I wanna see a X-Men vs. AD&D movie. Since both are out soon, and they're both from the same period of my childhood. Just think: a Paladin scoring a critical on Cyclops. Woo hooo!
I used to collect the X-Men religiously, back when it was at it's height -- I'm talking Chris Clermont/John Byrne/Terry Austin...This was back in like 1980 or so.
Chris Clermont was the writer. He was known as writing good women characters. Each woman chartacter got the chance to say "Hear me, X-Men! No longer am I the woman you knew...Now and forever, I am [fill in the blank]!"
Byrne was the pencil artist. He was really the guy who put Wolverine on the map. He made Wolvie be real hairy and animal-like.
Terry Austin was the inker. He made Byrne's drawings full of amazingly rich detail and microscopic comic references.
Byrne and Clermont were always fighting. Byrne, apparently, though Clermont was a silly hack. Clermont, on the other hand, took the characters more seriously than his own life. They co-ploted the comic, and their disparate characters really helpped make the comic original and vital.
The comic was the most popular thing out there (but nothing like today). Then, the editor-in-chief at Marvel wrested control away from Clermont and made him make Jean Grey/Phoenix die because she had killed a bunch of aliens while she was in a power-mad state of delerium. Clermont was crushed.
Byrne then got sick of working with Clermont, and left the book. Many plotlines were left hanging. Some were later resolved, but in ways far inferior to what had been alluded to by Byrne and Clermont:
* Was Sabertooth Wolverine's father?
* Wolverine had an adamantium skeleton?
* Mystique was Nightcrawler's sister?
Etc. Different artists came and went, and the "feel" of the book varied. Clermont stayed on, but I think that the book started making to much money, and Marvel wrested control from him altogether.
Too bad. His emphasis on strong but super sexy women and convoluted soap-opera relationships between what grew to dozens of charatcers was good, but soon became the books' undoing as the number of different X-Men titles grew until it dwarfed the entire Marvel universe.
Well, as far as writing perhaps Claremont was the man. But as far as artistry...Marvel messed up big time when Jim Lee and W. Portacio left... Looks like they haven't learned though-- did the same thing with Maduera and Chris Bachalo . . . <sigh>.... waiting for Marvel to keep some consistently good artwork on the X-men.
I hate it when people pronounce Xavier's name with an "X" sound. I've known a few people with that name, and no one has ever *not* pronounced it "Zavier." I just hope the movie doesn't screw it up.
Fathom does in fact have gorgeous artwork and colors. The story, I beg to differ, is not a cliche.
Michael Turner has a iventful imagination. The story is not dull by any means.
We all have things that personally draw us to a story or character.
Fathom in my ways reminds of themes that I have seen in movies such as Star Wars and DUNE.
The central character in Fathom is a young woman named Aspen. She has an affinity with the water much like Luke's affinity with travel.
Her relationship is persistant, and it drives her into the field of biosciences just like Luke was driven to join the rebel cause. Aspen genuinely cares for the enviroment especially the ocean while Luke genuinely cares for human life. Both of these characters have a equal admiration of what is good.
Both Aspen and Luke are different in ways that set them apart from other people. Aspen is of aquatic humanoid race while Luke inherits the ability to harness energy and life itself. Aspen also has the power to meld with water and control its forceful nature. She too can harness and wield energy and life.
However just like Luke, Aspen is unaware of her gifts. Remember when Luke went to Yoda, he was so full of anger. Aspen, naive to who she was, was led astray by a faction of her race who wanted to elimnate the human race if they couldn't be controlled. Aspen was taught to use her powers. She was given excuses regarding the good of their cause. She was confused and lost. Her mind was not focused and her goals were not clear. Luke faced this sort fear and confusion.
Ultimately she faced her fears and enemy head on and destroyed them. She became confident in who she was.
I have gotten a lot of enjoyment out of reading and looking at Fathom.
I would advise you to read Fathom before assuming anything.
The comic books I like to read, in any regard, are Kabuki, Fathom, Aria, Dark Minds, Dark Angel, Neo Cyber, The Crow, Blade of the Immortal.
I will admit that from time to time, I will pick a comic book that may be lacking in a story that features nifty graphics. I like to draw. I use them as a learning tool.
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, I just think you need to actually read and examine something before you comment about it.
Hey man, like you said. Read and examine. I didn't say Fathom has shallow writing, I was asking if it did, because a lot of artist-as-writer projects do. If it fares well against that list, then maybe I'll have to have a look.
Then, the editor-in-chief at Marvel wrested control away from Clermont and made him make Jean Grey/Phoenix die because she had killed a bunch of aliens while she was in a power-mad state of delerium. Clermont was crushed.
Really... I did not know this. Kudos to whomever made that call, it was a good move. Too bad the TV show whimped out on that call. Then again, the TV show always was pretty damned pathetic. Take horrible actors, mix well with horrible animation and decent stills, combine with some of the old good plotlines and water then down into non-existance.
and have you noticed its structure is also similar to the matrix's? lotsa white flashes, dark style, techno score and even a blue logo of the 20CFox (just like the blue warner logo) at the start. heh, curious.
Every woman in every comic book has enormous breasts. You may also have noticed that none of the men have visible pectoral muscles or ridiculously huge calves, either.
Real human beings don't look like that
I agree, though, that she could have used a voice coach to get the accent right. Then again, we've heard Berry deliver precisely one line.
Do a "copy link location" and paste into a reply to this message. I cannot find the "tab" you refer to to download the movie. Also, are you sure you got the whole movie? The way this QT streaming crap works is you get a little file named foo.mov, but all it is is a pointer to another URL, in a streaming protocol.
Besides, even if you did download the movie, could you watch it with Xanim? Again, it's the fact that Apple has the attitude that, "If you ain't Mac or Windows, you ain't $h!t" (of course, what are you if you ARE Mac or Windows?).
Apple won't support the OSS movement. They talk the talk, but don't walk the walk. I'd love to see someone find Apple building some GPL'ed stuff into their new OS, and force Apple to OS it.
You can set the plug-in to save the movie file in your cache. (It's on the drop down on the plug-in controls.) Then go grab the big.mov file from your cache directory and rename as you wish.
Remember to set your connection speed as high as possible to get the best res movie.
Of course you still need tools to convert from QuickTime to MPEG.
Every woman in every comic book has enormous breasts. You may also have noticed that none of the men have visible pectoral muscles or ridiculously huge calves, either.
Just like the costumes, the comic book bodies are never going to translate to real life. and good thing too - The rediculously over-sexualized comic book women were the one thing that damped my marvel zobie enthusiasm as a "kid".
But I wanted angela basset as storm. I really, really did.:(
The news story is about X-men, not about Linux. The movie was posted in Quicktime format, which is beyond the control of Slashdot.
What do you propose? Should Slashdot *not* publish the story? I think not. Should Slashdot convert the movie and mirror it? Nope. --Ivan, weenie NT4 user: bite me!
Angela Basset would have been a much better Storm, she at least looks the part. Halle Berry looks to "pretty" -- not to imply that Ms. Basset is unattractive, but her looks are more sophisticated than those of Berry, and IMHO more suited to Storm. I think Iman would have also been a good choice, at least for the voice.
Patrick Stewart as Xavier! Oh. damn that is so going to rock! His best roll was Gurney Halleck. But this should be damn close. Effects look great even on something so small!
I must admit that I've never followed the X-Men storyline, but with Stewart on board, I will more than likely view the film. He has to be one of the most articulate and intelligent actors I have ever had the pleasure of watching. He puts a great deal of passion into his work. "The Inner Light" from The Next Generation is perhaps his finest moment in Trek, though this is merely MHO. Anywho, I look forward to seeing the both the trailer and Stewart. RB
Amazing... it's not quite as crappy as I expected it to be. (Which is not to say that it's not crappy at all; quite the contrary.)
If you ask me (I know you didn't, but I'll say it anyways), I think it's a danmed shame that they feel the need to turn a perfectly good classic comic into a piece-of-shit movie. Tsc.
It seems like they're just trying to capitalize on the Matrix with this one. It has the same "style" as it, everything is kindof metallic and solid state. And wasn't that song in the Matrix too?
I think it'll be pretty good anyway. Does anyone know who that blue chick is? It's been a while since I've read the comics.
Also, what's with the website wanting my email address. It think Echelon has merged with the Mutant Control Agency:)
Whenever they make a cartoon, movie, or special of the XMen, they have to put together a team. As far as I can tell, this usually involves pulling together charecters at nigh random and (worse) throwing in other charecters completely out of their comic book context.
