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50 Least Influential Movies 157

radagast writes " has an awesome story up now listing the 50 Least Influential Movies ever - although I have to say The Garbage Pail Kids movie and Mac & Me both had a profound impact on my childhood. Check out the 10 Least influential TV list too. "
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50 Least Influential Movies

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  • All this chatter and we forget the best movie ever made
    The Amy Fisher Story []
  • England failed to have any worthwhile film industry for the whole of the 80's. We came up with Morons from Outer Space! I'm sure we probably managed a few films that were so non-influencial that they didn't get released over there. Which is a problem with this type of list. The most suitable films tend to get forgotten.
  • by Duxup ( 72775 ) on Friday August 18, 2000 @10:23PM (#843786) Homepage
    I still remember the night I saw The Wizard. Being a little Nintendo freak (Sega sucks!) how could I miss it? That was the day I realized that there were adults out there who would do anything to get a few $ from anyone. Just slap a popular brand name on anything no matter how much it stinks, as long as it gets the $ from the kiddies. I still have my free little Nintendo Power mag that they gave out for free to get kids to subscribe.
  • Well well, what a mature, self-conscience, wise, constructive, positive, friendly, well mannered, stable character you are...

  • Maybe I missed something, but I've just read everything, and I didn't see *one* mention of the 'lovable animal' genre of films. Surely bad-dog-films (k9, that one about the genetically engineered guard dog who understands words and climbs trees and tries to kill reporters or something, etc, etc, etc) would have a page just to themselves. And remember - it's not a true dog film unless it dies horribly near the end but the now romantically-united owners discover sublings and enjoy a bittersweet ending together.

    I was glad Chuck Noriss got a mention although he probably deserved four, what about Stephen Segal. C'mon! Stephen Segal has made some really shit cinema. In fact, I can't think of anything he's made that hasn't been awful, although rumour has it that there's been a movie in the last five years in which he gets killed, early, and somebody deserves some respect for that.

  • Over here in Australia, Mr. Accident movie posters have begin to appear on bus station walls. The rumour need be unsubstantiated no longer.
  • Mr. T's motivational video "Be Somebody, Or Be Somebody's Fool" should probably be in that list somewhere.
  • LAS was the ultimate parody movie. The problem was the 12-16 year olds of time (now writing for Gamepro) were too STUPID to understand this movie.
  • Jeez..I dunno, I LIKED the Never Ending Story 2 and Howard the Duck. What a load of crap. Notably missing however, where the 'Ernest' movies all of which only went on to inspire all subsequent 'Ernest' movies.
  • It can't be "of all time." The least essential movies made more than 25 years ago were so inessential that they've been forgotten.

    Sadly, I do not see any evidence of "Cool World" on this list. Maybe it made #51 . . .
  • Okay, I'll agree with you that there was bad acting.. plot was definantly lacking. Graphics, well, okay, I liked 'em, dammit. But hell, if you paid $8 for a fucking trailer, you got what you deserved. And pretty impressive for a movie that got nothing but kitchen scraps from the studio. I mean, it cost $30 million. You try making something with $30M. Besides, they had a guy named Ensign Fuck.
  • I don't think there was an afternoon between May and September of 1985 that this movie didn't get played on HBO. This Dave Speed guy made the Green Lantern look like a kick-ass superhero by comparison.

    Yes, but his lameness was what made him so endearing. That and his wierd accent. Or was it that they had him re-dub all his lines with no lip sync whatsoever? Maybe that was it. And with that kind of airplay, you can learn to love almost any bad movie. Must be related to that hostage syndrome (Stockholm syndrome?)

    I actually would pay to have this one on DVD. Well, 10 bucks anyhow. And if you have a problem with that, some friends of mine are nuts about Thundercats, which I thought was pretty uninfluential myself. (Though I've heard its last season wasn't so bad, when the series was left to die, and the writers were left alone and wrote scripts that weren't aimed at six year olds.)

    Which brings up the idea of variations on this theme. Certainly there should be an uninfluential TV series list. And then another one specifically for kids TV series.

    I nominate Quark, staring Richard Benjamin, (which I was nuts about back in 1979) for the regular TV series list. Ah, the wonderful adventures of the United Galaxy Space Patrol. And Battlestar Galactica '80, which I absolutely hated, because it used the very same premise (they find Earth, but it's Earth in 1980) that had appeared six months earlier as a parody in Cracked magazine [].
  • .
    OK! So you dared comparing the Holy Grail with American comedies? Bring forth the executioner.

