Who Will Mulder's Replacement Be? 242
Cliff Martin writes: "zap2it.com has a story mentioning that there are several candidates for Mulder's replacement. Mulder will only be appearing in 11 episodes in season eight." OK, normally I wouldn't mention something like this, but one of the names on their list of folks who've tried out for the part is... Bruce Campbell? I don't envy Carter these days: no matter what he does, the fans are gonna be pissed. Personally I'm happy that there's gonna at least be another season of the show!
Re:In a related story ... (Score:3)
(Unfortunately, whatever they were doing behind the scenes, that managed to break the "back to headlines" link badly.)
Thats what I get for rushing the change in...
Its all better now...
Re:Mulder? (Score:1)
Re:TV fucking sucks! (Score:2)
I have a TV user manual that has in its Helpful Hints section:
"Do not pour liquids into your television set."
I guess TV fucking would fall into that category.
Re:Why not look around the set? (Score:1)
Re:Ash as Mulder? (Score:1)
Mr. Big (Score:2)
(In an exclusive interview, Noth replied that he was looking forward to starring in a series without a preposition in its name.)
Re:Bruce Campbell was already on X-Files... (Score:1)
And within the ranks of X-files actors themselves, the late Robert Clothier (best known in earlier years as Relic from "The Beachcombers") played two entirely different roles. One was a disgruntled farmer complaining about stuff being injected into beef cows, the other was an old navy hand recalling some relevant history for Scully.
Also, though it was less of a jump, I seem to recall that the actor who played Agent Spender also played the young CSM in the episode where the Smoking Gunmen relate their research into his life. You know, the one where CSM is shown to be a frustrated detective-story writer?
I don't doubt that if Bruce Campbell, eternal mascot of the Brotherhood of Eternal Bachelors [] that he is, makes it on to the show, they'll convieniently forget the previous appearance as per standard procedure.
If carter is clever, he'll use a woman.. (Score:2)
My personal vote is for the Trinity woman. Jeanine Turner (you know, O'connel from Northern Exposure) is out of work too, she could probably do a good job.
The sex appeal would go through the roof. She can't be Mulder she'll have to be her own chracter and have her own thing going but she could be more willing to believe than Scully and have some sort of groovy geek thing going. Maybe she's a computer hacker type.
Oh, never mind Mulder. Here's what the FBI's... (Score:2)
I know who mulder's replacement should be... (Score:1)
Natalie Portman!
what? i'm serious! i think she's way more talented.
Re:11 episodes?? (Score:1)
Bruce Campbell gets a bum wrap (Score:1)
A Quote from a lady at inside.com on a PBS show: "the thing about the internet is that it's very networked."
Re:11 episodes?? (Score:1)
The father should be the next
- Skinner (Something about his reaction when Dana told him...)
- CSM (They did have a 'date')
- The Lone Gunman Whose Name Escapes Me At The Moment
- Krichek
- The Vampire Sheriff From A Few Seasons Back
- An Alien (The 2nd most likely choice)
- God (Hey, why not? Dana's Catholic,so it's not like there's no precedent, and she said she didn't know how she got pregnant...)
- and of course CmndrTaco
Bill Clinton? (Score:2)
Bruce Campbell, isn't he the master thief on "Xena, Warrior Princess"? If so, maybe he could get Lucy Lawless to replace Scully. Each episode would end in a large sword fight.
Re:Bruce Campbell!! (Score:1)
Re:I'm not happy (Score:1)
Thanks for stating what I said in an angry rant coherently. My vision just turned red when I saw this story on slashdot.
Re:Give "Sulu" a Shot (Score:1)
Re:Bruce (Score:1)
Re:No, Not Bruce Campbell... (Score:1)
Re:Spin off the geeks (Score:1)
Re:11 episodes?? (Score:1)
Basically, Mulder has been abducted. And Scully is pregnant.
Re:Bruce Campbell (Score:1)
Dispite this, I still think he's a good candidate to replace Mulder.
