Ask Wil Wheaton Anything 492
Wil Wheaton [IMDB] is our latest interview victim. Best known here as Wesley Crusher on TNG, Wil has a history doing movies both good (Stand by Me) and, uh, otherwise (see his FAQ). His movie
"The Good Things" just won the grand prize at the 27th Festival of American Cinema at Deuville. His currrent project is "Jane White Is Sick & Twisted". Post your questions for him here, one per post, and we'll forward a few of the highest rated ones to Wil.
Those Silly Automatic Doors (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Those Silly Automatic Doors (Score:3, Insightful)
Do you think Neelix is as annoying, or more annoying, as the young Crusher? (ideally this could even be a
Which one? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Which one? (Score:2)
Re:Which one? (Score:2)
Re:Which one? (Score:2, Insightful)
Olivia D'Abo (True Q)
Madchen Amick (The Dauphin)
gawd, am i a geek or what.
Funny Wil Wheaton interview on BBSpot (Score:4, Informative)
Wil Wheaton recently did a very funny short interview [bbspot.com] over at BBSpot [bbspot.com].
Re:Funny Wil Wheaton interview on BBSpot (Score:2, Interesting)
According to the log [bbspot.com] it's for real. Wil has even admitted to it [wilwheaton.net].
Re:Funny Wil Wheaton interview on BBSpot (Score:4, Funny)
Complete nonsense (Score:2, Insightful)
Python (Score:2, Interesting)
What the story fails to mention (Score:4, Funny)
How many actors have you heard of that took the time to code their own site in php?
Oh, I'm supposed to ask a question...Hmmm...ok: Wil, vi or emacs?
Ashley Judd - Please clarify (Score:4, Interesting)
"Is it true that you were really Ashley Judd's first onscreen kiss, and you ruined her for the rest of her life?"
To which you reply:
"Yep. It is 100% true. Ashley Judd played Robin Lefler, in the episode "The Game", and Uncle Willie went to bootytown"
Now, let's be clear here. You "knew" her in a biblical sense?
Seeing as how she is one of the most attractive and emotional actresses in Hollywood, what was the experience like back then?
Just wanted some clarification..
Re:Ashley Judd - Please clarify (Score:2, Insightful)
Wheres the parties, dude? (Score:5, Interesting)
Thanks, I enjoy alot of your work.
Re:Wheres the parties, dude? (Score:5, Funny)
Only on
Born a geek, or did ST push you in that direction? (Score:5, Interesting)
The TNN TNG Marathon (Score:2, Interesting)
I loved the TNG Marathon played on TNN..the first time I ever watched the network for more than 15 seconds. The character segments in between were great too, but why on Earth did they make all of you run on that stupid treadmill? It was so distracting...and watching Michael Dorn get out of breathe wasn't exactly funny.
Re:The TNN TNG Marathon (Score:2)
Johnathan Frakes made it look the best, though. It actually looked like he was running.
He can't be all bad: (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:He can't be all bad: (Score:3, Funny)
Final Frontier - thoughts on your career (Score:4, Interesting)
Questions like:
Did you ever get to see Marina Sirtis (Deanna Troy) nude?
Was there any behind the scenes booty-calls between cast members that you are comfortable releasing?
How difficult is it for a new actor to get a recurring role on a Star Trek series 'generally'?
More importantly to me..
Would you ever do a movie with Bruce Campbell? If so, have you let him and his people know?
And finally,
I know you were happy to leave the show, and I am glad you retained your integrity and ability to do what you wanted. However, I have often wondered, did you like the WAY you were written off the show?
Star Trek, of coure (Score:4, Interesting)
Wesley Crusher jokes (Score:5, Interesting)
Google Whoring (Score:3, Informative)
Its karma-whorific.
Re:Google Whoring (Score:2)
Enterprise (Score:5, Interesting)
I liked your brief appearance in the Sprite commercial
Are you worried about being typecast? (Score:5, Informative)
wilwheaton.net (Score:2, Interesting)
Hated? (Score:2, Interesting)
If you're not man enough to admit your envy, then please don't try to satisfy your ego by expressing hate.
