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GNU is Not Unix

Interview: Learn About the FreeDOS Project 166

This week's interview guest is Jim Hall, founder of the FreeDOS project. Jim isn't rich or famous, just an old-fashioned open source contributor who helped start a humble but useful project back in 1994 and still works on it as much as he can. FreeDOS is the DOS behind DOSEmu, so if you've used any DOS programs (like games) under Linux, you've benefited from Jim's work. One question per post, please. Moderators do the question selection, with editorial help only if there are duplicate or overlapping questions. Cutoff for questions and moderation is Tuesday noon, U.S. EST. Jim's answers will appear Friday.
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Interview: Learn About the FreeDOS Project

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  • Just wondering what Jim thinks the future of emulation in general will be. It seems to me that we're seeing more and more emultion being used in ever more corporate companies - the pinnacle so far being Transmeta's crusoe Intel x86 emulator.

    So where are we going - and how far will it take FreeDOS?

  • Seriously, whatever happened to the Larry Augustin interview? I had a really good question pending but for some reason the interview answers never got posted. I don't mind if I don't get an answer to my question, but it's kind of insulting for YOU not to explain why we didn't get a promised story.
    This comment powered by Mozilla!
  • What is the single most important task you have ever accomplished using FreeDOS?
  • by 8Complex ( 10701 ) on Monday January 24, 2000 @06:10AM (#1343661)
    I found out about this a while ago, when I first heard about Litestep [], but I've always wondered one thing...

    Could you rewrite a version of DOS that'll work with Windows 9x and have the correct slashes ( / ) in the filesystem instead of those bass-ackward ones ( \ ) that are always in the wrong spot to type quickly?

    - 8Complex
  • by ucblockhead ( 63650 ) on Monday January 24, 2000 @06:10AM (#1343662) Homepage Journal
    While it is very nice to have some sort of non-MS DOS available (at least for us gamers), it still basically 15-20 year old technology. How much longer do you think DOS, or DOS emulation, will be necessary?
  • ... it will work with most other versions of dos, including DRDOS 7.x, MSDOS 6.x and (i believe) Windows 95 DOS. Of course, these aren't free software. freedos is a bit different in design from msdos/drdos, for example it has a \bin directory which contains dos programs, and other unix-like directories. Also, you don't need dosemu to use freedos! It might seem obvious, but if you have an old 386 with msdos 3.3, and you want to be able to have partitions > 32 mb, then freedos could be a good bet. (For the price of msdos you could buy a new (second-hand) computer).
  • God, I wish....

    But I suspect the problem here is the huge number of DOS command line programs that use '/' the way Unix uses '-'.
  • I was once an enthuastic supporter of dos back when it was a viable os. When I saw the freedos project I was quite interested in getting it to work for me in some way. However what turned me off fight from the start was that development seemed a bit; how shall I put this: slow. I have since moved to linux and still run a partition that relies on MSDOS for some things.

    Will development increase in capacity, and have you met your goals? I have also read your documentation and you implied that a 32 bit extension to the dos package was at some future time going to be implimented at some future date; you also said that if people didn't like what you had they could move to linux. My related question is when will you be able to impliment these features (32 bit) to your dos project.
  • FreeDOS has been a wonderfully successful piece as a component of larger systems. Many *nix users make regular use of it as part of DOSEmu.

    16bit Windows emulation is available (not perfect but, available) using WINE.

    What, if anything, can you shed on development of Win32 emulation? Will we someday be able to run W95/98 apps in emulation or, are we consigned to pressuring developers to support cross platform?
    "For every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, neat, and wrong."

  • Since you must be very well acquainted with the internals of DOS, are there any parts of it that have struck you either as being very clever in a hackerish sort of way, or very clumsy and kludgy (in an equally hackerish sort of way)?

    Whilst we all loathed DOS when it was around, there was no debating that it was danged fast for some things, and its complete lack of abstraction was fun for games programmers and the like who got to cut through to the hardware when it suited them (and when it didn't!). Do you miss this rawness and freedom in more protective environments like Unix and Win32?
  • by Wholeflaffer ( 64423 ) on Monday January 24, 2000 @06:18AM (#1343669) Journal
    Do you think this sort of project is only suitable for dead or dying software? By this I mean, DOS hasn't been in significant development for a while now, so making a clone is like reconstructing a static subject. Do you think your project could have been successful during the time of MS-DOS 6.0, or instead do you think commercial developers would have torpedoed your efforts by redesigning their next release to be less cloneable?

  • by Fnkmaster ( 89084 ) on Monday January 24, 2000 @06:20AM (#1343670)
    Where do you see the future of OS/hardware emulation and binary compatibility going, with more new architectures coming out (Crusoe, Merced, etc.)? Do stand-alone legacy OS clones like Free-DOS have a place in this evolving landscape or will backwards compatibility eventually become entirely modularized within compatibility layers in next generation OSes?
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Is it possible that FreeDOS has an embedded future. It has what you need...almost. FreeDOS is (obviously) free(TM) software, small, fast (enough). Being dos, It could be moved to realtime easily, if it isn't close enough already. You may consider some tools to help advance into this area. I might even use it to control the house... hmmm. I wouldn't need unix multi{user|tasking}, or it's size. Sound's like a winner.
  • by Paul Neubauer ( 86753 ) on Monday January 24, 2000 @06:22AM (#1343672)
    I've played a bit with FreeDOS (Beta3) on a spare 386 some. I will likely be trying Beta4 (or later, depending on my time..) in the foreseeable future. I'm reasonably impressed with the "lite" setup version. (Though warning a third disk, blank, may be needed would be a Good Idea, IMO.)

    What do you feel are the remaining steps that must be taken to move from beta to the first non-beta version? No, I am NOT asking time to that release, that is always 'longer than desired.' And thank you for your time.
  • There are two things that could make me put FreeDOS back on. Can You tell me if I can:
    (1) "mount" an ext2 device as a drive.
    (2) Boot Free DOS from somewhere besides the first partition on the first drive. MS WinDOS 98 is already hda1, because they never intend to fix that bug. So to run Freedos without floppies, it has to be able to boot from somewhere else.