    What? Let's look here... the first comparison was with "Reckless Kelly" (Austrailian), the next was "Strange Brew" (Canadian, SCTV spinoff), and finally "Kentucky Fried Movie", which, though American, is a abberant case of a funny American Comedy.

    The first film by the Zemekis (sp) Brothers, it was done before they were under studio influence (Airplane was great as well, but after that, they started going downhill. They do get points for casting William Shattner in the second best spoof of his Star Trek career). If you've seen this on the Comedy Channel, you haven't seen it. If you remember "Catholic High School Girls in Trouble", with a long shot of breasts pressed against a glass shower door, then you've watched the real thing.

    Actually, I think the great American comedies are things like "Blues Brothers". But "Reckless Kelly" was the topic, and it's brand of humor is different, much closer to the movies I listed.

    So yes, I did compare MP's QftHG to three movies, one of which was American. The movie I picked, however, is a shining example of similar humor - something that is consistently funny, varied surreal fun on a few different levels (slapstick to cultural references), and appeals to a variety of people.


  • ah, THE department. Is it the Department of Justice, Department of Defense, or maybe the evil Department of Transportation!? Perhaps this suggests a deeper, more sinister force at work. Must be CmdrTaco.
  • That is my point. It was originally marketed at babies, not children 2 and up. The original makers of the show admitted that the audience it was aimed at was not even interested in the show at all (eg babies)
  • When I see influential I read "Something that was worthwhile not if it made a lot of money or had cool special effects"

    All these failed to MOVE me in anyway whatsoever - eg NO emotional reaction - when I saw these movies all I thought was "Why the hell did they make this crap?" Not "Gee that was some great special effects!"

    I want a movie that has at least some substance to the story. Not just be a vehicle for making money

    As far as the Lion king goes ... all my nieces and nephews watched it once. Wallace and Grommet: The Wrong Trousers, and Mouse on a Motercycle they would ask to see over and over again. IMHO I thought Beauty and the Beast was MUCH better by far that LK could ever be.

    BTW: Wallace and Grommet: the Wrong Trousers was THE most funny movie I have see in a long time. It even had a evil penquin in it (hehehe) The person who did this later went on to do 'Chicken Run'

  • Their "10 Least influential TV list" missed the boat entirely. Any such list that doesn't include "Manimal" and Automan" is lacking indeed!

    And does anyone remember the name of that series with the untalented little girl who played a robot? Not quite as bad as "Manimal," but it comes close...
  • Diana Ross had the same effect on me too.

    Oh wait, that was The Wiz, sorry

    -Man, Jimmy was good at Mario Bros.
  • there's this film from 1979 that everyone in the world should see. It's Called ZOMBIE and it was made by Italian filmmakers during the Spaghetti Horror movie movement that apparently consumed american cinema in the late 70s. i had no idea.

    Anyhow, the tagphrase was:
    "A Zombie and a shark fight....and guess who wins?"
    damn, how could i NOT rent that right then and there? i mean, who wins? well I know. If a shark and a zombie get into a fit, the shark wins. just so you know.
    more about his film here [] and here [].

    ----- go to

  • Thanks man.... never saw that before. Quite funny.
  • I was in a hotel room flipping channels. There wasn't much on, so I start watching BioDome (I've never heard of the movie before, or Pauly Shore). It took me under 20 seconds to conclude that the man has brain damage...

    "What a waste it is to lose one's mind. Or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is"

  • Titanic is bad very bad, I hate it.

    Leonardo caprio (whatever) is not that bad in other movies. Like that film he did with Robert De Niro.
  • 7 - Last Action Hero Wow... I still remember this movie... it's not really that bad! Remember Arnold's Red T-shirt + brown jacket with that gun?

    This movie is not that bad. That man with the fake eye ruled.
  • Billy Crystal, Joan Rivers..

    He's the first pregnant male.

    No, I've not seen it, I just have a good memory for useless triva...

  • On the box for the video are the words "Tom Arnold Is Stupid" in big letters. That's the best example of truth-in-advertising I've ever seen.

  • >If you remember "Catholic High School Girls in
    >Trouble", with a long shot of breasts pressed >against a glass shower door, then you've watched >the real thing.

    I was about 13 or 14 when I saw this movie, so this is actually the -only- scene I remember. What was this movie about?
  • I take it you have HBO? Several years ago when I had cable, they managed to scoop up all the bad straight-to-video movies, as well as duds featured on the list.

