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Music Media

GNUTella Search Tool 91

A reader wrote to us with the word that Cap'n Bry has designed a Web-based GNUtella search/download form for those who want to leech from GNUtella servers without using the GNUtella software or sharing their files.
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GNUTella Search Tool

Comments Filter:
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Good point! However this and the web-based napster would be really nice for people who, at their corporate-slave jobs, with a T-1 that only allows web browsing, can also enjoy music. Also for situations like "use napster on our network and get fired" like it is at our Uni. The fact that there is only a web-page followed by an ftp transfer should keep them not knowing about my music habit (Like they care, they can still tell the RIAA," Hey, we blocked it, whaddya want?"). It also ensures that there is no outgoing bandwitdh on said Uni network, which should keep all the 13 year olds from going "Britney! T-3! Click!" and crippling their aging cruft of bell-wires that comprises the network here.

    As for the content, I think there will still be enough folks doing it the old fashioned way, who knows, only time will tell...
  • by Anonymous Coward
    <title>Capn's PHP gnutella searcn</title>

    function doSearchForm()
    <h1>PHP-based gnutella search</h1>
    <i>Powered by gnutella at</i><br>

    Search for any type of file you like. If you're interested in movies
    showing people shaving their cats, then search for "cat shaving avi".
    If home improvement is more your thing, try "wood nailing jpg".
    Queries are space-separated words, the result must contain all words
    entered. Searching for "*.mp3" is the same as searching for "mp3", so
    save yourself some typing, and 2 bytes of my bandwidth and use the latter.

    <form action="gnutella_search.php" method="GET">
    Query <input type="text" name="query"><br>
    Max host results <input type="text" name="maxresults" value="10">
    <input type="submit">
    <hr width="80%">
    <a href="/gnutella/source.php?page_url=/gnutella/gnut ella_search.php">
    View Source
    <a href="">
    Email CapnBry
    <a href="/gnutella/">

    function openStatusWin()
    <script language="JavaScript">
    var winOpts = "width=400,height=250,scrollbars";
    statusWindow ="", "Status", winOpts);
    if (statusWindow.document == null) {
    statusWindow ="", "Status", winOpts);
    statusWindow.bgcolor = "white";

    function writeToStatusWin($s)
    <script language="JavaScript">
    if (!statusWindow.closed) {
    statusWindow.document.write("<?php echo $s ?><br>");

    function closeStatusWin()
    <script language="JavaScript">
    if (!statusWindow.closed) {
    function getByte($fp)
    return ord(fread($fp, 1));

    function getWord($fp)
    $buff = fread($fp, 2);
    return ord($buff[0]) | (ord($buff[1]) << 8);

    function getInt($fp)
    $buff = fread($fp, 4);
    return ord($buff[0]) | (ord($buff[1]) << 8) |
    (ord($buff[2]) << 16) | (ord($buff[3]) << 24);

    function getIP($fp)
    $buff = fread($fp, 4);
    return ord($buff[0]).".".ord($buff[1]).".".ord($buff[2]). ".".ord($buff[3]);

    function getLPSZ($fp)
    $result = "";
    while (($c = fread($fp, 1)) != "\x00") {
    $result = $result . $c;
    return $result;

    function QueryResponseDataAvail($fp, $datasize)
    $numrecs = getByte($fp);
    $port = getWord($fp);
    $ip = getIP($fp);
    $speed = getInt($fp);

    // echo "<ul>\n";
    // echo "<li>Numrecs: $numrecs</li>\n";
    // echo "<li>Host port: $port</li>\n";
    // echo "<li>Host IP: $ip</li>\n";
    // echo "<li>Host speed: $speed kbps</li>\n";
    // echo "<ul>\n";

    <table border="1" width="100%">
    <td bgcolor="#000066" colspan="3"><font color="#FFFFFF" size="+1">
    Host is <b><?php echo "$ip:$port" ?></b> running at <b><?php echo $speed ?></b>
    kbps (<b><?php echo $numrecs ?></b> records)

    <tr bgcolor="#660000">
    <td><font color="#FFFFFF">File name</font></td>
    <td><font color="#FFFFFF">File size</font></td>
    <td><font color="#FFFFFF">File index</font></td>

    for ($i=0; $i<$numrecs; $i++) {
    $fileidx = getInt($fp);
    $filesize = getInt($fp);
    $filename = getLPSZ($fp);

    echo " <tr>\n";
    echo " <td><a href=\"http://$ip:$port/get/$fileidx/$filename\">$ filename</a></td>\n";
    echo " <td>$filesize</td>\n";
    echo " <td>$fileidx</td>\n";
    echo " </tr>\n";