    And one other question
    (3) Unix shell - What's the best replacement that:
    Has built in unix commands(ls,rm) instead of those dos things(dir,...)
    Lets me use / for path separators and - for switches.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    There actually is an explicit "system call" (int21 service) in DOS, going at least as far back as 3.0, defined for both querying and redefining both the pathing character ("\") and the switch character for option parsing ("/") that DOS applications are supposed to use. However, MS-apps have generally disregarded this part of the (MS-)DOS application interface.
  • by Doug Dante ( 22218 ) on Monday January 24, 2000 @06:27AM (#1343675)
    There are a lot of pseudo embedded DOS based systems out there. My previous employer had a remote access concentrator product in this category, and paid a non-trivial sum per box to Microsoft for DOS 5.0, a product that Microsoft refused to support. Unfortunately, I was unable to convince management to give Free DOS a try.

    Has Free DOS made any progress in these types of markets? Are people using Free DOS to replace MS-DOS in these pseudo embedded systems?
  • by Anonymous Coward
    dos is still very much in use.

    Quite apart from the number of older games that use dos (doom, xcom-apocalypse & master of orion, to name but 3), it is very much in evidence as an embedded operating system.

    Before you start screaming about embedded linux shut up and listen. A lot of machines use 16 bit (and even 8 bit) x86 clones which require a *lightweight* operating system & development environment.

    One example that springs immediately to mind is portable data collection terminals - I spent some time in a previous job programming handheld barcode scanners. Environment? MS C 1.5 (or early borland) compiling to 80186 code running on DRDOS.

    I wont advertise but this ancient, obsolete and, above all *usefull* equipment happens to be the best selling data collection system around.

    One thing DOS gives is a system with a miniscule overhead. Despite being ancient, ugly and generally less than sexy it isnt going anywhere.

  • But it is true, DOS has been the #1 OS for about 15 years, but we only
    have Windows as the primary OS for about 5 years. And the DOS development
    isn't dead yet, but the commercial software vendors have forgotten DOS.
    For example some shops (at least here in the Netherlands) still use DOS
    software for accounting, etc.
  • You obviously havn't checked Wine out lately. It runs 32bit apps better than 16bit apps in the majority of cases. I've even heard from somebody who has had IE5 running on it.
  • by sparkes ( 125299 ) on Monday January 24, 2000 @06:40AM (#1343681) Homepage Journal
    I used to program dos back when it payed the bills and used undocumented dos a lot. What was harder? replicating the undocumented by MS but very well documented by third parties code or the bog standard should have been documented better calls? Sparkes
  • 90% of desktop computers around today run on a dos kernel of some sort (this includes windows 95).

    Windows 9x does not run on a dos Kernel, the main system controler is vmm32.vxd, I think and it is not based on anyway on Legacy dos code. NT has its own Kernel as well. Just being DOS compatable does not make an operating system a version of DOS. Infact Linux is probably more DOS compatable (with DOSemu) then NT.

    Saying that windows95/98 runs on DOS is ether pure FUD or pure ignorance

    [ c h a d o k e r e ] []
  • by BacOs ( 33082 ) on Monday January 24, 2000 @06:41AM (#1343684) Homepage
    I have recently setup a client with a Linux server running DOSEMU and one of the requirements was to access network shares from within the DOSEMU session using LREDIR or emufs.sys.

    We had to deploy the system with MS-DOS 6.22 (in other words we could not deply the system using Free DOS) because FAQ 6.1 of the DOSEMU FAQ [] says "First make sure you aren't using DosC (the FreeDos kernel), because unfortunately this can't yet cope with the redirector stuff. " (I know it doesn't work - I tried anyway :) )

    Anyway, my question is, when will FreeDOS work with redirection?
  • Um, there's not such thing as an 8-bit x86 CPU, the first the 8086 was a 16-bit word machine, on a 16 bit bus, and the second, the 8088 was a compatable 16-bit word macine on an 8-bit bus. If you've ever done any DOS assembly programing, as I have, you would know that DOS is entirely a 16 bit system.

    [ c h a d o k e r e ] []
  • by Effugas ( 2378 ) on Monday January 24, 2000 @06:44AM (#1343686) Homepage
    The DVD CCA's argument has essentially become, had MS thought in advance to include but a single sentence in a license agreement, FreeDOS could have been supressed.

    How do you feel about this, and what advantages do you feel society has a whole has received from the fruits of your reverse engineered labors? Similarly, what harms would we have as a society if you could never have rewritten DOS?

    Yours Truly,

    Dan Kaminsky
    DoxPara Research
  • by MrHat ( 102062 ) on Monday January 24, 2000 @06:44AM (#1343687)
    A previous Slashdot article [] included reactions to the settling of Caldera's lawsuit regarding DR-DOS, their non-free DOS clone. What are your feelings on the lawsuit and its settlement? Even though your development isn't focused upon running Windows, have you ever run into any similar "forced incompatibility" issues (Microsoft-related or otherwise)?
  • by jd ( 1658 ) <<moc.oohay> <ta> <kapimi>> on Monday January 24, 2000 @06:45AM (#1343688) Homepage Journal
    DOS had some fascinating internals, some of which were never really exploited or realised. One example was the disk drive. DOS supported, at the machine-instruction level, 127 floppy drives and 127 hard drives, for example. Indeed, some early PCs came with 4 floppy drives as standard.

    What is FreeDOS' take on such quirks? In other words, where the system call specification is more general than what was actually implemented, are you referring back to the specification or what Microsoft actually coded?

  • As in Unix, most DOS programmers seem determined to reinvent the wheel where things like options-parsing are concerned.
  • Pure FUD? I suppose that's why it was so easy for Caldera folks to make a tiny tweak to DR-DOS to get Windows 95 to run on it.
  • I remember in Win3.1 whenever i went to File/Copy in File Manager you could put / in the path of the directory you wanted to copy (or move) the file to.
    I tried it once for a laugh and it worked. I just typed c:/emu/snes or something.
    I suppose that isn't really a DOS question though, sorry for wandering off topic
  • It's funny, I remember a number of places I used to work at in the late eighties had a standard "\bin" directory for DOS developement...

    The one time I wish I had freedos was when I was installing Linux on an older Pentium machine. I had wanted to use nothing but open source tools to get it going, but the CD-ROM was not bootable. I had to boot the thing on something to get the drive partitioned.

