Exploiting and Protecting 802.11b Networks 168
iforgotmyfirstlogon writes: "A couple of guys from Extreme Tech drove around New York, New Jersey, Boston, and Silicon Valley with a high gain antenna to see how many (secure and) unsecure wireless networks they could tap into. They used NetStumbler and Linux AirSnort to help them search. Results? They came across over 800 networks and less than 40% had any sort of security."
802.11b Insecurities (Score:1, Informative)
This just in... (Score:4, Funny)
Thats nothing (Score:4, Insightful)
So put it outside the firewall. (Score:4, Informative)
Hear hear.
So the thing to do is to put the wireless LAN port on the logical OUTSIDE of your firewall and let the laptops all tunnel in through it. Your firewall can also filter connections between the WLAN and your net feed.
For the open net your users can also encrypted-tunnel to the tunnel server and go out from there, to avoid eavesdroppers. With this configuration there's no reason to bother with WEP.
Go ahead and route packets between the net and the wireless port if you're feeling altruistic, or restrict WLAN connections to the tunnel server(s) if you're not.
Re:So put it outside the firewall. (Score:1)
kinda, what you do is have one firewall then your DMZ with the wireless LAN there then your REAL firewall. you dont need black hat's geting to the laptops on your wireless LAN from the web, nor into your LAN from the wireless LAN.
Re:So put it outside the firewall. (Score:2)
An 802.11 network outside the firewall may be open to abuse by warez kidz, but it won't be open to unauthorized access to your PRIVATE NETWORK that you've probably spent many $K to secure via firewalls and the like. Assume that ALL 802.11 traffic is public internet traffic, and then run IPSec over it for all private traffic, and you should be okay.
Think again (Score:1)
Some pretty clever hacks were employed back in the day before wirespread use of switches and those hacks are all relevant once again against wireless networks. Don't be lulled into a false sense of security just because you think you negotiated an encrypted link.
Re:Think again (Score:1)
ack... that is old...
Re:Think again (Score:1)
Re:Thats nothing (Score:2)
A lot of assumptions are being made on how corporate IT departments deploy wireless networks. And it is a valid issue. Security does not come naturally to a large segment of IT professionals. However, it isn't the only issue.
My favorite point to harp on is - rogue access points.
Wireless network access points are (relatively) cheap. They're designed to go from box to plug-n-play insecure (damned that functionalty vs. security inverse thing) on the network in a few quick, easy steps. This will lead to a large number of corporate internal networks becoming exposed to external, and considerably less noticable, access as individuals begin to provide their own wireless connectivity. And it will be unlikely this issue will go away anytime soon.
The internal network is now a hostile environment (as if it wasn't already). Interenal security practices must be considered and secure protocols implemented. It'll be a hassle for a lot of organizations who have relied on firewalls to provide the hard, crunchy exterior to protect the chewy goodness of the internal network.
yawn (Score:2, Funny)
Yes, WEP is insecure. Yes, there are a lot of networks that are just thrown up. Wow, kind of like wire eh? Reminds me of that great quote, "Never attribute to malicousness what can be explained by human stupidity."
Any How-to Doc on how to secure your wireless LANS (Score:5, Insightful)
So instead of writing articles on how bad wireless tech is to crack, (4th article I've read in a week) why not write a how-to on how to implement security on your wireless LANs.
Re:Any How-to Doc on how to secure your wireless L (Score:3, Insightful)
However, in a brief spiel before I have to run, ensure end-to-end encryption. Approach it just like you would a normal WAN. Disable telnet and ftp on your servers, use SSH and SCP instead. Harden your hosts. Look into using FreeSwan or the BSD's IPSec solutions for vpns. Switch over to DJDNS. In short, do everything that people should be doing on their 'normal' wired networks. It never ceases to amaze me that just because WEP is easy to break, everything else must be totally secure by default.
Hope that helps.
Re:Any How-to Doc on how to secure your wireless L (Score:1)
Re:Any How-to Doc on how to secure your wireless L (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Any How-to Doc on how to secure your wireless L (Score:1)
Read the Article (Score:2)
Re:Any How-to Doc on how to secure your wireless L (Score:1)
Re:nosy twerps (Score:1)
Re:nosy twerps (Score:1)
Re:nosy twerps (Score:1)
yeah its different (Score:1)
Its more like going thru a neighborhood and checking if anybody stores their cash on the sidewalk.
