Sam Raimi to Direct Spiderman Film 188
livewirevoodoo submitted a story that I read yesterday but didn't initially think of posting here. On second thought, I think that Sam Raimi is directing Spiderman in a feature movie. The Evil Dead series is pretty dang awesome, and since I'm a junkie about seeing comic super heros on the big screen (I loved Burton's Batman, and am watching out for the upcoming X-Men flick). There is also about a Bruce Campbell Peter Parker. Not sure about that one.. I always thought Parker was well, more geeky then the uber macho Campbell. But anyway, not the standard Slashdot-fare, but I thought a lot of you might like it anyway.
Creeping Spider-Socialism Overwhelms Slashdot! (Score:1)
. . . and all poor Taco can think of to do about it is to post nonsense about imaginary comic-book characters. Yes, you pathetic liberals, you heard me right: SPIDERMAN IS NOT REAL. There is no Biblical basis for belief in Spiderman. It's just a story. Get over it.
In fact, the posting of this dumb story is a case in point, which perfectly illustrates the Slashdot creeping socialism issue. If all stories must be treated equally, then all most be posted, even the gay or atheistic stories. This disgusts me. I must retreat to the Batcave. FOAD, you left-wing losers.
Re:X-Men Movie - Sorry (Score:1)
Sorry, the X Movie is already in shooting and it's not Glenn Danzig as Wolverine. Hugh Jackman (I've never heard of him either) is playing Logan.
I don't expect anyone outside of Australia is likely to have heard of him! He's done a couple of movies here, seems quite a decent actor. Hopefully X-fans will enjoy his Logan.
Re:Huh? (Score:1)
Bruce Campbell *is* uber macho. He is the coolest person in the entire world.
Betcher ass! Check this out [wisc.edu]. Meeting Bruce was one of the coolest things in my life (so far.) A group on the UW-Madison campus that shows films arranged for him to attend and hold a question and answer session after a showing of Army of Darkness. He is completely personable and doesn't have an ounce of star attitude. Anyone not knowing who he was would think is just some ordinary Joe. He spent about 1-2 hours after the movie answering questions and telling stories (some hilarious ones about Sam Raimi) and then another 2-3 hours signing autographs and talking to people in the autograph line. I wish I had had a video camera with me.
Dr. Strange was good (Score:1)
Actually, the Dr. Strange movie was pretty good. I'd never seen it until recently, when it was on TV and the TV reviewer gave it three stars (out of a possible four), which suprised me, but when I watched it, I had to agree.
I suspect that the main reason that nobody ever saw the Dr. Strange movie is that all the attention went to another movie released the same year -- a little number you might have heard of called Star Wars.
But a Sam Raimi Spiderman certainly has the potential to be the best Marvel-character-based movie yet!
Re:Geeks and Bruce Campbell (Score:1)
I wish I had a nickel for every time someone said "Information wants to be free".
Re:We can hope. (Score:1)
Marvel always stretched my suspension of disbelief a bit too thin. Despite Superman's limitless powers, I always found it a bit more realistic than anything out of Marvel.
By the way, what do they mean by "X-Men"? did they have sex-change operations, or what?
I wish I had a nickel for every time someone said "Information wants to be free".
Re:Good stuff! (Score:1)
First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me... BLOW.
Re:Beast MAchinces (Score:1)
My only wish is if Mainframe would redo the Original series.
Freeshmeat (Score:1)
You darn kids, with your TV games, your fancy sneakers, and your Braun hand blenders.
Re:The fine work of Sam Raimi (Score:1)
Ah, you are right. I saw him listed [imdb.com] as being part of The Flinstones and assumed he had directed it. Upon closer inspection [imdb.com], though, I realized what becomes of one who assumes! :)
Thanks for the heads up!
The fine work of Sam Raimi (Score:1)
But seriously, he has done some good stuff. The Evil Dead movies were funny as hell, and he did show that he was a good director with A Simple Plan. I think his style will work well for the Spiderman movie...
Re:That's my point (Score:1)
Huh? (Score:1)
There is also about a Bruce Campbell Peter Parker.
Huh? Was this written in old english?
And on top of that. .