To Wes: Great job on TNG....wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.
Re:Hated? (Score:2, Funny)
I don't remember anything about a rainbow-fringed jumpsuit.
Slashdot effect (Score:4, Funny)
Nick Name Wuss-ley (Score:2, Funny)
NewTek and the Video Toaster (Score:5, Interesting)
So you read Slashdot, eh? (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:So you read Slashdot, eh? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:So you read Slashdot, eh? (Score:2)
Wesley Crusher, erm, Wil Wheaton actually reads slashdot? And has semi [slashdot.org]-insightful comments? And coded his own site in PHP?
I've actually just gained a bit more respect for this guy.
Will wonders ever cease?
Re:So you read Slashdot, eh? (Score:2)
Re:So you read Slashdot, eh? (Score:5, Funny)
Yeah, I've had it for quite some time. I never put my name to it because I was afraid I'd automatically get modded down.
Have you ever posted here ?
Yeah. But not too often. My motto is "if you don't have something to say that's worth at least +1, don't say anything at all".
Have you ever submitted ?
Have you ever got a submission accepted ?
Are you kidding me? If I had a submission posted, that would make me cool, and that would begin the slow unraveling of the very fabric of space-time.
If this post isn't the poster-child for karma whoring, I don't know what is.
Product Demo (Score:2)
Do you still use the Newtek Video Toaster for your video productions?
The Trekkie Circuit (Score:5, Interesting)
Usenet (Score:5, Interesting)
When did you first hear of the classic usenet group, alt.ensign.wesley.crusher.die.die.die, and what was your reaction?
Re:Usenet (Score:2)
Wil's job at NewTek's Lightwave (Score:5, Interesting)
for a while. What did you do there? Do you thing you'll get back into tech again someday?
Hollywood Activism (Score:5, Interesting)
You have made comments to the effect of poo-poo'ing celebrity opinions about issues in general. Yet in your blogs, you spend a lot of time discussing politics, and you make no bones about which side of the isle you favor. As someone in the public spotlight - and especially as someone in the geek spotlight (being a celeb that has your own self-coded web site) - do you consider it a duty of sorts to be an activist? Does being a celeb bring any more responsibility over the common, first-amendment-empowered citizen in voicing your opinion? Also, do you feel that you have qualities above and beyond other Hollywood celebrities that makes it important that you share your feelings?
Comment removed (Score:3, Interesting)
Radio Free Burrito (Score:5, Interesting)
Who got a worse deal from fans... (Score:4, Interesting)
You've played one of the most despised characters in the history of science fiction; do you have any advice for Jar Jar as to how he should handle the rancor of obnoxious fans?
BTW, congrats on moving beyond Wesley and having what looks like an interesting career. In the end, you've done better than some other cast members of ST:TNG! At least you're not narrating alien autopsy videos... ;)
Platform choice? (Score:2)
What is your platform of choice (yes I see your site uses PHP, good job!)? Are you religious about that like the rest of us?
Re:Platform choice? (Score:2)
It wasn't the power supply that blew, like most people said, it was actually part of the video circuitry. And usually it was a 25 volt non-polarized electrolytic capacitor that went, in a spew of orange smoke. When it happened to mine, I took it to the local Mac fixit guy, and he replaced it with a 35 or 50 or so volt Mylar non-electrolytic capacitor. I guess Apple didn't learn its lesson, because AirPort base stations have had a problem with marginally rated capacitors, too.
Your Career Choice (Score:4, Interesting)
With all the hype ... (Score:2, Interesting)
What are your opinions, agreements, and disagreements with these bills that are passed?
Wesley vs. Adric (Score:5, Interesting)
Geekess or Valley Girl? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Geekess or Valley Girl? (Score:2)
Re:Geekess or Valley Girl? (Score:2)
Re:Geekess or Valley Girl? (Score:2, Insightful)
My wife is fantastic and I wouldn't trade her for any other human being in the world. But to say that she's not a geek is an understatement. I look, with fond admiration at two friends of mine who are married to geeks. They have that in common, and they both can get excited about wiring their houses, or the new software that they've written or installed. Or the bug that they just squished.