    // there's an extra nullbyte on the end
    fread($fp, 1);

    echo " <tr bgcolor=\"#000000\">\n";
    echo " <td colspan=\"3\"><font color=\"#FFFFFF\">ClientID128: <b>". bin2Hex(fread($fp, 16)). "</b></font></td></tr>";
    echo " </table>\n";

    function CoCreateGUID()
    $t = (string)rand() . bin2hex(microtime());
    return substr($t, 1, 16);

    function onShutdown()

    if (!$do)
    Temporarily down for script coding. Try back around 8:30 EST<br>
    -- Bry<br>
    GLOBAL $fp;

    if (!$query) {
    if (!$maxresults)
    $maxresults = 10;
    else if ($maxresults > 50)
    $maxresults = 50;
    if (!$host)
    $host = "";
    if (!$port)
    $port = 22674;
    if (!$timeout)
    $timeout = 10;
    else if ($timeout > 20)
    $timeput = 20;

    writeToStatusWin("Connecting to ".$host.":".$port);
    $fp = fsockopen($host, $port, &$errno, &$errstr, 10);

    if (!$fp) {
    echo "Could not connect to $host:$port<br>\n";
    echo "($errno) $errstr\n";
    } else {
    writeToStatusWin("Connected, initializing prtocol..");

    fputs($fp, "GNUTELLA CONNECT/0.4\n\n");
    $resp = fread($fp, 13);
    if ($resp != "GNUTELLA OK\n\n") {
    echo "Was not a gnutella server\n";
    } else {
    $q_len = strlen($query);
    $p_len = $q_len + 3;
    $search = CoCreateGUID().
    "\x80". // type = query
    "\x05". // TTL = 5
    "\x00". // HopCount = 0
    chr($p_len & 0xff).
    chr(($p_len & 0xff00) >> 8).
    chr(($p_len & 0xff0000) >> 16).
    chr(($p_len & 0xff000000) >> 24).
    "\x00\x00". // Min Speed = 0
    writeToStatusWin("Sending search request '".$query."'...");
    fwrite($fp, $search, 23 + $p_len);

    $i = 0;
    $iStartTime = time();
    while ($i < $maxresults) {
    $sin = "";
    set_socket_blocking($fp, false);
    while ((strlen($sin) < 23) && ($iStartTime + $timeout > time())) {
    $spart = fread($fp, 23);
    if (strlen($spart))
    $sin = $sin . $spart;
    set_socket_blocking($fp, true);

    if (strlen($sin) < 23) {
    echo "<hr width=\"80%\">\n<br>Query timed out ($timeout secs)<br>\n";
    echo "This usually indicates that there are no more search results\n";
    echo "but might also mean that the gnutellanet is getting hammered.\n";
    // echo bin2hex($sin);
    // echo "<br>\n";

    $datasize = ord($sin[19]) | (ord($sin[20]) << 8) |
    (ord($sin[21]) << 16) | (ord($sin[22]) <<24);

    if (($datasize > 5000) || ($datasize < 0)) {
    echo "Bogus packet received from gnutella\n";
    // echo "Length is ". strlen($sin). "\n";
    // echo "Datasize is: $datasize\n<br>";

    switch (ord($sin[16])) {
    case 0x00:
    writeToStatusWin("Init message");
    case 0x01:
    writeToStatusWin("Init response");
    $sin = fread($fp, $datasize);
    case 0x40:
    writeToStatusWin("Client push request");
    $sin = fread($fp, $datasize);
    case 0x80:
    $sin = fread($fp, $datasize);
    case 0x81;
    // writeToStatusWin("Query response");
    QueryResponseDataAvail($fp, $datasize);
    } // switch

    } // could connect
  • by Anonymous Coward
    me too. i'm behind a firewall, are you?
  • Does it have anything to do with the food called Nutella?

    Food, schmood. They just wanted to maximize their hits by using a name that was a Soundex match for "genitalia".
  • That is funny, as that's the only search I tried too. Looking for the Matrix is my standard test for this sort of thing. (Note to MPAA: I own a legal DVD copy, put that lawyer back in his cage)

    Didn't work at all, not just that it didn't find any, but the thing appears to be broken.

  • Yeah, right, soon they'll be enforcing a bandwidth limit on everyone. It would be better if Napster/Gnutella/wget/whatever had a bandwidth limit setting of their own: do you really need to download at 200 kb/s when you can do it perfectly well at 100 kb/s?

    Remember: the bandwidth is shared and by hogging the bandwidth, you're hampering others' use.
  • Big deal. I think gnutella is bunk anyway. Until they can
    control the flooding I'm not gonna like it much.
    I'd also be interested in knowing how much bandwidth
    will be consumed on a 33.6 or 56k connection
    when the gnutella network becomes gigantic;
    like napster in the 3-4 terabyte range and beyond.
    Wouldn't all the search packets bog down
    a small connection like crazy?
    And when the gnutella network does become that large
    we can only expect more flooding, making it
    almost impossible to use on a slower connection.

    (OFSI [])
  • Ahh! So Sneakernet supports tunneling? Cool! ;)
  • yeah, I'm getting the same. I'm behind my linux gateway...hmm...
  • And one of the first widespread uses of the VCR was pornography, followed quickly I'm sure by soap operas. And yet, there are plenty of productive uses for the VCR as well. Should we ban the VCR simply because some kid in the midwest might be using one to jerk off way, way too often?

    Simply because something is used in a certain way doesn't mean that's the only use for it, or even the intended use.

    You're logic is seriously flawed, you might want to reexamine it.

  • Thanks...
  • From my experience, Gnutella seems to be falling on it's face. For the first day or two after running into it here, It seemed to be running ok. And I mostly could grab files. For the last week tho, I NEVER get anything, when I try to grab files. Most of the time, I get a requesting tag, forever. But maybe a third of the time, it just errors out. It's been at least a week, since I successfully downloaded anything at all.