** Martin
And Woody Allen in Batman XXII ;-) (Score:1)
Re:Hollywood : Lack of original ideas (Score:1)
>Batman movie, using Batman's long-time foe The
>Joker, but Spiderman really doesn't have an >equivalent equal -- all his enemies like Green
>Goblin, Dr Oct, and Venom, are just foes, but not
>a constant one. I don't see how you can pick one
>foe and still have a good Spiderman movie.
Hmm... maybe that's why the last two Batman movies
have sucked major ass. They should have stopped
after the second one. Tim Burton's version
of Batman is much more of a dark knight than the
cheesy TV show could ever hope to portray.
I always thought that Spiderman was cool for being
able to think quick and outsmart his opponents,
rather than brute-forcing his way through every
situation like some other boring superheroes that
I won't name. *ahem*Superman*ahem*. Plus, I
always wanted a pair of those webshooters...
Re:Peter Parker (Score:1)
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.
Who's best for the role? Suggestions here! (Score:1)
Gripe, gripe, gripe. (Score:1)
There is also about a Bruce Campbell Peter Parker.
CmdrTaco, I'm begging you here, PREVIEW BEFORE POSTING. Read the article aloud or something. These two lines made no sense at all.
As for Sam Raimi directing Spiderman, while I adore Raimi's work, I'm convinced at this point that nothing good can ever come of a Marvel comic adapted for film. Has anyone here ever seen The Punisher or Captain America? Live action Spidey is a no-win situation -- if you play him straight, the inherent ridiculousness of a guy in tights whose powers come from a radioactive spider bite is almost insurmountable. If you play it campy, you've got an unwatchable, embarassing farce, and you alienate all the comic geeks.
Personally, I stopped caring about Marvel comics when they broke up the Defenders and started mass-producing Wise-Cracking Superheroes(TM) by the truckload. I hope that Raimi proves me wrong (if he actually takes the job), but I just don't think that Spiderman, or any of his Marvelous ilk, have the depth of character to actually sustain a film.
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Hollywood has always been derivative (Score:1)
Hollywood has always wanted a safe bet. That's why they have seldom produced complete original art. Fortunately, some directors manage to bring these stories to the screen in a way that adds something beyond a rote interpretation of the original or, worse, a pale imitation. Perhaps, if anything, that is what Hollywood has been lacking lately.
Say what? (Score:1)
Mine too, since Sir Ian McKellan is playing Magneto in the X-Men movie, [xmenthemovie.com] not Spider-Man.
Jay (=
Re:Bruce Campbell?!?! (Score:1)
No, since the original comic came out from Aircel Comics and is creator-owned. The only "MIB" comic Marvel put out was a half-baked "prequel"; it followed the comic continuity (which had MIB chasing down the supernatural, not just aliens) more than the movie continuity.
Jay (=
Re:Bruce Campbell?!?! (Score:1)
*doh* I checked, and we're both right; I forgot that Aircel was an imprint under Malibu. That explains how Marvel got the book, then -- they purchased Malibu back in the early 90's (and then proceeded to evicerate the company, but that's even more off-topic...).
Jay (=
Re:Say what? (Score:1)
(Yeah, yeah: YOU can.)
Yes, well, it's my job; I run a comic and gaming store.
I could probably rattle off most all 150 Pokemon, if you get me drunk enough...
Jay (=
Re:Geeks and Bruce Campbell (Score:1)
"Swallow this"
Re:This is Awesome !!! (Score:1)
Take that biotch!
Bad Mojo
No, but this is... (Score:1)
Re:Danzig is about 5'2" - Short Bastard (Score:1)
Re:Peter Parker (Score:1)
(I don't think he played a believable geek).
I think the guy from Starship Troopers would
be a good Parker
My pick for J. Jonah Jameson: Martin Sheen
Doc Octopus: Christopher Walkin
will spidey have a boomstick too? (Score:1)
you guys brought the aicn server load to 7 with this link! good job!
Re:Ain't It Crap is more like it. (Score:1)
Re:X-Men Movie (Score:1)
I remember reading somewhere that Glenn said he'd play the part only if the script was good. That was like 2-3 years ago...X-Men has been 'in the making' for awhile..
Re:Hollywood : Lack of original ideas (Score:1)
Isn't a sentient suit (Venom) that used to live on the moon enough for you?