Also if their are storing their loaded firearms and gossip sheets about their neighbors, and even
personal data entrusted to the homeowner.
So its pretty much everybody's business, isnt it.
Re:nosy twerps (Score:1)
On the other hand, if you walk up the driveway and turn the front door knob, try to lift the window, or poke at other "well known ports", I think should be considered trespassing and punishable. Exceptions to the rule would be legitimate public interfaces like knocking on the front door or an HTTP GET on port 80.
Re:nosy twerps (Score:1)
Radio waves are photons, too.
Re:nosy twerps (Score:1)
Take personal reposiably for you actions and deal with the sin of the world. Since Adam and Eve ate the apple there has been sin. It's not going to change becuase you don't like it and call people "nosy twerps".
/me beats AC with the clue stick
What is the difference? (Score:1)
Re:What is the difference? (Score:1)
The future is now. (Score:4, Insightful)
How do you know you don't ALREADY have thousands of people driving around sniffing 802.11b nets?
And how is a person supposed to distinguish nets left open deliberately, as a public service, from those left open accidentally?
The existence of public 802.11b ports gives plausabile deniability of criminal intent to anyone making parasitic but non-malicious use of an accidentally-open WLAN.
(IANAL of course. But I'd hate to be a prosecutor trying to bring a case against someone who "trespassed" on a WLAN port.)
Networks for and by the people... (Score:2, Interesting)
Not free per se (Score:1)
Who would underwrite the cost of that upstream "last mile" to the Internet from the "free" wireless access net? I'd rather not have the sum total of several thousand "free" wireless access points flowing through my T-1 / T-3 / OC-whatever if the traffic is significant.
The cost should ultimately drop with wireless, obviously, because the end users don't have to underwrite the large infrastructure creation cost required to support them.
You'd expect this with existing shared technology like cable modems, but of course the economics of the monopoly apply here still (telecom regulation yeah right, at least today)
But perhaps the bottleneck would shift from a last mile problem to a first mile problem (with which the average ISP deals quite nicely) in a wireless neighborhood. In cases where frequency of access and bandwidth consumption are low, I'd expect access prices to drop significantly, though.
The shared-resource telecom concepts of Erlangian distribution, and so on become highly relevant again in such a scenario. Is this the PBX / concentrator again?
Speaking of which, in the Boston area, if you have line-of-sight to the Prudential building (and who doesn't in mass of landfill), you can now get wireless (microwave?) 1 megabit guaranteed bandwidth for $300 a month.
Re:Networks for and by the people... (Score:2)
I don't see how a network "by and for the people" can survive. It seems like any open access point that can be used anonymously is going to attract a bad element who will abuse it.
I would certainly never share wireless bandwidth with my neighborhood because I don't want the FBI to come knock on my door for what the punk kid down the street did via my wireless generosity. Screw that kid -- he can pay for his own ISP and go 0wn someone's unsecured server to stage his attacks from, in the time-honored tradition of his forefathers.
Re:Networks for and by the people... (Score:1)
There must be a line in-between
Long distance 802.11b (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Long distance 802.11b (Score:1)
Don't see why it's a problem (Score:1)
That's probably what the 40% were doing, anyway...
Re:Don't see why it's a problem (Score:2)
Your proposal is a great public service. Many crackers out there are in dire need of a totally untraceable way to launch the next innovations in Outlook and IIS worms. Without wide open wireless access points, advances in malware state-of-the-art would be needlessly hindered.
some do and dont simultaneously (Score:2)
From the looks of this survey these guys did, if they were to come by my campus (they didnt, it's not in any of the cities they drove around), one of a few things could happen:
Re:some do and dont simultaneously (Score:2)
Re:some do and dont simultaneously (Score:1)
Re:some do and dont simultaneously (Score:2)
The software probably sits just above the driver and does the work there, and then the school's antennas decrpyt it. Vice versa for data being transmitted to the laptop. Dont know how they would do the key exchange securely or anything like that.
The BIG plus here is that it now wont matter what card you use nor whether or not it supports WEP. Unfortunately, it may depend on what OS you're running.
Re:some do and dont simultaneously (Score:2)
Re:some do and dont simultaneously (Score:2)
so, can MAC's be sniffed, then? I'm assuming they can be, but if they can't, you'd obviously have to know which mac's are allowed in before you set yours.
still, it looks like the .11b folks really didn't do their homework. too bad - think of all those 128bit 'gold cards' that people paid extra for, only to now find out that they got NO extra value for their dollar.
(and can this encryption bug be fixed in firmware? I sure hope so - it would be nice..)
Re:some do and dont simultaneously (Score:2)
Re:some do and dont simultaneously (Score:2)
for extra security, I probably would have taken the mac and munged it somehow, a-la PKI (public/private combo). giving away the addr seems somehow worse than giving the pkt contents away. if you let the text be readable, you've lost individual privacy. if you give out the mac addr, you've just lost network security, which I think is much worse.
at any rate, it seems the .11b standard is very broken. how the hell did it get to full standard status without someone realizing these basic design flaws??
A Wireless College... (Score:1)
Their article is nothing new, really, it was just the first documented 'story'. In fact, shouldn't they be tossed in prison for port scanning and gaining access to unauthorized resources?
Puts a damper on Free nodes- I wonder how many people are going to spend the money on wireless with the intent to give it away for free if, every time they turn it on, they are probed almost as maliciously as when the cable light comes on.
Re:A Wireless College... (Score:1)
Re:A Wireless College... (Score:1)
Re:A Wireless College... (Score:1)
Wires, I like wires. (Score:1)
But wireless signals do have a limited range in feet/yards, but heck if you put the time or find something unsecured you could do it a couple of continents away.
Next in the news: unsecured IIS boxes running unsecured wireless access. @home sues for patent infringment for "pointless wastes of bandwidth 'we though of first' "
Film @ 11, in DivX
If I hit you with a post, and no one sees it, do I get a fish?
I've got a open network... (Score:1)
Re:I've got a open network... (Score:1)
(That's how we used to run networks of 20 machines in a dorm room when they restricted traffic to the NIC with the MAC address that we had to register with the network admin.)
This is a little unfair .... (Score:2, Redundant)
By doing this you are basicly acknowledging that the security isn't there and force your users to use secure tools to get to secure places.
Anyway my point is that if one of these guys drives by my home they'll probably pick up up my 802.11 and add it to their map, maybe even hack it to get access to the 'net - but do I care? nope
Re:This is a little unfair .... (Score:1)
I suspect such malicious folks are of similar bent to those who leave beer cans littered around senic parks, personally.
Re:This is a little unfair .... (Score:1)
The whole point is to just accept that your wireless connection is as unsafe as the larger 'net - and treat it the same way
Re:This is a little unfair .... (Score:1)
If you want to run a "free" access point, you still need to be responsible. Put the access point in your dmz and have your outside router filter SMTP (tcp/25) outbound except from your legitimate internal SMTP servers. Your normal users should be using a VPN/tunnel to the inside of your network for email anyway.
That's the biggest service I can think of you'd want to stop some jerk from messing with. Can anyone else think of other services beyond just stuff that would hog the bandwidth (which could be anything)?
Workaround for WEP (Score:2)
We also treat the wireless security as a joke. We're using an access point located outside our firewall behind another firewall. All clients using the access point get back into the corporate network using the same VPN software they use while on the road. In fact, they are now set up so they never turn the VPN software off.
Anyone breaking the security of our access point gets plain old Internet access and doesn't get into the corporate net.
Re:Workaround for WEP (Score:1)
Is this your company's only net access? I hope that you are running that guerilla net [shmoo.com] knowingly.
It is one thing to openly allow access, with users presumably understanding that they should not abuse [toaster.net] a common resource. It is another to leave your (I'm assuming) fat pipe open to NetStumblers, who may be more inclined to over-exploit it while they still can.
Also, does unencrypted SMTP or other traffic go in/out via this link? You have a sniffer's paradise if it does.
Re:Workaround for WEP (Score:1)
Re:Workaround for WEP (Score:2)
Linuxworld APs (Score:2, Interesting)
The OSDN booth had a wide open AP that I was able to use to get net access while I was hanging around nearby.
