Napster Going Offshore? 325
BananaBoht writes: "According to this article, a Canadian named Matt Goyer plans to set up a Napster clone server off the shores of the UK on a sovreign island. Mr. Goyer is eyeing HavenCo Ltd. as a possible site for his cloned Napster computer server. The company rents computing power and Internet data storage space to those seeking to avoid government laws. It operates from an ocean platform called Sealand, which has operated for 30 years as a sovereign territory off the coast of England."
Re:HavenCo Status, Fairtunes, etc. (Score:2)
Re:"plans" ain't "does" (Score:2)
> "plans" to father the children of Natalie Portman,
Good plan.
> but he'd be the first to admit it's a long and
> complicated process
Well, it is not *that* complicated, really. And it doesn't need to take *that* long, just ask Al Bundy.
> with no guarantee of success.
Then you try again. Getting there is (at least) half the fun, just don't ask Al Bundy.
> For a start, he has no money,
Well *that* is likely to be a big problem.
I have one word for you... (Score:2)
Isn't this the way it always used to be done? If you're hooked on Napster, just learn to use mIRC and you'll be raking in the tunes in no time.
Re:Sealand's Legal Status (Score:2)
And further, if Sealand is a sovereign nation, the right to 12 mile territorial waters apply to Sealand as well, together with rules regulating the division in cases where there isn't more than 24 miles between the bodies of land (and thus both parties can't get a full 12 miles).
Whether anybody will recognize Sealand as a sovereign nation is of course a completely different issue, considering how hard it is even for entire well established groups of people with their own languages and culture to get their own nations, even in "civilized Europe".
Re:Does these sealand hosting facilities really ex (Score:4)
I've been working on some decent demo-services to host out of our space on Sealand, since most of our customers so far as pretty much internal-use-only.
It would take only very minimal checking to find servers on Sealand, but I leave that as an exercise for the reader.
It may just shift the problem. (Score:3)
Re:This *does* protect the individual. (Score:2)
Re:Sealand's History (Score:2)
Your 'facts' are as convincing as "Princess Diana starred in a porn movie" without references.
What's the difference? (Score:2)
Lawyer: international law and the Law of Nations (Score:4)
Warning: check your idealism at the door before reading this. It is *entirely* realpolitick/positive law, and not the world as it "should" be.
There certainly is "the Law of Nations," which is ancient. It's a basic and largely unwritten code of conduct between nations (don't kill the other guys diplomats, etc.).
Treaties such as the Geneva Convention have extended these standars.
"International Law" is a newer concept. and is largely wieleded as a buzzword by discontents within a country to achieve what they cannot through the legal process. It tends to be claims of authority for unratified treaties and the like, an attempts to give authority to UN proclamations.
Basically, international law is whatever the victor of the last war says it is, or is willing to abide by. As an example, a "naval salute" in the days of cannons consisted of each ship emptying it's cannons to show that they were no longer prepared to fire on one another. SHips alternated cannons until each was empty. The exception was the Royal Navy (Britain), which was entitled to have the other ship empty its entire battery before emptying its own. Why? Because Britain ruled the seas from the smashing of the Armada until surpassed by the U.S. this century. Today, if we still had such ships, it would be the U.S. receiving the salute from Britain first.
The bottom line is that "international law" means nothing if you don't have the military power to back your position. ANother way of putting it is that today it is whatever the U.S. says it is.
Treaties are another matter, but they are generally not at issue when folks cry "international law."
hawk, esq.
Re:Sealand's History (Score:2)
> you seriously think anyone is going to give a damn?
And that, if you refer to my post above (below?) is the crux of international law
Re:napster is so very doomed... (Score:2)
So basically, you missed the point of this article, which is that Napster is dead, long live Napster. And of course we all know about the pure peer-to-peer filesharing systems out there (Gnutella et. al.) that still have a lot of kinks to work out. Freenet and Gnutella are just starting to be noticed by the RIAA, Congress and others. The reaction is quadrupled fear of a completely unregulatable mechanism. Makes them realize playing nice with a regulatable, controllable service like Napster isn't such a bad idea after all.
The end result will be playing nice with Napster, if the RIAA wants to survive as a money making machine. If they can't adopt, the backlash of fully distributed filesharing will get people used to anonymous, unrestricted, p2p music sharing, and micropayment or subscription service fees for Napster-alikes will have died as a model, thereby killing off the music industy's attempts to ever get involved in digital music distribution.
