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Yet Another LinuxWorld Update 40

Well, we're finally closing in on the end of the show (Sleep! I can sleep again!). We're sending out as much streaming audio at as we can - and hopefully we'll have video again by 3 PM EST. Jon Katz is here signing Geeks and will be on at noon EST. The show ends at 4 PM EST - so get it while you can. Update: 02/04 07:06 by CN : Footage from the Beanie awards is available over at TheSync now. See who won, who got hugged, and who got slagged. *grin*
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Yet Another LinuxWorld Update

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  • You know, I for one am anxious to see the results of the Beanie awards! I'd really like to know who that I voted for has received an award.

    C'mon Rob, when we going to see them? Sorry, but I just couldn't be on hand for the ceremony!

    Brad Johnson
    --We are the Music Makers, and we
    are the Dreamers of Dreams

  • hehe, sitting on the floor (literally, in a beanbag chair) next to jonkatz+rob... hemos just ran away, oh well. its quite nice here! come down if ya can
  • " but nobody reads them anyway. " Uh, I've read them twice. Of course, I've only had moderator access twice, but that means that I've read them every time. :)
  • If anyone wants to see more pics from LWE, click here! []
    Includes candid shots of Alan, CmdrTaco, Hemos, Emmett, and all those nifty mascots that are there!
  • Hemos does not want it to be known that he lost the Hemos award.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    LinuxOne made an appearance in LinuxWorld.

    They had about 20 cd on thier desk, most in ziplock bags. SCribbled on the back of an business card, it said "For Sale" (so people wont just take em, and so noone will buy em either).
    Kinda weird that they didnt have their distro on display =)
  • I agree...if people don't feel like following the rules, then what can we do? Perhaps they get their points and wish to use them: It's easier to moderate down an obvious Troll or Flamebait than to dig through numerous decent posts to find the best. This behaviour is apparant when you notice a thread with 150 posts has 8 of them at "5", and the next highest post has a "2". We as moderators must be more vigilant, and read more thoroughly...I'm guilty too. Just my thoughts...
  • I also have pictures up at [] ( or here [] if the first one gets /.ed. I have picks of rob, jeff, emmett, robin, illiad and THE BSD Girls!

  • by Creosote ( 33182 ) on Friday February 04, 2000 @07:41AM (#1305588) Homepage
    Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2000 17:56:16 +0100
    From: Bram Moolenaar
    To: VIM Announcements
    Subject: Vim gets Beanie Award!

    Thursday night, February 3, in a crowded party,
    the slashdot Beanie Awards have been presented.
    And guess what? Vim won!

    The category "Best Open Source Text Editor" listed
    Emacs, Xemacs, Pico, Joe and Vim. It's great that
    Vim has been voted to be the winner.
    Thanks to all who voted!

    The $2000 price will be donated to ICCF Holland,
    to help the orphans in Uganda.
    See http// for info on the project.
  • we have a whole bunch of public access laptops here. i should figure out how to log out so my cookie isn't hanging around all over here...
  • so is she there today? LaTex BSD Free?
  • Heh, They must have thought that LWE was a swap meet.
    Anomalous: inconsistent with or deviating from what is usual, normal, or expected
  • SlashDotters, Did anyone else notice that IBM is quoted in various LinuxWorld announcements that ViaVoice for Linux was available immediately? I went to IBM's website and could only find vuage refrences and no specific discription, no availibilty info and no pricing info either. Notice on this link,, it says "ViaVoice runs on Microsoft® Windows® 95/98, Windows NT® Workstation 4.0 with Service Pack 4, Mac® OS 8.5.1, 8.6, and 9.0 and Linux. Please see individual Edition pages for more details." However there is a link to every other "individual edition" that gives very specific product information and the option to buy online, but nothing about the Linux version. I think its sounds very interesting. Anyone have more information?
  • by Matt Welsh ( 11289 ) on Friday February 04, 2000 @09:38AM (#1305594) Homepage
    I just watched the Slashdot Beanie Awards on thesync; after wading through Rob and Jeff's endless banter and lame jokes, I finally got all of the winners:

    Hemos Award: Hemos
    Cluestick Award for ?? Journalism: Microsoft
    Big Dumb Domain Name Bully: EToys
    Big Dumb Patents Bully: Amazon
    Best Slashdot Story of 1999: The Quickies
    Favorite Slashdot Comment Poster: AC
    Favorite Slashdot Author: CmdrTaco
    Best Dressed: Tux
    Best Designed Interface in Non-Graphical App: Pine
    Best Designed Interface in a Graphical App: Gimp
    Most Deserving of $2000: Debian
    Best Open Source Text Editor: VIM
    Best Apache Module: ModPerl
    Best Perl Module: CGI
    Best Open Source Book: Programming Perl
    Best Desktop Theme: Brushed Metal
    Best UNIX Ear Candy: XMMS
    Best UNIX Desktop Candy: Enlightenment
    Best Open Source Advocate: Linus Torvalds
    Most Deserving Open Source Charity: GNU/FSF
    Best Newbie Helper: Tom Christiansen
    Unsung Hero: Alan Cox
    Most Improved Kernel Module: USB
    Most Improved Open Source Project: GNOME
    Best Merger: VA and Andover.Net

    Congratulations to all of the winners!