Re:my vote goes for..... (Score:2)
"Sweet creeping zombie Jesus!"
Re:Why bother? (Score:1)
Re:Ash as Mulder? (Score:1)
Re:11 episodes?? (Score:1)
Re:Bruce Campbell (Score:2)
Re:i smell a poll... (Score:1)
Cowboy Neal
Re:Arnold Schwarznegger would be perfect! (Score:1)
Re:Bruce Campbell was already on X-Files (Score:1)
Re:Special Agent Dale Cooper as a replacement (Score:1)
Re:You fucker! (Score:1)
Re:Bruce Campbell? (Score:2)
No, Not Bruce Campbell... (Score:5)
Of course they'd have to change the name to the X11R6.4 Files, but it's a minor thing.
Re:my vote goes for..... (Score:1)
Oh, he most certainly did. [google.com] Used to be on the TV stand-up comedy shows a lot back in the early 90s, before stand-up shows went back out of style.
Already in the works. (Score:3)
I don't think Mulder needs to be replaced. (Score:2)
All that needs to be done is to bring all the main secondary characters up a notch and they'd cover enough of any story line you'd care to mention.
Maybe Scully could just be partnered with a different person each week, like Murphy Brown's secretary ;)
Slashdotters slandered... (Score:1)
What injustice is heaped upon our heads O Brothers and Sisters of
I smell a class action law suit.....and grits.....
Re:How could it be the same without him (Score:1)
Re:Ash as Mulder? (Score:1)
Re:Bruce Campbell (Score:1)
Re: (Score:2)
Re:Bruce Campbell (Score:1)
His small part in Xena/Herc was good for few laughs; I think the problem with Jack of All Trades is that they try to recreate the Xena/Herc character as a main character, which doesn't work at all.
Bruce Cambell in X-Files could work, provided they write him his own character rather than trying to recreate Mulder or Ash. Ash in X-Files would be just too weird.
It's obvious... (Score:1)
I don't understand.... (Score:1)
They can't replace the character, I mean he is the driving force behind the "search for truth". He openend the X-Files (got kicked of them later, I recon) He can't give up (that woudn't fit to the character) so he must die to be replaced. Besides the X-Files are a pain is his superiors a** and they would not replace him but just close the project down.
Scully woudn't be there without him, she would have probably just be some medical-legist-FBI-agent. I don't think she would continue the X-Files alone.
In summary, replacing Mulder is going to kill the series.
Re:Spin off the geeks (Score:1)
OMG (Score:1)
How could it be the same without him (Score:1)
Re:Just shut the fuck up right now. (Score:1)
It's a woman (Score:1)
Makes me wonder who they cast for The Fugitive tv series that's filming in Seattle right now - wouldn't a cameo by Scully just throw everyone for a loop?
Re:Cinescape article (Score:2)
the aliens are all good (the goodie two shoes option),
the Aliens are all bad (the paranoia option)?
Or something like out of babylon five where you are careful about what you ask for because the answers surpass all your dreams and nightmares. (surprise option)
Bruce (Score:1)
I just can't picture the guy being serious (I do like him though). On a semi-related mostly OT note - does anyone know the name of the western type show that he played in? It was cheesy and really bad - but I really liked it. I haven't seen it now for 6 or so years, and would love the chance to watch the series again..
Joey Potter should be Mulders replacement (Score:1)
Re:If carter is clever, he'll use a woman.. (Score:2)
Carrie Anne Moss, a fellow Canadian
It would totally throw a new twist in to X-Files. The beauty of the show so far has been the sexual tension, the pretty people (who hasn't had fantasy's about Scully? Only those who've had them about Mulder...) and then the geeky stuff. Everybody is expecting some new man to fill the roll. A woman would be different.
Why not add Britney Spears as well?
VO : Once upon a time there were three young ladies who worked for the FBI. And they each had very promising careers. But I took them away from all that. And now they work for me. My name... is Mulder.
