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Using Winamp vis. Plugins with xmms 240

protonman writes "...and you thought emulation was for watching quicktime trailers, playing nintendo games, or just running calc.exe. Think again, Please welcome Winamp Visualization Plugins for XMMS, available now!"
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Using Winamp vis. Plugins with xmms

Comments Filter:
  • Visuals. (Score:4, Funny)

    by saintlupus ( 227599 ) on Sunday June 23, 2002 @09:21PM (#3754824)
    Please welcome Winamp Visualization Plugins for XMMS, available now!

    Time to call all of the Linux-using stoners I know.

    (Hey, this is my 500th post. Sheesh.)
  • If I could use XMMS as a library, I'd love it even more.
    • Re:IF (Score:2, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Actually, you can use XMMS as a library. Peter Schwarzgard patched it a couple of months ago to give a 'libxmms' interface. Details are here []. Rumor has it that the next version of XMMS will have library support by default.
      • From what I can tell, libxmms is just a "remote control" library, and require XMMS to create its little window and UI. What I want to do is NOT have XMMS display its own GUI, and use it as part of another program as a generic "play sound file" library. Rather than haul off and re-create xmms' functionality, which would be stupid.

    • Re:IF (Score:2, Informative)

      by bzzzt ( 313005 )
      There are lots of alternatives if you want to play mp3's in your own programs. Try gstreamer or smpeg. Or use mpg123 from your program...
  • Where would you get MFC42.dll?
  • WMA input plugin? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Steev ( 5372 ) <(moc.nnidevets) (ta) (evets)> on Sunday June 23, 2002 @09:41PM (#3754880) Homepage
    What would be really cool is an XMMS input plugin that can decode WMAs. I don't ever encode music in the WMA format, but I do encounter it on the net quite a bit and it's a pain in the ass to have to go WMA -> Wav -> MP3 for every single one.
  • by $carab ( 464226 ) on Sunday June 23, 2002 @09:51PM (#3754909) Journal
    Okay, Ive got an Athlon 1300 with a Geforce 2 Ultra. Under XP, Winamp visualizations that are greater than maybe 600x400 look really bad because of the raw crunching power necessary to make the pretty shapes. I know that WINE (or the Linux graphics subsystem in general), sometimes has speed problems relative to Windows so if that problem continues with these visulizations, I think it would be pretty wimpy if a good system could only run Visulizations adequately at like 200x200.
    • alot of vis plugins are badly coded and run slow on any system.

      check out geisswerks []. I can run all their plugins at max detail at 1024 x 768 on my xp 1800 system. I have run them on slower computers and the fps is ussually good.
    • That's strange, because while I have a slightly faster machine (Athlon 1600+), I have a lower spec video card (GeForce 2 MX 400).... I run a dual monitor setup, and frequently have a 1024x768 visualisation running on screen 2 while I work in screen 1. Typically, I'll be working in either my low-spec mentality (word processing), or my high-spec mentality (3D modelling) - in both situations, the visualisations never drop below 25fps.

      Perhaps you need to consider installing nVidia drives (since the MS ones sucked pretty badly).
    • Go update your drivers []. Your system should be able to handle at least fullscreen 1024x768x32 Geiss or Whitecap or other 3D visualizations. Also, if you're talking about AVS, try not using the transparency option (that takes computing power, though if you've updated your drivers [], the alpha blending should be handled mostly in hardware anyway).

      Please don't make the assumption that Windows is the reason your system is slow with graphically intense applications. Most visualizations are not a whole lot of computation (Winamp pre-calculates the fourier transforms on the dataset sent to vis plugins, so the plugins themselves need not do so).

  • I have always wanted awesome visualizations instead of the couple available
  • by Fastball ( 91927 ) on Sunday June 23, 2002 @09:52PM (#3754911) Journal
    We no longer have to settle for that Microsoft contraband now that the Penguins are producing some quality shit.
  • Plugins by Geiss (Score:5, Informative)

    by Cheetah86 ( 136854 ) on Sunday June 23, 2002 @10:18PM (#3755027) Homepage
    Ryan Geiss [] makes some of the best winamp plugins available, including Geiss [], Milkdrop [], and Smoke []. Geiss is a little dated and runs too fast on my computer at maximum settings(the framerate isn't restricted making it look too fast), but Smoke and Milkdrop run smoothly. Milkdrop is one of the best Winamp plugins available, so check it out if you have Winamp, or now, XMMS.
    • A mini review (Score:5, Informative)

      by Nailer ( 69468 ) on Sunday June 23, 2002 @11:41PM (#3755291)
      First, someone below seems to think this was created by Winamp. It wasn't, it just another Open Source tool created by OSS developers/hackers.