    Further, the quality of the stuff you get it atrocious. Back when I could grab files, I was having to scan through the file when it was done, to make sure that it was complete. That was one thing that Napster does right, since it's a particular type of data, and very specific, it was easy to show the quality info (bitrate, etc), before grabbing the file. Since anything at all can be made available on Gnutella, there is no guarantee that you're getting anything other than white-noise.

    As an example of a technology idea, it's pretty cool. But it would seem that there are enough trolls out there, that they can cripple it.
  • Hahahaha, wouldn't you just know it? The web server (Apache Linux, natch) connects back to the gnutella server running on my laptop to do a request. As luck would have it, I took the laptop home last night to bring my HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy MP3 back to the office. My laptop is basically a mobile hard drive with a network connection. Someone's gotta warn me before I get slashdotted.
    The php page should be back up and working now. Sorry to all the people who had problems!
  • Oh sure, you take a penny, -- you take pennies all the time, don't you? -- but you never leave a penny.

    At the convenience store next door to my work, I leave pennies all of the time. So much so, in fact, one time I goofed up and was a quarter short -- they guy said "don't worry about it".

    Granted, I may be in a minority, but I don't think people are as greedy as your comment suggests...

    Jay (=
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • movies are usually in .asf form, mpg is too big.
  • Maybe it is just me, but it doesn't work, the host page does not pass a host to the php script, so it defaults to, obviously a bogus host. You can add a host to the search by inserting a host=& into the search URL, so you get something like this: ch.php?query=mp3&maxresults=10

    So you insert host=& after the php?

    I don't know any gnutella hosts, so beats me if it works.

    Or maybe I am pressing the submit button wrong?
  • by Quikah ( 14419 )
    damn I goofed my post, their should be <addr> after host=. :)
  • Haha, you too? I just checked out, and it was down, and the original author took it down, so I grabbed it off this AC as well.
  • from the FAQ on []

    I thought AOL pulled the plug at 0.48, so what's with these new versions? Who is producing them? Are they official? Are more coming?

    In the interest of protecting those involved, it can only be said that these versions are being produced by someone with access to the source code. No, of course they're not official in the gnullsoft sense, but let's just say that they're legitimate. I would certainly expect more versions, since we've already seen several materialize.

    But only one person has access to the source code.. or has it been released?

    Now you're starting to get the picture. No, the source still hasn't been released.

  • Um, it's open source. There is no need to "reverse engineer" the protocol, the specs are freely available.
  • Some background on GnuTella should be added as a Related Link.

  • Never underestimate the bandwidth of a pickup truck full of floppies.

    That was in the olden days. Now, how about a Boeing 747 full of DVD-ROMs? There might be a problem with latency, but think of the bandwidth!

  • Oh sure, you take a penny, -- you take pennies all the time, don't you? -- but you never leave a penny.
  • Someone on EFNet #gnutella asked that very question and the answer was that the name is a combination of GNU and Nutella. Now, whether this is the actual origin of the name or not is another story.
  • No, it isn't open source. Gnutella was *intended* to be open source, but was shut down by AOL before the source was released. So, we have lots of clever people like CapnBry attacking the *closed source* Gnutella binary with packet sniffers.

    Please read a little more about it next time, before jumping in and correcting someone wrongly.
  • I have email-ed the developer about this and the only reply I've been able to get is 'soon'. =)

    Now, I think it would be GOOD to buy FIVE or SIX STUDEBAKERS

  • The other replier is exactly right, it was intended to be open-source, but shut down before the source got out. As mentioned on the gnutella unofficial FAQ [], they have been working on reverse engineering the protocol, and have a log of a conversation with the nullsoft developer responsible for gnutella []. That log also has some interesting details about his feelings on the subject of AOL's intervention.

    Now, I think it would be GOOD to buy FIVE or SIX STUDEBAKERS

  • Is Slashdot soliciting Warez and Illegal MP3s?
    I believe strongly in free exchange of general media and vehemently support the Gnutella effort. Take me as an example. I don't particularly care for the music that I find using search tools like Napster or Gnutella, and so the ability to pirate mp3's isn't important to me. As for games, I buy mine, even though I own a CD burner and a fair number of my friends are pirates.

    But on to the real point, this is about much, much more than piracy. This is about the free general exchange of media on a scale that isn't presently viable using the existing server model of the internet. I dream of the day when I can search for essays on Tourette's syndrome and download the paper directly from the author. This is the first step in that direction.

    Now, I think it would be GOOD to buy FIVE or SIX STUDEBAKERS

  • Excellent... now instead of having to download a whole new client, I can just get my illegal stuff off the web without leaving my comforts of my IE5 web browser!


  • If Jesus was alive would he want the Bible warez'd??
  • Yeah, I'll bet students can't wait to pay higher tech fees and tuition! Not to mention all the wonderful network problems that will crop up just about time for those final projects and papers to be printed and turned in.

  • Napster, Gnutella, DivX, anything new that comes along: they are all used primarily for entertainment, plain and simple. We ain't talking about political news or relious freedoms or anything serious. We're talking about people stealing South Park and Britney Spears for their own fucking pleasure, just to save a buck or two. It's that plain, as much as you all hate to admit it!

    http, gnutella, ftp, whatever.... They're all just different ways of shoveling bits around cyberspace. There are lots of bits out there, and lots of uses to which they can be put; I use all of these bit-shovels all the time, and, personally, I have no interest in downloading South Park, Brittney Spears, or anything else I could get legally in a much more convenient format from a local store.

