Star Wars Episode 2 Title Leaked 187
N8Magic writes "Seems that the title for the new Star Wars flick has been leaked according to a newspaper in Australia. "Episode 2: The Rise of the Empire" is supposedly
the working title for the film.
" LucasFilm has denied the title as well.
Re:Quick thoughts... (Score:1)
Re:The title (Score:1)
I'll even settle for a nice, clean decapitation.
Re:sign this now! (Score:1)
Wait till the sun comes out... Or Gandalf arrives.
How about? (Score:1)
Dear lord, we are sooooo sorry about Jar Jar. It was Bill's idea, and he has been promptly sacked... Thank you
"Blue Elf shot the food!"
title (Score:1)
Re:Ocean-Front Property in Wyoming... (Score:1)
Re:Episode 2: The Rise of the Empire (Score:2)
"Mesa not dead!"
"Very well, then, I shall avenge your mortal wounding!"
"Actually, mesa tinkin mesa gonna pull thru!"
Re:But (Score:1)
The Star Wars movies have always been for children, that's who they were written for. With the exception of episode 5, none of them can really be considered serious movies (somehow using 'adult' movies as the opposite of child movies just doesn't seem right, which is kind of sad). That being said, they're fun, and I like them, but I'm not expecting a Francis Ford Coppola movie when I watch them.
Re:Episode I's Title Made No Sense (Score:1)
Re:How final is it? (Score:2)
Re:Au contraire! (Score:1)
On Slashdot, about StarWars. Brain... exploding..
Re:Au contraire! (Score:2)
I suppose you are right =-)
It gets easier to say that everything old is better, and that all we have now is crap. Makes me sound like some sort of crotchety old timer...
"Back in _MY_ day, we hand rendered CGI sequences on paralell-processor SGI farms. You kids with your holographic nonsense these days are all flash and no substance...." (puckered mouth and scratchy voice)
some possible titles (Score:2)
Star Wars Episode II: Asses of Ire ("..you're a jedi fucker, yes it's true, nobody fucks jedis quite like you!..")
Star Wars Episode II: Anakin Gets A Spanking
Star Wars Episode II: Amidala's Innocence Lost
Star Wars Episode II: More Over-Hyped SW Shit
Star Wars Episode II: The Wrath of Hamill
Worthless... (Score:1)
The working title? (Score:4)
theforce.net [theforce.net] is currently dispelling the rumor. Apparently, they actually talked to Lucasfilm.
From their web site:
Re:Oddly Uninspiring (Score:1)
This is an old rumor. (Score:2)
Re:Oddly Uninspiring (Score:2)
Re:Logically sounds like a Hoax. (Score:1)
Re:But (Score:1)
Okay, Jar-Jar I undertstand, but the great Gungan Race has Boss Nass in charge. How can you possibly come down on a character played by an actor with such flexibility and versatility as Brian Blessed?
SpaceBalls Sequel Title (Score:2)
SpaceBalls 2 - Rise of the Umpire
Eric is chisled like a Greek Godess
Re:Portman! (Score:1)
For once, a Natalie Portman comment on Slashdot is not off-topic... just. Still, of course Ms. Portman's going to be in it. Hasn't that been confirmed for some time?
-TBHiX- wanted: one bomb shelter to hide in when Slashdot airs the article "Ask Natalie Portman". (shudder)
Re:Episode 2: The Rise of the Empire (Score:1)
If I had points and didnt post in this thread i would give you all 5 of them if possible.
Re:But (Score:2)
This "brainless" creature is, against all odds, aware of The Force. No kidding. The ride through the Plaaaanet Cooore proves it:
Dont worry, the force will guide us. says Qui Gon.
Ah! Itsy bit the Force! replies jar Jar.
Also, Jar Jar says he was banished from his city because he was clumbsy ("Er.. youssa might be sayin' that" he replies to Obi One's question).
This leads me to what I beleive is the true nature of Jar Jar's stupendous luck during the battle droids fight (where he keeps on shooting other droids with the one caught in his foot).
Hold on to yourself, the truth may be ugly...
There isn't only the Good and Evil side of the force
There is also the
Stupid Force!
I know it's shocking, but it's the only true answer to the whole mistery of the force requiring ballance.
Anaking is so strong in the Evil side (and so is Palpatine) that only the Stupid side can counter-effect Palpatine's plan and lead him into the fatal decision of asking Luke to replace Vador. This really stupid move utterly pissed Vador which led to Palpatine's demise.
I bet what will kill Jar jar in episode 2 (I hope) if not episode 3 (as a last resort) will be when Jar jar tells Parpatine:
I know thessa stupid in you!