But those of us who were addicted to the comic book itself remember a continum of teams as people dropped in and out. So who when was your favorite XMEN?
My vote - after Brood, before baby-phoenix showed up, Colosus, wolvie, Shadowcat, nightcrawler, rouge, and storm after the mohawke but before she lost her powers. And of course, Lockeed the dragon hang out saying gleep.
Which team do you think of as the "real" X-Men?
-Kahuna Burger
PS, since my favorite three x-men of all time are shadowcat, nighcrawler and colosus, I'm a little disapointed at the lineup. At least they've got rouge and wolvie. But why did they have to include scott and jean (aka ken and barbie)???? Now I'm gonna be watching the movie and some bad guy's gonna smack jean and I'll be the only one to yell "yeah!" and then I'll be all embarrassed.
Not to contradict, cause I think you're right. However, I think this would be more categorized a "teaser". This is not at all what a more slightly longer "trailer" would be.
I think the trend nowadays is to "tease" the audience with the first trailer release, then put out one or two more "trailers" with a little more information, so as to 'hook' you into it more.
Personally, I like action movies. If the "trailer" can show me that it's action-centric, I'll probably watch it. Hell, _DRIVE_ is one of my favorite movies, and it has maybe 15 minutes of plot, with the rest action (and the plot kinda sucks too). I don't really expect a comic-to-film movie with a plot. Maybe it's me, but it seems like the lifeblood of comics was the plot, but that they had years in which to develop it, not just two hours.
Okay, apparently the file is corrupt, so it may or may not work for you. QT 4.1 on my Mac will play it, but not QT on my PC, and not Windows Media Player. I guess the real question is will xanim or the like play it? I can't try that out here (our linux boxen are strictly CLI only). I'll give another shot at converting the thing, maybe I screwed something up. *shrug*
no the song in the x-men trailer is a remix of a song called "chinese burn" by a band called curve, who's singer is a total babe. they had a somewhat garbage sound before garbage was around, in fact, sometimes garbage sounds so much like them its sad. anyway to pick up all your favorite curve cds go to cdnow heh
Is this in Sorenson codec or not? I really don't want to install QuickTime (or Realplayer for that matter) On this computer. Programs like that tend to like to reassociate every possible media type with them. Its really fucking annoying
When are these people just going to start releasing stuff in MPEG format so we can all see it?
Halle Berry looks to "pretty" -- not to imply that Ms. Basset is unattractive, but her looks are more sophisticated than those of Berry, and IMHO more suited to Storm.
I know exactly what you mean. berry looks young to me. Storm was not a teenager, she was somewhat "innocent" of american customs when she first joined the team, but she was always very mature. Basset has that tough but still tender look to her, and I think she could have played a deeply spiritual woman who could wreck your world whenever she chose.:) (And in Strange Days she was so cut *drool drool*. ahem...)
>But I wanted angela basset as storm. I really, >really did.:( I would have gone with super model and Mrs. David Bowie, Iman. She's got the looks, the height and probably can do the accent well. -Jesse K.
Jim Lee, much as I loved his X men and wildcats work, has one problem. He has a Breast Fetish. I recall one memorable episode, with Jean Grey, Rogue, Storm, and Pyslocke, all in one panel, and no chest smaller than a 44DD. Scary.
New Mutants episode 99. Don't gimme none of that X-Force crap. Shatterstar just rocked. Plain and simple.
Cannonball - Sam Guthrie, was a great character, but not one that I ever really "fell" for.
I dunno if they count but "Excalibur" had one of the better books in my mind, which should suit you fine since they had Nightcrawler AND Shadowcat, as well as Captain Britain, Megan the shapeshifter, and Phoenix (also ?lockheed?, the pet dragon). Excellent comic, with tremendous character development. The only thing they REALLY lacked was good villains. Arcade was okay, but c'mon...
During its heyday, in the late 80's, every female character inthe X universe had gigantic breasts, such that in real life they would have precluded any physical activity at all.
Sorry guys, but women with 36F breasts cannot move abruptly in any way without experiencing signficant discomfort.
Given the fact thatmost comic book readers are teenage guys, its easy to see where the artists were aiming.
I like the idea of comic books coming to the big screen, but they still need to understand how to cross the barrier between feature film and comic book.
Feature films require, of course, a lot of editing due to people's impatience and length of standard films.
I have seen clips and trailers, and I hope the movie will be better than what I have seen.
I would rather see no name actors who look and act the part rather than some pretty well know model's face aka Mrs. Stamos. No offense to her, but I wanted to use her as example. I can admit I have only seen her act on a couple of occasions. However, I can't imagine Halle Berry playing Storm nor Anna Paquin playing Rogue.
I would have personally casted Iman to play Storm. I would have casted Nicole Kidman as Rogue because she can do an American Accent very well and she has spunk. Rogue has gusto, and I always found her terribly sentimental. I think Nicole emulates a lot of these qualities.
I would like to see two comics come to the big screen personally -- Fathom and Kabuki especially Kabuki. The Noh rock.
As to people's comments about a rip off of the Matrix. Nothing is truly a rip off unless they create an almost exact copy. We all know that Hollywood has reused script after script, that is why they have branched out and developed movies out of books aka Dune, The Green Mile, etc. Only once in a while you get an original thought that didn't come from a book directly but came from the head of a Screenwriter's collective musings. Even though you may not consider them gems, some examples of what I am talking about are EverAfter, Elizabeth, The Hunted, Dark Crystal...just a few.
Themes will always be reused. However, we can always come with a new way to represent them. The Power of Imagination. --------------------------------------------- _ O-furo ni hairanakatta desho ? =)
Hugh Jackman, not Jackson. Some Australian actor I've never heard of. Physically, he looks appropriate for the role (check him out at his website hughjackman.com), but I really would've liked to see Ray Liotta as Wolverine. He's got the intensity in spades! I'm not a big Wolverine fan (can't stand him, really), but Ray as Wolverine would've rawked. And someone else already mentioned Iman as Storm - I quite agree! She's got the face AND the voice AND the grace to pull it off. Halle Berry just doesn't look right with white hair. And of course, Patrick Stewart as Professor X is as perfect as Danny DeVito was for Penguin. No other choice at all.
I'm not sure about Anna Paquin as Rogue (please, people, stop spelling her name as ROUGE!), but we'll see - she's a very good actress, so maybe she can pull it off.
I had to watch the damn trailer 3-4 times before I could identify all the characters. Where is Cyke in the big blue suit? Or the hot white robe on Storm? Or how bout Wolvie in the old costume!?
At least they got Mystique colored just right.:)
Oh well, I am looking forward to it. I hope MUCHO that it does not suck!
Come on, name one good comic Marvel has put out in the last 5 years? DC is just as bad, even their Vertigo label is starting to suck. The really good, cutting edge, comics are still the independents.
Hmmpphh.. I love Stewart as much as anyone, but is anyone concerned that he is being pushed away by Hollywood? He is a very fine Shakespearian actor, but the only movies he does are ST movies and cheesy action flicks like this. It's amazing how a successful TV show will destroy your acting career. I hope he's still doing a lot of Shakespeare.....
Why are Sabretooth and Wolverine fighting atop the Statue of Liberty and not in the Canadian wilderness? Must every action movie include symbols of American patriotism?
Because Xavier's School for the Gifted is in New York state, and the X-Men frequently have to save New York City from bad guys. At a guess, I'd say NYC was Magneto's choice for announcing his presence to the world in this movie. ____________________ Tension, apprehension And dissension have begun
Okay, so I might as well start this off. A lot of people in the fandom tend to look at the current X-books and say, "That makes no sense... I could do better!"
Well, here's my two cents: I'm all for hitting the big red Reset button.
I'm one of the few people that enjoyed it when certain other Marvel heroes got that treatement (I loved the new Iron Man), and was disappointed when they folded the characters back in the the old universe. I would like to see the X-Men get the same treatment. Virtually none of the other Marvel books use the 'mutant' idea, so they don't really fit into the rest of the Marvel continuity well.
My plot idea goes like this: the M'Krann crystal (the thing that holds reality together, and the object the Pheonix guards) has begun to crack. The strain of too many people time travelling and warping the fabric of reality (in very bad storylines) has taken its toll. If it shatters, all of reality will be destroyed. The only thing that can repair it is the Phoenix Force channeled through a mortal host.
Our candidates? Jean Grey, X-Man (ick), and Cable. In my version, good ol' Jeanie is now incompatible with the PF. According to Marvel storyline, the PF had to make a clone of Jean to use her as a host (that's how they got around killing her), and I'd say that's because Jean cannot contain it's power normally. Her offspring, however, would be able to.