    It looks to me like the Gnutella protocol provides particularly interesting ways of moving bits around, and I see no reason why its applications should be no less varied than those of, say, http.

    Maybe all you do with your fancy new computer is download Britney Spears all day, but I'm disappointed if that's the only use you can imagine for any of this.

    --Bruce Fields (currently using his "fancy new computer" to post to Slashdot, so he shouldn't be so critical)

  • That this topic appears under music, when the one and only search I tried to do was "matrix mpg"*

    (*)Not that I need to download it.
  • is so great, there are so many great minds continually thinking up these great ideas. It really makes me wish i could code :P
  • you use ie... haha.. lam3r. :)
  • >Bullshit. One doesn't follow the other in any
    >local sense.

    Nice language there. In any case, they actually follow quite closely. Never forget that such things have happened in the past, books _have_ been banned for their content and teachers for that matter _have_ been prohibited in some places from teaching sexual education, for example. There are many corporations/organizations which would find it convenient to have this kind of control over what you think... Remember that many a war has been fought over rights you might believe to be silly. (Tea taxes?!)

    Consider the current lawsuits from Mattel and the DVD consortium against, esentially, the world. The freedom to disseminate information is being raped from people in both of these cases. I'm sure you'd be happy to see the Bible banned due to its violent and sexual content, cultural/religious significance notwithstanding. If it's a small enough freedom, of no importance to yourself, you probably won't miss it. Not until you're part of the next fringe group they wish to target. Or are you one of those religious zealot types?

    >Typical whine #8... you may not like what I'm
    >doing, but if you don't support it they will take
    >away your freedom to!

    Well, I ask you this: Just what is it that makes you free now? I submit that you're probably less free now than you have ever been in your life, and it is only going to get worse if current trends contine. When you're asking yourself "How did this happen to me?" remember this day, and your indifference. I'm sure it will be of great comfort to you to know that most people don't care. Absurd? We'll see.
  • Actually, AFAIK there isn't any place on the net I can legally watch Southpark for any amount of cash. So my alternative is to buy a TV, VCR, and tapes, record each episode as it airs (not the episode you wanted to see? Tough, maybe next week) and watch it when I'm actually home (not likely to be when it's on) Oh yea, I need a cable subscription too. A lot more than "a couple of bucks" and I don't want a TV (and all the rest) for anything but southpark (for example) Show me a place on the net where I can watch Southpark for a couple of bucks, so I don't have to use napster/gnutella et al.
  • > Not the sort of connection you'd want to play Quake on, that's for sure.

    What? Simple -- ride the pickup to your buddy's house, and play over Ethernet.

  • If I don't share my music, and Joe doesn't share his music, and Rebecca doesn't share her music, where's the content going to come from?

  • Inefficient you say? Never underestimate the bandwidth of a pickup truck full of floppies.

    I've heard this saying before, but using station wagons and 747s instead of pickup trucks, and CD ROMs and DATs instead of floppies. It does raise a good point about bandwidth, though. However, the latency is awful. Not the sort of connection you'd want to play Quake on, that's for sure.


  • I don't know why your comment got moderated up (and didn't get labelled flamebait), but here's my reply.

    According to your reasons, the following should also be illegal:

    • Kitchen knives. You can use them to kill people, can't you?
    • Keycopying machines or lockpicks. You can use them to get illagal access to a location, can't you?
    • CD Burners. You can use a burner to copy the CDs of all your friends, right?

    Among others. The problem you state here is that people use programs like Napster and GNUTella to steal music that is overcharged for in any case. Not that it makes stealing right, but anyway....

    Whereas, my view of things is this. Yes, the technology can be used illegally. But gun manufactuers aren't responsible for people killed by their guns, Ford isn't responsible for criminals who get away in their cars, and those who make products to distribute digital music shouldn't be held responsible for what people do with their technology. Go after the criminals who copy, or the mentality that says "stealing is okay if you profit" (which the RIAA uses too), not those who want to start something new. Digital music could very well be the wave of the future, with musicians distributing their art without repressive record behemoth contracts. And you want to kill that because people can use the technology to steal....

  • From

    temporarily down. come back later.
  • I'm not sure whats wrong. Its probably just overloaded because phreedom is using the same source and its working beautifully for me (even with my firewall).
  • Here's a file sharing system similar to gnutella: [].

    It's written in Java and GPLed. I wrote it in a couple of hours just to see if I could :)

  • This is really bad... I expect the next step will be Hemos posting leech l/p to t0nz 0f r33t ju4r3z sit0rz.

    GNUTella is a cool utility... but only if people share the files. Won't work too well if everyone's trying to leech and there isn't anything up to leech.


  • It's actually not that dumb, when you think about it. Another way of keeping the code out there, in an easily accessible forum like Slashdot, as well. You never know, someday you just might use it.
  • Lie to yourself, if it makes you feel better. As the saying goes, denial ain't just a river in Egypt


  • Whenever I try to search using the interface to search for something it always comes up with this error:

    Could not connect to
    (113) No route to host

    What should I do? Is it me or the host at the other end?

