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Music Media

XMMS Plugin Competition Closed - Voting Started 74

Jakdaw was one of the countless hordes who wrote with the news that the XMMS plugin competition is now closed to new enteries. You can grab the new plug-ins, tinker around with them, and than vote for your favourite.
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XMMS Plugin Competition Closed - Voting Started

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    XMMS is like an annoying amount of open source software nowadays...a cheap imitation of something that already exists (Winamp, in this case.) Even the new gmc is a crappy imitation of Windows explorer! Why is it that people don't expand on the opportunity to write new, useful software instead of wasting it on knockoffs?
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I wonder how hard it is to hack a plugin. Someone should add a XMP [] plugin to XMMS. Yeah, I know it already uses Mikmod [] but XMP supports quite a lot of module formats, including some old Amiga formats I'd love to hear with XMMS (SoundFX, Digibooster and others).

    And the /dev/sequencer support is good for slower machines.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    Yeah. I miss good ol' SoundApp on the Macintosh. Simple, beautiful standard interface. Not all these bitmaped blinky movy thingies.

    I *really* wish that xmms ran as a daemon, just doing the decoding without that annoying interface. That way, anyone could write a client to control it (and you could use multiple ones at a toolbar xmms control). Supposedly xmms's decoding engine is pretty good, but if you want to use it, you're stuck with the xmms interface (not designed for title bars, bitmapped everything, etc.)
  • by Anonymous Coward
    what is xmms? honest, i'm not trolling. the website seems to be slashdotted.

  • i see two problems with your posting here...

    a. this program is open source, something as trivial as that could easily be fixed.. why don't you fix it? submitting a patch with an option would be a great idea...

    b. i'm betting that the problem is with gtk's file dialog boxes, not xmms specifically.. so poke around where you should be.

  • Wow, offtopic gets score of 2. Keep up the great moderating, folks! :^)
  • Ok, before reading on, please realize this is a flame.

    Listen, XMMS is a media player, currently mostly audio (with the exception of the Id Software .cin player.) It's mostly for playing audio, OK? Not for looking pretty. Look for demos if you want eye candy. :^)

    I'd rather use XMMS...AlsaPlayer pretty much requires Alsa (the alternative sound drivers) while XMMS can play on free, Alsa, and the licensed OSS drivers (among others, I've been told). And, it stays crunchy in milk.
  • OK, that has got to be the *dumbest* thing I have ever read.

    OK, perhaps that's partially true, but the fact is, when X11Amp was started, there weren't any really good X11R6-based MP3 players. X11Amp followed the WinAmp model (IMH-but not informed-O) mainly because much of the free software world follows a good model. This is the explanation for KDE, GNOME, AbiWord, Gnumeric, and a whole host of free apps.

    However, I feel that I use a superior platform--I try to make Windows users have Linux envy at least once a day. :^) (How 'bout a shell script that simultaneously rips a CD, encodes it, and dumps to a Rio without wasting disk space? Cost ya at least $50 on Windows. :^)
  • I program, indeed, I have done a great deal of work on such projects as rpm, bigloo, xawtv, STk, and Crystal Space. I just don't have time to delve into this one at the moment, particularly since I have found a workaround: gqmpeg. I have tried to report this problem to the developers but I haven't gotten a sense that they have noticed.
  • Hmm, I think you got it backwards :)

    AlsaPlayer supports ALSA, OSS (Free and Commercial), Esound, SGI, Sparc, and even socket based output.

    XMMS on the other hand doesn't support ALSA officially, I wonder why? *g*

  • If anyone wants RPMs of most of the XMMS plugins (src rpms or ppc rpms) check out and

    They're very simple - for default installs of XMMS only, but they work.
  • none of these plug-ins will work without xmms-devel or the xmms source installed

    My plugin (waterfall []) includes the necessary XMMS headers in my distribution. Always beta test before a contest. :)

    I wish they'd list which ones don't include source. I only have Sun Ultra 5s locally right now, so there's no point in downloading a bunch of x86 binaries.

  • This is an odd forum for a bug report.
    If you're using version 0.9, please email me details. Otherwise, I know what the problem is and you should upgrade.
  • Does anyone know if there are any XMMS icecast source
    plugins in the works?

    On a related note, are there any docs covering writing clients
    for IceCast/Shoutcast?