    I personally don't have much use for DOS emulation on my Linux box. Perhaps if I didn't have the old Windows thing for games... But I am somewhat interested in a DOS type thing for embedded systems, especially if it could be extended beyond what DOS itself does.
  • Are there any newer games that use DOS? It seems as if MS has been successful at getting game makers to use Windows. I think XCom-Apocalypse was the last game I played that used DOS. (BTW: are you talking about Master of Orion, or Master of Orion II? Master of Orion II came with both DOS and Win32 versions on the same CD. (The DOS version performed better, but with the hardware advances since then, it doesn't really matter today.)

    The thing with embedded Linux vs. DOS is that (it seems to me) there are many things that you just don't need in many embedded applications. A small, dedicated device usually doesn't need multiple users, security, or multitasking. Those things just become overhead. I worked for years on a cash register application on hardware with essentially no OS, at it was fine for the task at hand.
  • Please add to this question: I think that the problem with LREDIR is the same with network. My question is: Will someday FreeDOS support network assigned drive letters, using Netware VLM.EXE, MS-Client, LANtastic, etc? IMHO this is a good step in the direction of thin workstations.
  • by the time they thought to put directories in they'd already got saddled with \ 'cos for some insane reason they'd used / for options so if you had a directory /V then
    copy *.* /v
    Would be a problem because /v is the option to verify the copy (which incidentally only verifies that a file was written not that the data is correct)
    This is also a lose lose because the \ key is one of those keys that moves around on international keyboards and their key-maps. It pays to keep in mind that you can get to it using alt-092.

  • IIRC, A win95 system boots DOS, uses that to configure PnP devices and load the win95 system files (kernel32.dll, vmm32.vxd, etc). Then the win95 stuff takes over, pulls the system up into 32-bit mode and unloads DOS. DOS funcions like a bootloader for win95. However, the win95 kernel can still run, so depending on your definition of DOS, win95 may be DOS or it may not.

    As for not being based on legacy code, I have a hard time believing that MS would do a clean rewrite of all the DOS bits that were included into win95. They already had a functional, why rewrite it instead of modifying the existing code?
  • This might have more to do with the usefulness of freedos beyond being able to run legacy programs or mind bogging fast DOS games :)

    Would it be possible at some point to install FreeDOS without using floppies? Or more precisely, would it be possible to install FreeDOS using an El Torito CD-ROM or a ZIP disc? I've got a Linux-only box where I simply refuse to put a floppy disk drive (IMO the floppy is dead), but I have a little problem: I can't flash the BIOS (neither the motherboard nor the graphics card BIOS) from Linux (there was a project to do that, but it got assassinated). Since I don't want to install Windows (and pay US$120) to flash a BIOS, my next option is to use DOS. MS-DOS is not an option (it's hard to find someone who has it, and the installation media is floppy disks, so it's back to square one). FreeDOS seems like an option, except that I haven't been able to install it using neither a CD-ROM nor a ZIP disc (which is the only removable media my box has)

    So, I think there must be hundreds of similar uses for FreeDOS, and I was wondering if it's planned to take it just a bit further than its predecessor. Bring DOS into this millenium, so to speak.
  • by emanon ( 85076 ) on Monday January 24, 2000 @07:32AM (#1343705)
    AFAIK there is no 'NETWORK REDIRECTOR' or equivalent for FreeDOS at all.

    Please comment on what effort(s) you see as needed to NFS network a FreeDOS machine. (I'd be happy to give whatever help I can to get this done.)

    BTW- I am doing this with M$DOS and XFS, but AFAIK there is NO WAY to network FreeDOS and get a 'drive letter' which connects to a networked machine or to send LPT1: stuff to a remote printer.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    What do you think of some of the competitors of FreeDOS, such as DoriDOS and TostiDOS? DoriDOS in particular, with its Jay Leno ad campaign, seems to be a particularly formidable competitor. A lot of the major salsa companies are aligning themselves with TostiDOS. Does this worry you in any way? What will FreeDOS have to do to make sure that it stays on top of the pack?

  • I'm fairly certain that there are kernel patches that add this functionality(it's especially important for CD-ROM support )
  • if you use lilo, you can usually convince win98 to live somewhere else (note that it says in the docs this could break DMA drivers, but mine kept working, AFAICT). In lilo.conf :


    this swaps hda+hdc from windows' perspective, so it thinks it's on hda1, when it's on hdc1.
  • Not to be pedantic, but the argument that we should stop using DOS simply because it's "15-20 year old technology" is complete and utter bunk. We should stop using it for the quite a few reasons other than that. :-)

    DOS is dead, as well it should be. The concept of a single-user, single-tasking, unprotected memory space OS should have been dead and buried a long, long time ago. The scheduler for DOS is laughable at best, and please don't even mention threading. DOS was never designed to go anywhere but a single PC, unattatched to any network. That's a huge issue today when even your microwave oven [] has a Net connection. We are becoming a wired society, and the operating systems we use should reflect that.

    I guess I just take issue with your assertion that only the "latest and greatest" is worth anything. If you'll recall, the seemingly favorite platform of the majority of Slashdot has it's origins over thirty years ago. [] Just because something is old, doesn't mean it isn't worth anything. Look at the technical merits of DOS (or anything else, for that matter) before viewing its usefulness in the future.

  • Windows 9x does not run on a dos Kernel, the main system controler is vmm32.vxd, I think and it is not based on anyway on Legacy dos code. NT has its own Kernel as well. Just being DOS compatable does not make an operating system a version of DOS. Infact Linux is probably more DOS compatable (with DOSemu) then NT.
    Now, here's where I have to differ with you. Since you've never dug into the internals of Win9x (or, at least, this piece of the internals), I'm going to give you step by step directions on how to see that Win9x is still just a shell over the top of DOS, just like Win3.1.
    1. attrib -r -h -s c:\msdos.sys
    2. edit msdos.sys with your favorite text only editor
    3. Change the line which reads "BootGUI=1" to read "BootGUI=0"
    4. Save the file
    5. attrib +r +h +s c:\msdos.sys
    6. Reboot your PC
    7. Wait until you get your familiar old DOS prompt back.
    8. Type in "WIN", and press
    As you can see, it's not very complicated. Win9x is nothing but a DOS shell, just like Win3.1. The only important difference is that the new version of DOS (version 7.0 as of Win95) automatically loads the shell, whereas with Win3.1 it required extra action to make sure it was loaded either in the form of the install program appending to autoexec.bat, the user doing so, or the user typing "win" every time he wanted to get into windows).
    Win9x is only the newest version of DOS. WinNT is not, and doesn't use a DOS kernel. Win9x has a DOS kernel.
  • AFAIK, the only major changes between DOS 6.22 and DOS 7.0 (MS flavours) would be the altering of IO.SYS (the kernel and semi-bootstrap code) to parse msdos.sys as a text file (rather than the separate machine code half it was before, ala ibmbio.sys and ibmio.sys), and force the loading of a few extra .sys files from the windows dir.. Not to mention the "lovely" new boot logo..