Anyway, Raimi is a fine director, I don't care much for Xena or Hercules, but he does a damn good job at the helm of both.
nb, I especially like the fact that Xena's weapon isn't a phallic symbol, but a instead.
Don't get me wrong. (Score:1)
IIRC... (Score:1)
Re:Marvel comics, but not marvel universe. (Score:1)
Um, Blade in the comics is actually very much a part of the Marvel Universe.
Raimi is a damn good director (Score:1)
Spiderman: Superhero Geek! (Score:1)
DC has at least done reasonably well with their animated series, though the Batman movies went from acceptable to complete dreck. I'm very disappointed that Marvel has been squandering their best characters and plotlines in a frenzy of cheap marketing, obtuse media productions and rediculous revisionism.
What if bit by something else? (Score:1)
Not the standard Slashdot-fare? (Score:1)
That's my point (Score:1)
Re:This is News for Nerds! (Score:1)
Don't laugh !!!!!
Re: Prof X (Score:1)
I'm looking forward to seeing how the film comes out. It could finally break the Marvel curse (either the film is terrible, or its stuck in pre-production hell forever).
In another interesting rumor I've heard, there will be a new X-men animated series based on the movie, debuting on... the WB network(major shocker if its true) and produced in part by Harold Ramis, who also brought us such great animated adaptations as, all of the Ghostbuster series (on which Raimi wrote
Here's to good things (hopefully).
Colleen:Its a black-hole.
Hunter:Is that a good thing?
C:It is if you want to be compressed into oblivion.
H:Oh.. coooool.
Bruce Campbell?!?! (Score:1)
BTW, does Men is Black count as a sucessfull movie of a marvel character?
Re:Raimi did more than just Evil Dead... (Score:1)
Venom, hell -- Campbell should play J. Jonah Jameson. That'd be a Spider-Man movie I'd actually watch.
Re:Bruce Campbell rules.. good choice (Score:1)
The next logical question... who's gonna play Arthur? And would Dustin Hoffman play Sewer Urchin?
FIRST POST!!! (Score:1)
Uh huh, that's right, who's laughing now? (Score:1)
Darkman was also fantastic. Who can forget the explosion scene? The toy bird strikes light to the gas, the iris contracts, the explosion spreads in slow motion. Incredible inventiveness and attention to detail.
Sam Raimi is definately on topic for this forum! I await the film!
Walken (Score:1)
Did you see him in Sleepy Hollow? wierd!
Re:Bruce Campbell will NOT be in the movie. (Score:1)
Right on /. (Score:1)
Just another rumor (Score:1)
Check out the Spider-man rumors on Coming Attractions at http://www.corona.bc.ca/films/details/spiderman.h
Re:Bruce Campbell rules.. good choice (Score:1)
Bruce is god! (Score:1)
Superhero cinema (Score:1)
The superman movies weren't all that great, and the Quest for Peace was just awful. I wasn't too impressed with the latter half of the batman movies(then again, nobody was impressed with Arnie's entry as Mr. Freeze), and don't get me started with The Punisher or that awful remake of Captain America. Hmm, bad guy can still kick ass after 50 years? He must have found the fountain of youth somewhere in Italy.
Re:Marvel comics, but not marvel universe. (Score:1)
Re:Peter Parker (Score:1)
Re:We can hope. (Score:1)
Re:Bruce Campbell?!?! (Score:1)
Re:Raimi is a damn good director (Score:1)
Re:Dr. Strange was good (Score:1)
Re:This is Awesome !!! (Score:1)
Matt Damon (Score:1)
It was...well, interesting.
Personally, I feel it would be a rather big stretch for Damon to get the mannerisms of Peter Parker down. I think there are better choices out there.
As far as the whole being well built part: In comics virtually everyone is well built unless their appearance as something else sends a message about the feelings of the character. How many SO's of superheroes are average looking? I mean average looking for the real people you see every day, not average looking for a supermodel/hunk of the month.
So, it may be a little disenheartening to see a *wimpish* biochemistry geek (who has a job as a photographer to help pay the bills) fill the role but the other option is to either make the pre or post-accident Parker CG modified. Which may not be such a bad idea anyway as long as there is a definite plot there and Spiderman can move faster than Jackie Chan.