The Internet to RIAA: Hello gentlemen! All your music are belong to us. You have no chance to survive make your time.
riaa hires commandos... (Score:2)
use LaTeX? want an online reference manager that
Re:This *does* protect the individual. (Score:2)
Be careful! IANAL, but you can be certain that any country that the US trades with will have a trade agreement with the US, which carefully lays out issues such as copyright/trademark infringement, tarriffs, acceptable imports/exports, etc.
Make note of that. Copyrights are an integral part of modern trade, and intellectual property is considered a tradable commodity, and since it can be traded between nations (import/export) trade agreements have to be able to cover it.
The guy might be Canadian, but the Canadian government and the RCMP will be happy to take him down if the government is served with 'sufficient evidence' by US concerns (i.e. the Ratcrabs Illicitly Aggreiving Artists) that he's breaking copyright law.
I hope it doesn't come to that, but look what happened in Norway, not at all that long ago....
It'll end in fire (Score:3)
Re:This *does* protect the individual. (Score:2)
Texas (Score:2)
a) Texas actually was independent, had broken off by military force, and was likely to keep that status on its own,
b) They planned to join the U.S. from the beggining, but were rebuffed.
How it should work... (Score:4)
I originally was completely against the idea of a Napster clone that would be outside the RIAA's legeal reach because I am personally opposed to the fact that Napster prevents artists from making money of thier music and the thought of someone else making money of the work of artists either was distasteful to me. But now that I know that the creator of Fairtunes is behind it, some of my reservations have been removed and I have certain requests.
The main problem with Napster is that it does not give one an interface to pay the artist for their work. I've often downloaded songs off Napster and wished that I could click some link and send the artist a few bucks directly. Using Fairtunes and the like is rather inconvenient. Currently to use Fairtunes one has to
Re:Sealand's History (Score:2)
Well, bearing in mind that I'm not scottish and am extrapolating the party's position from their name, I would guess they'd say that its a complete slap in the face to a people with a real history as a nation to even think about extending recognition to a family of egotistical gits playing "castle" on a little fort they have to import drinking water to. (which britain built in the first place).
At least that's what I'd say.
[paraphrase morons] "this is the president of the independant nation of Texas! We are under attack by a forgien power and seeking international aid!" [/paraphrase morons] guess how many nations stepped in?
Kahuna Burger
Re:It may just shift the problem. (Score:2)
Re:It may just shift the problem. (Score:2)
Re:Sealand/UK is not USA! UNDERSTAND?!?!?!?!?!?! (Score:2)
"I'm sorry, chaps. We know you went through the trouble of declaring war and everything, but we can't let you invade Sealand."
"So you're saying Sealand _is_ a part of the UK? Great, then we'll just bring you up in front of the International Court of Justice for violating articles 11bis and 16 of the Berne Convention."
"Err, on second thought, have fun storming the cast^H^H^H^Hbunker."
Seriously, though, either Sealand's a sovereign nation, in which case obtaining permission from the UK to travel through their territorial waters in order to attack should be fairly trivial. I admit that, given the rocky history between the US and the UK (WW I, WW II, and even the recent joint US/UK bombings on Iraq all come to mind), it might be difficult for us to reach a compromise, but I'm sure we'll work something out.
And if the UK decides that Sealand isn't sovereign territory, then suddenly the regular UK copyright laws take effect. At worst, it would be mildly inconvenient for the RIAA to have to pursue a UK-based legal battle, but I'm more than confident that they've got the money to pull it off.
Re:Sealand's History (Score:2)
2) Many people have 'forged' sealand passports that they mistakenly try to travel under.
Picture of Sealand!!! (Mod this up) (Score:2)
Re:Does these sealand hosting facilities really ex (Score:3)
See the bright side of it. You can host overclocked servers easily.
Re:"plans" ain't "does" (Score:2)
As a citizen of the right and honourable Canada - I can tell you that 'maintaining a database of MP3 data' is by no means illegal. Dont forget - NapsterServers never EVER EVER actually contain/move/transfer any files, as much as the RIAA would care to mislead otherwise. It only responds to queries. No DMCA here. No Plutocratic Court ruling about 'contributory' infringement (whatever). This activity is certainly not "illegal" in Canada... for now.
