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UN Initiative Will Use Satellites To Detect Methane Emission Hotspots ( 24

The United Nations is betting that satellites could help the world catch up on emissions reductions. From a report: The organization has unveiled a Methane Alert and Response System (MARS) that, as the name implies, will warn countries and companies of "major" methane emission releases. The technology will use satellite map data to identify sources, notify the relevant bodies and help track progress on lowering this output.

The initial MARS platform will focus on "very large" energy sector sources. It'll gradually expand to include less powerful sources, more frequent alerts and data from animals, coal, rice and waste. Partners in the program, such as the International Energy Agency and UN's Climate and Clean Air Coalition, will provide help and advice. The information also won't remain a secret, as the UN will make both data and analyses public between 45 to 75 days after it's detected. The system will get its early funding from the US government, European Commission, Bezos Earth Fund and the Global Methane Hub. Both Bezos' fund and GMH are backing related efforts, such as studies on spotting and counteracting agricultural methane emissions.

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UN Initiative Will Use Satellites To Detect Methane Emission Hotspots

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  • Why only now? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward

    It's good they finally start to look where the gas is really coming from, rather than wild fingerpointing everywhere but the actual biggest emitters.

    But it's a good question: What took so long before this idea became acceptable with the climate kids?

  • Isn't this redundant? []

  • They might see a hotspot from my house.
  • by elcor ( 4519045 ) on Friday November 11, 2022 @08:26PM (#63044667)
    because it's not like there is a food supply crisis looming...
    • There may be a connection between some of the highest methane and CO2 contributors in the food sector, and the food crisis.

      The number of calories that go into livestock, who in turn are some of the greatest emitters, is significantly lost in the output.

      Imagine driving a car that lost like 19 of 20 liters you put into it. That's about how inefficient eating animals is.

      Around half of all crops grown worldwide are fed to farmed animals. We have more than enough food, we're just wasting it feeding it to livesto

      • by tlhIngan ( 30335 )

        There may be a connection between some of the highest methane and CO2 contributors in the food sector, and the food crisis.

        The number of calories that go into livestock, who in turn are some of the greatest emitters, is significantly lost in the output.

        Imagine driving a car that lost like 19 of 20 liters you put into it. That's about how inefficient eating animals is.

        Around half of all crops grown worldwide are fed to farmed animals. We have more than enough food, we're just wasting it feeding it to livesto

  • We need a network of sats that will look at land every 5, 7, or 9 hrs or so. Enough so that the sats take pix at different times. Far too many nations already know that just several CO2 sats are catching them and they have changed their schedules to avoid the pix. So we need to add methane, CO2, and ideally nitrous oxide.

    Note that China lied about their coal/CO2, until OCO2 mapped out how badly CHina was lying and forced them to admit that they were burning a LOT MORE COAL. []

    Then China had signed treat []
    • by Anonymous Coward
      You'll be pleased to know that not only are American worse CO2 polluters than Chinese people. But the same it true wrt methane. Americans pollute much more methane than Chinese people.
      But you already knew that didn't you. You've been shown the data numerous times before.
    • by Anonymous Coward
      How come you didn't try to spam your lies in this article [] WindBourne?
      Is it because China was decreasing along with Europe, but America was getting worse...

      China’s emissions are projected to decline by roughly 0.9 percent this year,

      In Europe, emissions are also expected to drop by about 0.8 percent this year,

      By contrast, in the United States, emissions are projected to rise around 1.5 percent this year,

      Entitled scumbags...

"No problem is so formidable that you can't walk away from it." -- C. Schulz