    I kinda liked Runaway's robots, but the movie wasn't that interesting.

    I remember watching Superfuzz hundreds of times when we first got HBO(not cable, JUST HBO for starters), as well as Midnight Madness, starring Michael J Fox.

    I must have seen the boxcovers to ALL these movies at least a hundred times. Working at a video store, you can't avoid it.
  • although I have to say The Garbage Pail Kids movie and Mac & Me both had a profound impact on my childhood

    "Mac & Me"? What about "PC & Me"? Surely there can be a PC equivalent of a Mac movie ;)

  • Wow, even when she was a kid, she was cute -- see the cast photo for Misfits of Science Nice wheels, Court. :o)
  • ...they didn't mention Mission to Mars. That was by far the biggest crock of shit I've ever seen.
  • I know I am too late for this to be read, let alone moderated, but I must protest!

    Am I the only geek in the world (ok, maybe those German sites know something) who watched and enjoyed Riptide as a youth (beat out Miami Vice in my book)? Am I the only geek who owns a copy of K-Power with the Riptide stars on the cover (actually, that may be true!).

    I loved the orange robot! It had guns, chase sequences, a robot and a nerd/geek/programmer for crying out loud! Between this and Whiz Kids, what young geek could want more???

    I support the EFF [] - do you?
  • I can't believe there are THAT many posts about Midnight Madness and Superfuzz being played HOURLY on HBO's earlier days.

    I'm glad to see I'm not the only one with those childhood horrors of cable TV.
  • The last 10 from the link there were enough to make my flesh crawl.
  • I remember not being allowed to watch this as a kid. My parents forbid me to watch it due to it's adult content. Now that I am older, it is completely obvious that there fears where not in the adult content of Superfuzz and being exposed to that at that young age, but that I would have been made dumber by the experience. Now if I could only shake off the damage that Ice Pirates did....
  • I'd have to say that the most profound movie from my childhood had to be Lost Boys.

    This is blackmail fodder.


  • Her e's a Link [] to the beginning of the list.

    These opinions are my own and not necessarily
  • Hey, what about Unix & Me? Does anyone really run Unix on a PC anymore?
    • One day we may discover that this film is, in fact, the cinematic Dark Tower, the enigmatic structure which binds countless parallel universes together. Until that day comes, I guarantee that a rarely touched copy of Captain Ron will remain undisturbed on your local video store shelf, slowly gathering dark, obscure forces to its beck and call... watching... waiting...
    Anyone who's a fan of Stephen King will love this reference to his Gunslinger series. I know it made my day.
  • Okay, how many hits from this post do you think [] will get tonight/today?

  • Argh! I am the only one that remembers this midnight romp?
  • Some people have, and will complain about /. posting this kind of story. However, this has to be one of the most nerd-centric stories articles to show up in a long time. This is a welcome break from the screaming headlines like:


    And of course....MOZILLA M192282 ON FTP MIRRORS EVERYWHERE!!!! Project leaders "Strangely similar to the last 192,00 versions, how odd."

    Not to mention Kernel 2.6pre939393 REALESED!!!!! Linus: "I am not quite sure what I did, I think a friend of mine got drunk and copied all the source and then pasted it in again at the end commented out.....might as well send it out, eh?
  • My part time job as a teen was working in a Video Rental store. Much better then the rest of my peers who spent their freetime working stocking shelves in supermarkets.
    so it was here that I first was introduced to SpacedInvaders. I liked it so much I marked it down as lost and took it home with me ;-) This movie oozes cliches farce and comedies of errors. Bad acting mixed with truly corny lines made this sci-pie flic a tru master of the ironic fantasy. Surely the reveiwers missed the Warner brother toonesque moments involving the DOD (Donut of Death). The Captain Biptoad flattened on a truck radiator grill. The 12 Story High Harvester Droid

    I would say this movie influenced me greatly. I taight me that sometimes BAD is GOOD and that cliches are there because they have always been there. But mainly it taught me that some actors turn up in the most unusual of films..

    Good write up though
  • Jugular Wine [] -- hands down, the worst horror film ever made. Not even influential enough to get people to watch through the first twenty minutes.


  • Of course not FAGABEFE

    I'm heading down the the Pabst Brewery, anyone need anything?
  • The film nearly achieved immortality after being played repeatedly on cable during the mid-80s, but faded into obscurity after Ernest Borgnine himself is rumored to have found the movie "a bit lacking."

    For those of you who may not have seen this movie, this is a bit like Satan showing up on your doorstep and telling you that your "a little bit too evil" in his view.

    I don't think there was an afternoon between May and September of 1985 that this movie didn't get played on HBO. This Dave Speed guy made the Green Lantern look like a kick-ass superhero by comparison.

    On a more serious not, I'd like to know where the hell Pizza Man is? Surely any movie with Bill Maher and the phrase "Exploding Sausage" deserves to be top 20 at least!
  • Well the movies seem to be predominantly crap and from the USA...

    Can we have favourite East European motorbikes next week?

  • Yeah but you gotta admit Terrence Hills cowboy movies made him cooler than Clint Eastwood and John F*%kin' Wayne rolled together on even a good day.Not to mention that those"cooler than jesus"
    spaghetti westerns used the music of Ennio Morricone,the man who put the ultra cool jams in
    "The Good,the Bad and the Ugly"."My Name is Trinity","My Name is Nobody" and "Boot Hill"each more than make up for the superfuzz faux passe.

  • I'm NOT reading this article. period. I've got too much work to do and i'm already distracted enough. I'll just say one thing... I hope RobotJox was number one....
  • Michael Dudikoff? You should have known better.
  • I must confess, that I liked Blind Fury. Of course, I saw it on video in college with Rutger Hauer fans, so that prob helped
  • This was a long time ago, so I'm sketchy on the detail, but I know I played a beta or something of SMB3 an an arcade in Orlando about three months before that movie came out.I had no idea what it was, or what the funny looking letters meant, it the final US release was a little different, but I could have sworn it was out.

  • Well, I don't know if the console companies corporate greed turned me off from this movie. I think the part of The Wizard where video game master gone bad, 'Lucas', comes onto Fred Savage's babe with a power glove did it for me. "I've got the power glove. IT'S SO BAD."
  • Few people remember Young Einstein...

    How can you not remember Young Einstein? It has to be one of the funniest movies ever! How can you claim a movie showing live kittens being made into a pie at a Australian Psychiatric Hospital is NOT INFLUENTIAL!!!!?????

    When I worked at a video store, I would loop this movie endlessly!
  • The Top 10 wasn't too great (probably since I'd only seen one of those), but picking through the remaining 40 has literally made me cry I'm laughing so hard. Oh, jeebus, I've seen too many of those movies, and their reviews are right on... Some of my favorites:

    #25, Teen Wolf Too: "Apparently the original Teen Wolf just didn't say everything that needed to be said about the joys and tough life lessons of being both a teen and a wolf. Only instead of featuring a basketball-playing Michael J. Fox, the producers of Teen Wolf Too dragged out one of the Bateman kids (Jason) to play Fox's cousin as a wrestler or a boxer or some sort of wrestler/boxer. Bonus points are awarded because the filmmakers were inspired enough to include a frog-fight in the science lab, but the film's most touching and glorious moment comes when Teen Wolf Too, faced with sudden and unexplained popularity, sings and dances and jumps on a trampoline at a mansion pool party."

    #46, The Wizard: "Fred Savage has an autistic friend who's also a video gaming savant, so they drag him to the Grand Video Game Championships and force him to perform for the ravenous Nintendo-loving crowd. It's like The Who's Tommy for the video game generation, except without the music, social consciousness, or thinly veiled drug metaphors. Oh, and The Wizard doesn't become a demi-god, either. A useless movie when it was released, this one gets even better with age because its big draw is a sneak preview of Super Mario Brothers 3. I tell ya, even after all those years... seeing that Tanooki Suit still makes me cry." (Go check out the memorable quotes [] on

    I'm terribly ashamed I know this... but on the Garbage Pales Kids writeup, they mention one of the characters as "Fat Matt..." it was "Fat Pat..." (at least in card form). There was even a Garbage Pale the Kids TV Series []. Tee hee!

    Too funny, too funny...

  • I rememeber it ... it was a great querky Aussie film with Yahoo Serious. I think the best part is when he split the beer atom and his father read the formula -- "EMC". It was definately an original flick during a mid-80's slump in Hollywood.
  • The new Logan's Run movie is going to be produced by Joel Silver, who also produced The Matrix. It is NOT going to be directed by the Wachowski Brothers, who directed The Matrix.
  • by Skim123 ( 3322 ) on Friday August 18, 2000 @10:53PM (#843840) Homepage
    Hemos didn't even think of a department for this

    Are you sure? It looks like he gave it the most prestigious department...

    "from the dept."

    Which department? The department.

  • I guess if we're talking about "least influential," then merely stupid movies like any of the "Highlander" sequels and Star Trek V don't count by virtue of the reaction they generate from their fans/critics. Likewise, the worst fucking movie of all time, "Boxing Helena" (seriously, though - even the gratuitous sex scenes with a nude Sherilyn Fenn were unwatchable) is disqualified because it demonstrated how breach of contract and getting your ass sued off (here, Kim Bassinger) can be worth it sometimes.

    Crocodile Dundee 2, however, was completely worthless. Whereas the first movie promoted/embarrassed Australia to the rest of the world, the sequel was able to do nothing but suck.


  • is how many of those movies I have seen. What is really really sad is how many of those movies I've seen more than once.
  • It obviously made quite an impression on you. Note that it's the list of "least influential" movies, not worst movies.
  • I was struck by the magnitude of what I was seeing

    A 95 minute commercial...

    From the user comments [] on

    What were the people that invested money in this movie thinking about when they aproved this stinking piece of... It's shameless, the way they used the kid, and the alien to reformulate whit camouflage the ET formula. It's really disgusting to see that when many people are dying of starvation around the world there are people spending money with movies that revolve around aliens that drink Coke and go to Mc Donald's and that exist movies that are sponsored by multinacional companies that create a diversion to their money just for fun, extending the ET effect far beyond the limits of the reasonable. Kill this piece of excrement!!!
    1. The set of all movies m is finite.
    2. Define "Less Interesting Movie" (LIM') as an ordering relation. Assume that for every pair of movies m1 and m2, m1 LIM' m2 or m2 LIM' m1.
    3. Because LIM' is a full ordering relation on a finite set, there is a Least Interesting Movie (LIM) called m0, such that m0 LIM' m for all m.
    4. m0 is interesting. ("Heartbeeps"??)

    Since our assumption in 2 leads to a contradiction, there is no LIM' ordering relation on m, and thus there is no such thing as the Least Interesting Movie.

    The Most Insipid Movie (MIM) is another matter. "Heartbeeps"?? Yeah. Ack. Pfft.

  • I'm suprised to find Transylvania 6-5000 didn't make the []
    Top 50. I actually saw this one in the theater. All I remember
    is that it was a comedy/monster movie, and it had Ed Begley, Jr. as
    either a monster or a mad scientist. I think it also had a number
    of members of the cast of SCTV (or was it Fridays?) in it. I think
    I actually walked out of this movie when I was a teenager.

    Another movie that I considered walking out on was yet another
    SCTV cast-member vehicle; Armed & Dangerous []. This one cast
    John Candy and Eugene Levy as bumbling security guards. I think
    they probably got involved in breaking up some big heist, through
    some wacky hijinks, but I can't really remember.

    Of course, you could probably make an entire list of Least
    Influential Movies from a combination of SCTV and SNL cast vehicles.
    These are just the ones that scarred me as a teenager.
    I never saw Supergirl.

  • After all these years, I was beginning to wonder whether I had only imagined watching "Heartbeeps." I was about to conclude that the movie never existed, since even USA and WTBS (truly the bottom feeders of the cinematic aquarium) seem to have shunned it. OK, so it wasn't "Soylent Green,", but surely it was no more ridiculous than, say, "Earth Girls are Easy"?

    Hey, Sci Fi Channel! How about a double feature of "Heartbeeps" and "Electric Dreams"?
  • 50 Least Influential Movies
    Posted by Hemos on Sat August 19, 01:36 AM
    from the dept.

    Uh-oh. This one is from "the dept." Either Hemos forgot to fill something in when he posted this, or...or.... this one is from "The Department." (Kind of like The Man).

  • At least, I thought that was the name. Maybe it was Robot Jocks.

    God, that was an aweful movie. I could never muster up enough courage to see the sequel.
  • The makers of KFM were the legendary Zucker/Abrahams/Zucker trio, not Zemekis. This film, together with Airplane, Airplane II: The Sequel, Top Secret (Val Kilmer in his first and best role) and The Naked Gun should be in anybody's comedy-collection.

  • I love this, but if you're going to mod it it really should be "Redundant." I mean, who hasn't gotten this email forward at least once or twice verbatim, no less.


  • And does anyone remember the name of that series with the untalented little girl who played a robot?

    Small Wonder []. The show was pretty terrible...

  • I can't believe BioDome [] didn't make it... I usually make it a point not to see Pauly Shore movies, but my friends dragged me to this one... the only movie I've left in the middle (although I had very strong urges to walk out of Space Cowboys [] last weekend...
  • The least influential movie I've ever seen would have to be 'Bloodsucking Freaks'. A pseudo-porn flick I caught at the local art house theatre during Haloween. If you like midgets, doctors sucking the brains of a person with a straw and lots and lots of gratuitous nudity and blood, this is the movie for you. The movie's rights have been bought by Troma [] (makers of Tromio and Juliet and other "great" flicks), if that says anything. And the last I heard, you can even buy it on DVD. Huh.
  • Not only was there a movie, but there was also a TV series []... and collectors cards, I acutally bought a couple of packs when I was a kid...
  • I think we need to remember that is a list of the 50 least influental movies, not of the 50 worst.

    Forrest Gump: How many Academy Awards do you need to get before you're considered influential? FG scored *five* with another *five* nominations. Although this may mean little to you, we are talking about the effect a film has on its audience.

    Face/Off: Utter crap, I agree.

    Driving Miss Daisy: Another Academy Award winner. This time four Oscars and another five nominations.

    Lion King: The kids you know must be on something. You don't get huge ticket sales ($700+ worldwide) like LK did without having repeat viewers. Besides, LK was one of the movies that is credited for reviving animation on the big screen. Those 2 Oscars didn't hurt either.

    Barney, Teletubies: Didn't see either.

    I realize I just probably got caught hook line and sinker. Oh well.


    -- polish ccs mirror []
  • <I>A 95 minute commercial...</I>
    I guess you missed my sarcasm...
  • 46 - The Wizard

    Okay, obviously what kid doesn't want to get to do something like this. I mean, the movie foretold the Quake tournaments that so many of us enjoy now. Of course there are other movies about video games, but Tron and The Last Starfighter reward the gamer in unrealistic ways.

    32 - Howard The Duck

    It's from the great and almighty himself. It must be a quality movie in the tradition of ESB and RotJ. Okay, I'm kidding about that one.

    26 - Jade

    Reasons to watch this movie: you have an insatiable fetish for Linda Fiorentino. Okay, that's the only reason to watch this movie.

    That's my take of a few choice picks on the list. I chose from the movies I have seen on that list, so I have no idea about some of those strange movies like "10 - Lambada, The Forbidden Dance".
  • Is The Department where the Mgt work(s)? The Eye in the Pyramid knows the secret ... John Dillinger died for YOU!
  • .
    Okay, I really love Heartbeeps. It's a great movie in my eyes... sort of a deconstructed Blade Runner crossed with Max Max and produced by Troma with a crew of SubGenius. Not only that, but Bernadette Peters (who is scorchingly hot normally) plays a Soriyama style Gynoid.

    Okay... so I can understand people who don't "get it". That's fine - I own the video and my significant other loves it as well. But don't you dare say that "Reckless Kelly" isn't great.

    Oh, sure, I'll buy "little influence", but it's a classic like "Kentucky Fried Movie", "Strange Brew" or "Monty Python and Quest for the Holy Grail". Haul it out every once in awhile with a group of people - it's pretty much guarenteed to appeal to most everyone. Over the top humor, (Nuns in lingere, gun phones, "Big Mac-Beth", a character quoting Shakespeare while chowing on a burger and playing a bagpipe) that hits at many levels (okay, mostly low humor) makes Reckless Kelly a wide appeal film.

    At the *very* least, you get to see Hugo Weaving (Agent Smith from the Matrix) in his full, Austrailian accented glory, partner up with fellow bad guy Alexei Sayle (the Balowski family from the BBC's "Young Ones").


  • Overdrawn just kind of depressed me. I mean, it a John Varley story, done by American Playhouse (I think they did it, can't remember for sure), with a talented actor like Julia, should have been well...watchable. The worst thing about it is a sneaking suspicion that I have that it may have prevented the PBS production companies from taking on sci-fi, which I think they could do a better job at than the networks (or cable channels) have been doing.
  • And it's actually a good thing that it wasn't on the list. I think that was a rule, though, if the movie uses live kittens in a humorous manner, it shan't be on the list. Thus 'The Jerk' was never even considered.

    Or it could be that these movies were just too ridiculously great. But I think it was the live kittens.
  • Zardos is a cult classic. How can you put down a movie with a giant floating head. I rented this flick several times just to show people the first five minutes.
  • OK, this is a very funny link, but I do take issue with a few things:

    #33 - I loved masters of the universe when I was a kid. I had all the action figures. Maybe he's right and in reality the movie did suck, but I don't appreciate my childish fantasy world being broken.

    #32 - Yes, this movie sucked, but I think the reviewer missed the point with the "trapped in a world he never made" tagline. This is a direct quote from the "Howard the Duck" comic book, which is nothing less than one of the most brilliant humor books ever published. The "real" comic book howard was witty, satirical, biting, and nothing at all like the horrible mis-representation that is his movie version. The tagline is not intended to make sense.

    #24 - This is actually one of my favorite movies. It was way underrated when it came out, but its actually an incredibly funny comedy which is also somewhat touching. Al Franken is great as Stuart (I love his work in general), and the scenes with his family being dysfunctional are really rolling-in-the-ailes quality. I don't see what he has against this movie. Am I crazy here? Does anyone agree with me?

    #20 - Wow. Is this a joke? I have never, ever heard of anything like this before. A live action Garbage Pail Kids movie. I'm really glad I never watched this.

    #3 - Sidekicks. How could this not be #1?

    There you have my rantings. Take them for what they're worth. Keep in mind its 3am.'


  • Great .sig, although I'm surprised you didn't find some way to work in a man, grep, or whoami. At least you didn't use cat (lousy Slashdot perverts).


  • go to
    They have it in real format, among other atrocities, like the 1980 Star Wars- Sesame Street crossover.
    Don't blame me if you are feeling suicidal after you watch this shit :). It's so bad I clicked it off after 2 minutes.
  • Anybody else remember paying $8.00 to see the Star Wars Episode I trailer and then sticking around for a 2 hour movie that should have been more appropriately titled "The Search for the Medic?"

    Seriously, The movie had everything! Bad acting! Bad plot! Bad 3D graphics! Come on --you can see the seams in the texture maps if you look carefully.
  • by Bill Daras ( 102772 ) on Friday August 18, 2000 @11:15PM (#843873) Homepage
    I simply refuse to accept the fact they ignored "Cool As Ice", Vanila Ice's motion picture debut! What a classic.
  • Heh! I thought the movie was related to Half-Life game hehe.

  • But it influenced the writers of GURPS Cyberpunk into listing it in the 'Inspirational Watching/Reading' section of their book. It might have been crap, but it had some influence.

    While I'm earning my (-1, Offtopic), I'd like to mention a movie that had entirely too much influence in the sense that it managed to get funding for at least four sequels:

    Witchboard 1-5. These movies are seriously the most terrible, heinous excrement I have ever had the misfortune to witness. If someone is compiling a list of "Top 50 Movies That Would Make Visiting Aliens Doubt Human Sentience", Witchboard should be at the top.


  • Well at least one of the turkeys I worked on made it on the list (#12 Carpool). I am partly responsible for bringing this travesty to the big screen in a one-of-the-little-people sort of way. I even got my name in the credits. Unfortunately they don't let crew members remove their names from movies like directors can. (Yes, I used to be an MPAA stooge, but I'm feeling much better now.)

    David Paymer is a good guy and I have a lot of respect for him, but people like Tom Arnold should never be allow anywhere near a film set. One of the highlights of the whole experience was putting Tom and Rod Steiger in the same room and watching the battle of the egos. No contest. At least Rod earned his ego and has a golden statue or two to back it up.

    The real tragedy was that before Carpool made it to the theatres and proved to the world that Tom had no business starring in movies, they let him make The Stupids and McHale's Navy. All three made the top ten list of that years least profitable films.

    Trickster Coyote
    Illusions are real.
  • Is that the movies listed aren't just obscure movies, they are movies that had reasonably large budgets and which were well hyped in advertisements when they came out, but flopped horribly.

    I'm afraid that's not quite true. Spirit of '76 had a stupendously small budget, opened to no fanfare, and then basically went straight to the Rep joints and video stores. Something like The Adventures of Baron Munchausen is more what you're describing. Frankly, I'm not sure why the Spirit of '76 makes this list at all, since it actually has some decent scenes, and didn't aim high enough to have failed expectations.

    One other bizarre inclusion on this list is Zardoz. Now, Zardoz isn't "a masterpiece" as some weirdos have believed, but it is one of the most hilarious movies ever made. Oh, wait: I forgot that it wasn't supposed to be a comedy. Never mind. :-)

    Two movies not on this list which should be, though, were the early 70s remake of Lost Horizon and the first picture that Joan Rivers directed, Rabbit Test. The fact that you just said "Huh?" twice is strong evidence for my position. :-)

  • WTF?

