
JXTA for JXME: "Find it, Get it, Use it!" 4

webjam writes: "JXTA for JXME shows a practical use of Sun's JavaTM 2 Platform Micro Edition. "Project JXTA is short for Juxtapose. It is in recognition that peer to peer is juxtapose to client server or Web based computing." The purpose of project JXTA for J2ME is to provide JXTA functionality to java enabled cell-phones and handhelds. We will soon see applications released based on these projects and technologies. Those who understand and can efficiently develop applications using these tools will no doubt have a prosperous future. Even with a limited knowledge of programming, working applications can be created using the APIs provided. Check out the Software requirements and build instructions. Once running it will provide application developers with the emulation environment; documentation and examples needed to develop Java technology applications targeted at CLDC/MIDP compliant mobile phones and entry level PDAs. Also, check out some of the main JXTA projects and applications developed so far..... Oh, I almost forgot, for sending instant messaging from your mobile toys, I would suggest you go ahead and spring for that teeny external keyboard :-) Alphanumeric just doesn't cut it."

Blizzard, Bnetd Respond on Bnetd Shutdown 675

EvilDonut writes: "Following the roar of protests following the shut down of the BnetD-project, Blizzard has posted a Battle.net emulation FAQ, citing their reasons to to search out and close any project that allows people to play Blizzard games online without using Battle.net. Their main arguments are software piracy and the ability to control and expire the WarCraft III beta." There's also a brief note from the Bnetd people, included below.

Running Multiple OSes on Macs? 31

raist_online asks: "My boss has just received a new iBook and asked me to sort out a multi-OS install. I'll admit to being a PC hardware person primarily. If it was a PC-based machine I'd install Linux as a base system, then put Executor on for Mac emulation and VMWare for other PC hosted OS's, but I'm sure there must be a better way to handle the Linux / Mac thing with OSX around (I'm just not sure what that is) and I know that VMWare only runs on PC processors (Intel and Athlons). So, what do you suggest? Yellow Dog or Mandrake Linux? OSX or Executor or what? Is there a virtual PC I can use? For our research, the more operating systems we can get onto this one machine, the better!"

Properly Configuring Terminal Emulation in Unix? 20

Jobe_br asks: "I've recently come across a need for a way of connecting to a SCO Unix box with full SCO-ANSI emulation (so that I can send F1-F12 commands and ASCII line art appears as lines, not strange foreign letters). After checking out the Terminal-HOWTO at linuxdoc.org I came away with no clearer understanding of what I need to do. I can pretty much pick any 'ole terminal emulator for win32 and get what I need, but no matter what I do to fiddle with my xterms/eterms/vts I can't get things to go. Is this not facilitated under Linux?"

OS Emulation Extravaganza, OS X On Down 183

HomeBrewR writes: "Behold the power of MacOS X... Windows XP? Who cares! You guys arent going to believe what I was able to do in one bored day at work. http://www.mystaticip.com/homebrew shows my effort. I took OS X 10.1, installed fink with rootless Xfree86 with IceWM running BasiliskII [running MacOS 7.6]. OS X is also running ircle and VPC test drive running Windows XP. Simply amazing. The speed on this iBook 466SE of all the apps left much to be desired. This was a feasibility test. The speed of either one of the emulators running by themselves was decent if you turned off all the eye candy in Windows XP. I'm REALLY interested in getting BasiliskII up and running to be able to play all those games that OS 8 broke...stuff like Ancient Art of War and Vette. Check it out and have fun duplicating the effort HomeBrewR" The question I'm sure you're asking now is Why stop there?

SkyOS Now Runs Linux Binaries Natively 293

Gunder123 writes: "A new (open source in the past, but not anymore) operating system, SkyOS, in its latest version can run Linux binaries unmodified, without the need of a recompilation, enriching its own application base this way. Their Linux emulation layer lies inside the SkyOS kernel, I wonder if there are any GPL violations going on here. Their future plans involve also an emulation layer for Windows applications, pretty much what ReactOS tries to do for the last few years for the WindowsNT model."

AtheOS Wizard Kurt Skauen Tells All 205

Not long ago you asked Kurt Skauen about his AtheOS, a GPL'd OS with an integrated GUI and notable commonalities and differences from certain other GPL'd OSes. Kurt responded at length on everything from choice of programming languages to whether you'll see a version of AtheOS soon for the PPC. He also talks about dealing with interoperability (with Windows and with *NIX), why he chose the GPL, and what might drive him to change the AtheOS licensing.

Sbox Homemade Console 131

Anonymous Coward sent in: "I just ran across a very cool homemade emulation console. It emulates multiple machines, plays movies, plays mp3s, and uses Intel's new wireless gamepads to control everything. It's also cased in plexiglass and uses its own menuing software. The best I've seen yet!" His remote has a docking station.

PalmOS Emulation On PocketPC 121

TimeTrav writes "Check out this review of a PalmOS emulator for the PocketPC platform. At this point, it only runs V1 and V2 roms, but work is underway for V3 and V4 rom compatibility. If this works, I may just have to fork over the cash for an iPaq. This has pretty profound implications; its like carrying two handhelds in one, if it works." This helps answer an old Ask Slashdot question as well. Now, will it be able to run Linux on PalmOS on WinCE?

