ClearChannel Plays It Safe 930
mertzman writes: "Rather than wait for the government assaults on civil liberties to reach full steam, ClearChannel, one of the nation's largest radio networks, has decided to do some censorship on their own! According to F***edCompany, ClearChannel has created a list of banned songs with "questionable content" in light of the recent tragedies. Stuff ranging from Drowning Pool's "Bodies" to Nena's anti-war hit "99 Red Balloons" have made their list." ClearChannel owns many radio stations, so this probably affects you. Update: 09/18 18:30 GMT by M : The San Francisco Chronicle has more on this - ClearChannel says it isn't an official mandate, just some sort of internal memo circulating. Update: 09/18 23:18 PM GMT by T : Fuzzy points out that "snopes.com has an explanation of the ClearChannel hoax. ClearChannel has also sent out a press release saying they have released no such list."
640WGST in Atlanta was making fun of the list... (Score:4, Interesting)
I wonder when Kim Peterson will get "talked to" over it (he was playing the list as bumper music. Many may not agree with what he has to say all the time, but at least he stands up for it.
Sorry, but music doesn't make terrorist.
Massive Attack (Score:2, Informative)
Sofa King wee tadd deed.
Re: Dance bands during the Gulf War (Score:2)
For bonus points you can also own 'Love So True' by Tim Simenon, rather than his usual 'Bomb The Bass' nom de plume...
This must be a joke... (Score:3, Interesting)
Is this a joke or is this just a list of songs that radio stations should 'tip-toe' around for the next week or so to keep people from getting depressed??
Re:This must be a joke... (Score:3, Interesting)
I kinda get that one. The first verse has talk of tombs toppling over.
I really can't work out the Cat Stevens version of Morning has Broken, though. I'm willing to bet that more than one church sang that last Sunday in memory of the fallen. Perhaps it's because he's now known as Yusuf Islam [catstevens.com]?
Do they even listen to the songs? (Score:2)
This reminds me of the episode of WKRP where they were told to stop playing, among others, John Lennon's Imagine because it referred to imagining there's no heaven or religion. You know, forget that the song is about world peace.
Re:Do they even listen to the songs? (Score:5, Interesting)
You've heard the English version of the lyrics, right?
Of course, personally, in this time of warrior rhetoric, I think the song is more apt than ever.
Re:Do they even listen to the songs? (Score:4, Informative)
The song is about WWIII, the end of the world, by accident, telling us to be careful about running off to war without a real solid reason and target (it started by them at a concert in West Berlin, wondering what would happen if the balloons floating to East Berlin were thought of as hostile).
They took pretty much everything in the songs out of context.
Damn censorship.... (Score:5, Insightful)
If I died in a terrorist bombing in the United States, the supposed country of freedom, I would be rather offended that this country of freedom that I died in is now restricting it.
They took away the second amendment, but I didn't complain since I had no guns.
They took away the fifth amendment, but I didn't complain since I had nothing to fear from the courts.
They took away the first amendment, and I couldn't complain.
choice does not = censorship. (Score:5, Insightful)
Hey, they own those stations, so they have a right to choose what to play. If they think something is in bad taste, the won't play it. That's not censorship that's choice. The government hasn't told them not to play questionable songs, they decided it was in their best interest as a business or maybe in their interest as humans. This is not censorship this is a business esercising it's freedom to choose to do what it wants.
Re:choice does not = censorship. (Score:5, Funny)
Re:choice does not = censorship. (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:choice does not = censorship. (Score:2, Insightful)
It wouldn't be as *much* of a problem if Clear Channel weren't the Microsoft of the radio world. As it is, broad groups of people are effectively denied exposure to these pieces of music, without any viable feedback mechanism for voicing their dissatisfaction with the situation to the company.
And I am certain that the artists of these songs would certainly object to their suppression in this manner.
Re:choice does not = censorship. (Score:3, Informative)
Censorship has nothing to do with the government, it has to do with the act of censoring.