Re:What's the difference? (Score:2)
You're trolling here, right ? Or do you really want to tell us that swapping music is comparable to drug traffiking and money laundering ? Man, you should really stop reading tis MPAA/RIAA propaganda crap. You know, they lie a lot...
Maybe (IANAL, so I can only say maybe) this avoids responsibility but does this make it any less illegal?
Well, it depends. Check out Havenco's AUP [havenco.com]. It's an interesting read and they don't permit to have everything hosted on their servers (e.g. spam [spam.com] is explicitely prohibited).
Arguably Sealand is an indpendent country and its governmental structure doesn't leave much leeway for brib^H^H^H^H threat^H^H^H^H^H^H buying l^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H to lobby it into putting more value into protection of corporate interests then individual rights.
Thankfully, the US doesn't have world jurisdiction. Recent incidents (supreme court on presidential elections, DeCSS ruling, eToys vs. the etoy.CORPORATION, etc...) make me believe that this would be a very bad idea indeed.
BTW: I never downloaded an MP3. It's just too darn tedious and expensive in Europe.
Why not p2p? (Score:2)
Why Bother with Commandos? (Score:2)
Re:Does these sealand hosting facilities really ex (Score:5)
We have water and toilet and such; even a shower. The shower was rationed initially, but now we have a 10 ton capacity watermaker and a few large storage tanks, so it's ok. We're upgrading a lot of the residential features constantly; we don't have satellite TV or anything, although I do have a server with about 130 GB of mp3s, dvds, etc.
for local use. Due to generator and computer noise, I mainly just use headphones.
Everyone has a private room, although when we expand datacenter into a second tower, we might need to construct more accomodations up on deck. Initially we were thinking of housing servers in 20' containers on deck, vs. in the concrete towers, but having 12-24" reinforced concrete around machine rooms is much cooler.
We have onsite food preparation, although since the cooks are British, it's mainly meat-and-potatoes every day. If anyone else tries to copy the HavenCo/Sealand idea elsewhere, I suggest they have a sushi chef as member of the team.
Re:Good way to force the Sealand sovereignty issue (Score:2)
damn, you guys are lousy shots if you can do this. No wonder we were able to run you off with squirrel guns
hawk, noting that making squirrels a dietary staple required high marksmanship skills.
Let me be pessimist... (Score:3)
I fear that the major labels probably have enough money for this...
[[ I admit I tried Napster for the first time a couple of days ago (even if I followed all the copyright discussion from the start), and it's really a killer. I'd be ready to pay a fee for unrestricted usage. Just throw in md5sums to verify file integrity and I'm ready to pay up to 50FF/month without even *thinking* about it. ]]
Sovereignty is the key issue here. (Score:2)
The point of this post is to pass the word around that one can opt out, and be subject to none of this asinine legislation, and that we're not sheep at the mercy of federal and corporate wolves. Anyone with a Napster server can remove themselves from the jurisdiction of the offending legislation and be done with it, keeping the Nap server functioning as-is without liability. I consider the whole thing to be a prop media issue, since the major media is too well-heeled to go anywhere near the sovereignty issue. Talk about a conflict of interest.
Watch the RIAA eat Sealand. (Score:2)
It's about time Napster rolled over and admitted that they can't fight money.
Sealand's History (Score:5)
Sealand isn't really much of an island. It's an old WW2 concrete artilery platform - completely man-made. It was abandoned for many years, before being settled on by Paddy Roy Bates, who has since been proclaimed 'king'
Their main claim to sovereignty is that the UK ignored them for many years, writing them off as a bunch of loonies. However, in the last few years they've been allowing HavenCo to situate their servers on the island, and the UK government have started laying claim to the island.
Note however, they get all their power and internet connection from nearby countries, who would be entirely within their rights to switch off the connection if Havenco start doing something they disagree with.
Useful Links:
Doesn't matter (Score:2)
A country can't just expand its borders and retroactively claim anything that now appears within them. Because Sealand claimed sovreignity before the expansion, if they are a country then their territory isn't part of Britain at all.
Re:Watch the RIAA eat Sealand. (Score:2)
Ever Hear of Germany? (Score:2)
Re:Sealand/UK is not USA! UNDERSTAND?!?!?!?!?!?! (Score:2)
As mentioned in my half-silly dialogue, article 11bis [cornell.edu] of the Berne convention [cornell.edu] controls broadcast rights. According to this list [wipo.org], the UK is a party of the Berne convention.
