Ask 'They Might Be Giants' 258
Yes, folks, it's time for another special Slashdot music celeb interview, this time with They Might Be Giants, creators of much excellent music and the famous Dial-a-Song (which has been mentioned on Slashdot before). Anyway, TMBG is a pretty cool band, so go ahead and ask them anything you want -- about their music or Napster or their deal with eMusic or anything else. Post your questions below. Moderators will choose their favorites. Saturday afternoon we'll select 10 of the best ones, and TMBG will have their answers back in the next week or so.
Dear They Might Be Giants, (Score:1)
Thank you.
Taping Policy (Score:1)
Would you please clarify your position toward audience members taping your performances for their personal enjoyment?
A list of "Bands That Allow Taping" [resourcesfortapers.com] has this entry:
*They Might Be Giants - Although their taping policy has yet to be clarified, John Linell, one of the band members was quoted as saying: "We appreciate the interest shown by tape-traders and bootleggers, but we also appreciate the money from our record sales. I guess you should let your conscience be your guide." There are also new reports (4/99) that Flansburgh said in an interview that they are kind of flattered that folks want to tape their shows and he wishes he could pass out DATs so people could have high quality stuff. So their policy seems to be ambiguous at best.
And for the request, please post a taping policy similar to Phish, Pearl Jam, Panic, Grateful Dead, etc. on your web site. Many tapers consult and honor these performers posted taping policies.
Dear TMBG, (Score:1)
What happened to the accordian??? (Score:1)
Inspiration (Score:1)
Re:Older (Score:1)
Movies and TMBG (Score:1)
What's in store for the use of TMBG songs elsewhere? Will they continue to sneak into pop culture, or will the Johns actually make an appearance in a movie? I recently watched Baseketball and noticed Reel Big Fish performing in several scenes. While I'm not a big fan of them, they've cited TMBG as one of their major influences. Would you appear in a movie?
Re:How about TMBG merchandise? (Score:1)
...'cause there's no such thing.
Current events? (Score:1)
What's next for the dynamic duo? (Score:1)
I've been a huge TMBG fan for over ten years, which is about half of my life (Scary thought, no?). I've heard the band evolve from two guys with a Dr. Rhythm drum machine to a full band with a horn section, to a powerhouse of rock. I've heard lo-fi, hi-fi, no-fi (wax cylinders), children's songs, Movie/TV theme songs, and god knows what else.
My question is, what's next? What surprises do you guys have up your sleeves for those of us who are always waiting to hear you do something new and rip the music industry a new asshole with your revolutionary rock stylings?
Do you plan to continue making music for Hollywood? Are there going to be any more side projects (I simply loved State Songs)? What's next for Brooklyn's Ambassadors of Love?
ToiletDuk (58% Slashdot Pure)
Re:Why the extra pieces? (Score:1)
ToiletDuk (58% Slashdot Pure)
Re:Tiny Toons Music Videos (Score:1)
If it were not for that episode, I probably would not have discovered the glory of TMBG for at least another five years.
ToiletDuk (58% Slashdot Pure)
Re:It's funny (Score:1)
Re:Digital or Analog??? (Score:1)
Oregon (Score:1)
Folk music (Score:2)
Favorite SOUND (Score:2)
Does humor belong in music? (Score:2)
Frank Zappa's musical question is still relevant today. TMBG are well known for their fractured take on modern life. Should more music embrace the absurd? Would that add too much camp to the radio and lessen the impact of insightful comedy? Shouldn't most recording artists just lighten up?
An Easy One (Score:2)
Re:I'm Def (Score:2)
music and education (Score:2)
would you consider doing an entire album or even a series thereof that is aimed at interesting presentations of science/history/etc? I really think songs like these have a lot to offer to the effort to show kids (of all ages) what is cool and fun about these topics which are normally presented rather dryly.
Also, so you watch Bill Nye the Science Guy? (I couldn't resist).
Finally, here's a song a friend of mine wrote, sung to the tune of home on the range, just to convince you that if you don't do it, someone else will do it badly:
(lyrics by Robert M. Panoff, may he forgive me for posting them with his name attached)
Oh, E is a field,
Whose divergence will yield
The charge density, times four pi.
It's curl is B dot--
Hence, in statics, it's naught
and a minus sign orients I.
Waves, weves in free space
at the speed of light, c, they do hurl [unfurl?]