      Install the plugin. Then if you're using WineX (as you should), you'll need to link .wine to .transgaming. Start XMMS, and enter the plugin configuration dialog. You'll have WinAMP meta plugin pop up in the list.

      Now download Geiss or G-Force from and run `winex (whatever).exe'. Install as normal, the defaults will be fine.

      Now start XMMS again. When you try and configure the WinAMP meta plugin, you should now be able to select the Plugin DLL you just installed.

      Using Transgaming WineX 2.0 stable release, GeForce works fine, except the window doesn't move and is always on top. GeForce doesn't resize the screen when it tries to go fullscreen. I'm not sure if these are WineX problems, WinAMP meta plugins or otherwise, suffice to say that WineX handles this well already for most games it supports.

      So yeah: G-Force and Geis are great. Various `dancer' type plugins failed miserably. But its a promising start, especially for an app that's only existed for a few weeks.
      • by Nailer ( 69468 )
        GeForce doesn't resize the screen when it tries to go fullscreen.

        Er, I meant Geiss.

        Something else: here's a .spec you can use if with transgaming CVS.

        • Edit this file to change the version to todays date

        • Change the release to `1joeblogs' and edit the changelgo accordingly, because I didn't create this package, you did.

        • Place it in /usr/src/redhat/SPECS

        • Download CVS from Transgaming as per the web site

        • mv wine winex-20020624

        • tar -jcvf winex-20020624 winex-20020624.tar.bz2

        • Move this file to /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES

        • As root, rpmbuild -ba /usr/src/redhat/SPECS

        You don't really need to be root, but setting up RPM for regular users is left up to the reader.

        Summary: Runs Windows programs (especially multimedia ones) under Linux
        Name: winex
        Version: 20020616
        Release: 1mm
        Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
        License: APSL
        Group: Applications/Emulators
        BuildRoot: %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{version}
        Requires: kernel >= 2.4, XFree86-devel, gcc >= 2.7.2, flex >= 2.5
        Requires: bison, glibc >= 2
        Conflicts: wine
        TransGaming WineX is a derivative of the Wine project. Wine is an implementation of the Microsoft® Win32® APIs on top of UNIX and X-Windows - in essence, it is a Windows® compatibility layer. Wine does not require Microsoft Windows to be installed, as it provides an alternative implementation of Windows written from scratch with no Microsoft code whatever.
        TransGaming WineX includes a new implementation of the Microsoft DirectX multimedia APIs, including Direct3D - the core graphics system most Windows games use for hardware accelerated 3D.

        %setup -q -n wine

        make depend


        %post -p /sbin/ldconfig

        %postun -p /sbin/ldconfig

        rm -rf %{buildroot}

        %{_ libdir}/*

        * Sun Apr 7 2002 Mike MacCana 1mm
        - Created packages

        This is junk to allow me to post this.
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

        Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

        Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.
    • The fact that geiss runs under emulation is... impressive. The author was my roommate is college, (he's a spunk monkey, trust me,) and I've seen the code. I started a port to Linux once, but the volume of obscure directx calls made it impossible. That, and I didn't know x86 assembler as well as he did.

      So kudos to the winex team for getting this to work. If it can run Ryan's code, it'll run just about anything. ;)
      • I'll second that. Ryan lived three apartments down from me in college, and once offered to teach me assembler in exchange for teaching him linux. I eventually saw the source code and my mind was completely boggled.

        Ryan is one of the most intelligent people I have ever met, and a pretty cool guy as well. If I remember correctly, the guy never got an A- in his life.

        By the way, did you live at 64 northwood in apt A? That apartment was soooo cool. I was very envious of Ryan and Vince. I lived in apartment D, and it was a shithole.
        • by skroz ( 7870 )
          I tried to introduce ryan to Linux once... he couldn't wrap his mind around the open source concept, for one thing, and he just didn't dig X.