  • Very funny, albiet even more unintellible than most of Hitchhikers Guide. I sure wish people would read this before they moderated it down, it's probably the best comment out there for this (rather unexciting) article.
  • Spawned from the ashes? That's a bit dramatic, they just changed the name, iirc because they where afraid of problems from the winamp people.
  • cool, i'll try it once i get X again.

    I don't like the new E's actualy tho. ;-)

  • I sometimes use gnome, mostly so i can run gnomeicu, but yah, the startmenu/k/cool little feet are becoming annoying. i prefer the early enlightenment ones. eg bout e DR 0.9.0ish.

  • Blursk is my favorite. I like how with the right settings (contour lines, bump effect, and the right blur selection) it can look a lot like water. The ability to randomize all the settings would be nice though.
  • Well, you need to no longer start a GNOME session. When you login, select one of the other options your display manager offers. I would do a straight X session; you can then set things up as the God of Unix Meant Them to Be;-)

    I am quite fond of fvwm2 []; others like WindowMaker or AfterStep []. If you have a slower computer, blackbox [] is very good. Be aware that with any of these, but especially fvwm2 or blackbox, you will feel as though you've gotten a processor upgrade. Everything is faster. Part of this is the lack of Gnome/KDE stuff running. Part of this is that these window managers are significantly faster than E or kwm.

    Personally, I'd like to try out sawmill []. It looks neat, and it uses Lisp to control everything. Pretty cool.

  • Seriously, I think the moderators just assumed that this was one of those auto-generated complaints that keep getting posted... hehe, weird stuff man.


    "You can't shake the Devil's hand and say you're only kidding."

  • Great signature. Actually, I should change my sig. I've been using E-16.3 for a while now.

    What distro are you using? If it is debian, you can install the menu package which creates consistent menus for all software installed via debs for each window-manager.

    Debian rocks!

  • What I'm missing is a plugin to play something other than music, e.g. MPEG video, XMMS stands for X MultiMedia System, I don't think playing audio only is a MultiMedia System.
    Why not make it a real MMS and make it play other things ?!?!?
  • If that wasn't bad enough, it took me a while to figure out that the version of xmms & xmms-devel that came with RHAT 6.1 are not up-to-date enough to compile these plugins. (xmms/util.h is missing)

    Now I've updated them and it's compiling like a charm :-)

  • it does look better than winamp, in fact.. there's a utility to use with xmms.. kint_xmms, i think it is.. [] but what does WinAmp do that xmms can't do..? I haven't found anything I miss from WinAmp...just curious
  • i've been using Linux-Mandrake 6.1 for about a month now..

    that's cool.. I've been postulating using Debian for some time now..

    sounds like a neat feature..

  • I may be wrong, but it seems opened up a competition to see who could come up with the best plugin for xmms.. the prize being..? i haven't read the details of the competition yet.. but if these plugins are any better than the few that come with xmms.. then they should kick some ass!
    I personally like the 3d OpenGL analyer.. ;)
  • I used to use ONLY WM up to like 0.61.0, then after i saw E 0.16.2, i switched..

    one advantage of this was that E detected the Gnome apps I had installed and they're available off the normal desktop menu (right-click).. same with KDE stuff..

    once in a while I start the panel but that's becoming more and more rare.. that seems to take quite a bit of memory..

  • Every time I try to kill the panel, it comes back!!! I don't care for it, so how can I get rid of it and keep it from starting when gnome starts up? I only use GNOME for the control center, occasionally...
  • There is more of a variety of input plugins for winamp which are useful. For example, .nsf and .spc players (nintendo and snes music, well okay it's not THAT cool but it's still a feature when you want to annoy the hell out of someone). Also, winamp's mod plugin is a little better because you can skip to different parts of the mods and there is actually a file info box. But if you only use mp3s, there really isn't much to be missed.
  • I liked Blursk and Synaesthesia plug-ins. OK, Synaesthesia is not a new thing, but I've always liked it more than any other single visualizer (or at least any other single mode in any programs ;) so... ;)

    Blursk is nice because of the number of options and the general blurry feeling. I'd wish that all options could be made to change randomly, though.

    Other plug-ins were quite OK, but didn't make me drool like those two.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    For your point and clicking pleasure, I took the liberty of linking these...