He denied it - it must be true! (Score:1)
Better Titles? (Score:1)
Okay, this isn't exactly the same issue. But working titles are meaningless. They are just a reference so everyone knows what project your are talking about. This one happens to describe what is going to happen in this episode. By far it is better than The Phantom Menace which sounds more like some bad 1940's black and white serial.
Here's an interesting comparison though.
A New Hope - The Phantom Menace
Empire Strikes Back - The Rise of the Empire
Return of the Jedi - ?? The Last Jedi ?? Jedi Dispersed ?? No More Jedi ?? Jedi Go Bye-Bye
I don't claim to be the best title writer but you can see the comparison of titles and the possible direction for the Third Title.
At the end of the day, though, no matter what they call it, even knowing the title years in advance, has no real effect on whether I'll see the movie or not. Call it Star Wars:That Space Fantasy Movie and I'll see it. It is the Star Wars part that is important.
Re:Episode 2: The Rise of the Empire (Score:1)
(Slightly on topic)
Well, why they heck not, Mel Brooks did a pretty decent send up with "Spaceballs", why not combine Python and E1...
Megapode 1: The Python Menace
nah, yer right, it's too obscure...
Vote [dragonswest.com] Naked 2000
But (Score:2)
Why not? (Score:1)
Re: (Score:1)
Re:Real imaginitive (Score:1)
At least it's better than (Score:2)
Better title: The Death of Jar-Jar (Score:1)
wow. (Score:1)
Re:The Slashdot rumour mill (Score:1)
Yeah right... (Score:1)
Yuk of the Blurgh (Score:1)
Re:Logically sounds like a Hoax. (Score:1)
Re:I'd hoped Lucas could do better (Score:1)
It's a rumor for God's sake ! (Score:1)
Re:But (Score:2)
Or "Episode 2: The Fall of Jar-Jar Binks and his Pathetic Race"
Why it's called a working title... (Score:1)
Interesting.. (Score:2)
Re:This is an old rumor. (Score:1)
Re:Oddly Uninspiring (Score:2)
Empire Chicken (Score:1)
Granted I don't really think that. I think this one should be called "Episode 2: Buy More Yoda Dolls".
Re:The Slashdot rumour mill (Score:1)
Apparently Episode three is going to include multiple bondage scenes, Anakin actually turns to Black leather before the dark side.
The working title for Darth's costume is apparently "The Gimp suit".
Or maybe not.
Revenge of the Jedi (Score:1)
As for episode II, I really doubt that'd be the title. After all, that's what I predicted a while ago, and we all know that GL doesn't do what we expect with any of the SW stuff...
Re:This is an old rumor. (Score:1)
More info is here [corona.bc.ca].
The one above is screwy. But then again you can probably just fix the URL.
Four Words (Score:2)
Re:Interesting.. (Score:1)
Seriously though, if I was working for Lucas I would have made up a couple of hundred 'likely' sounding names and reserved all the domain names. Come on, considering what a single movie costs, squatting over a pile of namespace is nothing.
couple of points from an old GL Interview (Score:1)
Re:Bah! (Score:1)
Mischief and Misinformation (Score:1)
Re:Whoop D Dooo (Score:1)
Not the only one, but definetly in the minority.
Hey, no problem, just don't watch episodes II and III. That means less time for the rest of us to wait in line !
trailer??? probably fake.... (Score:1)
Re:But (Score:1)
Other than these two movies there are really no characters with the "kiddie" (for lack of a better term) appeal. R2D2 and C3PO in ESB and Star Wars might be a possible choice. But they are not so outlandishly targeted to the younger folks in the audience as groups of characters in the last two, and Phantom Menace especially.
My final exception to your post revolves around the Star Wars movies being for children. I disagree. The flow of the Star Wars movie is taken almost verbatim from Joeseph Cambell's lectures/notes/books? (I heard it on an audio book kinda thing) on how to write an epic tale. This is why Star Wars is so successful, it spans generations. Empire Strikes Back, again has epic tale stuff, and spans generations. Return of the Jedi, still pretty good because it keeps along these lines. Phantom Menace, still has some epic stuff when you look at the overall work of films, but there is an awful lot of emphasis on making it a "fun", bring the whole family kinda movie IMO.
My feelings are mixed, it was an O.k. movie. Perhaps in the grand scheme of things it will fit nicely, but right now, I think it was well below the quality of movie that George Lucas can put out. As a result, I'm looking forward to episode's II and III because with the turn in the story line, I think he can focus less (or at least give me more to focus on so I can focus less) on the cuddly cute characters and more on a really good story.
