ReBoot Comes To DVD (3rd Season) 86
bodosom writes: "DVDFILE notes in this blurb
that ADV films has purchased the rights to the third season of ReBoot
It's not really anime but ADV is primarily an anime distributor.
If you've never seen ReBoot ... well ... I'm sorry. The canonical
episode (Talent Night from the second season) is available
on VHS."
The Production Software... (Score:3)
Here's an excerpt from this page [] that mentions the use of Softimage to create the series:
Proven Productivity
As a result of its 10 years of continuous development and refinement, SOFTIMAGE|3D is a carefully balanced, production-proven creative environment. For example, Mainframe Productions, makers of the weekly animated television series "ReBoot," uses SOFTIMAGE|3D to produce approximately 22 minutes of lip-synched, animated content each week. This is by far the most ambitious 3-D graphics production schedule ever attempted. The reason Mainframe Productions uses SOFTIMAGE|3D is very simple: productivity.
Re:is anime that popular here? (Score:1)
its important to ME, as well as the slashdot compound, which is what really matters anyway
i for one am really happy anime is on slashdot now , woohoo!
ReBoot also biased (Score:1)
Re:Reboot...please. (Score:1)
I think more than anything it is the CGI. I can't say I like CGI all that much, poorly done or not.
I'll check out season three. It better be good. *grins*
Fran Frisina (
Re:Why is this on here (Score:1)
PS. Moderators- don't moderate me down because I responded to a flamatory comment. ( Or because I said bitch )
Re:Reboot...please. (Score:1)
I agree with you when you say the show was an important step in the world of CGI, considering it was done quite a while back, *but* I have seen similar "cartoons" such as Beast Wars, what were far superior to Reboot (at least the 1st and 2nd seasons).
At any rate, we all have our opinions. I just don't care for the show/story/plot very much. I think that more than anything, that is why drives me away from it; not merely the CGI.
Fran Frisina (
Help bring more... (Score:2)
I'm sure that many of us would like to see other animated series be published on DVD. Personally, I'd like to see The X-Men, Dexter's Lab, The PowerPuff Girls, The Real Adventures of Johnny Quest, Voltron,
Damn, I really hope they *don't* come out with those on DVD, otherwise I'm not going to have much money left from my pay check....
Old News... (Score:1)
I guess I posted too late for anybody to read this post [] earlier this week. And the news was old when I wrote that post.
I will second the posts made earlier that, for episodic television, season 3 was nothing less than mindblowing when it was shown in Canada in 1997. Reboot season 3 was produced between the first two seasons of Beast Wars (or maybe overlapped somewhat with production of Beast Wars season 2) and it fares very well when comparing animation quality between the contemporary shows.
For those who don't appreciate Reboot based on exposure to the first two seasons, you have to keep in mind that the writing was severely hacked by the censors at ABC (Broadcasts Standards and Practices - BS&P). There are numerous references to this hidden in the series. In one of the early episodes Bob uses Glitch with the command "BS&P" to break a stained glass window before flying through it; BS&P didn't allow Mainframe to show Bob crashing through the window because they were afraid child viewers might try to do the same. There's two references in Talent Night alone: the censor who complains about every act for the show, and the Small Town Binomes (Village People) who sing "BS&P" to the tune of YMCA. For more hidden references see Joe Smith's Unoffcial Reboot page []
Talks regarding Season 3 finally broke down between Mainframe and ABC as Season 2 was getting completed. This is why the last few episodes of Season 2 start a darker approach to the plot, a trend continued in Season 3. In the episode with the "Army of Darkness"-style game, the tombstone that Frisket bursts refers to the deceased association with ABC as "An Unholy Alliance".
There are certainly weak episodes in season 3. Then there are some real gems like "Firewall". Like many Reboot episodes, it makes numerous references to popular culture. In the case of Firewall, the episode makes references to James Bond movies, Wacky Racers, the OJ Simpson slo-mo chase, Jurassic Park.