    Windows "milennium" claims to do away with it, but I think they just tuned io.sys a bit more to not allow a any more. Otherwise, Windows 95 (all revs) and Windows 98 (all revs) would work just fine on any recent DOS kernel (FreeDOS, PCDOS, etc) that supported whatever features the .sys files needed before swapped the machine to protected mode, and loaded the various Windows components.
  • In the book "Undocumented Windows 95", all of this is explained very clearly.

    The posters here are only partially correct. Win9x boots from DOS and (natively) uses one or two DOS functions (for setting/reading the system clock, for example). You can also use DOS drivers under Windows 9x, for things like networking or SCSI, and it works.

    However as soon as throws the machine into 32-bit mode, 99% of the OS functions (depending on how many DOS drivers are loaded) are handled by the Win9x kernel. At this point a copy of DOS is kept in memory and used to fork a "DOS Window". So you are correct that Windows9x does not run on a DOS kernel, but incorrect to say that does not contain real old fashion MS-DOS.

    (Windows NT emulates DOS in a simlar way to Linux. I wouldn't be shocked if the implementation was better on Linux.)

  • What is your position towards Lineo's DrDos []?
    What's theirs towars FreeDOS?

  • (sorry for the repost, first was as AC)

    Some of us developed Open-Source UNIX console apps that are strict ANSI-C. Without leaving the comfort of our UNIX machines, we can use dos-gcc to make .exe files to distribute along with our tar.gz's and rpm's.

    My question to you is, how do you get the rest of the "culture" right for the DOS distro, if you're unwilling to immerse yourself in DOS by using it? I'm basically talking about doing all the stuff that "rpm -i" does automatically on a Linux box, along with issues like portable uses of the ANSI system() and getenv() to do things like find a local C compiler and execute it from your C program. Is there a HOW-TO or FAQ about making your UNIX console program fit (as opposed to work) in a DOS world? Thanks in advance!

    P.S. To put the question in perspective, the app I actually maintain is a program that generates C files, thus the compilation issue.

  • by evil_one ( 142582 ) on Monday January 24, 2000 @08:36AM (#1343730) Homepage
    I recall early in the beta 1 days of freedos, reading about LBA support and possibly VFAT and Fat32 support. How has the freedos project considered these goals in recent times, and are these goals attainable?
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I was wondering, since there are still some bugs to work out in the kernel, what is stopping you from doing some good, clean room, reverse engineering (ala the original Compaq BIOS) with the DR-DOS source code. What I mean is; gather up three teams, completely unknown to each other. Team One reads the DR-DOS source, and compiles a very detailed functional spec, and leaves it under a trash can. Team Two "finds" it under the trash can, and creates a very detailed software design, then leaves the software design under a rock. Team Three "finds" the design under the rock and "discovers" what it is for and writes the code.
  • Well, it was a question, not an assertion. But in any case, it is not a matter of origins but technology. Unix is over thirty years old, but it has been updated to more modern things like SMP and Transmeta chips. It is a modern OS. It is not that DOS is twenty years old. It is that DOS is still designed to run on twenty year old systems. It still doesn't even do 32-bit addresses. It still doesn't even take advantage of 80386 instructions.

    (BTW: I suppose you could say that the DOS schedular is laughable, in that it has none... I used to work with a DOS add-on scheduler, which is a tale in itself. (Genre:horror))

    Personally, I do see a future for DOS in the embedded world. But I see fewer reasons to bother with it on the desktop.
  • First of all, LILO is not an operating system. Secondly, if you don't want to mess with your MBR and use LILO, loadlin is a great program you can use to load Linux from DOS. I use loadlin because I have that problem of my Linux partition being above the 1024 cylinder so the BIOS can't load the kernel, loadlin solves this problem also. I wonder if FreeDOS could run loadlin?
  • not only \, but also /, -, and most of the other punctuation and extra characters "move around" on international keyboards.

    Even the letters from the alfabet are not always in the same place like the letters W, Z and Y, that's why some keyboards are called QWERTY, while others belong to the QWERTZ or the QZERTY family...


  • I can get a DOS prompt on my linux box with dosemu. Does this prove that linux is just a DOS shell?

    At the root prompt type "shutdown -h now". When all the deamons have been killed, and the kernel prints out it's "Safe to powerdown" message, type 'mode co 80'. See that DOS prompt there? No, I didn't think so.

    So, either 1 of 2 things are happening. One, Windows is running over the same old DOS kernel which isn't halted when the graphical shell was closed down, just like you'd see with Windows 3.11, *or* Microsoft wrote Windows 95 to boot up the DOS kernel after they halted the "Windows" kernel just to display the "It's safe to shutdown" screen. Somehow, I'm betting on the first theory to be more correct.

  • All I can do is keep calling and e-mailing VA Linux. I apologize for their not having come through as promised. It galls me more than it galls you, believe me.

    - Robin
  • First let me thank you from the bottom of my heart for demonstrating that:

    a) You read comments
    b) You care to respond
    c) You are continuing to follow up with VA Linux
    d) You feel bad about not posting the followup story

    Second, maybe you could let the /. community know, en-masse what the situation is? A quickie even?
    This comment powered by Mozilla!
  • >(1) "mount" an ext2 device as a drive.

    Don't hold your breath for this!

    >(3) Unix shell - What's the best >replacement that:
    > Has built in unix commands(ls,rm) instead of >those dos things(dir,...)
    > Lets me use / for path separators and - for >switches.

    Have you tried bash from cygwin32?
  • Lots of embedded stuff, like real embedded stuff, out there using freedos. The GPL makes using it on some types of embedded systems a bit iffy, but other than that it's nice for embedded single board computers of moderate complexity. It's nice to have a nice know quantity to work off of when doing rapid prototyping.

