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Distributed Computing Overview 51

Fruitiger writes: "Well, P2P / distributed computing is all the rage these days, so if you want a good breakdown of who's doing what when, check out this article at Network World Fusion. Focuses on Porivo Technologies and provides some glimpses of what's to come in the future. An interesting appetizer before Intel's P2P Working Group meeting later this week."
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Distributed Computing Overview

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  • I dunno..something sounds shady about that name....fusion? network? world....weird.

  • Seti has lost a lot of its appeal even to geeks. How well would a non appeal project get users?
  • by Evernight ( 165829 ) on Wednesday October 11, 2000 @10:26AM (#714055) Homepage
    I'm getting me one of those P2P Girlfriends [bbspot.com] and I don't are what any of you think.


  • This peer-to-peer networking concept is good, but there seems to be an issue of trust in play.

    It's like when you share a bathroom with someone. Generally it's ok to share a toilet, sink, and the same roll of toilet paper (as long as users aren't there at the same time). But you don't want to share your bathroom with some stinky loser. It might lead to your comfortable room with the reading stool looking like a public restroom.
  • by unformed ( 225214 ) on Wednesday October 11, 2000 @10:31AM (#714057)
    regarding the market...

    The concept of sign up for our ISP and get a "free" computer was wildly popular...How about, run our software and get a free computer?

    This has MANY advantages, including:
    1) It really is free, you don't have to pay for the ISP service (which was more like financing)
    2) Parents can get computers just for their kids, and while the kids are in school/asleep the computers can be running various routines and be paying themselves off

    In turn, this would help increase the number of people with computers, as poor people wouldn't have to pay for the computer, just not use it all the time...and also in turn, it would increase computer literacy...

    I'm also sure geeks/gamers would love this oppurtunity, since its a way to get a powerhouse computer(/computers?) free (or at least relatively cheap)

    and that's only the beginning....

    I'd like to see how this turns out, and how it gets used/abused...
  • Seeing the popularity of projects such as distributed.net's or Seti@Home just goes to show that distributed computing is definitely "in".

    I have just one question about this? How well would it work with single processes or is it still limited by the same problems most parallel processing and multi-processing schemes encounter from data dependency?

    If someone has found a way to take a single application (that is parallel processing dumb) and get it to run across multiple machines, well, they could be in for some serious cash coming their way.
  • by photozz ( 168291 ) <photozz@g[ ]l.com ['mai' in gap]> on Wednesday October 11, 2000 @10:33AM (#714059) Homepage
    Instead of purchasing more hardware and software and hiring the IT staff needed to set up and support it, an emerging technology called peer-to-peer (P2P) computing will let users access valuable resources when they aren't being used.

    Pardon me, but how do they figure P2P will implement itself? Any new tech needs a human being to set it up, maintain it, format the results and queries and explain the whole thing to the boss. This tech will save money with companies by allowing them to get more computing power for less cash, but the up-keep and back end is still needed. Maybe the figure this will be a nice little project for all those lazy IT folks just lounging around doing nothing...I'm certain the SETI thing isn't running itself......
    Porivo's Peer client, which resides on a user's desktop, works with the company's PeerPlane management software, which can reside on a dedicated server.
    Great, we all have an extra dedicated server laying around..

  • Well, I guess that is one solution to the processors-are-faster-than-the-network problem: Slow the processors down. Seriously, the hole point of distributed computing is to be able to solve large problems quickly. Having a thousand computers running your code doesn't help you when they are running everything inside a Java sandbox -- it will end up slower than a single computer running a C implementation of the code.
  • This sort of thing is very cool, and rather attractive. While I wager it isn't a drop-in solution that suddenly opens up a nirvana of computing, it *is* something that has been predicted (read about it on Slashdot a ways back, anyways), and would be cool to have come around.

    Not only does this help average joe user (he can sell his CPU time to people who need to compile something), but think of it in a work place.

    Where I work, everyone has a workstation. Problem is, everyone does their CPU-heavy work on a central server. Thus, these workstations are being under utilized. Sun (and a number of people) have this problem addressed halfway.. they have software that queues up tasks, and distributes them to idle CPU's as they free up.

    What if we had a sort of "CPU NFS" in a way that individual instructions are handed off to remote machines, rather than entire jobs?

    Mm, I want.

    Of course, any such idea would be riddled with difficulties (I wager the complications would be like the ones NFS has, only worse), but the idea, again, is attractive.

    Is this something Mojonation could expand to? They mention several times that you 'donate cpu cycles', but it never seems to directly state you can sell build time on your machine.

    I'd like to see that.
  • It would be interesting to see what stipulations would apply. Would you need to give up a certain percentage of your CPU time to the distributed computing?

    If you use the computer too much, would you forfeit your *free* computer?

    How would this affect the people who constantly refresh Slashdot trying to get a first post?

  • Distributed computing through transparency has been worked for a while now. I remember reading about a windows client that worked with just about any windows app.
    I personaly use Platform's LSF product to control all of my queueing. I have custom perl scripts sitting arround it, allowing jobs to requeue on certain exits or even to validate that the output of the job is correct before saying that it is done.
    Hook all of this up to a spiffy database to know where things are and were in the queues and you have a semi-decent render management toolkit
    I have also read stuff on distributed fileserving as well, a pvfs system. Interesting ideas on ways to not need a massive system but use smaller, cheaper guys to get the job done.
  • Well, we're going to pay people for the use of their computers, but we're also tackling problems with wider appeal like with our Compute Against Cancer campaign.

    See http://www.parabon.com [parabon.com] for more info.
  • I run Frontier(tm) from Parabon Computation (http://www.parabon.com) [parabon.com]. it uses distributed computing to perform cancer research. That's one of the best uses for p2p i've seen so far.
  • Certainly an Intranet solution will involve more hassle for the user, but we are also going to allow people to launch against our servers/provider base from their own desktops (in which case an extra dedicated server is not necessary).

    You can read our new white papers (API and platform) at: http://www.parabon.com [parabon.com]
  • by Anonymous Coward
    It's sad how "loose it's appeal" really means "doesn't suck my dick every morning when I wake up"

    People get "discouraged" when they don't either see flashing number of their stats "high enough" which is pretty sad. What will kill distributed computing projects are morons...just like morons kill everything else.
  • by glowingspleen ( 180814 ) on Wednesday October 11, 2000 @10:54AM (#714068) Homepage
    You can read that article for a glimpse of the future of Distributed Computiing, or you could just save time and ask me.

    "John, what is the future of Distributed computing?"

    I'm glad you asked. Coming up soon is three more business schemes and companies who will take applications for future testing and promise you to make $$Big Bucks$$ for using your spare CPU cycles. The companies will then stop updating their new page about a month before disappearing all together.

    Next up: Slashdot re-runs an article from June's Issue of Wired! ;)

  • Nope, sorry. One of the points is to solve it quickly. Another is to be able to solve them at all. Distributed computing can give you access to more memory than you'll ever be able to get on a single platform. Plus, got some more bad news, a thousand PC's running Java (even inside a sandbox) will be able to solve problems that a single processor C program won't ever be able to touch.
  • by jafac ( 1449 )
    well, since it's now obvious, who's going to patent it?
  • I'm not saying all this is not a viable concept, I actualy love the idea, but managers shoulden't go into this thinking this will save them loads of money or resources.......

  • Quick, while they're still reeling, you should Patent their business method!

  • The US Patent Office is a puppet of major corporations. Look at the way Micro$oft buys its way. There will be some company with the cash to patent protons and the court battles will rage while nanotech spreads faster than the latest teen rock through napster.
  • No offense, but how could this possibly be a good idea?

    Buy a computer for someone else to use, so that you can have some part time cycles VS buying a computer for yourself and setting on your local network where you can have the cycles always?

  • Why you ppl promote private companies stolen ideas? What about an effor on something REALLY distributed, so there will be no monopolist around?
  • Pardon? I'm not sure what you're referring to; especially regarding 'huge buffer downloads'. If you can clarify, I'll try to track it down and see if you've found a bug. If so, thanks!

    As to email addresses; no, we most definitely do <i>not</i> sell them.
  • No, dude, I thought you had a very valid point. We are actually getting a lot of interest in our intranet solution, but ultimately that will still involve maintenance by the customer. That's the beauty of the Internet solution.

    1. You don't have to buy any server hardware
    2. You can arbitrarily scale your computational requests (as your app is running) from your desktop
    3. It is a self-upgrading system at no cost to the client
  • Well, there are non-capital costs with running these machines. Electricity for one, a physical place for the machine another, and keeping the thing running.

    It's a bit of a stretch, sure, but it's conceivable that the cost-benefit could work out for somebody.


  • check out www.mosix.org --for linux only as it is a kernel patch. But it does all those things transparently, and for most cpu intensive programs. I run it on my network with one dual 667 PIII w/ 256MB ram and several pentium workstations w/ 32 or 48MB ram, and it is awesome. You can rip cd's, compile, and gimp filters, all at once on a workstation. Sort of like smp and fork and forget. Pretty efficient, just have fast ethernet. And they are working on network memory and network filesystems to go with the cpu portion. Only problem is that all hosts have to be trusted to execute processes as root, so don't run it on your firewall.
  • by joshv ( 13017 ) on Wednesday October 11, 2000 @11:16AM (#714080)
    Nope, they can code some native methods to do things like fourier transforms and floating point intensive stuff. They make these native methods part of their SDK.

    They can then port their SDK to different platforms and the java plugins will work fine anywhere and execute much closer to native speed.

    Plus-wich if you buy all the hype regarding JITs, java isn't taking all that much of a performance hit over native code anyway.

  • I'm using right now about 5% of my CPU cycles. I am currently running Apache, the Cyclone IRC daemon, identd, atd, OpenSSH server, lpd, crond, XFree86 4.0.1, XFS, six virtual terms, all the various Gnome programs, Netscape, GAIM, and X-Chat.

    And I'm using about 5% of the CPU. Right now, I could be doing something actually useful - but I'm not. If I start the distrubted.net client, I then start using ALL my CPU.

    The bottom line is, since my computer is basically being used as a development platform (httpd is for some web dev stuff, the ircd is just me playing around with stuff), I'm not actually using too much CPU time. If it were a desktop, I'd probably being using less CPU time (well, not really - most of the processes right now are sleeping, waiting for I/O.) I'm not using too much processing power. Any modern OS is capable of multiprocessing - some better than others. Because of this, I can happily type away this message while the dnet client runs happily in the background.

    If I give a family a PC, and say "here - you get a free PC, a free Internet connection, and all you have to do is keep it on all the time" who wouldn't like the deal? They're paying for electricity - depending on how the networking's done, they aren't paying for anything else. And since the PC is doing actual work, they needn't be bothered by ads. Sounds like a nice setup to me.

    As long as the distributed client didn't eat too many CPU cylces, they wouldn't notice - and probably, wouldn't care. The only time I ever find the need to go and kill all unneeded processes is when I want to play CPU intensive games. For someone who wants to do word processing and surf the web, that'd be a very nice deal.

  • You want distributed computing? Just sit back, relax, and wait for .Net to appear. It's gonna blow you away.
  • Unfortunately, that's still being worked out but you'll be able to find out more here [parabon.com].

    Certainly, those who are running our compute engine (with our benevolent projects) before then will be alerted when the money starts. :)

  • by DoublePlusGood ( 242636 ) on Wednesday October 11, 2000 @11:24AM (#714084)
    There are three reasons we use Java: One, security. Can't have untrusted C++ programs barfing on people's computers or otherwise stealing or breaking things. Two, platform independence. Send the bytecode anywhere, it runs. Three, speed. Believe it or not, the benchmarks I have done with some integer algorithms are FASTER with the IBM 1.3 JVM than the equivalent C code. By like a factor of 3:2. Really. No, REALLY. The reason for this is quite simple. The JIT compilers have become sophisticated enough that they can do dynamic runtime compilation that takes profiling information into account. No statically-compiled code can hope to match this performance. This sort of thing is only going to get better and better in the very near future, especially where heavy-duty scientific floating-point computation is concerned. Less than a year ago, I would have choked up a lung if you told me I would utter (uh, type) these words. But here I am. We have been running jobs on *many* machines over a few hours which would have taken several CPU-years with the equivalent C program on a single box. FWIW.
  • what is .net going to do that other companies have not done yet?
  • Because not ONLY do you (the company offering the free computer) get to keep some of the cycles, but you ALSO get to have YOUR computer in somebody's home. You can do all of the things that free pc companies do now, like giving them your own browser that tracks where they go (then sell the info) or showing them ads. And on top of that you get the massive amount of goodwill deserved for giving them a free computer. Of course this is all counterbalenced by the massive amount of bad will from those who don't think your tech support is good enough...

    -- Michael Chermside

  • Back in the day (1991? 92?), batch.uu.net was an expensive Sun 640MP that just couldn't cut it. Pushing USENET through the box was hard enough. Compressing batches of news articles for dialup customers was more than it could handle. Instead of buying more hardware, our fearless leader came up with the idea of using all of the idle machines in the office at night (Sparc SLC/ELC/SS1/SS2) to run compress on them through rsh pipes.

    Moral - a good sysadmin in your hand is worth two P2P sales reps in the bush.

    For the most free computing power at your fingertips, hire script kiddies.

  • What you say makes sense, but (and I know you weren't responding to this) idle-time computing seems to be better suited to high-CPU low-memory tasks. For instance, the RC5 client takes almost no memory at all but it will happily chew up any CPU time you give it. The Seti client takes a good bit more memory, right? Something over 10MB, right? (I don't run it). That's why it's run as a screesaver and not just a low-priority process on Windows, right?

    How much memory is a Java process going to take? I've heard different stories about how fast Java is, but I've never heard anybody claim that their JVM goes easy on the RAM. Or how is the RAM used in a JVM (all that memory has to be used for something!) Is it the sort of usage that could be easily swapped out when you really start using the computer? Even then, swapping out your JVM so you can get real work done is a lot slower than the simple rescheduling and context switch it takes to change over the CPU usage.

    I'm a lot more likely to notice a JVM running in the background than something spatially trivial like an RC5 client.
  • Didn't sun just release the Sun Grid Engine [sun.com] just the other week? It does the same thing, run distributed compute intensive jobs on idle systems. Of course, you can download the stuff now... no need to wait, and they promise that they will release it under an open source license in the near future.
  • Peer-to-Peer working group meets this
    week to define how to share unused CPU,
    storage capacity across nets.

    Network World, 10/09/00

    Intel, Hewlett-Packard, IBM and a slew of start-ups
    will meet this week to set up the structure for a
    working group that would give corporate customers a
    new way to harness the collective power of
    networked PCs, workstations and servers for
    computer- and storage-intensive jobs.

    Instead of purchasing more hardware and software
    and hiring the IT staff needed to set up and support it,
    an emerging technology called peer-to-peer (P2P)
    computing will let users access valuable resources
    when they aren't being used. The result: Users could
    save millions of dollars by tapping unused processing
    and storage resources.

    P2P basically sets up a virtual supercomputer by
    allowing the exchange of data among multiple
    computers connected via a network. The software
    that powers Napster and Gnutella is often held up as
    the best example of the power P2P can harness.

    In addition to next week's meeting, at least two firms,
    Porivo Technologies and Mangosoft, will soon
    announce P2P products aimed at corporate network
    customers. Intel is testing a new peer-to-peer
    application that the company says will save WAN
    bandwidth and deliver applications and data more
    quickly than existing technologies.

    Porivo will roll out Peer, a secure, Java-based
    application designed to let users harness spare PC
    computing capacity, says Will Holmes, CEO at
    Porivo. Porivo's Peer client, which resides on a user's
    desktop, works with the company's PeerPlane
    management software, which can reside on a
    dedicated server. PeerPlane essentially aggregates the
    computing resources of PCs connected to corporate
    networks, letting users distribute work among them.

    Mangosoft next week plans to announce Mangomind,
    which it is billing as the first multiuser, Internet-based,
    file-sharing service that provides real-time file sharing
    for secure business communications. The new service
    is a secure way for multiple users to access, share and
    store files. Mangomind will let users work on their files
    offline. When users go back online, Mangomind
    automatically updates and synchronizes their files.

    In the Groove

    Another member of the working group - Groove
    Networks - plans a highly anticipated Oct. 24 rollout
    of its P2P technology, which will be aimed at
    collaborative computing. Groove's founder Ray Ozzie
    created Lotus Notes.

    P2P could take many avenues in meeting the
    computing needs of end users, much as the Web has
    become more than a tool to deliver simple page
    requests, says Andrew Mahon, evangelist at Groove.
    Mahon declined to provide specifics about Groove's
    product (for more on Groove, see 'Net Buzz, page

    One company interested in Porivo and other P2P
    technologies is United Technologies Research Center
    - the research arm of United Technologies. Paul
    Kirschner, a senior project analyst at United
    Technologies, is looking at how his company can
    harness the power of computers across the company
    to do production work.

    What Kirschner likes is the idea of being able to do
    massive compute jobs that might otherwise mean
    buying more expensive hardware and software.

    "Obviously, if you look at the number of desktops
    across the company, there are tens of thousands," that
    could potentially be tapped, he says. "To use what is
    just sitting there doing nothing quite a bit of the time is
    what makes this attractive because if you looked at
    replacing that power with another box, another
    cluster, that would represent a significant investment."

    As a result, Kirschner expects to have P2P
    technology up in some capacity by year-end.

    Kirschner likes Porivo's offering because the desktop
    client works with Windows 95. Others, such as
    TurboLinux's EnFuzion software, only support
    Windows NT and various flavors of Unix.

    But that doesn't mean he's ready to bet the farm on

    "The technology is new, and how it is going to play in
    the corporate environment isn't certain yet," he says.
    "People will not tolerate it if their machines crash, slow
    down or get locked up, or if unusual things happen."

    While EnFuzion may not fit into United Technologies'
    infrastructure, it has found a home elsewhere.

    TurboLinux announced earlier this year that J.P.
    Morgan is using the software to help power the firm's
    worldwide risk management system for fixed-income

    Cheryl Currid, president of the Currid & Company
    consultancy, says P2P's big draw for corporate
    customers is processing power that companies don't
    know they have. "What they can get from
    peer-to-peer is low-cost, high-capability processing
    and storage."

    Currid says users can benefit from P2P to varying
    degrees - depending on how much effort they put into
    incorporating it into their infrastructure. While
    engineering and scientific jobs are a logical place for
    P2P, more commonplace financial applications are
    what could put it in the spotlight. "Imagine if your
    trades could come back to you three times faster
    because your company was using P2P to process
    them in real time, instead of having to do big periodic
    batch jobs," Currid says.

    Intel is in

    Intel is also using P2P. The company made a lot of
    noise recently when it talked about how it saved $500
    million over the past 10 years using a P2P application
    called Netbatch. The application lets Intel engineers
    harness more than 10,000 workstations across Intel's
    network to do compute-intensive jobs for chip design,
    says Manny Vara, an Intel spokesman.

    "Every time we were designing a new chip, we were
    buying a bunch of new mainframes to get the job done
    - and that was just one area," he says.

    Vara says Intel is testing a new application that goes
    even further. He says Intel will try out a system that
    will detect when employees access the WAN to
    retrieve video files. If another employee at the same
    location has already downloaded it, the P2P
    application will retrieve it from that system where it
    has been stored instead of going over the WAN to get

    What network managers will likely debate as P2P
    gains momentum is how to use it without slowing
    systems. Currid says estimates are that 75% of the
    average PC and 60% of the average server go

    Busy signal

    But what about when they are busy?

    P2P software from companies such as Entropia,
    another member of the P2P Working Group, let
    customers set policies that govern when computer
    resources can be harnessed. Using Entropia's screen
    saver makes it fairly easy. The computer's resources
    are only used when the screen saver comes on. The
    moment it turns off, indicating the machine is going to
    be used, the P2P processes are halted.

    Many P2P questions will hopefully be answered by
    the working group set to meet in San Jose.

    The meeting will be more organizational than anything
    else, according to Intel's Vara. The members will
    organize into task-related groups that will determine
    how to solve issues related to interoperability,
    standards and security.

    Other members of the working group include Applied
    MetaComputing, CenterSpan, Distributed Science,
    Dotcast, Enfish Technology, Engenia Software,
    Flycode, Kalepa, Statis, United Devices, Uprizer and
  • I just priced out a laptop with 256Meg of RAM, cheaper than the one I bought last year with 128Meg. RAM is cheap and plentiful, so is disk space - those that realize this prosper (Microsoft et al.) those that don't whine about the good old days and waste time and money 'optimizing' while their competitors take a free ride on the coattails of Moore's law.

    The JVM in windows appears to have an overhead of about 4 meg when I run a simple program, but this may be misleading, as IE might pre-load some of this with whatever components - but still, this won't make a significant dent in the 512Meg laptop I buy next :)

  • by slickwillie ( 34689 ) on Wednesday October 11, 2000 @12:34PM (#714092)
    Microsoft announced today that it will release a Windows version of P2P software "soon, in fact before any of those other companies can do it. If it looks like one of them will beat us, we'll buy them anyway, so you should wait for ours." The first release will run only on Window ME, and will most likely be named "P-On-ME".

    It was also revealed today that the first virus for P-On-ME has been discovered. It is contained in email messages with the subject line "Do Not Open - Virus Inside".
  • Yeah but how often are these people going to upgrade? If you're dealing with a large corporation, you're lucky if they are on a 3 year lease program. I know lots of people that are still using 266s w/64MB or RAM. The average user doesn't buy a new PC every year either. That "the hardware can support it" is a gamers attitude or someone who doesn't mind buying new hardware all the time. Personally, I'd like a bit more lifetime out of my hardware. -Brian
  • A week ago I set up the JAPPS (Java Applet Parallel Processing Server) download page [8k.com], since then, there was 5 or 10 downloads, but nobody comments it, Is a good example of Distributed Processing OS, kinda Seti@Home, but multi-user, multi-Purpose system, and needs no instalation (Runs in a Browser). Please somebody make a DES-key Crack with it and send it to me :) The URL us http://wk1300.8k.com/japps [8k.com]
  • I forget to say: JAPPS is a SERVER not a client, still there are no client, except the default idle process, Its a "Webmasters" tool, the Central Server is available for download, the clients, well, that is what you can do... sorry.
    • some integer algorithms are FASTER with the IBM 1.3 JVM than the equivalent C code
    Then either your C code is shit or the compiler you used to compile it is shit. JAVA is interpreted in order to be executed. If that's done inline, like a BASIC tokenizer, then your performance will be an order of magnitude less than the native code built by the worst of the worst compilers. JIT's translate JAVA bytecode to native code which presumablly the native compiler could have generated (with a few exceptions.) The output is on par and in some cases better than natively compiled code -- it is native code at this point. I've seen JIT JAVA code run at 90% of the native C++ code pretty evenly across a few platforms (sun jdk 1.1 and gcc 2.7.2 -- neither is really optimal)

    What you are seeing with your "factor of 3:2" is a JIT vastly superior to your C compiler -- I'm guessing some version of a GNU compiler. Writing blindingly fast C code requires knowledge of the target platform. JIT creates an abstraction that places that knowledge on the VM designers instead of the application designers. This allows sloppy and "stupid" programmers to write surprisingly good applications.

    I have nothing against JAVA as a language. However, I am catagorically anti-interpreted code. BASIC feined in light of C and C++ because interpreted languages give laughable performance, but writing everything in assembly made too many people sick :-) In my opinion, computer programmers should be taught to program first in assembly without a compiler (compile it by hand) and forced to key it in byte by byte. Once you appreciate that level of complexity -- once refered to by a fellow programmer as "moving a mountain with a teaspoon" ["sure it takes awhile, but you have complete control over every bit of the dirt"] -- then they can be introduced to C/C++/JAVA/etc. (There are any number of MCU's that can be used for such things. Programming in RISC ASM isn't that difficult to do.)
  • I believe Sun already released a distributed resource package called "Sun Gridware"
    looks like it is available for download already and the page says the code is slated to be released under an "industry-accepted open source license" I know that phrase will probably raise a few hackles but its better than what you'll get from most companies.
  • What if we had a sort of "CPU NFS" in a way that individual instructions are handed off to remote machines, rather than entire jobs?

    Nope, not worth it. One of the basic tenets of distributed computing is that the gain from splitting up the computation has to outweigh the cost of communicating the results of that computation. That is, if it takes a couple nanoseconds to do the instruction, but it takes a few hundred microseconds to send off that instruction and get the results back, then it's a lose.

    The only way to make fine-grained parallel computing a win is to make communication between nodes really, really cheap. And it doesn't sound like they're doing that here. Therefore, they must be doing coarse-grained parallel computation, probably on the scale of many seconds of computation between communications.
  • Wasn't something like this developed a long time ago by UW (University of Wisconsin - Madison)


    Here is an except from their page.

    What is Condor?

    Condor is a software system that runs on a cluster of workstations to harness wasted CPU cycles. A Condor pool consists of any number of machines, of possibly different architectures and operating systems, that are connected by a network. To monitor the status of the individual computers in the cluster, certain Condor programs called the Condor "daemons" must run all the time. One daemon is called the "master". Its only job is to make sure that the rest of the Condor daemons are running. If any daemon dies, the master restarts it. If a daemon continues to die, the master sends mail to a Condor administrator and stops trying to start it. Two other daemons run on every machine in the pool, the "startd" and the "schedd". The schedd keeps track of all the jobs that have been submitted on a given machine. The startd monitors information about the machine that is used to decide if it is available to run a Condor job, such as keyboard and mouse activity, and the load on the CPU. Since Condor only uses idle machines to compute jobs, the startd also notices when a user returns to a machine that is currently running and removes the job.