My only disappointment is that A.D. Vision could only get Season 3. My guess is that Polygram wouldn't release the publication rights for the first two seasons, even though they pretty well sat on them and did nothing. Hopefully those rights eventually revert back to Mainframe. I would really like to see a Reboot "Perfect Collection" including key episodes from the first two series that provide good background and character development such as "The Crimson Binome", "Talent Night", "Painted Windows", "Identity Crisis", and of course the whole of season 2's cliffhanger 4-episode arc that sets up season 3.
Re:Reboot...please. (Score:1)
CGI the animnation = Computer Generation Imaging
Fran Frisina (
Oops, forgot link. (Score:2)
Re:Reboot...please. (Score:1)
Fran Frisina (
Jarjar in perl (Score:1)
$speak =~ s/you/yousa/g;
$speak =~ s/I am/meesas/g;
$speak =~ s/going to/gonna/g;
Re:Reboot...please. (Score:1)
Re:ReBoot also biased (Score:1)
Re:Reboot...please. (Score:1)
ReBoot for PSX tanked for very good reasons (Score:1)
For the benefit of those who have not played the game, the gameplay consists of finding and sealing a number of tears within a certain time limit. Failure to seal a tear before the timer expires counts as a lost life. After that is done, you have to find a series of "keys" in the level, and then you have to find the exit window to the next level.
It sounds okay in theory, but in practice it gets old quickly. Level after level, all you do is find tears and keys, and try to get hit too much. After the third level or so of playing "hunt the tear," you begin to question your purchasing decisions. Judging by the back of the CD jewel case there are also bosses to fight (basically scaled up versions of the Reboot villains) but I can't stand playing past level 5. When Mr. Crook reminded me that there were 19 levels of this crap, I literally groaned at the prospect of another 14 levels of boring gameplay.
Technically, the game is a mixed bag. Each level, as claimed above, feels like a small section of Mainframe, albeit a very virally infested one. Unfortunately, you won't be able to appreciate it very often because you are too busy wrestling with some of the "mushiest" control I have ever seen. Getting to some of those hard to reach tears can be a nightmare with the second-person perspective combined with poor play control. Needless to say, this only amplifies the tedium of finding tears/keys.
The game does have a full FMV episode on it, but fans interested in that are advised to pop the CD into their PC and read the movie files directly off of it rather than play the damn game. Be advised that Mr. Crook took the words "shoddy script" to heart.
In all, you can't expect a game as poor as this to survive off of a cartoon license with a cult following! I made the mistake of buying this game (thankfully, at used prices) before reading any reviews on it. Even at the $10 price point I had, Reboot PSX isn't worth the money. I'd try reselling it, but I can't imagine who would shell out good money for it.
Re:Why is this on here (Score:1)
Reboot is a anthropromorphized(sp?) parody about computers themselves, they satirized not only computer related stuff (like "Woah, can you repeat that? In plain DOS?" or "Hurry up, we don't have a ll second you know!") but an impressively large number of shows and movies not related to Computers.
Why is it appropriate for ./ even tho this has been out on other sites for 3 days? Simple, some of us (including me) didn't see it on the other sites, but I've been looking in vain for 3 years for Season 3 on VHS and this news has made my entire month :)
Thanks ./!, Byte me cr0n.
Re:Download me, Bob... (Score:1)
Re:Reboot...please. (Score:1)
Wow, you dis Reboot as a bad cartoon, but then praise a franchaise which has beaten the Giant Humaniod Robots Fighting cliche into the ground. And don't even get me started on Sailor Moon, the show whose only reason for popularity among adults is that it caters to pedophiles with a schoolgirl fetish.
Re:Download me, Bob... (Score:1)
i've looked at love from both sides now. from win and lose, and still somehow...
a lot of people liked "Titanic" (Score:1)
and buy "Backstreet Boys" albums, but if i see it on the front of Slashdot i think i'm going to puke.
sorry, lots of people liking it does not make it good. (nor make it worth putting on the front page.)
it is crap, plain and simple.
"Talent Night" (Score:1)
When I first read this, I read it as Telnet Night instead of Talent Night
I think I've been up for too long when I start mistaking words like that for computer terms... =)
Re:Yay. More cartoon stories. Yawn.. (Score:1)
Re:Download me, Bob... (Score:1)
Re:"Talent Night" (Score:1)
Re:is anime that popular here? (Score:2)
It's the tentacle penises (penii?)