  • There's a web based napster interface at [] I created it for people who's access to napster is blocked. It also allows you to search many napster servers, including open source public napster servers. The whole thing is written is perl. I give the source to anyone who asks for it.
  • Until the Gnutella software allows me to restrict the # or speed of people downloading from me, I'm not sharing my files. Why? Because when I first got it, I *DID* share everything I had - and a few minutes later, I had 20 people downloading stuff off me at 10k/sec each. That's a good chunk of bandwith! I'm on a University server, and I agree with the concerns of the techs and other students that stuff like this is inappropriate use of that much bandwidth.

    I have no problem sharing things - but they need to fix the Gnutella interface so, like in Napster, I can specify a maximum # of uploads.
  • yeah, it's HTML... so what? What did you expect? Some kind of "I'm a hacker, look at me!" award? Get a life
  • its nice to have friends, isn't it?
  • You can get Southpark episodes online? Sheesh - my cable provider (the only one in town, of course) doesn't provide Comedy Central - so I really can't watch Southpark, home or not.

    So if there was another way . . . and yes, I'd happily pay for it too, (and no, I'm not interested in going to the mall to buy DVD's of episodes from a year ago . . .)

  • Yes it is . . . now leave me alone!


  • Packet collision would be pretty frickin' bad too... you'd have to get a new bitch...
  • I don't understand what your feelings towards these programs are. Are you saying we're bad bad whores for taking these 'free' offers? To me it's a win-win situation.

    I think you had the right idea with your post, but you missed what Gnutella gains from this. Gnutella isn't getting any money or direct profit from people leeching MP3's from people using Gnutella, and neither are any of its users. We can agree on this. But is this bad for Gnutella?

    They don't get anything, however, what this does, is make Gnutella a bit more popular and give more people (bastards or not) access to the information there. The same way ads on AllAdvantage give information about web sites. Nobody's making any (or much) money from the banner ads on the top of Slashdot or the ads on my AllAdvantage banner right now.

    However, if someone asks me where I go to buy shoes online, the first place I'll go is Altavista or because those are the ones I see ads for constantly. This reaction will last into all of my life until some other company floods my environment.

    What you're renting out here isn't screen space or bandwidth; if there was a way for these companies to not take up time, screen space, or bandwidth they would. What you're renting out here is brain space. And since I don't think there's a limit of the stuff you can store in there, I'm very happy to get crap crammed in there. Some of it might be useful.

    I'm not sure that this better-than-free information will pay for your cable until more bandwidth is popular and TV is less regulated, but you can sort of get paid for listening to your radio [www.cashra...argetblank] or cell phone [www.adbroa...argetblank], and of course they can pay yo billz [www.payyob...mtargetnew]!

    - Jeremy Fuller

  • I thought the whole Gnutella thing got vaped by those fine folks that parent Gnutella's parents... Or is this a time-honored pass the source?
  • Check out Just about as close as you'll get to the offical website, which is offically offline. :( nathan
  • Or you can try if you would like to find mp3s.. //Martin
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Some way that if a comment gets moderated below 1 (below 0 for AC posts) the threshold for (Read the rest of this comment)" gets bumped down to, say, 10 lines. Should take some of the punch out of the flood-kids and

    Note it also is not censored in any way, merely 'abridged' like trolls-digest or some such...
  • Since it's kinda pointless to use GNUtella without servers.... check This website [] out... it also has updated versions that were previously unreleased (up to 0.50c now)
  • OK, for those who don't get it... this is PHP and JavaScript, not HTML. It's the full source to the clone, and contains specifications on the Gnutella protocol (indirectly), and acts as a client (directly). The point of putting it here is that if the MPAA/AOL/RIAA/other stupid organization shuts down the site (or the site gets /.ed), the code is here. And hopefully, on your hard drive, right next to a full copy of LiViD's work, Echelon reports, the RSA encryption algorithm, and all those other things us paranoids keep on our disks.
  • Yes, I'm sure he'd want it to be as widely and freely available as possible.

  • Where the hell did they get the name Gnutella?

    Does it have anything to do with the food called Nutella?

    Read Here: NUTELLA []

    It's good shit maynard... I like it...

  • A linux console client that works fairly well can be downloaded here: []
  • <i>Give up your freedom to use Napster, Gnutella, DivX, which you seem to think is unimportant. Next thing you know certain books will disappear that aren't important, teachers won't be allowed to teach certain subjects because they're unimportant. </i>

    Bullshit. One doesn't follow the other in any local sense.

    Typical whine #8... you may not like what I'm doing, but if you don't support it they will take away your freedom to! Right.
  • I was running a server for a few days about 2 weeks ago. It was getting hammered HARD by people spamming text into the search system, and overloading the network. With the .48 client you'd be crashing in under half an hour. The newest one seems to stay up for more than a day, though
    Developers are talking about this problem exactly. At this point it's just not too hard to flood the Gnutella servers, which is unfortunate. Because of the structure of gnutella networks, it winds up being particularly awful. They're talking about potentially implimenting some kind of flood protection to resolve this issue.