X-Man is a creation of Mr. Sinister in an alternate timeline, using Jean Grey's and Scott Summer's (Cyclops) DNA. As such, he is very powerful, and capable of handling the PF. It chooses him, because even though Cable is Jean and Scott's natural child, his infection with the Technovirus weakens his ability to channel his powers.
To make a long story short, X-Man starts to fix the crystal, but lacks the experience with his powers to handle them, especially in addition to the Pheonix Force. He dies a bloody, awful death. (No, I don't like him at all.:) ). To save the universe, Cable steps in and takes the Pheonix, struggling to repair the crystal as reality bends and collapses...
... and wakes up, the only person to survive the warping that results. He still retains the Pheonix, but cannot access its power fully due to his Technovirus, which the PF seems unable to remove from him while he's controlling it. As the only survivor of the previous reality, Cable is the wild card in this one. He is Phoenix, although he cannot tap the full potential of its powers. He would become another background figure, like Sinister or Apocalypse, very rarely showing himself yet still manipulating things in the world to his own ends: the destruction of Apocalypse, and the freedom of mutantkind. In fact, it wouldn't be clear for some time that he did survive the changes... he may be a shadowy figure that appears in a few initial issues, and isn't fully revealed until a good way into the new books.
In this universe, it is the modern day. Jean Grey died on the moon during the Dark Pheonix Saga, and stayed dead. Time travel is virtually non-existant, so there is no Bishop, was no Rachael Summers (Jean & Scott's kid in yet another timeline), and Cable shouldn't exist either, as he died from the Technovirus as a child, since no one was able to time travel back to take him. The only reason he lives is the Phoenix force.
In this world, Senator Kelly has passed the Mutant Registration Act. All mutants must identify themselves as such to the government as soon as they discover their powers. They are not obviously marked as mutants, but anyone doing a reasonable (i.e. police) background check on their identification will find them marked as such.
There would be 4 major X-books in my version:
X-Men: Charles Xavier has died, and Cyclops has taken on the responsibility of training the next generation of young mutants, along with Storm. This book concentrates on the training of the new mutants, along with filling in backstory on what happened between Dark Pheonix and now
X-Factor: A government run group of mutants who enforce the Mutant Registration Act. Unlike the original book, these mutants believe they really are doing the right thing, protecting humanity from criminal mutants and providing law-abiding mutants a place to learn how to control their powers without going to the underground X-Men, whom they are currently hunting...
X-Force: A group of mutants, originally affiliated with the X-Men, who have broken ties with them to persue a more agressive stance against the Mutant Registration Act. They are more prone to use violent means to their ends, and government installations are their targets as often as evil mutants.
Wolverine: Let's face it, this guy is a loner, and Marvel would never get rid of this title anyway.:)
Anyhow, that's my personal recommendation. Anyone else want to share theirs? Maybe their favorite 'Dream Team' of mutants? ____________________ Tension, apprehension And dissension have begun
if you've stop paying attention to them but want to get back in, here's a real good time... next month starts X-Men: Revolution - basically they are splitting the x-men into 2 teams (like back in the claremont/jim lee days), cyclops is dead (halelujah) and Chris Claremont has taken over writing again. hot damn. marvel has a special, get a years subscription to both x-men and uncanny x-men for like $38 which is a pretty good deal. also pick up the new Gambit series... it's generally considered the best book right now. it's hilarious and actually has plot. it even has star trek references ("spock doesn't make fun of kirk in front of the bad guys"). anyway, i'll go see the movie just cuz r.r. stamos is running around topless errrr painted.
I saw the trailer last night. Halle Berry is playing Storm... that is one fine woman. Too bad she remarried. Guess I'll have to give all my lovin' to Ms. Portman:)
Okay, I gave another shot at converting it, used little different settings this time. Anyway, both Windows Media Player and RealPlaer G2 can play it without any errors. Sound is still very out of sync, but you know what they says about beggers and choosers and all that. It's still at http://home.jbic.com/~ben/x-men_320.mpg [jbic.com] .
The whole song (it's a remix of Curve's "Chinese Burn") is quite exceptional, though I agree that the little 30 second sample doesn't really have time to build.
This is a slightly hinky URL, but it seems to work:
If you can locate a copy of their Pink Girl With The Blues EP, "Recovery" is about my favorite song ever. Frankly, I'm just glad to see them getting what must be a fat royalty.
It isnt QuickTime Streaming. First, the delivery is via http, not rtsp. Second, there are no hinted tracks in the QuickTime file itself. A file that has been streaming will only contain a "Streaming track". Regular QuickTime files have a video track and an audio track. This information is in the "Get info" menu option.
The ability to save a QuickTime file from a site comes via 3 methods. First is paying for QuicKTime Pro and using the "Save as" button on the controller bar. Second is to hunt the exact URL for the file and "Save as" via the browers. Third is to hunt for recently created.mov files in your browser cache.
Lastly, the "Click here to play movie." is actually.... a QuickTime movie itself! Its in the embed tag and clicking on it points to the actual QuickTime File.
I haven't read X-Men in years, but I was really upset that Colossus and Nightcrawler didn't make the cut in either the cartoon or the movie. Colossus added moral balance to the team (particularly to Wolverine, being the only one who could restrain him, both as a friend and by brute force), and Nightcrawler was just plain cool--not to mention that he added much-needed comic relief to a team that was so doggone serious all the time.
I could never stand Kitty Pride, though...pure saccharine. Same goes for the teenage girl in the cartoon (can't remember her name). Come to think of it, Star Trek did the same thing with Wesley Crusher. I suppose it's an attempt to lighten up the cast, but I always thought it stupid.
Storm's character was always pretty bland to me, though I liked what I saw of Halle Berry in the trailer.
I wouldn't say EVERYTHING Marvel has done in live-action has been bad. The Spider-man series in the 70's was pretty good (I was a kid at the time, so I may be remembering it as better than it was).
The Captain America TV series wasn't TOO bad, though the changes they made for TV were questionable.
The Hulk TV series, while borrowing heavily from The Fugitive and being too overly dramatic for a story about a hero adored for his brute strength, did have its moments. It was great towards the end when they were actually incorporating OTHER characters from the Marvel universe.
And though I really don't like him, the Doctor Strange TV movie was very faithful to the comic book, I thought.
Blade was supposed to be pretty good, though I didn't see it.
And Marvel actually did good with the Fantastic Four movie...they canned it before it went into release, knowing that they could do much better.
I think you are missing the point. The techniques you suggest for gaining access to the files are wonderful if you are running Windows or MacOs. Again, I redundandly reiterate: I am running Linux (hence the word Linux in the message title), therefor these options are not available to me.
Now, once again I shall make my point: The actions being taken by Apple have as their direct result the exclusion of anybody not running Windows or MacOS. This is something I would like to see changed, hence my post. Offering my "solutions" that require me to be running QT4 (and therefor Windows or MacOS) are not solutions because I am running Linux.
Gyah, you're right, I forgot all about the hulk movie and tv series. Strangely, I hear that the series, which was about how Bruce Banner, the Incredible Hulk, was actually closer to the original intention of the comic than the comic itself ultimately turned out to be: it told of an alienated Bruce Banner who was forced to be a nomad from society because he was thought to be some manner of monster. Your right--the later parts of the hulk series and the hulk movies were really cool. Thor and Daredevil showed up in them. And, to my great surprise and dismay, they actually killed the Hulk in the last movie! What the hell?
I also remember the Spiderman live action series being mildly amusing, although it's been a very, very long time, so I don't know if I'm remembering correctly.
I never saw the Dr. Strange Movie from the 70's. As you said, though, I've heard from many that it was similar to the comic, albeit somewhat corny at points.
Blade was only alright. I thought it got far more praise than it deserved. I never read the comics in which Blade appeared, however, so I can't comment on how faithful it was.
That is correct, by the combination of Earth, Wind, Water, Fire and Heart; Captain Planet comes about. But X-men are a more perminant condition. When said, X-men sounds more like ex - men. Much like the chinese unix. But people(primairly Male people) just don't function correctly when made into a unix. Captain Planet, however, is probably an ex man because he doesn't "live" like the rest of us. Therefore, He is a unix that functions for all of the stuff he needs to do. This ties into computers, but has an opposite effect. Because a unix system doesn't have any unnecessairy parts(that I know of) and it works in a linear fasion, you get a nice combination of unix and linear thinking. The next thing you know, linux comes about and the most functional Unix(it can procreate) comes into play. Like the old saying goes, Some things in life are going to cost you an arm and a leg(or something else). To tie back into the previous post, and the X-men thing. I got a nasty "ringing" in my ears when I saw captain planet take the place of X-men in that post. Math summary-
xmen = ex men; ex men = chinese unix; line + unix = linux; linux = functionality;
They've been working on this since before The Matrix. Plus, if you know the books, you know that everything is...... well, shiny and metallic and high-tech. As for the music, isn't techno just the taste of the day for movies anyway? It all sounds the same...........