They flux energy
As their modes, E and B,
Oscillate, with divergenceless curl
[Okay, okay, so it's not funny unless you have seen the vector calculus forms of Maxwell's equations. You sort of have to see it with the accompanying whiteboard presentation of the math.]
Music Taste (Score:2)
Do you use Napster?
Over 21 Clubs (Score:2)
Re: (Score:2)
Re:Tiny Toons Music Videos (Score:2)
Re:Tiny Toons Music Videos (Score:2)
Re:Digital or Analog??? (Score:2)
Anyone who can hear the loss in quality with a signal like that must be the the human auditory equivalent of a pentachromat, or something.
Re:free the expo 67 (Score:2)
Freedom is Slavery! Ignorance is Strength! Monopolies offer Choice!
Commercial Success and "Real" Success (Score:2)
You've experienced both, as I understand it: you have been a "name" band. enjoying celebrity status, but you've also managed to acquire a loyal following who are familiar with your corpus of work and the band's history and approach to music. Would any of you like to comment on your own observations/thoughts about these two ways of being successful within the industry?
2 quick questions (Score:2)
Shouldn't we know by now?
Why is Flans Friendlier? (Score:2)
Re:Who... (Score:2)
More live albums? (Score:2)
Hey John and John (Score:2)
If TMBG were to die and be reincarnated as a borderline racist parody of a Japanese car dealership, which of the following models could we expect to find in your borderline racist parody showroom?
Mitsubishi Mini Active Urban Sandal
Subaru Gravel Express
Mazda Bongo Friendlee
Daihatsu Rugger Field Sports Resin Top
Nissan Prairie Joy
Mitsubishi Debonair Exceed
Suzuki Every Joy Pop Turbo
Mitsubishi Delica Space Gear Cruising Active
Isuzu Mysterious Utility Wizard
Daihatsu Town Cube
Nissan Big Thumb Harmonized Truck
Mazda Scrum
Isuzu Giga 20 Light Dump
Thank you.
Re:good vs bad john (Score:2)
Re:Tiny Toons Music Videos (Score:2)
I also wonder if their soundtracking Fox's "Malcolm in the Middle" is also having a positive effect on the band's popularity.
Cut of emusic deal (Score:2)
Music transfer (Score:2)
A while back (Score:2)
No, seriously. Back in '92 in Morgantown, WV. when you were playing at Underground Railroad (aka The Dry House, 123 Plesent Street, or what ever its called today).
Accually, how do you keep creative? After so many years of preforming, and making music, how do you two wake up in the morning and say "I've got this great idea for a song" and jot it down somewhere. Must be quite the challange.
Malcolm in the Middle theme music (Score:2)
I was unbelievably psyched to see you landed the theme music gig for the new FOX show, Malcolm in the Middle. I'm definitely gonna go out and buy the soundtrack :)
my question is: How did you get the job? Was FOX looking for a band with a similarly "quirky" (sic.) or otherwise "subversive" theme? Did you have to audition, and if so, against who? :) And how has doing theme music for a TV show changed (if at all) things for you, in regards to artistic/creative license, merchandising, intellectual property, etc.?
TMBG vs. Ween (Score:2)
About Napster and MP3s (Score:2)
"Fdisk format reinstall, doo dah doo dah,
Dial-a-song (Score:2)
Impostor sites (Score:2)
Re:Why the extra pieces? (Score:2)
Re:free the expo 67 (Score:2)
Re:Tiny Toons Music Videos (Score:2)
The reason I suggested that college radio no longer matters is because being a college radio "star" no longer leads to much of anything. It used to be that independant artists could build a huge following if they catch on with campus stations, but these days "alternative" is just a marketing label. MTV and corporate-owned FM radio dominates the culture.
Internet sources, like MP3.com and Wiredplanet.com, might change that, if people start listening to it. Time will tell.
Re:Why the extra pieces? (Score:2)
One band, which backs them up on most of their albums, and another, called the "Band of Dans", because all three of them happen to be named Dan.
I saw them in Minneapolis with the Dand of Dans last winter, and they owned the crowd all night long, although they also did a second encore where just the Johns were on stage signing "Maybe I Know", a dial-a-song classic that is on their MP3-Only album "Long Tall Weekend".
Personally, I think their post-"John Henry" material is some of their best work, every bit as original and creative as the stuff on the pink album, and they have simply evolved beyond their drum-machine-only phase.