Re:choice does not = censorship. (Score:3, Interesting)
While it is commendable that they are trying to be considerate of those suffering, I still don't understand some of their choices:
1) Kansas "Dust in the Wind". This is song is more enlightening than sad.
2) Cat Stevens "Peace Train" & "Morning Has Broken". Cat Stevens?!? Since when were his songs inappropriate?
3) Neil Diamond "America". As others have pointed out, this is considered a patriotic song. You would think this would be required playing.
4) Foo Fighters "Learn to Fly". I don't know this song, but I noticed they didn't go after Pink Floyd "Learning to Fly". They longer version of the word must have confused them.
5) Frank Sinatra "New York, New York". Wouldn't this be considered inspirational?
Maybe everyone should find the ClearChannel station in their area and request a song off of this list.
Re:choice does not = censorship. (Score:2)
Re:choice does not = censorship. (Score:3, Interesting)
Cat Stevens "Peace Train" & "Morning Has Broken". Cat Stevens?!? Since when were his songs inappropriate?
I really hope the decision wasn't inspired by the fact that he converted to Islam.
Re:choice does not = censorship. (Score:2)
Cat Stevens is now muslim and has always been revolutionary. Maybe that's what motivated this, ClearChannel might believe his songs may contain subliminal messages that might corrupt the USA's youth, this might be the same type of thinking that added "Walk Like and Egyptian" to the list.
Re:choice does not = censorship. (Score:2)
So now using a word correctly is boneheaded and pedantic?
Censorship is censorship. If the negative connotations of that word make you feel uncomfortable about it, then feel free to call it "tasteful restraint", but don't say it's NOT censorship.
I'm simply trying to reign in the folks who somehow have it stuck in their head that "censorship == first amendment violation".
Re:choice does not = censorship. (Score:2)
She wasn't breaking the law, she had every right to do it as my mother. But she was stil censoring what i saw.
Re:choice does not = censorship. (Score:3, Insightful)
My mother had censorship authority over me as a child, Clear Channel headquarters has censorship authority over their member stations.
Re:choice does not = censorship. (Score:2)
Re:choice does not = censorship. (Score:2)
That is called slander. It would be time to sue if they did not post a retraction.
Pallex's fundamental misunderstanding (Score:3, Insightful)
No. Your repeated postings seem to indicate an inability to differentiate between "censorship of the American public as a whole" (for example, the FCC declaring that you can't show bare breasts on broadcast television) and "censorship by a corporate entity of its own content" (for example, Fox Family channel voluntarily censoring the word "damn" as part of the more family friendly programming they want to produce).
Now, just because something isn't government censorship doesn't mean it's not censorship. However, just because something isn't government censorship doesn't mean it's a good thing. It also doesn't mean it's a bad thing. Each case must be examined on its own merits. Also, it being a bad thing is not synonymous with illegal. For example, if a given publisher chose to stop carrying stories on Linux, that wouldn't be illegal (as far as I know), but it would certainly be a bad thing. They would receive certainly criticism (rightfully so, IMO) for their non-illegal censorship.
Of course all that being said, things get a little more interesting. Clear Channel isn't on equal footing with other companies. Like Microsoft, they enjoy a rather large market share. Furthermore, they've been granted the right to use a limited, public resource (part of the radio spectrum) by the government. This places there actions under much greater scrutiny. Unlike, say, the widget manufacturing industry, a new-comer can't decide to pop into the radio market and start playing the songs in question. As such, their situation is closer to government censorship. However, regardless, their overall actions are still censorship and should be scrutinized by consumers.
Re:choice does not = censorship. (Score:2)
Umm, yeah, that's kinda the definition. [dictionary.com]
The Censor is grated authority by some governing body, be it political or religious (in any case, not you), and tells you what you can or can't do with your own property and ideas, giving you no say in the matter.
Re:choice does not = censorship. (Score:2)
Censorship has nothing to do with the government, it has to do with the act of censoring.
censor (snsr) "A person authorized to examine books, films, or other material and to remove or suppress what is considered morally, politically, or otherwise objectionable."
censored, censoring, censors
"To examine and expurgate."