Can't anyone cut a decent trailer together anymore? Here's a prime example how to put together a piece of shit excuse for a trailer ladies and gentlemen... I'm only halfway into the download and stopping the download - Wheee! EFFECTS! One line of cliche dialog! MORE EFFECTS! To oh so catchy techno soundtrack! AND MORE EFFECTS! Ten cuts per second and rising! Gee, well it looks like Yet Another Comicbook-To-Screen Flop a la Spawn et al me.
The blue chick is Mystique. Yum! Yum! This movie will most likely be pretty cheesy, but I will go and see it anyways. I just have to. I've been reading the books since I was 9yrs old.
Any particular reason you feel it's a "piece-of-shit" movie? Everything I've heard says this is being done with the utmost respect for the original story. The only thing they've done is change the costumes, which of course, is necessary. Sorry, but human beings just don't look like that in skin-tight outfits. The outfits they went for are darker partly because that's popular now, and partly because it hides the padding a little better. But as far as I can tell they have not fallen for the idiocy of the Batman movie (e.g. they're not all wearing body armor that requires them to swivel their entire bodies in order to look behind them).
Here's a list of the characters and actors playing them, I got this from an interview with Brian Singer:
Famke Jansen as Jean Grey James Marsden as Cyclops Halle Berry as Storm Hugh Jackson as Wolverine Anna Paquin as Rogue and Patrick Stewart as Professor Xavier
The bad guys:
Ray Parks as Toad Rebecca Romijn-Stamos as Mystique Tyler Mane as Sabretooth and Ian McKellen as Magneto
Apparantly the movie will start off as Wolverine discovers Xavier's X-Men project. Besides trying to stop Magneto and his brotherhood of evil mutants there will also be some complications regarding Senator Robert Kelly, who sees mutants as a threat to society and wants them terminated.
I remenber the comic, beyond the action and the storyline it had some philosophy against racism. I'd like to see that they have kept some of this into the movie and not just only made yet another action movie with pathethic excuses for stupid action sequences.
And Patrick Stewart rocks.
One can see how they more and more want to force the viewers to come to their website and see the trailer. I didn't see any downloadable formats, although I didnt look that thouroghly either.
The question is, after the movie have finished downloading it should be somewhere on the harddrive, does anyone know where? In which file it uses for cache?
Then someone could take the file and put up a mirror for those linux users too.
This movie is an interesting test of Marvel Entertainment. For those of you who don't know, Marvel used to be a real mess. They finally went bankrupt because they just could not manage their assets. For example, the whole reason that when Cameron wanted to do a Spiderman movie, he couldn't (he ended up doing True Lies and then Titanic while waiting) was that Marvel had sold seemingly conflicting rights to multiple parties. Think about this: Jim "Top of the World" Cameron wanted to make a Spiderman movie, but Marvel had made it nearly impossible, no matter how much money Cameron was willing to spend.
They had done a lot of this, and they basically didn't retain much control over these products nor over the royalties. This lead to crap like Fantastic Four and The Punnisher, which you can find on video at conventions, but trust me, they're not really worth the money.
So why is X-Men different? After going through bankruptcy, Marvel has a very different attitude. They are excercising a good deal of control over the X-Men movie from what I've heard, and they are also coordinating marketing efforts with the release of the film. Expect to see numerous X-Men products coming from Marvel and their partners when the movie comes out.
What's even more interesting is that Marvel stock (MVL) is currently suffering from the effects of their bankruptcy. No one wants to take the chance, so it's cheap. If this movie does well, and the upcoming Spiderman movie also hits the mark, Marvel could be back on track and the stock has a lot of room to rise... of course, this *is* Marvel, and they *do* have a track record....
According to my copy of "How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way" by Stan Lee and John Buscema, comic superheros are drawn at 8 and three-quarters heads tall even though a typical human male is 6 and a half heads tall.
Halle Barry as storm is just wrong. I mean, Storm's not supposed to be this cute, spunky little chick, she's supposed to be tall and cool. Amazon warrior type thing. Still, I agree, Patrick Stewart, however degrading it is to his career (from Shakespeare to comic books, ew) is the perfect prof X. My only complaint is that, minus Gambit and Jubilee, that is the exact same set of X-Men as the cartoon. There're a hell of a lot more then that, they don't have to keep reusing the same set. Where the phuck is Psylocke?
A few answers to your questions Was Sabertooth Wolverine's father? No, Sabertooth is actually NightCrawler's Father.
No he's not. He was Grayson Creed's (a non-mutant, anti-mutant presidential candidate) father, and Mystique was both Creed's and Nightcrawler's mother, but if they ever explicitly revealed Sabretooth to be related to Nightcrawler, I missed it.
Wolverine had an adamantium skeleton? Yes, this gave him unbreakable bones. However, the Adamantium was ripped out of his body by Magneto. Only His Mutant Power (super human healing) allowed him to survive this. He no longer has an adamantium skeleton, but his healing powers are much stronger now.
Update: as of WOLVERINE #145 (about 4 months ago), he has his adamantium back.
Mystique was Nightcrawler's sister? No. Mystique is Nightcrawler's Mother. She is very old, but her power is to shapeshift into different forms. This lets her keep an appearance of youth and to maintain stregth and flexibility. Note, Both Sabertooth and Wolverine are also very old. Each of them have accelerated healing ability which retards their aging process.
Also, it has been revealed that Wolverine and Sabretooth both have memory implants, so much of their early history is, at best, suspect. (The implication that Sabretooth was Wolverine's father has been shown to be false.)
yep - smpeg played it fine. Thanks! Now could you please also make an mpeg of the Mission to mars-trailer that's also http://www.quicktime.com ??;)) -Jan
... the entire core of MacOS X is slated for open sourcing...
Darwin when fully released will not include the graphics layers (Quartz/OpenGL/QuickTime), nor the APIs (Classic/Carbon/Cocoa), nor the UI (Aqua). It will be the Mach 3.0 microkernel + BSD 4.4 layer.
So let me get this straight. The only parts of Apple's next OS product ("System X" or "MacOS X" or "Pink 3x Squared" or whatever the heck its called (geez, and I thought Microsoft was bad)) that are going to be Open Source are the parts that were already Open Source when Apple grabbed them. Wowie gee. That took some initiative on the part of Apple! Releasing source that was already available, gosh, what a bold move.
Give me a break. Apple's about as "open" as Fort Knox.
I really, really hope this movie is released and does well, but, knowing marvel. ..They've been promising an X-Men movie for years upon years (although probably not quite as long as the Spiderman movie). I remember reading an article in Wizard when I was still into that kind of thing something like six years ago about how the X-Men movie was in production. I guess _that_ didn't get anywhere.
Does anybody remember the Fantastic Four movie? Or the Captain America movie? Or the Punisher movie?
I never got to see the first. I saw a trailer that looked pretty cool with Doctor Doom and everything. Rumor is that after completing it, they decided that it was so excrutiatingly bad, they didn't release it in theaters and the print is now laying around in some warehouse somewhere. Quite a pity--I was really psyched about that at the time (I even rented the tape that had the trailer on it just to watch the preview).
The Captain America movie was released, but it went straight to video, as I recall. It had some laughable plot that involved Captain America saving the president from the Red Skull. It wound up being really, really silly. Another pity.
The Punisher was probably the best of the lot, but that really isn't saying anything much at all. I recall it being slightly worse than the classical action movie with an angst ridden hero. I don't remember many particulars about it, but I do recall rather vividly how the Punisher lived in the sewers, placed knives he had heated to red upon his wounds to cauterize them, and had some homeless guy as a kind of sidekick.
Alright, I'm not even going to mention Howard the Duck.
You didn't mention the Nick Fury Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D movie. It was out recently, and I thought it was great, with Nick Fury played by Michael Hasselhoff (Knight Rider/Baywatch fame). It even involved an X-Men villain, Baron Von Strucker, and his son and daughter (twins).