Jackie has the physical attributes/techniques down pat for Spider-man. Its Peter Parker he'd have trouble with.
Bummer about Brandon though...talk about typecasting.
As far as the other characters...I'd like to see a well done comic based movie (with plot) that didn't look like a Hollywood cameo gallery. Some lesser known actors or unknown (but good) ones to fill all the gaps. Anything else would just be an extension of the campy old Batman sitcom with guest villains.
Ok, that's my 2sense.
Re:We can hope. (Score:1)
Ian McKellan is Magneto (Score:1)
Re:Say what? (Score:1)
(Yeah, yeah: YOU can.)
Re:im excited (Score:1)
Re:Bruce Campbell = Genius (Score:1)
Bruce Campbell = Genius (Score:1)
Re:Don't get me wrong. (Score:1)
Re:uber (Score:1)
Re:Geeks and Bruce Campbell (Score:1)
Re:Bruce Campbell?!?! (Score:1)
Re:Just another rumor (Score:1)
BTW, Coming Attractions is a much better site for movie rumors/news than AICN, IMHO. It's better organized and usually more informative, with (slightly) more accurate spelling. CA also tells you how much faith to put in certain rumors. Here's the main page framed [corona.bc.ca] or not framed [corona.bc.ca], and the current "X-Men" movie page is here [corona.bc.ca]. Enjoy!
Re:Not the standard Slashdot-fare? (Score:1)
"This is my BOOM STICK!"
Re:I hope this is true... (Score:1)
In ST:TNG, his accent was supposed to be pseudo-French (Jean-Luc Picard). I've seen him in other features where he had no accent at all (or, as some refer to it, a Hollywood accent). Any good actor can drop whatever accent that they want to, if they try.
Oh, and BTW, I've never watched ST, so don't label me as a Trekkie.
Brad Johnson
Re:X-Men Movie - Sorry (Score:2)
We actually have X-Men movie posters in the movie theater by my house, I believe the big release date is July 16th 2000.
Re:Ain't It Crap is more like it. (Score:2)
Re:Hollywood has always been derivative (Score:2)
Look at Jurassic Park. Before JP, Michael Cricton was a practical nobody; maybe among geek circles, books like Andromeida Strain were popular, but nowhere near the popularity today. Spielberg saw JP as a movie, and it happened, and suddenly Cricton is HUGE. Bigger than big. We suddenly have remakes of his old books and books that are written for what seems like screenplay. I'd be hard pressed to say that this may have happened earlier than 1985 for any book (but this is my impression, it may not be fact). Generally, pre 1980 adaptions of books were merely taking something that was well written and adapting to the screen; the original author if alive rarely got an ego boost, and sequels were not important. At least, some movies today can still keep that (Contact, for example).
Another interesting example: The Man in the Iron Mask. I rented this during Christmas, and it was ok; then later that week, browsing the classic movie channels, I happened upon "The Fifth Musketeer", the same story but made in the 50s or 60s (forget the date). You had the same people die, the same resolution and all that, but there was something fundamentally better about the 50s version than the 90s one. The 90s version was flashier, and played down some of the interactions to make the movie more watchable for today's short attention span audience. The 50s version, on the other hand, keep me watching as some of the plot elements weren't fully explained. Sure, some of the sets looked poor, and it didn't have glitz, but it was a better movie overall, IMO.
Maybe this lack or originallity extends from filmmakers wanted to redo a story with *just* a bit of tweak here or there to fit how their idea of a film should be. This can make movies great, as in Contact, or terrible, as in Johnny Mnemonic. Let's hope that future book-based films like Ender's Game or Neuromancer or Hitchhiker's Guide don't fall into these problems.
Bruce for Spidey's voice only (Score:2)
#2) Having said that, here's an idea: Remember Ralph Bakshi's Spiderman cartoons of the 60's and 70's? Dig this: have Actor#1 play Peter and Spidey, but like the cartoon, have Bruce overdub the internal monologue that Spidey always had running (it was a different voice than Peter).
That would by cool.
I still love the old Spidey cartoons, despite their low-budget cheesiness. It's a damn sight better than Marvel's foray into CGI backgrounds. Ugh!