CmdrTaco LOVES tentacle penises. Espescially tentacle penis rapes involving schoolgirls.
Re:Reboot...please. (Score:1)
BTW, REBOOT IS NOT ANIME. It was made by Mainframe, who are based ion Burnaby, BC (just outside Vancouver).
Mainframe [] is in Vancouver proper. I have a friend who works there. I live in Burnaby.
Re:The Movies? (Score:1)
Bad Comparison and Considering it was the first... (Score:1)
On a side note i find the show quite humorous. Each time i watch an episode over a catch more jokes that i missed the last time. The average episode has dozens of jokes that most people won't get on the first or even second viewing. A lot of it is pure genius, and the story matured with its viewers (season 3 being geared more towards adults).
Devoted fan / nut (Score:1)
I mean the whole season was the bomb, but in the final episode which was 90% eye candy and then the musical to wrap it up! I just can't wait for the movies this fall!
Geoffrey Cameron Peart
McMaster Software Engineering
I think Rob is confused (Score:2)
Re:The Production Software... (Score:1)
Re:Why is this on here (Score:1)
Relax Hemos (Score:1)
It's not the Bolshoi for Christ's sake. I've seen a few episodes and admired it for oh, 5 seconds. It did not change my world. Stop throwing your sensibilities in my face, especially if you're not going to give me a reason why anyone would deserve your pity for not having seen this cartoon.
Re:ReBoot also biased (Score:1)
Think twice (Score:1)
1) Since the beignning of the show to the most recent season, the quality of the CG has improve noticibly.
2) Think how often these shows were scheduled to come out. How much time do these guys to make one episode versus, say, how much time Squaresoft in Hawaii is taking to make the absolutely gorgeous FF movie?
Just a couple things to keep in mind.
Re:Download me, Bob... (Score:1)
Anyway, I don't think I'll bother with XTC then. If I want Ginseng, I'll stick with Sobe, at least that way my drink will taste good as well as get me all hopped up on roots.
Re:ReBoot also biased - so is Anime... (Score:1)
to stop watching anime as well.
After all, it has all that Japanese language and culture
that I don't understand, not to mention a couple thousand
years of religion and mythology to fall back on.
It also takes serious liberties with other languages,
sometimes just including western words, places, and
concepts because they sound cool; not caring a whit
to whether the original meaning gets lost in the
I guess I have to stop watching American TV as well, since
some of the better shows assume I have enough of a clue
to get plot points thru context, or at least hang on to
the series long enough to understand the various relationships
Not to be insulting, but I assume you didn't have to explain
"Mike the TV" to your friends as well? A lot of what made
Reboot enjoyable for me was that I didn't *have* to understand
all the inside jokes and terminology for the comedy and
sometimes dramatic scenes to have appeal.
BTW: IMHO, it wasn't DOS/Windows centric. If anything it was
computing history oriented, and tried to drawn in terms and
concepts from across the spectrum of Big Iron to the first PDAs.
In other words, it tried to have something for everyone, and
if anything, your friends were probably over-analyzing something
that was really just a kids show at heart.
is anime that popular here? (Score:1)
Mike Roberto
- GAIM: MicroBerto
Reboot...please. (Score:2)
I do not wish to be cynical... but I really do not see Reboot as a "good" show.
I first saw the show on Cartoon Network a year or so back, when it was first on CTN. My first impression was: my god... more CGI. In addition to the CGI, it is _bad_ CGI. Examples of good CGI are : The up and coming Final Fantasy movie (get the trailer at ) and some of the scenes from Gladiator.
Aside from the poor CGI, the show is just generally lacking. I have fialed to find a plot in any of the several episodes I have watched. All I see in that show are wandering characters, full of the sensationalism that often crowds the mass media when it comes to technology.
If you want good CGI, there is plenty of it, or, if you want good anime, just watch Gundam, Urusei Yatsura, or that wonderful show, Sailor Moon.
Fran Frisina (
no way! (Score:1)
Back in the Day... (Score:2)
Kevin Mitchell
Reboot is good (Score:1)
Ironic (Score:1)
Re:is anime that popular here? (Score:1)
Re:Download me, Bob... (Score:1)
Of course, that does mean that i get no caffeine in my Mountain Dew, non-cola Jolt, and XTC []. M'eh.
i've looked at love from both sides now. from win and lose, and still somehow...
