating up a 250 lbs. muscle man in this video too?

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Maxo-Texas ( 864189 )

      Don't be an idiot. These girls are the real deal and credible.

      I'm super pissed over all the "strong female lead" star wars ghost busters gender bending 3rd wave toxic feminish bullshit but THIS is funny. I suggest you try it out.

      There are some badass female action stars and martial artists. But it's more than that. The video has a *lot* of clever bits that tickle your brain when you think about how they did it.

      • Speaking of Star Wars, the last one had so many shots of Rey making strong woman faces at the camera I started laughing.

        • Lol. Didn't see it.
          Haven't spent a *dime* on star wars products since leaving episode 8.

          Had spent an average of $100 per year since 1978 (when I saw the original 26 times in theaters-- literally every weekend in a packed theater for half a year).

          Had been passing the tradition down to my grandkids.

          Had been buying star wars mini's.

          Plenty of other product lines and entertainment. Didn't see Solo. Didn't see episode 9. Rarely watch youtube videos on star wars any more and those rare ones are usually by Thor S

        • Oh wait that was on purpose? I always assumed that was the result of what my mother said "Don't make a face or it will get stuck like that."

        • You think Rey looks funny with a serious face or you think young Mark Hamill had a smoldering intensity and Luke Skywalker holding a long sword in a bathrobe still gives you a semi.

          Dude, we know... you can come out now.

  • Why so negative? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by enigma32 ( 128601 ) on Sunday May 03, 2020 @10:28PM (#60019386)

    Not sure why everybody's so down on this. It's a great example of some creative collaboration, and it's always fun watching a bunch of girls beat the crap out of each other.

    Either way, it's certainly way better than that "Imagine" crap.

    • Re: (Score:1, Troll)

      by Maxo-Texas ( 864189 )

      A lot of guys (including me) are triggered by 3rd wave toxic feminist unfairness, man bashing and other bullshit.

      They assume this is more of the same. But it's not. It's pretty awesome.

      • by ArchieBunker ( 132337 ) on Sunday May 03, 2020 @11:37PM (#60019520)

        That's all it takes to "trigger" you? Lighten up Francis!

        • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

          by Maxo-Texas ( 864189 )

          All? Lol.

          As I said...

          A lot of guys (including me) are triggered by 3rd wave toxic feminist unfairness, man bashing and other bullshit.

          They assume this is more of the same. But it's not. It's pretty awesome.

          She was like chocolate when she drank... semi-sweet at first and then increasingly bitter.


          Shall I put it differently?

          When 3rd wave toxic man hating feminists repeatedly gender bend existing characters, portray males as only stupid and/or evil, and go out of their way to deconstruct/destroy male c

          • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

            Feminists aren't the reason you can't get laid. You are.

            • Some people use personality as a form of birth control.
            • by Anonymous Coward

              Do you not realize how ugly women have become in the last 10 years?

              So many have become morbidly obese tubs of lard with butts so big they that can't even reach around any more to wipe their ass after a BM. Multiple lip, nose, nipple, genital piercings that are supposed to say "sexy"-no it doesn't. Full arm, leg, back tattoos...bleech! Short hair to imitate a man-that was never attractive in any decade. Girls that slap horrendous amounts of makeup on their faces like drywall putty. False eyelash (was tha

              • You just keep telling yourself that, if that makes you feel better. Having sex is a wonderful thing in so many ways, and your excuses only betray how pathetic you really are.

            • Project much?

              Lol. I spend more time on sex per week than you probably spend per month.
              I'm a retired bachelor with good money. I like Sex. I'm good at it. I adore women. I adore pleasing women.
              And they enjoy being pleased.

              Nothing I said above indicates a general hatred for women. I have problems with women who hate and despise men but that's just reasonable. Your insult is an ad hominem attack.

          • Take "Texas" out of your name Francis. You're embarrassing us (and we literally have no shame in Texas)
          • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

            What a long winded idiotic rant. You know what I do when I see an article or video I disagree with? I go on with my life and forget about it. You should try it sometime.