    Now, I think it would be GOOD to buy FIVE or SIX STUDEBAKERS

  • I'm not behind a firewall, and I couldn't view the page either. I think the good people at pulled the plug.
  • It connected those who, typically, both took and gave in a moderately fair exchange, a sort of moral contract. Not just a platform where information flowed freely, but one which nurtured new, better, easier ways for two-way communication to proceed. Then things changed. It began to suck. Literally.

    New, consumer-oriented clients were invented, and offered without the servers required to complete the contract. Fewer and fewer of the users provided information; it was not long until effectively one-way IP connections were being sold, so-called "Internet access" difficult to use for the original purpose - even forbidding serving data outwards! An artificial division between "consumers" and "providers" of was created, and promoted as the natural order of things. By no coincidence, the Internet started filling up with crap.

    Yes, "crap". Data unwanted by anyone (of whatever taste). Crap overwhelming and hiding real information, expressions of knowledge and belief. Advertisements. Pay sites for data and services free elsewhere. Payola search engines where apparently informative websites, actually an advertisements for a book or expensive services, are placed far ahead of where the same can be read for free.

    Gnutella, in the original concept, actually offered a way back to making the Internet free again. Not so this one-way client. It offers no future.

    An RFC for the future? A user-level client/server/distributed search-review engine - with optional pure servers, yes, where it can speed and smooth things. Protocols which can connect those who have sought and found some of what they are looking for with other seekers of the similar and exchange what they've found, and metadata of how good and where else it is.

    Without invading privacy beyond "Unknown persons, seeking what you're looking for. found this very useful. Judging by their having saved it/paged through the whole thing/browsed the links in it. They thought this other stuff was crap by discarding it with prejudice; and, collectively, explicitly reviewed it this way or that; people who consistently disagree with you in their choices thought the opposite."

    But the protocols would have to assure that in payment. you give to the collective wisdom what you take. At least in the matter of the reviewing.
  • Now this may make me sound like a wuss, but what of your ISP? They control my window to the internet, they have a monopoly on all high-speed connections in my area (My cable co, Adelphia, anyone who doesn't think they are a local monopoly is a moron) This means if I share my files and they get pissed over bandwidth, WTF I'm SOL. The internet isn't open till the commerical ISP dies, they want to protect their own interests which means making money, which means the more dumbasses they can shove on a line the better.
    What will we have to do to truly make the internet free?
    I can't do everything I could want (run my own site or use linux (bastard one-way modem dealie and in linux i'm a newbie)) because my ISP is in it for the money, not for the net.
    (Stray thought: What about the governments, what can they do, the USA thinks they can outlaw whatever they want to on the net, gee, they smart, me bow down now. to that i say SHUT THE HELL UP BITCH. How about we make some changes, guess who has the money now, Techies, guess how governments are run, Money. We should be changing the world, not bitchin' on a forum for our own kind(who generally agrees anyway)Let's make some changes. No person has the right to show others how to live. Screw our "common good" laws, some can't even be proven anyway, ass politicians just assume that whoever pays them the most is right (Old ppl can drive, young ppl can't, how many old ppl are blind? how many can't drive?) What is the internet going to become if the corperate jackasses begin control, our great information superhighway (hate that term, but it's an effective metaphor for the situation) becomes another yuppie suburb.)

    "It has to start somewhere, it has to start sometime, what better place than here, what better time than now" RATM

    Geez, I really needed to get that out
  • I don't fully understand american universities' problems with napster et al. Here at Auckland University, we have to pay for our net connection, which essentially regulates the whole thing. We pay $0.15NZ per MByte during peak hours, $0.05NZ per MByte offpeak, as well as for all nz traffic.

    Do american university students get free web access? It seems that if you had to pay, it would wipe the problem out overnight - by stopping excess use, as well as providing funding for purchasing extra bandwidth, etc.

    "Oh, I got me a helmet - I got a beauty!"
  • Hmmm well I have seen some of this gnutella stuff.
    Tell me exactly where can one obtain say a nice linux binary or some nice source for the app.
    If not what would be the most stable build for NT?
    P.S. I just might decide to do some of this gnutella stuff say tomorrow if I can get access to a binary and some good material I did a small ammount of the napster thing just for the hell of it when I had a couple of hours to spare. If anyone is interested I would register with some form of a variation of the slashdot uid or something like that.

    Is there a formalized backup or scan protocol that could say scan for any original material from all currently avaible gnutella servers and then grab/flag said material for possible retrieval? That could be very useful just get a couple 50 gig SCSI disks and your all set.
  • This appears to be really interesting however how exactly can one use a direct download method? I tried accessing the first server only to find that it starts timeing out and the second from the AC which apparently servs up just mp3 content but dosn't allow for direct download.
    When I try to access the links via downloading them via right clicking or typing 'd' over the linx in lynx or following the links by clicking on them it returns status information saying that the server is a gnutella server and not a http server.
  • Well, what about a gun maker that advertises "resistant to finger
    prints" or markets in a way to ensure arrival of guns to minors? I
    know we are talking about different levels of morality (theft != guns)
    but the point remains that manufacturers bear some responsibility to
    their products, especially when the use is obviously illegal.