I was checking Slashdot, almost caught a breaking story for First Post, while I was in the audience listening to CmdrTaco's Q&A session.
Hopefully, from now on there will be more and more open APs at conventions so I can get net access at random places on the floor.
Re:Linuxworld APs (Score:1)
Thoughts on 802.11b 'privacy' (Score:5, Insightful)
If you don't mind exchanging some privacy for additional speed, 128 bit WEP isn't a bad choice. It hasn't lived up to it's "Wired Equivalent" name but sniffing and decrypting is a non-trivial operation.
For more speed with minimal privacy, 80 bit WEP doesn't cost much bandwidth (2%) and you're still only going to be sniffed and decrypted by folks with a clue.
In some situations, speed is most important and privacy is meaningless. Suppose you're downloading Debian ISO's over a wireless link. There are times (one might argue the majority of internet traffic) when privacy just doesn't matter. If you can use reliable encrypted protocols for the exceptions then open mode 802.11b is fine. What are you trying to hide?
As long as we're able to encrypt those transactions that require privacy none of the WEP "stuff" matters. How secure is your wired network internet traffic after it gets to your ISP?
Re:Thoughts on 802.11b 'privacy' (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Thoughts on 802.11b 'privacy' (Score:3)
The point is that wireless internal networks (very common) are not secure in the same sense that wired ones are. And that is a very bad thing.
For instance, lets say you're sharing the C drive of one of your computers through SMB (CIFS, also known as "File and Printer Sharing" in Windows). This is only on your local network, keep in mind. I actually do this - there's no reason not to, because no one can break into my house to connect to my LAN.
Now, lets say I have a wireless network, but it's not secure (80-bit WEP or somesuch). Somebody could crack the encryption key easily, parked on my block (not even directly in front of my house), and then do bad things, like:
- Delete the contents of my C drive
- Replace system files
- Put data on my HD that I did not ask for (anything illegal)
- Take data from my HD they were not supposed to have access to (work stuff, etc.)
Or anything else malicious. Only people with malicious intent would do this, but usually not to a home network. Therefore, the danger is not present in home networks as well as wireless internet (where it was never present - the connection is a direct line-of-sight link, not geographically spread over a radius).
The danger is present in corporate or government or military insecure networks. If somebody can stand outside of the parking lot of the Pentagon and get data, that's very bad.
Re:Thoughts on 802.11b 'privacy' (Score:2)
Cryptographic analysis includes analyzing what is encrypted and what isn't, and drawing conclusions from that data. For example, if you never encrypt your email to family members but always encrypt email to one individual, one might conclude that your corrispondence with that individual is of an illegal nature, and seek a search warrant to bug your PC and find out what you're really discussing. Maybe it's the weather. Maybe it's the weather in Bolivia and how it will affect the next crop. We won't know, Judge, unless we tap that PC and read the mail ourselves. If you encrypt everything then you've cut off one more data source.
The other analogy would be to ask why you send letters when a post card would do; why not save money (bandwidth) with postcards for the familiy update to Mom and only use letters for the secret stuff, like love letters? The answer is that your family updates to Mom are nobody's business but yours, and my answer to you is that your Debian ISO download is also nobody's business but yours.
Re:Thoughts on 802.11b 'privacy' (Score:1)
Interfering with something as harmless as a Debian ISO download can be very dangerous. What if the file is altered on the fly? There are readily available programs that make this easy...
I've never downloaded a Debian ISO but all the Mandrake ISO's I've gotten have an MD5 sum on the server that I compare to a locally calculated MD5 sum to make sure the binary is identical.
Drive By Hacking (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Drive By Hacking (Score:3, Funny)
(Im)practical applications of this fact (Score:2, Interesting)
There are no Secure 802.11 networks... (Score:3, Informative)
All it takes is time and traffic.
Of course, it still amazes me that so few had even the most basic levels of security installed.
Then again, most of the managers I have worked for seem to think that if you take steps to protect yourself, you become liable if you get hacked. (Yes, I know that makes no sense. Never stopped them...)
so what. (Score:4, Insightful)
As someone pointed out above, put it outside the firewall, requirte ssh/vpn to get inside a firewall. tell people it's an insecure net, and recommend personal firewalls (zone alarm. blackice, ipchains, etc).