In my version, it would be Rachel Summers and her father Cyclops who would train the new mutants. This is a nod or reference to that "Future Past" set of x-annuals, which made an excellent read. The story must involve the tragic element to make the reader feel for the characters. I also like the fact that in your version there would be no Jean Grey.
X-Men: True Friends was an excellent 3 issue mini, written by Claremont years ago but published a few months ago. What Alan Davis did on X-Men and previously on Excalibur was good material too. I don't like most of the 'independents', at least I don't like those books that spend half of their time insulting and basically being about nothing except about boredom or something similar.
The X-Men uniforms look a lot better than the one shown [ign.com] on ign.com a while back.
But I had to giggle at that shot of Cyclops in the black ball cap. Sort of an FBI/SWAT-team kinda look. The shot of him running in his "wrap-around" shades was a lot better.
Well casted all around, I think. We didn't see Anna Paquin as Rogue at all, which is disappointing. I wanted to know if she'll have big '80s hair.
Halle Barrie looks incredible with long white hair. And Rebecca Romijn-Stamos in body paint? Forgeddaboutit!
No one but Patrick Stewart could play Xavier. I think that's a given
Why are Sabretooth and Wolverine fighting atop the Statue of Liberty and not in the Canadian wilderness? Must every action movie include symbols of American patriotism?
And why isn't Spiderman sitting on the end of one of the crown spikes, looking all pensive?
Halle Berry does not look like storm, and from the little I heard from her in the trailer, she does not sound like Storm either. Storm is supposed to be taller than she is, and is supposed to have enormous breasts (this is not a troll or flamebait. Every comic or cartoon I have seen has had her with huge breasts.). Also she is supposed to have a British/South African accent.
Even with Patrick Stewart on board, this movie does not look like it is going to be very good. I'll try and reserve judgement until I actually SEE it, but I'm not getting my hopes up.
I personally think it would have been much cooler if they had done an animated movie instead of a live action one. The X-Men cartoon (at least the earlier episodes) was one of the coolest cartoons ever.
I dont, i was pretty excited a long time ago when there was first talk of the movie, but after seeing the trailer, Im not going to lie, it doesnt look to impressive. Maybe it would be a good rental, or cheap miovie theatre. BUt it defintly doesnt look 7 dollars good. Im sure Patrick Stewart is awsome as Prof. X but The rest of the movie didnt look to appealing. Everything is dark and gloomy, and yeah maybe that sticks to the trends of the day, but Doesnt fit well with X-Men. Also after reading this list of characters someone post, why is Rouge a character? She didnt come on in X-men for a long while, and if they're going to have Wolverine and Storm, wheres colusus. I dont know. Im not going to hold my breathe on this one, but thats just my opinion.
Okay, before everyone starts complaining about there not being an MPEG version, I just converted it: http://home.jbic.com/~ben/x-men_320.mpg [jbic.com] . I used the free Movie2MPEG program from: http://www.win.ne.jp/~juan/misc/mpg/index_e.html [win.ne.jp] to convert it on my Mac, but the sound seems to have gotten out of sync near the end. If anyone has a nice fast G3/G4, you're welcome to give it another shot. It too damn long to convert on my lowly 603e/180 that I'm not gonna try it again. Oh, and some mirrors might not be that bad and idea.:)
The movie isn't just in Quicktime format, it uses the QT streaming extensions, so unless you are running the latest version of QT, you cannot even download the movie; all you get is a "Click here to play" graphic.
Given the non-trivial correlation between comic book reading and Linux use, perhaps it's time to/. Marvel (or Apple) again.
Songs used in trailers are often taken from the soundtracks of other movies. The reason is that the soundtrack is rarely final in that stage of the film (the stage where the trailer is made).
Yeah. Maybe the sequel will have a bunch of flashbacks to the two of them in the forests of northern Alberta. I wonder if the character's are going to be at all close to their proper heights... Creed's (Sabretooth) is supposed to be about a foot and half taller than Logan's 5'3" or so.
Claremont's back again. Been writing FF for a couple years now, and his X-Men'll be out this month or next. You should see what Leinil Francis Yu can do with Wolverine.
Sabertooth is not Logan's father, just implied that he was to screw with Logan's already messed up memory. As someone else said, he's Graydon Creed's kid. Graydon Creed is now assumed dead, since he was turned into a pile of ash during a presidential stump speech.
Yeah, Logan's got the metal back. He hasn't had any reaction to it yet, which is strange since he sure made a lot of losing it. (I'm one of the few who thought he was better without it.)
Mystique's not Nightcrawler's sister, she's his surrogate mother, same as Rogue.
Dark and Gloomy TM _is_ the X-Men. Fighting for/with people that Hate And Fear (TM) them is what they've been doing from the begining. What's more dark & depressing than risking your life for someone, and then having them run screaming from you or trying to attack you with a bat, yelling "Die Mutie!"
Pryde was saccharine when she first joined, but that's cause she was about 13. She developed into a more serious character, and thanks to having Wolverine mentoring her, she became capable of doing really nasty things to people who she was pissed off at. Unfortunately their are plenty of writers who don't look carefully at the past history of the character. Jubilee (Jubilation Lee) joined about the same time. Silly Southern California mall-rat trying to pretend she wasn't scared out of her mind most of the time.
I want 720x480 24fps, not another streaming homage to Microsoft that we continually get around here. After seeing full D1 you never want to play another internet stream again.
What I'd like to see (Score:2)
"New" X-Men of old (Score:2)
Chris Clermont was the writer. He was known as writing good women characters. Each woman chartacter got the chance to say "Hear me, X-Men! No longer am I the woman you knew...Now and forever, I am [fill in the blank]!"
Byrne was the pencil artist. He was really the guy who put Wolverine on the map. He made Wolvie be real hairy and animal-like.
Terry Austin was the inker. He made Byrne's drawings full of amazingly rich detail and microscopic comic references.
Byrne and Clermont were always fighting. Byrne, apparently, though Clermont was a silly hack. Clermont, on the other hand, took the characters more seriously than his own life. They co-ploted the comic, and their disparate characters really helpped make the comic original and vital.
The comic was the most popular thing out there (but nothing like today). Then, the editor-in-chief at Marvel wrested control away from Clermont and made him make Jean Grey/Phoenix die because she had killed a bunch of aliens while she was in a power-mad state of delerium. Clermont was crushed.
Byrne then got sick of working with Clermont, and left the book. Many plotlines were left hanging. Some were later resolved, but in ways far inferior to what had been alluded to by Byrne and Clermont:
* Was Sabertooth Wolverine's father?
* Wolverine had an adamantium skeleton?
* Mystique was Nightcrawler's sister?
Etc. Different artists came and went, and the "feel" of the book varied. Clermont stayed on, but I think that the book started making to much money, and Marvel wrested control from him altogether.
Too bad. His emphasis on strong but super sexy women and convoluted soap-opera relationships between what grew to dozens of charatcers was good, but soon became the books' undoing as the number of different X-Men titles grew until it dwarfed the entire Marvel universe.
yeah i like the garphic card too... (Score:1)
Re:Halle Berry as Storm? (Score:1)
Re:"New" X-Men of old (Score:1)
As long as... (Score:1)
Re:Fathom (Score:1)
Michael Turner has a iventful imagination. The story is not dull by any means.
We all have things that personally draw us to a story or character.
Fathom in my ways reminds of themes that I have seen in movies such as Star Wars and DUNE.
The central character in Fathom is a young woman named Aspen. She has an affinity with the water much like Luke's affinity with travel.
Her relationship is persistant, and it drives her into the field of biosciences just like Luke was driven to join the rebel cause. Aspen genuinely cares for the enviroment especially the ocean while Luke genuinely cares for human life. Both of these characters have a equal admiration of what is good.
Both Aspen and Luke are different in ways that set them apart from other people. Aspen is of aquatic humanoid race while Luke inherits the ability to harness energy and life itself. Aspen also has the power to meld with water and control its forceful nature. She too can harness and wield energy and life.
However just like Luke, Aspen is unaware of her gifts. Remember when Luke went to Yoda, he was so full of anger. Aspen, naive to who she was, was led astray by a faction of her race who wanted to elimnate the human race if they couldn't be controlled. Aspen was taught to use her powers. She was given excuses regarding the good of their cause. She was confused and lost. Her mind was not focused and her goals were not clear. Luke faced this sort fear and confusion.
Ultimately she faced her fears and enemy head on and destroyed them. She became confident in who she was.
I have gotten a lot of enjoyment out of reading and looking at Fathom.
I would advise you to read Fathom before assuming anything.
The comic books I like to read, in any regard, are Kabuki, Fathom, Aria, Dark Minds, Dark Angel, Neo Cyber, The Crow, Blade of the Immortal.