    UK -
    US (virginia)- []
    US (los angeles)- []
    US (maryland)- []
    Holland- []
    Germany- []
  • GnomeICU doesn't require panel, gnome-session or anything else. You need to have the gnome libraries present, but if you launch it with a -a (eg "gnomeicu -a") it won't try and dock to the panel.

    Pretty damn convenient considering E16 handles both GNOME and KDE apps, and considering I despise panels, bars, or anything else that eats up 1/8 of my screen w/o providing any useful functionality. I get both KDE and GNOME functionality, a fucking awesome WM, and GnomeICU.

    odds of being killed by lighning and
  • Umm... XMMS already supports {ice,shout}cast streams. Just make "xmms %s" the handler for mime type audio/x-scpls, extension .pls in Netscape
  • Of course, XMMS already supports playing ShoutCAST/Icecast streams, although I find on my P120 that it plays the streams much too slowly. I'm not sure whether this is because of my processor or because of a flaw in XMMS.

    As for a streamer for XMMS (similar to the ShoutCAST plugin in for WinAmp) which would enable you to send your playing output to a *cast server, there isn't one. That is the one plugin I'm disappointed that I didn't see. It'd be great to be able to stream directly from XMMS and take advantage of everything that XMMS has to offer (perl modules, ease-of-use, etc.)
  • As it is it always canonicalizes your path -- if you organize your music directories using symbolic links it forgets which symbolic link you navigated into a directory by and puts you in the "real" directory. So I can't poke around all my romantic period music, it always dumps me back in the "by name" directory.
  • Hey, why don't we make the plugins themeable!

    No, I'm kidding. Sorry.

    It's an interesting idea, and experimentaiton is good - but you do have to think about the product at the business end of your process - if we printed on round paper a round wordprocessor would make sense.

    What's important is to figure out what it is that people would prefer to do, if they'd thought of it, but haven't yet.

  • Never used Winamp myself...does it run on Linux? ;-)
  • XMMS is like an annoying amount of open source software nowadays...a cheap imitation of something that already exists (Winamp, in this case.)

    No, XMMS is not like WinAmp. WinAmp is an MP3 player for Win32. XMMS is an MP3 player for POSIX and X.

    More generally, if the only good programs are ones which do not build on existing concepts, we are in serious trouble. Thankfully, that is not the case.
  • I love the one that takes the fancy themes and makes xmms use them, but it's not really a plugin (unless it's changed since I used it).

    Nice idea though.

  • it's cause I have Karma to burn and forgot to check a box, FAQ it!

  • if ACs like you would log in, I could set my prefs to ignore ACs that aren't like you, dangit. Unless you really do have that much time on your hands, and are fighting both for good and evil.
  • binary eh, anybody see that FedEx commercial with the website designers...

    "Binary riddles, people love those."

    "It'll be obsolete by the time we walk out the doo, but that's o.k. We can come back and fix it."


    Gotta work that geek-PR angle, I mean.."postulating"!?!?


    :), sorry, I haven't flamed in a while, guess I need to play more Q3A. (now where's that "hide .sig" button, hmmm..;)
  • by Wah ( 30840 )
    there's no "r" in "doo".
  • About a.....I don't know his programming experiance, but just because you can code doesn't mean he can. I can only code very simple [] programs and I would have no idea where to start to program what he wants. This shouldn't be taken as a flame, but just relieze not everyone is a programmer. I see this assumption a lot when someone complains about something in Linux.
  • Sure, it's totally possible, but most display 2D acelleration is geared towards straight lines and rectangles.

    When windows9X does the non-standard windows, it's not actually making them round. It just creates a rectangular window, then hides everything outside of a boundary you specify. Great for all sorts of shapes, you don't lose acelleration, but it looks out of place in everything except sonique and programs like it.

    Many UI elements are based on windows being rectangular, like most are. I can't see a word processor being anything except like a sheet of paper, but like sonique (tho i have never used it), apps that do work in the back end (decoding/display only) would benefit from this, rather than those that do work in the front end (word processing).
  • Sorry, couldn't resist. I'm curious to see how low this message will be rated becasue of the title.