Re:is anime that popular here? (Score:2)
If I may, I'll point you to CmdrTaco's post in Ask Slashdot, Essential Anime []
I'd say the fact that it has over 1000 comments attached would prove that the anime enthusiasts are in force
Re:Yay. More cartoon stories. Yawn.. (Score:1)
I appreciate the fact that you have managed to make an entire post without pimping your fucking propaganda site. (outside of your sig) I think this may be a first for you.
Congratulations! If you keep this up, I won't have to stick my Dremel (with the grinding bit!) up your ass and demonstrate the variable speed settings.
Moderate this up!!! (Score:2)
Moderators, did you catch that? This dudes totally kissing the
Re:ReBoot also biased (Score:2)
Re:I didn't realize Reboot was so big. (Score:2)
All in all I think the big success factor for the show was revolutionary animation and a completely unexplored plotline. There had never been a show like it, besides, it's kinda fun to think that people are running around in you computer and playing your video games with you!
anime? (Score:1)
I'm pissed....we used to watch tenticle porn and schoolgirl rape together.
Re:Reboot...please. (Score:2)
Oh, and the storyline picked up tremendously in Season 3, too.
Re:The Movies? (Score:1)
As for release, aside from the broadcast on YTV in Canada, nothing else is known. It's expected that Cartoon Network will pick up the movies (as they already have Reboot), and that ADV has the rights for DVDs.
Re:Reboot...please. (Score:2)
Your enjoyment of a topic doesn't make it a "good" one, nor your lack make it a "bad" one.
Re:no way! (Score:3)
Re:Reboot...please. (Score:1)
But when I first saw the show on ABC I also thought it was stupid. D'oh!
As for the CGI - well, perhaps it can be excused by keeping in mind that the story is set within the 'computer world' previously described by Tron. Not cyberspace, which is a UI metaphor, but the lives of the various programs and such that make computers work. Obviously it gets stretched a lot....
Re:Reboot...please. (Score:2)
It depends on your taste I guess. I've found a lot of shows are much more enjoyable in groups. I'm in a club at uni where we just sit around watching videos every so often (mostly SF and anime). It's much easier to spot the jokes and appreciate them when lots of other people are doing the same.
I haven't seen reboot for a while - last time I watched it on TV it looked relatively boring as far as the story was concerned. Then we watched an episode of it in a group and all the humour was a lot more funny.
Re:Reboot...please. (Score:1)
Well in the penultimate season 3 episode, as Mainframe falls apart, there is a binome who looks a lot like Sailor Moon who waves about a scepter to try to save people. She gets squashed by a falling piece of building (and there was great rejoicing!). Does that count?
Don't knock something just because it's dated. It was a blast to see Luxo Jr. again as one of the leaders for Toy Story 2. It brought back to mind seeing Luxo Jr., Red's Dream and Tin Toy at animation festivals in the 80's. For all that the CGI in Gladiator is amazing, and the direction by Ridley Scott was outstanding, I prefer the script and presentation in Anthony Mann's 1964 version of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire []. The heroic charactors in "Gladiator" seem to condemn the violence of the circus, and yet the movie almost continually exploits it. Decline and Fall may have its faults, but it doesn't fall prey to that odious habit of modern Hollywood of going straight for the emotional jugular.
P.S. I don't have the Reboot series memorized, I just happened to get motivated to watch my Season 3 timeshift tapes again earlier today because of the impending DVD releases.
Re:ReBoot also biased (Score:1)
Re:Download me, Bob... (Score:1)
i've looked at love from both sides now. from win and lose, and still somehow...
Re:ReBoot for PSX tanked for very good reasons (Score:1)
I absolutely agree with your entire message!
Re:Reboot...please. (Score:2)
Isn't it a little unfair to compared today's cutting-edged CGI to the first CGI TV show ever? For the day (1996 IIRC), it looked damn good. And it defintely got better as it went along.
Have you seen the 3rd season or the first and/or second? The third season is so far beyond the other two you'd find it hard to believe they are the same show. It has better animation, a continuing plot, real action, all the good stuff.