I will admit that from time to time, I will pick a comic book that may be lacking in a story that features nifty graphics. I like to draw. I use them as a learning tool.
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, I just think you need to actually read and examine something before you comment about it.
Re:Fathom (Score:1)
Re:"New" X-Men of old (Score:1)
Really... I did not know this. Kudos to whomever made that call, it was a good move. Too bad the TV show whimped out on that call. Then again, the TV show always was pretty damned pathetic. Take horrible actors, mix well with horrible animation and decent stills, combine with some of the old good plotlines and water then down into non-existance.
Re:Matrix ripoff? (Score:1)
visit the Guidelight project [f2s.com]
Re:Halle Berry as Storm? (Score:1)
Real human beings don't look like that
I agree, though, that she could have used a voice coach to get the accent right. Then again, we've heard Berry deliver precisely one line.
Re:Once again, No-go for Linux (Score:2)
Besides, even if you did download the movie, could you watch it with Xanim? Again, it's the fact that Apple has the attitude that, "If you ain't Mac or Windows, you ain't $h!t" (of course, what are you if you ARE Mac or Windows?).
Apple won't support the OSS movement. They talk the talk, but don't walk the walk. I'd love to see someone find Apple building some GPL'ed stuff into their new OS, and force Apple to OS it.
Re:Ideology and where do the moviefile go? (Score:2)
Remember to set your connection speed as high as possible to get the best res movie.
Of course you still need tools to convert from QuickTime to MPEG.
Re:Halle Berry as Storm? (Score:1)
Just like the costumes, the comic book bodies are never going to translate to real life. and good thing too - The rediculously over-sexualized comic book women were the one thing that damped my marvel zobie enthusiasm as a "kid".
But I wanted angela basset as storm. I really, really did. :(
-Kahuna Burger
Re:MPEG version (Score:1)
Re:MPEG version (Score:1)
This is not about Linux (Score:1)
What do you propose? Should Slashdot *not* publish the story? I think not. Should Slashdot convert the movie and mirror it? Nope.
--Ivan, weenie NT4 user: bite me!
Re:Halle Berry as Storm? (Score:2)
Star Trek (Score:1)
Re:Star Trek (Score:1)
For those of you running Linux: (Score:4)
and at this site [mutantwatch.com] there is a cool campaign site parody that is very relevant to the x-men.
Wow! (Score:1)
If you ask me (I know you didn't, but I'll say it anyways), I think it's a danmed shame that they feel the need to turn a perfectly good classic comic into a piece-of-shit movie. Tsc.
Matrix ripoff? (Score:1)
It seems like they're just trying to capitalize on the Matrix with this one. It has the same "style" as it, everything is kindof metallic and solid state. And wasn't that song in the Matrix too?
I think it'll be pretty good anyway. Does anyone know who that blue chick is? It's been a while since I've read the comics.
Also, what's with the website wanting my email address. It think Echelon has merged with the Mutant Control Agency :)
When was you favorite Xmen team? (Score:1)
But those of us who were addicted to the comic book itself remember a continum of teams as people dropped in and out. So who when was your favorite XMEN?
My vote - after Brood, before baby-phoenix showed up, Colosus, wolvie, Shadowcat, nightcrawler, rouge, and storm after the mohawke but before she lost her powers. And of course, Lockeed the dragon hang out saying gleep.
Which team do you think of as the "real" X-Men?
-Kahuna Burger
PS, since my favorite three x-men of all time are shadowcat, nighcrawler and colosus, I'm a little disapointed at the lineup. At least they've got rouge and wolvie. But why did they have to include scott and jean (aka ken and barbie)???? Now I'm gonna be watching the movie and some bad guy's gonna smack jean and I'll be the only one to yell "yeah!" and then I'll be all embarrassed.
Re:IMHO (Score:2)
I think the trend nowadays is to "tease" the audience with the first trailer release, then put out one or two more "trailers" with a little more information, so as to 'hook' you into it more.
Personally, I like action movies. If the "trailer" can show me that it's action-centric, I'll probably watch it. Hell, _DRIVE_ is one of my favorite movies, and it has maybe 15 minutes of plot, with the rest action (and the plot kinda sucks too). I don't really expect a comic-to-film movie with a plot. Maybe it's me, but it seems like the lifeblood of comics was the plot, but that they had years in which to develop it, not just two hours.
Oh well, whatever works.
Re:MPEG version (Score:1)
Re:Matrix ripoff? (Score:1)
Re:Matrix ripoff? (Score:1)
Re:captain planet (Score:1)
Quicktime, gah (Score:1)
When are these people just going to start releasing stuff in MPEG format so we can all see it?
[ c h a d o k e r e ] [dhs.org]
Re:MPEG version (Score:1)
Re:Halle Berry as Storm? (Score:1)
I know exactly what you mean. berry looks young to me. Storm was not a teenager, she was somewhat "innocent" of american customs when she first joined the team, but she was always very mature. Basset has that tough but still tender look to her, and I think she could have played a deeply spiritual woman who could wreck your world whenever she chose. :) (And in Strange Days she was so cut *drool drool*. ahem...)
-Kahuna Burger
Link to it (Score:3)
save target as [akamaitech.net]
That ought to get it onto your hard drive.. : )
Re:Halle Berry as Storm? (Score:1)
Re:Emmett, stop posting Windoze only links. (Score:1)
Re:Halle Berry as Storm? (Score:2)
Re:When was you favorite Xmen team? (Score:2)
Cannonball - Sam Guthrie, was a great character, but not one that I ever really "fell" for.
I dunno if they count but "Excalibur" had one of the better books in my mind, which should suit you fine since they had Nightcrawler AND Shadowcat, as well as Captain Britain, Megan the shapeshifter, and Phoenix (also ?lockheed?, the pet dragon). Excellent comic, with tremendous character development. The only thing they REALLY lacked was good villains. Arcade was okay, but c'mon...
ALL X-Women had ABSURDLY enormous breasts (Score:1)
Sorry guys, but women with 36F breasts cannot move abruptly in any way without experiencing signficant discomfort.
Given the fact thatmost comic book readers are teenage guys, its easy to see where the artists were aiming.
read my lips (Score:1)
Re:Once again, No-go for Linux (Score:1)
A Comic Rage (Score:1)
Feature films require, of course, a lot of editing due to people's impatience and length of standard films.
I have seen clips and trailers, and I hope the movie will be better than what I have seen.
I would rather see no name actors who look and act the part rather than some pretty well know model's face aka Mrs. Stamos. No offense to her, but I wanted to use her as example. I can admit I have only seen her act on a couple of occasions. However, I can't imagine Halle Berry playing Storm nor Anna Paquin playing Rogue.
I would have personally casted Iman to play Storm. I would have casted Nicole Kidman as Rogue because she can do an American Accent very well and she has spunk. Rogue has gusto, and I always found her terribly sentimental. I think Nicole emulates a lot of these qualities.
I would like to see two comics come to the big screen personally -- Fathom and Kabuki especially Kabuki. The Noh rock.
As to people's comments about a rip off of the Matrix. Nothing is truly a rip off unless they create an almost exact copy. We all know that Hollywood has reused script after script, that is why they have branched out and developed movies out of books aka Dune, The Green Mile, etc. Only once in a while you get an original thought that didn't come from a book directly but came from the head of a Screenwriter's collective musings. Even though you may not consider them gems, some examples of what I am talking about are EverAfter, Elizabeth, The Hunted, Dark Crystal...just a few.
Themes will always be reused. However, we can always come with a new way to represent them. The Power of Imagination.
O-furo ni hairanakatta desho ? =)
Re:Ideology and where do the moviefile go? (Score:1)
Wolverine actor's correct name is... (Score:1)
I'm not sure about Anna Paquin as Rogue (please, people, stop spelling her name as ROUGE!), but we'll see - she's a very good actress, so maybe she can pull it off.
Re:Matrix ripoff? (Score:1)
I had to watch the damn trailer 3-4 times before I could identify all the characters. Where is Cyke in the big blue suit? Or the hot white robe on Storm? Or how bout Wolvie in the old costume!?
At least they got Mystique colored just right.
Oh well, I am looking forward to it. I hope MUCHO that it does not suck!
The Comic was shit anyways (Score:1)
Re:Star Trek (Score:1)
Re:Once again, No-go for Linux (Score:1)
Gurney????? (Score:1)
"They said you were dead! They said you were dead!"
"I'd have given you a nasty scar if you'd fought one whip below your abilities!"