Demon Partner? (Score:2)
Yeah, as a 'misunderstood' demon that wanted a non-demon child, but had to keep killing his own little behorned demon-babies.
What a great partner for Mulder!
"What, I'm supposed to be impressed by some shape-shifting saucer-jockey? I'm a minion of Satan, baby. Fear me."
Re:my vote goes for..... (Score:2)
"Just call me Mr. Butterfingers. . ."
Note: My views do not represent those of Mr. Butterfingers, his employers, or any subsidiary.
"Sweet creeping zombie Jesus!"
Jeez... (Score:2)
Why not look around the set? (Score:3)
He is the best character on the show and he needs to step up as the lead. He can either stay a quasi-bad guy (which I think would be great), or become a full on good guy (which would be a more traditional tv show). Since Gillian Anderson also wants to leave, team Krycek with Diana Fowley and you have a great show. I love Bruce Campbell as much as anyone, but I just think he's too goofy to be a lead on X Files.
Plan B: Skinner, Smoking Man, and a monkey ride around in van solving mysteries.
Open Source Luminaries (Score:2)
See? Linux really does solve all problems.
Replacement? (Score:2)
Re:Special Agent Dale Cooper as a replacement (Score:2)
(Not that that wouldn't be entertaining
Twin Peaks Exchange Program (Score:3)
Hey, it worked for the second season of Twin Peaks!
i smell a poll... (Score:2)
Who should replace Mulder?
Bruce Campbell!! (Score:4)
For what it's worth, during college some friends and I used to run an online magazine. We interviewed Bruce [wiw.org]... he's a pretty cool cat. Check it out if you want.
Special Agent Dale Cooper as a replacement (Score:5)
The most innovative casting, IMO, would be to bring the FBI's next-most-wacky Special Agent in...Dale Cooper from "Twin Peaks". Think about it. Kyle MacLachlan has plenty of experience with delivering strange dialog - even backwards. "Twin Peaks" has a devoted group of viewers with experience in keeping track of a convoluted plot lasting a season or more. There is already a lot of overlap between the two audiences.
It makes sense. The agency allowed Cooper near complete autonomy, and he would follow his instincts no matter where they lead, even if they lead into a shadow world. There's nothing in the X-Files world that could phase Cooper.
They used to do all sorts of cross-overs of characters from one show onto another back in the 1960s. Combine the mythos of the two shows.
Craig Charles (Score:2)
Bruce Cambell is the man for the job! (Score:2)
Comment removed (Score:3)
Re:I'm not happy (Score:2)
Naw... this reply isn't about your post (althought it is about X-Files)... let's skip to the end. The .sig, specifically:
"Meat. They're made out of meat."
*Excellent* short story. *Great* Science Fiction. Now, why won't they put stuff like that back on the air? Not "scary stuff", but speculative or brain-twisting concepts presented in a fast moving story.
X-Files at its top form had some stories like this, but both it and Star Trek (another series that does some great SF) suffer a bit from the limitation that they have to keep the same characters rather intact. (Incidently, in an odd way, the Simpsons also do shows like this, especially the Halloween specials).
It seems that after awhile, the writers get attached to the cast and turn good series into "soap operas". I don't care whether or not Mulder and Scully have kissed, I don't care where Janeway let Tuvok touch her... I'd read usenet if I want that -- just gimmie an entertaining show, dammit!
I'd love to see Bruce Campbell in there, btw, and it *is* common industry practice to drop rumors and see what the reaction on the street is. Bruce seems to be a shoo-in if that is the case. Every SF website is covering "Bruce Campbell replacing Mulder", not "Four guys screen test for Mulder".
Re:I'm not happy (Score:2)
Not to mention most people have already been polluted by stupid 20/20 episodes about rotating earth axes and shows like "Unsolved Mysteries"... and quite a few believe in these alien abductions.
No, I'd be a whole lot more amenable to this show if there weren't already a whole bunch of people who believe in this stuff.
