Napster Bans Non-Native Clients 164
Anonymous Coward was the first one to write with this tidbit: "Napster is now refusing connections to anyone not running its 2.0 beta 10.3 client. Of course, this stops anyone from using a client not published by Napster. The error message that the Napster server gives you is: "::: server / You must upgrade your client at http://www.napster.com
::: error / You must upgrade your client at http://www.napster.com " The Napster website says: "Beta 10.3 incorporates new file identification technology", and nothing else regarding the matter that I can find. I know most people are using OpenNap and other file sharing services now, but I still like to connect to Napster to get lesser-known (and not banned yet) songs."
Eat my S#it RIAA (Score:2)
Do we really want Napster? (Score:2)
I really need to memorize my password so I can log in at work; maybe someone is still paying attention to this thread and will agree with me enough to give me a Score: 1.
I am starting to think that we would have been better off without Napster to begin with.
I think mp3s--well, I prefer Ogg now--are wonderful, even when restricted to unarguably legal and ethical uses. I love being able put all the songs from my CDs on my hard drive and listen to them without the annoyance of skipping (which even brand new CDs seem to do sometimes, no matter how careful I am with them), or having to change CDs when I have ten CDs that each have maybe two or three songs that I really want to listen to.
And, though probably not legal, I don't think it was necessarily bad when people would get a couple mp3s here and there from their friends, and expose themselves to music they weren't familiar with. I have a few CDs (from people who are now some of my favorite artists) that are a direct result of my first hearing some mp3s given to me by a friend. If it wasn't for the mp3s, I wouldn't have been exposed to those artists, and I don't have enough money to go around buying CDs without knowing ahead of time that I like the music.
Trading mp3 music on this scale benefited people overall. Nobody got hurt; it probably caused more CD sales than it stopped, and it happened on a small enough scale for the record companies to not care. Even when you could download mp3s from various places on the net, it wasn't so bad because it was a pain in the ass like any other form of Warez, so it was restricted to a small subset of the population.
Then Napster came along, and any ditzy wow-AOL-is-so-cool-"I've-got-mail!" 15 year old could download hundreds of tracks with a few clicks. And while I know many people use Napster very moderately, and even use it as a "try-before-you-buy" service, there still are countless people out there who have several CDs worth of unpaid-for music on their hard drives and don't give a crap about how anyone else is affected by it. There are colleges whose bandwidth got sucked up by Napster users, making it difficult for other students to use their Uni's net connection for serious research. Putting aside the ethicality of it, which has been debated enough, my question is: Is that situation what we really want? Do we want it to be so easy to get hundreds of mp3s freely that the possibility of paying for it might not even enter most peoples' minds? (I'm speaking of music published on CDs, BTW, not music from artists who specifically want to distribute their music as mp3s). It is because of this that we have The Big Evil Corporations trying to change music formats in ways that reduce our freedom.
And, because of all this, we (by "we" I'm speaking of the high percentage of Slashdot users who care about "Free" and/or "Open Source" software) look very guilty by association (i.e. from vociferous support of Napster when they fought the RIAA, and now from the many suggestions of alternatives). To the masses, we end up looking just like the Warez kiddiez. Their attitude is sort of like: "They're just the same bunch of criminals, only difference is the software they steal is technically free anyway." But hey, why should we look any different if, along with getting our free stuff for free, many of us still try to illegally get our non-free stuff (e.g. music) for free too? "Sure it's legal that downloaded Linux for free, but even if it wasn't legal you would have done it anyway."
Maybe you don't care what other people think of you; I normally don't care either. But when the 2600 folks go to court in a desparate attempt to defend their rights, and the judge is predispositioned to look upon them as a bunch of criminals, I start to care. When Microsoft can go around and say we're a threat to American society, and the masses listen, I start to care. I think many of you will care when Microsoft releases their "shared source", claims all our GPL'd software is illegal because we could have stolen source from them, and everyone believes them because they already think "those Linux users are just a bunch of free-loading criminals anyway."