As for declaring war... are all you guys that dumb?
Err, yes. We're stupid, violent Americans with our fast food, inefficient cars, and lots and lots of guns. Kill, kill, kill!
Seriously, I doubt it would reach that point. There're too many easier, nonviolent, Internet-connection snipping means of achieving similar goals. But I'm sure someone, somewhere is thinking, "Dammit, if we go to war, we could really kick their asses." Especially when you consider that we did the whole Gulf War thing in order to protect our oil interests.
Re:Sealand's History (Score:2)
In spite of their attempts to draw inferences, AFAIK no nation has actually recognized sealand as a nation. If and when the time comes when they have something the UK wants (or something they want badly enough to stop) I anticipate a similar lack of interest in their shutdown.
Kahuna Burger
Re:Watch the RIAA eat Sealand. (Score:2)
Either way...if the UK really wanted the place...it would be thiers. No firearms that the squatters on Sealand have will stop that.
What, in the District Court of Sealand? Wake up!!! (Score:2)
Sealand has no courts, it is a dicatorial monarchy. If you have a problem, you talk to the guy who owns the island (the "Crown Prince") and if he agrees with you, the people who have annoyed you get chucked off the island. That is the entire legal process in Sealand.
Let me try to help you understand:
Suppose the Crown Prince of Sealand passed a law saying that chocolate was illegal in Sealand.
Would that make chocolate illegal in the USA?
Equally, laws made in the USA or as part of an international convention (such as the Berne convention on copyright) do not apply outside the USA or outside those countries which signed up to the convention.
Sealand is not a signatory to the Berne convention.
So, FIRSTLY, there is no law for anyone to sue with and SECONDLY there are no courts to take your case to.
I'd say that makes suing a fairly unlikely option (note: this is what us Brits call "sarcastic understatement").
Re:It may just shift the problem. (Score:2)
Re:Sealand's History (Score:2)
This reminds me of a little lesson from US history. Andrew Jackson wanted to move an American Indian tribe (the Cherokees) from Georgia. The Indians appealed, and the Supreme Court said that the federal government couldn't deport the Indians. Jackson told the court, "oh yeah, try to stop me" and the Indians were forced to walk. Their forced trip is now known as the "Trail of Tears."
(See http://statelibrary.dcr.state.nc.us/nc/bio/public/ jackson.htm#Presidency for details)
Until there is a public outcry or the courts get guns and cops of their own, the federal branch (or in the case of a parlimentary system like England, the legislative branch) can do what it wants, more or less.
Re:Saddam to the rescue (Score:2)
Re:Watch the RIAA eat Sealand. (Score:3)
The RIAA would have to fight in the courts, which could be a tricky business given Sealand's as undetermined status as a country. Their best bet would be to go after the Canadian who owns the server in Canada. Shut him down and their problem goes away.
I guess you didn't read the article either. This is some guy wanting to set up a clone server. It has nothing to do with Napster (the company) at all.On the ISPs, plural. (Score:5)
Now, maybe all of those ISPs will capitulate. But supposing they don't? Supposing, say, one of the well-connected Amsterdam ISPs stands firm, and is backed up by the Amsterdam court? I don't think the RIAA are going to try and cut off Amsterdam, which is a major Internet hub for Europe, but maybe they'll demand that US ISPs fake the routing tables so you can't route to Sealand? Then another offshore alternative opens up, more routing frob...
Eventually the RIAA and MPAA will demand that the Internet as we know it be dismantled in favour of a networking protocol that is better at supporting censorship. Eventually they'll demand an Internet that has "providers", who are big companies that can afford legal fees and scrupulously provide only legal content, and "users" who can send email and read content provided by "providers" but who can't afford the legal fees needed to publish anything, and whose communication with each other is heavily mediated by the "providers" taking legal responsibility. They'll want changes to the law, backed by new international conventions, that make even Slashdot illegal, because Slashdot can't guarantee someone won't put DeCSS here.
They won't necessarily get what they demand, but they will eventually be forced to demand it if their position is to make any sense at all. And they're not the kind of people to say "OK, that would be too nasty, we'll concede defeat."