            • "You know what I do when I see an article or video I disagree with? I go on with my life and forget about it."
              Hell yeah! If it disagrees with your strongly held beliefs, ignore the reality that's plain to see and carry on with your life as though you'd never seen it in the first place.
              If it really pisses you off feel free to cast aspersions on the author's dick size, living arrangements (Mom's basement) and maybe call them a white male ('cause that's an insult apparently). Just so long as it's a personal at
            • And the fact you posted says differently.

              If you didn't care, you wouldn't have posted.

          • "portray males as only stupid

            I remember some people saying this about The Flintstones when I was a kid. Fred and Barney are stupid and Wilma and Betty are smart.

            • "portray males as only stupid

              I remember some people saying this about The Flintstones when I was a kid. Fred and Barney are stupid and Wilma and Betty are smart.

              ...and the Honeymooners that it was based on, and many, many other shows. There seemed to be a short period after WWII where there were things like Father Knows Best. But there was, of course, the true queen, Lucille Ball. She was always the butt of her own jokes.

            • It was true and it was a bit different then.

              Because most men *really* did benefit from the patriarchy. They were in control of society and good women were literally "behind" good men instead of out front on their own.

              Many shows featured the kind but dopey childlike man.

              But folks were okay with that because they weren't showing him (and all other male characters in the show) to be a wife beating racist asshole who cheated with strippers on the side.

              Society has changed. My heart goes out to young men. It'

      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by Maxo-Texas ( 864189 )

        "True statement I disagree with" isn't *Troll".

        Saying a lot of men and women are angry at star wars products and no longer spending money on them is an accurate statement.
        Saying a lot of men and women are tired of people like Amber Heard getting away with lying because they're female is an accurate statement.
        Pointing out biased gender bending instead of creating new well written female characters isn't trolling.

        3rd wave feminism has been over done. "Avoid male gaze", "it's diverse", "strong female lead"

    • Just different camera shots and some editing. Yay. Cool. Whatever.

      No where near as impressive as what Playing For Change [playingforchange.org] does with their videos and music, but whatever.

      Oh, you want star power? OK, this drummer [youtube.com] ain't bad for an old guy. And there is another drummer and some old guys playing guitar in this one [youtube.com]. Heck, they even have a son sharing a song with his dead father [youtube.com].

    • Not sure why everybody's so down on this. [...] it's always fun watching a bunch of girls beat the crap out of each other.

      Must be a U.S.A. thing, since 95% of your movies and TV shows are filled with violence, murders and death.

      • by _merlin ( 160982 )

        A bunch of the women in it are Australians and Kiwis.

        • by Anonymous Coward

          Americans and ex-cons.

      • "95% of your movies and TV shows are filled with violence, murders and death." And explosions. Given the choice of watching a helicopter explode in the side of a building just after the protagonist jumps out of it reaching for the... See? Much more gripping and entertaining than watching puppies play or a couple explore facets of their fictitious relationship. But if it makes you feel superior to look down on what other people like, stick with your rom-com's. It takes all sorts.
        • The most gripping and entertaining things are believable stories and characters, not over-the-top visual effects and actions scenes.

          Which rules out most action movies and most rom-coms too.

  • is you don't talk about virtual fistfight.
  • how many times can you watch a woman punch a camera before jump cutting to another woman punching the camera.

    • Forty.
    • agreed. It's supposed to be a "challenge"? What is the challenge? Challenges are supposed to get exponentially more difficult, by just doing the same shot over and over again it doesn't even scale linearly. Doing 40 of them is nowhere near twice as difficult as doing 20 because the editing pipeline stays the same. Lather, rinse, repeat.
  • Both would take some decent logistics.

    https://www.reddit.com/r/nextf... [reddit.com]

  • Good justification for why women earn less than men. This sucks ass, and not in a good way.

  • Too long. Boring. Should have capped it at 10. We still would have understood what they were trying to do.