Is the easy trade of copyrighted music between people who don't even know each other worth it? Do we want to be associated with that?
Anyway... I do like the possible legal uses of things like Napster, Gnutella, etc. But maybe it's time we start pushing harder for fair and legal solutions that benefit everyone (like micropayments or whatever), instead of putting so much effort into just circumventing the broken solutions that the companies have come up with on our own.
The end of a legacy (Score:5)
News that Napster had started banning all non Napster clients was greeted with lacklustre response by readers prompting Slashdot to announce they will in future ignore any story submitions with the word Napster in it.
"We'd been planning on doing this for quite some time" CmdrTaco told Slashdot.
"When theres only 5000 users left on Napster they are obviously going to be people whose IE home page is http://www.napster.com, have a 64 x 64 shortcut to napster on their Windows desktop, and have to phone up AOL technical support every time they need to search for a song in order to get the l33t version of the name to type in. These obviously aren't the sort of people who read Slashdot"
When asked "What about the first posters?" CmdrTaco had no reply.
Re:GNapster... (Score:2)
Re:And the problem is? (Score:2)
Re:And the problem is? (Score:1)
Actually, 10.*.*.* and 192.168.*.* addresses work (Score:1)
How is this different from on-line games? (Score:2)
[I've never used Napster, so apply the appropriate amount of salt.]
Assuming anyone gives enough of a damn, how could Napster effectively enforce this? If online-game cheaters can reverse engineer the protocol, despite the best efforts of the games' originators, how is the Napster protocol any different?
The worst that might be called for would be to download the officially-blessed code, root around in it for the key to its digital signature, or perhaps send a hash of a bit of the original binary, and mimic it in your favorite flavor of deprecated client. Napster can't win, they can only get momentary advantages.
I can see how many would consider this more effort than it's worth, but there must be a number of hackers for whom this is just an interesting challenge.
Re:Luckily, there are alternatives... (Score:1)
Re:GNapster... (Score:1)
Re:And the problem is? (Score:2)
"These radio staions broadcast by airmusic inc. are only avaiilable in a Ford (tm) car, truck, minivan, or suv with a Ford (tm) factory-installed stereo. Want to listen to them? Go buy a Ford."
Seems wrong, somehow...but yes, it's well within their rights to do so.
Re:Looks like a good time to.... (Score:2)
OTOH, Gnutella is alive and well, despite it's quirks - and Freenet is starting to get usable. =)
Re:Looks like a good time to.... (Score:1)
Re:That's not the issue (Score:1)
Re:Napster Forgot Meaning of "Beta" (Score:1)
Re:Get out of here, please (Score:1)
what? shawn hasn't left.
Does the new client auto-upgrade itself? (Score:2)
Does this new version have a self-updating feature like Windows RealPlayer and AIM do? As it is, by not putting in such functionality much sooner, they've diminished the value of their one real asset: the size of their user base. If they don't have it this time, they're just pathetic.
Re:Luckily, there are alternatives... (Score:2)
Audio galaxy is spyware [infoanarchy.org]!!!
Knowledge is, in every country, the surest basis of public happiness.
Any meta-searching alternatives? (Score:2)
What I'd still like to see is more meta-searching capabilities in clients. Kazaa and MusicCity both seem to be the same software, but different communites (Kazaa found 12 "New Christy Minstrels" songs, Morpheus found 58). Why can't they search one another? What about plugging into OpenNap servers? And what about searching multiple OpenNap servers at once? It's frustrating to have to choose between one or another system, and I'm not about to run a search on Morpheus, then Aimster, then Kazaa, then two or three different OpenNap servers...to say nothing about connecting into one of the many gnutella nets...
Any solutions out there for that?