My wife just doesn't get it. She doesn't get why I spend so much time in front of the computer. She doesn't get how working with computer software really gets me pumped up, and gives me feelings of accomplishment. She just doesn't get it, and it causes stress in our marriage. Fortunately, we're able to work it out.
Geek girls are starting to turn up more and more... however they're still exceedingly rare. The ability to share goals together and get excited over the same things will be much more important over the long run than the physical attractiveness of your spouse, which will inevitably decline. If you are a geek girl, you're sitting on a real gold mine. You'll be able to share the same sort of desires and get excited about the same thing as a *HUGE* number of men in the world. It's rare.
Good luck.
Oh man (Score:2)
There are two types of girls: pretty and smart.
Re:Oh man (Score:2)
Relationships are WORK... (Score:2)
...and you need to keep what work the other person can do in mind as you select them.
Intelligence and sophistication are not as important as motivation in a romantic relationship; always choose substance over form.
Select someone with abilities vastly below your own only when you know what you are doing...
...at which point, you will discover that you don't.
Linda Park (Score:4, Interesting)
PS: I happen to like the Wesley character (aside from his final episode, which was lame), so there!
slashdotted!!! yay!! (Score:2)
Advise for "Enterprise" counterpart (Score:4, Funny)
Should he apply to starfleet academy?
Should he accept a field commision as an ensign?
Should he take a postion on the bridge?
Or perhaps he should just be careful playing with alien puppys on planets with unknown laws?
Very Original, CmdrTaco. (Score:5, Informative)
So for the uninformed, CmdrTaco is a dick. And the above interview is inclined to be far more informative and funny than anything that will appear here. Go read it.
Hey Wil... (Score:4, Interesting)
My question to you is:
How often have you gotten first post?
Are you the gloating first poster, or just the simple "first post, 'nuff said" kinda first poster?
Was this worth it? (Score:2, Funny)
In other words, do you think this kind of publicity is worthwhile?
Dear Wil (Score:5, Interesting)
You mention in this LA Times [latimes.com] article that you dumped Linux for Windows because
"While I'm a champion of open source, I don't think Linux is there yet"
Was there a specific bug in Linux that prompted you to dump it, or was it just the entire operating system?
Patrick Stewart's bald head (Score:5, Funny)
Fan Fixated Moment? (Score:5, Interesting)
Kirk Russell, on the commentary to the Big Trouble in Little Chinia DVD, talks about how his trip down the elevator on the way to confront "the ultimate evil spirit" has generated more comments then any other. Fans are always quoting back lines from that scene, particularly in elevators.
Here is the question. Are there particlar lines from one of your roles that fans repeat back to you? Which role do people most often identify you with when they see you in the real world? If you could change this defining moment to an alternate scene or line, what would it be and why?
Minor nitpick: (Score:2)
RPGs (Score:2, Interesting)
I like things that are traditionally nerdy, like role playing games.
So what do you play? How often? Ever try Over the Edge? If so, what did you think of OTE?
Rainbow Jumpsuit (Score:5, Interesting)
Geek code? (Score:4, Informative)
First I'd like to say that I really liked your character and I was upset when he was written out of the show.
A lot of questions have focused on either your level of geekiness or how many of your Trek co-actors you got to see nude. I have a bit more concrete question, which I think might tell us a lot more about you:
What's your geek code [geekcode.com]?
I Am Not Spock (Score:2, Insightful)
Do you ever want to do anything serious? (Score:2, Interesting)
I took my copy of Titus Andronicus (Anthony Hopkins) to a friend's house this weekend, and we all remarked at how this story of the consequences of unthinking violence has tremendous bearing on recent world events.
I also remember hearing Joseph Campbell in one of his many lectures state that the artist has a responsibility to set the moral tone for the culture.
I have seen you in a number of your roles (the last being The Invisible Man if I am not mistaken), and while your parts have great entertainment value, they do not IMHO have much to say about fundamental aspects of the human condition.
Is this an avenue that you might want to explore in your career, even at the cost of financial liquidity?