Concept Screenshots Of The AmigaDE GUI 97

Mike Bouma writes: "Check out this posting by Amiga`s CTO on the AmigaOne Mailing list. It includes some concept pictures of a GUI for the Amiga Digital Environment, which is being targetted at AmigaDE enabled handheld devices like Sharp`s upcoming Zaurus PDA. Some of the younger Slashdot readers may not be familiar with the classic AmigaOS, however interested people can (re)discover the AmigaOS through emulation, I suggest to check out this easy to setup "Amiga in a box" package."

X Windows On Dreamcast 56

Stealth Dave writes: "Remember all the hullabalu back when someone first put Linux on the Dreamcast? At the time you could only get a text console and no source was available. Well, I saw over at DC Emulation that the folks over at m17n.org have screenshots of the Dreamcast running X Windows, X-Mame and PrBoom (a Linux Doom port)! They even have an ftp site with a Dreamcast distribution. What will you do with your $99 Linuxcast?" So now the Dreamcast can run GNU/Linux and BSD, and may get Inferno and Plan 9. Phew -- all for $119 at K-mart.

Implementing Linux Compatibility For NetBSD/PPC 1

Emmanuel Dreyfus writes: "Linux Compatibility on BSD for the PPC platform is a three-part series of articles published at O'Reilly's ONLamp.com. The series is intended to document various parts of the emulation subsystem, and to highlight some architecture-dependent issues that can arise in argument passing, signal handling, and with the way some system calls work. The first article is now available, with the others to follow soon." Though the article cautions that it is intended for the technically astute, it includes a very lucid description of what emulation requires, and how it actually works.

OpenBSD Linux Emulation Howto 16

evilviper writes: "BSDToday has a great article on how to run Linux binaries under OpenBSD. The article's already been picked up by sites like RootPromt and others so it's obviously as good of a tutorial as it gets. It's short and sweet, while covering everything from installing the OpenBSD linux package, as well as getting and installing the Linux libs for those of those without a Linux box to steal files from."
It's funny.  Laugh.

Linux Anecdotes 68

Doug Muth writes: "Earlier today, I came across an old document on Lars Wirzenius's website titled Linux Anecdotes, which tells about the side of Linux that we never knew. An excerpt: 'At one point, Linus had implemented device files in /dev, and wanted to dial up the university computer and debug his terminal emulation code again. So he starts his terminal emulator program and tells it to use /dev/hda. That should have been /dev/ttyS1. Oops. Now his master boot record started with "ATDT" and the university modem pool phone number. I think he implemented permission checking the following day. '"

Windows Exec Doug Miller Responds 747

Doug Miller (no relation) is an amazingly affable and unflappable man. This interview came about because I asked Doug face-to-face if he'd do it when we met after a panel discussion he was part of in Washington DC a few weeks ago. He said "sure" without even a second's hesitation, let alone checking with PR people. His answers to the 10 selected questions we sent him are 100% straight-up. You may not like everything he says (devout Free Software people probably won't like any of it), but Doug Miller deserves your respect (and courtesy) for telling it like it is -- at least from Microsoft's point of view -- without a hint of weaseling.

Interview with Dominic Lachowicz of Abiword 53

Ur@eus writes: "We have just put up an interview at Linuxpower.org with Dominic Lachowicz of Abiword. I think it is an interesting read where Dom talks about what features are currently implemented, and what are underway. Abiword belongs to a very small elite of Free Software GUI applications which runs on almost all major desktop platforms without any emulation."

Another Arcade Standby Calls It Quits 122

wokness writes with this bit of depressing news. "The arcade business is getting thougher and tougher -- from shoryuken.com: 'The Nikkei Telecom 21, the largest online news & information database in Japan, has reported that Capcom will discontinue sales and development of arcade games.' More info here. This sucks!" Seems like Capcom wasn't making enough money to justify themselves selling large boxes to arcades. Now, they'll go all the way (instead of just using emulation to make cross-platform games) and make games for home consoles instead.

eFront From Inside 200

Gridle writes: "In short, eFront was a company which bought out successful websites and turned them into cash cows by maximizing profit through different ways of banner and other advertising. Not a bad idea, except that their methods aren't exactly pretty ones. A disgruntled employee obtained some crucial ICQ logs (mirror), which show the true spirit behind eFront. It includes cheating on banner companies, cheating on top100 sites, talking about raping a female webmaster because she doesn't agree on some points, tax evasion, delaying payment to webmasters, literally harrassing sites out of existance and all kinds of other nasty stuff. Somebody put together a summary about how it concerns the emulation scene. Also notice OverClocked's comic about it and Tim Eckel's previous ventures against the emulation community, and Penny Arcade. And it's all over the place already. FuckedCompany, SomethingAwful, Lum the Mad (and their forums), Get High Forums, mame.dk support pages and Retrogames' General and Current Affairs boards. Somebody even found that their CEO has earlier been convicted."

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