Nowhere does it say government. The word "authorized" would apply to the company that owns the radio stations. They are authorized to censor their own stations, that doesn't make it any less an act of censorship.
Re:choice does not = censorship. (Score:2)
It's DJ's have been told what they are and aren't allowed to play.
It has not censored the general public. Members of the public are still free to play and purchase those songs.
Re:choice does not = censorship. (Score:2)
One of them (cant remember who), said something appropiate. You're on my turf, and uner my rules. No one is forcing you to go there (the website).
When a public entity (acting for the people) censors stuff, its bad. When a company censors stuff, you have the choice of not using htat companies services.
There are, however, exceptions. Mainly when that company is the only provider of a service in an area, and a local law prvents anyone from competing/it is impossible to compete.
It's not all bad though, companies are answerable. If a company refused to let a specific group of people use their services normally open to the public, then they will get into trouble.
Re:choice does not = censorship. (Score:2)
So what are you saying? That we need to make a law that forces Clear Channel to play those songs? To give equal time to that list? I hope that's not what you think.
If you're opposed to creating the law that forces certain songs to be played, then you are left to the will of the owner of the company to determine for themselves what they want or don't want to play. That's all there is to it. Either they have to freedom to choose which set of songs they want to play or they don't. Take your pick.
Either way, this isn't censorship.
Re:choice does not = censorship. (Score:2)
No its not.
Censorship has nothing to do with the government, it has to do with the act of censoring.
I'm going to keep saying this until people get it, or pick up a dictionary.
Re:choice does not = censorship. (Score:2, Interesting)
Look up the definition of "censorship" if you still think that state censorship is the only kind. And guess what -- just because it's "censorship" doesn't mean it's illegal. State censorship is illegal (in the US at least), private censorship is legal. Your point should not be "it's not censorship" but "sure it's censorship, but it's perfectly legal". Or, "just because it's censorship doesn't make it bad".
Yes, they have the right to dictate to their stations that they play this or that song and not play others. The fact that they have the legal right to censor their stations doesn't make it reasonable nor sensible. I'm sure this list made them feel like they were doing something, however reactionary and pointless.
Re:choice does not = censorship. (Score:2)
Re:choice does not = censorship. (Score:5, Insightful)
Accusing ClearChannel of censorship is like accusing a colon of being full of shit.
The problem's not censorship, it's monopoly (Score:2)
The solution is therefore not to squawk at ClearChannel but to push for anti-monopoly measures such as real antitrust and community low-power radio. In other words, hee hee, ITS MICROSOFT'S FAULT.
Partial list? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Partial list? (Score:2)
Eh? (Score:2, Insightful)
Cultural bias? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Cultural bias? (Score:2)
Re:Cultural bias? (Score:2)
What, did they actually listen to this song and let it through as opposed to all the others?
Re:Cultural bias? (Score:2)
> What, did they actually listen to this song and let it through as opposed to all the others?
"Staring down the barrel
At the arab on the ground"
and from the chorus (sung three times):
"I'm the stranger
Killing an arab"
Re:Cultural bias? (Score:3, Informative)
Is this targetted at me? (Score:2)
WTF! (Score:3, Interesting)
The fact that they banned Don McLean's "American Pie" really outrages me. This is one of America's songs. I used to like this song when I was 6 and I still do. Sorry if it's not like "Don't Worry, Be Happy" but jeesh.
BTW, I didn't read any articles, is this ban permanent?
It's a PLANE CRASH SONG. (Score:2)
Re:It's a PLANE CRASH SONG. (Score:3, Interesting)
As others have pointed out, "American Pie" isn't as much a 'plane crash song' as it is about changing times and worldviews. Don McLean wrote about "the day the music died" as a focal point, an event after which the way everyone related to their country and their world changed. This change could only be marked (to McLean) with a melancholy, a recognition that beyond the tangible, clear losses, something intangible--but just as irreplaceable--had also been lost.
How Clear Channel sees it is their business (literally), but it seems to me those thoughts are more timely at this moment than they've been in decades.
Uh, wow. (Score:4, Informative)
McLean's point--and it's a pretty simple one; he isn't exactly James Joyce--is that that plane crash marked the end of the sheltered certainties of the 1950s and the start of what for him were the far more confusing and tumultuous 1960s (Dylan to cute Beatles to scary Beatles to the Summer of Love to Vietnam to Janis Joplin to more, scarier Vietnam).
"American Pie" isn't a deep song or a complex one, nor is it one open to terribly flexible interpretation. Which doesn't mean it isn't heartfelt or affecting or a good starting point for high school students to look at the 1960s from the perspective of someone whose world changed on February 3, 1959, when a plane crash killed three rock'n'roll singers. Period. It's not a "secret". It's not a "wacky interpretation". It's not a "hidden meaning". It's what the song's about. Sort of like how, say, John Lennon's "Oh, Yoko" is about Yoko and not about, say, the Iranain revolution or basketball.
Ask your parents. Or read any of the thousands of tedious interviews poor Don McLean has had to slog through in the decades since.
Re:WTF! (Score:2)
Don McLean is Canadian...
Clearchannel: something everyone should know about (Score:5, Informative)
If you care about music and still think that songs become popular because lots of people like them, you owe it to yourself to read some of this.
Back to the subject at hand, when a major corporate conglomerate decides that the country shouldn't be listening to "Bridge over Troubled Water" it is a sad day.
Your country can listen to whatever they want... (Score:2)
You do have more than one radio station, haven't you? If lots of people think Clearchannel are behaving like idiots, rest assured that they will change this decision fast.
Cheers //Johan
IMAGINE! (Score:3, Interesting)
I must have missed the subliminal messages within the song that can only be heard by a Radio Executive.
Re:IMAGINE! (Score:3, Interesting)
U2 song (Score:3, Insightful)
I mean the lyrics go "I cant believe the news today" and continue "How long must we sing this song?"
Its the perfect song to be the Anthem of the whole anti terrorism campaign.
It appears they are just stopping playing everything that could possibly remind people of the whole event. Songs about war,terrorism,suicide and fire. Even when the majority of these songs are against these things.
Will they ban wacko and spears duet which they are recording to raise money for the relief efforts as it will remind people as well?
Re:U2 troll (Score:3, Informative)
Oh really, I always thought that it refered to an event in Northern Ireland's history in 1972 that, unlike the bombing of Libya, is still refered to as "Bloody sunday", and that it was a call to end sectarian violence. See http://larkspirit.com/bloodysunday/ for a clue. U2 are an irish band, and not everything revolves around the US.
This is just a company trying to be sensitive to people who have had their lives shattered by hate-filled people, and playing songs about plane crashes, death, strife, et. al
That does seem to be the aim - otherwise why would they ban Talking Head's dada-psychobable funk track "burning down the house" which isn't about violence, it isn't anything coherent at all. Some idiot thought the title might remind someone. Having coped with loss a while back I can tell you that this is a pointless excercise. You get reminded of the loss by the oddest stuff, and there is no way around this but through the grief.
But it's an ill-chosen, dumb, arbitrary, partisan list - that elvis track, and Loius Armstrong singing "wonderfull world" are out - WTF??
What a ..... (Score:2, Insightful)
On the other hand, if you could add {sarcasm} any NSYNCH song to the list I'd be much abliged. Not that it has questionable lyrics, I just don't want to hear it on the radio{/sarcasm}.
support your local public radio (Score:2, Insightful)
Furthermore, the ENTIRE conflict is about freedom and liberty. This censorship (and yes, if the primary broadcast company has a list of songs that affiliates are not allowed to play, that *does* constitute censorship) is against everything that we stand for. If large portions of certain communities are offended by some or all of these songs, let them speak out to their local broadcasters. Don't blanket the rest of us with this silly and misguided propaganda disguised as "sensitivity".
I, for one, will be tuning into the public radio. A source of objective and high-quality news and information, and a lone voice in the wild for FREEDOM!!!
who, what ? (Score:2)
Let's go to the site and see.
Okay, there's a picture of Rush Limbaugh, Dr. Laura, Alan Keyes
Hey guys, I think this looks like a company that's trying to keep a low profile. In other words, this may have less to do with civil liberties than it does with their bottom line. Either giving their demographics what they want (or don't want)
Banned Songs. (Score:2)
Yeah, i get this one:
Head like a hole
Black as your soul
I'd rather die
than give you control.
Wouldn't want anyone to resist the government's control, now would we?
Other choices though, leave me kinda puzzled:
Bangles "Walk Like an Egyptian"
Louis Armstrong "What A Wonderful World"
The list goes on. I wonder what they'll be playing all day now.... Britney Spears and N'Sync? I bet they can find some 'offensive' words in there too. (Baby hit me one more time? Oops I did it again? (referring to the crash on the pentagon) and ofcourse Nsync's "bye bye bye".)
If you feel the urge to moderate this down as flamebait/troll, read the message again, think about what it says, and then decide again.
Re:Banned Songs. (Score:2)
Of course maybe that's why it's banned, it has a negative reference to religion, and with everyone going back to church now, that might offend.
Of course, if those people piloting the planes hadn't let religion control them, they wouldn't have done it.
Re:Banned Songs. (Score:2)
Big Man With A Gun
The Day The World Went Away
Into The Void (made for a film which featured a *shudder* plane crash)
Mr Self Destruct
Starfuckers Inc (lot sof reference to false gods and shit)
Vendetta against Rage? (Score:5, Insightful)
you've got to be kidding me. This seems like blind censorship to me. I'm doubtful they've listened to all of Rage's songs.
Re:Vendetta against Rage? (Score:3, Interesting)
Unbelievable. Seriously; this whole list, and the thinking of the people who came up with it, just absolutely boggles the mind.
Re:Vendetta against Rage? (Score:3, Interesting)
Dave Matthews Band "Crash into me"... Apparently the word Crash is just bad stuff. Of course, every time I hear this song, it makes me want to go buy a gun.
Smashing Pumpkins "Bullet with Butterfly Wings"... I'm assuming for the refrain "music is my airplane"... ummm. That's all I got to say. Ummm. Those lyrics sure are questionable!
Red Hot Chili Peppers, "Aeroplane"... see above
Frank Sinatra "New York"... what were they thinking!!!
People, if you haven't, go read the list. Some of the songs on the list are certainly questionable and callous, but a lot of them are really good music that just happens to mention a word or two. The music itself and its message doesn't come anywhere near questionable, but it has a keyword in it...
Missed a song (Score:2)
Can you say, "all-request friday?" (Score:2)
A few highlights from the list (Score:2)
REM "It's the End of the World as We Know It" - Why does everyone always pick on this song without listening to what they are really saying. Everyopne always stops after reading the first six words of the title.
The Beatles "Obla Di, Obla Da" - The only offense I can think of for this song is that it says "Life goes on" and isn't that what everyone has been saying anyway, that we need to try and return to normal
U2 "Sunday Bloody Sunday" - This song speaks out against terroism, rather blatantly.
Jan and Dean "Dead Man's Curve" - What are we doing, banning any song that mentions death in any way?
Lenny Kravitz "Fly Away" - Or any song that mentions air travel?
I can see banning a few songs, but they have just decimated the play list, not only of Rock stations, but of oldies stations as well. I would say that about half of the list predates 1980! In my opinion they are fully within their rights to do this, but they are making an ill reasoned bussiness decision.
entirely messed up (Score:2)
These people have no foot to stand on to tell us about respect and decency in my opinion.
Since when... (Score:2)
OK, there are some songs on there it would have been insensitive to play on the day of the tradgedy, or shortly after, however I'd hope that radio DJ's can judge this for themselves. Fresh DJ's with only a couple of weeks under their belts at our uni radio station can.
This conglomerate is worse then the BBC in the UK. At least they dont ahve a guarenteed income and have to answer to their listeners (unlike the BBC who's anti america, anti UK, anti Europe view scares me). I hope that listeners write in and complain to TPTB. It's not the DJ's fault, they get the sack if they play them.