History Lesson (Score:1)
Re: already excited about Star Wars II (Score:1)
Re:Episode 2: The Rise of the Empire (Score:1)
"But I don't want any of that, Father. The girl I marry will have a certain... special..."
"HOLD ON! HOLD ON! No Singing!"
heh, rather watch that one again than sit through another hour and 40 of "Jar Jar does Amidala in front of Anakin."
Re:How final is it? (Score:1)
Heh. The rule is: "whatever comment you're planning to make, some other slashdotter has already made it".
Don't bother posting unless a) it's an opinion and you're reasonably sure it's not sufficiently similar to the opinions of other slashdotters, or b) it's a fact that is linked to other websites containing useful and potentially new information.
Re:Doesnt make sense (Score:1)
Star Wars 2002: Everyone Likes Large Numbers (Score:2)
Maybe they'll digitally add a dancing paperclip to various scenes, since in retrospect, Jar Jar wasn't quite annoying enough...
Re:Titles (Score:1)
Or, as Mark Fabi put it in Wyrm, a rose by any other name would still smell like the sex organ of a thorny shrub.
Sorry, had to get that off my chest
Anyway, I agree with you. The title won't affect the quality of the movie... it's kind of like judging a good fantasy booka s bad just because the cover artist has a thing for scantily clad women.
Re:Logically sounds like a Hoax. (Score:1)
AWT: Return to Burning Man: Jar Jar Must Fry (Score:1)
Naturally, George is keeping that title under wraps, because it would give away one of the subplots, in which Jar Jar is burned inside a large wicker man built in a temporary city located in a desert.
All the secrets will be revealed at the Alter of the Mystical Frog of the Playa, but only during the ceremonies held at A.R.F.
If you're not Of The Frog, it's just not your day
Episode II: All Jar Jars Must Die! (Score:2)
His own people, deeply ashamed by the proliferation of this most pathetic example of their species, feel obligated to fix it.
The latter hour of the movie consists entirely of thousands of Jar Jars being launched out of the catapults they used in the Episode I, some with explosives, some against cliff walls, others into spiked pits. Every last Jar Jar gets catapulted to a gory death, rendered in exquisite detail with the latest CGI techniques.
This "leak" is just a clever ploy to make sure that the real plot of Episode II is not over-hyped to the point that it is disappointing as many found Episode I.
Despite rumors to the contrary, I am not a turnip.
Ocean-Front Property in Wyoming... (Score:2)
Remember, Lucasfilm is actually disseminating *dis*information about the prequels to keep all the online sources off the trail. I'll be willing to be that this title isn't even close to the one that will be released. (Anyone remember "Balance of the Force" that was absolutely going to be the title for Episode 1.) Anyone remember the Darth Bane/Christopher Walken rumor? Gary Coleman playing Yoda? (OK, so I made that one up... so sue me... oh, wait, if I ended up with Judge Kaplan I'd probably lose... so don't sue me!)
What will be a sure bet is that whatever title is picked will have never been guessed before. Personally, I'm going for "The Prequel Formerly Known as Star Wars Episode II"...
Seems to be a pattern here... (Score:2)
Maybe Episode Three will be 'Return of the Sith'
All star wars rumors are always true.. (Score:2)
1) I loved Revenge of the Jedi
2) Kenneth Branagh was great as Obi Wan in the last movie
3) It was great to see Harrison Ford playing Han Solo's father in the last movie
4) Charleton Heston's cameo was fun too
Worst episode ever (Score:2)
How final is it? (Score:2)
Just remember Return of the Jedi was once named Revenge of the Jedi. Even some trailers were made using that vengeful name.
No, it's not (Score:2)
Titles (Score:4)
1 4m 133t h4X0r, 1 0wn j00 1uc45!
George Lucas was available for comment on the leak, saying:
"You are all morons."
But seriously, who really cares? What difference does it make?
Take it from Juliet, what's in a name? a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
Star Wars: Rise of Publicity (Score:2)
Re:Cyder House Jar Jar (Score:3)
Synopsis: From the producers of "Cyder House Rules" and "Fried Green Tomatoes", this feel good romantic comedy tracks the trials and tribulations of the young Jar Jar in a tender coming of age story. Winona Rider and jar jar spend fall in new york frolicing in the autum leaves and finding the kind of deep, passionate love that most aliens can only dream of.
Re:How final is it? (Score:2)
You are the EIGHTEENTH PERSON who mentioned that!!
Read before you post!!
Star Wars Ep 3 working title? (Score:2)
Howard the Duck teams up with Jar Jar binks...
Paramount is rummored to have liccensed the rights of the carricer Wessly Crusher to this movie...