Yes, and so can the consumers (Score:3)
What you imply in your statement (however inadvertantly) is that, because Napster may do what they like with their own servers, their customers should not speak up when they do something those customers don't like. Nothing could be farther from the truth. One of the key ingredients to a healthy and successful free market is customer awareness, and the ability of consumers, and groups of consumers, to share their experiences and complaints with one another and to find a competing product when the service they are getting is of poor quality, overpriced, or has other drawbacks (environmentally unfriendly, invades ones privacy, whatever).
Consumers informing one another that a particular product or service sucks, and letting each other know about better alternatives
[1](Gratuitious anti-MS Jab as counterpoint to the recent plethora of gratuitious pro-MS Jabs at Free Software): Real Os defined to be one not written or sold by Microsoft.
Re:Any meta-searching alternatives? (Score:1)
Yes, because www.morpheus.com would have been so much more difficult to remember. On the other hand, maybe I should be happy any time a chance to fill up the 'net namespace is missed. I know I cheer inside everytime I see www.sony.com/somemovie rather than www.somemovie.com.
Caution: contents may be quarrelsome and meticulous!
the real deal: (Score:4)
According to this story at news.com [cnet.com], this is to comply with RIAA-imposed filtering criteria. They aren't even going to allow older versions of their Napster client, so you know other peoples' are out the door.
Favorite quote: " This means songs that aren't on the record companies' list will have to trickle back into circulation a little at a time as Napster ascertains that they are or aren't on the must-block list." So essentially the RIAA has won the real war here - everything not from the RIAA has been removed and presumed guilty until proven innocent. Maybe Napster was a great exposure space for indie musicians before (personally, I doubt it) but it sure isn't now.
Caution: contents may be quarrelsome and meticulous!
Re:Mac client (Score:2)
The three other people who still use Macs are pissed, too.
Inevitable, but only fair (Score:1)
The company has to ensure it's following the court rulings, and letting any client connect exposes it to the very abuse it's been charged with encouraging.
It has banned it's own clients too (Score:1)
I never understood the whole "Subscription" model (Score:1)
Re:Yes, and so can the consumers (Score:1)
From WordNet (r) 1.6 :
n : someone who pays for goods or services [syn: client]
-1 Redundant (Score:1)
I thought we already came to a consensus that Napster was irrelevant?
Re:Mac client (Score:1)
And the problem is? (Score:3)
Napster filters my own original, non-RIAA music (Score:2)
Napster Forgot Meaning of "Beta" (Score:1)
Re:Napster Forgot Meaning of "Beta" (Score:1)
Re:Luckily, there are alternatives... (Score:2)
Psycho-Acoustics (Score:2)
However, consider this: You can recognise a song, from, say, 10-20 seconds of it?
If the way that _you_ recognise the song (which is indepentant of encoding, bit rate etc), is implemented in a computer, then provided that a human can ID the song, no matter what it is, so can a computer.
The way to do this would be to use some extremely harsh psycho acoustics - like those used in MP3 or Vorbis, but throw away a lot. Given Naptsar is MP3 only, I'd extract the key parts of the song that exist at really low bitrates, and assume that they must be present at all bit rates. Then look for those.
It's difficult, yes. Artifacts are a big issue too, but I beleive it's perfectly possible.
Note that this approach does not inherently use a neural net, but instead attempt to mimic the pathway between the ears and the cereral cortex. This reduces the problem to one asking if two files, of known representation, are similar, a difficult, but known to be soluble, problem.
Re:And the problem is? (Score:2)
that some people using Linux or any other OS that they don't support
will not be able to use their service.
And again, so what? There's nothing inherently wrong with that ideal.
If Napster, or Microsoft, or Bob's House of Software doesn't release versions of software for Linux, then so be it. That's their call, not yours.
If they also decide that you can only access their service using their client, then there is also nothing wrong with that.
They have a complete right to do that.
There are good points and bad points to any OS. One of the negatives for Linux is no Napster. That's Napster's call, and it's completely right.