Still, there are other stations (I guess, I know very little about american radio)
not much left (Score:2)
Corp Slaves Revolt at WMAD (Score:2)
9/11 and Big Media's Reaction (Score:2)
As mentioned in this story, they pulled the anti-war song "99 Red Balloons." As mentioned a few days ago, Cartoon Network pulled a cartoon called "Mobile Suit Gundam", which often times treats war as something that greedy leaders start and average soldiers have to fight, even though its meaningless.
To me, pulling shows like this implies that Big Media is going the patriotic route, and not the critical route if and when a war starts. They clearly don't want the young men who are going to the war to have "anti-war" sentiments, as that might discourage enlistment for our upcoming battle. This disturbs me more than the pulling of entertainment with violent messages.
As an odd side note, Cartoon Network still plays "Dragonball Z", where fighting and combat is seen as something enjoyable, fun and looked forward to. In fact, it now runs for two hours instead of one, in wake of recent events.
Someone needs to remain critical, if for nothing else, to play Devil's Advocate. I don't like when all I have is one description of how its going to be.
Songs they've forgotten (Score:2)
This sounds more like a jippo than a real concern, though I resent them for banning peaceloving music. Oh. And there is almost NO teen-bop in the list. I guess that's what the classic rock stations will have to play, now that all relevant music is boycotted.
Gnutella download list (Score:3)
If you're interested in a little geektavisim, you could then burn all the MP3s to CD audio and distribute them for free at all Clear Channel(TM) events with some propaganda stating how evil they are and how they've banned these (whichever 13 or so are on the CD) and other songs, include the list if you like.
Re:Gnutella download list (Score:2)
Re:Gnutella download list (Score:2)
If you wanted to be really tricky, and again only if the list were true, you could argue that you were practicing your first ammendment rights in taking a stand against the evil corporate censorship. I bet you could get a judge to buy it. Besides, you weren't charging money for them.
Someone did not get the memo (Score:2)
Bullet with Butterfly Wings
Head Like a Hole
Speed Kills
Here in Ohio we don't have to worry about the list.
Ironic.... (Score:2)
Dontcha think?
Yager and Evans "In the Year 2525" (Score:2)
In the yeaaaaaaar 2525, she has the will to surviiiive
Re:Yager and Evans "In the Year 2525" (Score:2)
The song is about (IIRC) war, nuclear apocalypse, and the tenacity of the human spirit.
4 They Missed (Score:2)
"Alice's Restaurant" (Arlo Guthrie)
"Working for the Clampdown" (Clash)
"Ain't Gonna Work on Maggie's Farm No More" (Dylan)
which their DJs should play as they empty their desks.
What about Public Enemy? (Score:2)
Let's get this right... (Score:2)
At the same time, how much Death Metal got on the list? I don't recall seeing "South of Heaven" or "Blood for the Blood God" on there.
What this is REALLY about - and you'll see more and more of it, as time goes on - is hostility towards people on the fringes of society. Being "different" is to be an "enemy of the State". We've seen it before. We'll no doubt see it again.
THAT is why "extremist" music is just fine, but anti-hate music is being burned at the stake.
Sure, the radio stations have the "right" to play what they like. That's part of living in a free country. On the other hand, selective discrimination on grounds other than appropriateness for the channel and the time-slot is censorship. Self-censorship, sure, but censorship none-the-less.
What is FAR more disturbing than the censorship, though, is the subliminal message this puts across - that of "Pro-hate" and "Pro-war". If you want a sure-fire way of turning America into a hot-bed of sectarian violence, this is the perfect recipe.
No... It's not a ban, just a suggestion! (Score:2, Informative)
no. its just a list of songs that may be inappropriate (and thats left to the broadcasters discretion) when
coming out of a news report....
you know, a news story about the world trade center into "Bodies" by Drowning Pool....would not sound right.
Its just a guide...
No banning. At least not that anyone's told me..