Arnold Schwarznegger would be perfect! (Score:5)
Scully: Agent Arnie, give me a hand here. This UFO landing gear is crushing my legs!
Agent Arnie: Ya. Here ya go. Oomph! [grunts]
Scully: Thanks Agent Arnie. Any sign of the baddies?
Agent Arnie: No, they've disappeared once again. [sighs] Like they always do just before they pan into the camera, ya know. [winks at camera]
Scully: Drats! I knew we should've taken a picture or two. The truth is out there!
Agent Arnie: Wait, I haf an idea. BTW, why do ya always say that?
Scully: Say what? What's your idea Agent Arnie?
Agent Arnie: Ya know, that "truth is out there" crap. Anyway, look: these aliens are always looking for da perfect human, right? Well it's me! Why don't they operate on me?! IT'S ME YOU WANT! COME AND GET *ME*!!!
Scully: Hey, calm down. We're not alone here, you know. [Alien ship hovers over Agent Arnie's head and begins to tractor beam him in.]
Agent Arnie: Aaaarrrghhh!!!
Agent Arnie: Aaaaarrrrrggh!
Agent Arnie: Arrrrrrgggggggh!!!
Scully: Agent Arnie stop arrrging like that!
Agent Arnie: I can't help it. I always do that. Throw me those weapons by your feet!
Scully: [mutters] Hey!--where'd all these come from? [Best boy grip is seen scurrying out of the scene.] [Scully throws a sack containing a grenade launcher, 2 large guns and a hunting knife up to Agent Arnie.] You get them Agent Arnie! You teach them good once and for all. The truth is out there!
Agent Arnie: [Catches the satchel of weaponry] Stop saying that!
Re:Bruce Campbell (Score:3)
'scuse the repitition but:
CM: You'll never stop me Agent Campbell, it's too late...(discards cigarette and starts walking away)
B: (with intent expression, and only glancing at writing on palm once...) "KLATUU.... BERATA... NICTU!!!"
CM: (turning) What the fsck?
B: Sigh, now that I remember the damn thing, it don't work no more. Oh well, (starts chainsaw...)
Laff, sounds like the Simpson's writers should get in on this one...
Re:I'm not happy (Score:2)
Oh, wait. That's right. You're all (uneducated) high school students with no knowledge of modern science or scepticism.
I'll see your rant, and raise you a big cheesy chunk of real life.
I have a friend. A smart person, with a graduate degree, who loves the show. Once, I mentioned to her that I never got into the X-Files, and she talked for about a half hour about it was so wonderful and that I 'wasn't being fair'.
After she had wound down a bit, I was able to speak; 'OK, fine' I said 'I'll give it another try. You do have to admit that some people take the show a little too seriously...it's a STORY, fiction, entertainment, nothing more. That's what I find to be the biggest turn off.'
To that, she dedicated the next hour to how 'wrong I was' and that that 'much of it is based on fact' or only names and minor plot changes were made.
Yow! Another graduate degree wasted!
X-Files Isn't The Same When Filmed In L.A. (Score:2)
IGN (Score:5)
Re:You fucker! (Score:2)
X-files (Score:4)
although mulder is funny...
Why bother? (Score:2)
My two cents
Re:Spin off the geeks (Score:2)
They are fake geeks, spouting off some half-baked lines that sound just real enough to fool the average Joe into thinking they are the real deal.
X-Files' problem is that the show is built around the mystery surrounding the conspiracy. That's the best part of the show, but also it's biggest problem: it is in the studio's best interest to keep the show going (thus, make relatively few relevant episodes to the real story), but the fans want to see more of the "real" episodes.
You end up with a show that has two distinct sides: "conspiracy" episodes, and the "x-file" episodes. I find the x-file episodes boring, because 1) they don't matter in the long-run, and 2) they are frequently silly/inane (witness that rediclous FPS episode, or the sad, sad, sad end-of-last-season episode involving Scully and Mulder being the subject of a Tea Leoni and Gary Shandling movie). There are a few exceptions (I think this season's baseball-loving alien was one of the show's best ever) but all in all, the conspiracy episodes are the only ones worth watching. Too bad those only air during sweeps, and then only a total of 4 or 5 this year.
