
Novell to Help Port Applications to Linux 610

An anonymous reader writes "eWeek is reporting that: "Novell announced the program at its European BrainShare 2004 tradeshow in Barcelona, Spain." "Under the initiative, leading software and hardware vendors, including Hewlett-Packard Co., IBM, Intel Corp., Oracle Corp. and Scali Inc. will work with Novell help their software partners deploy their platforms and solutions on SUSE Linux, according to Novell Inc."

Linux-only POWER5 server From IBM 232

vaporland writes "This story from Infoworld.com talks about IBM's new low priced POWER5 based servers which will ship with Red Hat or Suse Linux, but not IBM's AIX. My question is, will it boot up Apple's OSX Server?"

Day in the Life of the Internet Storm Center 123

An anonymous reader writes "Network World Fusion has an article about the Internet Storm Center's inner workings. The writer follows the ISC during the day of the MyDoom-O outbreak (the one that hit Google et al.). The article talks about running W2K in vmware on top of SuSe Linux. A practice very common in malware analysis to isolate yourself from various ill effects of the malware. Other open source software receiving a mention in the article is everybodies favorite packet analyzer Ethereal."
Linux Business

Open Xchange Server Source-code Released 94

d3vi1 writes "Netline, the main developer of Open-Xchange, has just released the GPL licenced version to the masses. The product is mostly known by users because of SuSE's Open-Xchange Server, a product started from "comFire Groupware". Open-Xchange is a groupware suite with WebDAV interface (XML), LDAP, iCal and HTTP(S) support. An Evolution plugin is on the way."

HP Linux Laptop Is A Winner 412

minus_273 writes "MSNBC is currently running a story on the front page reviewing the new HP Linux laptops. In a story titled 'H-P's first Linux laptop a winner', the article provides a brief look at the accomplishments and some of the shortcomings of the nx5000; a new inexpensive HP business laptop that comes with SUSE installed. The author seems extremely happy about how everything just works out of the box and mentions the significance of the product. Could HP+SUSE go the way of Apple+BSD and become an option for those that want friendly non-windows laptop? Releasing an easy to use Linux system is a good first step." We mentioned this laptop a few weeks ago.
Linux Business

Novell 'Drinking Their Own Champagne' 21

TheMMaster writes "According to Novell, they will be using their own flavour of Linux (SUSE) on the desktops of their 6000+ workers. While this was already known for quite some time, what wasn't quite so known was why and how they did it. Novell is moving from Microsoft to Linux and OpenOffice. Here's how it's being done."

SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 Released 6

Barondude writes "For the SUSE lovers out there... SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 was released today. Evaluation versions of SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 for x86, AMD64 and Intel EM64T are available as free downloads from novell.com."

Moving To Linux 384

norburym writes "This is an interesting format for a techie book geared at non-techies: instead of providing a detailed installation and configuration instruction set for a particular full Linux distribution, Marcel Gagne has included a Knoppix CD with his book, Moving to Linux: Kiss the Blue Screen of Death Goodbye! The author's intention is clearly to give the reader a no-risk introduction to Linux. As such, this book is not intended for power users or professionals; there are other books more suited for this market. At the same time, this book is not really for the Dummies style audience, either. It's for the Windows user who is looking to migrate to the Linux platform and find solutions to his or her day to day computing needs." Read on for the rest of norburym's review.
Sun Microsystems

Sun Rays For Linux 131

Tarantolato writes "According to an eweek story Sun Microsystems will be debuting a Linux port of their Sun Ray Server at Linux World this week. This would allow Sun Ray thin clients to be run off of a SuSE or Red Hat box, where you previously needed a Solaris-SPARC setup to do that."
Linux Business

Sun Pondering Buying Novell 400

Krafty Koder writes "ZDNet are reporting that Sun are considering purchasing Novell and thus gain SUSE Linux. 'With our balance sheet, we're considering all our options,' Sun chief operating officer Jonathan Schwartz said in an interview on Sunday regarding the possibility of acquiring Novell. 'What would owning the operating system on which IBM is dependent be worth? History would suggest we look to Microsoft for comparisons,' he said."

