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Party Tonight In San Jose 175

Tonight at The Usual is our now traditional LWCE mega party. This time it's brought to us by OSDN, VA Linux, and all the assorted sites like,, SourceForge, ThinkGeek and what have you. The party is of course to celebrate the Debian 2.2 release. Music will be provided by San 'NeTTwerk' Mehat DJing and featuring Jon 'CowboyNeal' Pater scratching. The party starts at 8pm and continues well past my bed time.
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Party Tonight in San Jose

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  • and this is the guy who said he didn't care about my manifesto, "The Whoring of the Digital World," which launches edicts at the following companies:

    Epic Games
    Lucent Technologies
    Sony Consumer Electronics
    Sun Microsystems

    (he probably doesn't want to post it because he supports at least 50% of these companies)

    gotta publicise somehow.
  • No, I'd just skip it, deselect the beastiality checkbox in my user preferences or think it was the final straw and move to kuro5hin.

    Or Advogato [] or Bruce Perens's [] or RootPrompt [] (of the Cracked! series), or even SmokeDot [] (though I don't frequent the last one). Slashdot alternatives are a dime a dozen, although I personally think Advogato is really neat, and that K5 was at or near its tipping point to gain equal stature with /. when it went down (which raises suspicions of / conspiracies in minds bogglier than mine). I have a paper I wrote about what makes /. popular, and what would make other sites replace /. Email me to get it.

    Anyway, I don't believe Taco has an obligation to post what he thinks the /. readership is interested in. I think he should select what he's interested in and maybe then make a subselection of what he thinks would interest the readers. IMO the personality of the authors is what makes slashdot interesting and when you take that away it loses its charm.

    Rob has a bit in the FAQ about that, as to why he won't do K5-type story moderation and submission. He basically says that he think /. is the way it is, and special, because of the unique, exclusive mix of editors and their interests, and he will only go so far in 'open-sourcing' the story posting process. I say, K5 was the first site to take OS philosophy all the way in a /.-style site, and the next one might be the "Slashdot-killer."

  • {n | 1 n MAX_INT}th post!
    I would have written {n | n (funky looking e)(funky looking R with extra line)}, personally, and that would be a more explicit form, but I was happy enough with his... It's a lot better than "4th post! Oh, wait, 7th." Geek-grrl in training
  • Damn it! I could have sworn I hit that preview button... Insert line breaks as needed.
  • by BrianW ( 180468 ) on Wednesday August 16, 2000 @01:01PM (#851263)
    By the way, why do you Brits have to pay a licence fee for owning a TV, anyway? That's got to be the most blatant cash-grab by a government I've ever seen!!

    Where I'm from, there's a real movement to get the CBC (our state-sponsored TV network) privatized. You lot should consider the same thing!

    The licence fee is used to fund the BBC. If we didn't have it, the government would just pay the BBC a certain amount every year, and we'd all pay more tax.

    As for privatisation, how is the BBC to make money, other than from advertising. While merchandise and licencing do make it money, it's not enough to cover all the costs, which just leaves advertising. I, and, I'd imagine, many other people, would rather see the BBC continuing to operate without having to pander to what the advertisers would like - it really does make a difference to programme quality.

  • I don't think so b/c the signifigance of this event is that so many /.ers are in in San Jose from out of town and this event is something that will allow all these normally geographically distributed people to come together in one physical location. If /. had region preferences all the people in San Jose from out of town that didn't change their region preference would miss out on this announcement.


  • Aaaagh! What is it with USians using the term "Xtasy"? For the love of God, it's "Ecstacy" or "pills". And it's E, not X too. *grrr*

    Oh, my. It seems that you need lessons in both geography and jargon.

    First of all, its "Americans", not "USians." We live in the United States of America.

    The continent with Canada, Mexico and the USA is not called "America", it is called "North America."

    There is no continent that is just called America. There is only North America and South America. The two continents together are occationally called "the Americas" (sort of like people sometimes say "Eurasia"), but they are not called "America".

    (The stip of land from Mexico to Panama is often infomally called "Central America", but it is not really a separate continent.)

    Canadians are not called Americans. Many Canadians would be mildly offended if you did call them that. They are called either "Canadians" or "North Americans".

    "NAFTA" stands for North America Free Trade Agreement; it is not called "AFTA", because that would imply that America is the only country involved.