Re:It may just shift the problem. (Score:2)
Re:Sealand's History (Score:2)
Re:Watch the RIAA eat Sealand. (Score:2)
And likely, the "squatters" (they have every right to be there, as they aren't in anyone else's soil, and seem to have done everything to declare themselves a sovereign country) have a lot more than a couple firearms. Remember that heavy weaponry is pretty easily available on the black market, for those with cash. If you can afford to set up a sovereign off-shore platform, you can afford to buy yourself a few guided missiles and/or torpedoes to protect it.
Do you really think England would risk losing several multi-million dollar airplanes, or a billion dollar warship, over this?
Re:It may just shift the problem. (Score:3)
(Or Click Here [slashdot.org])
The rules about upstream ISPs are different for countries. Just because an Internet connection to Canada travels across US soil does not give the US the right to censor it. HavenCo is counting on international treaties that govern communications carries to prevent any organization or entity (read RIAA or US Government) from saying "pull the plug". No one owns the Internet, so no one has a right to block another country's access to its content.
- JoeShmoe
Could Napster sue the Napster Clone?? (Score:2)
If he is setting up a Napster clone and Napster plays all goody goody with the RIAA, what will stop Napster from suing the maintainer of the clone?? Heck, they may get the RIAA's help to do it! Is the Napster software protected (or not) by a restrictive license that does/doesn't allow for rogue clones?
A little more information... (Score:3)
If you ask me, it looks like a raft on stilts rather than a sovereign territory, but hey. To each his own. {=)
Saddam to the rescue (Score:5)
Re:Sovereignty is the key issue here. (Score:2)
Many people have said similar things: quit your resident status, snub your nose at the government, incorporate offshore, etc, but don't forget that your bandwidth has to come from somewhere. They'll just go after your ISP and (IANAL) force them to stop providing contributory(sp) infringement. Gee.. thats what Napster is being taken down with. Your ISP would be contributing to your infringement and would be required to stop providing bandwith. Even if you held an offshore ISP, someone will start blocking your US traffic (which doesn't matter to me, though).
I really think you guys should sit back, take a stress pill, and think things over before you react. Dave? Can you hear me Dave? I can feel it. I can feel it. I can fe... Now starting Windows 95.
There is no copyright law in Sealand (Score:2)
There is no copyright law in Sealand. Sealand is not a member of the Bern Convention [wipo.org] and it does not have a copyright law of it's own.
The only intellectual property law in Sealand is that child pornography is illegal.
Re:It may just shift the problem. (Score:2)
Why it might work... (Score:5)
Second, he's actually in the clear from the moral point of view. As evidenced by him spending about $10,000 to set up Fairtunes [fairtunes.com], a site which allows fans to donate directly to artists, he cares about seeing that artists don't get ripped off. I've personally donated $25 through Fairtunes. To get the same amount of cash into artists' hands, I'd have to spend over $300 on CDs.
Third, Sealand's independence has, to some extent, recognized by British courts. Sealand fired a warning shot at a boat that approached too closely, and Roy Bates was taken to court for some weapons violation. The court ruled something to the effect that the weapons laws didn't apply to Sealand since it is sovergn. Also, Sealand established its independence before Britain extended its teritorial waters, so Sealand is in the clear on that front, too.
Fourth, the Sealand guys seem to know what they're doing. They have generators and redundant internet connections. Their server room is filled with pure nitrogen for security and fire prevention. Cool shit. I'm sure they could handle Napster II.
Fifth, Sealand might take this on just for the publicity. With Napster in the news nearly every day, this could get Sealand some much-needed press.
Re:Why it might work... (Score:2)
Depends on who you ask. It takes a lot more than just a few musicians to record an album. I don't disagree that most recording contracts are unfair to the artists. I also don't disagree that the record companies have an oligopoly. But like it or not, the costs of a recording studio, a producer, and promotion are the reason why many artists are better off with a recording contract than without.
Because it's cheaper (Score:2)
A damn good question (Score:2)
Someone in the know hook us up with some knowledge.
Re:Doesn't matter (Score:2)
Well yes. I was just saying the court ruling was irrelevant because the *at the time* Sealand was in international waters. As either way, Sealand isn't now, the ruling is inconsequential.
Re:Why it might work... (Score:2)
Sorry to pick nits with this, but this isn't entirely accurate.
The Principality of Sealand is so-called because of an archaic British law saying that no man could be persecuted for supporting a prince. I don't know how this would stand up in a court of law, but that was the reasoning at the start.
Second, the British courts have NOT recognized Sealand. In the case where they were brought to court, it was for various tax issues. What the courts said, was that they were not qualified to try Sealand's people and that it was a case for the Foreign Office. There's a subtle but great distinction here. British courts cannot just up and recognize sovereignity. What they did do, however, was recognize that the law was ambiguous enough that the possibility existed that Sealand COULD be its own nation. So far the British government has not challenged this in the UN or the World Court (if that's even something the World Court handles.)
napster is so very doomed... (Score:3)
Why would you invest in something like that? I do agree that millions of people would be willing to pay for mp3's on a subscription basis. But what's to differentiate napster from the hundreds of over clones that Canadian CS students set up in their dorm?
It's true, the Napster name brand has house hold recognition. But not the kind of recognition that's worth a billion dollars.
I really doubt napster will be around still by this Christmas.
Do you work in marketing? (Score:2)
There is no new world. We still live in the old one, there's just a lot of changes. This happens constantly, particularly over the last century.
TO answer your question, no, Sealand does not have it's own TLD, but politics at this point are not determined by your web status. I'm sure that when politics are run by the web-savvy you'll be able to get yourself a nice Ambassador positions with words like "info-economy".
Re:riaa hires commandos... (Score:2)
Re:This *does* protect the individual. (Score:2)
Good way to force the Sealand sovereignty issue... (Score:5)
For example, let's say you set up a gambling operation there. You're running along happily, until one day the British Gov't comes calling because you've violated the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act of 2000 [hmso.gov.uk], which was enacted so that MI5 can listen for bad guys by reading your email. Then some bigwig public official in Norwich happens to be gambling on a game of canasta with the Crown's money, and the Brits get all upset because they can't find out who he is, what he bet, when he plays, etc. So they sue, he sues, everyone sues everyone else. It becomes a big mess, and the anonymous email operation you set up six months prior is caught in the middle of it. How do you repel a DoS attack from the Home Office?
Later on, the providers of HavenCo's bandwidth get pressured from all sorts of people. See, Sealand might be independant, but the companies that give HavanCo their pipe are based in countries which most certainly are not. They can (and will) be pressured. They get leaned on, and then HavenCo gets leaned on. Shit runs downhill. (And don't give me that satellite rap; you know that's only an expensive worst-case backup of dubious technical merit.) The upshot here is that everyone who gave money to HavenCo is now officially S.O.L.
Which is why we need something "friviolous" like a Napster server to take up residence on Sealand. If it goes down because of the Strong Arm of the Law(TM), then it really isn't that big of a deal. It gets sorted out in court and we all wait to see what happens. In the meantime, we run our gambling and pr0n operations off some island like everyone else has been doing. We're listenign to stuff off FreeNet, and grabbign MP3s from OpenNap servers.
But the court will have to decide one way or the other. The RIAA -- for one -- will surely force the issue (like through the U.N., maybe?). And the decision will likely be binding; what's good for Mr. Napster Server Clone is good for you and me (please note: IANAL and I don't want to be one, either). If the verdict is for the Napsterites, then we can all put our servers on Sealand. If the verdict favors whatever government happened to bitch, then we lost no money setting precedent ourselves.
It's a good thing. I want to see it happen.
Re:Saddam to the rescue (Score:2)
Re:HavenCo Status, Fairtunes, etc. (Score:2)
You'd also create problems for Sealand if you ran something like Napster there, people would target them much like ISPs get targetted these days. They'd have proof of violation of international treaty and they'd make everyone's life dificult.
So the answer is to put the main part of your server on the mainland in a large city. Then encrypt all client communications via keys served from Sealand. It wouldn't be any more secure vs crypto attacks, RSA is still RSA... the benefits come in when the corporation realizes it can't simply demand the police arrest both ends of the communication and subpoena keys.
Do an anonymous system where the server doesn't know who clients are (except by a MD5 hash of their IP, etc). All the server does is match requests to providers, then passes the hashed IDs to the Sealand server which looks up the real IPs and passes the information to both parties.
This way the Sealand system isn't involved in anything illegal by the laws of any big country, meaning that there's no justification for international action to shut them down or open their records. But without doing so, the clients are anonymous until they actually start the peer-to-peer trading action.
As long as the system on the mainland has other reasonable uses than trading MP3s (like Gnutella which will trade any files) then it can't be directly shut down without evidence, but the evidence is locked away in a foreign country (Even if Sealand is ruled to be the UK after a tense armed standoff and years in court it wouldn't be the US, forcing the RIAA to fight a legal action while coordinating in two countries.) and can't be obtained without essentially an act of war.
The key is to have plausible uses for these systems other than the 'illegal' uses. Then have one end in one jurisdiction and the other end as far away as possible.
(Someone mentioned Iraq... If there wasn't a trade embargo it'd work great. Your bandwidth requirements in the US-hostile country are minimal, you're just using them as a blind transfer point for the setup data. Afghanistan might work, there isn't an embargo but they're pretty down on the western entertainment industry and other things.)
This is junk (Score:2)
Who? (Score:2)
Re:Sealand's Legal Status (Score:2)
HavenCo Status, Fairtunes, etc. (Score:5)
(I'm one of the cofounders of HavenCo, and the CTO, if you didn't already know; I'm also an active slashdot reader (what else do you think we do for fun out in the middle of the north sea?))
First of all, www.fairtunes.com is hosted in Canada, is slashdotted, and isn't our fault!
Second, I can't comment on confidential discussions with customers w/o their permission, but yes, from looking at the fairtunes site, it looks like they're trying to raise money to pay for a year of service on one of our boxes with the goal being to host an offshore OpenNap server. I'm personally a user of napster (although I mainly use Mojonation [mojonation.net] now. We definitely would like to have them as a customer -- what they're doing doesn't violate our AUP, and we're happy to offer service to anyone who will pay. Of course, what they are doing is NOT being done by us; if they choose to host with us, it's still their responsibility.
We have network connectivity through multiple providers around the world, and can easily add more. We assign customers a
As for HavenCo's service, we've been up since May 2000, and now that we have high-speed low-latency network, fully debugged power systems, etc. we're offering commercial service to anyone who is interested and obeys our AUP [havenco.com]. Our pricing is standardized, and is USD 1500/month for a 2U box with redundant power, cooling, 24x7 network monitoring, armed security, etc., and 256kbps of Internet bandwidth (local 100baseTX is free, so people can offer services to other HavenCo customers without paying for bandwidth). We charge a USD 1500 one-time setup fee, and USD 3500 for hardware (we can use any high-quality 1U or 2U box, and pricing is US cost; we don't try to make a profit off hardware, but we can't accept non-rackmount, low quality, etc. stuff). We have about 3-5 days lead time, from receipt of payment, before we can have a server up and running, and as long as you're not doing spam/spam support, child pornography, or hacking from our machines, we'd love to have you as a customer; contact sales@havenco.com [mailto] for more info.
We're in the middle of a web redesign, and have been trying to focus on getting services fully up, rather than getting more press, but we're about to begin a big sales and press push. This is a bit earlier than was planned, but now that people are getting slashdotted, might as well post.
Re:Not for long.. (Score:2)
Gradually, over the years, Sealand has become increasingly secure and internationally accepted. More and more, the international Lawyers and other Jurists stated that Sealand fulfilled all the legal requirements of a State and that the Sovereignty of Sealand was absolute and unquestionable. The major states of Europe have now accepted this as a fact
If the US government were to send in the marines they'd be invading another country. A declaration of war. That would violate more treaties than you can count. The repercussions would be horrendous politcally.
Much as Americans like to believe they control what happens globally, they don't. Theres nothing the US could do, beyond breaking off international relations with SeaHaven. I doubt that'd be a big worry.
Re:Ok but this will never happen!!!! (Score:2)
Re:Sealand's History (Score:2)
Business doesn't care about POWs (Score:2)
I believe you. That sounds like a truer test of national sovereignty than a server responding to Napster requests. But I don't think business will see it that way.
In order to for commercial entities to put their money into Sealand/HavenCo, there must be some sort of precedent set that protects their investment. They have to know that the model is tested and stable. The rescue of a POW doesn't do it for them. They need a court somewhere that says "Yeah, you bad guys tried to get at these poor fellows, but we have decided that doing so would be tantamount to invading France. Piss off." Then they can sink time and effort into setting up some servers because when someone comes after them, they can point to precedent (without hiring expensive lawyers).
Don't get me wrong, I love the concept of HavenCo, and Sealand. (I'm card-carrying member of the Libertarian party, after all.) It's just that someone needs to prime the pump of sovereignty with a legal battle. POWs and armed captures do nothing but scare the corporate mind.