The New Wave is now about 15 years old, and 10 years out of style. TMBG seems to know that.
Re:Why the extra pieces? (Score:2)
When they are TMBG, both Johns sing, and both did some writing. Flans does most of the rhythm guitar work, although these days they usually have a stronger guitar player doing the solos, both in the albums and on stage.
Listen to the Mono Puff album "It's fun to steal", which was essentially a Flans project that Linnell had nothing to do with, and you will get a sense of how much Flans influences the TMBG sound.
You very well might have seen Linnell playing with the Band of Dans on some given concert. The Johns seem to have a preference for using the Dans on the road, with good reason. Most of their other backup players seem to be NYC studio rats, or guys who play in other bands of their own, while the Dans are a solid road backup section.
Re:free the expo 67 (Score:2)
It is probably not mentioned on their current site because it is a really old song (from their second full-length album) which was not even a hit when it was new.
The album Lincoln is crammed full of these kinds of free assiciation styles.
The 1964 Chicago World's Fair is mentioned in the album, but in a different song. (from Ana Ng: "All alone at the '64 World's Fair, 80 dolls yelling Small Girl After All; Who was at the DuPont pavillion? Why was the bench still warm? Who had been there?")
Re:questions... (Score:2)
One of the Tiny Toons directors thought it was cool, and decided to write a very unfunny cartoon which used the song.
TMBG not only sings the theme for Malcom in the Middle, but they also do a lot of the incidental music for it.
They also wrote and performed "Dr. Evil", for the second Austin Powers movie. In a tragic crime against humanity, the producers release the soundtrack album without this song, but you can hear it once in a while on They Might Be Giants radio (go to www.wiredplanet.com if you have not already).
Re:Tiny Toons Music Videos (Score:2)
My first exposure to them was when I was working as a DJ at KRNR at Mankato State University. I wore every single song on their "When It Rains It Snows" EP down to the gray, especially "The Famous Polka".
(kiddies, ask your parents what an EP is)
For the record, other than "Pinky and the Brain", Tiny Toons completely and horribly sucked.
Re:Geography. (Score:2)
2. While they are a NYC band, "this town" does not have to mean Queens. The album is called "Lincoln", so they could have meant Lincoln, Nebraska.
3. Lighten up, it doesn't matter. It is a song that ponders the possibility that the One True Love that is meant for you could live half a world away. The image of firing a gun through the globe to show "the home of the one this was written for" is a beautiful bit of poetry, even if it has trouble standing up to deconstruction from nit-pickers who have enough time on their hands to check the globe.
Independance (Score:2)
Have the
If the latter is not the case, why wouldn't those in the position to, not strike out independently now that the possibility exists?
Noting that some artists have contractual obligations, and some others are corrupted by greed (they would then by definition fall into the 'our favorite artists are also products' category).
BTW: I still listen to Flood, thanks for the 'gift'...
*Yes this could be a Catch22.
Re:Impostor sites (Score:2)
Question (Score:2)
Escaping the recording industry ripoff? (Score:2)
Simple question - If bands are to bypass the recording industry, how will they make money? Or if they are to work within the confines of the recording industry, how will the industry deal with the culture of free music exchange on the net?
Malcolm in the Middle (Score:2)
questions... (Score:2)
of them, actually.. 1. I loved the Istanbul not Constantinople Tiny Toons cartoon. Have you done any work with any aother cartoons? and 2. Do you guys sing the Malcom in the Middle theme? I haven't been following the band for a while, and when I heard the song it sounded like it was either a TMBG song or a cunning replica...
Tour (Score:2)
Re:TMBG to soudtrack McSweeney's Issue 6? (Score:2)
obligatory napster (Score:2)
copy shop clerk (Score:2)
Particle Man sequel? (Score:2)
Do you have any thoughts of doing a follow up song, perhaps explaining why Triangle Man hates Particle Man, for example?
And in your lyrics you mention things like "they have a fight, Triangle wins". I would really like more detailed commentary of the battle and strengths of each foe.
Oh, and Flood is one of the greatest works of art produced this century.
Cover-Art replaced by web art? (Score:2)
I understand that when CDs first came out, some fans were upset that the LP cover-art was reduced in size to fit on CD jewel cases. Now I believe I understand that fear, for it appears that the cover-art has not only shrunk this time, but vanished due to the new MP3 format of your songs.