    As for Exctacy being called "E" rather than "X", the correct name for it is "3,4-METHYLENEDIOXY-N-METHYLAMPHETAMINE", and all other names for it are made-up slang. You can call it E, X, Xtacy, MDMA, "the hug drug", or whatever the hell you want. Just because people in your little tiny corner of the world agree that it should be called "E", does not mean that it goes by that name elsewhere.

  • emmett [] is gonna be accompanying.

    Just what we need. A techno version of Lawrence Welk.

  • sorta brings new meaning to the phrase:

    crashing a party.

    After 16 years, MTV has finally completed its deevolution into the shiny things network
  • Bravo my friend bravo. One of my favorite trolls... the good ol Don Knotts "fake link" guy. I used to love your openDK stuff... classic. I seem to recall a bunch of lamers getting pissed off at you and posting your phone number and stuff.. are you the same Don Knotts guy, or are you just carrying the torch?

    Speaking of classic, what happened to Patrick Bateman? I haven't seen one of his standard Can you imaginge.. trolls in a while.
  • ... coz back in his Ottawa days, he worked for Mike Cowpland at Corel Computers.
  • I think it's the whole way-too-steeped-in-the-free-software-movement thing. They have a directory in their distribution called "non-free." I mean, for one thing, it shows that they think that any commercial software should be segregated and chastised, or something, for being commercial. Furthermore, the term "non-free" just smacks of politically-correct jargon. Why not just call it "commercial?"

    There's something about Debian that is generally irritating in the same way that ultra-leftist politically-correct activists or far-right religious conservatives are also irritating. It's difficult to put a finger on, but I know what you are talking about.

    BTW, this has nothing to do with the quality of the distribution, which, apart from dselect/dpkg, is pretty good.


  • ...a beowulf cluster of these.

  • featuring Jon 'CowboyNeal' Pater scratching
    Hope he'll use TerminatorX [].
    Try it or listen to this song []'s intro which was twiddled using it.
  • I'll be there, and in honor of all those who cant attend, I shall drink in your honor.

  • *Cough* Slashdot posted that yesterday, or perhaps the day before man. Be calm. :)

  • Is it being rented out as a private party so us not quite so legal folk (18-20) can get in? Is there a charge? whats the deal here man?? Do I need a slick piece of paper to get in? if I print out the slashdot article does that count as an invitation???
  • I wonder if there'll be free beer :)
  • Sure, if they could get over their natalie portman infatuation long enough to organize said party.........
  • Lucky me, working downtown (MAE-W) within walking distance of the conference center and the Usual. My commute is usually around 15 minutes to the southern edge of San Jose :-P

    Although I have to admit that Santa Cruz/Capitola is quite a bit nicer.

  • Because some of it is free (as in beer), but not free (as in speech).

    Well then "non-free" isn't that precise is it? Maybe the directory should be called "not-what-RMS-calls-free-today".

    Is there any software that is free (as in speech) but not free (as in beer)?

    I picked up a Debian at LWCE today. Maybe I'll install it. I also picked up Mandrake though... decisions.
  • >> it really does make a difference to programme quality.

    If the difference in the British and American versions of 'Whose Line Is It Anyway' is any kind of indication of the general difference between British and American TV, I most wholeheartedly agree.

    I'm an American, but you Brits have us beat in the humor(humour?) on TV department. By a long way.

  • CmdrTaco will not have the oportunity of having me try and buy his "I got sloshed at slashdot" T-shirt for 80 bucks. Nor will Linus hear me mention anything about eating at "The Jack in the Box" :P
  • Hmmm, Never come across LWCE ! What does it stand for ? Linux Weenie Chat Event ? Cheers, Winton

  • This time it's brought to us by OSDN [], VA Linux [], and all the assorted sites like [], [], SourceForge [], ThinkGeek [] and what have you.

    So, you mean it is sponsored by VA Linux [].

  • Maybe we can successfully slashdot a bar? Now that would be funny!
  • Which of course is the best development model for beer yet devised. Think about it, instead of some canned, unmodifiable crap from Michelob, or even decent, unmodifiable stuff from Guinness, you can hack your own beer! Always wanted darker color? No problem. More body? As much as you want. Just remember, you have to share your recipies with everyone there.