          As for the apartment, yeah, I lived there for two years with those fools, but left before the ceiling fell into the kitchen, before the third floor railing fell down, and at about the time the vomit stains on the wall behind the toilet started to decompose the drywall. Still talk to 'em all fairly often. Ryan's gone all weird(er) and worships trees now. And as for Vince... he's still in grad school. Since he reached the epitome of weirdness some time in '94, he can't really get any more weird.
          • I haven't talked to ryan since I graduated in Spring of 99, but the last thing he said to me was.

            "Con-grad-u-ations"... and then he got this shit eating grin on his face, like he thought of something really clever.

            For what it's worth, when I showed him my linux box, he really liked it, probably because it had a monstrous 21" monitor, but I never had him program in X. He did show interest in porting geiss to linux, but, at the time, xmms (then x11amp) had poor plugin support.
            Plus, we were taking CIS 676, and were constantly studying.
            About the apartment: That's really sick, but that landlord (Jack?) was such an ass. I remember one time our fuse box was literally sparking, and he came in and said "just turn off the circuit". After a month of paying our rent in escrow, he fixed it.

            Did you live there from Au98-Sp99?
    • Dude thanks, I hadn't installed any of the visualisation goodness on my new computer and what a treat :)

      I'd also suggest trying Andy O'Meara's WhiteCap [] and G-Force []. GForce is similar to Geiss but definatly not the same and Whitecap is more like the oldschool specrtum visualisations but with some 3D goodness and mindblowing transitions.

  • I'd rather wait for (or have no) visualizations for XMMS than have to rely on Wine to enjoy the goodness that is Mad Spin...
  • by ajiva ( 156759 ) on Sunday June 23, 2002 @10:36PM (#3755084)
    Anyone think that trying to run windows apps on Linux is counter productive? Yes so the person is no longer running Windows, but they are still tied to it. Reminds me a lot like OS/2, where most people would just use OS/2 to run Windows apps, and the number of OS/2 apps started to dwindle, till there was nothing left.
    • As I recall, OS/2 *could* run win apps... but the OS/2 apps. that did exist were next generation compared to MS apps. The compatibility with MS was without doubt a backwards compatiblity. OS/2 lost the war, but not due to inferior technology in either the OS or the native apps.
      • In the late 1980s when the original specifications for OS/2 were first laid out, the majority of applications on users' screens were DOS, which was supported. Rather well actually, since IBM managed to get rid of 640K RAM barrier hassles.

        Windoze at that point in history was not a factor in the marketplace, but as Win16 software began to make it's way to users' hands in the early 1990s IBM added an integrated Win16 superset in Warp 3.0 Blue Label in 1994, that could be selectively installed or not at the user's whim. IBM contractual arrangements pretty much allowed them to to do as they pleased with Win16.

        There was another major design objective in Warp: Authentic execution space for 32bit binaries. This was at least two years before M$ was even close to releasing Win95, which claimed to be a 32bit environment although large chunks of it weren't.

        Windoze prevailed, but the reason for that is more to do with lies and rackettering than technology. This is the point in history where formerly helpful engineers began to say things that made no sense when I would call or write with a request for driver support.

        OS/2 didn't die of natural causes - It was murdered. The best place to read details of this unfortunate episode in the development of our industry is in the sworn testimony given to the Jackson court by IBM and others.

    • Anyone think that trying to run windows apps on Linux is counter productive? Yes so the person is no longer running Windows, but they are still tied to it.

      Think of it as virtual methadone.

      There are a number of people who would like to switch to Linux but have a shopping list of excuses, 95% of it being "Can I read and write my Word documents?" and the rest being a number of Windows apps (eg Counterstrike) that they are convinced they can't live without. Each excuse we can tick off that list leads to a disturbance in the force, the cries of thousands of M$ lawyers fading as fast as the word 'dual' in "dual-boot machine"...

  • by bilbobuggins ( 535860 ) <.bilbobuggins. .at.> on Sunday June 23, 2002 @10:44PM (#3755113)

    i get so sick of people saying 'winamp is pointless b/c of xmms'
    i guarantee you these are the same hypocrites who say 'gee, kde and gnome bring such great choice and variety to the linux desktop!'

    how about we applaud a company that recognizes that there are linux users out there in the market and have actually put some resources towards noticing us as opposed to being so close minded against anything that didn't start on *nix? and no, i don't own stock in winamp and i use xmms all the time, i'm just saying we should _encourage_ ALL companies to make linux versions of their products even if there is already an alternative...