Cool, he's aligned with the forces of Xenu! (Score:2)
I want to be an actor. Do you have any advice?
Yes, I do. Eventually, this site will have a whole section devoted to aspiring actors. My immediate advice is: study, study, study. Read the classic plays and see the great movies. And for the love of Bob, study!And read Backstage. Get yourself into some sort of acting program or workshop. Just avoid anything that tells you they'll give you a free book by L.Ron Hubbard. It's a scheme to recruit you into Scientology [xenu.net].
And a mention of Bob? As in Dobbs, perhaps?
weblog changing your life (Score:5, Interesting)
How has having this weblog changed 1) your daily life, 2) your views of technology, and 3) your views of celebrity?
Re:weblog changing your life (Score:2, Funny)
Come on Jon Katz, you can post under your real ID....
Benefits of being a Star Trek actor (Score:4, Interesting)
I assume you've learned to handle the celebrity-side of "Ohhh - he was on Star Trek" by now but how does it affect you in your day-to-day life, particularly when you've been involved in the high-tech industry?
Does it ever get to be annoying when folks get fixated on your former role? Do you ever take advantage of it and get invited to events you wouldn't be otherwise? How about bring it up when dealing with phone-support ("If I can fix a dilithium interociter & phase through space I can be trusted with the ntp server address!".) How about vendors, try and get new gear out of shops: "But I'm Wil Wheaton, y'know, Wesley from Star Trek - it'd be great PR for you if I said I bought my Whizbang2000 at your store so howzabout it half-off and with that sweet wireless card thown in?"
Or is it you just make headlines when you slap a Beverly Hills cop ("Nooo mooore Beverly!...")
Industry insider? (Score:5, Interesting)
Would you be interested in becoming a (scifi/hollywoood/?) contributor to Slashdot (a la Jon Katz)? I'm sure you could get lots of exclusives from Paramount, actor friends etc
.. assuming of course you're prepared to be a lightning rod for all the Katz-haters cum Wesley-haters
Re:Industry insider? (Score:2)
How did you feel about being Slashdotted? (Score:5, Funny)
Gone where few men have gone before (Score:2)
To Wil Wheaton (Score:2, Interesting)
I also did like your character on Star Trek TNG.
I have to admit that after a while, like most, got really cheesed at your character but it's not your fault you were playing a boy genius.
You represented the next generation of star trek actors. How come you are not casted in the star trek movies? Are we going to ever see you back on board the enterprise?
Personal feelings towards TNG cast? (Score:2, Interesting)
Were there any who you constantly butted heads with?
What characteristics of Wesley are completely unlike you, and vice versa?
Typecasting? (Score:2, Interesting)
What sort of problems have you had, if any, with typecasting, and what did you do to break those? I would imagine you could get pidgeonholed into the "brainy adolescent" or "anything sci-fi" parts and productions, especially with the mythical proportions that Trek can get to within the industry (positive and negative).
(And BTW, your little spot on TNN is funny.)
(And I think
Age Old Question: (Score:2)
Do scripts ever get proofread? / Trek careers (Score:4, Interesting)
While it sometimes works to abandon logic or science (Armageddon comes to mind), this trend seems to backfire more and more often (Godzilla comes to mind, a movie that even Roger Ebert dissed for its science goofs).
How come that the way technology or science is depicted on screen (computers, technology, sci-fi) hardly ever gets proofread in Hollywood scripts? You seem to be a tech-nerd - do you ever correct something in a script? (If you know a script-writer who needs a proofreader, give him my e-mail address
2nd question: Do you think that having been a member of the Trek franchise was good or bad for your career? I'm a big trek fan, yet it often amuses me how Trek actors can consider themselves superstars in the Trek world, but nobodies outside.
I often feel sorry for the dead-end careers that it meant for Nichelle Nichols or DeForest Kelley. I often wonder when I will finally see the TNG actors in bigger roles. (Don't tell me that Brent Spiner's recent work was a stellar career. Why doesn't he get better roles? Or Marina Sirtis? Or almost any other Trek actor?)
Describe your job, please. (Score:2, Interesting)
So, I always wondered how actors choose their scripts - what is your job like when you're not acting?
What kind of scripts do you get offered? What silly (or not silly) scripts did you turn down? Can you talk about roles or projects that you were chosen for and then it didn't work out?
DMCA and Dmitry (Score:2)
I don't think we're going to get a better chance to find out what happens to both than by asking a guy who not only time travelled regularly, but near the end of TNG was able to manipulate time itself.
So, my questions -- is Dmitry finally free for real in the future, and if so, how did it happen? And don't say "holodeck" or "transporter" because that's cheap.
Next -- is legislation in the future as bad as it is now? I mean, if you circumvent a Klingon holo-copy control mechanism, would you be thrown in a detention cell on Kronos and be force fed Gahk (or whatever the hell those worm things are called) without starbail or startrial for a few staryears?
What gives? Enquiring minds with no sense of reality want to know.
Slashdot ID (Score:2)
2 Qs (Score:2)
As an amateur geek, does being interviewed by a rabid geek site like Slashdot -- a site that normally interviews people who rewrite kernel modules in brainf*ck [catseye.mb.ca] for fun -- scare you? Or is being a gen-u-wine celebrity and the actor formerly known as "the boy" insulation against such terror?
And (sorry if this is in your FAQ but since your server is melting so I can't check) are there actors in Hollywood that are as geeky / more geeky than you that one would never suspect? Or are there actors who portray geeks that are confused by the number of switches on a hair-drier? In other words who do you talk code with and who do you poke fun at?
Relationship to gay issues (Score:5, Interesting)
Years ago, I heard some stories that said you were outspokenly antigay. The story went that you held gays in contempt for religious reasons, resented speculation about your own sexual interests, and endured friction with two allegedly gay actors on the ST:TNG set -- Brent Edwards and Michael Dorn. Note: I never saw substantiation for rumors about your attitude, religion, or the sexual orientation of any cast member. (I'm frankly not enough of a Trek fan to care. :) )
Yet I see here [rumpus.org] that you said the following regarding homosexuals: "I'm sorry that I don't play ball with your team...but I always cheer for you when I'm in the stands."
Could you clarify your feelings about homosexuality, past and present? Many thanks,
Re:regrets (Score:3, Informative)
Re:regrets (Score:2)
Blame Roddenbury, sure, but it seems every good bit of big and little screen version of Sci Fi has something to make the thinking viewer consider "hey, that character really sucks and is so beyond authentic or plausible it must be a product or marketroids" Once again it was a case of Hollywood just not understanding what a real geek or hacker is.
Oh, and apologies to those who actually liked Weaselly Crusher and episodes where he linked his Archer-kit crystal radio into the main engineering computer and got 15% more power out of the warp drives. I really mean it, to all both of you.
appearence changed alot (Score:2)
pre-teen in Stand and a teen in Trek to being an adult.
Re:What I would like to know is... (Score:3, Funny)
I suppose I would have been modded up if I had asked something vague and unimportant (and Star Trek related) like "After the recent terrorist attacks on the US and the US military response, do you believe that the idealistic peace portrayed in the Star Trek future is more likely or less likely to be in our future?"
Re:do you want your dollar back? (Score:2)
So... do you want your dollar back? I am curious if you have had an attitude adjustment yet, if not the dollar could be the start of a downpayment on one
I like this AC question...
Re:Cheerios contest (Score:4, Interesting)
My question: Do you remember who won the contest? Was he/she cool? Did he/she actually make it into an episode?
Gdarn Moderators on crack, how is this OffTopic? Krelboyne, Ive got karma to burn - Ill re-post for you.
Re:Why do this interview now? (Score:2)
The fuck? "Off topic"? Are IQ's dropping sharply around here? Do we not understand that "coming out" in this context (with the "quotes") refers to Wil "outing" (look, "quotes") himself as a /.'er?
Bloody hell. Maybe we should ask Wil why he bothers reading this site at all.
Mod me down again, beeyatches, I've got karma to burn, and you're only displaying your own idiocy.