Damn, the only lines and acting worse than that in movies in recent movies was Hopper in Waterworld:
"Hey! Hey!"
At least Patrick as Gurney (wait...I thought he was Duncan Idaho...I gotta watch that again
Re:Thoughts on the trailer (Score:1)
Because Xavier's School for the Gifted is in New York state, and the X-Men frequently have to save New York City from bad guys. At a guess, I'd say NYC was Magneto's choice for announcing his presence to the world in this movie.
Tension, apprehension
And dissension have begun
Re:Matrix ripoff? (Score:1)
Wolverine (Score:2)
I'm sorry. What I meant to say was 'please excuse me.'
what came out of my mouth was 'Move or I'll kill you!'
My personal take on the X-Men (slightly OT) (Score:1)
Well, here's my two cents: I'm all for hitting the big red Reset button.
I'm one of the few people that enjoyed it when certain other Marvel heroes got that treatement (I loved the new Iron Man), and was disappointed when they folded the characters back in the the old universe. I would like to see the X-Men get the same treatment. Virtually none of the other Marvel books use the 'mutant' idea, so they don't really fit into the rest of the Marvel continuity well.
My plot idea goes like this: the M'Krann crystal (the thing that holds reality together, and the object the Pheonix guards) has begun to crack. The strain of too many people time travelling and warping the fabric of reality (in very bad storylines) has taken its toll. If it shatters, all of reality will be destroyed. The only thing that can repair it is the Phoenix Force channeled through a mortal host.
Our candidates? Jean Grey, X-Man (ick), and Cable. In my version, good ol' Jeanie is now incompatible with the PF. According to Marvel storyline, the PF had to make a clone of Jean to use her as a host (that's how they got around killing her), and I'd say that's because Jean cannot contain it's power normally. Her offspring, however, would be able to.
X-Man is a creation of Mr. Sinister in an alternate timeline, using Jean Grey's and Scott Summer's (Cyclops) DNA. As such, he is very powerful, and capable of handling the PF. It chooses him, because even though Cable is Jean and Scott's natural child, his infection with the Technovirus weakens his ability to channel his powers.
To make a long story short, X-Man starts to fix the crystal, but lacks the experience with his powers to handle them, especially in addition to the Pheonix Force. He dies a bloody, awful death. (No, I don't like him at all.
... and wakes up, the only person to survive the warping that results. He still retains the Pheonix, but cannot access its power fully due to his Technovirus, which the PF seems unable to remove from him while he's controlling it. As the only survivor of the previous reality, Cable is the wild card in this one. He is Phoenix, although he cannot tap the full potential of its powers. He would become another background figure, like Sinister or Apocalypse, very rarely showing himself yet still manipulating things in the world to his own ends: the destruction of Apocalypse, and the freedom of mutantkind. In fact, it wouldn't be clear for some time that he did survive the changes... he may be a shadowy figure that appears in a few initial issues, and isn't fully revealed until a good way into the new books.
In this universe, it is the modern day. Jean Grey died on the moon during the Dark Pheonix Saga, and stayed dead. Time travel is virtually non-existant, so there is no Bishop, was no Rachael Summers (Jean & Scott's kid in yet another timeline), and Cable shouldn't exist either, as he died from the Technovirus as a child, since no one was able to time travel back to take him. The only reason he lives is the Phoenix force.
In this world, Senator Kelly has passed the Mutant Registration Act. All mutants must identify themselves as such to the government as soon as they discover their powers. They are not obviously marked as mutants, but anyone doing a reasonable (i.e. police) background check on their identification will find them marked as such.
There would be 4 major X-books in my version:
X-Men: Charles Xavier has died, and Cyclops has taken on the responsibility of training the next generation of young mutants, along with Storm. This book concentrates on the training of the new mutants, along with filling in backstory on what happened between Dark Pheonix and now
X-Factor: A government run group of mutants who enforce the Mutant Registration Act. Unlike the original book, these mutants believe they really are doing the right thing, protecting humanity from criminal mutants and providing law-abiding mutants a place to learn how to control their powers without going to the underground X-Men, whom they are currently hunting...
X-Force: A group of mutants, originally affiliated with the X-Men, who have broken ties with them to persue a more agressive stance against the Mutant Registration Act. They are more prone to use violent means to their ends, and government installations are their targets as often as evil mutants.
Wolverine: Let's face it, this guy is a loner, and Marvel would never get rid of this title anyway.
Anyhow, that's my personal recommendation. Anyone else want to share theirs? Maybe their favorite 'Dream Team' of mutants?
Tension, apprehension
And dissension have begun
current x-men (Score:1)
MutantWatch.com - they're out there! (Score:1)
pretty cool! even looks like a cheesy political / government website!
Random thought (Score:1)
Hot damn, it worked! (Score:1)
It's still at http://home.jbic.com/~ben/x-men_320.mpg [jbic.com] .
Re: the song (Score:1)
No, the song is a (Lunatic Calm?) remix of Chinese Burn, originally by Curve. Wasn't in the Matrix, to the Matrix's detriment.
Curve has been putting out ideal music for sci-fi for years. The producer who finally stumbles across "On the Wheel" will make a fortune.
Re: the catchy soundtrack (Score:1)
This is a slightly hinky URL, but it seems to work:
http://www.cdnow.com/cgi-bin/mserver/SID=197066231 2/page name=/RP/CDN/FIND/popsearch.html?index=t&string=ch inese+burn [cdnow.com]
If you can locate a copy of their Pink Girl With The Blues EP, "Recovery" is about my favorite song ever. Frankly, I'm just glad to see them getting what must be a fat royalty.
Re:Once again, No-go for Linux (Score:1)
The ability to save a QuickTime file from a site comes via 3 methods. First is paying for QuicKTime Pro and using the "Save as" button on the controller bar. Second is to hunt the exact URL for the file and "Save as" via the browers. Third is to hunt for recently created
Lastly, the "Click here to play movie." is actually.... a QuickTime movie itself! Its in the embed tag and clicking on it points to the actual QuickTime File.
Re:When was you favorite Xmen team? (Score:1)
I could never stand Kitty Pride, though...pure saccharine. Same goes for the teenage girl in the cartoon (can't remember her name). Come to think of it, Star Trek did the same thing with Wesley Crusher. I suppose it's an attempt to lighten up the cast, but I always thought it stupid.
Storm's character was always pretty bland to me, though I liked what I saw of Halle Berry in the trailer.
Re: (Score:1)
Re:Skepticism (Score:1)
The Captain America TV series wasn't TOO bad, though the changes they made for TV were questionable.
The Hulk TV series, while borrowing heavily from The Fugitive and being too overly dramatic for a story about a hero adored for his brute strength, did have its moments. It was great towards the end when they were actually incorporating OTHER characters from the Marvel universe.
And though I really don't like him, the Doctor Strange TV movie was very faithful to the comic book, I thought.
Blade was supposed to be pretty good, though I didn't see it.
And Marvel actually did good with the Fantastic Four movie...they canned it before it went into release, knowing that they could do much better.
Re:Once again, No-go for Linux (Score:2)
Now, once again I shall make my point: The actions being taken by Apple have as their direct result the exclusion of anybody not running Windows or MacOS. This is something I would like to see changed, hence my post. Offering my "solutions" that require me to be running QT4 (and therefor Windows or MacOS) are not solutions because I am running Linux.
I don't wish to sound like a flamer, but....
Re:Skepticism (Score:1)
I also remember the Spiderman live action series being mildly amusing, although it's been a very, very long time, so I don't know if I'm remembering correctly.
I never saw the Dr. Strange Movie from the 70's. As you said, though, I've heard from many that it was similar to the comic, albeit somewhat corny at points.
Blade was only alright. I thought it got far more praise than it deserved. I never read the comics in which Blade appeared, however, so I can't comment on how faithful it was.
Re:How do Linux geeks view QT movies?? (Score:1)
Re:captain planet (Score:1)
xmen = ex men;
ex men = chinese unix;
line + unix = linux;
linux = functionality;
Look to yourself and
Re:Matrix ripoff? (Score:1)
IMHO (Score:1)
Re:Matrix ripoff? (Score:1)
Re:Wow! (Score:3)
I for one am looking forward to this!
About the characters (Score:4)
Famke Jansen as Jean Grey
James Marsden as Cyclops
Halle Berry as Storm
Hugh Jackson as Wolverine
Anna Paquin as Rogue
and Patrick Stewart as Professor Xavier
The bad guys:
Ray Parks as Toad
Rebecca Romijn-Stamos as Mystique
Tyler Mane as Sabretooth
and Ian McKellen as Magneto
Apparantly the movie will start off as Wolverine discovers Xavier's X-Men project. Besides trying to stop Magneto and his brotherhood of evil mutants there will also be some complications regarding Senator Robert Kelly, who sees mutants as a threat to society and wants them terminated.