  • "Virtual fisting"
  • And now, (Score:5, Insightful)

    by dwywit ( 1109409 ) on Sunday May 03, 2020 @11:28PM (#60019496)

    having watched the ladies' version, and read the article, I quote:

    "the ladies show the men how itâ(TM)s really done"

    No, no they didn't. It a bit of fun that didn't need comparison with the stuntmen.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      I don't know why they weirdly phrased it as "women vs. men" but it actually does demonstrate something that Hollywood would do well to learn.

      Most fights in movies are terrible. The way the edit them makes them lack impact. Probably more by luck than skill these women have managed to show the attack and the reaction in a way that connects the two and shows enough for the eye to track. If they made a movie this way it could be pretty great.

      I think part of the problem with movies is that they use stunt actors

      • That's such a great clip. In the real world our point of view isn't constantly changing, so it makes sense that you'd need to replay a couple frames after the cut to give the viewer's perception time to catch up. I never would have thought of that, but the examples they give really prove the point.
        • I watched the link and got the point. And Jackie Chan is the absolute best. I had to watch it twice for my brain to catch up.

    • Your insecurity is showing.

      If "women doing things" and "saying things about men" trigger you, you might not be a man.

      Lose weight, learn to socialize, work on whatever the root of your insecurity is, but this manly man I am so butthurt because of something something women feminists blah blah is so weak. The fuck are you watching stupid YouTube videos for anyway.

      • by dwywit ( 1109409 )

        And your wokeness is showing.

        I quoted the author of the article. I disagreed with that opinion. I stated that it (the version with the hollywood actresses and stuntpeople) was a bit of fun - it stood on its own merits - that didn't need a "better than" comparison to the other version. "Showed them how it's done" is an insult and patently untrue. As such, it damages the feminist cause.

        They were fairly similar in their entertainment value. One was a bit more cutesy, and it was too long in telling its story, a

  • That's 10 second of my life I can never get back. It would have been 5 seconds, but my finger slipped off the mouse in my panic to hit the mouse button.

  • It will be recorded for all posterity that on this day in the year of our lord two thousand and twenty that a bunch of Hollywood people got so desperate for attention that they blew a bunch of cash on a mid-grade youtube gag.

  • by Rick Schumann ( 4662797 ) on Monday May 04, 2020 @12:07AM (#60019584) Journal
    Funny as hell, made me laugh at the end of a week desperately needing laughter.
  • As per the Deadline article, this was put out a few weeks back. It is arguably more entertaining.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?... [youtube.com]

  • by getuid() ( 1305889 ) on Monday May 04, 2020 @03:06AM (#60019818)

    The first one I know of was a bunch of french stuntmen about 2 weeks ago:

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?... [youtube.com]

    Also, I think the french version is cooler. Speed is slightly higher, acting is better, and variation of hits & kicks is cooler.

    Anybody know of anything earlier?

    • I think the French version is funnier. Action wise I don't see much difference, but there's some decent inherent humour. Variation on how the girls fought was better, somehow most of the French guys hit in the same way, but interaction with the environment was better on the French one (use of props, ... including a little girl).

    • Agreed, stuntpeople really know how to put together a great sequence and execute it well.

      The Deadspin article says "Similar to a viral video made by stuntmen, the ladies show the men how it’s really done"

      I'm sitting here watching both... the actors' version is boring as hell and poorly shot/edited. If I hadn't seen the stuntpeople version first, it might have been entertaining, but in comparison, they're miles apart.

    • hopefully this doesn't become the new harlem shake. I realize people are bored and these are easy to make... but novelty is already gone
  • Now, let's break out the deep fakes and do something similar starring members of Congress. Or Trump and the media.
  • They all have nice houses and the editing makes this somewhat fun.

  • These celebs can only get fisted virtually now that good ol' Harvey is behind bars.
  • Slashvertisment.
  • Catwoman?! How about picking Sofia from John Wick 3 for Halle Berry instead?
  • Can someone post the timestamp when Lucy Lawless shows up thx

If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith
