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H2G2: Back At Last, With Moderation 14

TDScott writes: "Well, it seems after H2G2 was bought out by the BBC, they've finally managed to get the site up and running again. But here's something new - all the guide entries, even the unapproved ones, are being moderated! Looks like the Beeb doesn't want anything objectionable on it's domain ..." I agree with hemos that E2 is overall a cooler place, but I think a lot of people will like even a bowlderized Hitchiker's Guide.
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H2G2: Back At Last, With Moderation

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  • Since reopening the Beeb ni h2g2 is going to moderate away all non-english postings. They are doing this because the moderators only speak english. This will damage the user base in Germany where they have a decent sized following. The Beeb is making a number of researchers mad and many have left. The ones who remain are not happy with the moderation system. Another way to get something moderated is to post a URL that is not on BBC/h2g2. I have already had my own posts moderated in this manner.

    Taco, E2 is not as cool as h2g2, sorry but it is true... Even with the moderation I will take the Guide over E2.

    Marv the Grate www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/u28338

  • It depends on if it is used in a tastefull movie quote or not.
  • Whilst there have been a small number of people on the site moaning, the general atmosphere over at h2g2 seems to be jubilant, and glad that it is back. The moderation is really very much in the background, with things being post-moderated, so you can write whatever you want, but it may be edited - mostly starring out most of the letters of swear words - if anyone complains. As anyone who's regularly used the site knows, in general it's a respective, kind, family-friendly place, and the only people who generally come out blazing with offensive material tend to be those stirring up trouble, and trying to prevent others enjoying the site.

    There has *always* been some degree of protection on the site, with the editors stepping in when things get nasty, and basically all that is new reflects the fact that they can now afford to be more efficient in this.

    The biggest effect this will have is just now, with people being asked to read their entries, make any changes if they don't think they're acceptable to the new terms and conditions, and resubmit them. This basically allows the moderators to read through entries as and when they're resubmitted, rather than have the enormous target of the entire guide.

    Overall, though, everyone seems aware that this means that h2g2 (which many, many people frequent and love) will survive, and never has to make money (i.e. sell-out) to support itself, even in the current dot-com climate. This can only be a good thing.

    Disclaimer: I am a (voluntary) sub-editor of the site, so obviously really quite like it.
  • "Looks like the Beeb doesn't want anything objectionable on it's domain ..."
    I thought he meant Beeblebrox, but I guess he means the BBC...
  • Not only is the H2G2 now moderated, but they also still only take submissions from earthlings!

    Not racist indeed!

    "Everything you know is wrong. (And stupid.)"
  • They only pretend to have rights.

    I think what you mean to say is that they acknowledge that they may have responsibilities.


  • The guys who run Everything2 and stand to make some money from it think it is better than the competition.

    Of course they do, but the fellas who run E2 (Everything Development, a unit of Blockstackers Intergalactic LLC) aren't the same guys who run Slashdot (OSDN, a unit of VA Linux Systems Inc).

    All your hallucinogen [pineight.com] are belong to us.
  • They only pretend to have rights. See what happens when the people are disarmed? Now, who is going to stand up to the overseers?

    Only the Government has rights, according to everything I've seen there and Australia.

    Cavalry Pilot's Reference Page [cavalrypilot.com]
  • It should be un-moderated, like, say, Slashdo- oh, never mind...
  • by Seinfeld ( 243496 ) on Tuesday March 20, 2001 @02:44PM (#351296)
    10. Benny Hill
    9. France
    8. missing "u" from word "colour"
    7. Scientology
    6. Recipes for edible food
    5. Anything about the Falkland War
    4. Prior art on hyperlinking
    3. Gratuitous use of word "knickers"
    2. American Revolution (will be changed to "colonial rebellion")
    1. Vogon Poetry

  • I, (a member of E2) was looking around H2G2 since I was feeling a little bored, and I found out that they considered the "All your base" flash movie to be offensive enough to warrant moderation....

    After looking around there I know what to say to anyone who complains there is censorship on E2.

    Tim (E2 username... Infinity)
  • So I take it that any use of the word "Belgium" is right out?

    "Traditionally, most of Australia's imports come from overseas." -Former Australian cabinet minister Keppel Enderbery
  • Moderation is good in drinking and on web sites. We can't all be able to agree on what is offensive and what isn't. But as long as the material isn't removed, I don't see any reason why the community shouldn't be able to give feedback. That's what makes slashdot great. Members can choose to censor what they take in or they can choose not to. The moderation system may be a little fuzzy, but it does serve as a general guide.

    I wish movie guidelines were that way.

  • This is great. First they say, "The Moderators are simply looking for material that breaks the House Rules, because it is important that h2g2 doesn't end up publishing material that is unlawful, obscene, racist, homophobic or other types of material that break the House Rules."

    Then, after you've forgotten what you just read, it reads "What moderation is not is a censorship system that's designed to prevent people from saying what they want to say..."

    Almost got me there.

"An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of code." -- an anonymous programmer