    Matt Welsh
  • Yup, you forgot to log out again. Actually, the LinuxWorld Geek Compound is probably the coolest place here. Laptops available to surf and check email while sitting in beanbags, with /. staff hanging out. This is the life.
  • Damn, it's a sad sad day when /. gets filled with WWF catchphrases.

  • I was watching the real-video, and as they said I should get drunk to watch it, I did. (I follow their commands blindly, since they released the slash source code. So now I've finished half a bottle of the cheapest scotch ever, and I must say, it really does make the award 'ceremony' more pleasurable. Actually, the feed just died a few minutes ago, but who cares? :-)
  • "Cluestick Award for ?? Journalism: Microsoft "
    What he actually says is "Clustick Award for FUD in journalism". (See tml)
  • Amazing! Y'all were more rambling & incoherent than on Geeks In Space--it's very exciting.

    Yet another glorious demonstration of the miraculous power of Beer. Beer--it's what's for dinner! Beer--it's not just for breakfast anymore.
  • Hemos, CmdrTaco:

    Don't quit your day jobs.

    Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot... You guys don't have day jobs!

  • I kept thinking Rob's Debian tee-shirt was a Transmeta shirt. Oops.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    Katz: Hey, there you are! This hellmouth of a convention reminds me of an essay I once wrote...

    Me: Who are you?

    Katz: My name is Jon Ka...


    Katz: Well, all this geek chat has made me thirsty.

    Me: You know what you can do? Go into the kitchen

    Katz: k..

    Me: Find yourself a glass..

    Katz: Alright, now what?

    Me: Now fix yourself a nice tall glass of SHUT UP JUICE! FIX IT!

    Katz: [shrieks in terror, runs away]

    Me: If yA SMELLLLLALALALALA, what the AC is cookin
  • What version of Adobe Premiere did you use for the video? I can't seem to get Win NT to run for more than a few minutes yet obviously Premiere is everyone's favorite.
  • According to the video, Anonymous Coward actually has the highest karma out of everyone (it's over 1,000 or something). That's shocking :)

    Also, I thought it was pretty cool how someone in the crowd randomly shouted out common AC posts (NATALIE PORTMAN NAKED AND PETRIFIED@#!!@)

  • They released a ViaVoice sdk a while ago, look on there page, its somewhere there.
  • the best way to do it would be a browse "lowest scores first" option, but since that would serve no other purpose, it doesn't exist...yet.
  • this is clearly an exellent idea that has been thought out in a sane manner. however, it would be a rather large undertaking and i would imagine that few people (org) would be willing to expend the energy or expense for the somewhat odd ramblings (albeit terribly amusing) of our /. types.

    Factor into that the possiblitly of no one showing up for LinuxWorld 2 b/c for 2 bucks they can get a "tape" of the show. I mean you put those BSD daemonettes on the CD and forget it, who will show up at all?

    Which would lead invariably to a "...or rebroadcast with out the express written consent of..." situation which is not very OpenSource. I think you see the problem.

  • Come on now. The Rock is set-up for all his lines. The Rock would be some kind of fool in the real world, especially with Katz.

    I can see it now:

    Rock: At last...

    Katz: Hello...

    Rock: the Rock...

    Katz: Sir, please quit shouting...

    Rock: has returned to...

    Katz: Security!

    And the Rock disappears at the approach of a security guard both bigger than the Rack and with a far smaller ego.

    Come on now. I think the WWF is the combination of the worst traits in man, The Rock doubly so. It is also sad at how popular it is and how much money it makes. At least it is doing better than that blasted Battle Dome thing after it.
  • Personally, I love VIM. But I do find it interesting that XEmacs and Emacs were split into two categories. I would have thought there would be a "*Emacs" category, or something like that. I guess Rob wanted to split the Emacs people so that VIM would win :-)
  • Would it be posible for you to post the video in somthing other then RM? RM is butt ugly, and the player likes to piss all over windows. What's the matter with MPEG?

    [ c h a d o k e r e ] []
  • Best Merger: VA and Andover.Net

    I don't remember voting for that...

    [ c h a d o k e r e ] []

I had the rare misfortune of being one of the first people to try and implement a PL/1 compiler. -- T. Cheatham