Re:no way! (Score:1)
Enzo? (Score:1)
Re:ReBoot for the PlayStation tanked, and now a DV (Score:2)
The point about them not being picked up in the States (particularly for season 3) was partly the cause of the improved storyline and plotting for season 3. The staff of the show had long felt that they were being unduly cramped by BS&P - Broadcast Standards & Practices - and felt they had a chance to cover more ground without that restriction.
Some specific examples come to mind - the "BS&P Approved liferaft" [], and Dot's monobreast [] (search on 'monobreast' inside the article).
A more important and less noticably point is that the Canadian episodes were 'censored down' for U.S. viewing []. There was consistent pressure to control language and imagery, but there were also apparently post-production cuts. If you watched it in the U.S., missing bits may contribute to plot inconsistencies.
Although "YRO" may not be the original reason this item made it to /., it's a good thing to note here; if you are getting the originals on DVD, then there is one less snipping layer between you and the creators of the work...
Why is this on here (Score:2)
FYI this information was released 3 days ago in an ADV press release..
If your looking on any anime information goto
instead as its allways upto date and has a great forum and you can even get a response to studio reps sometimes =)..
Anyhoo in closing.. leave it to a dedicated site.. this is more proof that slashdot is going downhill...
Re:Reboot...please. (Score:2)
If you look at other more recent Mainframe fare, you'll find that for intensionally cartoon-ish looking CGI, it's quite good... This doesn't could season 1, 2, or 3 of Beast Wars (Beasties in Canad), but it does include Beast Machines and War Planets, which were both eye candy, again with not too bad writing considering they were cartoons, and that as serializations they sometimes had to refresh the viewer's mind as to what had occured of late. (They also kept artificially inserting cheesy lovey-dovey dialog between Black Arachnia and... whoops, season 2 Beast Machines spoiler.... But I forgive them for that, at least in part because of the decent theme music.)
Action Man seems to be another step up in maturity, with real-ish characters, and however an outlandinsh plot, at least the semblance of intelligent attempts at resolution. Once you get past the Fox Kids-Mandated catch phrase, the show ain't too bad, if you like cartoons, and I assume you do.
Also, remember Mainframe has put out more CGI for broadcast than anyone. They therefore deserve a little respect.
Re:Why is this on here (Score:1)
Translation (Score:1)
very very cool
Translation: I am a loser, my vast collection of anime gives me something to do when I'm not playing D&D or masturbating.
all i REALLY want is Cutey Honey and Slayers movies (all of em) on DVD!
Translation: Sometimes I combine my masturbation and anime habits. Espescially when watching la blue girl.
oh... and Bubblegum Crisis 2040 on DVD would kick ass as well.. its SUCH a good quality anime, and in a digital format, would look great on my big screen tv
Translation: The last time I got laid there was a republican in the white house.
DVD of Variable Geo would rock too... i dont have too many requests, do i?
Translation: Thanks to I haven't had to leave my house in almost 6 weeks.
Re:is anime that popular here? (Score:2)
ReBoot - Beasites - Beast Machines (Score:1)
ReBoot for the PlayStation tanked, and now a DVD?? (Score:2)
EA got the ReBoot license in early 1995 when Don Mattrick (our studio head at the time) heard that Microsoft was after it. The license was then bounced around the studio until my group got it in late '95. The game wasn't completed until February of '98, hitting stores just before the end of March. By then the license was thoroughly dead, no one even remembered the show, and marketing (justifiably) chose not to support the product. Consequently, it went on to sell about 50,000 units, not even breaking even (the game cost US$2.1M to produce!).
It's got to be one of the worst "cartoons" ever made. The minor degree of fame it did achieve (at one time it was broadcast in over 50 countries), was largely due to the fact that it was the only computer-animated show of its kind back then. Once other cartoon shops caught up with Mainframe's technology (Mainframe is the Vancouver company that made ReBoot and now makes Beast Wars, Weird Ohs, Imax stuff), ReBoot's shoddy script and bland modelling sunk it for good. Season 3 was never picked up by a major network in the States, to the best of my knowledge. And now they're putting out a DVD? I can't imagine who would shell out good money for it.