Re:Geeks and Bruce Campbell (Score:2)
As for how good a Peter Parker he'd be - I think he'd play it well, but somehow I don't see Peter Parker using the kind of sardonic humor Bruce Campbell seems known for. However, it *does* seem rather Spiderman-ish! But the voice... I don't know if I could get used to his voice as Spiderman *or* Peter Parker. (I used to watch Spiderfriends when I was a geeky kid, and I *adored* Peter Parker, partly because of his dreamy-nerdy voice!)
Re:Hollywood : Lack of original ideas (Score:2)
This is Awesome !!! (Score:2)
Re:Geeks and Bruce Campbell (Score:2)
Re:Peter Parker (Score:2)
Alternatively, might I suggest another fine Narrator [imdb.com]/Himself [imdb.com], Edward Norton [imdb.com].
im excited (Score:2)
I hope this is true... (Score:2)
I'm going to keep waiting, but I won't be surprised if this turns out to be a dead end for the film industry. Buton did a helluva job on Batman, but the ones that followed sucked! My hope is that this Spiderman, and hopefully the upcoming X-Men will give a renewed vigor to the comics-to-big screen drive that we once knew. Personally, I think that the Hulk should make a silver-screen debut.
One more word on The X-Men: they did a damn good job of choosing Professor X! I couldn't think of anyone better than Patrick Stewart!
Brad Johnson
Not a Slashdot topic?!?! (Score:2)
Anyway, I'm glad to finally see Spidey on the big screen. I watched the old and new cartoons, and the short-lived live series (in the 70's?) when it was running on SciFi. Although I'll admit the comic took a dive after McFarlane left, Spidey is second to none in my book.
BTW-Danzig is not playing Wolverine, I saw that mentioned somewhere awhile back...that's too bad though.
of *course* it's /.-worthy! (Score:2)
Not a bad choice... (Score:2)
Some people might think that Spiderman might be up another alley entirely, and that such a project would require a better established director, used to big-budget action flicks, à la Cameron or De Bont.
On the contrary. Raimi showed us he has a myriad of talents, and a true gift with the camera. Just watch "A Simple Plan" again (if you haven't checked that movie out, what's wrong with you? A great flick). Genius filmwork, showing a wealth of talent, and some great acting (Paxton and Thornton primarely). I think he would be a great choice, and give us another look at the superhero genre. (Remember the effect Burton had with his first Batman. I expect the same thing with Raimi).
Re:Peter Parker (Score:2)
Rent a copy of Wolf(I know it sucked) and watch the feral side of Jack come alive.
Re:Huh? (Score:2)
The progression of Ash (Score:2)
In the first movie, E.D.1, "Ashley" is clearly (as someone else stated) a whipping boy. He is a far cry from "Ash, Housewares" of Army of Darkness fame. He does significantly less ass-kicking, and is clearly more on the receiving end of the abuse [the exception to this being the "Full-body-bitchslap" that he delivers to Linda while she is
In the second movie, E.D.2, "Ash" has started to define his role as somewhat macho with the occasional one-liner, and the fact that he not only takes abuse, but really dishes it out as well [...Groovy...].
But clearly in Army of Darkness, in the regular theatrical release, "Ash, Housewares" is the "uber-macho" that was aforementioned as he shows "essentially" no fear [with notable exceptions]. There is no doubting that "Ash, Housewares" is the buccaneering hero that we are all used to seeing, and most of us generally think of. What is interesting though, is that the director's cut portrays Ash quite a bit more like "Ash" from ED2, showing a truly terrified side in several shots.
Patiently awaiting the arrival of my copy of the Limited edition Army of Darkness DVD (still available at www.cduniverse.com).
Maybe not? (Score:3)
Jay (=
Raimi did more than just Evil Dead... (Score:3)
He's also exec-producing Campbell's new show Jack of All Trades [bruce-campbell.com]. In Campbell's own words: "The show centers on my character, Jack Stiles, an American spy, adventurer, and rogue dispatched to an island in the East Indies by President Jefferson to thwart Napoleon's advances in the region. Jack isn't at all happy about the remote assignment, especially since he's supposed to serve as personal attaché to a wealthy British widow and secret agent for the Crown named Emilia Rothschild (Angela Dotchin). Disguised as the Daring Dragoon, Jack teams with Emilia on numerous covert missions to stop Napoleon's imperialism in the East Indies." Yeah, sounds cheesy, but that's never stopped me from watching Army of Darkness over and over again...