    I vaguely recall the Fred Eady?? from Circuit Cellar Ink [] running some articles on freedos in embedded PCs.

  • I have heard it is possible to network using some of the novell stuff.

    Is there any kind of HOW TO available?
  • The only question i want to have answered is: When will FreeDOS acheive the level of compatibility that MS-DOS and PC-DOS acheived in the early nineties?

    Recently I had a problem. I had an IBM Thinkpad 500 (486slc2-50, 12 megs ram, 540 meg hd) that had a few bad sectors on the hard disk.

    I didn't have any Linux floppies with mkdosfs, and MS-DOS format was bailing when it hit them.

    Too cheap to buy a new hard drive, and with lots of time on my hands (down with the flu), I decided that this was unacceptable, and that there must be some way to format around them.

    Obviously, the first option is to try one of the free (or free-ish) DOSes.

    I downloaded both FreeDOS and DR-DOS, made floppies.

    Now, what was disappointing was that the TP500, an admittedly weak notebook, can run MS-DOS, PC-DOS (obviously, shipped with it), any version of OS/2, Win95, Win98 (slowly), and Linux without any problems (other than crappy APM support in Win32) - both FreeDOS and DR-DOS completely refused to boot on it.

    I ended up digging out my old OS/2 Warp 4 maintenence disks and using OS/2's format -l2, which worked fine.

    I later read that FreeDOS will choke and die on hard drives larger than 528 megs. Also possibly (or maybe quite likely) corrupt the partition table as it dies.

    And that this has been a known problem for quite some time now.

    I don't think DR-DOS suffers from the same problem, since I've used it on systems with hard drives larger than 528 megs. Obviously there's some sort of deeper weirdness going on, but i can't imagine what.

    Granted, my specific problem may be related to the Thinkpad being oddly constructed. Some of these have BIOSs that don't report hard drive geometry, etc, tho this isn't one of them.

    But the hard drive limitation sticks out like a sore thumb.

    All I can say is, What's the deal?? Aren't there technical docs, even magazine articles about 10 years old that detail how Microsoft and IBM got around those sorts of limitations? I remember lengthy discussions about int13h, etc, adnausium in Byte, PC Mag, etc.

    Is it a lack of time? developer apathy? What's the excuse? It seems like these are problems that have been overcome before, that are probably documented somewhere.

    I guess I've said what i had to say. Please don't think I'm trying to be a jerk about this.

  • Can you give a link for SHUCDX ?

    It might help network redirector effort.

  • Secondly, if you don't want to mess with your MBR and use LILO, loadlin is a great program you can use to load Linux from DOS. I use loadlin because I have that problem of my Linux partition being above the 1024 cylinder so the BIOS can't load the kernel, loadlin solves this problem also.
    No need to even bother with that.

    I have a shiny new 27 gig drive that my fiancee gave me for Christmas. Partitioned like so:

    • /dev/hda1: ~16 megabytes, ext2, type 83, mounted on /boot. This is where I store my kernel(s). LILO is mounted in the superblock of this partition and presents the boot menu from there.
    • /dev/hda2: ~13 gigs, vfat. Windows 98.
    • /dev/hda3: ~13 gigs, ext2, type 83. Mounted on /
    • /dev/hda4: ~128 megs, swap, type 82.
    So you see, you neither need to rely on a Microsoft operating system to kick-start your Linux boot-up nor put LILO in your MBR. I'll grant you, though, that your method has some conveniences that mine lacks. (Namely, I was able to pick out my partitioning scheme before there was any data on the drive.)

    It's not my intention to come off as snotty or arrogant; I just wanted to point out there is an alternative.


  • by Ian Bicking ( 980 ) <<ianb> <at> <>> on Monday January 24, 2000 @10:17AM (#1343752) Homepage
    Are you ever tempted to make FreeDOS better than the original? Or are there ways in which you've already done that?

    And, relatedly, do you see places where MS seemed to plan to make DOS better, but instead let it languish while they worked towards Windows?

  • right on, and are there any cool embedded freedos reference projects, such as microwaves, mp3 players, network-enabled toasters, etc on the market?
  • Yes, djgpp is a very good example. Btw. GCC is not the only ported program, the've also ported the bash shell! So you don't have to use that lousy anymore. And the cp/mv/ls utilities, so you don't have to look at the dir layout, but you'll just feel like you're using a single-tasking Linux...
  • "The scheduler for DOS is laughable at best"

    Here's my implementation:

    void scheduler (void) {

    Ha haha.

    DOS doesn't even have a scheduler, so you can't laugh at what isn't there.

    DOS is essentially a program loader with some hardware abstractions. This is a very useful environment for a great many devices. You seem to think that the lack of multitasking is a huge problem. In the embedded world, a lot of things are built in hardware, and I wouldn't be surprised to see a TCP chip someday for these embedded devices. Anyway, for low datarate devices, DOS can handle TCP just fine.

    But, I wouldn't want to be the one building a DOS microwave oven...
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • As for not being based on legacy code, I have a hard time believing that MS would do a clean rewrite of all the DOS bits that were included into win95.

    Hrm, I'm not sure, I do think they would have had to have rewriten quite a bit though to get it to work in windows... For instance, int21 (hex) can be used to write to graphical DOS boxes, and uses Windows' 32bit file access mode (with cashing, DMA, etc). But who knows exactly how it works?

    [ c h a d o k e r e ] []
  • Windows dosn't run "on" DOS, it starts from dos, and then unloads DOS from the system (keeping environment for other DOS apps to use in). Thats like saying that NT is part of Linux beacuse the NT bootloader can start Linux.

    [ c h a d o k e r e ] []
  • by flaw ( 71168 ) on Monday January 24, 2000 @10:41AM (#1343759) Homepage
    I find DOS to be an extremely useful system, and a necessary one if you're running old hardware. I personally know know several students who contentedly write their essays on 286 machines using DOS WordPerfect or WordStar. I myself have an old PC XT, running DR DOS, networked to my Linux router using a DOS plip packet driver and wattcp. There's a lot of old hardware around, and I think that tcp/ip network connectivity is one of the most useful ways of breathing added vitality into old boxes. The problem with it now is that it can be a bear to setup (especially dialup ppp connections), and most of the people I know who would make use of it are not exactly computer enthusiasts.