Re:Reboot...please. (Score:1)
When you were seeing Reboot for the first time I was saying goodbye to Reboot. I cought Season 1 and 2 but never saw Season 3.
The show would then continue life on The Cartoon Network (I don't have Cable).
So I had a diffrent impression. I didn't expect the advanced CGI you see in movies like Final Fantasy becouse such graphics were not yet posable.
Your looking at say... the Internet was in 1992 when 28.8k baud was fast and looking at your own cable modem and saying "Got you suck".
What they pulled out of Reboot was cutting edge. What you have today is the great grandchildren of Reboot.
I understand what your saying... By the time it showed up on cable there were far better examples of CGI.
But then... don't look at Reboot and compare it with a movie that hasn't been released yet.
You'd be commiting the sin of damming one of the early pre-talkie classics for not having specal effects.
I rember when someone e-mailed me the
"This is megaframe..." - Megabyte
Thats gona be worth getting
BTW.... Movie spinoff of a game? How many game spinoffs have there been allready? How many sucked?
Plotline first.... technical quality second....
Pokemon the movie had a chance only becouse the video game was spun off from the TV show as was the movie. (yeah I know America got the game first... thats a marketting thing... easyer to introduce a TV show when it allready has fans)
Perl/CGI (Score:1)
How am I ever going to make the worlds most annoying perl code if I can't make
Re:Reboot...please. (Score:2)
With that in mind, yes, the first 2 seasons of Reboot were probably decent with CGI (given the timeframe), but they had great storylines. As pointed in the article blurb above, "Talent Night" is probably the best one of the first 2 seasons to start with. Without spoiling, there's references to "Spinal Tap", music videos, William Shatner, and a bunch of others. Season 3, on the other hand, starts a season-long saga that has a really good thought out plot, and the cgi is much improved (more organic looking scenes at various points). Throughout the series, the main characters (Bob, Dot, Enzo, and Megabyte) are well-defined, and don't vary that strongly over the series.
Again, remember that the time frame of the show (mid-1990's, almost predating Netscape 1.0). For it's time, it was technologically great.
Re:Napster and Google sued (Score:1)
Aside from that, how is the Freenet project going?
Re:Reboot...please. (Score:1)
Haven't been doing Perl for too long, but I'd guess this means replace a string starting with a sequence of ?'s amd
If I got that right, I'll be so pleased with myself:)
Wait a minute. (Score:1)
- A.P.
"One World, one Web, one Program" - Microsoft promotional ad
Mono vs Stereo (Score:2)
If you recorded them from Cartoon Network, you didn't goof. Cartoon Network broadcasts in mono. It is my understanding that they use the other audio channel in the satellite downlink for the SAP (usually Spanish) audio. The reason your TV says it's in stereo is because SAP is an extension to stereo broadcasting. So the cable company just plugs the mono audio into both inputs of the stereo encoder, and the other channel into the SAP input.
The Movies? (Score:2)
Mike Hollinger.
Re:Download me, Bob... (Score:1)
if it ain't broke, then fix it 'till it is!
Cartoon Channel (Score:1)
Re:Reboot...please. (Score:2)
If you're going to critique the CG, you should at least consider that reboots predates every other fully animated TV series. To compare it against FF movie and Gladiator is a bit like comparing a 486 to 1GHz Athlon. It's just a bad comparison.
The fact that this was done in the early '90's is actually a very important technological step in where CG stands today. You can probably find more history about the web somewhere.
BTW, REBOOT IS NOT ANIME. It was made by Mainframe, who are based ion Burnaby, BC (just outside Vancouver).
Download me, Bob... (Score:3)
For people unfamiliar to the show, Joe Smith's Reboot page [] is probably the best internet resource on the show. I think i have my Megabyte action figure around somewhere... :^)
i've looked at love from both sides now. from win and lose, and still somehow...
COOL! (Score:1)
all i REALLY want is Cutey Honey and Slayers movies (all of em) on DVD! oh... and Bubblegum Crisis 2040 on DVD would kick ass as well.. its SUCH a good quality anime, and in a digital format, would look great on my big screen tv
DVD of Variable Geo would rock too... i dont have too many requests, do i?