Expect to see Mulder during each of the major sweeps seasons this year, and the rest of the season to just suck.
It will be sad to see the X Files die this, the most horrible of deaths.
Re:Bruce Campbell (Score:4)
Hey Scully!
Come to Daddy!
Bruce's best strategy:
Uttering the words "Klatuu Berata Nictu" to stop the smoking man dead in his tracks.
Frank Black (Score:2)
which is much better.
Re:Who is Bruce Campbell? (Score:2)
Nine seasons? (Score:3)
Bruce Campbell has a lot going for him though. His acting style easily matches the eloquence that the X-Files scripts have long been known for.
I never thought I'd be ranting like one of those "My TRS-80 was the best computer ever" types. Oh well.
Re:Jeez... (Score:5)
Re:Bruce Campbell (Score:2)
Every L&O ep is completely about the case, we see only what the cops and lawyers see on the job. They do a little character development to keep it from turning into a documentary, but the story is what drives the show, not any particular character.
If the X-Files could abstract away from the central characters a little more and focus on the cases, it might be possible for the show to continue post-Mulder-and-Scully. Honestly I find the Mulder-angst-fixation eps to be the most boring of the lot, I'll be happy to see him less.
Re:Bruce Campbell (Score:3)
Bruce Campbell (Score:5)
Bruce Campbell has been on the X-Files before, and has even played a tightly wound detective on Homicide: Life on the Street, and his experience in the 'horror' genre would make him perfect, the only loss being his trademark sense of humour, which is snotty and loud, unlike Mulder who is more restrained.
I should be honest, I'm a huge Campbell fan, and I loved Army of Darkness, but I don't think I'm being biased, Bruce could save the X-Files, and maybe rekindle the sense of wonder it used to have. Don't get me wrong, it was a great show, but too many 'dream' and unresolved plotlines doesn't make for satisfying viewing. I think a little "sugar" from Bruce Campbell would be a great thing.
Re:Special Agent Dale Cooper as a replacement (Score:2)
We're talking about X-Files aren't we? (Score:3)
How about Patrick Stewart?
"I've never seen anything like this..." or whatever his quote was, would be good here.
11 episodes?? (Score:2)
Or does he go to the loony bin?
Or does he get abducted and dis-appear into the great beyond?
Or what?
Re:my vote goes for..... (Score:2)
My vote does NOT go to Wilson-Philips, heavyset cheesegirl band...
Ben Chadwick - Editor, Zero Future/Post-Collegiate Malaise
Re:Special Agent Dale Cooper as a replacement (Score:2)
Sure, but it shouldn't be too much of a problem. Of course, he might try to kill Scully, but she can defend herself. Laura and Maddy and Ronette were nowhere near as heavily armed or well trained as Scully. Remember, that the other person "Bob" inhabited managed to continue doing his job for quite a while, nobody the wiser.
Mulder? (Score:5)
Sorry, long day at work...
Ash as Mulder? (Score:5)
"Good, bad; I'm the guy with the anal probe."
The obvious choice (Score:2)
Kook9 out.
In a related story ... (Score:5)
(Unfortunately, whatever they were doing behind the scenes, that managed to break the "back to headlines" link badly.)
Spin off the geeks (Score:2)
I vote Fabio! (Score:2)
I think Fabio is P E R F E C T for the part!
Re:You fucker! (Score:2)
A minimum raw HTTP request seems to be:
Re:my vote goes for..... (Score:2)
LOL! That guy was hilarious. So was the entire movie. But seriously... if I was a comedian and I was best known for a part in UHF, I'd go find another job. Not many people seem to have ever heard of UHF (that's what they get for releasing it the same summer as some ridiculously huge movie, like E.T. or something.)