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Outside Total Request Live 37

After another hiatus, we've returned with a new installment of news and craziness. We talk about the Mars Polar Lander, Doubleclick, EverQuest, and more. You can find it in the usual place.
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Outside Total Request Live

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    I have a real problem with hearing Hemos say: gettin jiggy wit it. Or anyone else for that matter, but there are limits to what a nasal, geek accent should be allowed to say.
  • 1. Spam out Slashdot's URL from a Slashdot server
    2. You're done!

    Seriously. Alot of anti-spam folks read Slashdot. If Slashdot turns pro-spam it'll find itself removed. Andover.net was(and may still be) close when it's Dave Central archive listed spamming software.

    Don't Spamvertize. It'll save everyone's hyde.

    Another non-functioning site was "uncertainty.microsoft.com." The purpose of that site was not known. -- MSNBC 10-26-1999 on MS crack
  • I hate anti GiS trolls, er,

    oops, now that I *am* a troll,

    Guys, everquest is some dangerous stuff, and I mean this in all seriousness, Mudding can ruin your life. Like, if you skip a day of school to do a trade run or run a hard new zone, or you don't go on a date because you are on a major eq run, then like, uh, turn off the game, because it's not a carrer, although if it were i'd be playing it still or something.

    A much better mud than everquest (in my own opinion, obviously.) is medievia [medievia.com], you should check it out, it's free for the most part too, although they like donations from people and junk. And if you need a client MCL [andreasen.org] is really good, or if you happen to be a windows junkie mud master [mud-master.com].

    I don't like everquest and UO and crap because of the way high level eq is usually traded and sold with real money, which I think totally messes up the games economy.

    One thing that bothers me about muds like med, Medievia is free yet still proprietary in nature for some reason, so go figure. I wish the owner would just open up the source but thats unlikely, he fears competition and crap.

    -[ World domination - rains.net ]-
  • Not to be negative, but those guys need to take some of those radio-braodcasting community college courses. These shows are like those really crappy "morning zoo" radio shows, only less polished...
  • I've always heard it pronounced as "kuh-nooth". You can check out his God and Computers lecture series here: http://www.technetcast.com/tnc_program.html?progra m_id=50 - excellent stuff.
  • I'm not complaining.... It's pretty fun, if you drink enough... I wouldn't really want it to change.
  • I think we learned way to much about shit, 7th grade penis size verces hard disk size, laser printer toner spam, space aliens who's names all rhyme, and poor south park imatations.
  • I have to agree. I hated Geeks in Space the first couple of times I listened to it. I think I was expecting them have some new news or insiteful comments that hadn't previously been published on slashdot.

    But after listening for a while (particularly listening at work) I've decided I like it. It's not very "meaty", but it *is* humourous. It's kind of a informal discussion of what's been going on in the Slashdot world lately.

    It somewhat reminds me of the way the football commentators start bullshitting about nothing in particular during the slow parts of the game.
  • Seriously, hoth! I don't listen to GiS to get Slashdot articles in audio form only. I listen because I like the fact that they sit around BSing. They remind me of a lot of my friends, and I always find it hella-great. So chill, MB-Mofo!
  • When [go.com] will [go.com] the [cnn.com] Geeks [go.com] go [go.com] to [cnn.com] Mir [bbc.co.uk]?
  • It's also relevant to this question that the very next thing Knuth says in The TeXbook is that you can pronounce it Tex as in "Texas" or "Tex Avery".
  • A couple more (and all fitting)

    Evercrack, Eversmack, NeverRest.

    Gorre, Barbarian Shama... WHOA! Almost signed with me EQ sig. See? It is addictive!!

    Gotta bolt, 2 more bubles till next level. Need level. Must have level.
  • The correct way to pronounce it is Ka-NOOTH. You can verify it here [stanford.edu].
  • Its Gundam Wing fellas.. one of the more popular and kiddy Gundam series.. 5 big giant robots destroy lots of stuff and save the solar system in the process.

    the plot is actually pretty good, although not as complex as some of the other gundam stuff, its dumb enough to be popular in america and intelligent enough to not insult the common viewer. im sure itll be damn popular.

    glad to see you guys watch Lain ^_^
  • I was a bit upset when I looked over this thread and saw nothing but negetive posts about Geeks in Space.

    Now, sure, GiS is a bit low-brow, and dosen't have much in the way of content (that's not rehashed), but I find it incredably funny. I've listened to every episode and have yet to find one that disapointed me (although I don't know about the next one, I'm not exactly emmitt's biggest fan).

    I think the other posters don't understand the point of GiS: To be excellent humor.

    I hope Malda, Bates, and the others don't get discoraged and quit doing these shows (I have noticed that they arn't quite 'weekly') as that would deprive me of one of the truly funny things in my life.

  • it's always interesting to hear a new slashdot episode, and its nice to hear a new one this soon... thanx d00ds
  • In their defence, I haven't heard 'shit' be spoken that much in any of the previous episodes. Yes, it's a show that says not-much about random-news-we-already-know. It's more of a way to get to know the guys and laugh at their silliness (with their silliness?) than a 'Real Radio Show'. The last couple of episodes have been pretty immature. I've gotten the feeling that they've been drinking prior to doing them, or maybe that someone is finally hitting puberty or something.