    But no worries, you have no warranty, implied or otherwise, which makes you responsible for how drunk people get from your recipe.

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • flights? you're not taking CalTrain?
  • >9) Forgot the handerkerchief code and the party is in San Francisco bay area


  • LOL.
    But it coulda been worse, cough...El Camino...cough...
  • americans have trouble spelling "ecstasy" so they use "xtasy".

    Coming from someone at ""?

    Pot. Kettle. Black.

  • by Stavr0 ( 35032 ) on Wednesday August 16, 2000 @08:16AM (#851291) Homepage Journal
    News for San Jose Nerds. West Coast stuff that matters. []
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Why don't they have these kinda events on the East Coast?? Or at least somewhere east where the denizens of the eastern states could actually make it to???
  • From Cecil Adams, []

    There are certain items you can wear to tip people off to your sexual preference, but for the most part they're only useful if you're gay. For instance, there was (or there was at one time) an almost comically elaborate handkerchief code, which you used to find printed up and posted in gay hangouts and sex shops.

    Hanky in the left back pocket signified a dominant, the right pocket a submissive. Yellow means you're into water sports (get it?), red means fisting, green means you expect payment, and so on. Keys and at one time earrings serve(d) a similar purpose. I'm told that in L.A. if you show up with a teddy bear it means you want to be cuddled. To each his own.

    For informational purposes only, please

  • There is nothing quite like watching a bunch of linux hackers drink themselves silly. I only wish I could attend.

    let the puking begin
  • I'll be over in a tick - now, when's the next flight from Gothenburg, Sweden?


    "Give the anarchist a cigarette"
  • by griffjon ( 14945 ) <> on Wednesday August 16, 2000 @07:03AM (#851296) Homepage Journal
    Will this be the first real-world slashdot effect? Will the highways get clogged? Will the party run out of temporary storage space and have to refuse entry?

    Will the fire(wall)marshall be at the door limiting entry for safety purposes?

  • you laugh . .
    consider the following quotes from: []
    "Why is it that my VISA bill arrives in an envelope packed with a special offer to buy a watch, "Cardmember Tips" like "Pay on Time", a page of checks offering a reduced rate, advertisements for long distance service, automotive insurance, and more?"

    "I'm baking this kellogs pastry thingee in a toaster oven. Now I'm a veteren of many a pop-tar, but this is a variation on the theme that I'm unfamiliar with... the little bell goes off and I excitedly whip the glas door open. I rish inside to grab the tasty treat, only to overshoot, and plunge my fingers into the surface."

    Andy Rooney would be proud. :)

  • by Entropy_ah ( 19070 ) on Wednesday August 16, 2000 @07:06AM (#851298) Homepage Journal
    10. CowboyNeal Smells funny when he scratches
    9. Haven't seen female/male ratio this low since the million man march
    8. Prefer the warm glow of my monitor to people
    7. Will take away too much time from Diablo 2
    6. Debian GNU Linux gives me the willies
    5. Can't buy a plane ticket, spent all my money on brand new 1992 Toyota Corolla
    4. When people ask where I'm going, I'd have to explain what a "Slashdot Party" is
    3. Would miss "Family Guy" Episode tonight.
    2. Have to order my last minute VAX
    1. Fear of viollently drunk Taco
  • by StevenMaurer ( 115071 ) on Wednesday August 16, 2000 @07:06AM (#851299) Homepage

    I was about to start a rant on how so many top level stories have become, well, 'Off Topic'. ( Come on now, how the hell is a single party in the San Jose area "News for Nerds, Stuff that Matters?" )

    But then I got to thinking: this kind of post does have topicality to it, just only for the people in the greater Bay Area. So is it time to start thinking about regionalizing Slashdot the way that many of the larger DotComs have been?

    Just add a "region preference" to people's user info that would flag stories about local events. Guys from Sweeden wouldn't have to read about non-global events happening in San Jose, and vice versa. You could have a "no-regions" flag for people who don't want to be bothered, and an "all-regions" for people who like reading about parties even if they can't be there.

    So how about it?

  •, it's just porn.

    Sure, i'm looking for desktop themes, but i'm also looking for porn.

  • sylvia plath rules, dickinson drools! manic depression beats detached and pathetic loneliness any time!