    ON TOPIC: XMMS is great. I find it to be much more stable than winamp, which in win98 atleast skips when I change pages in IE5.

    xmms is a sucky program for ugly bitches.get a life, get winamp

    Does using Winamp mean you have a life? I usually use mpg123, what does that make me?

    as always... tied up and petrified

  • Well, your plugin sounds like a cool idea, and I appreciate that you included the headers so that it would compile - but I'm afraid I can't vote for you, because the window for your plugin stays completely black all the time.
  • They weren't ready for the Slashdot effect, were they? ;-)

    But seriously, I would like to suggest to anyone who is actually reading this, when you submit a story to Slashdot, submit the list of mirror sites if there are any. Only the biggest sites can handle the flash crowd that we generate on a hot story. As an example, my .sig is referring to the Linux Drivers Petition. It couldn't even get through to them the day the story was first posted.
  • xmms (X MultiMedia System) is a WinAmp-like program for Linux/X-Windows.. it was spawned from the ashes of X11Amp if I'm not mistaken.. and some distros still include x11amp..

    so you use it to play mp3's and as someone has mentioned there's a utility to give it a way cool front end..
    available here..

    it also has pointers to sites with skins you can use.


  • The anti-XMMS-website-falling-on-its-ass-thanks-to-Sla shdot plugin...

  • screw karma, screw all the crap, perhaps a tip for some people would be helpful. Tired of the grits/natalie portman/stupid flaming 12-yearolds who make you sick crap? don't even want it to begin to exist on your slashdot thing? well, perhaps i can be of assistance. go into your preferences, and set the thing marked "-1 penalty if under x characters" (paraphrasing) ungodly high, and start surfing one point lower. It'll make all -1s go invisible, and presto, you've got an asshole free slashdot experience.

    and if you don't care for me posting this, screw you....I'm not here to make friends, i'm here to garner knowledge that (seemingly) trustworthy people may have, and, strip the noise from the signal.

    Mail me if you have any tips to deal with this situation.
  • [] even has a Natalie Portman Winamp Skin [].
  • by PurpleBob ( 63566 ) on Wednesday January 12, 2000 @04:48PM (#1378152)
    It's funny, because if xmms didn't exist, you or some other casual Linux user would be complaining about the lack of a program like Winamp. I hardly think xmms is cheap - it does its job very well.

    I also wonder what you mean by "wasting it" - what is "it"? Time? People write software like this in their spare time, and they write what they want to. If they had to write software that they didn't want to write, it wouldn't be fun anymore.

    Anyway. I agree that we need better software, and maybe a killer app or two, but it's still important to keep up with ubiquitous Windows software.

    Your post is written quite like a troll. I'm glad some moderator realized that your post does, in fact, make some kind of point.
  • by PurpleBob ( 63566 ) on Wednesday January 12, 2000 @04:50PM (#1378153)
    I'm sure this would probably be pretty obvious to an experienced Linux user, but nowhere does it mention that none of these plug-ins will work without xmms-devel or the xmms source installed. That was kind of annoying until I figured it out.
  • by Greg Merchan ( 64308 ) on Wednesday January 12, 2000 @03:58PM (#1378154)
    I've been wondering...instead of just making apps themable, would it be possible to make them modular/skinable/etc.?

    More generally, how far can non-rectangular apps go? For example, could one create a word processor whose main window is a circle? I don't mean just the outer frame with menus or toolbars, but the actual text entry window. Of course, most language don't work that way, but is there the possibility of a meta- or para-language that could utilize such a display?

    Granted, it would be weird/alien/scary for a while, but is anyone even considering such things?

    I can think of three apps that 'break out of the box'. There's the Hyperbolic Tree apps from Inxight, The Brain from I don't know who, and the file manager I started to write 'FxM []' which is currently on hold while I do more planning.
  • by Capt Dan ( 70955 ) on Wednesday January 12, 2000 @02:33PM (#1378155) Homepage
    To be fair to everyone who put in time and effort writing plugins for the competition...

    Before you vote, please try the latest versions of all the competition plugins. A lot of them have changed drastically since they were first submitted to the competition, fixing a lot of bugs in the process.

    A lot of people spent a bunch of time writing these plugins, so please, at least do them the honor of seeing their work.

    "You want to kiss the sky? Better learn how to kneel." - U2
  • by Sadfsdaf ( 106536 ) on Wednesday January 12, 2000 @03:14PM (#1378156)
    Here's a few mirrors of the sites.

    Note- You still can't vote, it's just to get the plug-ins to evaluate... at least u can make an informed desicion before you vote ;-)

    UK -
    US (virginia)-
    US (los angeles)-
    US (maryland)-

You can now buy more gates with less specifications than at any other time in history. -- Kenneth Parker