    Looking through the FreeDOS software lists I don't see any mention of packet drivers, tcp/ip stacks, or pppd implementations. Are there any plans of integrating some form of tcp/ip network connectivity in future versions of FreeDOS? If so, would it be easier to setup then what is presently available?

    Keep up the good work, I've been watching FreeDOS for a while, and I'm looking forward to it's final release.

  • May I suggest some proof? Take win '95 (original, not OEM, Rev etc...). Shut down. Type:

    mode co 80 [enter]

    and tell me that isn't a DOS prompt... Looks a hell of a lot like win 3.1 to me with a "nice" little graphic displayed at the end to confuse people.

    What the hell does that prove? Do you know anything about Operating System Design? With Enlightenment, Linux Can "Look" like MacOS, does that mean it is MacOS? Clearly not.

    [ c h a d o k e r e ] []
  • Since you've never dug into the internals of Win9x (or, at least, this piece of the internals), I'm going to give you step by step directions on how to see that Win9x is still just a shell over the top of DOS, just like Win3.1.

    Yeh, your right, what was I thinking. After All, I've never done any pure assembly coding for windows only pure-DOS! What would I know. The only programming I've done for windows has been in C++!

    I'm going to give you step by step directions on how to see that Win9x is still just a shell over the top of DOS, just like Win3.1....

    WTF? You think I don't know what msdos.sys's BOOTGUI option does? Do you think I'm a moron? Let me ask you, what the hell does that have to do with whether or not windows is a shell for DOS, and why the hell wouldn't I just hit the F8 key at boot? BeOS starts in MacOS, NT can run in Linux, and Linux can run in NT.

    Lets play another game. Find the file called on your distro's CD. I know Red Hat has it. Copy the Linux kernel to a DOS partition and type " Linux.krl or" whatever. What happens? Why? Linux boots from DOS!!!! I guess that means Linux is just a shell for dos! I'm sure Linus will be surprised.

    Oh? What's that? You've never heard of I guess you must not know very much about Linux then.

    [ c h a d o k e r e ] []
  • Windows boots from DOS. Windows does not Use the functions of the MSDOS operating system while it is running. Load a large file into in pure dos mode, then try it in a windows DOS box. The DOS box is much faster, because of the 32bit DMA-enabled IO drivers.

    Windows is not DOS, Windows does not run 'on top' of DOS.

    [ c h a d o k e r e ] []
  • Yes, I was aware of the Fact that Windows keeps some of DOS "around" somewhere to be used for DOS apps to start, etc. But my main point, was that windows itself was not running on top of DOS. Really, kind of 'beside' it or something... I don't know.

    The part about the drivers is true though. It's a little muddled, but Saying that windows is a shell for dos is patently wrong.

    [ c h a d o k e r e ] []
  • So, if DOS was 16-bit, Amiga was 32-bit....

    Um... Ok...

    [ c h a d o k e r e ] []
  • It doesn't? Try this for fun:

    1. Open up MSDOS.SYS and set BootGUI=0.
    2. Delete C:\WINDOWS\LOGO*.SYS.
    3. Reboot

    You will see Windows start up at a DOS command prompt. Type 'WIN' to start Win9x. To get back to DOS, choose Shutdown from the Start Menu. You will be returned to a DOS prompt, ala Win3.1.

    If this doesn't prove Win9x is built on a DOS kernel, I don't know what does!
  • Well...I can assure you, that DOS has *barely* any kernel.

    It is just a bunch of system calls thru INT 21H - and hardly does anything the modern OS like Linux and NT scheduling, no concurrency, no paging, no protection, etc. (shell doesn't count)

    People are free to add "TSR" programs (basically extending the system calls) and redirect the interrupt vectors - basically extending the OS.

    I view Win3.x and Win9x as ways DOS is extended - they become one with DOS - and added layers on top of it. Just that this extension puts the processor into 32-bit protected mode and stays so.

  • by delmoi ( 26744 )
    Where exactly is the DOS kernel? I've seen people give instructions for memory location zero, but this, however would be the interupt vector table, not the "DOS kernel". The IVR is set by both the BIOS and by dos. If the Vector Table was really the DOS kernel, then it would prove without a doubt that its not the DOS kernel, beacuse win32 apps cannot ever call CPU interupts.

    [ c h a d o k e r e ] []
  • If this doesn't prove Win9x is built on a DOS kernel, I don't know what does!

    That's because your an idiot. I already covered a reply like that here []. I notice you've used the words built and on to describe the relationship between windows and DOS. All you produce is anecdotal evidence for it. Editing config files proves nothing about the underlying structure of an operating system

    [ c h a d o k e r e ] []
  • Of course, MS-DOS 6.22 is the most "compatible" DOS around, because everybody wrote for its bugs and quirks and used its drivers. What features do you want to see implemented better for compatibility? Also, have you guys considered (do any of you) work on the DOSEmu project? (I've been tempted to, just because I'd *love* to be able to properly run the Second Reality demo again...)


    Also, maybe we should try to interview the DOSEmu guys sometime, 'cause I have more questions for them.

    DOSEmu issues (not necessarily your problem :)

    The stuff I've had the biggest problems with under DOSEmu are probably Sound Support, DPMI, Video Support, and Mouse Support, in that order.

    I've managed to get MIDI working before (but I want to try it through Timidity)

    I've gotten sound on Star Control 2, (b/c it does DMA writes) and that's about it for sound. Other applications detect it, but can't use it, or they hang.
    (I realize there isn't much sound code fleshed out there... :)

    I had DPMI problems under OpenDOS, and when I tried FreeDOS it probably wasn't as far along as it is now. (good thing I still own MS-DOS 6.22 :)

    Video much over 320x200 generally doesn't work well for me, I don't know much about this in DOSEmu. Also palette support in X could use some work.

    And I had fun configuring the mouse options, and deciding whether I wanted to fake a Serial port and use the Microsoft drivers, or trust gpm to do it for me. I've gotten varying results, but eventually it works.

    Also, how's the DOSEmu project going, if anyone knows? I saw an update to the stable stuff, but nothing in development for a while. Do they need fresh blood sacrifices, or have people just lost interest?
    pb Reply or e-mail; don't vaguely moderate [].
  • Yes, 'beside' is a good way to think about it.