    (lameness filter prevented me from being more lame by capitalizing all this)
  • Gee I am half way across the country and really want to be at LinuxWorld let alone a party. What a slap in the face to post that. :( could you at least webcast it? no that would be interesting...drunk linux d00dz
  • Well, I think it's obvious that this site is a little bit more than *just* news for nerds. If it was, we might as well just read the register or wired or something. It's more like "News for Geeks". And I think a "geek" party (somewhat pathetically) qualifies. I conclude by begging for karma by saying "cool off".
  • It almost sounds like the idea for the regional sites(which weren't a big hit). I'd say go for it tho.
  • Wasn't exactly sure of VA. Anyone got a list of all the tech companies in San Jose? I'll tell you which ones are going on my manifesto.
  • And the difference between your description of a troll and the average /. poster is...?
  • Oh, damn! This is pretty funny. Mod up for creativity and use of higher math for trolling purposes.

    Geek-grrl in training
  • What, no video feed this time? What's the point of announcing it if we can't watch?
  • No, I'd just skip it, deselect the beastiality checkbox in my user preferences or think it was the final straw and move to kuro5hin. Anyway, I don't believe Taco has an obligation to post what he thinks the /. readership is interested in. I think he should select what he's interested in and maybe then make a subselection of what he thinks would interest the readers. IMO the personality of the authors is what makes slashdot interesting and when you take that away it loses its charm.

    Then again, I'm not easily pissed :).
  • It doesn't apply to me personally, but I know slashdot has many readers < 21.

    Is it an all ages party?
  • Dude, you're not in on the biggest Slashdot secret, I see. ALL the trolls are women, without exception. Ever pondered why there are almost no females posting on Slashdot? Think it's because women couldn't care less about some Linux-lovin' power losers?

    It's because the trolls catch them early on. There are sids out there where there's constant cyberlesbo action going on that'd make Madonna on X blush.

    Another thing: why is there such a passion for Nathalie Portman by the trolls?

    Ever wondered why you never see Nathalie Portman and osm on the same sid?

    It's called 'worshipping the Queen of Trolls'.

  • Google found this page [] (no dirty pictures, but your boss still might get the wrong idea if s/he sees you pull it up) on the subject. Apparently the "Hanky Code" is a system of wearing a colored handkerchief in your left or right pocket to indicate your gay sexual tastes.

    I learn something new every day...
  • I?ll bring the Sierra Nevada [] if someone else brings the hot grits!


  • I don't have a Natalie Portman obsession (though I wouldn't say no), instead I have this thing called a real life! Hell, I don't even have a net connection at home... this means I have to engage in things like friends, sex and going out. What a bummer eh?

  • Why cant you silicon valley people appreciate just how long it takes us to actually get to your beloved san jose from our side of the world and give us just a tiny bit more notice.... 6 months would be good so i could get nice cheap flights :)

    Try living just down the coast in Santa Cruz (Capitola, actually) and still being unable to make it. :6

    Vote [] Naked 2000
  • Make that all of TWO of us! :)
  • by sanne ( 223359 )
    ehhhh.. i'm loaded .. think .. .. hmm ..
  • Try living just down the coast in Santa Cruz (Capitola, actually) and still being unable to make it. :6

    What? You don't want to take 17 in the evening? What's wrong with you?
    The Good Reverend
  • One at least! But I'll probably be hiding in the corner bonding with my own male.
    Geek-grrl in training
  • And I suppose El Camino Virtual must be Castro/Moffet. (I actually live just off this road, and work at Moffet Field...)

    Virtual Mr. Hankey
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Comments made by Americans on manners are about as revelant as comments by Americans on beer, cultural diversity, or international politics.
  • by MouseR ( 3264 ) on Wednesday August 16, 2000 @08:25AM (#851322) Homepage
    Good idea. However, there should probably be some logics involved in this. We could define regions (say, country codes, sub-codes for state/province ID) and then use something like:

    "US and CAN+PQ and CAN+ON not US+IO not UK not FR+BD"

    Meaning "all of US except Ohio, Ontario Canada, Quebec Canada, not England, not Bordeau in France.

    Obviously, this requires better organisation, but you get the idea.
  • You'd think that they could afford a real fuckin' band with corp sponsors....
    As a musician, /. has offended me greatly.