    I like Geeks in Space, for the most part. They have almost-stereotypical personalities for it (Rob is the big-ego star-of-the-show, Jeff is the highly-sarcastic, slightly-uptight guy, Pater's the one everyone wants to hang out with, and Nate is the Invisible Male who says little but does much). They're funny, and they play off of each other well.

    Sorry guys, if I played everquest, I'd gladly load you down with whatever I could spare. I've done similar in other games of that ilk. Maybe sometime when I actually get the game ;P

    PS - Mr. Rob "I don't USE that OS" Malda seems to be playing EQ also. Hum. *grin*
  • Why is this here? Is this just a reminder of the other topics that have already been discussed on /.? If so, there are some missing...
  • Well, I hate to disappoint my fans, but the first 2 posts were moderated down, so, I'm not really special. :)
    Sorry in advance for the off-topic reply...
  • Let me just preface this by saying, yes, I have listened to all 20 episodes. I have even watched the interviews and the Beanie awards. I can speak with some authority on the GIS segment.

    I like /. radio. I think it is very cool to hear the voices behind the names. I also like the way CowboyNeal pronounces his name correctly and everyone else just calls him Podder. Unfortunately, hearing you re-discuss topics that have already had their souls eaten by relentless over-discussion is kinda' like watching reruns of Cop Rock (painful because it was not that much fun the first time around).

    My suggestion: Pick a more general topic and discuss amongst yourselves. It's a tried and true format. Some topics: How does one open source and still make a living? Is a new President likely to affect our precious Internet in any way? Are geeks confident or just cocky? Should Karma be auctioned on eBay? There are tons of topics that haven't been discussed-to-death yet.

    I think this format change would have an indirect affect on the quality of the discussions as well. Right now, it appears that even you are bored with the topics. You have a tendency to talk about anything else that might pop up during the show. Don't get me wrong, I like a good fart joke as much as the next guy. I just believe in the "everything in moderation (except Tribes)" way of life.

    Please keep up the Geeks In Space segment. Please officially make it a weekly event. Please talk about something new and exciting. Please e-mail Kurt [mailto]. Please keep making me laugh at work.
    Peace. Sway

  • by Anonymous Coward
    That's Geeks in Space???

    What a mind-boggling waste of bandwidth. Several guys sitting around bullshitting about nothing in particular? Could somebody explain to me exactly what is the point?

    Much like a bad movie (I don't mean a good bad movie, either), I kept saying to myself "I'm gonna turn this thing off." But I kept waiting for those one or two nuggets that might have made my investment in time to that point not totally wasted. The /. piece? I'm little more clued after that minor mention than I was before. The double-click piece? Hell, I already knew that. Anybody not hiding under a freakin rock knew that.

    The participants in this thing spent more time discussing scatological issues and the kind of personal body parts best left unmentioned in polite company than anything truly useful.

    Sheesh. I won't do that again.

    At least I now have a much better understanding of why /. is the way it is.

    So those of you who, like myself, wasted a bunch of time on the "episode" and reading these threads will not have completely wasted your time, here's something you may find at least marginally useful: double-click is perhaps not the only operation about which you need be concerned. For example: check out references to "Akamai Technologies." I first found out about them in the firewall-wizards mailing list.

    It's amazing what you'll find if you just snoop or tcpdump your ppp interface for DNS traffic while browsing.

  • From the TeXbook by Knuth:

    Insiders pronounce the x in TeX as a Greek Chi, not as an 'x' so that TeX rhymes with the word blecchhh. It's the 'ch' sound in Scottish words like loch or German words like ach; it's a Spanish 'j' and a Russian 'kh'. When you say it correctly to your computer, the teminal my become slightly moist.

  • we call it "Evercrack". I fight almost broke out when Evercrack player A was attached to his computer for something like 48 hours straight. He moved a microwave down under his desk so he could zap food. Someone, trying to look out for his soul, almost unplugged his machine from the LAN. Luckily I used to be a bouncer and stepped in to avert the situation...

    Just so no to MMOLRPG's...
  • yeah, I stood corrected when they prounced Donald Knuth's name. (They said it as "Nooth", I had just assumed it was prounced "Nuth")

    'Tis an ill wind that blows no good, I guess.

  • Dude, you guys gotta play Asheron's Call.. yeah, yeah.. it's published by Microsoft, and you gotta use the MSN Gaming Zone, but Turbine (the software company that programs Asheron's Call) is really great. I could go into reasons why it's better, (Don't lose everything when you die/FAR less camping/no nerfing/etc)

    Anyway, if you guys want to play, I'm "Porom" on Harvestgain, and I could get you to lvl 4 in a weekend, easily..
  • Oh, good. I was wondering why /. behavior had changed recently. Thanks for letting us know. [I'm not going to mention it and decrease your number of listeners...]
  • Pronounciation. I'm finally figuring out how all this stuff is pronounced!

    procmail = [prok-mail]
    Loki = [low-key]
    Slashdot admins = [sur-fur doods]

The road to ruin is always in good repair, and the travellers pay the expense of it. -- Josh Billings