Re:Eat my S#it RIAA (Score:1)
Tool - Lateralus is an awesome cd. As is....
Radiohead's Kid A. As is.... Linkin Park's Hybrid Theory. I could go on and on. The thing is, I agree that there is a *lot* of crap out there, but don't forget about the few good bands left who make music for the sake of making music, not the money.
Re:And the problem is? (Score:2)
Don't forget, I still have the right to tell napster to go fuck themselves.
And, I don't think they are making a "completely right" call by refusing to do a linux client. Just because you release an app only on Windoze doesn't mean it's any safer from hacking, manipulation, or shenanigans.
Boss of nothin. Big deal.
Son, go get daddy's hard plastic eyes.
do I still need a napster login? (Score:2)
Now if i use openNap, do I still need a working napster login? how does this work? thanks LL
Easy workaround (Score:2)
Re:Luckily, there are alternatives... (Score:2)
First off, you have to get the accounts.txt file right, and that was rather tricky to do for me (for some reason). Probably had to do with failure to read the text file which says how to do it
Secondly, you have to know that their servers are perpetually overloaded, it seems. The end result is that, even though I'm downloading (and can see the file size change), the server will consistently report that my satellite is offline at almost any time I try and use it.
That having been said, it's a great service, and I recommend it. Just pay close attention to the docs, as it's easy to get tripped up.
Re:It has banned it's own clients too (Score:1)
Re:It has banned it's own clients too (Score:1)
So what, now you just go someplace else.. (Score:2)
Whoop-de-do. Has the demise of napster made a dent in file sharing? Nope. People just use ICQ/AIM or any number of other alternatives. (www.musiccity.com). Rather than have the problem in one, great big centralized location where the record industry could reap a fortune from it, they've thrown water in the oil fire and now it's everywhere. Great long-range thinking, guys.
The fight wasn't about file sharing, anyhow. The music industry makes their money of prepackaged crap that the kiddies buy and the marketting therefrom. They were worried napster could spawn a indy revolution with the illegal file trading as the catalyst, and they brought the smackdown.
What do I care, anyway - I'm CANADIAN, and I can copy music for MY OWN USE, LEGALLY. Hahaha. Go CDR levy. There's one fact the RIAA and napster aren't spreading around.. but they got their little levy.
Re:And the problem is? (Score:1)
Re:And the problem is? (Score:2)
For me, this is another example of a company which ignores their users and instead strongarms them into doing what the company wants. Companies don't HAVE to act like this-- there are many who don't and still flourish. It's just more encouragement to develop open-sourced hands-off alternatives.
stop (Score:5)
Get out of here, please (Score:1)
Some people think Shawn Fanning's greatest masterwork was creating Napster; in fact it was getting the hell out of there before it came to this.
Re:Possible Work Around (Score:1)
Bypassing that sort of system can be done, but it'd be a bear requiring disassembly of the binary to find out the key, and would require embedding the binary with any workaround -- or, finding some odd proxy-based solution to use the official client to answer, without letting the server know that there are actually *two* clients running.
Re:Wrong error (Score:1)
Wrong error (Score:5)
Actually, this is not true. I just tried it, and the actual error message is:
::: server / Why are you still using this service? Napster officially sucks.
Re:Just Use Morpheus Instead (Score:1)
> Download from multiple sources- not only makes
> things faster, but if one guy you are
> downloading a 600MB divx from loses his
> connection right before you finish, you can just
> get the last 5MB from someone else
This assumes both versions of the downloaded file are identical TO THE BYTE. I don't know about you, but I tend to change the idv1/idv2 tags of mp3s, and rename images / movies when I download them (including CD / DVD / DIVX rips).
Downloading from multiple sources is a good idea in Theory, but unless there's a hash-checksum associated with each file, I think it's just wasted effort.