Tell that to Manuel Noriega (Score:2)
You're only immune if you have a bigger army.
The US invaded Panama, seized Manuel Noriega, and dragged him to the US for a trial, whereapon they jailed him for his crimes -- even though it appears that US officials were co-conspirators in some of those crimes (using drug sales to raise money for the Contras after Congress cut off the supply of taxpayer money).
Re:Sealand's History (Score:2)
on whose authority is international law written ?
Somebody moderate this up (Score:2)
US ignores French law. Other nations accept ours? (Score:3)
Selling Nazi artifacts and nazi related materials are illegal in Germany, France, Austra, etc. Yet no US court acts to shut down US based Nazi sites.
Trading copyrighted materials for free to people who didn't legitimately pay for them is illegal in the US. Why should other nations give a fuck about our laws. Especially in nations not signed onto the Berne treaty on intellectual property, like Brazil, China, Russia, Malaysia, and Taiwan.
Re:Sealand's Legal Status (Score:2)
Re:napster is so very doomed... (Score:2)
Re:HavenCo Status, Fairtunes, etc. (Score:2)
This does not protect the Individual. (Score:2)
Re:Good way to force the Sealand sovereignty issue (Score:2)
Re:Does these sealand hosting facilities really ex (Score:2)
I looked into building some equipment rooms that way. The benefit is the ability to prefab and test the room completely away from the construction site. The drawback is that if you're providing front and back access, you only get one row of racks in a 96" wide container. Therefore, you end up using twice as much aisle space as you would in a conventional equipment room. In the conventional arrangement, the cost of an aisle is shared by the rows of racks on each side.
If you used an architecture where only front access is required, then it would be more feasible. You could have racks against both walls and an aisle in the middle.
There is one vendor offering this type of intel-based server, but this limits equipment choices too drastically.
Re:Ever Hear of Germany? (Score:2)
In a hostage situation, one negotiates with a lot of undesirable people. It doesn't mean zip.
Re:Good way to force the Sealand sovereignty issue (Score:4)
But yes, we're always happy to have more legal experience and affirmation of Sealand's sovereign status.
And as for satellite bandwidth -- it's certainly not as good as other bandwidth, but even being connected only by high-quality satellite bandwidth during a legal challenge to the UK or Netherlands over terrestrial links wouldn't be the end of the world; since in the absolute worst case, security of servers is assured, even in the event of invasion, Sealand is still the best place to host data which truly needs the highest security.
Re:Sealand's Legal Status (Score:2)
Obviously there's the potential for something like this to drag on in the courts, but I'd say that the onus of proof of sovereign status rests firmly on Sealand's head rather than for the UK Government to prove otherwise.
The 1987 Act just ratified a previous agreement over sovereignity with France for that bit of the Straits of Dover (details here [hmso.gov.uk] and that sounds like international agreement to me.
Getting rid of the occupiers is another matter entirely. As long as they don't violate UK law I'd imagine they can stay there as long as they like!
Whole thing sounds far too much like an Ealing comedy to me. Passport to Pimlico anyone?
So how will this differ... (Score:2)
Re:AWESOME!!! (Score:2)
However it is good for a lot of things, for example a server where open source people could log in and work on beating things like DeCSS and incorporating them in products and posting the result.
There are NO laws about reverse engineering in Sealand.
Quite the Opposite (Score:2)
Re:Sealand's History (Score:2)
That sounds like nonsense to me. For one thing: when has it stopped the US before? Secondly, it assumes that third parties actually recognise Sealand. Let's face it, if Britain decided to use force, do you seriously think anyone is going to give a damn?
Re:Sealand's Legal Status (Score:2)
At the time, it was outside British territorial waters, so obviously not part of Britain. Since then Britain has extended its claim.
It's a nonsense to claim this ruling is an implicit recognition of Sealand.
Sure hope Lars can't swim (Score:3)
Erm... People are forgetting one thing... (Score:3)
This *does* protect the individual. (Score:3)
Guess what? You can only be served with US court papers... if you're in the United States. The US has no legal authority to go about co-opting citizens or residents of other countries in order to enforce its own laws. Even in the event that criminal charges were filed, extradition from a foreign country is never guaranteed.
So as long as the Canadian never sets foot in the US, he's totally immune to the United States civil-justice system.
Re:Sealand's History (Score:3)
Well maybe someone should take a photo of it and give it to them to help jog their memory.