    Really now do you honestly think that if I am motivated to kill someone that that would stop me. Any half wit knows that all you have to do is wear gloves of some kind and suddently all those nasty fingerprints dissapear for good really quickly. Now here's something really interesting do you think that just because someone uses a product for an illegal purpose does that make them totally responsible. Well if y ou follow the letter of the law in various places in the US it already is to some extent in terms of software liscencing. Ever actually sit down to read any of those software agreements or service agreements. Hell even in debian I can read the following:

    Copyright (C) 1993-1999 Software in the Public Interest, and others

    Most of the programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are
    freely redistributable; the exact distribution terms for each program
    should be described in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright
    or /usr/doc/*/copyright.

    Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
    permitted by applicable law.

    That last line is really the kicker most progams usually come with a form of agreement even more stingent. Usually this equates to saying that (in layspeak):
    I as the author don't really give a tinker's damn about how you use this software only that is isn't guaranteed to suit a particular purpose and I am not liable for any direct/indirect damage from my program being used inapropriately.

    That's bullshit and we all know it. Napster, Gnutella, DivX, anything
    new that comes along: they are all used primarily for entertainment,
    plain and simple. We ain't talking about political news or relious
    freedoms or anything serious. We're talking about people stealing
    South Park and Britney Spears for their own fucking pleasure, just to
    save a buck or two. It's that plain, as much as you all hate to admit it!

    Man you like Britney Spears? Ok man whatrever.
    You have a rather blanket statement stating that "anything that comes along is entertainment" while one could technically argue that all the things you have mentioned can be forms of entertainment I think that a telegraph machine could also be used for entertainment, a photocopier (for copying those unmentionables),
    or using mainframes to play ttyquake on. Are you saying that new media is primarily used for entertainment purposes first and foremost?
    As a programmer I can say that on all the network protocols that I have seen nothing compares to the level of scanning and avaibility that is built in to the napster/gnutella protocol. Oh sure you can do other things with various pre-existing standards but nothing this easy and complete. It's liek for storage or for querying transactions.

    Actually you are wrong on the "couple of bucks"
    angle too. In general usually the person is saving thousands (in the case of things like 3d Studio Max) or they are saving nothing but more accurately costing them big bucks for getting the files.
    Seems most people around here prefer to rid mp3's from their preexisting cd sets for convient archival and use. Now personally I haven't done this because I haven't bought a CD (yeah I am a loner and not much into music as such being a keen listener to the radio and posessor of no sound equipment)
    However I have thought of the possibility of taking say something like a book and riping apart the pages scanning them in and do a multiple regression OCR analysis on it so that I could easily search for and retrieve data for all my reference books (Britanica, Bible, Koran, Hindu ancient texts, English classics of the 19th century, various history books from long dead authors, etc), now assuming that I dont' distribute these to anyone (hell several hundred gigs of text data isn't exactly portable by any means including removing my hd) I am perfectly in my right to do this in the spirit of keeping things in a better format.
    PS. out of curiousity what could be the best method od going the above scannign routine. Say best hardware/software combo and it's current state of linux compatability/incompataiblity.
  • Seriously, we need a .mp3 TLD.

    And didn't you mean "When you want to transfer something, all you have to do is use nstp to get it."? (I assume nstp = Network Sneaker Transport Protocol)

    On another note, Wrapneaker lets you transfer stuff besides MP3 music. Like pickup trucks and rock quarries.

    But of course to block this thing, all one needs to do is insert a trojan bitch somewhere along the line. That's why encryption is needed for sneakers (when encrypted, sneakers look like anything else that's taken a good trip through the mud.)
  • I was actually unaware of gnutella until right about now. Our university [] has banned [] napster. It was alledgedly taking too much network bandwidth. However, when gnutella takes off, they will wish they had set up some network policies to deal with napster. After all, web interfaces to gnutella use the http or ftp protocol for file transfer. They will have a heck of a time explainging to everyone that they are no longer allowed to download files!
    Furthermore - if gnutella is opensourced, the students will be able to change ports, effectively rendering any firewalling rules except the really restrictive kind, useless. When will they ever learn that style of net regulation is useless?
  • How nice of you to decide one freedom is more important than another. Good thing your way of thinking hasn't gained much popularity (yet) or we'd be without any freedoms whatsoever.

    Give up your freedom to use Napster, Gnutella, DivX, which you seem to think is unimportant. Next thing you know certain books will disappear that aren't important, teachers won't be allowed to teach certain subjects because they're unimportant.

    Gnutella is just a way to transfer files. Would you like to outlaw FTP? I find your assumptions insulting and scary.
  • Also, just watch for what people are searchign for and rename some files. That is always good for a laugh as well. Stile does have the perfect pics for the job :)
  • This is officially the beginning of the revolution. Doesn't it seem like we found a killer app in distributed file sharing? now for Freenet to come and finish the job. woohoo. This is gonna be fun.
  • There's a universal truth, that as long as there is stuff, there will be people who want the afformentioned stuff at no cost.

    I want free music
    I want free net access
    I want free DVDs
    I want free software
    I want free beer

    The great thing about software, however, is that, fundamentally, it is nothing more than a collection of ones and zeros. Anyone can do it. Anyone can steal it. Anyone can spraypaint the binary on a wall downtown.

    But the media and the big companies *know* that people want free. This is why we have Netzero. This is why we have freedsl. You can even get all of your long distance calls for free, if you know where to look. And as long as the advertising bandwagon keeps on rolling, the public will keep on ignoring it to get free stuff.