    My moderation results said that I moderated this as +1 (Normal). And sure enough, it gained the point. How bizarre. Anyway, I'm posting this to undo that random act of moderation.
    No more e-mail address game - see my user info. Time for revenge.

  • Teletubies - Aimed at babies, and failed utterly
    Tellytubbies, which is what I assume you mean, isn't a movie, but a TV show. I don't understand how you could state that 'it failed utterly', as it keeps my niece occupied when it's on. I would say that it is pretty successful for what it tries to do.
  • "Cadillac Man" wasn't by any means a great film, but it really wasn't bad, either. Williams' character was fairly interesting and entertaing ("God, I love to sell!"), and Tim Robbins played his old-style Dumb White Guy part well. The only lost points I saw in it were from letting Fran Drescher have an opportunity to speak on the big screen - I hate that voice!

    Anyhow, it wasn't that bad - worth a rainy night rental.

    How could they have put "Cadillac Man" on the list when there are dozens of overlooked Kevin Costner movies to choose from?

    - -Josh Turiel
  • Am I the only person that got screwed and actually paid to see "River of Death" (w/ the ever shakespearean Michael Dudikoff), "Eve of Destruction" (Greegory Hines & some cyborg chick), or "Blind Fury" (I worshipped Rutger Hauer until I saw this nightmare).

    I have to confess renting "Spaced Invaders", having seen it in the theatres. Yes, I did enjoy it a little.
  • Maybe it was a typo.

    Could it have been the "Movie that the kids put in the garbage paid?"

  • by jblackman ( 72186 ) on Friday August 18, 2000 @10:07PM (#843917) Homepage
    Pfft. This is a clear rip-off of The Onion's Least Essential Albums of the 90's [].

    Now THOSE were useless.


    Check out Leisure Town []. It's funny.
  • Oh hehe. Sorry :).

  • Is that the movies listed aren't just obscure movies, they are movies that had reasonably large budgets and which were well hyped in advertisements when they came out, but flopped horribly. People really expected "Heartbeeps" to do well when it came out in 1981. But it not only flopped, it practically deleted itself from the collective subconscious. Sure some low-budget grade Z movies are more obscure, but they had no chance of not being obscure.
  • Wow, got some reeeal funny moderators around these days. My "underrated" list got marked "overrated". It'll be interesting to see if the meta moderators catch this one (for once).


    Pulp Fiction not influential? Are you insane? At *least* go watch Go (1998 or so), but then remind yourself of movies like Things To Do In Denver When You're Dead and about any other movie involving criminals that came out in the years following Pulp Fiction, which were *all* compared to Pulp Fiction. Hell, To Die For was wrongly and confusingly billed as a 'female Pulp Fiction'.
    The point I was trying to make in my oh, so iconoclastic (clumsy?) way was that only the superficial elements of the story were influential... the actual theme of the movie was not, because no one seems to have gotten the point. E.g. It could very well be that Fargo wouldn't of happened without Pulp Fiction, but that doesn't really mean very much, because Fargo also has nothing of any importance in common with Pulp Fiction.

    I dunno, maybe I didn't put this very well:

    Pulp Fiction. Okay, it was really popular, but it couldn't be "influential" because I don't think anyone understood it. The theme here is everyone's self image is tangled up in stories about themselves that they want to believe (Brain Pulp Fiction?). There's also the suggestion that the bible may be just more pulp. But as far as I can tell, everyone got into watching it because bad people are cool and stupid people are funny, and if everyone's bad and stupid at the same time you got the best of both worlds.
  • by chegosaurus ( 98703 ) on Saturday August 19, 2000 @04:31AM (#843934) Homepage
    This story has absolutely nothing to do with Napster, Linux or software licensing issues, and provides practically /no/ trolling potential.

    I am apalled.
  • Ohmagod! I can't believe someone remembers Mac and Me! I must of been 7 years old when that came out (1989, right?) that movie was the shit even at such a young age, I was struck by the magnitude of what I was seeing.

    Capturing up aliens with vacum cleaners! Strange hippie orphan girls living alone in tents on the edge of town! It was something to be remembered.

    However, Mac and Me has been lost to sad....we really need a Mac and Me Special Edition.

"Don't drop acid, take it pass-fail!" -- Bryan Michael Wendt