Re:It has banned it's own clients too (Score:1)
AudioGalaxy is working well... (Score:1)
Re:Luckily, there are alternatives... (Score:1)
Re:Any meta-searching alternatives? (Score:1)
alternative (Score:2)
I admit I haven't tried it myself, but it seems it's a P2P with a Windoze AND Linux client. Anyone has tried it?
Re:Right vs Smart (Score:2)
Re:OpenNap servers.. (Score:2)
Are there any good opennap networks up now? Is anything being done?
Yeah, that annoyed me too... however, there IS help available. I personally use gnapfetch [atlantic.net] to download OpenNap network lists in formats both Gnapster [gotlinux.org] and TekNap [teknap.com] could understand. Of those, I personally prefer the OggVorbis and NecessaryEvil networks... while they are frequently full and take a couple of minutes to get in, actually getting a connection to the servers is usually not a problem (as opposed to other networks) and the selection is fairly decent.
Just my $.02...
Let's just face it! (Score:4)
Just my 2 cents, sorry for the cyncism, but we need to face the truth here.
This is partly a good thing (Score:2)
Re:Napster sux anyway (post != flamebait) (Score:2)
Also, I'm not sure if this is a problem with just this program, but the same has happened with other.. When using bear share and I search for say "Pi Soundtrack" I get results for anything with either of those words rather then the google type of results matching that exactly.
Re:Spying clients also blocked? (Score:2)
Right vs Smart (Score:2)
R.I.P. Napster (Score:2)
R.I.P. Napster. Have fun RIIA.
So, (Score:2)
you`re saying theres an error in the error?
Looks like a good time to.... (Score:2)
What about bootlegs? (Score:2)
like AIM/oscar (Score:2)
There's a new client (Score:2)
Re:This is partly a good thing (Score:2)
Re:R.I.P. Napster (Score:2)
Re:Looks like a good time to.... (Score:3)
Last time I logged in:
231,995 users online, sharing 20,357,000 files (91,722.0 GB).
I've been using it for a few weeks now, and while it has problems and little annoyances, it's by far the best P2P client I've found (for Windows only though).
couplets, then (Score:2)
instead of ripping 1 song at a time, rip songs and append them together (2 at a time). 2 isn't too bad from a bandwidth/download perspective; and since the time duration and signature won't match any single song they have on file, I predict it will foil their detection algorithm.
fight fire with fire. if they catch on, then reverse the order of the songs you append as couplets. let them waste their cpu cycles endlessly fingerprinting random couplings of songs.
Goodbye Napster - we hardly knew ya. (Score:2)
The "New" file identification tech... (Score:3)
Apparently they take random samples of files shared by users. The server requests an acoustic fingerprint for a song shared by a user, your software takes the fingerprint and sends it back (without your control) and the pattern is compared or added to their database.
That means that renaming Metallica songs to "Metalica" wont have any effect since it's using the fingerprint and not the actual file name to ID the song.
As far as I'm concerned Napster has been neutered and it's only good for finding music by non-mainstream bands now. I've actually found a few good songs through their "discover" artists tab, but havent been able to find some songs to sample from a new CD by a band that I actually like.
I'll probably still use Napster to search through occasionally, but it's back to IRC for my normal music downloading. It may not be as pretty but it gets results.
Re:Napster sux anyway (post != flamebait) (Score:5)
>clients (lime wire being the biggest problem)
>will give you results with the sharing IP as a
>10net or 192.168net address.. these are not
>routable on the net, so you can't even get files
>from them.
They are not routable on the net, but they _are_
routable on gnutella via push messages. Those
addresses basically mean that the client is
behind a firewall and cannot accept connections,
but it _can_ send you the file.
If such a client generates a hit on a search and
sends it result back all clients on the path
between that client and the originator of the
search keep routing information for the 10.x or
192.x address.
If the searcher requests the file it generates
a push message that is sent along the path the
hit came from.