    On one hand you have Windows calling unmasked DOS and BIOS functions -- On the other hand DOS functions in the Win DOS box are actually calling Windows VXD drivers for most functionality.

    In Undocumented Windows 95, the author makes the point that this is actually how Windows 3.1 worked too, although Microsoft and 3rd parties neglected to ship VXD/386 drivers for most devices, relying instead on DOS drivers. (The notible exceptions were WfW networking and some sound card stuff.)

    In this light, Windows 9x is actually a kinda neat kludge that preserves 95% backward compatibility, even on the driver level, while providing the same API services as the "real" OS (NT). Unfortunately, Microsoft has put so much investment into the DOS/Win platform (USB, DirectX, etc), that many Win folk are running it even thought they wouldn't have any backward-compatibility issues with NT. (And on top of that memory requirements are now basically the same for both 98 and NT, eliminating another reason for the existance of Windows 9x.)
  • So, either 1 of 2 things are happening. ... Somehow, I'm betting on the first theory to be more correct.

    Actually both things can happen. By default, your first theory is how it works -- Windows just unloads, leaving you with the original version of DOS that loaded into conventional memory on boot. (Of course, this doesn't prove that Windows 9x isn't an operating system, just that it bootstraps from DOS. But any idjot could have told you that.)

    However, you can also configure it to behave like theory #2 -- just customize the DOSMODE.PIF file, and Windows will reboot into "DOS Mode" (err, actually DOS) with your custom config.sys/autoexec.bat. Typing EXIT reboots the computer back into Windows. This feature is there to allow easier access to apps that won't run under Windows but require special drivers.
  • Not just games. Young'uns forget that there were some very advanced application software packages available for DOS. Quite a few people still use WordPerfect, WordStar, Lotus 1-2-3, and Paradox and DBaseIII apps. Why not? You would be hard pressed to argue that these packages are that much less functional than modern versions (except for printing, which sucked under DOS).

    Just because the OS is uninteresting, it would be a shame to toss out a ton of interesting applications. (Of course, Games are interesting too!)
  • Since FreeDOS includes the full source code, can it be easily compiled on machines with different CPUs than x86 (such as Alpha, PowerPC, Sparc, StrongARM...)? I know this idea may sound weird, because it would also require to recompile DOS apps.

    On the other hand, FreeDOS might be an efficient OS on embedded systems and palmtops, perhaps more efficient than Linux and ELKS (the 16-bit Linux kernel subset) if hardware capabilities are seriously limited.

  • Why would you bother reverse engineering DR-DOS? It's only 95% PC/MS DOS compatible, and has all sorts of bothersome hardware and sofware incompatibilities.

    I know that people on /, like to think of Caldera as good guys, but I've played with DR-DOS, and it sucks -- the task switcher is so broken to be useless (The Quarterdeck thing was much better, and actually worked), and 'Personal Netware' was always a piece of sheet rock. Even Caldera's DOS WWW browser works better on MS-DOS than DR-DOS. I don't know why anyone would put themselves through the pain required to run a defective version of DOS, especially since virtually ever PC made ships with a MS-DOS 7 licence whether you like it or not. (Although, perhaps CPM-86 compatibility is a must for some people.)

    Go for the real thing and reverse-engineer IBM PC DOS v7. It's 100% MS-DOS compatible and runs on more hardware (MCA, ThinkPads) to boot.
  • I have been running DR-DOS on my 386 for over a year now, and it is far better then MS-DOS. A) it's faster, a LOT faster B) The mulittasker works decently when i need it C) I have never come accross any programming incompatablities. FreeDOS is coming along, and i've played with it alot, but haven't swiched over yet because the kernel still is getting straightened out. Plus, why would FreeDOS want to reverse engerneer anything but MS-DOS (which is the standard for dos, if you didn't know). Come to think of it, why would we reverse engerer anything, we have Ralph Brown's Interrupt List, which has ever int you'd ever want or never wanted, and tells you everything you'd want to know how to clone DOS.
  • Can't say much except I had an opposite experience with DRDOS on a i586 EISA/PCI machine.
  • What? The only device driver stuff in Doom/Quake-DOS was for sound and joysticks. Even the video was through VESA (TSR or BIOS), and the networking through Novell drivers.

    Besides, most people consider an "OS" as something that loads programs. But then again, most people wouldn't reply to some AC who would compare the compexity of Doom to that of Windows.

  • It looks like INT gets caught in the kernel, trapped by vm86(). And DOSEmu doesn't emulate much hardware, besides maybe faking some hard-drive layout stuff and some memory addresses. As much as possible, they've made it run just like a DOS virtual machine, otherwise protected mode would be much easier to fully implement, and you'd all be running Win '98 or whatever on DOSEmu...

    ...but the performance is really incredible. When I tested it with the BYTEMarks, it would only be a couple percent slower than the real thing, and in anything involving disk access, it's faster, because Linux caches the drives so much better than DOS ever did. And as I've mentioned before, you can tell DOSEmu the maximum amount of RAM you want it to use, but it should never start out using more than 4MB or so, unlike VMWare.

    The I/O seems to work fine the way they have it, and this is of course bug-for-bug compatible with the original. But yes, I would be very happy if it handled video better! Maybe some X DGA stuff. Of course, sometime I'd love to work on this stuff myself, but not yet... it seems like I'm always going to school or working. Oh well, I'll just have to find the time to needlessly confuse myself with the source code. :)

    And yes, programs fiddle with DOS data structures in memory all the time. That's why DOSEmu just gives them their memory and makes sure they don't access beyond it or touch anything really sensitive, otherwise giving crufty old programs free reign to check whatever stupid memory locations they can... It's the easiest way to make sure it all works. I bet my code that set the BIOS bits (and messed with the CAPS/NUM/SCROLL LOCK lights) doesn't work except *maybe* in raw keyboard mode, but I should try it sometime. :)
    pb Reply or e-mail; don't vaguely moderate [].
  • Yeh, your right, what was I thinking. After All, I've never done any pure assembly coding for windows only pure-DOS! What would I know. The only programming I've done for windows has been in C++!
    Good for you. I'll admit, I've never coded assembly for windows (and strenuously avoided assembly for DOS). Never found it very enjoyable.