  • I actually wrote a windows program a couple years ago that emulated the winamp program to use visualizations with any windows audio player. called the shiznit can still download it at:
  • For those of you who might not know...

    Perhaps the best plugins would have to be:
    GForce []
    White Cap []

    Both by the talented Andy O'Meara []

  • Winamp 3 and Linux (Score:3, Informative)

    by abdulla ( 523920 ) on Sunday June 23, 2002 @11:55PM (#3755328)
    Winamp 3 will be available on linux, so you might see more cross platform plugins (even your favourite trippy visualisations).
    • Winamp 3 will be available on linux, so you might see more cross platform plugins (even your favourite trippy visualisations).

      The alpha release of Winamp for Linux is available for download [] from Nullsoft's site. A fairly lightweight 1.5MB download (XMMS was around 2MB last time I grabbed it). The press release for version 3 [] has this to say about Linux and us maybe seeing other cross-platform code:

      Every component of the Winamp player can be removed or replaced, enabling developers to create exactly what they want and integrate it quickly into Winamp. The "Wasabi" coding platform enables instant cross- platform functionality for supported platforms that will include Windows and Linux at launch. The Winamp player is the first full-featured application for this groundbreaking new coding platform.
      That bodes well. Maybe the Wasabi "platform" will allow more visual stuff, hoepfully for more than just an mp3 player. The license, I'm sure, won't be GPL or LGPL.

      I downloaded the alpha. It's a tarball all right, but it's a tourist in the Linux world and definitely not a native speaker. First off, the archive has hardcoded paths starting from /. It expects you (as root, I assume) to extract it from /, and it makes a /usr/local/Winamp directory for its files and then places a shell script in /usr/local/bin which runs /usr/local/Winamp/Winamp.exe (with an input file arg and STDIN/STDERR to /dev/null). This is very weird. I now have a binary file with a .exe extension at $HOME/download/win32/winamp/usr/local/Winamp and a shell script which points elsewhere.

      I tried to run it manually, but forgot one other thing about the shell script: it adds /usr/local/Winamp/libs to my LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. I didn't do this, so it wouldn't run. I added it, and Winamp.exe did in fact execute. But it didn't run long.

      It looks like this is a debug build, which is unsurprising since it's an alpha. It ran and displayed various profiler messages and such (the app loaded completely in 3422ms, in case you were interested). Most of the output wasn't especially interesting or unusual, although it did have a few of what looked to be function names that simply said "Write me!". I happened to notice that among these unwritten items, both Systray::addIcon and Systray::setTip told me to write them. Again, in case you didn't know it was a work-in-progress, here you go. Except seeing as how I don't have a system tray to which an icon and its associated tooltip might be added, I wonder if this might not be a work based on Win32 version which is in progress...

      When the .exe ran it tried to create what looked like 3 new windows. I assume that they were the main window, the EQ and the playlist window. I couldn't say for sure since the allocated screen real estate was simply black. These new windows were up for about 1 second then went away. On the console, I saw this final message before the app died:

      X Error of failed request: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
      Major opcode of failed request: 72 (X_PutImage)
      Serial number of failed request: 5012
      Current serial number in output stream: 5013
      I'm no X programmer, but that looks to me that the app is trying to draw something in a window -- a border or background image or some such -- and can't because some X API function call was expecting different args. I don't know. I'm using XF86 that comes with Red Hat 7.3, version 4.2.0. Maybe this Winamp alpha was built under a different version? Version 3.something maybe? At any rate, I can see why they redirect STDIN and STDERR from the shell script. This build spits out a lot of info.

      So there it is. I ran it with strace and watched all the "seek into my zipped-up skins files" hoo-ha fly by. I'm tired and it's late and I'm no longer all that curious as to what "Linamp" might be like, so I didn't go through it all of it very much. I did scan through it, though. Toward the end, I saw bunch of open() calls that failed because the files weren't found. I also saw some libpng warnings about incomplete streams. Offhand, I'd say that this alpha build actually does expect to be installed in a certain location. Although I can't imagine hard-coding paths, even in an alpha. More likely, I've got it all wrong and my theories are bunk. I didn't install it where it wanted to be, though. I like a little unsolved mystery sometimes.