The reason why the 10.x or 192.x addresses are so
unreliable is that many old clients handle them
wrong. If one of those is along the path you
will never get the file, but if all clients along
the path are ok, 10.x/192.x addresses work just
as fine as any other.
The reason why you percieve limewire as more
prone to this prolem is that it is less picky
in allowing connections from older clients, and
hence theres more chance that a bad client is
inbetween a limewire client and yours. But there
is nothing wrong with the limewire client itself.
Status of Napster suicide... (Score:2)
3,602 users sharing 7,693 files, totalling 30 gigabytes.
CLEAR! (Pzzt-thump). CLEAR! "I can't get a pulse anymore, doctor..."
Analysis of new napster protocol (Score:2)
Summary comments:
It looks like they may be doing some low-level authentication in TCP headers, but not clear. Other than that, the client identifies its version number. All of this is simple enough to fake, perhaps by putting a proxy in between your client and the server. No "scan of your hard drive" is necessary to let you download files.
Will follow-up as I try to get an old client to connect.
-- SESSION ANALYSIS ----------
1st - negotition w/server.napster.com (MTU, etc) [new]
2nd - handoff to server
3rd - awk, negotiation with server
(some serious packet exchange here, looks like data maybe being passed in TCP headers, 'other options')
packet 16: data from client, non-human-readable
packet 17: six 00 bytes from server
packet 18: login and client IDentification (will this alone work???)
packet 19: six 00 bytes " "
packet 20: 'anon@napster.com 993776103' from server
packet 21: no data, from client
packet 22: "intro message" from server -- esp. interesting is "we'll soon be disabling future versions"
packet 23: tcp only packet from client
packet 24: first request from client, ie, "...+FILENAME CONTAINS \"doors"..." (standard Napster protocol)
packet 25: tcp-only from server
packet 26: first part of response stream from server (looks to be standard from here on out, except that the client keeps sending tcp-only packets... pings?... not much place for data in what they're using...)
[I then proceeded to download a file without any other monkey business occurring]
Re:Napster sux anyway (post != flamebait) (Score:2)
Unless both machines have unroutable IP addresses. My work machine uses, but gets masqueraded through a Linux box. As such, it generally can only initiate connections, but it can't receive them. (Presumably, the push message tells such a machine to initiate a connection to the client, to get around this limitation.) Now someone else who's in the same situation wouldn't be able to connect with me, since neither of our machines could be the one to receive a new, incoming connection. As such, it'd be nice if the client (I use limewire) were smart enough to let me filter out all the non-routable IP addresses. I know it can recognize them, as it highlights them in red. But I found nothing in the options that would let me auto-ignore what're more-or-less worthless search results.
Re:This is only phase one. (Score:2)
For Sale... (Score:5)
Re:GNapster... (Score:2)
Re:The "New" file identification tech... (Score:3)
All you'd have to do is record at a different bitrate or normalize the song differently, or change pitches slightly, and it would no longer match.
I find it hard to believe they can account for all these things. Not to mention they'd have to scan the entire song, because of differing file lengths, they couldn't simply grep out a specific "time-slice" of info. That'd be murder on mem/cpu processing time.
Two words.... (Score:2)
Re:The end of a legacy (Score:3)
Oh, wait. Nevermind...
Mac client (Score:5)
This is only phase one. (Score:5)
But that is just phase one of Napster's plan. Phase two is the pay service. Napster has licensed MusicNet's new software to allow paying users to share blessed files (those from labels Napster has bought off, like this week's deal with European labels). The catch is that files will be "limited in quality" and users will be "unable to burn downloads to CD". Basically, the new software which they are beta testing right now shares little to no resemblence to Napster's current software.