'Long Tall Weekend', though it had an electronic post-card, would be more of a treasure to me if I had something tangible from it. The 'Working Undercover For The Man' CD (exclusive from E-Music for buying the MP3s, in case you readers are wondering where it came from) though understandably case-less, was the last I saw any cover-art and though it was a sparsely decorated, folding, paper CD-holder it felt much more special and rewarding to own than just the MP3s.
I guess my question is twofold: Do you think that CDs and their cover-art are going to be left behind, and do you think that there is a way you can make up for this potential loss to TMBG fans?
EMusic (Score:2)
Managed to download an MP3 yet? (Score:3)
One year later... have you managed yet?
free the expo 67 (Score:3)
what does the line "free the expo 67" really mean?
i've always wondered.
now you must tell me.
thank you
TMBG to soudtrack McSweeney's Issue 6? (Score:3)
Featuring the music of They Might Be Giants In January, we will have ready, we hope, our new issue. This new issue will be like a regular nice issue of McSweeney's, except the good thing here will be that there will be a soundtrack disc included in the package. This music will correspond to each and every story or drawing in the issue. One piece of music for each piece of writing or artwork. This music will be made by a band called They Might Be Giants, though they will likely also ask other musicmakers, such as M. Doughty and Philip Glass, to compose songs for this soundtrack. It will be fun; you will see.
Is this true? If so are they going to be original songs or just older songs already published?
Flash, bang, wallop... (Score:3)
Re:Professional musicians (Score:3)
Pondering Lyrics (Score:3)
Re:free the expo 67 (Score:3)
This is also in the FAQ [tmbg.org].
Essentially, the whole song is about confusing and mixing up events in one's past, especially historical events from the late 60's. "Free the expo 67" is confusing "Free the Chicago 7" and the "Libre Quebec" speech at the expo 67. This is similar to merging Martin Luther King and Malcom X together in the line "Martin X was mad when they outlawed bell bottoms".
Who... (Score:3)
Here's MY question... (Score:4)
Tours (Score:4)
indi question. (Score:4)
the amazing bc
latin/funk flugelhorn & trumpet
"Historico-logical" background of songs (Score:4)
I realize that some of these things have been discussed in interviews, and still others have been widely speculated about, etc. I, for one, like a puzzle, like trying to figure out what a particular line might refer to, etc. So I have a couple of questions related to that.
One, do you feel the same way when you listen to music with intriguing lyrics? Do you ever wish you could get access to the artist to find those things out? Does it frustrate you when you can't get the definitive answer?
Two, being at the other end--does it bother you for people to ask you all the time "what does [this line of this song] mean?", etc? Have you ever considered just putting explanations up somewhere? Would you consider that too time-consuming, too much like having to explain a joke that someone didn't get, or spoiling the fun of the puzzle?
[Sorry to put so many questions together--if you run all the syllables together when you ask them (e.g. "i'dhavealotofeyesinmebynowwouldn'ti?wouldn'tthat
Re:Pondering Lyrics (it's in the FAQ!) (Score:4)
Readers? (Score:4)
How are things in the post .mp3/emusic.com age? (Score:4)
Knowing what you know now, if you were a new band starting out, would you be going after major label support or would you use these new distribution methods?
-S (who's seen TMBG about 12 times but was horribly dissapointed he missed the recent Boston, MA show because he had a horrible flu bug)
Rythm Section Want Ad ? (Score:4)
I'm Def (Score:4)
Er, sorry, I was thinking of an unrelated thing. But I should be allowed to shoot my mouth off.
Not that the world screams, "kiss me, son of god," to Person Man, either. Since being hit on the head with a frying pan (which mussed his purple toupee), he spends his time wondering, "sad, sad, sad, sad, why must I be sad?" If he wasn't shy, he could just say, "no more Mr. Nice Guy," tell his boss that he's been fired, and spend his time sleeping in the flowers. But the big big whoredom scares him....
Universe Man? He's not the biggest one, and has no one to blame but his fat self. What a piece of dirt. Everybody and their racist friend believes that he's usually kind to smaller man. But you should be allowed to think: he's his own evil twin. Where your eyes don't go, a part of him is hovering, a part that's a hypnotist of ladies, a part that keeps moving my chair, a part that's the guy who hit me in the eye. But just narrow your eyes, turn around, and say: "Dig my grave! Come on and wreck my car! You're not going to change my clothes any more!" and you'll see that though squares may look distant in your rear-view mirror, you're actual size, and Universe Man often trembles as he steps aside.