      Anyway, it'll be nice to have some choice once they get it working. When I switched from Windows to Linux, one of the things I really missed was Winamp's minibrowser. XMMS could use that feature.


      • I also tried the WinAmp Linux alpha release. First, it's very picky about color depth - I think it prefers 16-bit depth, for some reason, and doesn't have code to properly and cleanly handle other depths (like 24/32-bit depth). On my P3/650, it ate a lot of CPU just playing an MP3 (usually playing an MP3 with it doesn't even significantly affect CPU load, but it took up near 50% CPU time, if I recall correctly). It also crashed easily - just looking through the controls was enough to make it die.

        If this is their idea of a Linux port, they can keep it. (Of course, I'm biased...)
      • \ Anyway, it'll be nice to have some choice once they get it working. When I switched from Windows to Linux, one of the things I really missed was Winamp's minibrowser. XMMS could use that feature.
        And BOOKMARKS... for god's sake... give me BOOKMARKS!

        It's so annoying to have to open a web browser, go to, search for the stream I want, and click on it... when I could just bookmark it within Winamp on windows...

  • by npendleton ( 255215 ) on Monday June 24, 2002 @12:03AM (#3755340)
    I do love my XMMS, but...
    mpg123 may support lowend PCs, but XMMS has the biggest selection of plugins of any GPL MP3 player. e.g., this plugin [] for that remote [].

    We all have doorstops, ahem... older computers, that could be headless mp3 servers, great gifts, eco "Reuse me baby!" friendly, and even RULE Project consistent.

    So where is the full command line and no-GUI version of XMMS?

    xmms-shell [] [dead link] was a great start at the command line part. It has very detailed input and output of status, settings and more from the command-line. XMMS-control [] provides a web gui for XMMS via xmms-shell. XMMS project should encorporate a command line that elegantly handles ALL GUI commands and info displayed.

    Removing the GUI, and adding full/powerful command line, would support many recipes for mp3 server.

    My recipe for a server would have a headless box, wirelessly connected to the Home Entertainment Center via DVD Anywhere with remote [] for song skipping. Samba Server for LAN users to play music, and create playlists. A web gui for XMMS, particularly for selecting playlists (auto-converted from LAN users playlists to local). Command line also creates opportunity for a TV style GUI, to properly handle TV-out videocard, that DVD Anywhere can send to the TV!

    Ideally an integrated XMMS command line would seemlessly handle multiple instances of XMMS and multiple sound cards, and dynamic reassignment of sound cards to a particular XMMS instance, for powerful whole house sound system with as many zones as sound cards on the MP3 server. e.g., play same song in every zone/room in the house at the start of the party such as Stones "Start me up", later break out the living room zone to another XMMS instance running dance music playlist, and patio to jazz. Later, reunify the all the sound cards/rooms/zones to the XMMS instance playing Jazz.

    • Those are interesting ideas .. something that I've not missed, but I can certainly see the use for it.

      There's only one feature in XMMS which I'm lacking - the ability to seek within audio streams. I keep thinking of diving in and looking over the code .. but I never quite get round to it.

      • <plug>

        Consider using AlsaPlayer [] as the backend for your project. AlsaPlayer supports so called interface plugins, where you can write your own custom front-end to the player if your needs are that specific. The current CVS version supports a "daemon" interface where the player will just run as a background process and accept commands through the libalsaplayer [] control interface. There are already a couple of projects preparing to switch to this interface. I know of at least one commercial project that is currently programming a backend.


    • What the XMMS folks need to do is make XMMS into a client/server setup - the "server" which plays the MP3s, and a client that talks to the server via a socket for control.

      Visualizations and video formats would be handled by the client telling the server where to display - obviously the server can use XShm, DRI or Xv if it is displaying locally.

      Right now, my MP3 server is running in the basement, feeding into the house sound system. But to make that work, I had to set up VNC so that I can display XMMS remotely whichever computer I am on. This sucks, since VNC isn't cheap from a resource standpoint.