    Even better, if the "E-Free" trend continues, we won't even need jobs anymore. Alladvantage will pay for our groceries and hardware. All we have to do is sit back on our fat lazy asses and watch banner ads, pushing even more "free" products on us. Personally, I'm waiting for commercials to pay for my cable.

    This is nothing new. Companies have put toys in happy meals and cereal boxes, given us "20% more!" for free, and "buy 3 tires get the fourth free" deals.

    Don't let any of this confuse you. Free is a myth. You don't get a free tire, it's included in the price. Same with cereal. If it weren't, don't you think they would just GIVE you that tire? Once more, these e-free companies don't deliver free services. You are being reimbursed for the time you waste staring at the banners.

    But as long as there are cheap bastards, there will be companies pimping free stuff to us.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 27, 2000 @04:43PM (#1166572)

    Let me get this straight. This is a way to take files without sharing them back?!?

    How much of a cheap bastard can you be? You've stolen the mp3, but you don't want someone to steal it from you?!?

    I'm sure that someone's going to complain about being a low bandwidth host, but napster (and I assume gnutella) pretty much self-regulate--if you're on a low bandwidth connection, nobody wants to use you. If you have a popular file, pretty soon lots of people have that popular file.

    But to use a technology just to leech--that puts you in cheap bastard land.

  • by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Monday March 27, 2000 @04:50PM (#1166573)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by FascDot Killed My Pr ( 24021 ) on Monday March 27, 2000 @03:38PM (#1166574)
    It works just like the REAL Gnutella:

    Could not connect to
    (113) No route to host
  • No. Slashdot is into spreading the word about new distribution technologies for digital content. The underlying assumption (presumption?) behind this question could just as well ask, "Is Goodyear soliciting bank robberies?" (since, after all, auto tires can be used in getaway vehicles).

    Well, what about a gun maker that advertises "resistant to finger prints" or markets in a way to ensure arrival of guns to minors? I know we are talking about different levels of morality (theft != guns) but the point remains that manufacturers bear some responsibility to their products, especially when the use is obviously illegal.

    How long will it take for people to realize this is not an issue of copyright v. theft, or bandwidth v. theft of services? As Cosmo said in Sneakers, "It's about who controls the information -- what we see and hear, how we work, what we think -- It's all about the information."

    That's bullshit and we all know it. Napster, Gnutella, DivX, anything new that comes along: they are all used primarily for entertainment, plain and simple. We ain't talking about political news or relious freedoms or anything serious. We're talking about people stealing South Park and Britney Spears for their own fucking pleasure, just to save a buck or two. It's that plain, as much as you all hate to admit it!
  • by Caspuh ( 105645 ) on Monday March 27, 2000 @05:39PM (#1166576)
    right on! people who use IE suck! Real men use NETSC._..#&*@>@&)#&_^............(crash)
  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 27, 2000 @06:47PM (#1166577)
    What's really fun with Gnutella is when you snag some nasty .jpg of a guy taking a crap off of, and rename it britney_spears_nude.jpg. Then, watch your upload log window fill up!

  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 27, 2000 @03:25PM (#1166578)
    Another gnutella web interface is up at [].
  • by Ryan Taylor ( 32647 ) on Monday March 27, 2000 @03:33PM (#1166579)
    gnutella clone/development page []

    gnutella protocol, reverse engineered for your hacking pleasure =) []

    There are quite a few gnutella clones popping up. Unfortunately, this one was written in pascal of all things. There are a couple extremely promising C based gnutella clones, including this one [] for which the source hasn't yet (but will be) released. Enjoy! =)

    Now, I think it would be GOOD to buy FIVE or SIX STUDEBAKERS

  • Asketh the poster:
    Is Slashdot soliciting Warez and Illegal MP3s?
    No. Slashdot is into spreading the word about new distribution technologies for digital content. The underlying assumption (presumption?) behind this question could just as well ask, "Is Goodyear soliciting bank robberies?" (since, after all, auto tires can be used in getaway vehicles).

    How long will it take for people to realize this is not an issue of copyright v. theft, or bandwidth v. theft of services? As Cosmo said in Sneakers, "It's about who controls the information -- what we see and hear, how we work, what we think -- It's all about the information."

  • by neo-opf ( 167085 ) on Monday March 27, 2000 @03:46PM (#1166581)

    To heck with Gnetella, Napster, et al. Sneaker net is the only way to go. Here's the general outline:

    There's a guy. He has sneakers. Actually, there are lots of guys with sneakers. When you want to transfer something, all you have to do is use sntp to get it. To initial that transfer, use the init signal: "Hey bitch! Get over here!" and the sneaker bitch comes to answer your request. Then you say, I want this mp3.
    (This can be abberviated nstp://bitch.newmp3.mp3

    Sneaker bitch then runs off to the sneaker bitch hub where he passes the message off to the next sneaker bitch. After the message reaches the target machine, it is recorded on magnetic media and returns via the same path.

    Inefficient you say? Never underestimate the bandwidth of a pickup truck full of floppies.

    (note: I am not the progenetor of this idea, but we talked about it at supper last night, and it sound like fun to me. Think of the mp3's you could fit in a pickup!)

Term, holidays, term, holidays, till we leave school, and then work, work, work till we die. -- C.S. Lewis