  • But sometimes Fox's impulsiveness pays off. Yesterday they cancelled [] the who-wants-to-be-JonKatz show "American High" after two weeks and replaced it with reruns of "Futurama []"! Yes!
  • Emmet's page evidently says he got a tape of his stuff, so perhaps you can talk to him about getting a copy. Check this [] link, under the heading "Music" a few paragraphs down the page.
  • Hell yes, I wanna know about drunken ./ers driving around chicago.
  • Family Guy is on Tuesday nights, apparently you already missed it.

    "Haven't seen female/male ratio this low since the million man march."

    Except you couldn't have missed Family Guy last night, this joke is practically right from the episode. Is there an extra episode on tonight? Why can't Fox pick a schedule and stick to it?
  • Damn, and me without a ticket...

    Nothing beat the Liquid Tension Experiment, tho...

  • Well, it could work, if stories were tagged properly. I mean, the majority of the stories are global. How about adding a separate "Regional News" section, as one of the Slashboxes? Maybe make it a little easier to get a story posted in one of those than on the main page, too *grin*
  • Yeah, this coming from the queen of trolls.

  • Dude1: dude, wanna go to a rave?
    Dude2: dude, stop it man, yer just trollin' me.

    Dude2: dude, want some Xtasy?
    Dude1: dude, is this really news for nerds? CMON!

    Dude1: dude, howbout a beer?
    Dude2: dude, you asswhompingclintoncigarsmokingunclefucker beer is so 80's

    . .and in true bevis and buthead style, they never leave their parents couch.

  • ....will there be WINE?
    ha ha ha ha....err, I guess I need more sleep. Sorry guys.
  • 10) Phobia of beards and suspenders
    9) Forgot the handerkerchief code and the party is in San Francisco bay area
    8) Maybe the NAMBLA South Park episode is on tonight
    7) Would have to admit I use IE to surf at work and at home.
    6) The dog needs me, he's feeling very vulnerable now.
    5) Have a strict rule against meeting anyone from the internet since that last disastrous chat room incident.
    4) Never RSVP'ed to Hemos wedding.
    3) Afraid of cannibalism as 747 gets stuck on holding pattern over Donner pass.
    2) Concorde's are grounded, the only way to fly.
    1) Need to stay by phone in case Gore changes his mind about Lieberman.

  • lets you know about tech cons and expos BEFORE they happen? like I use [] to find out about cool shows BEFORE they happen... Nothing makes me more pissed off than to find out about an event I would go to when it has already started or is over.
  • if someone shows up with a big sign labled ICMP PACKET on the front do they get kicked out??!? hrm...

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Nettwerk. Like Sarah McLachlan and Tara McLean's record company, right?

    That's kind of rock music...


  • being on the East Coast up here in Pennsylvania I don't get a chance to go to very many geek parties becasue they all happen about a 24 hour drive away from me in California...

    What the hell do you drive!?!?! And where can I get one?
    More importantly, how do you avoid the cops at your average speed of 125mph?!?!? :^)


  • Music will be provided by San 'NeTTwerk' Mehat DJing and featuring Jon 'CowboyNeal' Pater scratching.

    Perhaps this "NeTTwerk" nickname was a joke, I fear it's not. Perhaps someone at the party should inform him that he ripped off the name of a record label which used to carry Skinny Puppy and some other cool projects, and politely change his name out of respect for the greatness of Skinny Puppy, or perhaps the Nettwerk label in general.
  • by Vanders ( 110092 ) on Wednesday August 16, 2000 @07:18AM (#851361) Homepage
    No, but there will be copper vats, hops and water. You have to make your own, but the source is all there.
  • Why cant you silicon valley people appreciate just how long it takes us to actually get to your beloved san jose from our side of the world and give us just a tiny bit more notice....
    Um... San Jose is not "beloved". Tolerated, maybe but not "beloved". Trust me.

    (Maybe slashdot needs region codes, so some stories would only be visible inside the "ba"...)