I think Raimi might be able to do a good Spider-Man film (though I have to wonder about the potential chesse factor) but Campbell should NOT, NOT, NOT be allowed to play Peter Parker! That would be a casting error on par with Nicholas Cage as Superman.
Let him play Flash Thompson (jock who harassed Peter in high school) as an adult, or maybe let him play Eddie Brock before he becomes Venom (or even as Venom -- Campbell can act pretty crazed when he wants to).
Jay (=
We can hope. (Score:3)
I like camp as much as the next guy, but after a while it would be nice for comic books to be taken seriously. Look at what Burton did for Batman. A legitimate look at an interesting character. True to the source material, dignified, and novel. If Raimi goes camp witht his one, then why not just get Jim Carrey to talk with his ass cheeks while battling Billy Zane in a Doc Octopus costume.
Peter Parker (Score:3)
I would like to put the question to
Personally I wouldn't mind Matt Damon as Peter Parker. He pulled off the geek in Good Will Hunting, and we all know he is TOUGH! Any other suggestions?
Hollywood : Lack of original ideas (Score:4)
Maybe it's because baby boomers who lived on these shows want more of them, and since they have a good amount of control in Hollywood, they have the ability to get these movies produced. They might be trying to revitalize a show, but often than naught, they want a last hurrah for the show
At least there have been films that have realized that such revitalizations are out there and they saturize on them, "Galaxy Quest" and "Mystery Men" come to mind). But personally, I'd rather see uniqueness in the theater with new characters and situations then trying to adopt something meant for the small screen to the large screen and failing miserably.
Now, as to Spiderman, I'm not sure about this; Marvel's about to tank, and the Spiderman cartoon as shown on FOX is (from what others have told me) rather out of character for Spiderman in general. I'm sure that this will end up as a typical summer blockbuster with lots of action scenes and the like -- but what about a plot? What aspect of Spiderman can they focus on in 2hrs and produce a good movie? Tim Burton did this excellently with the first Batman movie, using Batman's long-time foe The Joker, but Spiderman really doesn't have an equivalent equal -- all his enemies like Green Goblin, Dr Oct, and Venom, are just foes, but not a constant one. I don't see how you can pick one foe and still have a good Spiderman movie.
(However, this at least beats the rumors than Leo DeCaprio was going to play Parker/Spider, and with James Cameron directing).
This is News for Nerds! (Score:4)
This is news for nerds, and I hope more stuff like this gets posted. The fact that this almost wasn't posted is yet another reason to clamor for a open and moderated submission queue.
Good rumor, but... And Cameron's treamtment here.. (Score:4)
Harry Knowles' site declines on a weekly basis as he continues to focus on how he can make money off his notoriety. He only has one real scooper anymore, and the scoop was confirmed in Daily Variety today - with a huge disclaimer.
Raimi has been offered the Spiderman project. The problem is, he's all set to direct a Billy Bob Thornton script called The Gift with Keanu Reeves and Cate Blanchett. It's ready to roll. In order for Spiderman to happen, Paramount will have to let Raimi go as soon as photography wraps on the Gift to go shoot Spiderman, and then he'll edit them together - Sony has to have Spiderman out for summer 2001 for some arcane contractural reasons that have kept the project stalled for years. Read about it here [yahoo.com].
Raimi is a perfect fit - imagine Darkman with a huge budget, and James Cameron worships the guy - and Cameron wrote the treatment for Spiderman that would be the greatest comic book adaptation ever made - and probably the best nerd movie ever made. Well Sony bought the Cameron treatment, and have since moved on to multiple drafts by different writers, but hopefully Raimi will stick to the Cameron one, which you can read here [prohosting.com]. And for anyone who hates Cameron vis a vis his success with Titanic, just read the damn thing. It's incredible.
I find this is Slashdot worthy news - news for Nerds. Raimi is a huge nerd, with a huge nerd audience, and why does every bowel movement George Lucas make get reported here, especially when he just seems obsessed with crapping on the heads of his loyal audience?
Bruce Campbell will NOT be in the movie. (Score:5)
Hope this clears things up a bit.... Bruce Campbell rules.