    Sounds quite similar.
  • As we all know P2P is nothing new, it is basically distributed computing packaged into the glossy P2P term. This is something that really makes me annoyed, but what is far more worse is the fact that articles like the one in NetWorld Fusion is largely incorrect, when it comes to the technical part of it, and oversimplified.

    There are lots of technology that has existed for years that perform similar functionality, like Distributed OS / DB / FS, and cluster technologies. Of course, not all of these implementations are focused on what they want to achieve with a system in this article, but there are also some that will do the exact same job.

    Ther are things missing in the article, and there are some of the humourus suggestions.

    For example:

    "Intel is testing a new peer-to-peer application that the company says will save WAN bandwidth and deliver applications and data more quickly than existing technologies"

    This is by the way know as a distributed / hierarchichal caching proxy.

    "Mangosoft next week plans to announce Mangomind, which it is billing as the first multiuser, Internet-based, file-sharing service that provides real-time file sharing for secure business communications. The new service is a secure way for multiple users to access, share and store files. Mangomind will let users work on their files offline. When users go back online, Mangomind automatically updates and synchronizes their files."

    This is already known as AFS or Coda, Coda allows caching and disconnected operations, and believe it or not is architecture independent, which allow you to operate over the internet.

    "Kirschner likes Porivo's offering because the desktop client works with Windows 95. Others, such as TurboLinux's EnFuzion software, only support Windows NT and various flavors of Unix."

    Who would ever, except for Kirschner, consider using Windows 9x for what is inherently concurrent computing. Widnows 9x is not capable of propper concurrency.

    But what is really lacking in this article is a description of the costs and consequences of implementing this in an environment.

    Look at the top diagram, it points out that you can share/distribute CPU and disk usage. But for that to happen you need several upgrades of the client. First of all, you would need something else that an IDE disk on each client, since IDE is not capable of concurrency. Second of all you would need to upgrade your network, because it wont work efficiently on a 10Mbit network, you would need a Gbit network, this also includes the rest of the network infrastructure. Thirdly, you need user software that is capable of distributing processing jobs among the processors on the cluster, i.e. heavily threaded software. All this costs money and stil the software part might not be available for the software the company is using.

    There is also the isssue of processing power gained, you have to analyse the load of the computers where you want to implement this to see how much can actually be gained by doing this. Of course there is lots of unused power lying around, but if the gain is only 10% then it is probably not worth it.

    There is also the security aspect, escpecially for distribution of disks, and especially if you are using those disks to store company documents on them. The machines would be physically more accessible to thiefs. Or what if the user turns off the power of the machine, without shutting down, that might make, in the worst case, documents inaccsessible, or computing data lost.
    Therefore, data storage should be on server clusters instead, and only use the clients for CPU/memory sharing

    Lastly the article asks the question about what to do if the computer is busy, and the suggestion to that problem, according to the article, is that P2P should only run when the screensaver runs.
    The question I have about that is, how often does the screensaver run compared to the load on the computer throughout the day, not often. Therefore you would not get much benefit of the "P2P" technology. A simple but much better solution is to use a priority configuration for local and networked processes, the simplest could be give local processes higher priority that networked processes. Of course the priority system is not by any means simple a simple system, so it cant be done out of the box, it depends on what really needs to run at higher priority than other processes.

    There is probably a lot I forgot to mention, but what was stated, certainly applies as a critique to this article and P2P in general.

  • Wow, mod the post I'm replying to up. :)

    Soon as I get two spare linux machines at work, I'm gonna tear them apart and try this Mosix stuff.. see if it can function in a software development environment.

    Be neat to see if it works well enough that there's a net gain in efficiency.

    Best part, it's free (which modern solutions aren't), so it's much easier to play with this sort of idea.
  • Maybe. Who's asking?
  • Entropia 2000 [entropia.com] is designed to support multiple P2P projects for charities. Currently FightAIDS@HOME [fightaidsathome.org], a P2P to search for new AIDS drugs, is up and running for users with a non-dial-up connection to the Internet.

When you don't know what to do, walk fast and look worried.