  • FinalScratch
    Seriously, would Nerds attending a Debian party, use a commercial software on a commercial OS ? ;-)
  • I've only been there once but actually quite liked the place ;p

    However I do love that my original post was moderated +3 informative. I feel i've done something useful in informing people that it takes more than a few hours to traverse the globe :)
  • by grahamsz ( 150076 ) on Wednesday August 16, 2000 @06:36AM (#851377) Homepage Journal
    Why cant you silicon valley people appreciate just how long it takes us to actually get to your beloved san jose from our side of the world and give us just a tiny bit more notice.... 6 months would be good so i could get nice cheap flights :)
  • What do you mean "Would miss ``Family Guy'' episode tonight"?!

    Does this mean you have failed to buy a TiVO?! Taitor to the Cause! ;-)
  • by deefer ( 82630 ) on Wednesday August 16, 2000 @06:37AM (#851382) Homepage
    Actually, there was a party round my house last Friday night, but I didn't see an /.'ers there... You all missed an excellent party, naked chicks dancing, beer, cigars,
    Is it just me or should /. acknowledge the fact that it's readership _is_ international, and either post a more internationally balanced list of diary dates, or quit posting news like this? I mean, the recent riots in London didn't seem to garner much attention...

    OT - where have all the trolls gone? I don't miss Ecstacy guy, or that avian cock bloke, but where is OSM, OOG, and the genuinely funny, offtopic and daft trolls?
    Posting +2 because I care no more for karma...

    Strong data typing is for those with weak minds.

  • Thanks for the advance notice for those of us who are nowhere near San Jose.

    I knew Slashdot was just a weblog, but I didn't know it had become a San Jose weblog.

    If I can finally get that damned IBM teleporter working, I'll be there around 8:30. (Easy with those cell modems guys, these are my electrons you're fooling with.)

    It's nice to see Slashdot hasn't lost its Close Personal Friends of Taco aspect -- Hemos' wedding, Rob's parties, probably Robin's nephew's Bris or something will be next. Now I want a personal 300,000 user weblog too.

  • CmdrTaco reports a problem with his bowel movements.

    Katz has lost a contact lens - can anyone pop round to help him look for it.

    Rob Limo had trouble sleeping last night.


    "Give the anarchist a cigarette"
  • So, being on the East Coast up here in Pennsylvania I don't get a chance to go to very many geek parties becasue they all happen about a 24 hour drive away from me in California...

    So what exactly happens at these geek parties besides the normal consompution of large amounts of yellow liquid? Many laptops being used? Ideas being thrown around? Linux games (ya' know, like pin the beak on tux)?

    Just curious... I was thinking about going out to California for a few weeks (just a random idea) and hopefully being able to attend something similar to this :-)

    Oh welps, back to the old grint stone.

  • So how about it?

    Great idea, It would require many local volunteers, but it could be made to work.

    A simpler idea might be to make slashboxes for all the various linux (and other) user groups. And allow them to post regional news/events that way. Of course the slashdot staff would have to coordinate this.

    Seems like a good way to get us nerds out of our houses and into our communities.

  • God, I can't imagine a more depressing thought, a party of shy, sad 16 yr olds all tradings secret SIDs. If they managed to talk to each other.

    Well and then there would be the loud obnoxious ones who think they're totally clever and postmodern for being trolls.

    Seriously though, can you imagine a more pathetic gathering than a troll convention? (QuakeCon doesn't count)


  • There's no need, 101 is almost always 'slashdotted' :-)
  • Jon 'CowboyNeal' Pater scratching

    So, this time, CowboyNeal will 'scratch an itch'?

    Have fun guys :-)

  • It's at The Usual, which is at South 1st and San Salvador (first street south of San Carlos, the street the Convention Center is on). Used to be called FX, but that was a long time ago. Go out the east doors of the convention center, and it's less than half a block.
  • by dante773 ( 83748 ) on Wednesday August 16, 2000 @06:47AM (#851417)
    How about all the trolls get together and throw a big kegger?

    I bet those guys could party the slashdot staff into a ditch. Even though all the testosterone buildup might cause an explosion.. unless there's a culture of females trolls I dont know about..
  • The Flying Saucer has pint-glass night on Wednesdays. The one in Addison is pretty cool...

    Come on, you know you're going to be celebrating the Debian release *anyway*.

  • Just what sort of bad luck is that.
  • Music will be provided by San 'NeTTwerk' Mehat DJing and featuring Jon 'CowboyNeal' Pater scratching

    Hmmm. Doesn't sound like much of a party. Get thee some rock music! :-)

"An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of code." -- an anonymous programmer