      Despite what so many hypotrolls here on /. say, seperation of UI and backend by a network transparent layer is IMPORTANT - it is one of the things that enables *nix to be "anywhere, any keyboard, any account". The computer IS the network....
      • Silly question, but why are you using VNC instead of X11? xmms is an X-Windows application and X-Windows is designed to support 'seperation of UI and backend by a network transparent layer'. If you're concerned about access from non-Unix platforms, there are X Servers available for Windows (Cygwin has a decent one) and OS-X (very nice). Also, X11 is much less resource intensive than VNC.
      • What the XMMS folks need to do is make XMMS into a client/server setup - the "server" which plays the MP3s, and a client that talks to the server via a socket for control.

        Absolutely. I wrote a client/server jukebox program a while back to get me this functionality. The server stores the playlist internally and uses mpg321 (mpg123 gave me some problems) to play the music. Any number of clients can connect and modify the playlist, and then disconnect without disrupting the playlist. It would be very nice to be able to use XMMS as a client for my server.

        The code is not particularly great, but it works well on our mp3 archive, which is stored on a headless machine with only 32 MB RAM and a 200MHz processor. I never released it to the public before, but if anybody wants to check it out, it's at n/ []. It is written in Perl.

        Before trying to make XMMS able to talk to it, it would probably make sense to change it to use TCP instead of Unix domain sockets. Right now the client has to run on the same machine as the server.


  • Hah, Looks like someone got my plugin running on Linux before I did (CJ's 3D OpenGL Plugins formerly known as Winamp3DGL & Winamp3Dfx) :-)

    Glad to see the XMMS team has taken the initiative to use WINE to obtain visualizations from Winamp, a great move IMHO since there's already a ton of great vis plugins available. It'll be interesting to see if Winamp 3.x for linux makes a similar move..

    There's a newer version of my plugin than the 1.50 from if you want to give the 2.0 beta a try in Linux.. [] enjoy..

    Warning there's still a lot of bugs as I've been really too busy the past few years to keep it up to date.. But 2.0 will be the final release from the c codebase.

    I'll be starting a new open source, c++, cross-platform plugin for winamp 3.x sometime in the next year based on a new 3D engine I'm developing..

    Charles J. Cliffe
    • Actually I don't think it was the XMMS team that did this.

      It will be interesting to see how things look, as I used to run Winamp 2.x with WINE and some of the WVS effects didn't look right.

  • Do you think Winamp might go the way of Freeamp [] which has to be renamed to Zinf [] (zinf is not freeamp) so as not to infringe on trademarks?

    Zinf is based on the FreeAmp® source code. However, AMP® is a trademark of PlayMedia Systems, Inc., and therefore the original name of the project cannot be used anylonger. On this website the old project will be referred to as FreeA*p.
  • xmms plugins (Score:2, Interesting)

    by prmths ( 325452 )
    nice feature.. despite all the bitching...
    If you dont want the module, dont install it... I i never was big into the visualization stuff...
    one plugin that i'd cream over is something to allow xmms to use mplayer as the back-end for all media files. xmms has a nice clean interface (thanks to winamp) and mplayer plays almost every format out there (and i'm sure real support will be cleaner soon and sorenson will be added)
    a tad off-topic --- does anyone else have trouble playing rm files in mplayer CVS? -- It dies after about a minute and 9 seconds on all rm files.. and the sync is off HORRIBLY
  • Yea, umm WinAmp visualisations. fine.

    But the most impressive vis plugin I have ever seen is for the (discontinued) Sonique [] player, and is called THe Rabbit Hole [].
    Truly amazing how it reacts to music, and even to non-technoid one. (Which is the major drawback of most vis plugins IMO, that they work best with technoid sounds.)

    Try it out if you have some spare time & bandwidth ;)

    Remember what the dormouse said...
  • This is a Good Thing. Ive enjoyed playing w/ WinAmp AVS in the past, and thought it would be fun to run at a party via a DLP projector, trouble is that if you want to change the Image you have to drop down out of a fullscreen, to your windows desktop and make the changes -- for all to see.

    Now that this runs w/ XMMS, what I (assume we can now do) is run the WinAmp Plugins in fullscreen, on a seperate Virtual Desktop and apply the changes to it. Have the DLP projector project only the fullscreen VisPlugin's output and use the other desktop to make the changes -- no crappy 'behind-the-curtains' revelations for the party guests who would otherwise enjoy the output as a sort-of real-time-art-poster that reacts to the music....

    But I 'spose someone will tell me i could have already done this...

Sentient plasmoids are a gas.