The major benefit of wireless is access anywhere. Security directly conflicts with access. For example, managing MAC level security (restricting by MAC) is a pain in the keister. WEP is worthless. So assume all your traffic is insecure and use something to encrypt it. If you really need to prevent people from getting on and using your net, _don't use wireless_.
Traceable? (Score:4, Interesting)
But seriously, with wireless it seems like it would be incredibly difficult to trace the unauthorized user. Land based hacks are usually done over the internet rather than by physically connecting to their network. As a result, there's usually logs to help track down the person(s) using the network.
But this seems incredibly tough... if the cracker didn't go anywhere on the network that would give themselves away (such as logging into hotmail to check their mail), I would guess that it would damn near impossible to find out who was sneaking into the network... even if/when they were actually connected. I would guess that the wireless network might get the MAC address of the card being used to get into the network, but even that likely wouldn't get you anywhere.
Is that true, or am I missing something here?
Re:Traceable? (Score:2)
As is typical its $cost (time/material) vs. requirement (level of data security required).
I think you'll find more and more of these "Free Networks" drop out due to people using them for nefarious actions on the internet from the safety of their car... no wait... their bike... no wait... the guy sitting on the bench over there... Nooooooo please... don't cut my line... it wasn't me!!!
That or they will start heavily filtering on the allowable outbound traffic the people offering these networks will allow... out.
The Law (Score:1)
As for the morals of what they did, I'll leave that up to you.
Re:The Law (Score:1)
The rest is the equivalent to using a scanner to look for police/emergency/ham radio conversations. All they did was look for traffic and see if the networks were talking plain text and/or advertising SSID and/or requiring WEP.
Question on home security (Score:3, Interesting)
I'm assuming most home users don't have the equipment/skills to set up the access point outside of a firewall and use VPN/SSH. Given that, how risky is the following:
1) Consumer base station (Airport)
2) WEP password enabled
3) Access restricted to specific MAC addresses (not possible w/Apple's configurator, but doable with the 3rd party Java version)
4) Airport plugged into home LAN, no other machines running any servers or file sharing (none are Windows boxes, 2 OS X, 2 OS 9.2)
I understand all the actual 802.11 traffic is basically open. I assume if the web site I'm using has effective encryption then that data is safe, but my POP3 password could be grabbed assuming it isn't encrypted by something other than WEP.
What I'm wondering is would this setup effectively prevent someone from setting up a laptop outside my house and getting at the files on my LAN.
This seems to me a reasonable set up for a home user, but if it leaves the family Quicken file vulnerable to any kid on the block then 802.11 seems to be destined to never be mainstream. If on the other hand a home user can put at least basic security in place (e.g. they can see your web pages but they can't trash your entire drive) then it has a chance.
Re:Question on home security (Score:1)
Your physical mailbox and receipts thrown away in the garbage at stores expose your financial resources to a greater degree than copying Quicken files over your 802.11b network using WEP. Given that the scope of exposure is limited to local physicality, and thus not exposed to the script kiddies of the world, the chances of having a skilled and resourced attack against your network is much smaller than someone trying to carry out credit transactions from a receipt recovered from the trash of a store.
In short, change your WEP keys every week or two and use a higher level cryptographic protocol when possible. I am not familiar with AppleTalk's cryptographic capabilities. If it provides some mechanisms for authentication and confidentiality, then I would feel okay with that setup.
Also, monitor your network. Try to configure any resources accessible on your network to generate logs and review them periodically. Most of the time, attackers will spend quite a bit of time casing and probing your network before breaching integrity of your resources and data. Unfortunately, with WEP, a passive attack is usually sufficient. However, it does take time, so if you change your keys frequently enough, you're frustrating them to the point where all but the most persistent attackers will go away.
Remember the cardinal rule of crime: attack the easy targets. As long as there are lots of 802.11b networks wide open, then your WEP enabled network is, in all likelyhood, going to be skipped over.
Re:Question on home security (Score:2)
Apple's Airport Admin Utility will let you MAC-lock your Airport Base Station. Not that that gains you a whole lot of security since they can sniff your MAC address....