aKademy Team Announces International Lineup 83

Telex4 writes "The aKademy Team is proud to announce the schedules for the KDE Community World Summit 2004, code-named 'aKademy', taking place in Ludwigsburg, Germany from August 21st to 29th. Featuring speakers from IBM, Novell, SUSE, Conectiva, Trolltech, HP and many community hackers and activists, it promises to be a highlight of the Free Software calendar. With presentations both for developers and users, tutorials from the experts in their field, and plenty of opportunities to discuss significant issues like usability and Qt4/KDE4, you can't afford to miss it. For more information, you can read the full announcement. Go to the conference web site and register now to avoid disappointment!"

AMD64 Windows vs. Fedora vs. SuSE benchmarks 273

Illissius writes "AnandTech just posted a review comparing 32- and 64-bit performance on both Linux and Windows. They focused on what is available out of the box without having to compile anything seperately - unfortunately, 64-bit binaries weren't available for most of the Windows benchmarks. To save people the pain of RTFA, there's a very tangible gain moving to 64-bitness, Linux wins some (MySQL, UT2004), and Windows wins some (rendering, RtCW)."
GNU is Not Unix

Fedora, SuSE And Mandrake Compared 459

gmuslera writes "This weekend 2 comparisions were made between latest Fedora, SuSE and Mandrake Linux distributions. The first one was done by FlexBeta and in general goes deep, done by people that seem to know Linux, and good around its 9 pages. The later one was done by The Washington Post (yahoo news link) and shows another view of those 3 distributions, from someone that seems to dislike Linux and don't know enough about it. In what of those extremes are the average new user experience with those distributions?" Update: 07/06 01:01 GMT by T : Note that long-time Washington Post tech writer Rob Pegaroro doesn't seem to dislike Linux -- far from it; he's just writing what he sees as truth.
Operating Systems

Linux for Non-Geeks 260

norburym writes "This is not an intro Linux book for your mom. Well, actually it's an intro Linux book for the author's mom! Linux for Non-Geeks came about by virtue of Rickford Grant's desire to create an easy to follow guidebook to installing, configuring and using Linux for his mom who, at 72, was on a fixed income. Her erstwhile son suggested giving her an old box of his with Linux installed. Willing to go along, she asked for book suggestions to learn about Linux. Stumped by the meager offerings, Grant decided to write up a set of instructions on his own. Egged on by relatives and friends to subsequently publish his manuscript, Penguinistas the world over can now rejoice! A far cry from dumbed down editions of how-to comic book style manuals from other publishers, No Starch Press has adopted a smart series of books for the capable, no nonsense audience; those folks who are not afraid to try new things and who want a clear and (more importantly) practical approach to enhancing their skill set. This book is a stand out in that series." Read on for the rest of norburym's review.

SUSE 9.1 Personal ISO Available For Free Download 187

twener writes "DistroWatch.com was the first to report that a complete, bootable, and installable ISO image of SUSE LINUX 9.1 Personal has appeared on SUSE's ftp server and its mirrors. No public announcement on SUSE's website is available yet. This is the first time ever that SUSE makes an ISO for i386 of one of its product flavors available. Don't forget that after installation you can install the packages of the SUSE 9.1 FTP version with GPL'ed YaST to gain an almost (commercial parts missing) SUSE 9.1 Professional installation."

Novell-SUSE Sponsors Openswan 132

hsjones writes "Concerned about the demise of FreeS/WAN? Well, looks like Openswan is going to be a good, strong open source IPsec project going forward. Novell and SUSE have jumped in with Astaro to back the project and move it along. See the press release. The Openswan project is at http://www.openswan.org. SUSE Linux and Astaro Security Linux both use FreeS/WAN in their current releases. It will be very interesting to watch what they do now with Openswan!"

Slashback: Munich, Harlan, Alacrity 213

Read on below for tonight's edition of Slashback, with followups to several previous Slashdot stories, including the Linux-in-Munich saga, Harlan Ellison's feud with AOL, Hotmail's response to the growing space for webmail, and more. Read on for the details.

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