I hope this shed's some light on the issue!
Vendetta against rock and roll (Score:4, Funny)
What a great playlist! (Score:3, Insightful)
Yet more evidence that censorship always backfires...
Re:This isn't censorship, it's good taste (Score:2)
Re:This isn't censorship, it's good taste (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:This isn't censorship, it's good taste (Score:2)
Are these mutually exclusive? Is it not possible to censor based on taste?
This is censorship. It may also be taste. If so, its pretty poor taste. I don't know of many people working the WTC who would beat you up for playing Neil Diamond's "America" (well, maybe for playing Neil Diamond)...
Re:This isn't censorship, it's good taste (Score:2)
Could you PLEASE explain to me what hurt and anguish could be caused by 99 Red Balloons?
Other than the voice of the singer, that is.
Re:This isn't censorship, it's good taste (Score:2)
The accent's so thick in the English version, I don't think she even knew English.
Re:er, sorry man, but SUNDAY BLOODAY SUNDAY??? (Score:2)
Do they just acknowledge the loss? (" And the battle's just begun, /There's many lost, but tell me who has won? /
The trenches dug within our hearts, /
And mothers, children, brothers, sisters torn apart." )
Are they a call to Christian forgiveness and values? ( "The real battle just begun. / To claim the victory Jesus won, / On a Sunday bloody Sunday, / Sunday bloody Sunday." )
Are they a call to bomb those Islamic bastards? ( "The real battle just begun. / To claim the victory Jesus won, / On a Sunday bloody Sunday, / Sunday bloody Sunday." )
Is it a question of, "why did they die and not us? ( "And today the millions cry, / We eat and drink while tomorrow they die." )
Or is it a call to get on with our lives, and exact revenge at a later date? ( "And today the millions cry, / We eat and drink while tomorrow they die." )
Still, I agree - stupid to ban a song that advocates a thoughtful position toward violence. - or maybe it was for the Edge's amazing guitar work (which would help explain the Rage Against the Machine ban).
BTW - Clear Channel has banned your sig. - "The urge to destroy is a creative urge. - M. Bakunin "
high school (Score:3, Interesting)
No, there's no making sense of any of it.
Re:Online radio (Score:3, Interesting)
What gets me is the large amount of songs which are only teniously related to this and the general anti-war (what is it good for?) songs on the list. It's almost as if the station is asking you not to think about the solution to this problem (IMHO it isn't bombing the shit out of a country which has had 20 years of having the shit bombed out of it)
I'm all for showing a little consideration, 'Leaving on a jet plane' is certainly guaranteed to upset someone who has lost a loved one, but any RATM song? this situation kind of reminds me of their song 'Bullet in the head' -Nothing proper 'bout your propaganda...
Re:Online radio (Score:2)
This just proves how ignorant radio execs are about music. This song in paticular has to do with a peeping tom, and nothing to do with a crash of any sort.
Re:far sighted (Score:2, Insightful)
I think that'll only be the beginning of words that will be banned from use on the air by Clear Channel. Soon things will not be "amazing," but rather "double interesting," or for more emphasis, "double double interesting." News will not be "shocking," but rather "double arousing." I think you get my drift.
Do you think the terrorists had a problem with American Culture? It's nice that we're doing away with it, so we don't make anyone angry.
Re:Here's the list (Score:2)
Did-did-did-did you see the frightened ones?
Did-did-did-did you hear the falling bombs?
Did-did-did-did you ever wonder why we had to run to run for shelter when the promise of a Brave New World unfurled beneath the clear blue sky?
Did-did-did-did you see the frightened ones?
Did-did-did-did you hear the falling bombs?
The flames are all long gone but the pain lingers on.
Goodbye, blue sky...
Goodbye, blue sky...
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye...
(This is from memory.) Yes, I had a little listen after the events of September 11th.
Re:Here's the list (Score:2)
Goodbye Blue Sky wasn't a single.
Re:Here's the list (Score:2)
Re:How about some "Cure"? (Score:2)
Re:It's a Sin (Score:2)