So you and the girl with the crown and the scepter on WLSD must say that it's totally over now: since when the tour runs aground there aren't any more people around, Particle Man must win. But I say to all you women and men: I hope you haven't turned off your hearing aids (and that you open up your letterbox tomorrow), because now that I have everything, I see the things the stone has shown to me: Particle Man thinks, "a famous person wears the same size waterskis as me," "she's an angel," but he don't get around how she gets around. He just lays his head on the railroad track and stares at the sky all painted up, all those masses of incandescent gasses, each a gigantic nuclear furnace. He knows she's got something special that someone left behind, but he doesn't know that he's only one of many whose shoes are laced with irony.
A few more that aren't my favorite ones: I can't hear the call of the hall of heads, the lion's on the phone, dominoes (some call them snake eyes, but to me they look like nice), I've checked out the hotel detective (and I'm not about to forget about anything, and she certainly don't own the place), and the damn little bottle won't lie still.
So who can't I get rid of? Who can't I step on? Who must I not stop?
Spider. He is my hero. We love you, spider.
So, should I get beat up for stating my beliefs? Or, Mr. DJ, do we have a deal?
Business Models (Score:5)
I know that many artists would discount #2 right off the bat. These artists, however, are the ones that either don't want to bother with touring, or just don't have the talent to play outside a closed studio. There are loads of bands that actually do make a good living off touring, e.g. DMB, MMW, Bela Fleck, Phish, etc. It's no coincidence that these are the same bands who want their fans to trade music freely; they know that it only helps their business in the form of free publicity.
So, what stance does TMBG take on this issue?
Creative process (Score:5)
Stage Crashers (Score:5)
Digital or Analog??? (Score:5)
Digital or Analog?
Indeed I know there lurks a purist analog soul in TMBG, but who better to get the most out of digital mixing??
Also, if the boys could reccommend a good portable 4-Track I'd be much obliged.
Jason Maggard
"I might be giant, too."
Internet distributable music (Score:5)
If not, would you be willing to do so and pressure your label?
Finally, if secure transmission of music wasnt possible (as it doesnt seem to be now), are you willing to live with the possibility of people copying your music for free digitally, just to get more people to listen to it?
On Deeper Music (Score:5)
In a world where much of the new, "popular" music coming out (Spears, Aguilera, Martin, et al) which promotes the "party time" atmosphere and "think with your crotch, not with your mind" mentality, how does TMBG shape their mission in songwriting and performances to keep their unique, mind-intensive style going? How do you keep from falling into that "lesser-meaning-lyrics" groove?
On a side note, when are you coming back to Iowa?
EMusic deal limiting access? (Score:5)
Prior to the introduction of the $10 a month EMusic "TMBG Unlimited" service, TMBG frequently provided free MP3 downloads of unreleased songs and live versions not available on Dial-A-Song to those fans on the TMBG mailing list.
Now that the service has been introduced, membership seems to be a requirement for any new MP3 downloads. All the e-mails that I've received from TMBG lately have essentially been advertisements for this new service, with little or no free material offered fans. Because I don't like getting what is essentially glorified spam for Emusic in my mailbox, I've actually unsubscribed myself from your mailing list.
I understand that you guys have to make money and all, but are you concerned at all that you may be posing what could be construed a membership fee to be a member of the "official" TMBG fan community, asking fans to pay for material you had previously provided for free?
I'm perfectly willing to pay money for new TMBG albums and music, but I'm concerned that asking fans to pay $10 a month to have access to new TMBG tunes may cause you to lose more fans than you gain.
The Future (Score:5)
I'd personally like to think that it does, but I've heard some pretty powerful arguments against it as well.
Metallica (Score:5)
Older (Score:5)
Why the extra pieces? (Score:5)
Professional musicians (Score:5)
What do you think the answer is? Is the day of the professional artist over? Is it still possible to make the music you love and make enough to pay the bills? If so, how? How do you see the record industry changing over the next ten years?
Tiny Toons Music Videos (Score:5)
Your thoughts on voluntary payments. (Score:5)
Thanks, Matt
Street Performer Protocol (Score:5)
Terradot [terradot.org]
Copyright? (Score:5)
Terradot [terradot.org]
good vs bad john (Score:5)