My measures for securing my ABS:
The only one that I actually trust? The last one. However, given that there's a completely open 802.11 network somewhere fairly close (at least last time I popped up a wireless card to use my base station, I had two options and the other one didn't ask for a WEP password) I figure "I don't have to outrun the bear, I just have to outrun you." :)
All of these measures are just to keep people from using my network connection for free, anyway. All my wireless traffic is either protected by SSH, SSL, or IPsec or it's stuff I don't care about ("ooh! look! I can watch him visit CNN's web site!").
PPOE (Score:1)
Re:PPOE (Score:1)
It is only the the PPP password than can be encrypted and then again only if you are using chap, not pap to exchange the password.
Re:PPOE (Score:1)
but then again I probably just don't know what I am talking about
New Zealand (Score:5, Interesting)
So now what? (Score:1)
I really only have one wireless client at this point, so perhaps I can limit the DHCP to one client and then use ipchains to restrict server access to the wired static range and the wireless dhcp "range of one". I can't go with static on the laptop b/c I use the wireless at 4 locations, all DHCP. Like hell I'm gonna change the IP address each place I attach to.
Does anyone run kerberos at home? Seems like a real bitch to setup. Well, amanda just got around to my laptop so I'd better go...
Outbound only...? (Score:2)
Of course, why are you letting other people surf through your connection for free? Another issue, for another Slashdot article.
Securing wireless networks with IPSec (Score:1, Interesting)
This protects your network, your traffic and if the hosts are configured properly... your clients. Way better than the mess that Nasa came up with.
I am currently setting up a Linux/FreeSwan device for my employer's wireless and I have a similar OpenBSD IPSec setup at home.
I also have a floppy-based Linux "access-point" that I'm trying to integrate FreeSwan with that will offer the same thing for anyone.
Anyone interested?
The Right Way: Don't bother with wireless security (Score:1)
The right way to do wireless is simple... DON'T Don't bother. Don't use
Internet and treat it as public internet access. Instead of asking "do we put wireless access on our network", ask "do we want to provide public wireless internet access throughout our buildings a few hundred feet beyond? And make your ESSID something like "yourname-public" so its obvious... visitors should be able to easily use it to! Why the hell not?
You already have some way of accessing your organizational network or some of its services from the Internet, don't you? (If you don't you have security requirements that probably mean you REALLY can't use wireless.) Be it IPSec VPNs or SSh tunnels, or just SSL web/mail access, that's what you'll have to use even when you're using the wireless gateways right in your office.
Of course you can set up some other level of IPSec tunnels
There's already a solution -- 802.1x (Score:1, Informative)
Using 802.1x, a computer/user must authenticate to the access point through standard RADIUS/EAP mechanisms (e.g., smart card, certificate, MD5-based challenge response, etc.). If you are unable to authenticate, the access point (or wired Ethernet switch, for that matter -- this isn't 802.11b specific) will refuse to forward any of your packets to the network.
There are also provisions in 802.1x to have the access point authenticate to the client, in order to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks, among other things.
Furthermore, 802.1x provides means to give each user a different WEP key, and to cycle those keys at various intervals. This greatly reduces the exploitability of the cryptographic flaws in WEP. (These flaws should still be addressed, though.)
Finally, 802.1x is already available today, in Windows XP.
securing wep somewhat without vpns (Score:1)
Rotate the shield frequencies? (Score:1)
Doesn't seem like the overhead would be that large...
This will result in another dumb law (Score:2)
It happened with cellphones in the 90's, that's why it's now illegal to listen to cellular frequencies in the US.
Just wait, it will happen.
Re:Two alternatives (Score:1, Funny)
Re:Isn't this analagous to robbing 800 banks ? (Score:4, Funny)
There, don't you feel better now? Our fine Brother Sam passed a law saying that something is so it must be true and has always been true.
double plus good i say!
1984 here we come.
Re:Isn't this analagous to robbing 800 banks ? (Score:2)
<insert lyrics to "I'm my own grampa" here>
Re:Isn't this analagous to robbing 800 banks ? (Score:1)
Now those who know the hell nothing about computers decides what we should do, and majority of the programmers prefer to keep their mouth shut and not to vote someone wiser.