    WTF? You think I don't know what msdos.sys's BOOTGUI option does? Do you think I'm a moron? Let me ask you, what the hell does that have to do with whether or not windows is a shell for DOS, and why the hell wouldn't I just hit the F8 key at boot? BeOS starts in MacOS, NT can run in Linux, and Linux can run in NT.
    Most people don't know about it, or what it does. So, yes, until you've shown otherwise, I assume you don't know.

    As for why not just hit F8, the reasponse could simply be: "Well, that's windows just loading at the end, instead of completing the startup." By editing that file, it can not be simply running at the end. Something else must be making it stop.

    Lets play another game. Find the file called on your distro's CD. I know Red Hat has it. Copy the Linux kernel to a DOS partition and type " Linux.krl or" whatever. What happens? Why? Linux boots from DOS!!!! I guess that means Linux is just a shell for dos! I'm sure Linus will be surprised.

    Boring game. Played it in the past, even got the t-shirt somewhere. Had to use it until the AWE32 drivers were done enough that I didn't have to use the dos utilities to initialize the card. Did it for a year or so, roughly. Anyway, the point remains the same: DOS happens well before windows ever pops up. And, from the evidence I've seen, the relationship between the two is still the same: Windows 9x is nothing but a shell which runs on top of DOS.

    Oh? What's that? You've never heard of I guess you must not know very much about Linux then.
    Actually, you're right. I don't know much about Linux. However, in making that statement, you have to remember that I compare myself to people like Linus, Alan Cox, et al.

    As for why I said you've never poked around in that section of the Windows internals before: Based on the evidence I've seen, Windows is a DOS shell. And with a complete lack of information to prove otherwise by you in your original post, I had to assume you'd never before seen the BootGUI line.

  • Nothing, nowhere, on any OS, is as good a tool as Lotus Magellan on DOS. Besides, the world is full, quite literally, of people who cannot afford computers. Ever wonder what it would cost these days to market a DOS box based on a 286 (did they top out at 20 mHz?), 1-meg RAM, plus a 540-meg or 1-gig HD and a 14-inch monitor?
  • The best-known alternative DOS to Microsoft's is DR-DOS, from Digital Research and later Caldera. Lineo (Caldera's thin clients division) recently released DR GEM as GNU open source, and as it is changing its efforts over to embedded Linux ("Embedix" - the first version has just been released) it's possible it may release DR-DOS as open source too.

    As DR-DOS is a complete, finished, and very polished system, what would happen to the FreeDOS project if this happened? Keep going, try to merge the FreeDOS tree into DR-DOS, vice versa, or what?

    GEM is going strong (see and I like to think there's life in DOS yet. With a GUI like GEM, a multitasker (such as DesqView) and maybe even an X server (like DesqView/X) it makes a good thin client OS.
  • I'm going to exPLODE!!! I am so sick of guys like you just repeating M$ lies. If from what you say is true that DOS is "unloaded" then how can you explain that I can run windows from a batch file and continue in the batch file from where it left off? Get this in your thick skull, DOS is not unloaded. Just because it uses other means does not prove that it doesn't make traditional DOS calls. Caldera proved that windows 95 does infact make traditional DOS calls because they installed it right on DR-DOS 7. Do you actually believe that DR-DOS is being loaded to load windows 95 and then unloaded and then reloaded after shutdown? Use your brain! Windows is nothing more than windows 4.0 on MS-DOS7! I'm so sick of always saying this to M$ heathens but this is the "bleepen" truth. If you don't believe this then let's all pray that the DOJ forces Microsoft to open the source for all of you M$ heathens to see the "freaken" truth. there!
  • Boring game. Played it in the past, even got the t-shirt somewhere. Had to use it until the AWE32 drivers were done enough that I didn't have to use the dos utilities to initialize the card. Did it for a year or so, roughly. Anyway, the point remains the same: DOS happens well before windows ever pops up. And, from the evidence I've seen, the relationship between the two is still the same: Windows 9x is nothing but a shell which runs on top of DOS.

    On a related note, a soundcard not supported by Windows can have its DOS drivers initialize it before Win9x loads. Or a disk controller, or a CD-ROM drive attached to a legacy soundcard, or whatever. Windows will call the DOS system calls to access said devices. But why are we arguing? Who cares?

  • "Windows is not DOS, Windows does not run 'on top' of DOS."

    True. But just like Linux, Windows needs a bootloader, ergo: Without DOS, there is no Windows.

    All they did was alter MSDOS 7.0 so you couldn't use an alternative DOS (well, they tried to). Win95 and Win98 don't need a specific MS DOS any more than Win 3.1 did, which is one of the reasons why Caldera is suing them. They locked them out of the DOS business by partially melding it into Win9x.

    As for your "slow" loading -- remember, DOS is a very simple OS. You need to load a cache like Norton Cache or one of the MSDOS cache programs, like smartdrive (MSDOS 6.0 and up included a lot of external Norton Utilities functionality, like defrag and scandisk -- they were sued over this too, as they ripped off stacker's doublespace technology).
  • Actually, with economies of scale being how they are, I would imagine that a new 286/386 computer would cost almost as much as a low-end Celeron.

    Unless, of course, you stumble upon a secret cache of 540MB disks and 386 motherboards.
  • freedos isn't a dos emulator, it's a free implementation of dos. By your rationale no-one should be interested in Linux either, after all it's just a POSIX compliant free implementation of UNIX.
  • I believe the first thing needed is the purchase of a salsa company by the freeDOS people. This will cinch down the tomatos of the other dos companies and force them to sell their salsa. The competition will go away and it will be freeDOS for all.
  • It is interesting to note that on Japanese keyboards, traditionally there has been no \ key... instead that key generates a yen (currency) symbol. When looking at a path like C:\windows\system\ on a Japanese machine, the system displays C:(YEN)windows(YEN)system(YEN).

    It is truly disorienting for a couple of minutes.

  • Most of the DOS function calls have been rewriten for windows. For instance, the IO calls. Disk IO is much faster in windows then it is in 'dos' mode. Quake also uses it's own Kernel, not DOS's

    [ c h a d o k e r e ] []
  • Or just find someone who downloaded the DRDOS kernel source when it was available.

    What you lookin' at me like that for? :)

People will buy anything that's one to a customer.