I can't wait :)
Ideology and where do the moviefile go? (Score:1)
I'd like to see that they have kept some of this into the movie and not just only made yet another action movie with pathethic excuses for stupid action sequences.
And Patrick Stewart rocks.
One can see how they more and more want to force the viewers to come to their website and see the trailer. I didn't see any downloadable formats, although I didnt look that thouroghly either.
The question is, after the movie have finished downloading it should be somewhere on the harddrive, does anyone know where? In which file it uses for cache?
Then someone could take the file and put up a mirror for those linux users too.
Marvel and the market (Score:4)
They had done a lot of this, and they basically didn't retain much control over these products nor over the royalties. This lead to crap like Fantastic Four and The Punnisher, which you can find on video at conventions, but trust me, they're not really worth the money.
So why is X-Men different? After going through bankruptcy, Marvel has a very different attitude. They are excercising a good deal of control over the X-Men movie from what I've heard, and they are also coordinating marketing efforts with the release of the film. Expect to see numerous X-Men products coming from Marvel and their partners when the movie comes out.
What's even more interesting is that Marvel stock (MVL) is currently suffering from the effects of their bankruptcy. No one wants to take the chance, so it's cheap. If this movie does well, and the upcoming Spiderman movie also hits the mark, Marvel could be back on track and the stock has a lot of room to rise... of course, this *is* Marvel, and they *do* have a track record....
Tall (Score:2)
According to my copy of "How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way" by Stan Lee and John Buscema, comic superheros are drawn at 8 and three-quarters heads tall even though a typical human male is 6 and a half heads tall.
Re:About the characters (Score:1)
Re:"New" X-Men of old (Score:1)
No he's not. He was Grayson Creed's (a non-mutant, anti-mutant presidential candidate) father, and Mystique was both Creed's and Nightcrawler's mother, but if they ever explicitly revealed Sabretooth to be related to Nightcrawler, I missed it.
Wolverine had an adamantium skeleton? Yes, this gave him unbreakable bones. However, the Adamantium was ripped out of his body by Magneto. Only His Mutant Power (super human healing) allowed him to survive this. He no longer has an adamantium skeleton, but his healing powers are much stronger now.
Update: as of WOLVERINE #145 (about 4 months ago), he has his adamantium back.
Mystique was Nightcrawler's sister? No. Mystique is Nightcrawler's Mother. She is very old, but her power is to shapeshift into different forms. This lets her keep an appearance of youth and to maintain stregth and flexibility. Note, Both Sabertooth and Wolverine are also very old. Each of them have accelerated healing ability which retards their aging process.
Also, it has been revealed that Wolverine and Sabretooth both have memory implants, so much of their early history is, at best, suspect. (The implication that Sabretooth was Wolverine's father has been shown to be false.)
Jay (=
Re:MPEG version (Score:1)
More on the breasts remark (Score:2)
Storm ... is supposed to have enormous breasts (this is not a troll or flamebait. Every comic or cartoon I have seen has had her with huge breasts.).
Sure, but unfortunately, the cast of "Baywatch" was unavailable for the X-Men movie.
This must be some new use of the word "open" ... (Score:2)
... of which I was previously unaware.
Darwin when fully released will not include the graphics layers (Quartz/OpenGL/QuickTime), nor the APIs (Classic/Carbon/Cocoa), nor the UI (Aqua). It will be the Mach 3.0 microkernel + BSD 4.4 layer.
So let me get this straight. The only parts of Apple's next OS product ("System X" or "MacOS X" or "Pink 3x Squared" or whatever the heck its called (geez, and I thought Microsoft was bad)) that are going to be Open Source are the parts that were already Open Source when Apple grabbed them. Wowie gee. That took some initiative on the part of Apple! Releasing source that was already available, gosh, what a bold move.
Give me a break. Apple's about as "open" as Fort Knox.
Skepticism (Score:1)
Does anybody remember the Fantastic Four movie? Or the Captain America movie? Or the Punisher movie?
I never got to see the first. I saw a trailer that looked pretty cool with Doctor Doom and everything. Rumor is that after completing it, they decided that it was so excrutiatingly bad, they didn't release it in theaters and the print is now laying around in some warehouse somewhere. Quite a pity--I was really psyched about that at the time (I even rented the tape that had the trailer on it just to watch the preview).
The Captain America movie was released, but it went straight to video, as I recall. It had some laughable plot that involved Captain America saving the president from the Red Skull. It wound up being really, really silly. Another pity.
The Punisher was probably the best of the lot, but that really isn't saying anything much at all. I recall it being slightly worse than the classical action movie with an angst ridden hero. I don't remember many particulars about it, but I do recall rather vividly how the Punisher lived in the sewers, placed knives he had heated to red upon his wounds to cauterize them, and had some homeless guy as a kind of sidekick.
Alright, I'm not even going to mention Howard the Duck.
Bang your head against the screen (Score:1)
Re:captain planet (Score:1)
ex men = chinese unix;
So xmen = chinese unix;
line + unix = linux;
linux = functionality;
So line + unix = functionality;
Thus unix = functionality - line;
And, therefore, xmen = chinese (functionality - line);
Not really sure what that means. (Except that I'm up too late.)
Re:Skepticism (Score:1)
Re:Skepticism (Score:1)
Re:My personal take on the X-Men (slightly OT) (Score:1)
Re:The Comic was shit anyways (Score:1)
Thoughts on the trailer (Score:2)
But I had to giggle at that shot of Cyclops in the black ball cap. Sort of an FBI/SWAT-team kinda look. The shot of him running in his "wrap-around" shades was a lot better.
Well casted all around, I think. We didn't see Anna Paquin as Rogue at all, which is disappointing. I wanted to know if she'll have big '80s hair.
Halle Barrie looks incredible with long white hair. And Rebecca Romijn-Stamos in body paint? Forgeddaboutit!
No one but Patrick Stewart could play Xavier. I think that's a given
Why are Sabretooth and Wolverine fighting atop the Statue of Liberty and not in the Canadian wilderness? Must every action movie include symbols of American patriotism?
And why isn't Spiderman sitting on the end of one of the crown spikes, looking all pensive?
Halle Berry as Storm? (Score:2)
Even with Patrick Stewart on board, this movie does not look like it is going to be very good. I'll try and reserve judgement until I actually SEE it, but I'm not getting my hopes up.
I personally think it would have been much cooler if they had done an animated movie instead of a live action one. The X-Men cartoon (at least the earlier episodes) was one of the coolest cartoons ever.
I wonder if Apocalypse will be in the movie...
I'm doubtful... (Score:1)
MPEG version (Score:4)
I used the free Movie2MPEG program from: http://www.win.ne.jp/~juan/misc/mpg/index_e.html [win.ne.jp] to convert it on my Mac, but the sound seems to have gotten out of sync near the end. If anyone has a nice fast G3/G4, you're welcome to give it another shot. It too damn long to convert on my lowly 603e/180 that I'm not gonna try it again.
Oh, and some mirrors might not be that bad and idea.
Once again, No-go for Linux (Score:3)
Given the non-trivial correlation between comic book reading and Linux use, perhaps it's time to
Re:Wow! (Score:2)
Because it looks like one? Then again, maybe my sense of aesthetics isn't as highly developed as yours.
Re:Matrix ripoff? (Score:1)
Re:About the characters (Score:1)
Re:Thoughts on the trailer (Score:1)
Re:"New" X-Men of old (Score:1)
Sabertooth is not Logan's father, just implied that he was to screw with Logan's already messed up memory. As someone else said, he's Graydon Creed's kid. Graydon Creed is now assumed dead, since he was turned into a pile of ash during a presidential stump speech.
Yeah, Logan's got the metal back. He hasn't had any reaction to it yet, which is strange since he sure made a lot of losing it. (I'm one of the few who thought he was better without it.)
Mystique's not Nightcrawler's sister, she's his surrogate mother, same as Rogue.
Re:I'm doubtful... (Score:1)
Re:When was you favorite Xmen team? (Score:1)
How about a VOB file (Score:2)
Re:Once again, No-go for Linux (Score:2)
The movie linked above there didn't seem to be a QTS - I was able to use the tab in the lower right hand corner to download to my disk.
At least on 2.19.00 @ 8amPST