The plan is that as soon as the pay service is implemented, the free service (aka what you know as Napster) will dissapear completely. Napster is being reborn as yet another ill-concieved .dot com, right up there with pets.com selling 15 pound bags of dogfood over the internet. Napster's idea is that you will use a proprietary client to share only songs Napster has rights to, you will only be able to download poor quality copies, and you won't be able to burn these to CDs. For this priviledge, they want you to PAY them. Basically, it's no longer a file sharing system, but instead a pay music download site that tricks you into supplying the bandwidth.
Blocking other Napster clients is only the first step. Soon, even their free clients won't work. The "new" pay Napster has little relation to the current Napster. It's a completely different thing.
Spying clients also blocked? (Score:5)
AudioGalaxy (Score:3)
The REAL jabber has the /. user id: 13196
Re:try these (Score:2)
try these (Score:4)
Re:The "New" file identification tech... (Score:2)
Remember folks: any program that "authenticates" by sending something that it computes into a register in volatile memory, is easily crackable. Find the code in the assembly where it's done computing the fingerprint, and substitute the pre-cooked, freeware fingerprint into that memory area. Duh.
Works on lockable-memory architectures, too, because you're hacking the binary itself, not intruding on its memory area during run-time. Of course, if it's a smart client, it'll check it's own size with complex CRCs and stuff, but then you can just find the part of the assembly where its done computing its own CRC, and then substitute the precooked CRC from the original client. In other words, any security that isn't MATHEMATICAL, that TRUSTS the client to do its own authentication
Repeat after me: the moment you let someone run your client on a machine you don't control, you can no longer trust your client, however well you designed it, to perform any calculation correctly, to return any data correctly, or in any other way behave how you want/expect it to, unless there is a mathematical reason that the client can only treat its data a certain way. (For instance because it doesn't have all the information necessary to perform it a differenct way, or because there are public keys that result from the calculation only when correctly done, and which you can check with a private key, etc.)
Just Use Morpheus Instead (Score:2)
-Download Music, Images, Video, Whatever
-Good search engine, actually tells you the bitrate on mp3s for example
-Download from multiple sources- not only makes things faster, but if one guy you are downloading a 600MB divx from loses his connection right before you finish, you can just get the last 5MB from someone else
-Yeah it's windows only so far, but wasn't the original napster? Give it some time I'm sure someone will come up with a linux client.
l .h tml
Possible Work Around (Score:3)
All of this is academic however, cause napster sucks, and its all about the audiogalaxy.
Re:So why can't AOL do the same with AIM? (Score:2)
And frankly, there are a large number of people in Cal. complaining about how they receive electricity, and a large number in Florida who were (a few months ago) complaining about how they received water (or the lack there of).
Last point. No one said it was -wrong-. Many people called it stupid, irritating, obnoxious, and even counter productive. No it's not illegal. But it certainly alienates a large portion of their potential user base... that would make it unwise.
This has been another useless post from....
Re:And the problem is? (Score:2)
In contrast to your argument, there are NO companies that come to mind that have gone through the excessive amount of litigation that Napster has and still have the opportunity to even exist. The court told Napster that, essentially, everything it was doing was illegal.
Napster's only option is to pull a 180 and hope for the best. If that involves forcing people to use their client, then that's what they have to do. Just because the greater majority of the Internet-wielding population wants to be able to illegally (at present, because the courts have said it is so) trade mp3's, doesn't make it legal.
Stop trying to get karma for another "Oh my God, they killed Linux!" argument. Yes, Slashdot is a pro-Linux user base. But it's irrelevant to the discussion. Your rights are not being trampled. Linus, RMS, Alan Cox, and all your Linux friends will survive this without discomfort. All this means is Napster doesn't want to provide a service anymore, and as such, shouldn't have to.
Open-source is great. I've worked on a number of different open-source GPL (and other licensed) projects. But it's IRRELEVANT to the story about Napster forcing you to use their client. If you don't, they get sued and die. So leave Napster, or quit whining.
Comment removed (Score:4)
Well... (Score:2)
What we need? (Score:2)
The all do approximately the same thing anyway... why not make them all accessible at once!?