In an interview Lucas said "Well I did say 3 would be a major disapointment"....
Re:Logically sounds like a Hoax. (Score:2)
The title "Revenge of the Jedi" was leaked early in production, so that pirated merchandise could be easily spotted when the film was released. The official reason for the change was that "...a Jedi would not take revenge". Some authentic pre-release movie posters actually had "Revenge", and are worth a lot of money today.
The title (Score:3)
But for the love of God, make this one Rated 'R'!
Logically sounds like a Hoax. (Score:3)
Never knock on Death's door:
not the title (Score:2)
Oddly Uninspiring (Score:2)
Me, I thought "Balance of the Force" was a great title but, no, that got nixed
Re:The working title? (Score:3)
She just says they are calling it Episode II.
Well I never called Episode I the "Phantom Menace"
I thought that was a stupid name, and like almost everyone else I know, I called it "Episode 1." So the fact that she says they call it Episode 2 doesn't mean it's not titled "Rise of the Empire"
Don't believe it! (Score:2)
Some of you may remember one of the rumors going around prior the release of Episode VI: a lot of us really thought that VI would be called Revenge of the Jedi. Don't know if this was leaked by Lucas or not, but I don't remember him deneying it. Always remember, GL has his own agenda.
STAR WARS II: Electric Boogaloo (Score:2)
Re:Interesting.. (Score:2)
Au contraire! (Score:2)
Episode I was just following in the footsteps of the original trilogy. Did anyone else notice when Obi-Wan whacks a robot with his lightsabre, and it falls over? That's classic Star Wars cheese, right up there with "Two figh-ters a-gainst a Star De-stroyer?" ("Worst delivery ever.") and the Hallowe'en masks in the Mos Eisley cantina.
100% pure American processed cheese.
Star Wars is like Shakespeare: everyone loves it, and nobody wants to admit what derivative tripe it is.
It is fun, though. Kind of like Futurama, with a straight face. And the "used universe" set building philosophy is something that modern sci-fi could use a refresher-course in.
I've drifted, but my point was, try not to compare your fresh vision of the new Star Wars films with your nostalgia-fogged vision of the old ones, nothing can live up to that.
Despite rumors to the contrary, I am not a turnip.
Episode 2: The Rise of the Empire (Score:5)
Episode 2: Duh, of course. You were expecting Episode 1.01 Rev A?
The Rise of the Empire Duh, again.
You were maybe expecting:
The Empire That Sank Into The Swamp. So, They Built A Second One. That Sank Into The Swamp. So They Built A Third One. That Burned Down, Fell Over, Then Sank Into The Swamp. But The Fourth One Stayed Up. An' That's What Your Gonna Get, Palpatine -- The Strongest Empire In The Universe.
I dunno.. I kinda think it's been done before. Also, it'll be a bitch to get on the marquee.
Vote [dragonswest.com] Naked 2000
"Rise of the Empire"? Sounds "sex-yew-uhl" (Score:2)
After all, Anakin will eventually have to, uhm... do the Queen, so...
*SMACK* Okay, I deserved that...
this is an *old* rumor (Score:4)
The title, "Rise of the Empire" has been around for over a year, according to TheForce.Net [theforce.net]. They point out two older articles discussing it: [1 [theforce.net]] , [2 [theforce.net]]
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Makes sense (Score:2)
Look for this film to be dark - Lucas said years ago, when he was announcing that work was to begin on the prequels, that he intends the 1st to be kind of light harted and ending up-beat (TPM was just that, as was A New Hope). The second would be dark and end sort of down, just like Empire Strikes Back was. And then, in the 3rd, the good would win out and have a major victory.
Look for the empire to grow in episode 2, and for Anakin to fall to the dark side. Thus, the title makes sense, even if it isn't the absolute final title.
Whoop D Dooo (Score:2)
After the last travesty against star wars fans, what makes you think the next one will be even less of an over-commercialized fub. It doesn't how matter how much we all want another epic like the original 3, the stuff he's going to be making is _not_ it...
This is not flamebait, but a genuine criticism.
Real imaginitive (Score:2)
Star Wars Episode 2: Aidan Skywalker Becomes More Evil And Shags Princess Amidala Rotten
"Phantom Menace" had at least a semi-cool mysterious ring to it.
Phew! What a relief. (Score:4)
See the preview! (sorta) (Score:2)
- Michael Cohn
Re:Revenge (Score:2)
wonder why it's called a working title... (Score:2)
2) "Rise of The Empire" is no worse a title than "The Empire Strikes Back" or "Return of the Jedi"
Seems Unlikely That This Is The Title... (Score:2)
Re:SpaceBalls Sequel Title (Score:2)